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April 13, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-13

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Slated During
Greek Week
President's Meeting,
I FC 'Venetian Holiday'
Included on Schedule

Presidents To Confer .

. .

Fraternity and sorority presi-
dents, as well as sorority vice-pre-
sidents, will retreat next Wednes-
day to the Fresh Air Camp for the
Greek Week Presidents' Confer-
The purpose of the conference is
two-fold: to discuss problems and
interests of affiliates and to fur-
ther understanding between fra-1
i ternity and sorority leaders.
Members of the administration
and faculty and campus leaders
w will lead eight discussion groups.
Topics to be discussed include
problems of future enrollment, ex-
pansion and how the Student Gov-
ernment Council affects Greek
Students To Give Ideas
Conferences will also offer ideas
on how the University administra-
tion: and Greeks can aid each
other in social problems and how
r the administration and affiliated
students can mutually benefit from
their relationship.
The driving ban, scholarships
and alumni relations will be dis-
cussed, along with differences and
similarities in sorority and fra-
ternity operation and problems.
A social hour of relaxation and
refreshments will follow.
1 FC Ball Vocalist . .
"Venetian Holiday," the 1955
Interfraternity Council Ball, slat-
ed for Friday, April 22, will fea-
ture the appearance of one of the
nation's newest recording stars,
Larry Grayson.
Grayson's vocal career began
while serving in the Air Corps. He
then became vocalist for the Glenn
, Miller Air Force Memorial Band.
He also was given his own radio
show, "Out of the Blue," designed
to aid in Air Corps recruiting.
Voted the "Darlin' of Sweet
Briar College" in Washington,
' D.C., he was sent by the coeds to
appear on Arthur Godfrey's "Tal-
ent Scouts."
Job Offers Result
In the same way that Eddie
Fisher, Tony Bennett and Vic Da-
mone were started on their careers,
several offers of singing jobs re-
suited from the Godfrey appear-
The most acceptable offer was
to replace Johnny Desmond on the
Don McNeil Breakfast Club which
Grayson took up upon his dis-
charge from the service.
At the conclusion of this en-
gagement, he went to New York
to appear on the Garry Moore
ashow. Currently he is starring in
the Howard Miller Show, originat-
ing from Chicago.
'After his appearance at IFC
3all, Grayson will begin a nation-
wide tour to plug his latest record
releases, "Just Because I Love You"
and "House of Love."

-Daily-John Hirtzel
ALMOST DONE-Peeking into the ovens of Helen Newberry dor-
mitory, are John Friess and Pat Johnston, checking on a cake to
be entered in the Union-sponsored contest. Applications for the
contest must be submitted no later than Friday to the Union
Student Offices, while the cakes may brought in Saturday morn-
M' Coeds Given Opportunity
To Display Baking Talents

New Officers
To Discuss
New and returning League of-
ficers will meet from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. tomorrow and Saturday in
the League for a Leadership Train-
ing Program.
Tomorrow's program will start
with a welcome by the new Lea-
gue president, Hazel Frank. Nan
Schiller will then tell the history
and the structure of the League.
Margaret Blunt will follow with
an explanation of the financial
House and official proceedings
will be explained by Lulu De Hart.
The program will conclude with a
talk by Ethel A. McCormick.
After the program Edith M.
Wheeler, Legue business manager
will take the coeds on a tour of the
Discussion To Be Held
Saturday's program will begin
with a discussion on "The Appli-
cation of Good Principles of Lead-
ership" led by Alan Menlo.
After the discussion the group
will break up into three different
workshops in which both the old
and new officers will participate.
Nan Schiller, League resource
chairman, will lead a workshop in
a discussion on "Senate Educa-
"Participation in League Acti-
rities" will be the topic in the
second workshop, led by Sally
To Lead Workshop
Nancy Wright will lead the third
workshop in a discussion on the
"League Relationships with the
new Student Activities Build-
After lunch there will be three
more workshops. "New Projects
for the League" will be led by
Margaret Blunt, while Nan Schil-
ler leads another workshop on the
"Value of the Council and how to
make it stronger."
Mary Jo Park will lead the third
discussion on the topic, "League
Relations with the Union and The
There will be a short break be-
fore all the groups assemble
together again to hear the secre-
tary's report from each workshop.
Golf Meeting
There will be a golf meeting
at 5 p.m. today at the Women's
Athletic Building, instead of as
previously announced. Experi-
ence and a set of clubs are

Next fall's orientation leaders
for women have been announced
by Sue Fricker, outgoing Chair-j
man of Orientation.
Leading new coeds in the School
of Architecture and Design will be
Nancy Blumberg, Ann Caris, Sal-1
ly Glass, Judith Howe, Dorothy Ir-
win and Barbara McNaught.
New women students in thet
School of Business Administration7
will be conducted by Jean Under-
wood and Mary Winn.
Dental Hygienists will be led by3
Marie De Witt, Evelyn Peterson,
Geraldine O'Hara and June Walk-
Elaine Bice, Carolyn Blaul,
Maxine Burnham, Audrey Grif-
fith, Patty Hallett, Donna Hewitt,
Nina Katz, Sylvia Leach, Janet
Mabarak and Betty Veres will
conduct coeds of the School of
New coeds in the Engineering'
School will be orientated by Eliza-
beth Palmer and Maryanne Pel-
Music School coeds will be con-
ducted during Orientation Week;
by Mary Davis, Judy Huber, Ju-
dith Huntington, Doris Linton,
Kathryn Lucas, Barbara Marriott,
Sally Myers, Marilyn Perlman, Ju-
die Shagrin, Virginia Shapoe,
Midge Smith, Nancy Stout and Ju-
dith Tatham.
New coeds in the School of
Nursing will be led by Gail
Brookes, Shirley Dayharsh, Mary-
anne Domenic, Cora Carver, Ann
Orebaugh, Anne Reichart, Ann
Shantz, Harriette Simington, Su-
san Smith, Nancy Walser, Joan
Yarrow and Donna Yaw.
Pat Mooney, Trenna Edmonson,
Barbara Peshkin and Joyce War-
ner will conduct new women phar-
macy students.
For Service Extroordinaire
see the new member of
our staff--

Orientation Leaders Announced for Fall Term

Literature, Science and Arts
School coeds will be Judy Adams,
Marilyn Altman, Nancy Amberson,
Mary Anderson, Gloria Anton,
Bailey Apple;
Linda Ascher, Barbara Baehre,
Marjorie Barber, Patricia Barnes,
Gwendolyn Bashara, Ruth Bassi-
Beverly Becker, Jane Belbin,
Barbara Bendlin, Susan Bergdahl;
Carolyn Berlowitz, Balig Berber-
ian, Barbara Bittner, Sue Bobcean,
Ann Borchert, Rosalyn Borg,
Elaine Braverman;
Betty Brown, Judith Bucking-
ham, Connie Butler, Catherine
Campbell, Mary Carless, Patricia
Carroll, Jane Carson, Catherine
Clark, Georgiana Clark;
Patricia Cochran, Jan Cofell,
Harriett Cohen, Ann Cohn, Jan-
ice Cole, Nancy Crawford, Mary
Jane Crocker,nAnne Crossman;
Mary Sue Curry, Shirley Cur-
tiss, Donna Darling, Marlene Da-
vis, Marilyn Deitch;
Barbara Doering, Eleanor Dorn,
Beverly Dunn, Mary Dwan, Eliza-
beth Dykstra, Catherine Ecker-
man, Myrna Eisenberg, Sarah Eis-
enberg, Marian Ellias;
Judith Engelke, Joan Fairbairn,
Lynette Ferrell, Janet Fildew,
Gwynne Finkleman, Sally Fisher,
Louise Fonteine;
Marilyn Francis, Suzanne Fried-
man, Marilyn Gerred, Katherine
Gillay, Sara Gullette, Eleanore
Hagler, Shirley Hahnesand, Don-

na Hanson, Marilyn Harris, Esther
Patience Hervig, Gail Hirsch,
Cynthia Hobart, Patricia Horo-
witz, Nancy Howell, Barbara
Maureen Isay, {Marilyn Jackson,
Eudora Jen, Lovea Jenks, Dorothy
Patricia Johnston, Helen-Louise
Jones, Myra Joseph, Suzon Karon,
Jane Kasten;
Marcia Keep, Vera Khoury,
Mary Klauer, Carol Klein, Jac-
queline Langmaid, Lynn Lavio-
lette, Shirley Lawson, Nancy Lef-
fingwell, Alice Louie, Janet Mc-
Kay Mackey, Marilyn Maile,
Joanne Marsh, Elizabeth Michen-
er, Barbara Mitchell, Mary Lou
Monger, Margaret Morang, Lois
Morse, Carole Moskowitz, Nancy
Murphy, Jeanne Newell;
Dotty Ojala, Betsy Parker, Ann
Patterson, Ilene Pavlove, Rose
Perlberg, Barbara Perlman, Phyl-
lis Philko, Elinor Plimack, Vera
Ptak, Joyce Reuben;
Eunice Richards, Jo Ann Ro-
peta, Margaret Ross, Noreen Rupp,
Susan Rutledge, Mary Ryan, Pa-
tricia Sarris, Clara Schein;
Carole Schwartz, Sylvia
Schwartz, Margaret Scott, Vir-
ginia Scott;
Joanne Sheets, Lenore Shlen-
sky, Lois Shultz, Betty Shuptrine,
Lillian Silberberg, Janis Silver-
Joan Sluggett, Donna Smith,

Andrea Snyder, Suzanne Steigle-
der, Lois Steinberger, Susan Sten-
Raya Stern, Carol Stickels,
Martha Stockard, Carol Sturm,
Ann Sumner, Judy Sweet, Alicia
Tarrant, Tinnea Taylor;
Ann Todd, Shirley Todd, Mary
Towne, Dorothy Uren, Doris Wag-
ner, Reba Watson;
Susan Wesley, Marilyn Wilbur,
Cynthia Wilkins, Kathryn Wilson,
Judy Wolgast;
Anne Woodard, Gaile Valentine,
Diane Yourofsky, Claire Zimmer-
One of the main duties of an
orientation leader is to acquaint
new coeds with the campus and
University regulations and atmos-
Informing these students of
campus activities such as those in
the League, the Women's Athletic
Association, Panhellenic Associa-
tion, Assembly Association, Stu-
dent Government Council, Stu-
dent Religious Association and the
Judiciary Councils, is the job of
orientation leaders.
The Health Service Medical
Exam and registration are two
more important aspects of a new
student's orientation.
Campus sports and interest
clubs such as Gilbert and Sulli-
van, language groups, the ULLR
Ski Club, Sailing Club and Rifle
Club are among the many activi-
ties about which an orientation
leader informs new students.

Women's housing units and in-
dividual women may test their
cake baking talents by submitting
entries in the Union Fiftieth An-
niversary Cake Baking Contest.
Sponsored in conjunction with
the Union Open House to be held
from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, all en-
tries should be brought to the Un-
ion Student Offices by Saturday
morning. Applications for the con-
bly Association will sponsor a sale
of left-over merchandise from the
recently closed dormitory stores
tomorrow through Saturday in the
League Undergraduate Office.
Items such as candy, gum, ciga-
rettes, soap and shampoo are
available at reduced prices.
Women's Senate will meet at 4:15
p.m. today at the League. Elections
will be concluded.
* * *
ers for Lantern Night will meet at
5:10 p.m. today at the WAB.
* * *
IFC BALL-Tickets for the 1955
Interfraternity Council Ball, "Ve-
netian Holiday," to be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April 22 in
the League Ballroom, may be pur-
chased from individual fraternity
* . .
club will not meet any more this'

test must be turned in no later
than Friday.
Judged on taste and originality
of design, two faculty members
and three students will choose the
winning cakes.
Cake entries will be cut and
served to students attending the
Union Fiftieth Anniversary Ball,
to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight
in the Union Ballroom.
During the dance a trophy will
be awarded to the baker of the
winning cake, along with other
Heading the cake baking contest
committee is John Friess, while
Mark Gallon, chairman of the Un-
ion Student Services Committee
and Bill Bohnsack, chairman of
the open house, are in charge of
arranging other events for the
open house.
Anotherfeature of the after-
noon will be the presentation of
two 30-minute shows by the mem-
bers of Michifish,
Free ballroom dancing for all
students along with free individ-
ual and group dancing lessons will
also be on the afternoon agenda.

~i The Observatory Beauty Salon is now under the



Mr. Johnston, the popu-
lar Detroit Hairstylist at

of GENE GLOVER JORGENSEN, 51262 Cherry Hill, Ann Arbor.
Formally of Flint and Saginaw, she was trained in Chicago and
also studied under Robert Fiance of New York.
The services of Joyce Wilson, well known mnacurist of this area
will also be available.

The Daseola
near Michigan


III.' '




Ra hi-Belles
to brighten a rainy
day ... to wear
just everywhere
under the sun.

Here is a money-saving price
reduction by Vanity Fair...
just in time for Mother's Da
gift-giving and for your own
personal wardrobe!
> ':Wonderful news for you! Now's the time to stock up on
your spring and summer wardrobe . . . while you take
advantage of Vanity Fair's new reduced prices on
your favorite no-iron, easy-care nylon tricot slips,
petticoats and briefs.

Our fashion-wise group of weather
snubbing coats.
Exciting new fabrics -- delight-
ful colors and attractive styling
combine to make you a well-
dressed Rain-Belle!
Plastics from $5.00.
Cottons and Rayons frorm $14.95
to $39.95.

4.95 SLIPS
5.95 SL IPS
6.95 SL IPS
10.95 SLIPS
12.95 SLIPS

. . NOW 3.95

. . .

. . .. NOW 4.95
. . . . . NOW. 5.95
.NOW 8.95
. NOW 10.95
OATS . . NOW 5.95


. . NOW 6.95
NOW 1.65
. NOW $2

Purulated vinyl film slicker, rain-
proof looks like fine gabardine.
New calors and white at $5.00.

lent all

lShwn are but two from our stock
$.LEFT: 4.95. Regular 5.95 slip. White, sizes 32 to 36, short; white, black
± ror navy, sizes 32 to 40, regular; white or black, sizes 34 to 40, tall lengths.
RIGHT: 3.95. Regular 4.95 slip. White with nylon net trim. Sizes 32 to
42; short, average or tall lengths.

100% wool water repel-
purpose wonder coat



1 I f\

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