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May 04, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-04

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Sixty-Sixth Year

The Old Call Of The Wild

When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Iorkh, Ormandy
Give Fine Concert
THIS YEAR'S May Festival got off to a fine start with last night's
concert. Inge Borkh provided the high point of the evening with
her fine presentation of "Allein, allein" from Elektra by Richard
Strauss. The work calls for a great deal of vocal technique with its
wide leaps and extremes of range. Miss Borkh handled the melodic
line skillfully and with ease. Her voice seemed to float out over the
audience with very little noticeable effort. The performance was also
marked by fine breath control and ability to alter the sound of the


Bicycle Problem
Needs Enforceable Solution

RECENT COMPLAINTS by local motorists
concerning bicycle riding University stu-
dents have brought the so-called 'anti-bike'
campaign to a head. Actually, the situation
is not an 'anti-bike' campaign, as many cycling
students mistakenly assert. Rather, it is a
campaign of education being worked on by
Student Government Council and the Ann Ar-
bor Police Department. Its purpose is to pre-
vent accidents.
A major problem is the fact that bicycle
riding students do not seem to realize they
are subject to the same traffic regulations as
motorists. Bikes are required to travel on the
right hand side of the road, not to cross in
the middle of the block, to obey signal lights,
to observe courtesy rules and not to ride er-
ratically through city streets. The majority of
bicycle riders in Ann Arbor, by not observing
these regulations, create a continuous traffic
hazard. Motorist after motorist has repeated-
ly cussed and discussed the situation. Towns-
people have complained and students who ob-
serve the regulations feel they are being
blamed for the actions of those who do not.
THE PROBLEM is not restricted to merely
observing traffic regulations. There are
separate rules concerning bicycles.
For instance, each bicycle must be; licensed
by the local police department to legally per-
mit the rider usage of city streets. Although
a license costs only fifty cents, students, un-
fortunately, are not obtaining them.
Furthermore, in order to be legally ridden
at night, a bicycle must have a light-a pri-
mary safety device. Motorists complain that
they can't see bicycles without lights riding
toward them. They also state that bicycles
in front of them would be more readily spotted
if equipped with proper reflectors.
T HESE PROBLEMS, often scoffed at by
cyclists, are more serious than meets the
eye. In line with this seriousness, Ann Arbor
Police Department is conducting an active
campaign against illegally ridden and improp-

erly equipped bicycles. On May 11, the police
department will send ,a city truck to canvass
the campus area and impound all bicycles not
bearing licenses. Owners will then be required
to recover their bikes at the police station by
proving ownership and complying with bicycle
ordinances. In addition, the police depart-
ment has stepped up issuance of tickets to bi-
cycle riders who do not comply with regula-
Also, Student Government Council's Campus
Affairs Committee is sponsoring a campus-wide
education program on proper use of bicycles,
one element of which has been the posting of
signs urging students to obtain licenses.
ANOTHER PHASE of the committee's work
deals with congestion on campus walks and
city streets. Irresponsible students leave their
bikes standing or lying in front of entrances
to such oft-frequented buildings as Haven and
Mason Hall, West Engine and the General Li-
brary, causing no end of confusion, congestion
and general chaos. Students and faculty alike
complain that they often are hampered in en-
tering buildings due to sloppily parked bicycles.
University Plant Department has provided racks
in most areas where they are needed and
more are being built. The problem, however,
is to assure that students use the racks cor-
rectly. It does little good to have sufficient bi-
cycle parking space if cyclists refuse to take
advantage of this space.
Although Student Government Council's
Campus Affairs Committee is to be commended
for attempting to solve campus and city bi-
cycle problems, it isn't doing enough. It is
not sufficient to ask students to place bi-
cycles in racks; nor is it sufficient to recom-
mend courtesy on campus paths and city streets
and sidewalks.
In order to make the campaign for improve-
ment effective, the SGC Committee must offer
an enforceable solution to the problem in addi-
tion to seek cooperation.

voice to fit the mood of the text.
THE ORCHESTRA, which flays
Strauss' operas handled its ac-
companiment with ease.
Miss Borkh was also impressive
in her performance of "Abscheu-
licher, wo eilst du hin?" from Bee-
thoven's opera Fideio. The tor-
turous run at the end of the piece
was beautifully executed.
Of the orchestral works, pre-
sented by Eugene Ormandy and
the Philadelphia Orchestra, the
"Variations on a Theme of Paga-
nini" by Boris Blacher was per-
haps the most interesting. Blacher
is one of the leading composers in
Germany today and has had great
influence on his contemporary
composers in that country. In his j
music one can hear some of the
idioms of popular dance music.

such an important part in the


THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1956


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Multifarious Man NVo M enance

Michigamua Tapping Primitive

THERE IS little doubt that recognition seems
to be THE THING in our time.
It. is nearly impossible to watch a television
show in the spring without being forced to
observe the awarding of a "scroll of merit" for
"work that is raising the standards of Ameri-
can culture." Tooth-paste companies give pub.
lic service cups. Citizens' committees are hunt-
ing for the "Volunteer Worker of the Year"
or the "Mother of the Year." There is always
someone being selected as "Miss Potato Spud of
195-." And the final rationale is usually pub-
On our campus, along with the clanking of
pins, locks, keys, and chains scattered over
the anatomies of America's generation of young
people, we are all set to witness this morning's
Michigamua brick-dusted campus leaders fro-
lic around Tappan Oak in a ceremony that
smacks of primitive puberty rites and is char-
acterized by blatant physical sadism.
PHYSICAL SADISM is also the note that
Druids strike. Several years ago they
burned the face of a young man; last year
they mashed in the front tooth of another.
These things are always described as "acci-
dents," but it is obvious that if they are acci-
dents, their origin lies in the initiation cere-
Women's honoraries give their people a rose

to carry all day, or a graduation cap to wear
to classes, expressing the idea that women
are gentle creatures.
Since one cannot criticize most of these hon-
oraries on their selections, for they never re-
veal their criteria for selection; or their pur-
poses, for they refuse to divulge this informa-
tion to "outsiders"; or the work that they do
of a constructive nature, for they keep this
hidden and secret-one is left only with the
recourse of questioning the manner in which
so-called campus leaders are honored.
F THERE is real honor to bestow, these juve-
nile initiation pranks are hardly a fitting
manner of doing so. Sadism is not an es-
pecially marvelous gift, and facial bruises such
as have been evident these mornings are not
much better. Roses are symbolic, but when
they begin to wilt, they seem particularly pa-
That a sock in the jaw, a hat, or a general
body flagging is what we need to point out
understanding service is likewise pathetic. Not
only does it make the University look like a
playpen, but it forces the honored individual
who accepts this treatment into a position
where he is more worthy of laughter and ridi-
cule than appreciation.

To the Editor:
IN READING Jerome K. Walsh
Jr., '57 Law's letter to you pub-
lished in the Daily of April 28th,
my first thought was, this is some
kirnd of joke. In re-reading the
article, I soon realized that Mr.
Walsh was far from joking. On
the contrary, he was dead serious.
Now Mr. Walsh may have had
good intentions, and I have no
doubts as to his sincerity, but it
is obvious that he has overlooked
that he has effected a rash de-
nunciation of the very ideal for
which 'modern man is striving.
"What is this ideal I have unwit-
tingly defamed?", the writer of
the censorous letter may ask him-
Well, I will tell him: he is de-
nouncing the ideal of the multi-
farious man our democracy needs
so much if it is to bolster our
cherished institution of freedom
again to the totalitarian menace.'
One may argue, "support of our
present day culture is nothing more
than an attempt to rationalize an
abortive modus operandi." But I
do not ask for agreement, I do
not have to. Look back if you
will, to the cultures of the past.
Which two are most esteemed in
the eyes of contemporary critics?
The first I speak of is the magni-
ficent rebirth of the search for
truth, for knowledge, and age of
industry and vigor-the Renais-
sance. Leonardo the very embodi-
ment of the renaissance spirit was
esteemed above all others not for
his art or for his architecture,
painting, writing or invention, but
for his combination of all genius
into one conglomeration-the mul-
tifaceted individual; cannot the
proponent of this undermining of
our very way of life see his argu-
ments could cause untold harm if,
taken too hard and acted upon?
But I have not even discusseI
the second age of Which I wish to
speak. This is the Golden Age of

Greece, a period of unity and pro-
( ctivity in all fields of endeavor
in a state who's very watchwords
were, "Mens sano in sano corpore:"
"a sound mind and a sound body."
And what is this talk of Kramer
and baseball? It is nothing more
than a manifestation of the
overwhelming current interest in
"sound body." (So there on you!)
As to the nature of various
dances on campus, we feel that by
wishing to place an equal de-em-
phasis on this ancient and tradi-
tional social media, you are trying
to degrade a social heritage that
has been a revered necessity to
mankind since the days of the
paleolithic era being manifested
in many ways and forms (puberty
rites, religious ceremony, ceremo-
nial functions etc.).
We feel that by stifling these
forms of social relaxation you are
in effect stifling what can be uni-
versally agreed upon to be the one
and only outlet that man has in
this university situation for dis-
playing his latent and otherwise
repressed emotions after a diffi-
cult week spent concentrated on
diligent studies of an academic
Surely Mr. Walsh, you can not
make light of this rare form of
merriment and gaiety and regard
it as being an utter and vile in-
trusion into our modern concept
of societal and communal living.
Your nihilistic views on this sub-
ject are indeed paradoxical to
your own concept of living cul-
ture and we of the fraternity of
mankind must henceforth disre-
gard your non-sequitur.
As for graphic satire and wit,
criticize Daumier if you will, and
try to stand before the flood of
protest which will surely spring
from your own breast. I feel no
more need to be said to create this
We feel that the student is
burdened enough by his many

hours per week devoted to diligent
study, both in'the halls of learn-
ing as well as the library and study
halls and must of necessity search
for a necessary outlet such as can
only be embodied in the forms of
cultural living that you seem to
object to so vociferously.
-John Pierre Berwald, '56
Commendation.. ..
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to commend Ernest
Theodossin on his witty article
"Six Classic Campus Dates." Mr.
Theodossing shows fine insight
into this sociological phenomenon.
-Michael Chen, '58
'Pen Friend' . .
To the Editor:
I HAVE BEEN wanting to write
you for some time now but
haven't been able to find the time.
I hope, however, you will be kind
enough to introduce me to some
of the girls who may want to be
"pen friends."
I've just been told that your vast
University always encourages cor-
respondence with those living in
this wide world. And so I do hope
I won't be disappointed in finding
pen friends who will always do
their bit.
I might give you a profile of
myself so that our correspondence
will be channeled on the right
lines. I am 32, and am interested
in stamp collecting, photography,
reading, travel, and music. I will
stress the fact that being here is
very lonely indeed and so this
opportunity that you will have
afforded me will help me to make
life more pleasant.
I trust you will do what you can.
-M. D. Souza
Forster Wheeler Ltd.
Persian Gulf

*. **
the theme presented by the solo
violin. Jacob Krachmalnick, the
concert master did a beautiful job
with this theme. The work con-
tinues in a series of variations
which often veer quite far from the
original theme. Both the wood-
wind and brass sections of the
orchestra were given ample oppor-
tunity to display their skill in the
course of the work.
Eugene Ormandy gave Sibelius
Seventh Symphony a reading that
captured all the beauty that piece
has to offer. He achieved wonder-
ful changes in mood through the
judicious use of tempo and dy-
namics that marked the entire per-
* * *
attribute that made the concert
enjoyable. Al lthe eras of music
from the Baroque to the present
were represented. The Concerto
for Orchestra, in D major, which
started the concert, along with
"V'adoro pupille" from Handel's
Julius Caesar, which was Miss
Borkh's opening selection repre-
sented the Baroque. The Beeth-
oven work represented the early
nineteenth century while the
Strauss and Sibelius were good ex-
amples of the Romantic period.
The twentieth century was repre-
sented by the Blocher work.
-Bruce Jacobson
IRest Easy,
FIRST, "The Atomic Man." This
poor fellow has worked with
radioactivity so long that he's full
of it, and doesn't even know when
he's dead, but keeps right on liv-
ing, so to speak.
Plot revolves around the efforts
of a tungsten mining company to
keep the atomic man from getting
his scheme to produce synthetic
tungsten off the ground. Needless
to say, the scientific basis for such
a plan is nil, null, a'ind zero.
"World Without End" has a
spaceship crew sent via a space-
time mixup (a convenient, ridi-
culous device) way into the future
where they straighten everything
out by killing the bad guys and
bossing the good guys.
Both of these films seem to rely
all too heavily on the theory that,
given a dash of quasi-science, any
sort of plot weakness is OK. Hard-
ly. -
--David Kessel

General Notices
Undergraduate Honors Convocatio,
The annual Convocation recognizing
undergraduate honor students will be
held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 11,In Hill
Auditorium. Dr. David B. Steinman,
engineer and bridge designer, will speak
on the subject "The Spiritual Challenge
of the Atomic Age."
Honor students will be excused from
attending their 10 o'clock classes. All
classes, with the exception of clinics
and graduate seminars, will be dismissed
at 10:45 for the Convocation. However,
seniors may be excused from clinics and
Academic costume will be worn by
faculty members, who wi robe back-
stage and proceed to their seats on the
stage. Honor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will
be reserved for them and their families
and will be held until 10:45. Doors of
the Auditorium will open at 10:30. The
puplic is invited.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken May 2, 1956. Ap-
proved: Minutes, meeting of May 2;
Appropriation of up to $400 for Aca-
demic Freedom Week, May 21-25; Re.
visedconstitution, Gothic Film Society;
Recognition, Bacteriology Club; Activi-
ties: May 7 Students for Stevenson
reception, May 11 Engineering Council,
Slide Rule Ball.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Fri., May 4, 8 p.m., Room 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. F. D. Miller will talk on "The
Meaning of Astronomical Research."
After the talk the Student Observatory
on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be
open for inspection and for telescopic
observations of Venus and Jupiter.
Children welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by alults.
Selective Service College Qualification
Test: May 7, 1956is the closing date for
registration for the May 17, 1956, admin-
istration of the Selective Service Col-
lege Qualification Test.
Academic Notices
Students who are definitely planning
to transfer to the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of
Nursing, or the College of Pharmacy in
June or September from another cam-
pus unit should come to the Office of
Admissions, 1524 Administration Build-
ing immediately to make application
for transfer.
LSA students planning on doing col-
lege work during this surmer at other
educational institutions should ?1r-
mediately file the proper summer course
approval forms. These forms are avail-
able in the faculty counselors offices
in Angell Hall. May 25 is the last day
for these forms.
May Festival Concerts (6 programs)t
Friday, May 4, 8:30 p.m. Vronsky and
Babin, duo-pianists in Mozart Concerto
in F. University Choral Union in
Mozart "Davidde penitents" with solo-
ists Lois Marshall, soprano; Jane Rob-
son, mezzo-soprano; Rudolph Petrak,
tenor; Thor Johnson, conductor, Phila-
delphia Orchestra.
Saturday, May 5, 2:30 p.m. Soloist:
Hilde Gueden, soprano; Philadelphia
Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conduc-
tor. Festival Youth Chorus, Marguerite
Hood, conductor.
Saturday, May 5, 8:30 p.m. Zino Fran-
cescatti, violinist; Philadelphia Orches-
tra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Sunday, May 6, 2:30 p.m. University
Choral Union in Schoenberg's "Gurre-
Lieder," with soloists: Lois Marshall,
sorano; Martha Lipton, contralto; Har-
old Haugh and Rudolph Petrak, tenors;
Lawrence Winters, baritons; Erika Stied-
ry, narrator; Philadelphia Orchestra,
Thor Johnson, conductor.
Sunday, May 6, 8:30 p.m. Byron
Janis, pianist; Philadelphia Orchestra,
Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Information on tickets, etc., may be
procured at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Placement Notices
A local firm is looking for a Secretary-
receptionist. Prefers a woman who can
use an electric typewriterand dicta-
phone, shorthand is not necessary.
University of Calif. offers job oppor-
tunities at the Univ. of Calif. Medical
Centers located in San Francisco and
Los Angeles. Both men and women are
needed to work as Nurses, Med. Tech-
nicians, Lab. Tech., Hospital Tech., Phy-
sical Therapists, Dietitians, Med. Scoial
Workers, Med. Record Librarians, Med.
Secretaries, Clerks, Orderlies, Aides,

Surgical Tech., Lab. Storekeepers, Ani-
mal Caretakers, Cooks, Food Service
and Laundry Workers.









A Lesson From Rocky

Ohio State Editorial:

TT TOOK A BOXER to remind Americans last
week just what we are or should be striving
for as individuals.
Financial success is a predominate value in
our society, but too many of us look on it as
an end instead of a means to more important
Editorial Staff

DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine
DAVID KAPLAN ....................... Feature
JANE HOWARD..................... Associate
LOUISE TYOR .........Associate
PHIL DOUGLIS .....................Sports
ALAN EISENBERG............ Associate Sports
JACK HORWITZ............ Associate Sports
MARY HELLTHALER ............ .. Women's
ELAINE EDMONDS .........Associate Women's

World's Heavyweight Champion Rocky Mar-
ciano has helped to put matters in their proper
perspective with his announced retirement
from the ring at the zenith of his career.
THE BROCKTON battler had amassed a re-
ported $2 million in nine years of profes-
sional boxing. He had never been defeated in
49" fights, winning 43 of them by knockouts.
With no serious challengers to his crown on
the immediate horizon, Marciano began con-
sideration of just where his fabulous career
had taken him.
Now that he was sitting firmly on top, Mar-
ciano concluded that it was time to reap the
benefits of his success. To continue fighting
would be to risk his health unnecessarily.
The real benefits that the champion can now
enjoy are those of meaningful leisure. By
investing wisely, he can now settle down to an
undisturbed family life with his much neglect-
ed wife and three-year old daughter.
THIS IS the realization of the true American
dream-achievement of early financial suc-
cess so that later life may be devoted to the
full enjoyment of living.

Yes, We Are Guilty-

(The following editorial appeared
in the Ohio State Lantern April 30,
found guilty of conduct unbe-
coming a major college football
Our crime was two-fold. We
allowed football players to accept
money for work they had not done.
And our coach, Woody Hayes,
doled out personal gifts and loans
to players-in direct violation of
Big Ten regulations.
OUR SENTENCE was not really
severe. At worst, it strips us of
Rose Bowl privileges next year
and labels Ohio State as the "bad
boy" of college football. It could
have been worse.
,University officials, from the
president down, have accepted the
judgment. No appeal will be filed.
We are guilty. No one in official
position questions that inescapable
Athletic Director Richard Lark-

breaks the rules of his community,
he must be punished.
Likewise, when a great institu-
tion fails to live within the boun-
daries erected by its chosen ath-
letic community, it too must reap
the sometimes bitter harvest of
We are guilty. That other uni-
versities may also be operating
beyond the bounds of Conference
propriety is irrelevant in the Ohio
State case.
Why did they "pick on" us? The
much maligned Sports Illustrated
article last October certainly had
something to do with it. So prob-
ably did the outspokenness of
alumni secretary Jack Fullen.
But the Big Ten was also look-
ig for a scapegoat. It has been
under increasing pressure from
the NCAA, which tends to look
askance at recruitment of athletes,
player subsidies and "workless" job
SO OHIO STATE was a natural.
Conference champs for the past

blind itself to evidences of "irreg-
ularities" at other member
Should not the Conference also
probe into their athletic structures
with the meticulous FBI thorough-
ness used here?
WE ARE GUILTY. But are we
any more guilty than the system
which produces such sins?
Thesevils cited are not confined
to this University. Nor are they
the sole property of theBig Ten.
They are integral parts of the
mask of hypocrisy by which we try
to shield big-time college football
And investigation or no investi-
gation, housecleaning or no house-
cleaning, they will continue to
exist in all their moral ugliness so
long as we wear the mask.
Football is a million-dollar busi-
ness. To keep the shekels pouring
in, to satisfy rabid alumni and
other fans, our colleges and uni-
versities resort to player recruit-
ment and subsidy.

But we don't believe it will ever
come about here. There are too
many insurmountable obstacles-
huge financial investments in ath-
letic plants and the stubbornness
of people's emotions.
People in this state like college
football, Ohio State style. They
cherish it as a Buckeye institution,
and they are not about to see it
torn down.
What then is the answer? Do
we have to keep kidding ourselves
that this is amateurism, that the
boys still play solely for the love
of the game, that slipping a player
a few bucks never hurt anyone?
THE ANSWER is not hard to
find. It's been suggested before
and it makes sense. Why not put
college football on a professional
basis-in name as well as fact?
Only the blind cling to the myth
that it is still simon-pure amateur-
ism in fact.
Pay the players. They deserve
it. They toil long hours so that the
big stadium down by the river will




JOHN HIRTZEL.................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM.................Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ....... Associate Business Manager
KEN ROGAT....................Advertising Manager
MAR.r lr7 f.TCfn * fi lnU4-. -". ifo...-

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