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February 16, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-16

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Education School Gives
Poor Training
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State







AEC Warns Rulin Calls LYL
Of H-Bomb g
Devastations Front for Reds

Tests Contaminate
7,000 Square Miles
WASHINGTON (f)-The Atom-
ic Energy Commission, in a new
warning of the horrors of atomic
war, said yesterday its H-bomb
blast in the Pacific last March se-
riously contaminated 7,000 square
The area affected was almost as
great as the 7,836 square miles
covered by the state of New Jer-
Radioactive Fallout
AEC Chairman Lewis L. Strauss
discussed "radioactive fallout" in
a report which included some in-
formation that has been secret up
until now.
"Since nuclear weapons are in
possession of Russia," Strauss
said, "the commission believes the
American people wish to be in-
formed regarding the danger of
nuclear explosions and the meas-
ures which individuals can take
to protect themselves if an atom-
ic attack should ever occur.
"In the event of war involving
the use of atomic weapons, the
fallout from large nuclear bombs
exploded on or near the surface of
the, earth would create serious
hazard to civilian populations in
large areas outside the target
AEC Report
"The Atomic Energy Commis-
sion hopes that these dangers will
never be experienced by mankind."
Yesterday's report dealt largely
with radioactive perils far beyond
the point of explosion. The com-
mission has, in earlier reports,
given details on the devastation
to be expected close to target
On the basis of test data from
"the very large thermonuclear de-
vice" set off at Bikini Atoll last
March and other information, the
commission made the following es-
"About 7,000 square miles of ter-
ritory downwind from the point of
burst was so contaminated that
survival might have depended
upon taking shelter and other pro-
tective measures."
Charity Will
T-old by Simes
Concluding the eighth series of
Cooley Lectures, Prof. Lewis N.
Simes of the Law school evaluat-
ed the rules governing charity in
wills yesterday.
In his lecture "The Dead Hand
Achieves Immortality: Gifts to
Charity," Prof. Simes noted that
major legal restrictions against
perpetual trusts are lifted where
charity is concerned.
However, he criticized rules
which sometimes necessitate con-
tinuing, appropriation of trust
funds for purposes specifically
stated in the will after such pur-
poses have become obsolete.
Incomplete Value
For example, the income from
a plot of land in downtown New
York, based on a trust set up when
the property had little value, is
still being used solely for a home
for "ancient and decrepit sailors."
The income, Prof. Simes said,
should now be used also for other
charitable purposes to realize its
full value.
Pointing out that sometimes
"narrow and eccentric purposes"
are evident in charity trusts, Prof.
Simes cited wills which leave per-
petual trusts to provide "free ele-
phant rides at the zoo" and
"teaching of shooting at moving

No Fool-Proof Test
Such endowments have been
ruled legal by courts, on the prin-
ciple that there is no fool-proof
test for "charitable purpose."
Offering a solution to problems
raised by strictness of law, he
proposed amendments w h i c h
would allow courts to interpret
any questionably inexpedient pur-
pose of a will to mean "for char-
ity" after a specified time.
In this way, Prof. Simes said,
we would be better able to execute
the desires of the dead and to
keep from them an absolute rule
over the living.

Subversive Activities Control Board'
Disregards Matusow's Testimony
WASHINGTON (A) - The Subversive Activities Control Board
ruled yesterday the Labor Youth League is a Communist front, but in
so doing it disregarded all testimony given against the organization by
Harvey Matusow.
Matusow, a self-professed ex-Communist, has recently said he lied
in testifying as a government witness in previous court and congres-
sional proceedings.
The SACB said it was not inclined "to determine when Matusow
C may have been lying in this pro-
ceding and when he was telling
the truth."
Operated For Party
In its report the board said the
roundupLabor Youth League "is primarily
operated for the purpose of giving
By The Associated Press aid and support to the Communist
Peipin Claparty." It reviewed briefly the
Peiping Clms - -turnabout of Matusow, a frequent
TOKYO-Peiping radio said to- witness in Communist cases in the
day more Chinese Communist past, including four before the
troops were pouring into the Ta- SACB .
chens, abandoned by the Nation- Unless the league gets a court
alists last week. order for a review, it must regis-
A broadcast heard here asserted ter with the government as a
fortifications and artillery posi- Communist front organization aft-
tions were destroyed by Red ar- er 60 days.
tillery and bombs. However, cor-
respondents who covered the with- Must List Officers
drawal said the Nationalists blew The 1950 Subversive Activities
them up as part of a scorched Control Act requires Communist
earth operation. front organizations to list officers,
* .give a financial accounting and
label all mail as that of a front
MlcCarthy* Blockade .* organization.
GREENSBURG, Pa.-Sen. Jos- The board's registration order
eph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) yes- will become final in 60 days unless
terday called for a blockade of the league petitions the U.S. Court
the Red China coast and declared, of Appeals for a review. If that
"We can't regain our national is done, it will not take effect
honor by peaceful coexistence until court action has ben com-
with the Communist world." pleted.
* The board said the league, whose
Labor Nominee. . . membership was not estimated ei-
WASHINGTON - President ther in the hrings or in the
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday report, was organized in Chicago
nominated Associate Justice Boyd in May 1944.
Leedom of the South Dakota Su-
preme Court to fill a vacancy on'
the National Labor Relations fodm ed
The AFL and CIO withheld for-
mal comment but appeared coo
to the choice The labororganiza-
tions said Leedom's labor back- CHICAGO ()-Claude Lightfoot
ground seemed to be confined to was sentenced to five years im-
serving as arbitrator in a number prison ent and fined $5,000 yes-
of railroad union grievance cases. terday for being an "informed"
member of the Communist party.
Wilson Says . . . Lightfoot, 44-year-old executive
WASHINGTON - Secretary of secretary of the party in Illinois,
Defense Charles E. Wilson said was the first person to be sen-
yesterday. he still thinks "we are tenced under a Smith Act provi-
out ahead of the Russians" in sion making it a crime to be a
atomic weapons, and the Russians member of or affiliated with an or-
know the United States is leading. ganization, knowing it advocates
Asked at a news conference If violent overthrow of the U.S. gov-
he thought a stalemate had been ernment.
reached between Russia and the Defense Atty. John J. Abt said
United States in nuclear weapons, he will appeal.
he answered: Lightfoot, who accepted the ver-
"I don't think so," then added dict calmly, will remain at liberty
his views about this country being under $30,000 bond.
ahead. Federal Judge Philip L. Sulli-
van, in sentencing Lightfoot, cited
Chances Sm . . . Lightfoot's work in the party,
INDIANAPOLIS - Chances for strict discipline, secret member-
approval of a state constitutional ship schools, and "training in
amendment lowering the voting well-defined administrative levels."
age to 19 looked slim late yester- He said it was reasonable to
day after the Senate turned back a conclude that Lightfoot knew the
move to bring the measure to a party advocated violent overthrow
vote. of the government.

Armed Men
Seize Red
Romanian Anti-Reds
Defy Swiss Police
BERN ()-A desperate band of
Romanian anti-Communists seiz-
ed the Romanian legation yester-
day in an attack that cost the
life of the legation chauffeur
and dragged traditionally neutral
Switzerland deep into a cold war
Five or six well-armed men at
most, the band defied encircling
Swiss police hour after hour and
demanded release of five resist-
ance leaders imprisoned in their
Red-ruled homeland.
Police Search
The helmeted police, armed with
rifles, roamed freely last night
over the snow-covered grounds
that-through world usage toward
all diplomatic holdings-are con-
sidered Romanian territory
The Swiss Cabinet decided in an
emergency meeting the police
should try persuasion rather than
The barricaded anti-Commu-
nists said they would never sur-
f render until they achieved their
After their day-long siege the
five or six armed Romanians met
Swiss negotiators shortly before
midnight but refused to give up
the building. Food stored in the
legation could feed them for sev-
eral days.
Round Up Reds
The band, which police said
evidently slipped across the Swiss
border illegally, struck about 10
p.m. Monday. They rounded up
some Communist staff members
and their families. These were lat-
er freed.-
The chauffeur, Aurel Sedu, was
knifed and shot when he resisted
upon returning to the quarters
about 2 a.m.
One of the invaders was caught
trying to get away in the dark-
ness before dawn. Describing him-
self only as a member of the Ro-
manian resistance movement, he
carried a tommygun, hand gre-
nades and documents.
The leader told police later two
other members of the group had
escaped with documents from the
legation files.
The extraterritorial status of the
legation was a factor in both po-
lice caution and in a blistering
note which Romania fired to Swit-
zerland accusing the Swiss of re-
sponsibility for what it called a
violation of international law by
"a gang of Romanian fascists and
other criminal elements"
Romulo Sees
Revision Need
In UN Charter
CHICAGO (M)-Gen. Carlos Ro-
mulo, former president of the
United Nations General Assembly,
said yesterday the UN charter
is badly in need of changes.
Romulo, special envoy of the
Philippine president, said the UN's
"tools" of conciliation, mediation
and negotiation were outmoded
when the first atom bomb was ex-
ploded at Hiroshima-just two
months after the original char-
ter was signed at San Francisco

in 1945.
No Time
Speaking before the Illinois
branch of the United World Fed-
eralists, Romulo said:
"With the development of the
atom bomb, and now the even
more terrible hydrogen bomb,
there may not be time in some
emergency for the United Nations
to use the tools for peace that
were given it in the charter.
Use Ingenuity
"We must use our human in-
genuity to equal the atom revolu-
tion with a political revolution and
make the charter more adaptable
to the atomic age."
Among changes he said are
needed is one which would water
down the power of veto so fre-
quently used by Russia.
Romulo called attention to a
provision of the charter whereby,
10 years after signing, a confer-
ence for the charter's revision
could be called by a simple ma-
jority vote of the member nations.


Ossible Raise of Dorm
Fees Under Deliberation

WICKENBURG, Ariz. (P)c --
Highway Patrolman George
Pemberton for the first time
arrested a motorist for having
a television set in his automo-
bile dashboard.
James Skonzakes, 25, of Day-
ton, Ohio, whose $25,000 cus- ....* .
tom-built car has a TV set with.:
a seven-inch screen, got the
traffic ticket.
Arizona law doesn't permit a
TV set in a car at any point,
forward of the driver's seat.
Skonzakes said e set won't
work while the car's engine is ->

Chianig Sure
Of U.S. Aid
In Far East
TAIPEI AP)--President of Na-i
tionalist China Chiang Kai-shek
yesterday appeared confident of
United States help in any new Far
East crisis involving his offshore
islands of Quemoy and the Mat-
In an exclusive interview, the
63-year-old Nationalist leader gave
the impression that he felt the
United States in the Tachen with-
drawal got more solidly behind
him in his battle with the Reds
than ever before.
Matter Clear
Asked about any agreement with.
the United States for joint defense
of Quemoy, across Formosa Strait,
and the Matsus, 100 miles north-
west of Formosa, Chiang replied:
"The matter is very clear to us
and to the Communists."
This was much the same reply
he gave at a news conference Sun-
day. But he went a little further
and swept aside objections that a
firm commitment would tie down
in Formosa's waters important ele-
ments of the U.S. 7th Fleet. °
As to that, Chiang said the Na-
tionalists' garrison on Quemoy and
his air force could hold off a first
onslaught until reinforcements ar-
Nanchishan Vital
Chiang considers Nanchishan vi-
tal to the defense of Formosa.
There have been re; orts part of
the trained guerrillas brought out
of the Tachens last week were
sent to reinforce the island.
Chiang replied with a firm "no"
when asked if he thought the show
of power by the 7th Fleet last
week would hold back the Commu-
Petitions Due
In Five Days
Only five days remain to return
petitions for the March 15 and 16
all-campus elections.
All petitions must be returned by
6 p.m. Monday to 1020 Administra-
tion Bldg.
No petitions for Student Gov-
ernment Council positions were
picked up yestercay- leaving the
total of potential candidates at
23. There are 11 elective SGC

-Daily-Dick Gaskiil
T UE PRINT LOAN COLLECTION will be open this week for
students to pick up pictures on order and check out unloaned.
prints. Going into its 17th semester of providing art at a nominal
fee, the collection numbers over .2,000 including duplicates. It
will be open all semester for students to browse, and choose un-
claimed prints. A wide selection of smaller pictures as well as
larger sizes are still available. Office hours this week will be
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m., 8 a.m. to 12 p.m on Saturday.
aMulti-Billion.-Dollar Road
P1lan Set for Congress
WASHINGTON (A)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced
yesterday he'll send his multi-billion-dollar highway program to Con-
gress early next week.
A Senate subcommittee also fixed Monday for hearings on a rival
highway plan backed by Democrats.
The stage thus was set for what is likely to become one of the
most heated political battles of the year-over whether there is to be a
new and vastly expanded road pro-.
gram and, if so, where the money
will come from. R epeal
Committee Program F r " s T l
A special presidential highway tate
committee headed by Gen. Lucius
D. Clay, retired, came out a month LANSING, 4RP)-A repeal of the
ago with a 101 billion dollar pro- law authorizing a toll road sys-
gram that would be financed in tem for Michigan was asked yes-
part by a new federal lending terday by Sen. William S. Broom-
agency. field (R-Royal Oak).
At that time, Pres. Eisenhower Broomfield said he would intro-
announced he'd send his highway duce legislation to cancel the 1952
proposals to Congress Jan. 27. law setting up the State Turnpike
Cries of anguish came from some Authority. This gave the authority
Senate Democrats who contended power to build toll expressways
the program involved "sleight-of- between Detroit and Saginaw and
hand financing." between Detroit and southwestern
The Administration changed its Michigan en route to Chicago,
mind and put off submission of Broomfield said the toll road
the program. law was passed at a time when a
No Official Word lot of people thought there was
Na -d no other way to handle heavy
There was no official word on traffic on the two routes.
whether the Clay committee pro- "Now," he said, "There is a big
posals had been changed, but Dem- federal aid program in the offing
ocratic leaders said they would and Michigan itself obviously is
not be surprised to see some elab- going to have some kind of a ma-
orate shifts from the Clay financ- jor highway construction program
ing plan. in the near future.
Clay called for increasing the "Therefore, it seems senseless to
nationwide highway bill from the go into an expensive toll road
present rate of 47 billion dollars program."
over the next 10 years to 101 bil- Broomfield said that road men
lion. and state officials he had talked
Much of the additional money with agreed Michigan did not
would involve the building of a need toll roads to compete with
40,000-mile network of interstate it's freeways.
highways which would link the From Oakland County, Broom-
major population centers of the field represents a district where
country. there has been opposition to a

Room,, Board
Rate Hikes
Levy Says Fees
May Increase 50
A possible $50 increaseof room
and board rates for next year is
being discussed this week by resi-
dence hall occupants, Inter-House
Council President Stan Levy, '55
said yesterday.
According to a brief sent to
house officers by the IHC, infor-
mation on the possible rate hike
was received from fairly reliable
sources but nothing definite or
conclusive has been decided upon.
The "fairly reliable sources" are
University officials
"It has not been discussed by
;he Residence Hall Board of Gov-,
ernors as yet, though I expect it
probably will be on the agenda
at the next meeting of the Board,"
Levy's brief reads.
Women Hear Plans
Monday at the joint Assembly-
Dormitory and League House
Council meeting, Assembly presi-
dent Hazel Frank, '56 presented
the possibility of an increase.
The representatives to bot
councils will meet again Monda .
At this time they will bring back
the opinions of the 3,000 woen4"
they represent which will be sab-
mitted to the Board of Governors
at the March 1 meeting.
Miss Frank said, "Assembly ws
very glad of being informed gl oq
the possibility of a raise in room
and board prior to the actual deci-
sion as to whether or not this will
go into effect."
No Notification Before
When the last room and board
increase was approved by the
Board, residence hall leaders were
not notified prior to the decision.
On March 11, 1953, the decision.
to raise dormitory rates $34
brought forth a motion by IHC
"opposing any final action in the
rate change by the Board of Gov-
ernors until the IHC is. informed
as to the need of the change."
This is the first time the MO.
has been given the opportunity to
discuss possible changes in room
and board rates before they are
definitely decided upon.
Funds Split
Levy's brief, now being discussed
by residents of the quadrangles,
says the $50 increase, if levied,
would be split up with $12 going
for Social Security and additional
labor increases. The remaining $38
would be used for reserves to con-
struct a new residence hall.
The $12 for labor is needed, ac-
cording to the. brief, because
"mandatory wage increases have
been given to permanent em-
ployes." In the two years two cost-
of-living raises have gone to em-
ployes of the residence halls sys-
Another reason for the $12 in-
crease is that under a new federal
law all state employes are eligible
for Social Security. Quadrangle
employes have indicated they de-
sire it.
New Residence Hal {
Continuing, the brief indicates
the remaining $38 could be used
to help finance a new residence
hall probably opening during the
1957-58 school year.
To refinance a residence hall,
the University would use addi-
tional funds to buy outstanding
bonds used to pay for existing

Levy's brief reiterates the fact
that enrollment will start growing
slowly to a peak of about 30,000
to 35,000 students by 1965. Next
year the anticipated enrollment
increase is about 1,500.
To handle this future influx of
University students additional res-
idence halls will have to be built.
There are two reasons for this,
the IHC president says in the
Reasons for Residences
1) "A survey of private housing
nr ---rf. .m b .ho Stirnt.n

Lady in Blue

Dodds To Tali at Honors Program

Harold W..Dodds, president of
Princeton University, will speak on
"What is a University?" at the
32nd Honors Convocation to be
held at 11 a.m., May 13, in Hill
Auditorium, Assistant to the Pres-
ident Erich A. Walter announced
Students who achieved an aver-
age of 3.5 or better for the past
two semesters or who receive spec-
ia1 awards based on outstanding

Grove City College in 1909. He
received a Master of Arts from
Princeton in 1914 and a Doctor
of Philosophy degree in political
science from the University of
Pennsylvania in 1917.
Youngest President
He joined the Princeton faculty
in 1925 to teach municipal govern-
ment and public administration
after having taught at Swarth-

f : .a. .,".:: t: Cvi:
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