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February 11, 1955 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-11

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:Strengthened Icers Opena Spartan Series


1U1h &jt £purt
by dove Livingston

J R OM THlE ridiculous to (lhe sulblime yinl thrlee d-'s, 'That's what
MVichiglan's luckless basketball team encountered last weekend.
WVe doubt if na Big Ten'l team hafis ever beenl forced to hlay suicha
ra'ldically differenlt gamne as Coach Bill Peiigo's cagl ers lhad to Ilast
Mlonday inl contrast to S nturday- night's fiasco with L,is Ang;eles State
~college. Within tivet mainultes of the earli'1er Contest it btC~e ( evidet
that the boy's fromn the Pacific CoaIst would be oultclassed in the 111nals
of ao hligh school tournev in mlost staItes.
V t two nights later the Wolverines found themselves on the
slime court with the tenth-ranked team in the nation. Illinois, and
Sproceeded to play thle favored 111nt1 on even terms for 39 mlinuites
before giving up that one bid: winning. point in the final seconds
of pla).
The "battle" with Los Angeles tte t was a lot more fuln, and uch~li
mor01e succe'ssfuil, from M ichig;an's stalndpoinlt, than M 1ond1ay',s hair'-
riaiser, but unftortunaitely thie contest proved noc more than aI roult inc
scrimmlnage 'with thec freshmai~n squad would-and p robaibly gazve the
,varsity less practice.
,The Antics 11"c re Si~,iific alli.I
B Y NOW it's well-establishedl in the record books that Miichiga:n won
f the gamlle, 92-,,9, establish ing a new Field 1House record for field
goals illthle proc*S, but tite antics thlat wlere t rn 'Iciple part of the
% contest Provided the mo1st signlificalnce for thet spectators.
Perigzo anldril\1coach tSax Elliott ;agreed to luse the :gamet aS ta
tecsting grounI~d for several rulles nlot cu1rrently inl voguIe 1in college;t bas-
"ket-ball. including~z the old one shot free throw rule and the 24 second
I-tle. which requlirets :a teaml in possessionl of thell :1 to shoot within 24
Seconlds after cro(ssing;thle Imid-courit line. The only thing ac ncomrplishedi
by the vaiations was to shortenl the gamlne to such anll extenit thait the
whole affair was Completed by 9:15.
One of the Los Afngeles eagt~rs did wear shoes thlt %were tie-
vated two inches, but the widely heralded pair that stanld six
inches above the ground were kept in hiding;.
Los Antgeles' assistant :athletic director, wlho as in town tudy
"ting Mich1iganl's 'athletic programl 11, provide'd part oft'1an aIlSwer to the
prvenlent questionl of Just howy' his school or>iilly got Onl MichlIgan's
schledule. He pointed Out that last year his, team hlad a big, colorful
center who set all kinds of scoring ,re cordLs on thet Coalst. C onseq7uently'
the athletic depalrtment ctlitractied for an amlbitious schedule this
season that includes such large schiools ais Utah anid 1Michligan. But to
and behold, who conies aolng in the interim but Abe Saper'stein of the
Harlem clobxtrotters, dang ling ii2 fat Wad of cash1 in front of thle big
The star is nowv performning for Sa 'ppersteinl. leaiving> Los Ang:eles
State with a potent schedulle but o1Ny a ghlost of a team~l with which to
discharge its obligations. The !athletic director adm9nitted1 that he ad
,his associates are lust as emba):rraIssed with the situation aIs arc the
schools who tare committedI to play Los Angteles.
.A Note of Iron Y..
A NOTE of irony wans added to thle whole situation wvhen 11arvey
Williams was declared inel iile to compete for the W'olv'erines
~against the Ilint. Big Hanrv pilayedl three qua1.rters of thet game St
III-ay nlight, whenlIs 18 poinlts were needced by Mlichig'an about as
much as it needs the Paul Bunyanll Trophy.
Yet late Monday aIfter-noon H1arvey was inlformIed that hlead
failed, to make up a geology exam that hie had mlissedi on an ea:rlier
'basketball trip, and hence his grade was recorded as incomplete. As it.
wvas then too late to take the examl that daly, Willialls sait in the stands
while hlis mates pushed the illni to the limrit..

72-11 Rout
I-lU Act ion
1'xcellent mllat kmll~in'.hl iplonthe
part Of ithree of its playecrs .gave'
Phi Alp1ha Kappa ":A" fifty p'oinlts
11, i ll l o e t l i : l 1 ',to h ig li hI t p ro t ssio n lal fra -
ternity baske'tbll act ion last
tlight t. the inltramullrl butiling.;,
Each 1of the three phlayecrs !"iar-
nlered mtlore poits 0than1the whole
Delta Sima Pi1(teaml. Nll n Bos
le'ad the scoring' withs 20 tallie's.
followe d by Dliick Nieu1~: \h 11L'j1 )1ls nsn i ewh O gar-
innus with 12.
1Hi1l Ber-tick sanlk thec winningl'
blaske't as Phi Chi "U" edge.cd Al-
pha1; Kappa.i11'l Psi.2-; t, 1in a1tie
:a in that wenlt into sudden 11death1
overt ile. Dick ly leds the srcor-
lug, for. the winnelcrs, wh1ile ac
Moclinberg ::ands Mcil ersch 1paecd
the lo'sers. All hads eighlt points.
D~elta Si: ma lDelta WVinls
Delta l>ima l '11 ta dinePhcc 1li'
Alpha Kappa 1"1,'"'11-a::. Kirk,
Hlamilton sanlk 17 points for tihe"
winner1".ms, ndChuck AMurray add-
edl 10 m1or~e. Inl one of t hec closest
'onltestsS of thi'e evenin1'1'Phi Rh 1o
igma I'ltopted Psi 0Omega, 18l~-17.
JIack Cox nd Bill Pollock each
sanlk six poinlts for Phi'1ho Sigma.
N\orman 11B1Olonand K1\a11(:1n

iifi,,ois Victory Shovirs Weaig
Spot of WolvAerine Grcppir


R en dali', Buwihanan Added as Wolverinles
Invade La isiui;Bttle Heare Saturday

int i ,new vNbwo Into Miigan>t's

Mich~an' wrstlig tam hs ~~aniig opes. however in the next

Gold garnered
respect iv ely, to
for Phi Delta
outma t ched 1by
who won, 29q-2t,
In othrtilt,
feati'd Pi Delt:
jDeltaThe'tcta P
silon My.31-18,
oulaisted Alpha~
and Phi Alpha
phia JRho Chi,
In a SOcia fr.
CIi ''3' C1r
Donl \Vay sankl

1i anld 10 point, been woundedinll Achilles' 11001. 1match 1colorful Milke r od rigu.Lc:.,
s ore all the POintS Imooking foward to thleir all-im- who~l~ was carrying l: ,a perfecYt dual
Epsilon, bult "vci port altnt et a~ainst the hiRgh ly met.rcord for the season, lost a
tthe L aw Club "A.'' t1'i and hitherto undefeated l10-7 car iioito Iliii arce, Tarry
AlphaOmeg de-lla'knTs at Iowa(alt ' toimor'row.
Al h m ptc a Ci, 36-11 w~~hilet' the p iapphrs were struck a dire, Me0 ahon iI Cressiv e
Thi beat TLan Evp- blow w hen the once-beat n Illinit John McMahon gave a vey mj- il
pre'ssive exhibit ion to birighltcen an
K Mi Si~:n Nit ":A'' squeaked pa)1St them, .14-1.1, Mon-tewsedsponin feno
Cli~it iit gma. 44-4 daaf5ron.he out pointed S tcevec albo of
Det mut' Tl 1he 1vicrSsc seemed to have Illinois, 9-4. 1Mclahon, mvho had
atcrnitv tilt, 'Theta toundi the vital weak spot in the faied to win in the last twvo mes
Id Triaingle.-42-22. Mlichign at tack a s they mnanaged manl~intained thmenuper hand at all
moepoints than to contpWit themlin four matches 1 m1105 'an1d! gav1e 1hope0 oft' added

By DAVE 6M.,
l)ri'cm:cv 0over Mtic'hig aIII State'
goes on the linl' tonight as the
Wolv'erinle sexte't tralds 1up)to
1.ast 1,Lnsling to faCe a11n' ex'i-
enlced buit erratic Spatanlsquad
llin the Strst game of a weekend~
Prvessure is onl Coach Vice hey-
lieger's forvcsif they wanN;lt even to
rellaill ill(lteuing 11afor a;1 play1-
OttT bert liin the wild Westernl C on-
fClerce rae. Michigan Icanl not
afford ito dmtl'op a .nother game1110inl
the hectic s cdule ahead.
Saturday li'ill see' the team11s re-
turn to :Ann Arbor to p)lay a:t thec
Coliseum a t t$ p.m1.
Michigan;ll's.falint hop1es, alr1eady'
ra1Sised by11Minesota's scon losst)
in a1 row ilast nighlt, 4-3to hg
f lying C olorado College, lhave beenl
lilci'eAS(ed by t he strong po lssibili-
tyl that Tom 11endlall N\vill bec de-
daredeligiblefor compenl~titltin by
itonigh1t. T1he mal~tter of the soph)o-f
mloreCs schlstic irdeficncy while
ill attendeniece at the Uivlersity
of Mtanitoba wa)1:s 'apparvently trac-r
ed, to Ia misinterpr-etaition of lBen-'
d all's trans1fer records. lie should
hav~e mat tem's straightenedOutin[il
tine for ac~t iotonigh1t,
Another Buchanan
Alsoadded t0to te Wolverine
ros terl will be first semnester sophot-
moltre defenlsellmnMike Buchanl-
anl, rugg,?'ed youngller bro'thier of
forwa i'd Neil.
leyliger \will lp1le'Rendaill. inl
the evenut that he )will 1be ab le to
p)lay, ;at eter, flaniked bty for-
wtards 1Bill Macl arlanld 1and Dick
1)uiani, Tlw second lie Nl'ill
consist of Yves hlebert. at center
w\ith JeICrry Kalrpink;1 and J:1y
Goo ,~tld at thie 1wings,.
A nexv sighlt for the und erma1:n-'I
nedt squad l wil1 be the additonof
aI third line. ley'ligr p1lalns to
bring defensemanI Iciie lHanna
tilup o'ca'sionlly 1>to l.th forward
Loiwn, To Ref
Pail-Amen ricant
Ne~vt Loken, M1ichig in1's har'd-
driving; gymnal~stics coach, heas :lc-
.ep)ted ;an1invlitaltion 1to act ;as;a
judge il inlte gym ltryouts for thle
T1hie t vi'yots 1will be held Feb. 2^6
at New T'rier Hig:h School, Winniet-
kal, 1. ~tken, C1ne Of lte younge"st
of 11igTenl ,'ymnaI:Stcs coache's, is
dieeply ilt crested ill the ilt erna~-
tionll a :spect of gymn1lastic's,
'1'he Gamles )will be lheld M\arch
21,x2,, :andl' 4 inlthe newl'Ui-
versity of Mexico stadlium linl Mex-
ico City). ILoken's 1)art icipat loo ill
the t ryoult "Nwill mnove the dual,
m1eet with Ohio);tate, originll1y
slated ifor. the 2tto 4tp11.11,onl
Febt. 25,

huet with BadIenhC osby nd Nell
The regultar (defenIse vll con)?-
sist of IBob S :-iller who 1has fint-
aIlly' dscard t't edistprtct lye facet
mask, Bob 11 Pit (ts. Mike BuIchanan,1
an1d goal:1ie Lorn0 lowe0v S.
The Spav~rta ms with 16sle't terme1n
shld pillrove tough, 11.They vwill Obe
oult tO lpay"bac'k thet'7-0 and 3-1
The Michigan-Michigan State
hocevy gam1e Nwill be, televised
on1ce again1 direct from Fast
1-1nsing, tonlight at 8:00.I'P-
AG-TV,('1hann1el 20o tlllE) will
carry the big giame direct from
l01nmnst ratioln Hall.
Ilashings 1hand( ed to themi byN Mich-
ig ant earll icr this seaIson,
In the long r1ange v iew a 's t;O
makI1ing a lay:1otl ber-th andi the
much sough lt af lter- trip to Colora-
do S pring;s, Heyligecr is not. opt i-
nmistic. Ite attribvutes Michigan's
ulnsteaIdy showingl this seaIson to0
"lactk of balance t."
A wveakness of sconring punlch has
als pt layetd antimplltortat le at :ll
yea':r. COnly MAac 'arlaund andi1;11N DIunLnl'') lI sr-
spectt IVely. have been labile'to 1push"1
the puck lhomle Consistently, John11-
ny ay 701~ sichi Oft Inne~tsta. lls

the Western Con1fe'rence ill scoring
w\ith 34; goals and 2,'-)assistS for 59
Goa lie Howes still holds a re-
sp~ec table 3.4 goials allowe d per
game average whit \ lich 1places himl
fourth in the league. He is credit-
ed with t he second hi!'hlest. numll-
ber of sav\es for all gamtes among
the I lague goaltendelrs, while play-
ilug inl the fet'\est numlber Of con1-
t est S,
The Coliseum rink wa"ts invaded
by the world chamnpion Detroit
lBed Wingps early yesterdaly after-
noon for ,t pralct ice session, The
Wings were herte because of the
Ice Show now beinlg held in De,-
tro(it at flteOlympia,
11' 1.T Pts. Lost
Colortuo [ollege It 1 0 14.1
lli 1higan 'Ce1 . 6h 5l1 t 5!i
1)ent'r . ...... ..,, . f6 )1 t " I:.'j
Mlichiga.n state.. ! 10 01 6 1':
North Ilalkota ,.56 11 : 5t~
POIlT-Kt 'ery tram, twhdeichplays for
at possible total of -4 points, re-
cvivcs one point for eatch victory
over a tranm it plays four timles, and
to points for victories over a team
it play's only twtice,
Colorado (College vs. North IDaklota ('
g anues, Ipoint each)
Mltinnesota v's. Michtigan Tech ('
games, 1 point)
Michigan state vs. Mlichtigan (^_ games,
point eachi)

the wol Tc 1riaing le team as lhej
tallied 23, While teammlate Johnzl
Nelson hit. Or' 17 points,.1
Nu iglay 'u "B," foi'fited to
Phi Delta Ph1, i, andILaw Club B
fortfeitedt to PhiClii ":A", in theIl
pro-fraiterniity diiso Alpha PVhi
Alpha forfeited tto lta ~iSigmanu
Phi In the social fmatrity league
social l'ratcrnity ''r.thie 7'I'enn
,Phil t.~mini.elta ~t , Alphita la
I'hi 0
AcAa a4, Phi Sinma iippa 1
'Tril.0 3, lct'ta Sigma ii t,
lambdta Chii Alpii:' 3, Alpha 6Ig;In:
1,h1i Kappha P.l3,Ka,pp; Si :tta
Tau lia :t1'1t il reat'd vt' Up'aiio
lPhi 1K1PPA signa defeatcd ''ats1<iu..
i' Em1dun ~tirti I
lcta 'Theta l'i-.1)elta lI'aii Ih'ti-pott
l oned

Anmd co(nsidei~ll'abl haniner t hem inl
the others by emy login~; a slow~-
mnovmiq gdefe'lnvestyle,
('arght Ott' Guard
ThFie Wolverine~.s, cust oned to
an agresive tyleof .,mst :ac'to
w 1 merebcv f alls arme (Moret'easily ac-
comulplished, were 1a1p p a r c' n1t 14ty
caught oil glua'd lby the Illinois
VFans welre g:ivem a i n 11t of (the
fate' to come when 1;1 Da 1; alrcltn ''CIDeppe,
thr('e stra:igh;lls :11:ove(r 0opponents,"
1\v:; ced'ett i l'te to three by Illinois'
Di):ik Meek. This, followedr(1by
Fran llk hlirt 's tie and(1Max1y Pearson1's
loss preented a;lbleak outlook.
.Andy Kalil and D1on Haney c'on-
tinuied a(longthe unbetaten pahth by
;;":inlln. ('ecisionls to 11omeltntalyl

stmci'engm ill Oinc ipper ienlts,
Inl the heav1ytv ei ,ht dliv ision,
which Mtichigan 1hals fmiledi to winl
all season, John Mlorr-ow criried
the attack for the Mae at' Bhme,
Morrow, a:Im1emnan:mof the varmity
football team, h ad'lbeen ilout fom'
wrestling less"t hanl tw11o 1weeks, Ills
lack of e'xperiene an1d conidition-
ilug left im easy N"precy for Lthe
small11er Emiil Dienlwald,
Ilss appeam'ain~e. while not :atiall
implre'ssive, nevertheless gavehlit
of laItent.talet t vh)ich mI1ig:1iht b
deve (loped \with11 pra:cti'e,
B1etwveen 1the ses~n teCs MIchk11
had bet ter- luck as they hamd INy
bea;t Ind ianaI, 22-S .and'1Pit tsbur,1';
I17-N. 'Thes PittsburIgIh1win wSZas the
I'e gm'at ifyIIing as Ptt is 1pem'en-,
niaIlly one of the t01p teams of the
eaIst Iad the NWolv crime iellshould
quell any dioublts of a fluike which
loyal Fitt fams might 1have en'1tr-
a mied following .thle iksamm'
m1eet in December Imi wh ich AMich-'
igntoppled theliefvored Pamtithem's.
63 -5i2

Perfume for your Valentine
C (orroart J 51 C.favious fragrane
~tas 11ll/.yin, Guedain, Gouriehhi,
Srha~Irc~i, aro:,and in any l"others.
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Bought, Sold, Rented
Wide Carriage Machines Repaired
Fountain Pens Repaired by a Factory Trained Man
Typewriter Repair Work a Specialty
"Steelcose" Office Furniture, Chairs, Desks, Files


Perigco, Strack, Pataiiell Guide11iligu Hoop Squad

A visitor to Ycost Field H1ouse onl
at weekday afternoon would prob-
aibly be amnazed at the sprynless of
thriee "~older" Imen a:s they wenit
through1 practice paces with Michi-
igan's basketball squlad,
Head coach Bill Perig"o and Da"ve
Sta'ack and Matt PaItanelli, hib' two
assistants, still look ill good enloug:h
ishlape to play the nm.lor part of a
40-minute sgamtle.
All three starred in the cagex
'sport for their colleges, with Peni-
go the Only non- ticli :an Alum-
,.uHe graduated from 1 Western
Michigan inl 1934 aftter' havimi
starred in track and balsketblll
*at the Kalaazoo school,
Talle st of 'Them All
Perigo wvas leadimig; scorer amidl
captain of that team ill 1his sen-
ior year,. "I was only six feet tall,
.but I played center. Know why?
Because 1 was thle tallest naianton
the teamll" Pedgo enjoyedelat-
' inn this fact because it g.ives onea
an idea of howr much the sport
1111s echanged in two deca1des,
I ole e Il n 'I d Noie at -t colleges and universities have been
invited to participlte ill the First
Annual nt er, olle;iat e Ta rpon
Tourney, April 2 to 18, during! the
Koaster Vacationl, Thie Tourney will
be held at Boca Gr ,nde, located onl
'Gasparillal Island in thet Gulf of
Mexico off the west coast of Floi'i-
da, with Boca Grande Hlotel a.S the
base for operations;.
Manly of the partticipatingt col-
l'eges Inow Offer cour'Sssinl tit cast-
ingij and other fishing; technlilue s,
Students Who1ete th ie TourlIny
Nwill g;et thle opplort'lnity to pmactice

After graidu -tion Perigon took
the colachling reign' at Mlarklev'ille
tInd,) Hligh l school, S ince high
snchoolcoachling NV sn't :a full-timec
job ill those day's, Perigo looked
to proftessional ba:sketball andl
handed ai ; job with the Indilmapolis
KaIutsky", forerunners of the
Pei'mgo came back to his home
state inl 1937 wheni lie became
coach1 ,of Benton harbor IHigh
Schoo0 l's quinltet, Hle '101d1this posi-
t iomi till 1949, A'11vhe beeturn'Ied ito;
is aVlma Inater', Wester'n Michig;an,
to asume coachling duhles. IHe built
up l an mi;Iable ecom'd it his thiree-
y'ear' stay t'he'e, mo(l~ling m1any flie
snlia 1 college plaiyers, inlclulding:
Ron Jackson, who later joinetd Jpro-
f essionlal baseball and the Cclago
«'hite Sox.
Mfichigan balsketball ha11s inipm'ov-
e, greatly ill Perigo's thr'ee year's
here, but so hias Big Tenl basket-
ball. mlaking- his assignment all theo
toug her,
Busy Men
Assist ant coaches St 'mick amid

PaItamiellia11v twvo of tle lbusiest
meI n oithe M 1ichiga;n sports
scene. St rack doules as f'eshmanII1
111i11t01. does ;all the sconting, mindul
is ticket n1iamiag '"rPomi Weir's :as-
sis tant, PataInelhi is enid coa:chomi1
the football team a :nd9assistamit
baisebaIll mentom',
Str'ack. caipltain of 0::' eCowes'
194'5-56 squad, made1(10se'verl1All-
Wolv'erine cage star .tin
Barron is resting ecomfiortably
at University Hospital alter an
ope ration mwhich took place
Tumesday. Barron, 1111o had :a
ligamaent remloved fromt his inl-
jured knee, is expected to be
in the hospital bed for :at least
anaother "1 eek,

liiih inim thle lim'-mies sandwiched
lab eleemi te la"'t :t O.
Patanelli. of the class of '37,
wvas a timne all-ar'oumid athllete, himii-
lu;: eig, lit let ter's to his credit, An
cnitstamiuig Iid, he was a stalnd-
ouit emi the Wolverimie eleem ito
13,inl whihyeal' lie \vas cap-
Ile alter'niated betiveen first base
amid the outfield imi his two seasomis
omi the blaseball aliime. aiid Was a
star g.uard in "asketball, IHe left
spo rts after grladulating, .and it
wasn't until 1945 thmt he metumied,
tkint', the ,ob of vend Coach t
West em'i Micilgami where he also
doubled as assist at'' baseball mnen-
Patanelli canie back to the Annl
Ambor cammipis in 1952 amid has bet-
cc a vlule a\,1,10 n be hhind the
Scene; ofIthr'ee aiajor Michigami



by Louis Orlin
TRANSLATIONS of Mollarnw , \/crloirc,
Me~rrill, CaItUllUs, Heine, Cino do Pisto a,
Ba-slio, Anna Akhmatova



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