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May 17, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-17

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TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1955

Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Wisconsin Campus Stirred
X t
By ewspaper-Legion Batte
WISCONSIN was stirred a short time ago ter the Milwaukee Journal questioned serious-
by rumored attempts to investigate the ly the Legion's intent in preparing a list of
staff of the University's student newspaper, Cardinal staff members.
the Daily Cardinal. In the middle of the repercussions the Wis-
The rumored investigation, inspired by a consin Legion denied any intent to investigate
Cardinal editorialist's criticism of the Ameri- the Cardinal staff.
can Legion, may be a fizzle. However other
aspects of the situation deserve comments THE DENIAL said the list was prepared only
The whole episide started when Daily Card- to be sent to Legion posts around the state
inal editor Fred C. Fischer. wrote a series of and to people "we do, business with."
editorials criticizing the Legion for: 1) sup- From the denial it appears the Legion is not
porting a bill before the State Legislature to threatening direct censorship on the Daily
set up a permanent Assembly committee to Cardinal. Since the Cardinal is not an of fi-
investigate subversion in Wisconsin and to cial University publication this would be ex-
require teachers and state employes to take tremely difficult anyway.
loyally oaths. Pressures by the Legion on the State Legisla-
2) For the Legion's attack on the Girl Scout ture to be transferred to the University would
Manual, which the Illinois Legion contended not mean censorship bf the newspaper. How-
subscribed to some "un-American" principles. ever there seems to be a more subtle censor-
ship intended here by the Legion. One, per-
KNOWN to be dissatisfied with the editorial haps, that becomes somewhat more serious.
comment at the time of its appearance
the Legion apparently had ignored it pub- THIS LIST is to be sent around to the "peo-
licly. Then recently came word the Wisconsin ple the Legion does business with." Is the
Legion was planning a full-scale investigation list to be used as a blacklist of members of
of the staff of the Cardinal. the Cardinal staff when they look for em-
Presumably in preparation for the probe ployment? or is this list being prepared to point
the Legion prepared a list of names and home out dangerous radicals to Wisconsin business-
states of all Cardinal staff members and dis- men?
tributed them to key Legion personnel. If it is, then implications are ominous. It's
The list was distributed, according to re- the worst kind of deprivation of freedom. Wis-
ports, as a "confidential newsletter" and sent consin students with courage to say what they
out by the adjutant's office of the state Legion think should not be haunted by witch-hunters
headquarters in Milwaukee. in their future business contacts around the
THE NEWS STORY appearing in the Madi- Wisconsin editors are not afraid of the Le-
son Capital Times said "it has been known gion and don't actually think the Legion is
for some time the Legion has been resentful going to make them pay for their critcism.
of some of the Cardinal editorial stands and But the Legion has been quiet. It has not
the presence on the staff of out-of-state stu- said what it wants the names for. It should
dents. make itself clear. If the Legion wants to in-
The news of the possible investigation stirred timidate the Press, especially the college press,
comment. it might at least try more direct methods.
The University of Wisconsin Student Senate This kind of tactics supposedly went out with
immediately passed a resolution supporting th8e the Marquis of Queensbury.
Cardinal's editorial independence." Shortly af- -Dave Baad
Salk Vaccine Control Lacking

Little-Four Meeting
- - to. ., ! . -,1 ". k

'Queens' Vignettes
Prove Dull Drama
HAVING INVITED so eminent and talented a guest as Miss Helen
Hayes to grace Lydia Mendelssohn Theater in their second pro-
duction, the Drama Season has seen fit to showcase the versatility
of the star, rather than offering its audiences a single dramatic work.
They call their series of interludes "Gentlemen, the Queens" since
it happens that each of the four sequences presented has to do with
one female monarch or another. The episodes are vaguely tied together
by a narrator who emerges through the curtain in period costume to
furnish an intimate historical rundown on what has happened "until
now," as the magazine serials say. There is some implication that one
will learn after the evening is over
that queens have a great deal in cast well and there is an engaging
common. This, like most other ex- roughneck quality about the show
pectations for the production, is, in spite of her very mediocre sup-
however, disappointed. port. Eventually, however, Shaw
* * * oes co and she winds iu inter-



definitely not the thing here, that
would not matter so much if the
individual vignettes were more in-
teresting in themselves. \As it is,
however, even though three of the
four are parts of larger plays, one
feels no real desire to see any
more of them than has been pre-
sented. To look at it one way, you
have been spared a lot of dull
history that undoubtedly preceded
the "big scene." Also, you have
gotten a peek at so much that has
been going on on Broadway while
you were far away. But on the
other hand, so what?
Miss Hayes proves herself dur-
ing the evening to be an accom-
plished aria singer, her range ex-
tending all .the way from "They
Call Me Little Mother" in Shaw's
"Great Catherine" to "Asleep in
the Deep, Dark Dunisinane" from
"MacBeth." All things considered,
it is probably the Shaw, which is
complete, that is the plum of the
evening. In this one, Miss Hayes
mixes it up with the rest of the

SUVO %dy.;VY t ' 1C p1ASU 1 .AJ
minably tickling a British soldier
with the toe of her slipper.
"MacBETH" THE CAST handles
gingerly and much as if it is al-
ready a museum piece. We are told
that Shakespeare was thrilled be-
cause "MacBeth rhymed with
death," then are shown Miss Hayes
playing a couple of the meaty
scenes something in the manner
of a J. P. Marquand wife. Transi-
tion between the murder scene and
the sleepwalking scene is grace-
fully provided and MacBeth him-
self manages to tear off the "to-
morrow and tomorrow" soliloquy
before the curtain falls.
The final two sections featured
Miss Hayes as Mary, Queen of
Scots, in Maxwell Anderson's
"death before dishonor" play call-
ed "Mary of Scotland," and finally
as a well-controlled old woman in
Housman's "Victoria Regina." Cos-
tumes and sets were the whole
show here, almost engulfing at
last even Miss Hayes.
-William Wiegand



Averell Asks Adlai To Decide


THERE HAVE been few gover-
nors of New York in recent
years who have not been candi-
dates for President. And most of
these--except for Dewey and Al
Smith-have been elected.
That's why every political prog-
nosticator in the country has been
asking whether Governor Averell
Iarriman would be the next Demo-
cratic nominee. I asked the ques-
tion of Harriman direct.
"If I have any political ambi-
tions," he replied, "it is to do such
a job as Governor that the people
of New York State will reelect me
in 1958."
* * *
THAT, OF COURSE, was the
usual official answer. But private-
ly I ascertained that Harriman
will not be a candidate if his old
friend Adlai Stevenson wants to
run. He feels Adlai has first call
and he will give him all his sup-
However, Averell had a talk with
Adlai about a month ago in which
he warned him to make up his
mind soon, not leave the Demo-
cratic Party up in the air at the
last minute.
And if Adlai decides not to run,
you can mark it down as certain

that Averell Harriman, the young-
ish-looking millionaire who is not
ashamed to stand by the New Deal
which first sponsored him, will be
a potent candidate for President,
* * *
became Governor of New York last
January he invited Ossie Heck of
Schenectady, Republican Speaker
of the N.Y. Assembly, over to the
Governor's mansion for a social
Heck had issued one of the most
effective pieces of Republican cam-
paign propaganda against Harri-
man during the closing days 'of
the campaign and almost defeated
him. However, the new Democratic
Governor invited him around to
the Governor's mansion anyway.
Finally Heck confided:
It developed that Speaker Heck
and other Republican leaders had
been called in Sunday nights by
Republican Governor Dewey and
given orders. There was little con-
sultation and no entertaining at
the Governor's mansion in the
Dewey regime.
* * *
THE CITY of Albany has been
surprised to see the new Governor
walking downtown with his dog.
Usually he walks to work. Dewey
didn't do that. When he was ready

THERE ARE those who have had great mis-
givings ever since April 12 about the dra-
matic build-up, the theatrical suspense and
the spectacular publicity with which the effect-
iveness of the Salk vaccine was proclaimed.
It was more like announcing the results of
an election than the results of a scientific in-
quiry. The whole p rformance was contrary to
the spirit and morale of good science, which is
to be very scrupulous about not claiming, or
appearing to claim, more than has been proved.
This rule was violated on April 12 not by
what Dr. Thomas Francis jr. actually said in
his report but .by the way the big show was
staged. For while his actual report contained
reservations in the fine print, the blazing pub-
licity was bound to convey, as it did convey, the
misleading impression that a full solution had
been found of the problem of making effective
vaccine for the mass immunization of the
children of this country.
For the public the proof that polio had been
conquered was not in what was actually said
in the report. It was in the elaboration of the
show, the eminence of the actors, the high-
powered publicity itself. The public concluded
fairly enough that such publicity could mean
only that the scientific experimentation had
In fact been completed and concluded.
WE KNOW NOW that the responsible auth-
orities, both private and public, had not
made sure that they could fulfill the promise
which the people believed had been made. The
authorities could not know how large would be
the available supply of the vaccine at the cri-
tical dates.
For obviously they had not yet settled de-
finitely, as the President made known in his
press conference, the question of whether a
shorter or a longer test of the manufactured
vaccine was necessary. Not having settled that,
The Daily Staff
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers................. .. ... City Editor
Jon Sobeloff..........................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs............ Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad ..... ... ......... Associate Editor
Man Swinehart.... ............. Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.............. Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin................. Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlhmovitz.......................Women's Editor
Janet Smith ...............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel............... ....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.....................Business Manager

they had not settled the critical problem of
passing from the laboratory to mass produc-
tion in factories. The trouble they have now
run into, compelling them to re-check the fac-
tory production, proves that they allowed hopes
to be raised before they had concluded the
period of experimentation.
THE FACT of the matter is that on April 12
the responsible authorities went off half-
cocked. The problem of mass production had.
not been reliably solved, and there was, there-
fore, no justification for the publicity which
created a mass expectation of mass immuniza-
tion for this polio season.
The real situation called for at least one
more season devoted to an enlarged and fully
controlled experiment. It was a case where the
wayn to make genuine progress-and to avoid
lacerating the feelings of the parents of small
children throughout the land-was to adhere
to the strictest standards of scientific caution.
The tests made last year did indeed show
very promising results. But the only practical
conclusion to be drawn from the tests made
last year was that tests on a bigger scale were
warranted for this year. This would have meant
keeping to laboratory standards before passing
to the looser standards of mass production.
DO NOT KNOW why the Federal govern-
mentbdid not assume the direction of this
great public health operation as soon as enough
was known about last year's tests to start the
pharmaceutical firms making the vaccine.
But it would seem as if the inaction of the
Federal government was due in some consider-
able degree to theoretical misconceptions-to
unexamined and false notions of the general
principles of free enterprise, voluntary coop-
eration and decentralization-and to the
strange prejudice that the only way the Fed-
eral government can assume direction and con-
trol of anything is to build up a vast bureau-
The principles of free enterprise and volun-
tary cooperation' are beneficient and widely
applicable. They are the rule in our society and
a departure from them should be regarded as
an exception from the rule. But not all public
-principles in this workaday world can be ap-
plicable at all times and under all circum-
They are beneficent and are workable only
if we apply them with good sense-only if we
apply them when conditions make them appli-
cable, and do not apply them when conditions
do not make them applicable. As politics is a
crude art, and' not a mathematical science,
there are many borderline cases where it is a

to go to the capitol, a telephone
message warned the guards to be
on the alert to welcome his limou-
sine and escort him to his office.
Life was as stiff and formal in
the Dewey regime as the bristles
on the Governor's mustache.
Gradually, even the Republican
legislators have come to like this
unorthodox new Governor of New
York. They hold the majority in
both houses of the Legislature and
at times have made it pretty tough.
And Harriman, in turn, has been
tough with them.
Nevertheless they've come to re-
spect him, and many to like him,
not because of his informality or
his hospitality, but because of his
* * *
YOU CAN'T HELP respecting
and liking a man who is devotedly
dedicating his time to working for
lis state. Harriman has said that
he thinks it's the duty of men with
money to work at the problem of
government. And while this might
sound like political hogwash, and
while some men with money make
extremely poor administrators, ev-
en the Republicans can tell after
working with Harriman that he
really means it.
There were also howls of an-
guish when Harriman brought in,
Isadorf Lubin, former Roosevelt-
Truman New Dealer, as his Com-
missioner of Industry and Labor;
when he appointed Phil Kaiser,
former Assistant Secretary of La-
bor under Truman, to supervise
the Oldster problem: and Ed Dick-
inson, of the old Mutual Security
Administration, to be his Secretary
of Commerce, and Jonathan Bing-
ham, also of Washington as his
personal secretary.
All are bright, young Liberals.
And the fact that a multimillion-
aire Governor who runs the Un-
ion Pacific Railroad, with direc-
torships in the Illinois Central,
Western Union, and a Wall Street
banking partnership, -should ap-
point so-calledstarry-eyed New-
Dealers to his cabinet shocked
some people.
(Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)

(Continued from Pdge 2)
Accounting for positions as Claims Ex-
aminers, Organization and Methods
Examiners, salary and wage Analysts,
Loan Examiners, Employee Relations,
Auditing, Accounting, and Tax Collec-
tors; ingSocial Science for positions as
Claims Examiners; in Physical and
Occupational Therapy for positions in
Vet. Admin. Hospitals in various areas
including Detroit and Ann Arbor;in
Social Work for positions in the Vet.
Admin. Hospitals; in Science for posi-
tions in the Dept. of Health, Educ., and
Welfare and the Dept. of Agriculture; in
Engrg. for work in various areas. Peo-
ple will also be interviewed at this time
for the JPA exam for the positions of
Claims Assistant Trainees and Field As-
sistant Trainees.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 371, 1528 Ad.
Mich. Civil Service announces exams
for Bridge Designing Engineer 1, and
Institution Business Executive IV.
Narmco Inc., San Diego, Calif., is in-
terested in hiring four graduate chenm-
ists with the following qualifications:
one organic chem., PhD, with back-
ground in organic compounds of fluor-!
ine; two organic chem., MS or PhD, with
background in synthesis of high polum-
ers; one organic chem., BS, with good
gen'l blackground in Chem.
Sacramento Air Material Area, Mc-
Clellan Air Force Base, McClellan, Calif.,
is recruiting for Engineering vacancies.
Current vacancies are in fields of Elec-
tronics, Mech., Aero., Ind., and Mate-
rials Engrg.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adm.
Bldg,. Ext. 371.
Astronomical Lectures. Dr. W. W. Mor-
gan of the Yerkes Observatory will
continue his lectures on "Problems of
Spectral Classification and Galactic
Structure" as follows: Tues., May 17,
1:00 p.m.; Wed., May 18, 2:00 p.m.; and
Thurs., May 19, 1:00 p.m. All lectures
at the Observatory.
Hopwood Lecture. Archibald MacLeish
will speak on Modern Poetry: "Why
Can't -They Say What They Mean," in
Rackham Lecture Hall Thurs., May 19
at 4:15 p.m. Presentation of the Hop-
wood Awards for 1955 will follow the
lecture. Open to the public.
Academic Notices
College of Engineering: Students who
expect to attend the Summer Session
should notify the Secretary's Office,


Room 263 West Engineering Building,
as soon as possible.
Astronomical Colloquium. Tues, May
17, 4:15 p.m., the'Observatory. Fred T.
Haddock of the Naval Research Labora-
tory will speak on "Radio Astronomy at
the Naval Research Laboratory."
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,
May 17 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308
Chemistry. John H. LaRochelle will
speak on "Molar Polarization, Infrared
Spectrums and Structure of Crbon
Biophysics Colloquium. 4:10 p.m.
Tues., May 17 in Room 1041 Randall
Physics Laboratory. Prof. H.M. Randall
will speak, "On the Possibilities of .
Chemical Differentiation of the Strains
of the Tubercle Bacillus."
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., May
17, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell
Hall. Dr. George Lvesy will speak,
"On a Conjecture of Knaster."
Doctoral Examination for Frances
Mitchell Culbertson, Psychology; the-
sis: "The Modification of Emotionally-
Held Attitudes through Role Playing,"
Tues., May 17, 7611 Haven Hall, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Edward
McPherson Hulburt, Botany; thesis:
"The Ecology and Classification of the
Phytoplankton of Shallow Embay-
ments of Cape Cod," Tues., May 17,
1139 Natural Science Bldg., at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. R. Taylor.
Doctoral Examination for Jagan Nath
Kaul, Education; thesis: "Dissertations
in the Social Sciences by Indian Doc-
toral Scholars, 1933-1953," Tues., May
17, 4024 University High School, at 8:00
a.m. Chairman, C. Eggertsen.
Doctoral Examination for Richard Ed-
ward Kuba, Electrical Engineering; the-
sis: "A Phase Space Method for the
Synthesis of Non-Linear Servomechan-
isms," Tues., May 17, 2518 East Engineer-
ing Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, L.
F. Kazda.
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Frederick Hinshaw, Chemical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Correlation of the Vapor
Liquid Equilibrium Constants of Hydro-
carbons," Tues., May 17, 3201 East En-
-gineering Building, at 1:00 p.m. Chair-
man, G. G. Brown.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Lee
Hamblin, Sociology; thesis: "An Experi-
mental Study of the Relationship of
Communication, Power Relationships
Specialization, and Social Atmosphere
to Group Size," Tues., May 17, 5607 Ha-
ven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, G. E.
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet Tues., May 17, at 2:00 p.m. in 247
West Engineering. Prof. A. J. Lohwater
will speak on the "Subordination Prin-
Doctoral Examination for Anthony I.
Kar, Education; thesis: "The Response
of the People to the Use of Formal Edu-
cation in the Attempted Denationali-
zation of Poland, 1795-1914," Tues., May
17, 4024 University High School, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, Claude Eggertsen.
Zoology Seminar. Dr. John E. Bar-
dach, assistant professor of Fisheries,
will speak on "The Temperature Sense
of Cold-blooded Vertebrates," May 18,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au-
Sociology Colloquium. Dr. Dorothy
Thomas will discuss "A Study of Popu-
lation Redistribution and Economi
Growth," Wed., May 18, at 4:00 p.m. in
the East Conference Room, Rackham.
Doctoral Examination for David Ed-
ward Harmer, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Reaction of Chlorine with Certain Aro-
matic Compounds under Intense Gai-
ma Irradiation," Wed., May 18, 2024
Chemistry Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man L. C. Anderson.



Talk a Ruse ..:.
To the Editor:
AT A TIME when so many edu-
cated guesses are being made
as to the reason for the. Soviet gov-
ernment's agreemeilt to withdraw
troops from Austria, it is quite im-
portant that we keep in mind the
fundamental purpose of Soviet
Communism; namely the violent
overthrow of all parliamentary
governments and the establish-
ment of the dictatorship of the
proletariat (i.e. Communist Party
bureaucracy, democratic centrally
The members of the Communist
Party of the United States have a
term "revisionist," which simply
means any of their number who no
longer see, or do not clearly see
(i.e. without the proper fervor and
hate) the necessity of violent over-
throw of the "capitalist" (i.e.
non - Soviet) governments. In
short the term applies to those
Comrades who have momentarily
lost sight of the theories of class
conflict and class hatred, and the
resultant necessity (according to
the Communists) of class warfare
(violent overthrow); in other
words these Comrades no longer
are thinking in terms of "Marx-
Needless to say unless such a
"revisionist" can quickly be "re-
educated" to see the error of his
ways, he is thrown out of the
Communist Party;. thus leaving
the hard core that is dedicated to
the destruction of all freedom and

Field Day ..
YL certainly had a banner day
in Thursday's (May 5) Daily.
Mrs. Alita Letwin and Mr. Clinton
D. Hanover both treated Daily
readers to some typical LYL views.
Mrs. Letwin asserted that, since
Formosa is 7,000 miles away, "it
is hardly proper for us to be de-
fensive at that distance." Where
would Mrs. Letwin suggest that
we begin to be on the defensive? In
the air over New York City or over
San Francisco? Such an ostrich-
like attitude on the part of the
United States would assure LYL-
ers an early opportunity to see
Marxian doctrine applied in ear-
nest right in their own backyards.
Furthermore, LYL'ers studiously
avoid trying to point out any sig-
nificant differences between LYL's
stand and the Communist Party's
line concerning United States' pol-
icies which conflict with the inter-
ests of communist powers. LYL'ers
consistently refer only to issues
upon which the two groups agree-
a most extraordinary defense!
Mr. Hanover, in language all
sweetness and light, tried to con-
vince us that LYL is simply an ed-
ucational movement which hopes
"to aid in some way the untangling
of labor chaos." If that were so,
why did he spout off that dated
nonsense about the "privileged
few who control the business
world?." With four million plus
business units in the United
States (Kaplan: Big Enterprise in
a Competitive System, 1954), each
rprntp~nin~r £V to nimar+,



by Dick Bibler

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