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October 06, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-06

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ADaily-Esther Goudsmit

_ _ .I

Indian Cultural Affache
To Speak af Program

Heading the United Nations
Week program, Prof. M. S. Sun-
daram, cultural attache at the
Indian Embassy, will lecture on
the UN at 4 p.m. Thursday, Oc-
tober 20, in Rackham Amphithea-
Prof. Sundaram, for many years
associated with the teaching pro-
fession in India at three different
"universities where he was profes-
sor an dhead of the department
of English, will be the first speak-
er on the program sponsored by
the International Students Asso-
Educated at Madras, and then at
Oxford, he entered the Ministry
of Education as assistant educa-
tion advisor, and worked on a plan
for educational reconstruction of
Came to U.S.
In 1945 the professor came to
the United States as Educational
Liason officer to the Indian gov-
ernment, where he studied differ-
ent aspects of our higher educa-
tional system.
From 1947 to 1950 the present
Washington, D.C. resident headed
the educational department of the
High Commissioner for India in
Returning to the Uniteti States
he resumed his duties at the Em-
bassy specializing in educational
and cultural relations.
World-Wide Traveler
Prof. Sundaram has traveled ex-
Welcome Program
A welcome program for new-
ly arrived students from other
lands will be held at 8 p.m. on
Saturday in Rackham Lecture
Sponsored by the vice presi-
dent for student affairs, the di-
rector and staff of the Interna-
tional Center and the Interna-
tional Students Association, the
Program will include addresses
of welcome, and will be follow-
ed by refreshments and danc-
ing in the Assembly Hall. Th
public is-invited.

tensively in both Europe and North
America, and recently completed
a tour of the world, visiting many
of the Pacific countries where he
surveyed current problems in edu-
Serving as the Indian delegate
to the eighth conference of
UNESCO in 1954, he also traveled
through Latin America at that
His lecture, which will pertain
to the United Nations, will be fol-
lowed by a tea in the Rackham
Assembly Hall.
United Nations Week
UN Week will be celebrated on
the University campus from Sun-
day, Oct. 16 to Monday, Oct. 24.
On Friday, Oct. 21, an inter-
national cultural program, tenta-
tively entitled "A Glimpse into the
United World" will be given at 8
p.m. in Schorling Auditorium of
the University High School.
The program, featuring a skit
about the International Center,
will include poetry and dancing
presented by members of the ISA.
Chairman of the committee is
Maung Myamaung.
Sports Day
International Sports Day will be
held all day Saturday, Oct. 22, at
the Intramural Building. Swim-
ming, volleyball, soccer and other
sports will highlight the day.
Kaldoon Othman is in charge
of the Sports Day committee.
The week's celebration will be
terminated with a debate held at
7:30 p.m., on Monday, Oct. 24, in
Auditorium "A" of Angell Hall.
Debaters will represent several
countries and take their views dur-
ing the evening's discussion.
In a speech preceding the de-
bate, Harry Lunn, Jr., former edi-
tor of The Daily, will talk about
the UN. Lunn, returning from
abroad, has been president of the
U.S. National Students Associa-
Monday, Oct. 24, is officially
United Nations Day and will be
observed all over the world.

Combo Stars
At Little Club
Nightclub Atmosphere
To Prevail at Dance
Union Little Club will again be
open to students from 8:30 p.m.
to midnight tomorrow.
Located in the North Lounge of
the Michigan Union, the Little
Club is well known for its informal
nightclub atmosphere complete
with candlelight and checked
Tom Gilmore and his four-piece
combo will furnish music for danc-
ing and will also feature a vocal
soloist as an added attraction.
Couples looking for a little re-
freshment between dances will
find soft drinks and potato chips
available or else they may visit the
club's refreshment bar.
Sponsored by the Union Social
Committee, the Little Club is a
weekly feature throughout the se-
mester. The aim of the club is to
provide a place of enjoyment for
both affiliated and independent
students on a weekend night.
George Henrich is the chairman
of the Union Dance Committee
which is in chargeof all prepara-
tions for the dance.
Tonight's Little Club will be the
second one of the semester. The
affair will be hel dseven times
during the fall semester on Fri-
day evenings when conflicts with
other events do not occur. Little
Club will be open on the Fridays
of Oct. 14 and 21, Nov. 4, Dec. 2
and Jan. 6.

Class of '57 To Present J-Hop

J-Hop, the annual dance pre-
sented by the junior class, will
mark its 79th year, as the class
of '57 takes over the affair to be
held on Friday, Feb. 10, between
At a poll conducted during reg-
istration the orchestras of Ray
Anthony and Les Brown received
the most student votes. Repre-
sentatives of this year's J-Hop
committee are presently trying to
secure the services of these two
bands for the event.
Ron Bornstein, chairman of the
committee, said "The class of '57
is planning not only a* great
dance, but a bigger and better J-
Hop Weekend."
Tentative Plans
Tentative plans for this year's


weekend include a skating party
to be held Sunday at the Coliseum
and a hay ride and square dance
to be held on Saturday night dur-
ing the weekend.
J-Hop, one of the most import-
ant social events at the Univer-
sity, features two name bands in
a one night stand. Until three
years ago the affair was held on
both Friday and Saturday eve-
Last year's dance featured the
music of Tommy Dorsey and The
Commanders. The weekend also
included a tobogganing party in
the Arboretum and a smaller
dance held on Saturday evening
at the Union.
Bizarre History
The event has had a long and

League-Sponsored Classes

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We have immediate openings for those student wives
who have had some telephone operating experience.
If you are one of these girls, drop in to see our em-
ployment representative. Ann Arbor has a fine group
of girls and a very attractive building which, is lo-
cated only 21/2 blocks from the campus.

o Gjive Danc
The League dance class com-
mittee will begin selling tickets
today to all men who are inter-
ested in attending the dance
classes which will begin next
Sales are from 7 to 9:30 p.m. to-
night just outside the League Ball-
room. Tickets will be sold from
9 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to
5:30 p.m. this week and next at
the Undergraduate Office of the
They will also be sold at the


e InsTrucTion
various classes next week.
Yesterday the committee held
a mass meeting for those interest-
ed in taking the classes. At this
meeting the instructor. John Ur-
banic, was introduced to those at-
tending. Urbanic has taught at the
League dance classes for several
Members of the exhibition
classes demonstrated several types
of dances for the students who
were present. Among the dances
shown were the samba, charleston,
fox-trot, mambo and tango. They
also demonstrated the latest danc-
ing rage, the cha cha cha.
Coeds interested in attending
the classes do not need to buy
tickets. They may sign up at the
entrance to the ballroom during
ticket sales.
Women may also enroll in the
classes by leaving their names and.
the time and type of class in which
they wish to participate in Jean
Underwood's box in the Under-
graduate Offices of the League.
The fall dance classes will fol-
low this schedule: Monday-ad-
vanced lessons at 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.;
exhibition group from 8:30 to 9:30
p.m.; Tuesday-singles from 7:15
to 8:15 p.m.; couples from 8:30
to 9:30; Wednesday-singles from
7:15 to 8:15 p.m., intermediate
couples from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
in the League Ballroom.

oftentimes bizarre history, since
it originated on Feb. 17, 1877 when
a group of students trouped down
to Hank's Emporium on South
Main to attend the first J-Hop.
The juniors continued to spon-
sor the event for the next four
years until a group of fraterni-
ties took over the dance and
promptly dubbed it the "Society
Juniors came back on the scene
several years later when they again
sponsored the Hop, changing the
name to "Junior Social."
Annual Event by 1891
By 1891 the dance was an an-
nual event requiring the music of
two bands. It also moved to a new
location and 300 couples waltzed at
"an old rink downtown."
About the turn of the century
it was a J-Hop custom to have
the guests received while concert
music played between 9 and 10
p.m. Then the committee chair-
man and his date would circle the
gym in a grand march until the
line was three couples deep and
a block "M" was formed. Regular
dancing then followed.
Many Coeds Present
The 1900 J-Hop boasted the
unique feature of having a "large
number of university coeds {pres-
ent-more than at any previous
hop." A total of 250 couples at-
tended the dance, but coeds were
extremely unpopular dates in those
days. Most men imported dates
from "back home."
In the past as in the present,
J-Hop was a signal for a week-
end of gaiety which included such
events as a play by the Comedy
Club, fraternity house parties and
A riot occurred in 1913 when the
committee decided to discontinue
the practice of letting spectators
sit in the gallery. The midnight
riot was led by 50 "toqued" (tipsy)
students and townspeople.
An ensuing battle with fire ex-
tinguishers resulted in $25 dam-
age to the gym.
Past J-Hops have featured such
themes as "Artistry in Orchid,"
"Atlantis" and "Bali Hai" which
had a South Sea Island motif.


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for publication

* Fiction
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Bring or send manuscripts to Generation Office,
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dents interested in joining the
WAA Field Hockey Club may at-
tend their practice to be held at
4:30 p.m. today. Election of club
officers and a practice will be on
the agenda at 4:30 p.m. Monday.
* * *
zational meeting of the WAA spon-
sored Camp Counselors Club will
be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the
small lounge of the Women's Ath-
letic Building. Interested students
who cannot attend may contact
Joan Sayles at NO 2-2543.
*, * *
-There will be a meeting of all
members of the Buro-Cat Advis-

ory Board at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow
in the League. The purpose of
this meeting will be to plan skits
for the mass meeting next Tues-
day. The room will be posted.
* * *
PETITIONING-Petitioning for.
the six remaining positions on the
Education School Council closes
Monday. Interviews will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. on Monday. On
Wednesday, Oct. 19, a coffee hour
will be given in honor of members
of the faculty of education school
and new council members.
Present officers of the council
are Claudia Moore Smith, presi-
dent; Joyce Lane, vice-president;
Nina Katz, secretary and Shirley-
ann Chennault, treasurer.




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