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May 15, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-15

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SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1953

...UNDAY, M.....~f AY 15+.. 1955..


Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Panhel Rushing Plan:
New Problem or Solution.

"Haven't you heard-it's the latest in Arb wear!"


More Efficient ...
IN A RECENT change in rushing registration
schedule, Panhellenic Council made a de-
cisive move toward a more efficient rushing
The organization is acquiring an IBM ma-
chine to handle clerical and bookkeeping prob-
lems of the mechanical aspects of rushing. The
machine provides for a complete elimination of
errors, but in doing so, it also requires an in-
dividual card for each rushee for each partf
that she attends.
A total of one hundred fourteen thgusand
cards are needed.
In order to prepare and process these cards,
Panhel must know in advance exactly who is
going to go through rushing.
CONSEQUENTLY, THE registration schedule
has been moved up with requirement that
upperclass women now on campus register be-
fore the end of the present semester.
Prospective University coeds will be mailed a
comprehensive Panhellenic booklet which will
answer all questions the rushee might have.
In addition, she will be mailed all registration
The closing date of all registration will b ,
September 9. This gives the prospective rushee
ample time to discuss the 'question of whether
or not she will rush.
By the new system, upperclasswomen will
not have to return to the campus four days
early simply to register for rushing. Freshmen
will be spared the confusion of making up
their minds about rushing during a hectic week
of orientation, and Panhel will be able to de-
vote more tiie to individual counselling rather
than the strain of last-minute registration.
-Janet Rearick

Not Enough Time ...
THERE are disadvantages to the modern
mechanistic 'age and Panhellenic's new rush
registration system is one of them.
Apparently ignoring the protest raised
against fall rushing, inaugurated in 1953, Pan-
hel now plans to allow freshmen and transfer
students even less time to resolve the question
of Independent vs. Affiliated living.
During the summer, the organization will
send booklets and registration materials to
all freshmen and transfer women. On the
basis of such scanty information, coeds must
decide whether or not to rush. Panhel has
set the deadline on their decision at Septem-
ber 9th.
According to Panhel, the major reason for
early registration is an IBM machine. By
doubling last year's registration fee, Panhel
will rent a machine to help with the clerical
work involved, thus saving the trouble of hand-
written invitations and other time-consuming
THERE IS LITTLE doubt that use of the ma-
chine will save time and allow the rushing
counselors to spend more time with their
groups. But the overall rushing period will re-
main a meager two weeks.
Michigan is not a soorrity-conscience school.
The number of affiliated women are in the
minority. Yet Panhel expects future rushees to
decide where they want to spend their campus
careers, before they have even seen the cam-
More than once, Panhellenic has expressed
a desire to sponsor projects which will prove of
benefit to the University campus as a whole.
Perhaps it would be better if they took stock
of their "home situation" at first and indicated
some understanding of the problems with which
they are confronting prospective members.
-Mary Lee Dingler

Two Lessons .. .
To the Editor:
IN JUST A little over three
months from now I will board a
plane heading East and say good-
bye to the University of Michigan.
In the nine months that I have
Spent at the University I have
been privileged in that I have
learned two things. This is a fine
school, but not because of its aca-
demic facilities or its scholastic
rating. This is a fine school be-
cause of the people who go to-
gether to make up the faculty and
the student body. There are many
"unsung heroes" at the University
of Michigan-Ass't. Dean Robert-
son, Mike Church, Frank Grace,
William Sattler, to name only a
I said that I have learned two
things at Michigan. It will prob-
ably not be a surprise to anyone
when I say that I learned neither
of these things from text-books or
teachers. I have learned them from
experience and through dealing
with people from all walks of life.
I call them simply tolerance -and
I have been more fortunate than
most in that during the past three
years I have been privileged to en-
gage in a wide variety of extra-
curricular activities. Every stu-
dentshould engage in extra-curri-
cular activities of one sort or
another. These activities help to
broaden the mind and/or the body
and at the same time teach a very
important lesson in what the so-
ciologists call human interaction.
Probably this sounds very vague
and confusing. Yet behind it there
lies the principle of toleration. It
is only through association and
communication with others that
we really obtain an education.
Secondly, I have been exposed
to the concept of freedom. Not an
easy concept to define and yet it
is the concept upon which our en-
tire way of life is based. In the
past year I have often disagreed
openly with my professors, I have
condemned the actions of many
leading political figures, I have
picked my own church and decided
when I would or would not attend,
and I have travelled through the
country without seeking permis-
sion from the government.
I have learned the meaning of
tolerance and freedom and I think
that I shall always consider my
undergraduate days a success if I
can live up to the meaning of these
two great concepts.
-John W. Kormes

Hopes for Adenauer .. .
To the Editor:
THE MOST severe dictatorship
the modern world has ever
known, came to an end ten years
ago this month when the forces of
the Grand Alliance mbrched on
Berlin and effected an uncondi-
tional surrender.
For France this meant liberation
from an evil force which in 1940
had for the third time completely
overrun her borders and caused
the disasterous collapse of this na-
For Great Britain itrmeant the
end of the most dangerous threat
ever posed to this nation since 10-
For Russia it recalled memories
of the Battle of Moscow, and Stal-
ingrad. It meant that the force
which had penetrated farther into
the vast interior of this eastern
colossus than any other force in
history, had been defeated.
For us in the United States, it
meant a cessation of the greatest
war in history and the success of
the democratic way of life.
However, recently, once again
there was solemn and quiet cele-
bration-The Federated German
Republic joined the community of
nations as a sovereign member and
as a chief ally of the western
This enormous shift resulted not
because of any appreciable change
in the national characteristics,
sentiments or backgrounds of the
German people, but solely because
the focal point of world tension
had shifted 2500 miles east, from
Berlin to Moscow.
In order to make meaningful
this great revolution in our policy
which transformed a conquered
enemy to a leading ally many dan-
gers, must be overlooked. We are
hoping that the 79 year 1d Dr.
Konrad Adenauer can be sticceed-
ed by a leader who will follow in
his noble footsteps, despite the
fact that there is at present abso-
lutely no one on the political hori-
But our greatest gamble is that
a people who have oft times proven-
themselves to be a militaristic peo-
ple will not resort to armed con-
flict in order to accomplish their
prime objective, namely reunifi-
cation of their nation. This repre-
sents the prime issue.
-David Jay Morgan




Daily cartoon-Edward Patterson



Harriman Is Good Learner


Reds Try 'Redefection'

AP Foreign News Analyst
MUNICH, Germany (P)-A fugitive from Rus-
sia, prominent in anti-Communist work,
is murdered in Munich.
The 'head of a small Russian refugee or-
ganization in Hamburg is discovered to be a
Soviet agent.
A chain letter is passed around among job-
less and disillusioned Czechoslovak refugees.
Hundreds of children of Polish descent climb
happily aboard a luxury liner at a French
port, for an all-expenses holiday in Com-
munist Poland..
ALL THESE incidents are connected in a
by-product of the cold war in Europe. It
goes by the curious name of "redefection." It
is a campaign to persuade defectors from Com-
munism to defect back to the Red homeland,
It is one phase of a multipronged Soviet drive
to confuse Communism's enemies abroad, to
bolster hidden sources of Red support-and
even, Inany now suspect, to prepare against
the accident of a new war in the West.
One side 'of redefection is the Soviet and
satellite attempt to irduce as many emigres as
possible to go back, while dividing and dis-
rupting refugee organizations in the West. The
campaign is bearing fruit among those who
have languished for months and years in
Western refugee camps, jobless and without
THE OTHER SIDE of the coin concerns a
million Poles in Western Europe. Here the
Communist aim is not so much to lure the
Poles back to the homeland as to use them
in the areas where they are settled. Many of
the Poles work in the mining and heavy metal
industries of northern France, the dermari
Ruhr and Belgium.
In Western Germany, however, the cam-
paign for the most part concentrates on po-
litical figures potentially helpful to the West-
ern cause.
Here are some incidents which have taken
The Dady Staff
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ....... ............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff....................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs................. .. Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad....................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........*.......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.....................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........................Women's Editor
Janet Smi................ Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel, ..... ........ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pzllak......................Business Manager

on deeper significance in the light of the re-
defection drive.
TEM: Last September the body of Walter
Karas, a refugee from White Russia in the
employ of Radio Liberation, broadcasting cen-
ter here for the American Committee for Lib-
eration from Bolshevism, was found floating
in a Munich River.
Item: Last Nov. 20, Abdul Rachman Fatal-
ibeyli, emigre from Soviet Azerbaijan, was mur-
dered. He had been editor .of Radio Liberation's
Azerbaijani desk. Apparently he was killed for
refusing to play ball with a Soviet agent nam-
ed Ismailov, who, vanished after the killing.
Item: S. M. Magakelidze; who established,
himself in Germany as a separatist from Soviet
Georgia, defected last December and denounced
those he had worked with in the West as
"American and Hitlerite intelligence agents."j
ITEM: A woman Soviet agent was sentenced
to 18 months by a German court recently
for attempted kidnapping. She tried to lure
Boris Yakovlev, Munich director of the Insti-
tute for Study of History and Culture of the
U.S.S.R., back to Russia. She. had produced
pictures and a letter in his wife's handwriting,
begging him to return to Moscow.
Item: In Hamburg last month, Maj. Vassili
Denisov, leader of an organization called "The
Hamburg Group of Postwar Escapees," was
exposed as a Soviet agent and arrested.
These are only a few of many episodes in
the quickening campaign. One of the most
recent was the case of Prof. Vladimir Vas-
silaki, a Ukrainian emigre,
Five months ago, he set up what he called
the "League of Anti-Bolshevik Organizations
of the Peoples of the Soviet Union." He took
over a newspaper called Nova Ukraina (New
Ukraine). Asked where he got the funds, he
said he'd won the money in a football pool.
VASSILAKI had been an obscure emigre 11
years, but late in 1954 he made a feverish
attempt to become prominent. He asked the
American committee for support.
He didn't get it. The committee suspected
him, since his activities already were spread-
ing dissension among emigre organizations.
In April, Vassilaki suddenly defected to East
Berlin and there delivered the customary de-
nunciation of the United States and Radio
Liberation. Munich realized then that Vassilaki
had set up his newspaper and organization
with Soviet money as a means of attemptingj
to divide refugee groups,-
He had built himself up for spectacular ret-
defection. Safely in East Berlin, he insisted he
had been in the pay of the NAmerican com-
mittee all along, until he realized his sins and
returned to the "democratic camp."
THE Soviet-satellite redefection -campaign

THOMAS E. DEWEY had been
governor of New York for so
long that some people wondered
whether Albany would ever be
quite the same without him.
Since January, however, an-
other man-rather the opposite of
Dewey-has been sitting in the
governor's mansion, and the state,
strangely enough, seems to be
rocking along pretty well-a little
differently and possibly a little
The man replacing Dewey is
Averell Harriman, who as a multi-
millionaire head of the Union Pa-
cific Railroad and other big cor-
porations came to Washington in
the early days of the New Deal to
help put the nation's economy
back on the tracks.
* * *
AT THAT TIME, despite his
millions, he was shy, diffident,
green, and a hard-working New
Deal Democrat.
Today, as Governor of New
York, Harriman is still shy, still

retiring, still fumbles a bit during
a speech, and still is a hard-work-
ing New Deal Democrat.
But he is no longer green. He is
confident, knows what he wants,
and is going after it. Furthermore,
he has courage.
* * s
HARRIMAN IS what race-track
parlance would call a slow, starter.
Those who watched him in the
fumbling days of NRA and the
Blue Eagle when he was assist-
ant to General "Iron Pants" Hugh
Johnson never would have figured
he would make a good Chief Exe-
cutive of the most powerful and
difficult state in the Union. I
Vnow I4idn't. I used to be quite
critical back in those days.
But Harriman is one who has
the ability to learn. His sincerity,
his perseverance, coupled with his
devotion to the idea of dedicating
himself to government has pushed
him through such experience-
molding jobs as Ambassador to
England, Ambassador to Russia,
Secretary of Commerce, European

Coordinator for the Marshall Plan,
U.S. Representative for NATO, and
Mutual Security Director..
rambling 19th century mansion
which New York built for its gov-
ernors, I asked his views not only
on New York State but, more im-
portant, on the nation's foreign
affairs which he once helped man-
"Eisenhower was very friendly
with Marshal Zhukov," the gov-
ernor reminisced. "He came to
Moscow when I was Ambassador
and the Red Carpet was really
rolled out.
scene-it made a great impres-
sion on me as I'm sure it did on
"There were 80,000 Russians in
the big Dynamo Stadium watching
a football game. And when it was
announced that Eisenhower and
Zhukov were there, every one of
those 80,000 Russians jumped to
their feet and yelled themselves
(Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)



Some Do's and Don t's for Ar my Life

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Eberhard, a
night editor for The Daily, served
threetyears with the U.S. army from
1950 to 1953. So that seniors expect-
ing the call will avoid the mistakes
he made, he here volunteers some <
practical advice.)
T HE warm breezes that waft
across the Diag in May often
turn into a full-fledged draft in
June for some of the more sus-
ceptible BMOC's.
We refer to the system known
as Selective Service whereby many
are called and some are chosen to
join the ranks of our uniformed
defenders from Seoul to Frank-
There was a time when we re-
solved not to offer advice to any-
one about to step into the ranks.
This resolution is hereby broken,j
as we offer a few fatherly wordsj
of encouragement and try to
sketch what you may expect in
your role as citizen-soldier.
1) DO NOT antagonize ser-
geants in thought, word or deed!
They are a somewhat surly lot,
not inclined to handle their duties
with the finesse and levity of an
orientation leader.
There are a goodly number of
six-stripers around who fill the
cartoon conception of the six-
striper exactly.
2) Do not volunteer for any-
thing! This may be an axiom
handed down from Hannibal's
elephant troopers, but it is still

perennial shortage of typists-in
the Army, at least.
One who can finger the keys
with any degree of skill has a
6 to 1 chance of getting the well-
known "good deal."
In your role as clerk-typist you
may also become aide-de-camp to
a first sergeant. Curry his favor
in every way possible and make
yourself indispensible.
Set up your own filing system
and hide the Special Orders in
places known only to you, and
you will be on the road to a
plushy place in the service.

5) DO NOT pass by a second
lieutenant without throwing a
highball (salute, that is). Hell
hath no fury like a new shave-
tail un-saluted. We speak as one
who has stood on both sides- of
the fence, so to say, and know the
reactions and consequences to a
6) Do not antagonize sergeants.
7) Travel light, leave your fra-
ternity jewelry and "M" sweater
home, keep your eyes open and
your mouth shut.
8) And by all means-DO NOT

(Continued from Pdge 2)
Young Man to assist in maintenance
work. His salary would . be betweep $25
and $30 per week. Call the Bureau of
Appt's, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614 to make an
app't to be interviewed.
Camp Deerhorn, Rhinelander, Wis.
(Boys camp) will interview male candi-
dates for a !position as Handicraft Di-
rector (someone to supervise shop). Sal-
ary, plus all expenses paid from the time
of leaving Ann Arbor until your return.
Contact Mr. S. N. Smock, NO 3-1981 be-
tween 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. to make an
app't to be interviewed on May 15.
Beginning Tues., May 17, the follow-
ing School Representatives will be at
the Bureau of Appointments for inter-
Tues., May 17-
Battle Creek, Michigan (Lakeview
Consolidated School District)-Teacher
Needs: H.S. Mathematics; Jr. High So-
cial Studies; Jr. High Industrial Arts
dnd Crafts HS. Latin-English; Music-
Elementary grades, vocal and strings;
Early and Later Elementary.
Fri., May 20-
Monroe, Michigan -- Teacher Needs:
Early Elementary English-Latin; Comn-
cercial -Typing, Bookkeeping; Short-
hand; Girls Physical Educaton-Ele-
mentary; Head Track Coach, Asst. Foot-
ball Coach, Social Studies; Social Stud-
ies-English-Jr. High.
For appointments or additional infor-
mation contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.,
U. of M. Fresh Air Camp, Patterson
Lake, 24 miles from Ann Arbor, will in-
terview male candidates on Wed. after-
noon, May 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00
p.m. There are openings for the follow-
ing positions: Watercraft Dir,; Nature
Lure Dir.; Arts & Crafts Dir.; Athletic
Dir.; Assistant Overnight man and
cleanup. This is an eight, weeks camp
with one week of orienta tlon. Salary:
$400 for Waterfront Dir, with all other
positions at $375 for the season. Contact
Bob Hurley at NO 3-1511, Ext. 2158 to
make an appointment to be interviewed.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Harry S. Ashmore, Executive Editor of
the Little Rock, Arkansas, Gazette and
author of "The Negro and The Schools,"
will speak Mon., May 16, on "Journal-
ism: TheBridge Between The World of
Ideas and The World of Main" In Rack-
ham Amphitheatre at 3:00 p.m. Open to
the public.
Astronomical Lectures. Dr. W. W. Mor-
gan of the Yerkes Observatory will
continue his lectures on "Problems of
Spectral Classification and Galactic
Structure" its follows: Tues., May 17,
1:00 p.m.; Wed,, May 18, 2:00 p.m.; and

7:30 p.m. in the East Lecture Room,
Botanical Seminar. Dr. Franz Moewus,
Kaiser Wilhelm Institut Berlin-Dah-
lem, Germany,. will discuss, "Problems
and Aspects of Biochemical Genetics in
Chiamydomonas." Mon., May 16, 7:30
p.m. 1139 Natural Science. Refresh-
Doctoral Examination for Stewart
Charles Hulsander, Education; thesis:
"Some Relationships between Aspects
of Growth of Youth and the Evolve-
ment of their Occupational Interests,"
Mon., May 16, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, H.
Doctoral Examination for David Free-
land Miller, Psychology; thesis: "The
Effects of Involvement in a Purchase
Decision on Attitudes toward Automo-
biles," Mon., May 16, 7611 Haven Hall, at
1:00 p.m. Chairman, Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Carol Ruth
St. Cyr, Education; thesis: "Present and
Potential Uses of the University of
Michigan Materials Center," Mon., May
16, West Council Dioom, Rackham Bldg.,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairhan, S. E. Dimond,
Doctoral Examination for Helen Belle
Watson, Education; thesis: "The Com-
parative Relationship of High School
Physical Education Programs 'in Ten-
nessee to the Development of Strength
and Motor Ability of College Women,"
Mon., May 16, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
P. A. Hunsicker.
Doctoral Examination for James
Schwartz Schindler, Business Admini-
stration; thesis: "The Development of
a General Quasi-Reorganization Con-
cept," Mon., May 16, 516 School of Busi-
ness Administration, at 7:30 p.m. Chair-
man, H. E. Miller.
Doctoral Examination for James Clin-
ton Cook, Jr., Mechanical Engineering;
thesis: "An Investigation of the Pres-
sure and Temperature Variations with-
in a Vessel Containing Air Discharging
to the Atmosphere;,, Mon., May 16, 243
West Engineering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, G. J. VanWylen.
Doctoral Examination for Gordon
James Aldridge, Education; thesis: "The
Role of Older People in a Florida Re-
tirement Community," Mon., May 16,
Michigan League Building, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. Dickerman.
Doctoral Examination for Marvin
Hass, Physics & Chemistry; thesis: "The
Infrared Spectrum of Gypsum, CaSO4
2820," Mon., May 16, 2038 Randall Lab-
oratory, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, G. B.
B, M. Sutherlitnd.
Astronomical Colloquium. Tues., May
17, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Fred T.
Haddock of the Naval Research Labora-






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