FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956
Michigan Stands Out as 1955's National Powerhouse student Pi
Stands ________Complete
Busy Year
__ _
_L -
As the fall of 1955 brought on
the annual atmosphere of football,
Michigan was proninently in the
Michigan was -the powerhouse,
not only of the Western Confer-
ence, not only in the Midwest, but
in the nation. Local papers, out-
of-town papers, and many national
magazines had the Wolverines on
top or near the top in allthe pre-
season polls.
It was therefore a disappoint-
ment to some when the publicized
Gods of the Gridiron could only
come through with a 7-2 season
record, a win over rival power
Michigan State, plus one of the
most exciting games ever seen in
Michigan's 97,000 plus stadium.
Many fans felt cheated when
they couldn't follow their team to
the Rose Bowl. Many couldn't
understand why Ohio State won
with nothing but Hopalong Cas-
sidy and one of the strongest lines
in the nation.
The disappointment ha disap-
peared for the most part, however,
and Aimost everyone realizes that,
although overrated at the season's
beginning, the Wolverines gave
many a lot to cheer about and
were successful after all.
Ar5y Game
It was a season of thrills, com-
bining unexpected runaways with
dramatic surges from behind. The
first cheering came against Army,1
rated Michigan's big obstacle to a
perfect season. The cadets had no
chance from the opening whistle.
While the fans went wild, Michi-
gan climbed into the number one
spot in the nation rolling up a 26-2
victory over the power of the East.
Then Minnesota, then Iowa-two
contests where dejection turned' to
frenzied joy as the Maize and Blue
turned on unlooked-for last half
power. Against the Gophers, 14
points were needed for a victory.
The last half produced them.
Against Iowa the picture was
lust as dark. Then Michigan took
to the air, Tom Maentz and Ron
Kramer became impossible to miss
with a pass, and touchdown after
touchdown flashed on the score-
board under'MICHIGAN. As the
jubilant fans poured out of the
stadium only a glance was needed
to see who had won, 33-21.
After Iowa came the season's
fatal loss to Illinois. The details
of this, like the details of the Ohio
State game, are too easily remem-
bered, and would just .as soon be
forgotten in a surge of optimism
S for 195.
With the snow and cold blasts of
winter came a switch in Wolverine
Students w.
John Wallwor, Grad, president
Buddha Goundaraj, Grad., vice-
Joaqiun Sinek, Grad.,, secretary
Bernae Bahta, Grad., treasurer
Leila Padilla, Grad., activities
Bob Leacock, '57, activities co-
Quads Li
athletic fortunes. In six winter
sports, three were champions, two
were runners-up, and only one
came out a loser.
Hockey was the sport synony-
mous with victory throughout the
winter. Coach Vic Heyliger's crew
went all the way for the second
straight year, annexing their sixth
NCAA title in nine years. Also, for
the first time since 1952, the puck-
sters won the WIHL crown out-
right, clinching the prize in a cru-
cial four game series with Michi-
gan Tech that local hockey fans
will long remember.
Three key games, plus the NCAA
playoff contests, provided the best
of the excellent play that eventu-
ally led Michigan to the top. The
Wolverines lost an unexpected
contest to Denver early in the sea-
son, causing many fans to wonder
about the forecasted power of this
three deep, powerpacked team. The
next night doubt diminished as
Denver fell to the avengers, 6-3.
Once again Michigan suffered
an unexpected defeat, this time to
Colorado, and once again the chips
were down. Heyliger's crew proved
tiemselves the next night, howevr,
winning 7-3.
The next big challenge came at
the beginning of the Tech series.
The first game was all important,
and it was on the Huskies' home
ice. Michigan won handily, 5-2,
crushing both hopes and confi-
dence in the Michigan Tech team.
Playoff FinalsI
In the playoff finals, Michigan
played its best game of the sea-,
ing was Jim Thurlow, who finished The Michigan Daily is virtually
second in the 200 yard breast unique among student newspapersI Ada Kresden, '58, assistant pro-
stroke, losing to champion Van in that it runs its own $500,000 motions manager
Leer Hoffman of OSU by only 1/10 printing plant in the Student Pub- Henry Moses, '58, assistant pro-
of a second. lications Building. motions manager
John O'Reilly, Fritz Myers, and Free from faculty or administra- Elaine Cohen. '57Ed, layout
Jim Kruthers added to the point tive censorship, The Daily boasts manager
total by taking thirds in the strong of not only editorial independence Ann Tarlowe, '58, assistant lay-
competition. O'Reilly was third but financial independence as out manager
in the 400 yard free style, Myers in well.
the 200 yard individual medley, It is the official news organ of Charles Wilson, '57E, display ac-
and Kruthers, in the 100 yard the University's student body. Like counts manager
backstroke. the other publications, students Pat Lamberis, '57, subscription
Basketball Team edit and manage it completely, accounts manager
Over in Yost fieldhouse the win-. and all students in good academic Norma Van Tuyl, '58, assistant
ter was the saddest. Michigan's standing are eligible to join its subscription accounts manager
basketball team wound up another staffs. Its news and editorial col- Richard McCracken, 57, maga-
losing season. Winning four Big umns are devoted to campus, na- zine supplement manager
Ten games and losing ten left the tional and world affairs.
cagers buried in a tie for seventh The Michiganensian is one of L1
with Wisconsin. Their overall re- Michigan's most venerable tradi- T echn ic
cord of 9-13 looks a little better. tions.
There was some personal glory The 'Ensian records every aspect Sheldon Levin, '57E, editor-ln-
on the barsketball court, though, of campus life, from fraternities chief
even if the team honors were lack- and honoraries to classes and fac- Jean Boch, '57, business man-
Ing. Captain Tom Jorgensen 'ulty. from sports and the "big" ager
wound up his tenure in Michigan dances to concerts and the lecture Joseph Santa, '57E, managing
garb by cracking the career scor- series. editor t'
ing record of 823 points formerly These and countless other activi-
held by Don Eaddy. Jorgenson ties it records make it something
finished his third season with a to be paged through by former stu- G eneration
total of 862 points. dents to bring back the flavor of
Ron Kramer provided the steady the University again. Richard Emil Braun, '57, man-
scoring punch for the Wolverines. Hailed as the "nuttiest" of the aging editor
His 20.3 point per game average publications, Gargoyle has pranced Peter Gould, '56, business man-
was he highest individual effort in forth on sundry fearless Crusades ager
Michigan history and was good throughout the years. Marge Piercy, '57, poetry editor
enough to place him eighth in the No one is immune from the Eric Lindbloom, fiction editor
Big Ten. Kramer was also picked Garg's assault, whether it is class-
on the All-Conference second team. es, The Daily, University officials
Near the end of the season a or the campus itself.
player appeared on the fieldhouse Generation, the student Inter- argoyle
floor who had been absent for Arts publication, is listed among
nearly two years. Jim Barron, the top three student publications David Kessel, Grad., managing
forced away from basketball be- of its type in the United States. editor
cause of a knee injury at the be- Regularly contributed to by Hop- David Rohn, '56A&D, art editor
ginning of the 1954-55 season, wood Award winners, the magazine Gordon Black, '57, business man.
came back and inspired the Wol- features poetry and fiction, along ager
verines to one of their four Con- with other arts such as drawing,
ference victories! engraving, architecture and music.
1955 Spring Sports The Michigan Technic is the En s i a n
The spring of 1955 brought oldest engineering college maga-
Michigan two champions. Again zine in America. The 72-page, Herbert Wander, '57, managing
the track squad conquered the Big glossy-paper magazine contains editor
Ten. Coach Canham had been suc- articles and features of a semi- Art Friedman, engravings editor
cessful in he fall and the winter of technical nature, so that they are Brownson Murray, '57, copy
that year also thereby wrapping up of interest not only to engineering editor
the trile crown of track. cross students but others as well. Pat Goddard, '56A&D, art and
SKY HIGH-Michigan Quarterback Jim Maddock lets fly with a sho
Joe Jones reaches high in an effort to block it. The Wolverines
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
rt pass as Michigan State's End
edged 'the Spartans, 14-7.
son. They were again facing Tech, every man on the team was trying TenPas of Illinois. It was a real year at Michigan was gymnastics.
but this time goalie Lorne Howes, to lighten the load for the two grudge match as the two men had Led by the virtually unconquerable
the team's most Valuable Player, stars. The outcome was undis- been rivals since their first meet- sophomore sensation Ed Gagnier,
and captain Bill MacFarland were puted victory and the NCAA title. ing at the 1955 meet. TenPas had the Wolverine gymnasts under
sick. Both played however, and Next in the line of repeating even stepped down a weight so Coach Newt Loken went through
Michigan champs was the indoor he could face Rodriguez. their first undefeated dual meet
track team. Coach Don Canham's The match was so fast that the season since 1950, winning all
squid again dominated the Con- referees gave up trying to keep seven contests entered.
ference.hAlong with the title came score as it was obvious that it could The biggest hurdle in accom-
* * five individual Big Ten champions. only end in a pin. plishing this .feat was presented
Dave Owen repeated as champ Finally, with the crowd on its by Conference power Illinois. The
in the shotput, heaving the iron feet and cheering, Rodriguez held Illini had kept Michigan from un-
Yost iwards 54'7'/". Pete Gray, even though he TenPas' shoulders to the mat for defeated seasons in the past.
was not at the peak of physical the necessary two seconds and the This year the team from Cham-
On Tuesday evening, April 10, condition, gave his all to repeat' match and crown were his. paign was set down, 57-55, in the
th nnTua Fening Ys Hori in the 1000-yd. run in 2:14.4. The sport that had its greatest year's toughest meet. Illinois had
awards were presented to 18 out- Eeles Landstrom soared to vic- - ----- its vengeance, however, in the Big
awars wre resetedto 8 ot- t- i th ol vaut a 142''Ten meet at which is was host.
standing junior and senior athletes, ory in the pole vault, at 14'2". thisigh jump They smashed runner-up Michi-
Presiding over the banquet held Mar'Both e " his hih jupith 1) gan and every other Conference
at the Michigan Union was Dean crown, leaping 6'/" to tie with school by runhing up a total of
of Men Walter B. Rea. The awards Iowan Les Stevens for the honors. so points. Michigan could pro-
were presented by Prof. Arthur E. The fifth champion, and prob- 1i er o e duce only 70/ points in comngo
Boak .of the history department. ably the most impressive in vic- Bin second.
The recipients were selected for toy, was captain Ron Walling- in Swimming Team
shwn hi mrlcaatford.H vrhlmdters
and good fellowship, scholastic the field in the two mile to cross Providing one of the year's big
ability, intellectual capacity and the tape all alone in 9:19.3. surprises was the Michigan swim-
achievement, physical ability and Te Wrestling Team At the end of its third year of ming team. A weak showing dur-
vigor, and real capacity and prom- The most surprising of Michi- history, the Inter-ouse Council a tena
ise of leadership and success." gan's winter champions was the has developed and grown to the thiining that the natators would
Two of the award winners, Jim wrestling team. After a rather slow hasnd'vered ad grnto the make an equally poor showing at,
Bats, 56,andNor Nedereie, sart th grpplrs ega toin-point where it plays a greater role
Bate, '6,,and ormNeiermeerstat, te gappers ega toim-the Big Ten meet.
'56Ed, were recognized for the sec- prove at the season's end.tIowa in housingband campus affairs Hampered by the loss of the
ond time. was favored in the Big Ten meet, than ever before. Wardrops, the swimmers came
The others honored were: however. Near the top of IHC's achieve- through with several exceptionally
Robert Armstrong, '57E; Milbry With the upset victory, Michi- ment list for the past year is its fine performances however and
Benedict, '57Ed; Bruce Fox, '57E; gan had two Conference chain- work on the rushing study report ended up in second place.
Tom Hendricks, '56Ed; Mark Jaffe, pions, Mike Rodriguez and Jack;for Student Government Council. Michigan placed men in 13 of
'57; Tom Jorgensen, '56Ed; Jim Marchello. Marchello wrestled his Working with Inter-Fraternity the 14 events. Especially outstand-
Kruthers, '56E; G. Edgar Meads, best match of the year to upset Council, IHC turned out a 60-page
'56; John O'Reilly, '56; Jim Orwig, Iowa's Gary Kurdelmeier, deci- report that climaxed many weeks Ass
'57; Mike Rodriguez, '56Ed; An- sioning him 5-2 in the 177 pound of concentrated study and research Asse b l
thony San Antonio, '56Ed; John class. on the part of its members and
Schubeck; '57; Steve Uzelac, '57; The excitement was provided by volunteers.
Ron Wallingford, '56; and Wayne Rodriguez, however, in his 157;Study Committees
Warren, '57E. pound title effort against Larry'
-re, .Another major accomplishment I epe dents
was made by the Structure Study
group. The group met for more
st.O ftt i ersActiv iies than a month, coming up with Assembly Association, an organ-
recommendations to completely ization for unaffiliated women, is
revise the organization of IHC and called the "sounding board forgin-
East d W est uad quadrangle governments. dependent opinion."
. These recommendations are at Composed of house presidents
East Quadrangle will soon be In addition to the usual functions present being studied by the IHC and representatives from each
taking a long summer break, and of quad government, this year's and its member houses, and many dorm, Assembly carries on the
can look back on a year of accom- West Quad Council has sponsored concerned parties are hoping that activities for all independent wo-
pishn t knyrseveral programs, including both the organization will be revamped men and women's housing. and educational projects. as recommended. Some of the more important
The major project of the Quad sactivitiesuctidoneprbyctAssemblymmndin
Tne maopeto Oera- One of the most evident exam- Another raise in room and board activities done by Assembly in
is nearing final completion; Opera- ples of the Council's accomplish- rates came through this year, and the past year have been aiding in,
Lion Ransom stands out as a ngt-;1 ments is the new practice room1teICpae ra ati the spring rushing study and in
able campus success. The recovery metIstenw rciero the IHC played a great part in
ofbpeviausy unuesasTemenarea section. Five music practice rooms the policy making. ' planning the new women's dormi-
of previously unused basementroa have been built in the basement of tory.
required the constant attention of Michigan House with funds ap- First announcement of the rent These activities were performed
many peusae,but there was no lack propriated . by the West Quadikgasde couniHCmeer- in addition to the annual Assem-
of enthusiasm. Today, EQtheCouncil. These rooms are used by ing, and the council members bly-sponsored functions+ such as
room studio of WCBN-EQ, the students of the School of Music later "strogly opposed" the raise, I-Hop, A-Ball, Fortnight and the
d as well as by West Quad residents. listing a fide-point resolution ex- Big Sister program.
the Council chambers serve resi- Another new project for this pressing true student opinion, Officers
dents daily. year's council was the establish- Big Ten Association Jeanette Grimm, '57, president
The Bensinger Memorial Library, ing of the new Chicago House gov- IHC also petitioned this semes- Ilene Pavlove, '57, first vice-
where reference materials, record ernment. When this dormitory was
players equipped with ear-phones, reinstated as a men's residence a ter to make the University head- president
and sdesigned hallrlasteFebruary, the CouncilI quarters school of the Big Ten Joanne Osmond, '56Ed., second
and soft easy chairs are lastFebruary,IResidence Halls Association, and, vice-president
to aid studying, will soon be ready managed the preparation for house ns,'
for use. government, and selected provi- when the position was assured, the Joan Mason, '57, secretary
The Snowflake Ball, East Quad's sional members, council set up the Big Ten Secre- Sharon Chynoweth, 'uEd, treas-
Christmas Dance, and Blue La- Other projects for the council tariat, which will launch full-scale urer
goon, the outdoor spring formal have included the Christmas operations in the fall. iLois Cowell, 56, public rela-
fete were the social highlights dance, the Holly Hop, Strauss Li- Another feather in the cap of tions
of the season. Friday night dances, brary, and the quad Judic, the old- IHC this year was a spring series Meredith Tigel, '57, big sister
sponsored by one house each week est of the quadrangle judiciary of faculty debates that featured chairman
have found a permanent place in systems. discussions by University profes- Jean Scruggs, '58, personnel
South Quad
. .
South Quadrangle is nearing the
end of a full year of activities
highlighted by their annual dance
"Noel Moderne" in December.
The Quad Council decided to
support scholarships in individual
houses and also to award a prize
to the house with the highest per-
cent ;votj~g in SGC elections.
A C~hristmas present of cots to
Perry Nursery School and the
sending of Christmas cards to
numerous groups on campus were
other accomplishments.
Army cadets used quadrangle
facilities during the weekend of
the Army game and Inter-House
Council members were the guests
of the Quad at their recent n-
nual banquet.
Council Officers
Robin Olliver, 157FZ president
Lee Stern, '56E, vice-president
John Mayne, '58, treasurer
Bob Hughes, social chairman
Council Members
Bill Ginter, '57
Bob Stevens, '58
Douglas Albrecht, '58
Tom Bickel, '59
Jesse Meyers, '57
Daniel Goodrich, '58
Carl Herkimer, Grad,
Rodney Blackman, '58
Eldon Olson, '58
Judiciary Members
Mike Runin. '58
Glen Bachelder, '56
Alan Parker, '58E
Bob Steel, '58
Dallas Wytonick, '57E
Frank Rizzo, '57
Bob Jones, '56
Camera Club Officers
Harold Muhrlein Jr., '57 presi-
country, indoor and outdoor track.
The tennis team came thr ugh
with the other championshi in
the Conference. The netters also
went through an undefeated string
of 13 dual meet victories.
Baseball started strong at Michi-
gan, then faded in the last six
games. Battling for first, the Wol-
verines dropped two double head-
ers and a single game in their last
six tries to wind up fifth after a
promising start.
Michigan's golfers, who didn't
really threaten all during the sea-
son, managed to wind up fourth in
Big Ten play. Burt Katzenmeyer
had a young squad however, and
hopes to do better this year.
Men's Residence
Halls Presidents
Dave Devries, '57E, Anderson
House, EQ
Joel Gottlieb, '57, Cooley House,
Joe Lockwood, '59E, Greene
House, EQ
Pete Heraper, '56, Hayden House,
Duane Diedrich, 56, Hinsdale
House, EQ
John Suhr, Strauss House, EQ
Lee Stern, '56E, Gomberg House,
James Danikolas, '58, Huber
House, SQ
William Hanks, '56BAd, Kelsey
House, SQ
Eldon Olson, '58, Reeves House,
George Hamann, '57 Scott
House, SQ
Marshall Badt, '56Ph, T a y 1 o r
House, SQ
Richard Gerber, '58, Van Tyne
House, SQ
Jack Clark, '59, Adams House,
Kent Olson, Chicago House, WQ
Bob Olsen, '59, Lloyd House, WQ
Richard MacDonald, '57E, Mich-
igan House, WQ
Larry Wiedmayer, '58E, Wenley
House, WQ
Gene Smith, Williams House,
John Sikorski, '58, Winchell
House, WQ
Eng ineenrng
An unique body at the Univer-
sity of Michigan is the Engineer-
ing Honor Council.
The council, made up of ten
student representatives, is the dis-
ciplinary group for handling vio-
lations of the School of Engin-
eering Honor Code.
On every blue book each en-
gineering student must pledge his
honor that he has not received
any aid during the course of the
examination. .
Violators of the code are
brought before the council for a
private hearing. The disciplinary
IThe Daily
David Baad, '56, Managing Edi-
Jim Dygert, '56BAd, City Editor
Murry Frymer, '56, Editorial
David Kaplan, '56, Feature Edi-
Debra Durchslag, '56, Magazine
Jane Howard, '56, Associate Edi-
Louise Tyor. '56, Associate Editor
Night Editors
Mary Lee Dingler, '57
Gail Goldstein, '57
Dick Halloran, Grad.
Lee Marks, '57
Janet Rearick, '57
Dick Snyder, '57
Ernest Theodossin, '57
Mary Ann Thomas,'57
Day Editors
Pete Eckstein, '58
Jim Elsman, '58
Bill Haney, '58
Donna Hanson, '58
Diane LaBakas, '58
Tammy Morrison, '58
Vernon Nahrgang, '58
Carol Prins, '58
Phil Douglis,.'56, Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg, '56BAd, Associ-
ate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz, '56, Associate
Sports Editor
Night Editors
Jim Baad, '58
Dick Cramer, '57
Dave Grey, '57
Steve Heilpern, '57
John Hillyer, '58
Dave Rorabacher, '57
Mary Hellthaler, '56, Women's
Elaine Edmonds, '56, Associate
Women's Editor
Night Editors
Jane Fowler, '57
Arline Lewis, '58
Pat Norton, '58
Rose Perlberg, '58
Sue Raunheim, '58
Virginia Robertson, '57
John Hirtzel, '57, Chief Photog-
Sam Ching, '56
Dick Gaskill, '57BAd
Chuck Kelsey, '56NR
Hal Leeds, '56L
Jim Owens, '57
Vern Soden, '57
Peter Song
Jere Sweeney, '59E
Bill Van Osterhout, '57BAd
Richard Alstrom, '56BAd, busi-
ness manager
Kenneth Rogat, '56, advertising
Bob Ilgenfritz, '56E, associate
business manager
Marty Weisbard, '56, finance
Milton Goldstein, '57BAd, cir-
culation manager
Janet Feder, '58, assistant circu-
lation manager
David Silver, '57BAd, local ad-
layout editor
Richard Harrison, '56, business
Cathy King, '56; office manager
Charles Sharp, '57, general sales
Duke Gregory, '57, advertising
Cynthia Stone, '56Ed, accounts
Diana Cook, '57, features
Nelson Howe, Spec., schools and
Howard Urow, '58E, sports
Carey Wall, '58, tryouts
Mary ,Anne Pahl; '58, assistant
Barbara Humphrey, '57, assistant
Mary Jo Palmer, '56, house
Greg Neff, '57E, organizations
Elenor Shaw, '56Ed, Assistant
Nancy Lundgren, assistant or-
Paul Kerastas, '57, photography
Susan Michener, assistant office
Glen Carlson, '57E, promotions
William Heath, campus sales
Robert Wood, assistant adver-
Al Schadel, sales manager
Judy Gamble, '58, sales accounts
Women's Dorm
Alice Lloyd Hall, Jane Neelands
Angell House, Alice Basford, '58
Hinsdale House, Belle Harris, '57
Kleinstueck House, Marion
Wright, '57
Palmer House, Phyllis Singer, '57
Mosher Hall, Gloria Sweda, '57
Jordan Hall, Irma Saulson, '57
Etockwell, Joan Boss, '56; Nancy
Leffingwell, '56
Prescott House, Brenda Wah-
bring, '56
Tyler House, Jane Long, '56
Martha Cook, Clarissa Knaggs
Betsy Barbour, Joan Heiden, '56
Betsy Barbour, Joan Heiden, '56;
Judy Koelzer, '58
Helen Newberry, Coralyn Fitz,
'56 A&D
Chicago House, Lois Taterka, '58
Victor Vaughan, Ruth Ver Duin,
Fletcher Hall, Margery Mosher,
Adelia Cheever, Joan Kadra, '56
Henderson House, Joan Rajczl
Geddes House, Dorothy Sedl-
mayr, '56
Couzens Hall, Patty Hawken,
L iteraryCollege
David E. Levy, '57, chairman;
Carolyn C. Durant, '56, William C.
Eckerman, '56, Lewis A. Engman,
'57, William R. Gardner, '56, James
D. Isbister. '58. Ethel Kovitz '58
the yearly calendar.
Council Officers
Robert Warrick, '57E, president
Jane Long, vice-president
Council Members
Mike Gaston, '58E
George Litwin, '58
Gene Gerken, '59E
Larry Keller, '56
George Worden, 57
Pat Barnes, '58
Dan Belin, '59
Reed Kenworthey, '57Ed
House Judic Chairmen
Jerry Wickstrom, '57E
Stan Smith,''57E4
Peter Hay, '58L
Council sors of topics of interest to the chairman
Officers of the West Quad Coun- campus. I Nancy Case, '57, special projects
cil include Jim Bauch, '57E, presi- Cabinet Officers chairman
dent; John Sikorski, '58, vice-pres-' a i 6prie
ident; Bob Levin, '58, secretary; Tom Bleha, '56, president
Norwood Dixon, '57, treasurer; and Ralph McCormick, '57E; Chuck
BobGroff, '8Ph., athletic chair- Straayer, '57, executive vice-presi-EnI
man. dentoOn .
Other members of the Council I Chuck Straayer, '57; Jim Childs,
are Larry Elliott, '59; Dave Harris, '57 administrative vice-president
'57E; Nelson Howe, '57; Merv Ger- Jerry Mohrig, '57, treasurer William Diamond, '56E, presi-
son, '57; Jerry Janecke, '58; Jim Don MacLennan, '58; Reed Ken- dent.
Kuhlman, '59; Kent Olson, '57: worthey, '57Ed, corresponding sec- I Sheldon Levin, '57E, vice-presi-
Carl Maile, '59; Frank Ray, '57; retary dent.
John Ruiz, '58E, Steve Shane, '58, Sarah Gullette, '58, recording Fred Baumgartner, '56E, secre-
and Dick Wiedmayer, '59, secretary tary-treasurer.
Judic Members Where two names are listed, the I Brian Moriarity, '57E
Members of the Judiciary system first one held the office for first John Heidgen, '57E
nr _nh Crri , SARrPr cIPnt G-~nio . - n- Wayne Kuhn, '57E