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May 15, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-15

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Sixty-Sixth Year

m Opinions Are Free,
ruth WIV Preval'A

rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SDAY, MAY 15, 1956


'O 4)h - Hold The Presses Again"
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o 1"--'
VS. - IWiKiv
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Judith Anderson Opens
ISeason Unsuccess fully
ANN ARBOR'S 21st annual drama season opened last night pre-
senting one of the great actresses of the American stage, Judith
Anderson, in Lesley Storm's "Black Chiffon," a psychological melo-
drama unworthy of her talents and so crudely fashioned as to create-
sympathy for her plight.
It is a distinct honor to bring Miss Anderson to a local stage,
which only serves to emphasize the misfortune of choosing "Black
Chiffon" as her vehicle. Quite frequently actresses of her magnitude
have been able to overcome poor scripts and invest them with theat-
rical magic but even this star couldn't cope with the author's incon-
Alicia and Robert Christie have been married for 24 years. They
have a married daughter, Thea, and a son, Roy, engaged to Louise




IHC Constitution:

Support Will Make It Work

T HE PROPOSED Constitution of the Inter-
House Council, now before the Houses for
their ratification, is a document which theo-
retically makes it possible for IHC to become
equal to its job.
The -many man hours of work which have
gone into its drafting appear to have been well
spent; the shot in the arm IHC so desperately
needs may well be at hand.
However, it should not be assumed that the
Constitution is the sole answer. If this assump-
tion is made, the document will be little more
than a worthless six pages of words.'
IT IS DOUBTFUL whether the potential in-
herent in the Constitution can or will be
realized for at least a year. As in any new
organization, the early period of its existence
should be spent in formation of a solid founda-
And so will be the job next year of the new
IHC governing body. The real problem they will
face is not letting themselves or the men and
women of the Residence Halls believe that the
new Constitution will solve all IHC's problems.
As bitter as is thought, if IHC does not im-
prove with its new structure, the fault will lay
with~ the House residents, not with the Consti-
ALTHOUGH IHC members dislike admitting
it, the body on which they now serve is the
weakest of the major campus governmental or-
ganizations.. The incohesive, independent na-
ture of the Residence Halls makes it inevitable
that IHC remain less powerful and functional
than its counterparts.
However, criticism that IHC does nothing for
the students could be justified if 4t were as-
sumed that the students are disinterested in the
drganization and are merely sitting back wait-
ing for "service."
A two way proposition exists between IHC'
and students: the Houses give the authority for
IHC's existence (and residents comprise and
run it) and the Houses in turn, may take ad-
vantage of what it has to offer. What most
residents don't realize is that they are, in effect,
the Inter-House Council.
The realization of this fact may cause a
horrible thought of some extra work or, at
least, support, but without it all the ,Constitu-
tions in the world, good, bad, or otherwise, will
not make IHC worth the paper on which its
name is printed.
THE INDIFFERENCE towards IHC that is so
prevalant now can only be explained by a
lack of understanding or, possibly, definition of
IHC's purpose. Despite violent arguments to the
contrary, it does have one; and the preamble
to the proposed Constitution clearly states what
it is. y
Basically, it involves' representation of Resi-

dent Hall students to other elements of the
University, coordination of all student activities
within Residence Halls and service to the occu-
pants of Residence Halls.
It is in this last function that the new IHC
governing body, a Council of House presidents,
is most likely to go astray. It would seem much
more desirable to have the individual quad-
rangles, ideal governmental and individual units
in themselves, provide specific services for the
students rather than have IHC attempt to do so.
Service in athletic, social, cultural and edu-
cational fields should not be completely lacking
from IHC, but it would be more realistic to have
them kept to a minimum. The new IHC govern-
ing body can benefit Residence Halls far more
by keeping their actives predominantly to what
mfy be called "think sessions."
THE IDEAS exchanged between members 'of
Houses can be the most beneficial product
of IHC. The proposed committee structure willl
also aid in better and fuller development of
House and Quad projects and services-if they
want them.
The representation and coordination are by'
nature, best handled by a large, uniform body;
services to residents can probably be better
handled on a smaller basis-except when the
broad scope of an activity is too large for Quads
to undertake alone.
The basic point, however, is that if men and
women of the Residence Halls want, and "want"
is an important term, an IHC that can serve
them they must be willing to demonstrate it.
The structure within which this can be accom-
plished is available, assuming House ratifica-
tion; from here on the responsibility lays with,
first, the members who comprise it, but also
with the students it represents.
Old Joe Hasn't Died;
He Just Faded Away
ALTHOUGH he may be long forgotten, old
Senator Joe is still in there pitching.
Neatly tucked away back on page 62 of the
New York Times the other day was a short
item: Senator McCarthy charged that a Demo-
cratic victory would be a "national catastrophe."
He cried that "the Communists would have a
field day" and that America would be at the
mercy of the Russians.
Not too long ago such a statement would have
been blasted on newspaper front pages through-
out the nation. Today one hardly hears any-
thing of it.
McCarthy indicates there is a gran'd conspir-
acy against him ...
There's no conspiracy. People just became
tired of him a long time ago.

0I9Sr nt Y .. ''46rQJ 'p .. ,. .

Korean Tragedy Questioned.

W iretaps and Frogmen

Associated Press News Analyst?
TO RECENT incidents, of no great import-
ance in themselves, are remindful of the,
difficulties under which democracies fight wars,
be they cold or hot.
The Russians recently discovered an elabor-
ate wiretap in a tunnel connecting the East
and West sectors of Berlin. They said it had
been set up by Americans so they could listen
in on important Communist telephone lines.
The Reds scream d to high heaven-perhaps
influenced by the knowledge that some of them
faced serious .trouble for letting the construc-
tion of. the tunnel and operation of the tap go
so long undiscovered.
T HE UNITED STATES made a sort of back-
handed disavowal, but looked very much
embarrassed, like a small boy caught with his
hand in the cookie jar.
In Britain a retired frogman of wartime re-
nown lost his life while poking around the
undersides of the warships on which Khrush-
chev and Bulganin traveled for their recent
A scream immediately went up, mostly from
Editorial Staff

politicians who enjoyed embarrassing the gov-
ernment, that the rules of hospitality had been
T HE PRIME MINISTER of Britain was put
on the spot, and had to stand before the
House of Commons and deny that he or the
cabinet had known about any spy mission. He
apologized to Russia.
For what?
Russia is the declared enemy of the rest of
the world. From one standpoint, Bulganin and
Khrushchev may have been guests. An argu-
ment can be made, however, that they were in
London more as envoys from an enemy coun-
try, under a flag of truce, and that the British
government was under no obligation beyond
protecting their persons.
RUSSIA'S SPY rings throughout the world
have been exposed so often that knowledge
of their workings is commonplace. And she
doesn't merely use the direct action of wiretaps
and frogmen.
One of her chief tactics is to infiltrate gov-
ernments themselves, through trusted men who
have been subverted to her cause by one means
or another.
The embarrassment in Britain and the United
States over getting caught suggests a good
mary people still don't realize that there is a
very real war on, in which knowledge of Rus-
sia's practices, both military and political, is
IT ALSO SUGGESTS a tendency to forget one
of the major facts of life-that many a
gentleman has gone away from a barroom
brawl with a cracked skull because he tried to
stick to Marquis of Queensberry rules.
New Books at the Library
Maurois, Andre-Alexandre Dumas; N.Y.,
A. Knopf, 1955.
Memmi, Albert-The Pillar of Salt; N.Y.,
Criterion Books, 1955.
Miller. Hele~n Tonninca-Her Christmas at

Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
To the Editor:
IN YOUR May 9th editorial,
"Tragedy in Korea" there are
some incorrect assumptions and
false statements given as fact that
must be corrected if one is to
have even the beginning of ac-
quaintance with the Korean situ-
ation today.
In what way is the death of
Shinicky "tragic to Korea?" As
the writer said, there was no
chance of Shinicky defeating Rhee
in the coming election. And Shin-
icky's party will' certainly con-
tinue. Further, the writer' says
that Shinicky "provided the only
opposition" to Rhee. Has the edi-
tor heard that Progressive Party
also opposes Rhee?
How can the writer say that in
Korea "freedom of speech and
the press is non-existent" immedi-
ately after describing Shinicky's
"forthright stands against Rhee?"
As for the press, has the writer
ever heard of the influential
Seoul dailies, the Tonga Ilbo and
the Kyung Hyang Shimmun?
These papers daily oppose Rhee in
exercise of a freedom they would
be most surprised to learn that
they did not have.
Is the Korean National Assem-
bly really only a "rubber stamp
debating society?" Does the writer
know of non-confidence votes of
the National Assembly that oust-
ed certain hand-picked Rhee's
Does Rhee's "deep seated anti-
Japanese hatred" really dominate
his international trade policies?
Is the writer familiar with the
prices of rice in this trade de-
manded of Korea by the Japan-
How can Rhee's economic poli-
cies be called "ludicrous" and
wasteful of millions of American
dollars when every dollar of Amer-
ican aid in Korea is administered
and spent under direct American
Without elaborating on Shinic-
ky's party causes and ideals the
writer writes that with Shinicky's
death the chances are dimmed of
Korea to have "an enlightened
government." What are the plat-
forms of Shinicky that would have
made for such enlightment? Is
the writer really familiar enough
with them to make such a state-
However, the writer is on safe
and reasonable ground when he
writes: "judgement must be re-
served until enough is known to
make a responsible decision." This
is good advice for writers, as well
as politicians.
-Xi Suk Choo
Educational TV . .
To the Editor:
LEE MARKS' editorial intimation
on May 9 that electronic media
have no place in education over-
looks significant programs which
are originating here on the cam-
pus and which have been success-
fully extended throughout the

over WUOM and a state-wide
While the potential for electronic
teaching is equally great for both
radio and television, the actual
achievement in the field of radio
was evident to anyone who cared
to spend one hour in Hill Audi-
torium at 2 p.m. Thurs., May 10.
Waldo Abbot
Director of Broadcasting
No 'Ominous Change'. .
To the Editor:
SURELY NO 'thinking person
could believe that the teaching
of social skills and personal char-
acter represents an "ominous
change" in our public school sys-
tem, as suggested in Thursday's
editorial. It is neither ominous,
nor is it a change. Long ago a
great principle of our country's ed-
ucational philosophy was laid down
in that great and far sighted docu-
ment, the Northwest Ordinance of
"Religion, moralty, and know-
ledge being necessary to good gov-
ernment and the happiness of
mankind, schools and the means of
education shall forever be encour-
If you say that our public
schools are trying to bring about
conformity when we teach 'our
children that they should obey the
law, believe in democracy, and re-
spect other people's persons and
property, then you are right. But
if you say that our public schools
are employing a "standard pro-
cedure" to cause "drastic conform-
ity" in our children, then you are
Everywhere in education today
we are encouraging children to
make judgements for themselves
and to develop not only acedemi-
cally but socially at their own
rates and in their own directions.
We are, if you will, trying to edu-
cate "the whole child." You say
that such practices "are ordinarily
considered to be the right of the
child's parents and no one else."
But what about the responsibilities
of those parents and what is to
become of their children if they
are unwilling or unable to meet
You say that our schools have

"neither the time, funds, nor per-
sonnel" to provide individual at-
tention, and concern for all of our
children. All I can reply is, "We're
trying." Teaching is not just a job
performed by impersonal agents;
its a profession administered by
some of the most conscientious and
dedicated persons in the world.
Teachers do not come into the pro-
fession to close young minds and
create conformity to a stagnate
society, but to inspire young minds
and lead them to a fuller appre-
ciation and understanding of
themselves and of their world.
R. Roberz Geake, '58
W'hy Not 'Diary'? . .
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH you have not cover-
ed the plans for this year's
"Salute to Paris," bythe American
theatre, I have become informed of
certain facts concerning the pro-
ductions scheduled to take place
at that annual Paris Festival. I
am shocked to find out that the
award winning "Diary of Anne
Frank" will not be among those
representing us overseas this sum-
mer. It is obvious, from all re-
ports, that this season's produc-
tion, referred to above, is not just
a moving and well acted, well writ-
ten, well directed play; it is also,
and more important, a major con-
tribution to the American theatre.
Why then should it not be
selected to represent America to
our European neighbors? It is the
State department who has arrested
this action, for it is the State De-
partment alone who has the final
say in prohibiting a theatrical
work's out-of-the-country migra-
Is it then that the State De-
partment has adopted a new for-
eign policy? Does it wish to show
the world that we have followed
the will of Adolph Hitler and for-
gotten the scourge and atrocities
of Nazi Germany, which threat-
ened not only the peace of a reli-
gious minority, but the world's as
well, and that we are willing to
rewrite history because they are
not our enemies today?
-Margaret Fitelson, '59

and two days from marriage. The
family lives in London, ministered
by Nannie, an elderly servant.
Two days before her son's wed-
ding Alicia deliberately steals a
black chiffon nightgown from a
department store, is arrested and
arraign'ed for trial the following
day. Because she is unable to ex-
plain her theft, apsychiatrist, Dr.
Hawkins, is employed to aid her
* * *
Hawkins interviews the family de-
velops the family conflicts: a
father.who has been jealous of his
wife's affection and love for their
son and thus aggressive to all; a
mother who never understood her
husband's resentment and conse-
quently loved and protected her
son the more.
The approach of the son's mar-
riage creates the crisis for Alicia
feels her usefulness is ended now
that her son is leaving. She be-
comes as jealous of Louise as Rob-
ert is of his son. Having seen
Louise wearing a black chiffon
nightgown and then encountering
a similar item in the store, she
impulsively steals because of her
suppressed desire to compete with
her intended daughter-in-law.
The weakness of this plot struc-
ture is self-evident but the de-
nouement is tragically inept. Dr.
Hawkins reveals her motives to
Alicia. She comprehends and
agre'es to base her defense on the
psychiatrist's testimony.
But the good doctor separately
reveals the outline of the story to
Robert who confronts Alicia, ac-
cusing and then convincing her
that she has abnormal impulses.
Alicia then refuses to permit the
defense in order to secrete her un-
naturalness from her son, is sent-
enced to prison for three months
(another strain of credulity), mis-
ses the wedding and the play ends
on the rosy note that father and
son are sure to understand each
other in the coming quarter.
irs PAINFUL to see such a
competent cast struggle with such
writing. Judith Anderson wrings
all the emotion, in her classical
manner, anyone could from Alicia.
Bradford Dillman (Roy), Deirdre
Owens (Louise), Anne Hunter
(Thea), Pamila Simpson (Nannie),
Stephen Chase (Robert) and Mur..
ray Matheson (Dr. Hawkins) also
struggle in a losing battle.
-David Marlin
Best of Two
THE MEDIAEVAL institution of
the double feature is now
thriving at the Michigan, with
"Mr. Roberts" and "Rebel With-
out a Cause" sharing the footage.
The one about the Navy is excel-
lent; the one about the hoods is
fairly clumsy but not without its
effective moments.
"Mr. Roberts" concerns the
crew of a cargo ship in the Pacific
during World War II. The men
have the dull job of sending sup-
plies to the big boats in the battles,
but they never get near the shoot-
ing war themselves. In addition,
the captain of "The Bucket" is a
tyrannical neurotic, sort of a
comedy Queeg, who keeps his men
living an existence that could
scarcely be called reasonable. The
boys are pent-up, frustrated and
bored to a point of strain.,
The film, based on a play by
Thomas Heggan and ,Josh Logan,
abounds with riotous comedy de-
velopments and some touching
pathos. It manages to convey

the whole world of the good ship
"Reluctant" to the audience, treat-
ing the half-comic, half-tragic
world with sympathy and tender-
"REBEL WITHOUT a Cause" is
a less successful movie, largely due
to the fact that it treats the juve-
nile delinquent matter in a juve-
nile way. The script too easily
puts the blame on others than the
kids, without offering an alterna-
tive. The parents of the hero are
easily the most inept couple since
Ma and Pa Kettle, and therefore
a great deal of the film's worth is
It does have its moments, how-
ever, mostly when it. deals with
th norc--v. - _n f + - .. v. n.

"ALEXANDER the Great" is one
of few Hollywood spectacles
that retains something like histori-
cal accuracy, the result of months
of research by its writer-produc-
er-director, Robert Rossen. For
accuracy alone, Rossen deserves
praise and thanks.
But in sticking to the facts, he
has lost sight of his characters
and by presenting his story in an
innumerable series of short scenes,
he fails to sustain any sort of dra-
matic movement, so that his film
gives the illusion of viewing chro-
nologically ordered picture post-
cards, with the attendant lack of
emotional progression.
"ALEXANDER the Great" is di-
vided into two parts. In the
first, Rossen attempts a psycho-
logical explanation for Alexand-
er's character, based on rivalry for
his affections carried on by his
parents. As Rossen conceives his
people, they are all so vague and
their actions are so unexplainable
that it is often very difficult to
discover what is going on.
The reason seems to be that
Rossen, like many another writer,
is determined to keep his hero
reasonably moral in, the traditional
Christian sense. There are sug-
gestions that Alexander is horrib-
ly vain and proud, exceedingly
carnal and ruthlessly selfish. But
these are only suggestions, and
Rossen is so hopelessly namby-
pamby about the entire business,
that Alexander emerges as a kind
of nice-guy entrepreneur.
THE SECOND half of the film is
devoted almost exclusively to
battle scenes,. and here Rossen
runs into budgeting problems. Bat-
tle after battle is presented in the
most cliched visual terms: armies
line up on opposing sides of a riv-
er, charge against each other, and
close-ups of falling horses and
hand-to-hand fighting take over
from there. The splendor of the
many kingdoms that Alexander
conquered is suggested rather than
portrayed, and in some scenes, es-
pecially the burning of cities, the
film is about as realistic as a car-
"ALEXANDER the Great" was
filmed in Spain, employing the
services of Franco's armies. Rich-
ard Burton plays Alexander, but
his part is so shallow that no
amount of skill make the charac-
ter seem human. Fredric March
plays his father, Philip, and Dani-
elle Darrieux is the mother, Olym-
pia: both encounter the same
scripting problems that make Al-
exander unbelievable. C 1 a i r e
Bloom is prominent in a lifeless
role as Alexander's mistress, with
only a few lines of dialogue.
If it does nothing else, "Alex-
ander the Great" proves that hu-
man drama is nearly impossible to
convey beside a Technicolor cata-
logue of battles, bacchanalia and
throne-room scenes: at is very best,
the result can only be visually
-Ernest Theodossin
(Continued from Page 2)

which Administered to Male Freshmen
at the University of Michigan," Wed.,
May 16, Room 3K, Michigan Union, at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker.
Pkacement Notices
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Thurs., May 17:
Michigan Civil Service men and
women in any field for various positions
throughout Mich. This includes posi-
tions in Social work, Personnel, Mgt.,
Statistics, Library Work, Office Work,
Administration, Economics etc.
Wurzburg Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.--
men and women for Merchandizing,
Personnel, Advertising, Control and Op-
erating, Accounting in Junior Executive
Training Program.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,

,,t I


4 ,i




by Dick Bibler

DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine
DAVID KAPLAN ...,................... Feature
JANE HOWARD......................Associate
LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate
PHIL DOUGLIS ........................ ,Sports
ALAN EISENBERG ......... Associate Sports
JACK HORWITh............. Associate Sports
MARY HELLTEALER ........ ... Women's
ELAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women's


4 f


JOHN HIRTZEL..................Chief Photographer
DICK ALSTROM ...............Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ....... Associate Business Manager


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