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May 17, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-17

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TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1955





Art Major Likes Imaginative Style,

-Daily-Ssther Goudsmit
THE WINNERS-Directed by song leader Rose Savarino, Kappa
Kappa Gamma took first place in the annual WAA-sponsored Lan-
tern Night Sing in Hill Auditorium last night.
Lantern Night Winners
Receive Coveted Cup

High excitement reigned in Hill
p Auditorium last night as Kappa
Kappa Gamma copped the first
place Lantern Night Sing trophy
and Delta Delta Delta, for the sec-
ond consecutive time, took top
honors for posture.
Singing a lively arrangement of
the old favorite "Erie Canal," the
Kappas were directed by Rose Sav-
arino and sponsored by Pi Beta
Phi. r
With tartan plaids flung over
their shoulders, the Tri-Delts, led
by Mary Ellen Eckert sang a
"Brigadoon Medley," while Helen
Newberry coeds provided moral
Y support.
Far-Away Theme Presented
A medley with a far-away theme
was presented by the Alpha Delta
Pi's, winning second place in the
Directed by song leader 'Gwen
Williamson, Martha Cook present-



Abstract Painting
Expresses Mood,
Feeling of Artist
"Abstract painting is often the
best way to express a mood or
feeling," Coralyn Fitz remarked re-
The tall brunette who plans a
career in commercial art was
speaking of a canvas that decor-
ates the wall above her bed.
"A person usually relates an ab-
straction with his own experi-
ence," she continued, describing
various interpretations friends had
made of her oil painting.
Early- Interest Shown
Miss Fitz, a junior in the School
of Architecture and Design, hails
from Detroit. Her interest in art
dates back to grammar school
days. "I used to attendhSaturday
morning art classes," she recalls,
"and later thosesin Detroit's Art
Fouryears at Cass Technical
High School were the next step in
her art education. Commercial art
was stressed there. "It was too re-
alistic," Miss Fitz declared. "I felt
like a"human camera."
She remarked that many of De-
troit's artists have no training oth-
er than that received at Cass Tech.
Michigan Encourages Expression
"I've learned a lot at Michigan,"
the drawing and painting major
said. "The idea of art is much more
liberal and free expression is en-
Hers is a familiar face in the
Student Publications Building, as
she often makes sketches for The
Daily and Generation. As a sopho-
more, Miss Fitz was a member of
the Generation Art Staff.
With labs from 8 a.m. to noon
Monday through Saturday, Miss
Fitz has a full schedule. One of
her favorite courses, information
and design, consists of designing
bulletins for small campus activi-
ties. In addition, the class has been
working with medical school publi-
Strives To Get Interest
"We're trying to get away from
standard prints," the active coed
explained. "The main object is to
build up circulation and make it
less dry."
"There are really two problems
involved," the art student contin-
ued while pulling out several pam-
phlets the class had just finished,
"Do you want to make a bulletin
for a research doctor or one the
layman will want to read?"
Mural painting and print mak-.
ing which includes practice in
lithographs, etchings and wood

'Big Sisters'
Help Coeds
Assembly Program
Guides New Students
The first few weeks on campus
can be a very confusing and hectic
experience for the new freshman
or transfer coed.
Assembly's Big Sister program
was established to help these new
students in becoming acquainted
with the school, planning their
programs and even on wearing the
appropriate clothes. Every fresh-
man and transfer student is as-
signed a big sister in her dorm to
ease the problems during the try-
ing period of orientation.
Coeds interested in serving as
big- sisters receive the names of
their little sisters from the dorm
chairman of the program. They
should contact the incoming stu-
dents during the summer and try
to give them any details necessary
before arriving at school.
A booklet about assembly, "As-
sembly Lines," which is sent to all
new coeds, is being revised. Mere-
dith Tigel, Big Sister chairman,
said that this year's booklet would
be in the form of a dictionary and
would include various phases of
life on the Michigan campus.
The Big Sister program sponsors
functions throughout the year.
Starting Orientation Week is the
Big-Little Sister picnic to be held
on Sunday, September 18.

-Daily-Dick GaskiU
CREATIVE ABILITY-Imagination and moods fare vividly ex-
pressed by Coralyn Fitz, an art major whose career and interest


ed "Song of Praise," winning sec-
ond place posture award.
Members of Delta Gamma, with
a humorous medley concerning
"Men," copped third place awards
for both singing and posture.
"We Saw the Sea" Was Sung
"We Saw the Sea," was present-
ed by Betsy Barbour coeds, led by
Mary Cyms and sponsored by Al-
pha Chi Omega.
Supported by Jordan Hall, a re-
ligious mood prevailed as Chi
Omega's sang "Master of Human
Plato and Socrates were prin-
cipal characters in the Kappa Al-
pha Theta version of "Philoso-
Gamma Phi Beta's sang the
"ABC Song," led by Barbara Mar-
riottsand sponsored by Tyler
"Mammy's Lil Pigeon," was pre-
sented by the Kappa Deltas.

is demonstrated in her work.
cuts, fill in the rest of Miss Fritz's
During her spare time this ver-
satile coed works at the University
Television studio. "We concentrate
mainly on making charts, models
and other visual aids for the use
of lecturers," Miss Fritz com-
Making many gestures, the
drawing and painting major who
"loves to talk," described one of
her projects. "It was a scale model
of the heart used to supplement a
medical discussion. We used ar-
rows to show the path of blood,
working the mechanism from be-
hind with cardboard and wheels."
Title and credit card designs
with a different twist are another,
one of her specialties. A series on

Approximately one-hundred and
sixty-five prospective freshmen
students will attend Freshman
Rendezvous which is sponsored by
the Student Religious Association.
This program takes place three
days before Freshman Orientation
and has been in existence for the
past five years.
Its purpose is to help orientate
freshmen to campus life, parti-
cularly to the religious activities
that are available at the Univer-
To Be Held at Two Places
This is the first time that Fresh-
man Rendezvous will be held in
two places, at the Fresh Air Camp
and at the Detroit Recreational
Under the leadership of Ted
Beals, president of SRA, sixty stu-
dent counselors of different back-
grounds who have been chosen by
a special committee of SRA, will
help to answer many of the ques-
tions of the prospective freshman.

The whole theme of Freshman
Rendezvous is one of informality.
Michigan Life To Be Discussed
On Friday,, after lunch, an op-
ening assembly will be held to dis-
cuss life at Michigan. Afterwards
the students will assemble at their
cabins and prepare for the week-
Friday evening, after a dinner
with the religious leaders of the
campus, services will be held for
students of the Jewish faith and
on Sunday services will be held
for the Christian students.
Dean Deborah Bacon and Dean
Walter Rea will speak to the stu-
dents on Saturday. Also a profes-
sor from each department will be
on hand to answer various ques-
tions that deal with his depart-
On Sunday a closing assembly
will be held which will summarize
Freshman Rendezvous, its activi-
ties and its purposes.

Students To Obtain Advice
At Freshman Rendezvous

"Understanding Foreign Policy" is
now in the making.
Summer Experience Gained
Miss Fitz has spent past sum-
mers working in a commercial art
studio in Detroit. "It's been fun
and I've gained lots of experience,"
she reports.
Recently she was elected presi-
dent of Newberry House for next
year. The architecture and design
junior was recently tapped by Sen-
ior Society, a senior women's hon-
orary. Miss Fitz was also a mem-
ber of Assembly Dormitory Coun-
cil and Women's Senate.
Mobiles for Frosh Weekend and
Michigras are also to the credit of
this active art student who served
as decorations chairman for her

I crob Ca'tpu4


PFC Courses Aid Women
To Acquire- Correct Posture

will be a Wyvern meeting at noon
today in the Rumpus Room of the
League. Members are asked to
bring lunch money.
Dormitory Big Sister Chairmen
will meet at 3 p.m. today at the
* * *
viewing for the American Friends
program is being held from 3 to 5
p.m. until Friday in the League
Undergraduate Office, Coeds will
be selected and assigned to for-
eign women who will study here
next year.
nals in the WAA sponsored all
campus women's tennis tourna-
ment will be played at 3:30 p.m.
today on the Palmer Field Courts.
* * *
There will be a meeting of orien-
tation leaders at 7 p.m. today in
the League.
* * *
ciety will hold a meeting at 9 p.m.
today in the Kalamazoo Room of
the League. Old and new members
are invited.

--- - =il

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Two Large Eye Clinics
University Environment. New
Dorms and Apartments on large
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Your Liberal Arts Credits Ap-
plicable for Entrance (60 Semes-
ter Credits in Specified Courses.)
3243 South Michigan Avenue
Technology Curter, Chicago 16, IIn.

Rooms in Barbour Gymnasium
where PFC classes are conducted
usually contain an assortment of
coeds swinging from bars, walking,
with books perched on their heads
and exercising on floor mats.
PFC refers to the Posture, Fig-
ure and Carriage classes offered by
the Women's Physical Education
department. Aiming at improving
the physical appearances of the
women enrolled, the course stresses
exercising as its means.
Improvement is determined by
before and after profile pictures.
The first photograph gives the in-
structor a record of the posture
faults of her students. She is then
able to work out individual exer-
cise patterns which will be used
after the first four weeks of gen-
eral exercise.
Classes Given for Eight Weeks
Because of the limited eight
week period for which the course
is scheduled no drastic improve-
ments are expected.
The instructors hope that the
coeds will use the knowledgeob-
tained and apply it to sitting,
standing and relaxing.
If the students are concerned
they will continue their specialized
exercising. Noticeable results re-

quire an average of three months
of faithful work.
Before 1947 PFC was required of
all freshmen coeds who received
a posture grade of C or beiow.
Joining the ranks of the "required
courses," it suffered a similar fate
in the hostile attitudes of the coeds
In 1949 it was opened to all
freshmen and recommended to all
coeds who received poor posture

f.. - ,
$! y( _
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Spend this summer at!
Beautiful Whitmore Lake
Two large rooms with private bath, everything
furnished-electricity, linens, hot water, cook-
ing utensils, large yard-private beach and
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$400, June 10- Sept. 10. Call for appointment.
NO 2-4477
(Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek," etc.)
Sumer is icumen in;
Lhude sing cuccu!
Thus, as every schoolboy knows, begins T. S. Eliot's immortal
Hiawatha. And no wonder "The Boy Orator of the Platte" (as
T. S. Eliot is commonly called) was moved to pen such light-
hearted lines! For summer (or the "vernal equinox" as it is
frequently referred to) is the happiest season of the year, mild
and balmy and contented-making.
Whichbrings us, of course, to Philip Morris Cigarettes. They,
too, are mild and balmy and contented-making. But that is not
all. They are also genial, placid, and amiable. But that is still not
all. They are, moreover, smooth, pacific, and lenient. But hold!
There is more. They are, in addition, tranquillizing, clement, and
Indeed the list could go on and on, until every adjective is
exhausted that would describe the mildness of Philip Morris,
the subtlety of their blending, the delicacy of their flavor. What
more perfect companion could be found to a summer's day?
What more apt complement to a summer's night?
If you have been pleased with Philip Morris through the win-
ter and spring-as who has not who has a taste bud left in his
head?-you will find your pleasure compounded, your enjoyment
trebled, when you smoke Philip Morris in the warm and joyous
months before you.
My own plans for the summer (except that I will smoke Philip
Morris through all my waking hours) are still vague. I have been
invited to attend a writers conference, but I don't think I'll ac-
cept. I've been attending writers conferences for years, and I
always have a perfectly rotten time. The trouble is that Alexan-
dre Dumas and Harriet Beecher Stowe are always there. Not
that I have anything against these two swell kids; it's just that it
breaks my heart to see them. They're so in love-so terribly de-
voted and so hopelessly! Dumas will never divorce Jane Eyre
while she is with Peary at the North Pole, and Miss Stowe has
long since despaired of getting her release from the Pittsburgh
Pirates. So hand in hand, brave and forlorn, they go from writers
conference to writers conference while Dumas works on his mon-
umental Stover at Yale.
No, thank you, I'll do without writers conferences this summer.
I think instead I'll try to improve my fishing. As Izaak Walton
once said, "No man is born an artist or an angler." I often turn
to the works of Walton (or "The Fordham Flash" as he is fa-
miliarly called) when I am searching for a choice aphorism. In
fact, I told him so when we met some years ago at a writers
conference. Walton was accompanied, as always, by Henrik
Ibsen (or "The Pearl of the Pacific" as he is known as). They -
Ibsen ("The Pearl of the Pacific") and Walton ("The Fordham
Flash")-were collaborating on Mister Roberts at the time, but
they fell to quarreling and abandoned the project and the world,
as a consequence, was deprived of a truly robust and entertain-
ing comedy.
It is not uncommon, I must say, for writers to fall into dispute.
They are, after all, a sensitive and high-strung lot. I'll never
forget what William Makepeace Thackeray (or "The Body" as he
was universally called) once said to me. "You show me a good
writer," said Thackeray, "and I'll steal his wife."
Well, as I was saying, I think I'll give writers conferences a
miss this summer, and I recommend that you do the same. Why
don't you just take it easy? Swim and fish and sail and smoke and
read and sleep and tan your lithe young limbs. I want the best
for you because-if I may get a little misty in this, my final
column of the year-I think you should know that it's been real
kicks for me, delivering this nonsense to you each week.
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