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May 15, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-15

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SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1956






1VI' Tennis


Blanks ISU
MacKay Excels as Netters
Extend Streak to 29 Games

Indians Edge Yanks, 3-2

CLEVELAND {(AP-In yesterday's
only Major League action, the
Yanks' Mickey Mantle blasted his
12th homer, but it wasn't enough
as the Cleveland Indians beat New

York, 3-2.
As a result of the victory, Cleve-
land moves into first place in the
American league.

cene from the
by Dick Cramer

Scene One-Spring Football
THIS YEAR'S spring football drills are history.
A powerful offensive performance by the star-studded Blue
squad closed a month of practice last Saturday in the annual intra-
squad game at the Stadium.
The scrimmage gave Michigan fans much cause for optimism
for the 1956 Big Ten grid season. Even without the services of
sidelined veteran left halfbacks Terry Barr and Jim Pace, the Blue
backfield rolled right through the White team's defense.
Scoring 20 points and bulldozing his way for plenty of rushing
yardage, Ron Kramer seems well on his way to converting from all-
American end to a capable replacement for the graduating Tony
Branoff at right half.
Also impressive during the en-
tire month of spring practice were
the two freshman winners of the
i .Meyer W. Morton Award for show-
ing most improvement on the grid-
Iron. Bob Ptacek of Cleveland and
', John Herrnstein from Chillicothe,
= w> O., both appear to be valuable ad-
' ditions to next season's squad.
Regularly a quarterback, Ptacek
4 switched to left halfback for the
*-intrasquad contest and gave, a
highly creditable performance both
as a runner and as the most con-
sistent passer on the field. Herrn-
stein carried the ball well from
fullback early in the- game, but
was sidelined with a minor scalp
cut late in the first period.
Herrnstein's replacement in the
game, Jim Byers, promises to be
important Insurance at fullback
Michigan will have a backfield
BOB PTACEK including tlettermen Barr, Pace,
Kramer and quarterbacks Jim
- . Maddock and, Jim Van Pelt
and potentially great newcomers
Herrnstein, Ptacek and Byers.
In the line there is Captain Tom
Maentz, an all-American at right
end. The rest of the line, compris-
ed heavily of returning lettermen
with a good sprinkling of outstand-
ing freshmen, is the final factor
contributing to the Wolverines'
< shopes for a good year ahead.
And so Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
: is already on the spot with four
months to go before the beginning
l x of the football season.
Oosterbaan had hoped that the
- " Wolverines could enter the Big Ten
campaign in his favorite position
-that of a "dark horse." Instead,
the impressive offensive showing
last Saturday and the elimination
of Ohio State and Michigan State
from contention for the Rose Bowl
and JOHN HiERRNSTEIN berth return Michigan to the spot-
.shNre Morton Award light under which it faltered last
"When you're expected to win, there's not so much joy in the
victory," Oosterbaan has said. "Even the thrilling, come-from-
behind triumph over Iowa last fall didn't give the players the proper
lift. It's impossible to play under such great tension for a whole
season without breaking."
Warningoto Fans .. .
THIS WAS NOT said as an alibi for the past, but it does serve as a
warning to Michigan fans for the future.
There is never any reason for over-confidence or insatiable
ambition in football. With two obstac'les removed from Michigan's
path to the Rose Bowl, others may very well spring up in their
The intrasquad game performances were impressive, but they
were certainly not conclusive. The winning Blue team's opposition
-composed primarily of lesser-ranked Wolverines-did not provide
a defense of Big Ten caliber.
Oosterbaan defends such "stacking" of the teams on the grounds
that "the development of an offensive unit is the main purpose of
the spring contest." This may be sound reasoning, but the result
doesn't give an ,indication of the squad's true strength.
Actually, Oosterbaan feels that the team this spring did not
approach the progress of last year's Wolverines. "The weather has
hurt us a lot," he comments.
Another possible weakness is in the depth of this year's team.
Although Michigan has a strong first team, Oosterbaan complains,
"Behind these guys, we're thin-we're definitely thinner than we were
last year."
As the Wolverine coach has stated, to expect too much may
Nmerely, cause disillusionment. The best thing for Wolverine sup-
porters to do would be to keep their optimism well under wraps.
It's only after the season is over that the capabilities of the
team can really be judged.

. . . remains unbeaten
Golf Race
Seen Close
In Big Ten
Three times tlis season Michi-
gan's golf team has faced Purdue
and Ohio State, and in analyzing
the results there is only one con-
clusion which can be drawn.
These teams, probably the Big
Ten's three best, are just about'
as evenly matched as three teams'
can be.
Michigan has decisioned the
Buckeyes twice, but they failed in
their other start against them.
Ohio State holds a similar 2-1
bulge over Purdue.
However, the Boilermakers made
it two out of three over the Wol-
verines last Saturday thus giving
Orioles Add Two
BALTIMORE (P) -- Manager
Paul Richards added to his
Oriole mound corps yesterday,
buying righthander Billy Loes
from Brooklyn and southpaw
Johnny Schmitz from Boston.
each of these teams identical 3-3
records in their competition with
each other.
This situation will be resolved
two weeks from now when the
three squads come together for the
fourth time in the Big Ten meet at
Evanston, Ill.
Purdue's Joe Campbell came
up with one of the finest competi-
tive rounds ever shot on the Michi-
gan course Sunday, when he shot
a blazing three under par 69.
Low for 'M'
Michigan's Bob McMasters and
Fred Micklow continued to play
excellent golf as they came in with
36-hole totals of 150 and 151 re-
spectively to lead the Wolverine
scoring. These two have been low
men for the team in each of the
three meets with OSU and'Purdue.
On the other hand, Harry Loeb'
performance for Michigan was
quite disappointing. His score
soared , all the way to 167,

A fired up Michigan State ten-
nis team gave Michigan's Big Ten
championship squad a real work-
out yesterday, before succumbing
to the Wolverine big guns, 9-0.
The win stretched Michigan's
unbeaten streak to 29 and leaves
them with matches against only
Western Michigan and Northwest-
ern to be played before the Big
Ten championships in Minneapolis
May 24.
MacKay Deadly
Playing one of his best games
of the season, Michigan star Barry
MacKay downed Dave Brogan, 6-2,
6-2. MacKay's serve, net and back-
court game were polished almost
to perfection as his deadly place-
ments kept Brogan repeatedly on
the run.
The numbe~r two singles match
was one of the closest of the day
as Dick Potter squeezed by the de-
termined Dick Menzel, 6-3, 7-5.
Potter played a very smart game
in the first set, effectively com-
bining lobs, sharply placed drives,
and hard to handle drop shots.
However, he appeared to tire
in the second set as his net game
became sloppy and his powerful
serve couldn't find the mark while
Menzel's game began to improve.
Menzel's weak service and eratic
play eventually lost him the match.
Mark Jaffe also had difficulty
before defeating George Stephan-
bic, 7-5, 6-1. Jaffe, who has ap-
peared more erratic than usual
and as a result has slipped to the
number three singles slot, trailed
3-1 in the first set before finally
jumping ahead, 5-3.
Best for Harris
John Harris, played his best
match of the season and had only
three games go to deuce as he
whipped Bill Beard, 6-0, 6-0.
Dale Jensen kept his unbeaten
string intact, downing Charles
Dare, 6-2, 6-2, while Larry Brown
Gomberg 21, Reeves 17
Williams 6, Chicago 5
Van Tyne 8, Taylor 4
Lloyd 7, Hinsdale 5
Winchell 11, Kelsey 7
Anderson 6, Michigan 3
Adams 6, Allen Rumsey 1
Hayden 2, Greene 1
Cooley 9, Scott 3
Huber over Wenley (forfeit)
Winning team composed of
Theta Xi, Chi Phi, Acacia, and
Phi Kappa Sigma.
Casual, Easy-to-do, Carefree,
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The Dascola Barbers
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Jaffe (M)1
7-5, 6-1
Harris (M)
Jensen (M)
Brown (M)'

beat Stephanois (MSU),
beat Beard (MSU), 6-0,
beat Dare (MSU), 6-2,
beat Knight (MSU), 6-2,

was disposing of Tom Knight, 6-2,
Menzel and Beard gave MacKay
and Potter a scare in the doubles
before the Wolverine duo came
from behind, 4-1 in the second set
to win 6-4, 7-5.
MacKay (M) beat Brogan, 6-2, 6-2
Potter (M) beat Menzel (MSU), 6-3,

MacKay-Potter (M) beat Menzel-
Beard (MSU), 6-4, 7-5
Jaffee-Harris (M) beat Brogan-Steph-
anoic (MSU), 6-4, 7-5
Jensen-Brown (M) beat Dare-Knight
(MSU), 6-0, 6-.2
Owen's Returni
Recalls Feats
A t Ferry Field
With the return of Jesse Owens
to Ferry Field yesterday, one can't
help but think back to one of the
greatest days in the history of
track, A4ay 25, 1935.
It was just shy of 21 years ago
that Owens rocked the track world
in the Big Ten championships at
Ferry Field. That day, he set three
world's records and tied a fourth,
On that day, a crowd of 12,000
roared for the performance of the
Ohio State sophomore. It was
ironic that despite Owen's solo
20 points, Michigan edged the
Buckeyes in overall points, 48-431%.
Yesterday, before his Greek
Week speech, the still well-con-
ditioned 42-year-old Owens re-
flected on how the sporting world
has met some change.
In the field- of amateurism, he
commented that strong leaders are
needed to regain some of the lost
educational values caused by over-
emphasis of intercollegiate ath-
Concerning the recent problems
of the AAU and Wes Santee, Owens
said, "You just can't do one thing
above the table and hand out an-
other below." Both the giver and
receiver, he stated, must share any
blame under such unfortunate sit-

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