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April 15, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-15

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1955

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All-Male Union Precludes
Anniversary Waltz

"But My Friend Mr. Dulles Was Right Behind Me"


MOVING INTO its second half-century, the
Michigan Union can justifiably point to a
proud and worthy history.
One of the first of its kind in the country,
the Union came into existence as social cen-
ter for men only. Then, in 1944, the number of
women was still negligible, so the idea behind
an all-male institution was not entirely re-
However, the present is not as bright for the
Union. Failing to drop the no-women tradition
for many Sears after it had lost any practi-
cality, it ceased to be a social center for any
more than a handful of students and a tra-
dition-entrenched alumni.
In more recent. days, this policy has been
modified, but not to the complete elimination
TOMORROW AT the Union Open House, the
big story will be the future. The new adi-
dition and partial renovation of the existing
building certainly carry a promise.
But it is a fallacy to believe that all the
present Union setup needs is more pleasant
surroundings. Some students even claim a pre-
ference for dimly-lit table-carved surroundings.
The main problem goes back to 1904.
No organization can today hope to become
a social center on' campus, unless it is strictly
coeducational. That does not mean allowing
women through the front door, or any other
such courtesies.
It entails admittance of women to student

staffs and the organization of activities in
which women can participate.
OF COURSE the League is now necessary for
women's activities. But 'separate and equal'
facilities don't rectify the problem.
On most Big Ten campuses, the Student Un-
ion is satisfying this need for a campus social
center, and none have attempted the problem
through separate gathering spots for men and
To be sure, a coed Union isn't going to solve
all the problems. Men frequently complain of
Union food, Union charges for many of its
facilities, etc.
These, too, are questions that must be solved,
so that the student feels that he is getting more
from his Union.
THE STUDENT staffs have done excellent
jobs in trying to overcome this with such
ventures as theater-trips at lower cost, dances,
and a variety of services including travel bur-
eau, and football ticket exchanges.
But what is lacking on campus and what
students express as an important need is a
social gathering spot.
Tomorrow is a good day .to get acquainted
over at the Union and hear of some of the
promising plans of the future.
Plans, we hope, that concentrate not on the
needs of a 1904 mostly male campus, but the
coed campus of today.
---Murry Frymer

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Less 'Democracy' Needed
In League Elections

ELECTIONS AT the League, while on the
surface democratic, actually negate prac-
tical democracy.
According to provisions in the constitution
of the League, members of the Women's Sen-
ate elect officers of the League and members
of the interviewing and nominating committee.
The Senate is composed of representatives
from all women's housing groups-residence
halls, sororities and League houses. There is
one representative for each sixty women.
However, simple and efficient as this pro-
cedure may appear, it recently took this same
body four weeks to elect 14 officers. Procedure
for elections is so tryingly democratic that the
entire process loses meaning.
As stipulated in the constitution, the inter-
viewing and nominating committee, a self-
perpetuating body, nominates between two and
four candidates for each office. Candidates ap-
pear before the Senate, at which time they
make short campaign speeches and stipulate
their qualifications.
ONE WOULD naturally think that the Sen-
ate-a representative body-would then
proceed to elect. No. Instead, the representa-
tives return to their houses and present the

list of candidates, along with qualifications
and campaign speeches (and personal impres-
sions). Members of the housing groups vote,
and the representatives return to the Senate
with their house votes.
Final stage in the process occurs when the
members of the Senate vote for the candidates,
their vote determined by the majority vote in
their respective housing groups.
THE WHOLE object of this extremely demo-
cratic method of election is perplexing.
Let the rationale be as it may, the result is
equally incomprehensible.
Women in the residences have little concep-
tion of the qualifications and abilities of the
candidates, receiving the information second-
hand. The Senate hears the candidates. The
Senate is composed of duly elected represen-
tatives. Why, then, can the Senate not elect
the officers?
The system as it stands, posing behind the
facade of democracy, actually renders inef-
fectual any democracy that might exist. A re-
alistic attitude toward the working of election
procedure could well be adopted by the League.
-Louise Tyor


Yalta Unavoidable Price
Of Pre-War Isolationism
The Yalta rapers III
iN THE PRECEDING article I said that the key to Yalta was the
position reached by the Red Army at the time of the conference in
February, 1945. And I pointed out that while we know what we wish
had happened differently, even with the advantage of hindsight it is
hard to say what could and should have been done to bring about that
different result. The Red Army was already in possession of Eastern
Europe. There was no army on the mainland of Eastern Asia which
could have prevented the Red Army from taking what Stalin asked
Roosevelt and Churchill to concede. The crucial question, which
Senator Knowland ought someday to discuss, is how in February, 1945,
we could .have persuaded, induced, or compelled the Soviet Union to
do what we believed was right in territory occupied, or about to be
occupied, by the Red Army.
Two and a half years elapsed between Pearl Harbor and the land-
ing in Normandy. In those years the chance was lost to impose, or
even to bargain on equal terms about, a settlement in Eastern Europe.
Had Eisenhower been able to invade France when the German and
the Russian armies were locked in a deadly struggle far inside of Rus-
sia, we would be living today in a different world. Roosevelt and Chur-
chill might then have had the deciding voice in Eastern Europe. They
might have talked with Stalin while Eisenhower rather than Zhukov
was in Warsaw. There would have been no partition of Europe and of
Germany. But with Eisenhower still on the wrong side of the Rhine as
the war was eding, all they could get from the master of the Re
Army was a scrap of paper containing vague and aignfuous promises.
NO ONE, I believe, knows how much Roosevelt, who was often cyni-
cal, believed in the promises he got from Stalin at Yalta. All we
know is that he chose to act as if he believed in them. Churchill cer-
tainly did not believe they would be honored. Yet what, I wonder, could
have been done differently? They could not compel Stalin to go home,
taking his army with him. Quite the contrary. At the time of Yalta we
still wanted the Red Army to keep on advancing to the West, not that
it should halt or pull back. So what we were faced with at Yalta was
how to make good our principles in territory that Stalin held.
Stalin had the power to act; we had only the power to argue. If
Roosevelt was wrong in thinking he could at least in some measure
persuade Stalin, and surely that was wrong, what would Senator Know-
land have done to make Stalin change his mind?
Let no one bemuse himself with the notion that Stalin could have
been threatened with the atomic bomb. At the time of Yalta we had.
only a bomb or two, and no one was sure that it would go off. Stalin
could not have been coerced with Eisenhower still behind the Rhine
and MacArthur still in the Philippines. Stalin could be persuaded only
to pretend that he would act like a Western liberal democrat.
What else was there to do? Should we have refused to make any
agreement which did not guarantee the application of our principles?
It is arguable that in the Far East, gambling on the chance of a quick
collapse of Japan, we might have refused to concede anything to
Stalin at the expense of China and Japai. But would it have been
safe to have no agreement at all,'leaving the Red Army with a free
hand wherever we were not able to occupy first the territory that Ja-
pan evacuated?
In Europe it was certainly not possible to let the war end with no
armistice agreement. For this would have left mighty armies facing
one another without fixed demarcation lines. That would have been
an invitation to chaos, and no man can say what would have happened
to the discipline and the morale of the armies.
IF PERSUASION was impossible, if coercion was impossible, if a re-
fusal to recognize the political consequences of the accomplished
military facts was also impossible, was there any other course? The-
oretically, there was still another course. It was to agree that since,
collaboration would not work, the world would have to be divided into
spheres of influence which might then co-exist. This is in fact what we
have come to, not by express agreement but, by force of circumstances.
We now call it containment. But at the time of Yalta any such recog-
nition of the brutal facts of life was quite impossible. Churchill, who
experimented with the notion in the Balkans, was severely reprimanded
from Washington.
There was no way to make an enforceable agreement with Stalin
which satisfied, not his purposes but, our ideals. He was in possession
of too much of the ground where we hoped to realize our ideals.
The ultimate lesson of Yalta for us today is that in the real world
we cannot have what we want when we want it, just b.ecause our in-
tentions are so good. We could not be unarmed isolationists until we
were struck at Pearl Harbo' and able some three years later to deter-
mine the future of Europe and Asia. We had grown stronger after the
opening disasters, but not yet that strong
At Yalta there was the reckoning. There the price was paid for the
failure of the Western democracies to prevent the Second World War,
or to prepare for it.

Copywright, 1955, New York Herald Tribune Inc.

To HouseF
WASHINGTON- A member of
the women's press club wasI
eying the two men who rule ther
unruly House of Representatives
as they sat on the speaker's daisr
at a press club dinner the otherr
"He travels fastest who travels
alone," she remarked. "It's a sadt
commentary on us women that
both Sam Rayburn and Joe Mar-t
tin are bachelors."
Sam Rayburn has been single so,
long that most people don't know
he was once married. But about
forty years ago when the present
Speaker of the House of Represen-
tatives was in his thirties and a
v e r y green Congressman, he
brought a new bride to Washing-
ton. They remained married five
months. Then she confided that
she had made a mistake, that she
had been in love with another
man. Sam was heartbroken, but
let her go back to Texas to the
man she loved.
Since then, Sam Rayburn has
had only one love-the Congress
of the United States. He loves it,
is married to it, has served in it
longer than any other man save
Senator Hayden of Arizona. Not
even his old friend and sometimes
Speaker, Joe Martin, with whom
he exchanges gavels when the Re-.
publicans come into power, has
Sam's record.
He Knows Congress
H E KNOWS every barber in the
House barbershop by name.
He knows the different gavels with
which he has called the House to
order - when Queen Elizabeth
spoke, when MacArthur spoke,
the President of France, the Pre-
sident of Turkey, the King of
Greece. He knows almost every
block of worn white and black
marble between his office and the
Speaker's rostrum. And on his
shelves are copies of the laws he
has enacted and the debates which.
enacted them,
It's a long array of laws, affect-
ing almost every person in the
United States-the Securities and
Exchange Acts, the Federal Com-
munications Act, Rural Electri-
fication, holding corporation -
for Sam was sponsor of most of
the early New Deal legislation.
Sam is proud of his record, but
he doesn't brag about it.
"I was named Sam not Samuel,"
he says. "We don't belive in put-
ting on airs in our family."
"Sam is the only man I know,"
Harry Truman once remarked,
"Who could stay in Washington
40 years and still wear the same
size hat he wore when he came
A Square Jaw
T'S NOW been 42 years since
Sam Raybur came to Wash-
ington, fresh from being Speaker
of the Texas Legislature. Wood-
row Wilson had just been elected.
World War I had not yet started.
Sam has stayed on-through the
administration of six presidents,
two world wars and the Korean
After Adlai 'Stevenson was de-
feated in 1952, Sam was discour-
aged and talked about quitting.
He's long wanted togo back to
his farm near Bonham where he
tinkers around the barn with a
hammer and saw, cuts wood in
the fall, and plays a domino game
called "42" in the cool of the eve-
ning. But his brother-in-law,
Judge Marvin Jones, cheered him
up and Sam has been leading the
Democrats in Congress more ef-
fectively ever since.

Outwardly' Sam Rayburn is
friendly and soft-spoken. But his
jaw is square and hot blood flows
in hisveins. Born inTennessee
and reared in Texas, Sam can and
will fight stubbornly, relentlessly.
Advice to Truman
HE STARTED the Eisenhower
Administration by trying to
help the new President.
"I told him what I told Harry
Truman," he confided to a friend.
"I went to see Truman and told
him: 'Now you ain't gonna be
Harry to me anymore. You are Mr.
President. But as an old friend who
has known you a long time I'm
gonna give you some advice. You
ain't as big a man as some people
think you are.'
"To this Truman replied: 'I
sure ain't.'
"When I told this to Eisenhow-
er he leaned back and roared.
"Then I told Truman," Sam
said, continuinghis advice to Eis-
enhower, "That he was going to
have two great problems-'One
with the people around you who
will be afraid to let anyone else
get near you and who'll make you
their prisoner.'
" 'The other is the big business
sycophants. Your real friends
from Missouri will come to town
and find you're busy, so they'll go
back home. But the big business
boys will hang around for months,
waiting, until they see you. And if

(Continued from Page 2)
Traverse City, Michigan - Teachert
Needs: H.S. Chemistry; Primary; Latert
Vulcan, Michigan (Norway Townshipr
School -- Teacher Needs:;. English-
Walled Lake, Michigan - (Walled
Lake Consolidated Schools) - TeacherI
Needs: Early and Later Elementary.
White Pigeon, Michigan (White Pig-1
eon Community School) - TeacherĀ£
Needs: Science-Health-Chemistry; So-
cial Science-possible assist in football
if desired; Wom n-6th Grade; WomanJ
-3rd Grade; Woman-H.S. & Jr. High
Girl's Physical Education- (2) 7th
Grade classes; Art, H.S.; Art-Jr. High-I
Elementary, might teach in his or her1
For additional information contactr
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-,
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
Representatives from the following,
will be at the Engrg. School:
Mon., April 18
Marquardt Aircraft Co., Van Nuys,
Calif.-B.S. in Civil, Elect., and Chem.
E., B.S. & M.S. in Metal. E., Engrg.
Mech., Math., and Physics, all levels of
Aero. and Mech. E. for Regular and
Summer Research, Development, De-
sign, Test, Thermodynamics, Aerody-.
Rapids - Standard Co., Inc., Gragd
Rapids, Mich.-B.S. In Ind., Mech. E.,
and Engrg. Mech. for Design, Sales,
Prod. Engrg.
Carrier Corp., Syracuse, N.Y.-B.S. &
M.S. in Mech. E., and Physics, U.S. citi-
zens only, for Research, Devel., Appli-
cation, Construction, Sales, Service,
Humble Oil & Refining Co., Marine
Div., Houston, Texas.-all levels in Na-
val Arch. and Marine E. for Engrg. in
Conjunction with Production, Field
Tues., April 19
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., De-
troit, Mich.-B.S. in any Engrg. program
for Applied Engrg. as Loss Prevention
Continental Can Co, N.Y., N.Y.-B.S.
in Civil, Elect., Ind. E., Engrg. Mech.,
all levels of Mech, Metal., Chem E.,
Physics, BusAd. for Research, Design,
Devel., Prod., Sales, Quality Control.
Newport News Ship Bldg., Newport
News, Va.-B.S. & M.S. in Civil, Elect.,
Mech., Metal. E., Engrg. Mech., Math.,
Physics, U.S. citizens only, for Design
& Devel.
Richard Bros. Punch Div~, Allied
ProductsCorp., Detroit, Mich-B.S. &
M.S. in Ind. and Mech. E. for Prod. &
Plant Engrg.
Wed., April 20
S. Morgan Smith Co., York, Penn.-
B.S. in Mech. E. for Jr. Engrg. Train-
i ngsProgram, Design, Manufacturing,
Haven-Dusch Co., Grand Rapids,
Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in Civil E. and
Arch. (Structural Steel background)
for Sales Representative Trainee.
/ A.C. Spark Plugs, Gen'l. Motors Corp.,
Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S. & M.S in Aero.,
Elect., and Mech. E., Math. and Phys-
ics.,U.S. citizens, for Field Engrg., De-
velopment & Research,
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W.E., Ext. 2182.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Mon., April 18
Royal - Liverpool Insurance Grou,
New York, NY.-men with any bck-
ground, June and August grads., for
Sales Promotion, Risk Analysts. Posi-
tions countrywide.
Procter and Gamble Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio-LS&A and BusAd women for
Market Research Dept. to do consumer
research work involving extensive
traveling-anywhere in U.S.
Winkelman's, Detroit, Mich. - men
and women ,any field, for Mnagement
Training Program, Merchandising, Ac-
counting, Credit, and especially Store
Tues., April 19
Uarco, Inc., Business Forms, Chicago,
111.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Gen'.
Business Trainee and Jr. Accountant
Argus, Ann Arbor, Cich. - men in
LS&A and BusAd for Sales and Admin-
istration Training.
Schuster's Department Stores, Mil-
waukee, Wis.-men and women in
LS&A and Marketing, Econ., and Re-
tailing for Jr. Executive Training Plan.
Ball Bros. Co., Inc., Muncie, Ind.-
men in LS&A, BusAd., and Engrg. in-
terested in Sales for Sales Training.
Rogers Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich.
(publishers of Design hews) - women
with a Journalism and Shorthand
background for a position as Secretar-
ial Assistant on Special Editorial Proj-
Wed., April 20
Bauer-Black Co., Div. of The Kendall
Co., Chicago, Ill.-men in LS&A and
BusAd for Sales.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext.

United Metaicraft Co., Ypsilanti,
Mich., has an opening for a man or
woman with an Engrg.-Math. back-
ground to work with an Ind. Engr. on
a new product.
Mich. State Civil Service announces
exams for Training School Counsellor
I, Personnel Officer II, Engrg. Clerk A,
Engrg. Clerk I, Forestry Aide A, Sur-
plus Property Field Agent I, Psycho-
metrist I, Psychologist II, Psychologist
II A, Psychologist III, Prison Printing
Shop Supt. II, Stamp Factory Supt.
II A. For details on requirements as to
education and experience contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
The University of Michigan Chapter
of The Soil Conservation Society of
America presents Dr. Pier~re Dg~nsereau,
associate professor of botany "Ecologi-
cal Aspects of African vegetation."
Slides. Open to the public. 3:30 p.m.,
Fri., April 15, 300 West Medical Bldg.
University Lecture under the auspices
of the Department of Chemistry. Fri.,
April 15, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Dr.tGeorge J. Young of Le-
high University, Bethlehem, Pennsyl-
vanig, will speak on "Heats of Immer-
sional Wetting of Solid Surfaces."
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night. Fri., April 15, 8:00 p.m,, Room
2003, Angell Hall. Dr. Dean B. McLaugh-
lin will speak on "The Planet Mars."


'Doctoral Examination for Lawrence
Alfred Warzel. Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Plate Efficiencies for Absorp-
tion ,nd Desorption in a Bubble-Cap
Column," Fri., April 15, 3201 East Engi-
neering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
G. B. Williams.
Biological Chemistry Seminar: "Some
Effects of Dietary Lipids," under the
direction of H. C. Eckstein; Room 319
West Medical Building, Sat., April 16
at 10:00 a.m.
Mathematics 196 will not meet Sat.,
April 16.
To All Students, College Literature,
Science and the Arts: Juniors and sen-
iors, and those sophomores who will
have 55 hours or more by the end of
this semester should make appoint-
ments for approval of elections for
Summer Session or Fall Semester in
the Office of the Faculty Counselors,
1213 Angell Hall.
Students are urged to have their next
semester's elections approved early. If
elections are not approved before the
final exmination period begins, stu-
dents must report during the half day
preceding the time they are scheduled
to register. There will be no appoint-
ments during the examination period.
Logic seminar will meet Fri., April 15
at 4:00 a.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. John
Addison will speak on "The Algebraic
Logic of Halmos."
Doctoral Examination for Forrest
Rth~lph Ptts, Geography; thesis: "Com-
parative Land Fertility and PotentialaIn
the Inland Sea and Peripheral Areas of
Japan," Sat., April 16, 212 Angell Hall,
at 10:00 a.m. Chairmn, R. B. Hall.
Student Recital. Robert Kerns, bari-
tone, at 8:30 p.m. Fri., April 15, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall, Partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music. Compositions
by Handel, Schubert, Verdi, Fevrier,
Duparc, and Wolf. Open to the public.
Mr. Kerns is a pupil of Chase Baromeo.
Faculty Concert. Robert Courte, vio-
list, and Lydia Courte, pianist, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hal, at 8:30 p.m.
Sat., April 16. Telemann's Suite in D,
Brahms' Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op.
120, anduHindemith's Sonate Op. 11,
No. 4. Public invited.
Student Recital. Meredyth Mtnns, so-
prano, 8:30 p.m. Sun., April 17, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall, partial ful-
filment of thelrequirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music. Works by
B a c h, Haydn, Purcell, Schubert,
Brahms, Strauss, Vidal, Duparc, Saint-
Saens, Coquard, Hindemith, Peterk4n
and Quilter. Miss Manns Is a pupil of
Arlene Sollenberger and her program
will be open to the public.
Student Recital. Donna Lou Wester-
berg, pianist, recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m.
Sun., April 17, In Auditorium A, Angell
Hall. Compositions by Beethoven, Cho-
pin, Alban Berg, and Debussy. Open to
the public. Miss Westerberg is a pupil
of Marin Owen.
Student Recital. Jean Honi, violist,
8:30 p.m. Mon., April 18, in the, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment ofstheerequirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music. -Compositions
by Marin Maralas, Handel, Hindemith,
and Milhaud. Open to the public. Miss
Honi is a pupil of Robert Courte.
Events Today
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Fri.,
Apr. 15, 8:30 p.m., Exchange Party with
the Wesleyan Guild. Square dancing,
games, refreshments, at the Wesley
Foundation Lounge, State and Huron
Streets. 35c person.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee Clatch from 4:00-6:00
p.m., Fri., April 15, at Canterbury
House, CanterburyeCampus Series.
Frank Copley will read and comment
upon selections from Dante's Divine
Comedy, 7:30 p.m. Fri., April 15, at Can-
terbury House.
Westminster Student Fellowship will
be guest of Geneva Fellowship at a
square dance in the recreation hall of
the Presbyterian Church, Fri, April 15,
8:00-12:00 p.m.
Hillel: Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m.
Conducted by Tau Delta Phi fraterni-
ty featuring a voice speaking cantta on
subject "Liberty" and a choir conduct-
ed by Gene Cohen.
Open house and mixer Fri., April 15,
frome8:30-12:00 p.m. at the Newman
Club. Dancing to records and refresh-
Sociedad Hispanica-Sigma Delta P.

The lecture scheduled for Fri., April 15,
in the Rackho~m Building, by Jose Man-
uel Blecua has been cancelled due to
illness. The speaker will appear here
some time in May.
Coffee (tea & punch) Hour in Lane
Hall Library Fri., April 15, 4:30-6:00
p.m. Nauvoo League is guild host.
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., April 15. Ex-
change party with Congregational Dis-
ciples Guild in the Wesleyan lounge at



Associated Press News Analyst
SIXTEEN YEARS ago Friday Franklin D.
Roosevelt called upon Adolf Hitler and
Benito Mussolini to lay aside their warlike at-
titudes and join a 31-nation renunciation of
the use of force during a 10-year period.
Wednesday night Secretary Dulles repeated
his appeal to Red China to lay aside its war-
like attitude toward the Formosan situation.
~'At.i at DaiJly
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig...................Managing Editof
Dorothy Myers............................City Editor.
Jon Sobeloff.........................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.........................Associate Editor
Nsan Swinehart........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston...........,......Sporots Editor
Hanley Gurwin..............Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......................Women's Editor
Janet Smith................Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel....................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak,.. ...........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise......................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski...............Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23241
The Associated Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or
republication of all other matters herein are also re-
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan,

President Roosevelt, in his historical appeal,
told the 1939 dictators that, in return for a
renunciation of war as a policy, the United
States would gladly join in negotiations look-
ing toward disarmament.
Dulles told the Reds, through a speech in
Washington, that a similar renunciation could
be made now without prejudicing the claims
and that these could be negotiated.
ROOSEVELT ALSO told Mussolini and Hit-
ler that the United States would sponsor a
freer trade program for the 31 nations designed
to improve the situation of all.
President Eisenhower urged Thursday for-
mation of a 34-nation organization for this
same purpose. Plans for the organizations were
laid at the recent meeting of the loosely-or-
ganized countries operating under the General
Agreement on Trades and Tariffs.
At this point this trade organization would
not include the Communist-bloc countries. You
can depend upon it, however, that the ad-
vantages of such relationships for them will
be emphasized in connection with the effort
to get them to abandon their policies of con-
quest and let the world settle down to better
THE ROOSEVELT appeal in 1939 was made
ageinst a background of American neutral-
ity, which gave it a more solid appearance than
the Dulles statement coming from a possible
Against the knowledge that the United States
is not going to agree to the surrender of For-
mosa in any negotiations, the Reds will still
know that they can consider a cease-fire in
the strait only from the standpoint of their
chances of winning a war. The Dulles appeal
also is weakened by the fact that he cannot
speak for Nationalist China, which shows no
more signs of renouncing its policy of ultimate
reconquest of the mainland than it does of
surrendering Formosa.
THE DULLES statement, more specific than
before, was timed, however, to have the
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Hillel. Sat, Apr.
munity services.

16, 9:00 a.m. Com-


Hawaii Club Splash Party at the
Women's Swimming Pool (by special
permission of Dr. Bell) Sat., April 16
from 7:15-9:15 p.m. Meet in the lobby
of the Women's Swimming Pool to be
admitted as a group.
Bible seminars sponsored by the
Westminster Student Fellowship at
9:15'and 10:45 a.m. in Room 217 of the
Presbyterian Student Center, Sun.,
April 17. Early seminar will discuss
Chapters 7 and 8 in the Gospel of St.
John and the late seminar will study
the Gospel of St. Matthew.
Westminster S t u d e n t Fellowship
Guild meeting in the Student Center of
the Presbyterian Church, Sun., April
17, 6:45 p.m. Program will include show-
ing of the film "We Hold These Truths."
A supper will be held before the meet-
ing at 5:30 p.m., cost 50c.
Hillel: Hillel Grid picnic Sun., April


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