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May 11, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-11

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FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956
Michigan Honoraries
Tap Active Students

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Robert McMasters, '56BAd, pres- Richard Good, '57, BAd, vice-
ident. president

Richard Alstrom, '56BAd
Dave Baad, '56
Louis Baldacci, '56
James Barron '56BAd
Thomas Bleha, '56
Robert Blossey, '56BAd
Mark Booth, '56
Michael Delaney, '56D
James Dygert, '56BAd
Peter Gray, '56Ed
Thomas Hendrickson, '56Ed
Lorne Howes, '56
Thomas Jorgenson, '56Ed
Todd Lief, '56
William MacFarland, '56 BAd
G. Edgar Meads, '56
John O'Reilly, '56
Michael Rodriguez, '56Ed
Robert Weinbaum, '56
Charles Stickels, president
+. James Kruthers, vice-president
William Sommers, treasurer
Jon Collins, assistant treasurer
Roger Anderson, secretary
Richard Brehm
Jere Brophy
David Burchfield
Jack Burchfield
Keith Coats
William Diamond
Fritz Glover
Frank Hirt
Robert Hoffman
George Jones
Merrill Kaufman
Santo Ponticello
Bill Weber
Chuck Wood
(All above men are senior en-
Senior Society
Grace Ritow, '56Ed, president.
Lois Shein, '56, vice-president.
Marion Charvat, '56 Ed, secre-
Marianne Weil, '56N, treasurer.
Jocelyn Feingold, '56, historian.
Grace Cool, '56M.
Carolyn Fitz, '56A&D.
( Hazel Frank, '56.
Marge Frogel, '56Ed.
Pat Hawken, '56N.
Mary Hellthaler, '56.
Kathy Kneiske, '56.
Mary Jo Park, '56.
Bernice Pericin, '56.
Phyllis Rode, '56M.
Kathleen Ruth, '56M.
Louise Tyor, '56.
Dick Snyder, '57, president
Bill King, '57, secretary-treasurer
Marshall P. Badt, '56Ph
Edward R. Godfrey, '56E
Richard Z. Kabaker, '57
Robert A. Leacock, '57
George E. Mason, '56
Theodore S. Roumell, '56
Joseph L. Stern, '56E
Dallas Wytonick, '57E
Stanley Cool, '56E, president
Charles Straayer, '57, secretary
Gerald Mohrig, '57, treasurer
Gary Boe, '57
Ralph Goldberg, '57
Karen Grooms, '58N
Sara Gullette, '58
Judy Jennis, '56
Peter Knoblock, '56Ed
Ralph McCormick, '57E
Mary Jo Park, '56
Carl Peterson, '56E
Bob Warrick, '57E
John Surbis, '56E, president
Jim Bauch, '57E
Buck Bebeau, '57BAd
Dave Caplan, '56BAd
Al Dauer
Pete Goldstein, 56
George Jones, '56E

Nelson Howe, '57
Al Larson
Jim Midgely, 56E
Al Senter '57
John Sprague, '56NR
Reid Wagstaff
Walt Wegst, '56E
Tom Windeknecht, '57E
George J. Hoekstra, '56M, pre-
Charles Dafoe, '56M, vice-presi-
Wendell P. Searer, '56M, treas-
John M. Harper, '56M, secretary
Stig. B. Andersen, '57M
Jerry W. Anderson, '57M
Donald Blaney, '57M
Richard Chess, '56M
Thomas Ciles, '56M
Roy Correa, '56M
Alan Dawson
William Fry, '56M
Marvin Gordon, '57M

John Morrow, '56Ed, secretary
Milbry Benedict, '57Ed
Hank Berliner, '56
Niel Buchanan, '57BAd
George Corey, '56
Phil Douglis, '56
Jim Fox, '56Ed
Bob Fritts, '56
Murry Frymer, '56
Bill Gardner, '56
George Gianakaris, '56
Don Haney, '56BAd
Dick Harrison, '56
Bob Knutson, '56
Bob Nederlander, '59L
Jerry Prescott, '6BAd
Ken Rogat, '56
Anthony San Antonio, '57Ed
Jerry Stern, '56Bad
Howard Tommelein, '56BAd
Ron Wallingford, '56
Frederick R. Trost, '57, president
H. Kirke Lewis, '57, vice-presi-
John Schubeck, '57, secretary
Thomas Maentz, '57, treasurer
Frederick Lyons, '57Ph, taxpping
committee chairman
Herbert Wander, '57, service
committee chairman
William Adams, '57BAd
Mike Buchanan, '57
Terry Barr, '57
Mike Barber, '57
Richard Dunnigan, '57
William Johnson, '57
John Johnson, '57
Ronald Kramer, '57
Herbert Karzen, '57
Lee Marks, '57BAd
James Maddock, '57
Barry MacKay, '57
Jerry Pusch, '57
Robert Pitts, '57
Chuck Sharp, '57
Richard Snyder, '57
Chuck Straayer, '57
Edward Shannon, '57BAd
Joel Tauber, '57BAd
Ken Tippery, '57BAd
Steve Uzelac, '57BAd
Harrison Wehner, '57
William R. Jentes, '56L, presi-
Charles B. Renfrew, '56L, secre-
William C. Cassenbaum, '56L,
William F. Anhut, '56L
Ned E. Besemer, '56L
John A. Beach, '57L
George E. Ewing, '56L
Philip Fleming, '57L
Whitmore Gray, '57L
Paul R. Hearle, '56L
Hazen V. Hatch, '56L
James S. Hilboldt, '56L
Arne L. Hovdesven, '56L
Edward T. Hoenicke, '56L
Richard A. Jones, '56L
John P. Kassebaum, '56L
Michael F. Kelly, '57L
John B. Kuhr, '56L
George Lynch, '57L
Howard H. Moldenhauer, '56L
H. Davidson Osgood, '56L
John R. Potter, '56L
Lawrence W. Sperling, '56L
James Tobin, '57L
Jerome Walsh, '57L
Roger W. Wilkins, '56L
Duncan Whitaker, '57L
Charles Williamson, '56L
John Ziegler, 157L
Ronald Zollars, '57L
Sc roll
Lois Mishelow, '56, president
Peggy Hubbard, '56Ed, treasurer
Martha Wallbillich, '56, vice-
Beckie Wilson, '56Ed, secretary
Barbard Backlar, '56
Sarah Jo Brown, '56Ed
Shirleyan Chennault, '56Ed
Dorothy ,larkson, '56
Ann Cordill, '56
Jaylee Duke, '56
Ruth Flanders, '56

Elizabeth Garland, '56SM
Ursula Gebhardt, '56
Carole Hackett, '56D
Jane Howard, '56
Nancy Jackquett, '56A&D
Margaret Lane, '56
DonnarNetzer, '56
Jan Northway, '56D
Marilyn Smith, '56BAd
Cynthia Stone, '56Ed
Paula Strong, '56
Hai riette Thorne, '56
Debby Townsend, '56Ed
JoAnne Yates, '56BAd
Wesley D. Wheeler, Grad., com-
Naresh M. Mariar, vice-commo-'
Alexander H. Haynes, '57E, pur-
Paul C. Dahan, membership
Howard H. Youngclaus, 57E,
progress chairman
Lawrence Kobus, '59E, steward

Jr. Panhel
Heads Told
A branch of Panhellenic Associ-
ation for affiliated women, Junior
Panhellenic's main function this
year was to help new pledges be-
come acquainted with the various
activities of Panhellenic.
Junior Panhellenic worked with
Junior Inter-Fraternity Council
in renovating the Fresh-Air Camp.
Also. the members of Junior
Panhellenic worked in the offices
of Panhellenic.
In cooperation with the League,
all Panhellenic aided foreign un-
dergraduate students in becoming
familiar with American life. It
also planned the annual Panhel-
lenic Ball, Variety Show, Greek
Week, and worked with the Stu-
dent Government Council.
Included in Panhellenic's activi-
ties are community and campus
services along with social func-
The Executive Council and the
Board of Delegates were respon-
sible for coordinating the work
with Panhellenic, Assembly Asso-
ciation and the University admin-

lFC Service s


InterfraternitydCouncil is the
co-ordinating and reparesentativel
body for the 43 undergraduate
social fraternities on campus.
It provides its services in four
major areas: member fraterni-
ties, University and student body,
the community, and service in,
fraternity ideas.
An important community ser-
vice is the annual Christmas party
held for Ann Arbor youth. Each
of the houses on campus plays
host to the children, providing
games, refreshments and presents.
Senior officers are elected by
the Fraternity Presidents.
TFC has won national recogni-
tion for the last three years. In
1954 they won the Class A tro-
phy for the.fraternity activities of
schools of comparable size. In
1953 and 1955 they won the Grand
Trophy for the school with the
best fraternity program in the U.
S. and Canada, becoming the first'
University to win the trophy
more than once.
All fraternity pledges are mem-
bers of the Junior Inter-Fraterni-
ty Council. However, the group's
offfcers are elected by the pledge
president's assembly of the previ-
ous semester.
JIFC is designed primarily to
encourage pledges of the different
fraternities to get to know each
other, to build better relations
among fraternity and sorority
pledges, and to provide an intro-
duction to IFC for those inter-
The group has at least one ma-
jor function per semester. In the
fall they conducted a cerebral
palsy fund raising campaign.
Their two major spring functions
revolve around the University
Fresh Air Camp. Tag Day, a
drive to collect funds for the camp,
has already taken place, and dur-
ing Help Week, members of JIFC
and Junior Panhel commute to
the camp to prepare it for the
summer deluge of children.
Bob Weinbaum, '56, president.
Bob Knutson, '56, executive vice-
Rich St. John, '56BAd, adminis-
1 fr tive vine-nresident.

service to the Universit) Above
smear themselves with coal dust re arat ryvto a s a' nt thr iag th

Four Major 'U' Areas.


y al stamina as well as

Thomas C. Gilmore, 56, prei-
Thomas J. Lewy Jr., '58, vice--
Thomas J. Chamberlain, 57 Xe-
Stewart G. Gordon, historian
Raymond E. Bahor, Grad.
Otto D. Bartlett
Harry Blum, '57L
Howard Boasberg, '56
Richard T. Booth, '57
John Bradfield Jr., '56
John Christiansen, Grad.
David B. Cobb, '57E
Donald L. Cohodes, '57
Jay Grant, '56
Robert S. H'offman, '56E
Donald L. Kirkpatrick, '56E
Michael H. Lashmet, '58
George T. McIntyre
Howard N. Nemerouski, 9.
Ronald E. Poland, '56
Earl John Sayer Jr., '57
Leonard Gene Scott, 56A&l
Donald A. Seltz
Christopher S. Pyrros
James Shortt
Glen A. Thomet, '56Ed
Irving Tobocman, '56A&D
Daniel D. Webb, '56 A&D
Daniel J. Weinberger, '56L
Walter G. Williams, '56
Bruce A. Work. '59M
G. Anderson White, Grad.
Gordon J. Mars, '56
Richard Schacht, '57, president
Ray E. Newton, Jr., '56, vice_-
Morton S. Cox, Jr., '56, seire-
Arthur W. Angood, '56
John C. Calvin, '56
Ronald B. Clarke, '56
Roger W. Comstock, '56E
William C. Eckerman, '56
William A. Elliott, '56E
Constantine J. Gianakaris, '56
Robert H. Gillow, '56BAd
Robert B. Knutson, '56
Louis A. Kwiker, '56BAd
Richard A. Little, '56
Michael A. Lynch, '56
Gerald J. Prescott, Jr. '6BAd
Richard T. Shapiro, '56
Richard Y. St. John, '56BAd
A. Frank Vick, Jr., '56
Robert C. Weinbaum, '56
Wyve rna
Jane Fowler, '57, presidna
Patricia Drake, '57Ed, tresuxrer
Betty Shuptrine, '57, secretary
Mary Lee Birmingham, '57 pc-
ial projects chairman
Ruth Bassichis, '57
Joan Chidester, '57N
Sandra Cook Burdick, '57Ed
Mary Lee Dingler, '57
Sally Miller, '57
Mary Nolen, '57BAd
Judith Shagrin, '57Ed
Andrea Snyder, '57
Judith Tatham, '57SM
Mary Ann Thomas, '57
Meredith Tigel, '56Ed
Peggy Zuelch, '57Ed
{ Trialngles
Charles C. Chopp, president
Brian M. Moriarty, treasurer
Robert J. Warrick, secretary
Ralph W. McCormick,presien
Roy E. Lave, treasurer
John H. Moore, secretary
Pnlw+ . rmy vn


'~ ((1


r- nin'r n, honorary, Junior Panhellenic.
e steam tunnels. Molly Dwan, '58, president
Marcia Golman, '56, advisor
Debbie Townsend, '56, president
Jane Germany, '56, first vice-
Marcia Goldman, '56, second
Sally Wilkinson, '57, secretary
Kathy Luhn, '57Ed, secretariat
Carol Kirschner, '57, secretariat
Nan O'Tool, '58, secretariat
Barbara Beech, '57, secretariat
1 9'6 M~icgras began its Jean MacRae, '56Ed, treasurer
-n whi on the after- Peggy Hubbard, '56Ed, chairman
Api-il 20 of public relations
a ano da-valf v e r Mary Lease, '58, public relations
I e ntla PTAnnArbor Linda Rubenstein, '57, public re-
e Michigi- gs parade lations
a c -r, noise and stuffed Minerva Chezak, '58, public rela-
1 t Vtudens, tOwns~people tions
ded1. 01 kiddies. Ann Titterington, '57N, public
'" emxos Through Time" relations
('acrried through the Nancy Jacquette, '56 A&D, rush-

*i (0 ~
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-I-) a-i

I .


i. 1 i
I i>',
\ I ~ItV
' 1-'

tO m iiiht'hiMis cahnivai,I
wli- b li ea1 noie and leg-
m l aw kddts. t ekid-,
CrnivA ride, shiof reresh-
and skill boths respeCtive-
17trL ed, en ertlained. overfed
nd tetd the crowdled "Grasgo-
She secad da of Michigras -
gav te arnia b ack to the kid-
di ' ian afternoon of rides.,
'(Ci hens anrd (' owrs. And in

ing chairman
Carol de Bruin, '57, chairman of
rushing counselors
Sorority Presidents for 1955-56
Janice MacVaugh, '56, Alpha Chi
Jean MacRae, '56Ed, Alpha Delta
Gail Cohen, '56Ed. Alpha Epsilon
Suzanne Turner, '56Ed, Alpha
Gamma Delta
Martha Sanders, '56Ed, Alpha


-i r
'I 1) 7'


I -.~ II
I . i~

h e ing the students took over Kappa Alpha1
n wih cmpelitiun heated for Ge.rgianna Davidson, '56Ed,
p 1O ih. in each catery. Alpha Omicron Pid'
RuthFlanders, '56, Alpha Phi
P', i stig, '6; Barney Helz-. ElinorHardy, '56, Collegiate
', en rS o ro sis
11kk ', sBeverly Shea, '56, Delta Delta
J 8r a-ui . &, secery Delta
n a r '7; Chiare W d'Judy Vermeulen, '56Ed, Delta
1E. VooWos1
Jt ams V arr. '57E, concessions Marsha Gellert, '56Ed, Delta Phij
e Pribr, '58: Virginia R- Epsilon
> n '7, ily publicity Verdia Wingate, '56, Delta Sig-
Jn Nthwy, 'p.56DH-; Tomn ma Theta ,
at, '5E . di col-ations Judy Alcorn, '56, Gamma Phi
I y(Garland, '56SM; Bill Mil- Beta
Bonnie Bergland, '56Ed, Kappa
Ci-.1~ PC O~t. .Alpha Theta
Carol Cunningham, '56SM, Kap-
5 i, prizeson pa Delta1
Laura Smith, '56D, Kappa Kappa
- fius.M~t;David Mills, Gamma
58 prgramsGamma
My ,E eSSteanSrah Jo Brown, '56Ed, Pi
>ovlap'S~:Le te-.Beta Phi1
SE, 1 hmnt Dorothy Nevas, '56, Sigma Delta
; ,Brue BosS

u pkY t . Vice-plublu t.
Ron Clarke, '56, treasurer.
Mike Lynch, '56, secretary.
Committee Chairmen
Tim Leedy, '57BAd; Walt Naum-
er, '57 BAd, publications.
Charles Chopp, '57E, Big Ten
John Etter, '58, Office.
John Moore, '57E; Chuck Weir,
'57, Fraternity Relations.
Fred Lyons, '57 Ph, Rushing,
Al Williams, '57, Scholarship.
John Wylie, '57BAd, Social.
Mike Barber, '57, Purchasing
Stu Gordon, '58, president.
Hall Barron, '58, vice-president.
Harry Donald, '58E, secretary.
Jim Bloom, '58E, treasurer.
Eric Aupperle. '57E, Acacia.
Larry Brown, '56E, Alpha Delta
Harvey Rutstein, '56, Alpha Ep-
silon Pi.
William Douglas, '57E, Alpha
Phi Alpha.
Bill Eckerman, '56, Alpha Sigma
John Campbell, '56E, Alpha Tau
Bob Gillow,.'56BAd, Beta Theta

Rod Comstock, '56E, Chi Phi,
Dick Schacht, '57, Chi Psi.
Art Angood, '56, Delta Chi.
Mike McCarthy, '56, Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon.
Champ Patton, '57, Delta, Sigma
Norton Stuart, '57BAd, Delta
Tau Delta.
John Heath, '57E, Delta Upsilon.
Alec Campbell, '56, Kappa Al-
pha Psi.
Dick Brehm, '56E, Kappa Sigma,
Gus Gianakaris '56, Lambda Chi
Dick Little, '56E, Phi Delta The-
Roger Anderson, '56, Phi Gam-
ma Delta.
Bob Effinger, '56 BAd, Phi Kap-
pa Psi.
Jim Vukovich, '57BAd, Phi Kap-
pa Sigma.
Mal Campbell, '56BAd, Phi Kap-
pa Tau.
Herb Schneider, '56, Phi Sigma
Mary Jackson, '56, Phi Sigma
Bill Pttler, '56, Pi Lambda Phi.
John Calvin, '56, Psu Upsilon.
Bill Eliot, '56E, Sigma Alpha Ep-
Lou Kwiker, '56, Sigma Alpha
Jerry Prescott, '56BAd, Sigma
Jerry Schurr, '57, Sigma Nu.
Buz Newton, '56, Sigma Phi.
Mort Cox, '56, Sigma Phi Ep-
Jordan Rossen, '56, Tau Delta
Dick Schreiber, '56E, Tau Kap-
pa Epsilon.
Ray Roble, '56E, Theta Chi.
Clyde Whipple, '56E, Theta Del-
ta Chi.
Gene McCracken, 56, Theta X.
Bill Bernard, 57, Triangle
Richard Shapiro, '56, Zeta Beta
John Schippel, '56 BAd, Zeta
Larry Walders, '56, Phi Epsilon
Band Ends
Active Year
,5the University of Michigan
Marching Band has the distinction
of probably being the only bind
in the country to have ever ap-
peared five times on television
within a period of one week.
Making up the band's five TV
appearances were two high step-
ping sessions on Dave Garroway's
"Today" show, short program
on Arlene Francis's "Home Show,"
along with the two regular half
time ceremonies on the televised
Minnesota and I o w a football
Under the leadership of Dr. Wil-
liam D. Reveli, Conductor of
Bands; and George R. Cavendar,
Assistant Conductor; the band
took trips to the Minnesota and
Illinois football contests, sponsored
the University's Band Day dur-
ing the Northwestern game and
conducted the annual Varsity
Varsity night, which is used to
raise funds for selected band
projects, featured this year -Miss
America of 1955, Lee Ann Mer-
riwether, and the traditional cam-
pus acts along with some profes-
sional talent.
At the halftime of the North-
-western game, an impressive total
of 11,500 bandsmen from high
schools all over the state took the
field. The colorful and awe-in-

spiring aggregate is said to be the
largest massed band in the world.
For many members of the
marching band, the greatest thrill
and top accomplishment of the
year was the dance routine, "Rock
Around the Clock." The initial
performance received a tremend-
ous standing ovation at the In-
diana game.
Other dance routines performed
during the year were "Steam
Heat" and a typical down on the
farm "Turkey in the Straw" square
dance. Included among the more
unusual band formations displayed
at half times throughout the fall
were a huge baby carriage, a Mis-
sissippi showboat and a merry-
go-around. The band also honored
during the season the city of Flint,
Michigan and President Eisen-
"The Leaky Bugle," the band's
newspaper, under the editorship
of John A. Jenkins, '57 Mus, re-
ported weekly the band's activi-
ties throughout the marching
1'1r r

(Al ii
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id ; Art Gaudi'KChris Eckhard, '56Ed, Sigma

cal C

~ikflB~ 'k
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Profess iona

Prof essiona



Alpha Epsilon Iota, graduate
'medical, Beverly Jewell, '57M
Lambda Kappa Sigma, phar-
- t.'ioni with a staff of 5 macy, Sandra Brauman, '56Ph
the stud nt staffs of the Un- Mu Phi Epsilon, music, Betty Jo
an nnuy s pconsor a pproximate- Richter, '56SM
- f maj0' interest to Phi Chi Theta, business, Diane
e -campus Erickson, '56BAd
dehs ects Pi Lambda Theta, education,
G e p t Martha Zahn
t pe Gulan- Sigma Alpha Iota, music, Mere-
~ Itt Cu danc TheaertFaS dyth Manns, Grad.
Adminstri ' nfrtenaces Theta Sigma Phi, journalism,
'den "peaers B nerenaces, Sue Alstrom, '56; Rosalind Shli-
S ' si n ieta-movitz, Grad.
cin, nivit(~y Day, Michigan Zeta Phi Eta, speech arts, Eu-
' , andhook, Student da- genie Reagan, '56
V 6 ty 11he Hor Union-League I

1caa-s, and Hospital TalentI

Tii L'e 56, pr'esident
icer J1 B1osey, Giad.. execu-
'ni- secrtar
Nl, Ba'tt, '57E2 adnministra-

tcam~pus$ at.-

Men's Glee
The Men's Glee Club has cli-
mnaxed its 97th year with. a series
of concerts this spring.
A tour during spring vacation
took the Glee Club out to the East
as far as Boston and Hartford. The
group also has sung in numerous
special concerts in the area in the
last few months.
The group this year was under
the direction of Walter S. Collins,
who is studying for his Ph.D. in
Musicology here. The regular di-
rector, Philip A. Duey, is on sab-
batical leave in uronpe

Alpha Chi Sigma, chemistry,
Robert A. Stenger, '57
Alpha Kappa Psi, business ad-
ministration, Kurt E. Retzler, grad.
Alpha Lambda, social graduate,
Alfred Ku
Alpha Omega. dental, Irving
Friedman, '57D
Alpha Rho Chi, architecture,
Ronald Rogers, '57A&D
Delta Sigma Delta, dental, Milo
Danzelsen, '56D
Delta Sigma Pi, business admin-
istration and economics, Edwin
Delta Theta Phi, law, Arne Hov-
desven, '56L
Flip Flap, social graduate, Philip
C. S. Loh, Grad.
Gamma Alpha, science graduate
society, Gerald Losey, Grad.
Nu Sigma Nu, medical, Jeremiah
Turcotte, '57M
Phi Alpha Oelta, law, William
Anhut, '56L
Phi Alpha Kappa, graduate,
Ronald Bos, Grad.
Phi Chi, medical, John R. Young,
Phi Delta Chi, pharmacy, Stan-
ley G. Kulakowski, '57Ph
Phi Delta Epsilon, nedical, Uules
Phi Delta Kappa, education,'
Hugh Pierce, Grad.
Phi Delta Phi, law. William
Cacelbaum '56T.

- -- ', I~uoa eltins
iC ela-
-d Wiliam 1- 7,i social

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