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May 17, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-17

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TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1955


Hartwig Relaxes; Job Still Gets Done

Says German, American
Youth Problems Similar


(Editor's Note: The reader is cau-
tioned to take with a grain of salt

efficiently-doesn't waste a


parts of the following which were
gathered in an off-guard moment.
Managing Editor of The Daily is
a job that requires much time and
hard work.
At least that's what everyone
thought until Gene Hartwig, '55,
came along and made it look easy.
He was merely practicing his phil-
osophy toward jobs of the type-
"spend as little time as possible
and still get things done."
He quickly insists, however, "Not
that I'm shirking duty. But I re-
cognize the value of relaxation."
Obviously, one who can effectively
accomplish a job like Hartwig's
and relax at the same tiie must
be strangely efficient.
Hates Efficiency
"I can't stand efficiency," he
says sharply. With a wry grin, he
adds, "I'm not as cold-hearted
and efficient as you think."
But some of his colleagues at
The Daily, those who know him
well, disagree. One says he is "very
meticulous in things mental as well
as physical." Another sees it from
a different angle. "He's efficient
in a subtle sort of way. He's so
sly about it."
All this adds up, they add, to his
being a "good administrator." He
"makes it a pleasure for people to
work with and for him" and "he
can effectively delegate work to
his Daily colleagues." But Hartwig
continues to deny his own effi-
Dislikes Systems
Part of this is his dislike for'
"systems, or sweeping plans for
sdving problems." He prefers a
"cross your bridges when you come
to them" approach. "No problem
should be taken too seriously" any-
way, he explains. "There's always
something to laugh at, something
bright about everything."
But he doesn't consider himself
necessarily optimistic, rather, "re-
alistic." It's "pathetic when a so-
called student leader takes him-
self or his job too seriously. One
must have a good sense of pro-
portion, he concludes. "It's im-
portant to retain a sense of hu-
Dry Humor
His Daily friends have opinions
on his sense of humor, also. It's
"very dry, but delicious." One of
his favorite words, by the way, is
With his sense of humor comes
a certain shyness. A coed, who for
obvious reasons wishes to remain
anonymous, said, "The women
wish he wouldn't be so shy around
them. He stays away from them,
but they wish he wouldn't."
In partial answer, Hartwig says,
"It's still a man's world and cam-
pus, despite the Dean of Women's
Office." He insisted it was "des-
pite" and not "because of." Ex-
plaining how he kept order in The
Daily senior editorial office where
women were dominant in numbers
by four to two, Hartwig remarked:
"You have to talk back to them.
You have to keep them in their
Drinks Efficiently
The reply to this is one more ex-
ample of his efficiency. "He drinks
Concert Slated
For Tomorrow

About drinking, Hartwig says,
"The University's drinking restric-
tions are neanderthal and ice-age.
The only way a person can learn
to drink like a gentleman is to
drink in a gentlemanly atmos-
phere, which the University can-
not provide."
The only other aspect of Univer-
sity life that annoys him enough
to deserve mention is the driving
ban. "There are more cars pour-
ing in every year despite the Uni-
versity's attempt to more rigor-
ously enforce a ban," he observes
with a smile.
He remembers seeing only two
or three cars in the fraternity lot
when he first came here. Now the
lot is full, he observes.
Sir Cedric
His fraternity affiliation is Phi
Gamma Delta where he has been
corresponding secretary for the
last year and enjoys "hundreds"*
of nicknames. Among the best are
"Sir Cedric (Hartwig)" and "The
Old Fossil." Explaining the latter,
he says, "I am an old fossil."
He is known mostly for his ad-
miration of things English. "A real
Anglophile" is the way one friend
describes him. Another says, "He
has great respect for aristocracy."
It is hardly surprising, then; to
hear him remark, "I suppose one
could say I'm conservative. In the
tradition of Edmund Burke," he
adds. But "he's the most sensible
conservative I have ever known,"
one of his liberal colleagues ad-
Proud Republican
Hartwig prides himself some-
what on being one of the few Re-
publicans on a paper 'that is re-
puted not to know what one is. He
can't explain exactly how he decid-
ed to work on The Daily. He had
worked on his high school paper
and literary magazine in Cleve-
land. He "came here resolved not
again." But he got "bored not hav-
ing anything to do" and ended'up
to go into anything like that
on The Daily.
He considers his connection with
The Daily his "most valuable ex-
perience on campus, this because,
on The Daily one deals with very
real situations, and has to accept
responsibility for the way you
handle things." After all, "when
you work on The Daily, the public
sees your mistakes."
Daily Trauma
The upshot of this is "day-to-
dy trauma." But he considers
India Will .Be
Lecture Topic
"The Foreign Policy of India"
will be the subject of a lecture by
Prof. Nidamarulu Srinivasan of
Andhra University at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Rackham Amphithe-
Prof. Srinivasan is a lecturer in
the political science department
visiting from Andhra in Waltair,
India. He is the author of the
book "Democratic Government of
India" and has served on the
Drafting Committee of the Indian
Constituent Assembly.
In the United States under a
Smith-Mundt law grant, Prof.
Srinivasan spent the first semes-
ter of the current academic year
at Harvard University, where he
did research in federal-state re-
At the University he is teaching
a course in the government'and
politics of India.
Prof. Srinivasan's lecture is op-
en to the public.

Emil Kemmer, Chairman of the
German Bundestag Committee on
Youth Affairs, yesterday described
Germany's special youth programs
as a necessity caused by World
War II.
Kemmer's visit to the Universi-
ty was part of his tour through the
United States to view phases of
youth work which will help him in
planning programs for the prepa-
ration of German youth for their
role in civilian and military life.
He is particularly interested in
youth affairs related to welfare
problems and those related to rec-
reational and character building
Accompanied by his interpreter,
Berthold von Stauffenberg, and
Prof. Henfy Bretton of the politi-
cal science department, Kemmer
said that there is a good deal of
similarity between the United
States and Germany in prevention
and control of juvenile delinquency
and problems of asocial youth.
Commenting on recent attempts
at comic-book banning in this
country, Kemmer said that Ger-
many has a law controlling the
distribution of "objectionable pub-
Since the German constitution
forbids censorship as such, he said,
it is not possible to stop the print-
ing of material which might have
a bad influence on the youth of
However, he continued, such
material cannot be sold on news-
stands. Only bookstores may dis-
tribute the "objectionable publica-
tions" because they can be checked
closer on sales to minors.
Sales of these publications are
regulated by a federal examining
board, comprised of publishers and
those interested in protecting the
youths from materials of a poor
Anindex of "objectionable pub-
lications" is set up by the board

upon two-thirds vote of the mem-
bers, and any material on the in-
dex is banned for sale to German
Asked about any tendencies to
lower the voting age in Germany,
Kemmer said that present senti-
ment favors maintaining the 21-
year-old status quo.
Concerning German rearma-
ment and its possible effect on
youth problems, the 41-year-old
Bundestag member said that such
problems have existed in every age
and expressed the opinion that
rearmament would not create any
new ones.
He said that the draft would in
no way interfere with programs to
help German youth. .
The German government sub-
sidizes many of the private pro-
grams sponsored by churches, po-
litical and other groups. Both
Catholic and Protestant churches,
as well as trade unions, political
parties and organizations such as
Boy Scouts and sports clubs have
established programs.
Kemmer said there are many in-
stitutions of the Boys' Town type
in Germany.
The gang problem in Germany is
much smaller than in this coun-
try, he observed. Although young
people are the same everywhere, he
said, it appears that the Americans
have a more serious responsibility
in this respect.
Changing the subject briefly to
the attitude of the German popu-
1 a t i o n regarding rearmament,
Kemmer said that the great ma-
jority of the Germans see the
necessity of such a program in
spite of their reluctance to par-
ticipate in it.
Kemmer and his interpreter,
von Stauffenberg, are both par-
ticipants in the Foreign Leader
Program of the International Ed-
ucational Exchange Service of the
Department of State.

(Continued from Page 4)
Doctoral Examination for Donald Lee
Dean, Civil Engineering; thesis: "A
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Tall
Flexible Towers," Wed., May 18, 307
West Engineering Bldg., at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman, L. C. Maugh.
Doctoral Examination for Phillip Al-
exander Yantis, Speech; thesis: "Ef-
fects of Inner Ear Pathology on Aural
Overload," Wed., May 18, 1007 East Hu-
ron Street, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
George Herman.
Doctoral, Exaninatin for Harold Bier-
man. Jr., Business Administration; the-
sis: "The Effect of Inflation on Depreci-
ation and the Computation of Income
of Public Utilities for the Years 1940
to 1953." Wed., May 18, 816 School of
Business Administration, at 3:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. A. Paton.
Doctoral Examination for Walter Co-
hen, Psychology; thesis: "Comparisons
of Homogeneous Ginzfelds with Ganz-
felds Containing Simple Figures," Wed.,
May 18, 7611 Haven Hall, at 10:15 a.m.
Chairman, C. R. Brown.
Doctoral Examination for Jane Hag-
gart, Pharmacology; thesis: "On the
Mechanism of the vascular Action of
Morphine," Wed., May 18, 103 Pharma-
cology Building, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
L. A. Woods.

cert, previously announced for Tues.,
May 17, has been changed to Wed., May
18, in Hill Auditorium.
Events Today
Drama Season. "Gentlemen. The
Queens." starring Helen Hayes. May 16-
21, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. 8:30
p.m.; matinee Thurs. and Sat., 2:30 p.m.
Rusky Kruzhok will meet Tues.. May
17. at 8:00 p.m. in the International
Center. The Russian dance group will
perform. Conversation in Russian and
refreshments. Open to public.
Coming Events
Meeting of the newly activated Il Cir-
colo italiano (Italian Club) in the
League Tues., May 17 at 8:00 p.m. Elec-
tion of officers for the coming year and
appointment of committees to carry
out next year's program.
Congregational - Disciples Guild. 4:30-
5:45 p.m., Tea in the Guild House.
Free showing of "The Search," half-
hour film on the English Language In-
stitute, Angell Hall, Auditorium C, at
4:15 p.m. Wed., May 18.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
Wed., May 18, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
Le Cercle Francais, poetry contest
Wed., May 18, 8:00 p.m. in the Women's
League. Anyone may participate by re-
citing a short poem in French. Prizes.
Annual spring meeting of Alpha of
Michigan Chapter of Beta Gamma Sig-
ma, Thurs.; May 19. at 3:00 p.m. in the
Faculty-Alumni Lounge, 'ninth floor,
School of Business Administration
building. Keys and certificates will be
presented to new members, informal
coffee hour.


--Dkily-John Hirtzel
... efficient efficiency hater


traumas so frequent that they lose
much of their effectiveness.
As a result of his Daily activity,
he eventually- found himself a
member of the board of directors
of the University Development
Council, of the erstwhile Student
Affairs Committee, and presently
of Student Government Council bet-
sides serving as chairman of the
[National Association for a Free
College Press.
Trembling Twig
In the meantime, he was tapped
by Sphinx, Toastmasters, and last
but not least, Michigamua. His
Tribe name is "Trembling Twig,"
which refers to his delicate physi-
cal structure and to his reaction to
cold water at initiation.
One can understand why he
must find time for relaxation in
the midst of work. When he finds
it, 'he uses it at a local tavern or

listening to classical music. He
"doesn't like hobbies. People have
hobbies because they don't know
what to do with themselves and
have to keep busy."
Lives Fully
Hartwig prefers "living as fully
and richly as possible, meeting
people and talking to them, rather
than artificial escapes" like hob-
bies. He likes "a good book, rea-
sonably serious, concerning history
or political science. I gave up nov-
els about four years ago."
For the record, he's in pre-legal
studies and will still be on campus
next year, attending the Law
School here.
He will not be working on The
Daily, but promises to "watch it
with -the critical viewpoint of a
reader instead of that of an edi-

University Symphony Orchestra





Any washable rugs





Weekend News Roundup

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as the foreign ministers of the
four occupying powers signed th
long - anticipated Austrian peace
Russia's Molotov, France's Pin-
ay, England's Macmillan and the
United States' Dulles put their sig-
natures to the document ending 17
years of occupation, first by. the
Nazis and later by the Allies.
The treaty recognizes Austria's
independence within her present
boundaries, forbids an economic or
political union with Germany and
requires that democratic institu-
tions be upheld.
s * .
NEUTRALITY will be Russia's
price for German unity, Foreign
Minister Molotov indicated after
signing the Austrian peace treaty.
He said his country would work for
a German settlement which would
"correspond to the legitimate ef-
forts of the German people for re-
establishing their unity without
reviving their militarism."
on governmental reorganization
recommended yesterday that 1000

federal enterprises be closed or
turned over to private enterprise.
Cited as competing with private
business were military commissar-
ies and post exchanges, bakeries,
clothing and dry cleaning plants
and meat-cutting houses.
A gradual end to the Postal Sav-
ings system was also recommended,
following a similar suggestion ear-
lier by Postmaster General Arthur
Fordham University
Member of Assn. of American Low
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
Matriculants must be College grad-
uates and present full transcript of
College record
Orientation lectures-incoming
students Sept. 8 and 9
Classes Begin Sept. 12, 1955
For further information address
302 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y.

314 S. State
627 S. Main

619 Park and
1304 South University





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