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March 23, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-23

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Marterie To Play at Military Ball

Student Strives for Seat
In House of Commons


Dance To Feature

Medieval Theme,
Knight in Armor
Ralph Marterie's trumpet and
orchestra will send forth dance-
able tones at the annual Military
Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday
in the League Ballroom.
During intermission couples at-
tending the dance will listen to
the Psurfs, the winning act of
"We want to make this dance'a
tradition with the whole campus,
just as J-Hop," remarked Gil
Hitchcock, publicity chairman for
the dance. Hitchcock continued,
"by having Ralph Marterie and his
orchestra we are off to a good
Open to AlH Students
This year is the first time that
the Military Ball will be open to
all students.
Upon entering the second floor
of the League, couples will see the
front of a big medieval castle,
which symbolizes the dance theme.
Glittering and colorful metallic
shields with various coats of arms
will decorate the walls of the ball-
room. Adding to the medieval set-
ting will be colorful flags fashioned
in the same metallic colors.
Knight To Appear
Couples will see a knight in shin-
ing armor silhouetted against the
curtains at the far end of the ball-
room. A knight in armor will pa-
rade among the couples at the
All members of the ROTC units
on campus will attend the event
wearing their uniforms, while men
attending the dance who are not
embers of the units will be appro-
priately attired in tuxedos. For-
mals will be the correct dress for
Tickets for the all-campus dance
may be purchased at the NROTC
Office in North Hall. .
Chairmen Work on Dance
General chairman for the dance
is George Dutter. Taking care of
the secretarial duties of the dance
is Dick Belleville. In charge of the
band and entertainment is Bob
McSweeny, with Dick Buck in
charge of tickets and programs.
Decorations for the dance are
under the direction of Allan Pratt
and John Cole. Publicity chairman
this year is Gil hitchcock.
Hitchcock commented, "we are
planning to make this the biggest
and best ball thet has ever been
held on this campus."

-Daily-by John Hirtzel
KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR-Albert Senter waits patiently as
Allan Pratt and John Cole connect the intricate pieces of the
armor suit which transforms him into the knight of the Mili-
tary Ball, being held Friday in the League Ballroom.
Campus Group To Discuss
Leadership at Conference

David Barker is the only student
in the University playing the
unique dual role of studying in the
law school, while vieing for a seat
in England's House of Commons.
Doing research work for his LLM
(masters) and SJD (doctorate),
Barker is one of two English law
students here for a year on a
Cook Fellowship.
The 22 year old Englishman
hails from Crowton, a small town
near Liverpool, has been running
on the Labor ticket for two years.
"I joined the Labor party when I
was 17," he recalled, "and worked
for several years on elections."
Chosen To Run
"I was chosen to run in 1953,"
he continued, remarking that it
was unusual for anyone under 21
to be selected.
parker explained that the prime
minister may call an election any-
time within a five year period,
which is the maximum amount of
time that can elapse between
elections. "It is customary for a
candidate to be chosen almost
right after the previous election,"
he added.
Commenting on his campaign,
the labor candidate reported that
he had "been on the rounds" be-
fore he left for this country. "I
concentrated mainly on meeting
people on their own doorsteps,"
he said. Much more of that is in
store for him when he returns to
England this summer.
The next election is due in Oct.,
1956, but Barker hopes it will be
held next fall.
Received Law Degree
A graduate of the University of
London, where he earned his law
degree, Barker has been called to
the English Bar, but has never
practiced. He explained that the
English school system is such that
one can start studies in a profes-
sion at 18 and in three years re-
ceive a law degree. Six months
more is required to pass an en-
trance examination for the Bar.

--Daily-Dick Gaskill

Campus leaders will discuss
problems facing them when they
head groups, in iL student leader-
ship conference to be held from
7:30 to 10 p.m. tomorrow in rooms
3-KLMN of the Union.
In order to learn how to increase
one's personal effectiveness in
working with others, the confer-
ence will discuss qualifications and
methods involved in effectively
leading a group.
Among the problems to be dis-
cussed are; holding a group to-
gether in discussion, reaching a
general agreement which has
unanimous approval and control-
ling dominant members of the
Lecturer Heads Group
The conference will be headed
by Allen Menlo, lecturer in edu-
cational psychology and research
assistant in community and adult
education here at the University.
Run as a "workshop" where all
participants learn by performing,
the meeting will divide into small
discussion groups. These groups


will try to analyze the various fac-
tors involved in discussion.
With suggestions from Menlo,
they will try to discover ways to
control these factors in an infor-
mal manner.
Campus Issues Discussed
Giving students an opportunity
to meet many other campus lead-
ers, real campus issues will be
used as a basis for discussion.
Interested students may attend
this all-campus event, sponsored
jointly by the Union and the
Co-chairmen of the event are
Fred Williams of the Union and
Mary Jo Park, League parliamen-

Although this is his first visit to
the United States, it is far from
Barker's first contact with Ameri-
cans. Aside from the multitude of
American tourists in England,
many are attending English Uni-
versities. There were, of course,
mostly Americans with him on the
boat last September. "I even met
people from Ann Arbor there,"
Barker recalled.
He finds "the informality and
friendliness of Americans very wel-
come and quite a change from
Englishmen who tend to be more
shy and reserved."
Traveled in States
Affiliated with Phi Delta Phi,
the Englishman has spent his two
vacations far from campus. With
two fellow country men, he trav-
eled to Arizona and California
during the Christmas vacation,
and toured the Rockies in-between
"The thing that surprised me
most here," Barker remarked, "was
the strict University regulations
especially on the prohibition of
drinking." He asserted that in
England beer and a bar were part
of the University itself.

SANDLER OF BOSTON dresses up your favorite soft
shoe silhouette with slender straps and tiny buttons. T-Party,
with the low saucer vamp . . . in pink, beige, navy, red.





40 Coeds To Pledge National Sorority

Pharmacy Tour Visits
New York Company

New York City as their destina-
tion, 28 senior and graduate phar-
macy students, accompanied by
an advisor, left Ann Arbor on a
trip that combined both business
and pleasure.
Guests of a nationally known


,1cpp'44 Camnpti4


istration for spring physical edu-
cation classes for women will be-
gin at 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today
and from 7:30 a.m. to noon to-
morrow in the basement of Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Electives may register from 8
a.m. to noon Monday through
Wednesday at Barbour Gymnasi-
s s s
COFFEE HOUR - Members of
the political science department
will be honored at a Union-spon-
sored coffee hour at 4 p.m. today
in the Terrace room of the Union.
WOMEN'S SENATE--There will
be a Women's Senate meeting at
4:15 p.m. today in the League.
Elections will be held.
t LANTERN NIGHT - All song-
leaders for Lantern Night will
meet at 5:10 p.m. today in the
Large Lounge of the Women's Ath-
letic Building.
JGP-JGP rehearsal in prepara-
tion for the Detroit performance
will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. to-
day at the League. Chorus rehear-
sal will be held at 9 p.m. today.

pharmaceutical company, the stu-
dents spent three days touring the
plant and sightseeing in New York.
Similar trips are taken each se-
mester. Seniors make one alone
and are joined by juniors on the
Companies Invite Students
"Pharmaceutical companies in-
vite our students to tour their
plants and pay fcr everything ex-
cept their traveling expenses," Tom
D. Rowe, dean of the College of
Pharmacy, explained. He also said
that once a year students visit a
company in Michigan and have
their choice of out-of-state com-
panies for the other trip.
"These trips give the student an
understanding and insight into
pharmaceutical manufacturing,"
Dean Rowe continues, "which they
will find useful since they will be
handling the products." He added
that -a tour of such a plant was an
educational experience that would
benefit anyone whether or not he
was a pharmacy student.
Travel To New York
The trip to New York was a spe-
cial treat since many of the stu-
dents had never been to the city
before. Jim Richards, president of
the senior pharmacy class stated,
"It was mostly the idea of going to
New York that made us accept the
invitation of a company in that,
Richards said that the group
spent one full day 4ightseeing. The
other two days were spent touring
the plant.
"Although most of the plants
are similar in their makeup,"
Richards remarked, "a new one is
always interesting because each
has its own specialty."

"I just can't believe it! !"
This is how Christa Eckhard,
president of the coming Alpha Mu
chapter of Sigma Kappa, expresses
the feelings of the 40 coeds who
will become pledges of the nation-
al sorority at 4 p.m. Sunday in the
Vandenburg Room of the League.
"All I can say is 'Thank you!' to
everyone; to Panhellenic Associa-
tion, to Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon, to Miss Ethel McCormick
and especially to our 'guardian an-
gel', advisor and inspiration, Debby
Townsend," exclaimed Miss Eck-
The reality will come into being
in Sunday's ceremony when the
original 24 members and the 16
new pledges of Eskasia begin their
pledgeship to Sigma Kappa.
To Lead Group
New Sigma Kappa officers will
include Miss Eckhard; Barbara
Busch, vice - president; Pauline
Baumler, secretary; Ruth Heald,
treasurer and Carole Iackett, Pan-
hel delegate.
Instigator of the plan to bring a
new sorority to campus, it was Miss
Hackett who took her ideas to
Dean Bacon.
Affiliation with the national
group was possible in a short time

because Sigma Kappa had been
on campus previously and needed
only to be reactivated.
Membership in Alpha Mu chap-
ter will include Sandra Byers, Ju-
dith Colwell, Margaret Edwards,
Helen Eisner, Helen Erickson and
Lynette Ferrell.
Members Listed
Also in the ranks of Sigma Kap-
pa will be Judith Guest, Barbara
Hahn, Jean Irwin, Caroline Kina-
schuk, Mary Ann Kinaschuk and
Shannon King. Jackie Langmaid,
Jo Matych, Judith Mills, Lou Ann
Moxley, Helena Plummer, Carol
Schooff and Gloria Tennant com-
plete the active members of Es-
kasia who will join the sorority.
Pledges of the local group to be-
come Sigma Kappa's are Barbara
Burton, Margaret Decker, Mary
Ellen DeLalla, Margaret Durant,
Marilyn Eliason and Terry Jelac-
Jane Kasten, Carole Magee, Car-
ol Palmer, Charlene Pohr, Virginia
Rende and Anne Robinson will
also pledge. Completing the list of
11 juniors, 14 sophomores and 15
freshmen coeds are Marilyn Stew-
art, Judith Tatham, Janet Tour-
tellot and Carol Wheeler.
The women will be activated
into the Sigma Kappa national in

House Found
At that time they will move to
the Sigma Kappa house which will
be located at 1601 Cambridge.
At Sunday's white-formal initi-
ation, the women will become
pledges to one of the five oldest
sororities, founded in 1874 at Col-
by College, Waterville, Maine.
Mrs. Hilmer. Gillein of Detroit,
province president of the national
sorority, has named Mrs. Robert
B. Glenn, past president of the
Ann Arbor alumnae chapter, as
pledge trainer.
"With a long, full national his-
tory, Alpha Mu chapter of Sigma
Kappa will strive to build a suc-
cessful future for its members and
the University in general," Miss
Eckhard promised.

September, just before




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