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April 15, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-15

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1955





IFC Plans Activities
For Third Greek Week

Under the leadership of Jacky
Schaupp of Delta Tau Delta, the
Interfraternity Council is prepar-
ing for its share in the third annu-
al Greek Week to be presented by
affiliated students Monday, April
18 through Friday, April 22.
On the serious side, IFC work-
shops are slated for 8 p.m. on
Wednesday. Headed by Gene Mc-
Cracken of Theta Xi, common
chapter operations will be dis-
The evening will open with an
address by William Zerman, As-
Meeting with the pledge trainer
of each house, Kennedy Shaw, as-
sistant city manager of Wester-
ville, Ohio, will lead the discussion
pertaining to scholarship.
Discussion of Finances
Harold Angelo of the School of
Business Administration and the
treasurers will deal with financial
problems. Alumni and public re-
lations questions will be covered by
Stewart Howe, president of Stew-
art Howe Alumni Service of Chi-
cago, and the alumni relations
Herbert P. Wagner of the Uni-
versity Food Service will discuss
food management for the frater-
nity houses with stewards.
Phi Kappa Psi will play host for
the annual dinner and program
for fraternity presidents Tuesday.
Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Chi and the
' Alumni Interfraternity Confer-
ence will present scholarship
awards and IFC Keys will be
awarded to men who have given
outstanding service to the frater-
nity system.
John Wylie of Sigma Chi is
handling details for the banquet.

Climaxing weeks of song prac-
tice, fraternities will compete in
the Interfraternity Council Sing
on Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
The top ten houses chosen in
eliminations last night will vie for
first, second and third places.
Chairman Rick St. John, of Delta
Tau Delta has invited Geneva Nel-
son, Philip Duey and Don Crum-
mel, all members of the Music
School faculty, to judge renditions.
At the Sing, trophies will also
be awarded to the sorority and the
fraternity submitting the top
Greek Week posters and to the
sorority offering the best support
to a fraternity competing in the
Bringing the week's activities to
a close, Interfraternity Council.
Ball on Friday, April 22 will spot-
light Claude Thornhill's orchestra
sistant Dean of Men.
To Feature Venetian Theme
Jay Kaufman of Tau Delta Phi
and his committee have selected a
"Venetian Holiday" theme which
will be carried out in the gondola
shaped bandstand
All these activities are the re-
sponsibility of the judicial branch
or Executive Council, one of the
three divisions of IFC.
The Executive Council is com-
posed of IFC officers, representa-
tives of the five fraternity districts,
three alumni and junior IFC pres-
IFC Sing Finalists
Ten finalists were chosen last
night to compete in the IFC
Sing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at
Hill Auditorium.
They are Sigma Chi, Lam-
bda Chi Alpha, Phi Kappa
Tau, Chi Psi, Beta Theta Pi,
rheta Delta Chi, Sigma Phi
EpTsilon, Phi Gamma Delta,
Delta Tau Delta and Theta Chi.

Coeds Obtain1
League Posts
In Ceremony
JGP, Soph Scandals
Assistant Chairmen
Revealed at Rackham
At the Installation Night cere-
mony Wednesday, names of assist-
ant League chairmen and com-
mittee members were among those
Community Services Committee
assistants include Carol Kinzie,
Bette Friedman and Barbara
Humphrey. Serving on the Special
Projects Committee will be Cathy
Clark, Rachel Tiedke, Vera Khou-
ry and Gayle Turner.
Chosen to work on the Public
Relations Committee are Carla
Bartolucci, Sue Verb, Sue Rut-
ledge, Marie De Witt, Doris Sims
and Barbara Whitaker.
Andy Snyder, Jan Dietrich,
Phyllis Singer, Pat Lickert, and
Margaret Goebel will help on the
Social Committee. Coeds on the
Merit-Tutorial Committee include
Betty Kay, Elizabeth Palmer, Mar-
tha Young and Sandra Wasser-
Assistant chairmen on the Soph
Scandals Central Committee are
Kay Eckerman, floorshow; Bever-
ly Becker, secretary; Jennie Gib-
son, finance; Raya Stern, costumes
and Joan Pfeifer, dance.
Other assistants are Nancy
Thompson, decorations; Diane
Shaver, state manager and Linda
Ascher, tickets.
Beate Kaulfuss will be in charge
of music aided by Marilyn Gerred
and Kathy Wilson will be assist-
ant make-up chairman.
JGP assistant chairmen include
Eleanor Hooper, assistant direc-
tor; Carol Kirshner, stage manag-
er; Nancy Herkenhoff, costumes;.
and Gaille Valentine and Margo
McGrath, dance.
Concluding the list are Sally Ly-
ons, make-up and Sara Truesdale,

Lantern Night, an annual event
for all University women, will take
place on Monday, May 16.
Honoring graduating s e n i o r
women, the festivities are spon-
sored by the Women's Athletic As-
sociation and include a traditional
line of march and the Lantern
Night Sing.
The parade is made up of all
the coeds on campus, grouped ac-
cording to classes and differenti-
ated by colored ribbons in their
hair. They are led by the Michigan
Marching Band to Hill Auditorium
where the Sing takes place.
Choral groups from the women's
residences will compete to take
part in the program, during elimi-
nations on Wednesday, May 11.
The choir giving the best per-
formance based on intonation, ac-
curacy, interpretation and artis-
tic effect, rhythm, tone, diction,
presentation and appearance will
be awarded the first place cup.
Thirty is the maximum number
of women that may participate.
Songs must ie no longer than five
minutes and no soloists or instru-
mental accompaniment are al-
No house songs may be used and
costumes suitable for street wear
are to be worn. The costumes to
be worn on Lantern Night are to
be used at the eliminations.
At this time half of the houses
competing will be chosen or a min-

imum of ten. Posture also will be
judged and a posture cup awarded
on Lantern Night.
Houses not chosen will have a
chance to support competing
groups by cheering and singing.
Ann Arbor Club
To Sponsor Sale
Of Books, Maps
The Wellesley Club of Ann Ar-
bor is sponsoring a Book Fair be-
ginning at 8 a m. today and con-
tinuing until the last book is sold
sometime this evening at the
They have been collecting sec-
ond-hand books, records, sheet
music, prints and maps for the
past two years. The funds raised
will go for scholarships and stu-
dent aid to Wellesley students.
Among the items to be sold are
many unique French maps from
1500, one showing California as
an island. Another feature in the
collection is an autographed copy
of one of Katherine Cornell's
plays. A replica of the Declaration
of Independence will also be of-
A decorated station wagon will
be seen driving around campus to-
day reminding students of the
Book Fair.

Are diamonds really a girl's best
This is not necessarily so, since
General Electric's announcement
of man-made diamonds. An exhib-
it of these gems will be featured in
the Union Open House to be held
from 1 to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
Although GE officials are not
now interested in making these di-
amonds for jewelry purposes, their
use in industry is unlimited.
If, however, these new diamonds
would become available for mak-
ing jewelry, the future might see
the price of diamonds fall to a
new low.
"Real McCoy"
GE officials emphasized that
these diamonds are not synthetic,
but are "the real McCoy," as
proven by chemical tests and X-
Ray analyses.
Research workers have been try-
ing to develop these gems for over
125 years, but no other claims
have been substantiated by X-Ray
Another aspect of the exhibit
will be a display of 13 color pho-
tographs and a movie on crystal
Beginners may be interested in
a display of a $20,000-scale jet
engine, with an animated working
model to explain the jet principle.
Iron Crystal Display
Newly developed high strength
iron crystals, with more than 100

times the strength of ordinary House will be 30 minute perform-
iron, will also be featured. ances by Michifish at 1:30, 3:30
These new developments are the and 4:30 p.m.
fore-front of research and not Between Michifish perform-
produced commercially, ances, diving and swimming exhi-
Another attraction of the Open bitions will be presented
Events Around Campus

Lantern Night Parade, Sing
To Honor Graduating Coeds

Open House To Feature Display

ASSEMBLY-Assembly will be
selling left-over merchandise from
the dorm stores at cut prices to-
day at the League and will con-
tinue until all the products are
* * *
FRED WARING - Balloons
launched from Haven Hall at noon
today will hold tickets to the Fred
Waring show "Pleasure time 1955."
The lucky finders can use them'
at performances Wednesday.
* * *
Club will hold its organizational
meeting at 3:15 p.m. today at the
WAB with a game 'afterwards.
* * *
TENNIS CLUB - The Tennis
Club will hold its spring organiza-
tional meeting at 4:10 p.m. today
at the WAB with a game after-
* * *l
HILLEL--Tau Delta Phi will

duct Hillel services at 7:15 p.m.
today. The program will feature a
Voice Speaking Cantataon "Li-
berty" in place of a sermon.
* * *
UNION-A television preview of
the Union Open House will be pre-
sented at 7:30 p.m. today.
* * *
bor Oberlin club will meet at 8
p.m. today in the First Methodist
* . *
MICHIFISH - Michifish will
hold a show, practice at 9:30 a.m.
tomorrow at the Union. Those in
the Block M number are asked to
pick up their suits today.
* * *
ED SCHOOL-Petitions for pre-
sident, vice-president, secretary,
treasurer, four members-at-large,
and two committee chairmen on
the Education School Council are
due Wednesday.

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To Hold

Program at Union
Alpha Epsilon chapter of Al-
pha Xi, Delta sorority will play
host tomorrow 'afternoon, as the
four Michigan chapters of the na-
tional organization c e l e b r a t e
Founders Day with a State Day
luncheon in the Union.
Representatives of Michigan
State Normal Colleog, Michigan
State College t.nd Albion College,
as well as the University chapter,
will take part in the program, un-
der the direction of Mrs. Carlos E.
Remey, Detroit, Province presi-
Each chapter present will honor
their senior member who has con-
tributed most to the group, with
the Alpha Epsilon award going to
Barbara Heider.
Humorous skits depicting some
aspect of college life will also form
a part of the program, with his-
torian talks, reports and singing
filling out the rest of the agenda.
- d d


union little club



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