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March 23, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-23

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-Daily-Fred Day
... comments on 'U'

U' Rules More Severe
Than European Schools'

Restrictions placed on American
college students are much more
numerous than those imposed by
t h e University of Heidelberg,
Friedrich-Wilhelm A 1 b r e c h t,
Grad., said yesterday.
Albrecht, who studied at Heidel-
berg before coming to Michigan,
said that restrictions here compare
with rules for high schools in Ger-
Regulations Desirable
Continuing, he said, "however,
as I got accustomed to the meth-
ods of study here, I began to re-
alize that perhaps the strict regu-
lations are more desirable than I
thought at first."
He said American students have
to concentrate on attending class-
es and studying in their first few
years. In Germany the going gets
rough for students only in the lat-
ter part of their education, Al-
brecht continued.
Classes or homework are not
compulsory at Heidelberg. The fin-
al grade for the program depends
on extensive examination at the
end of study.
Albrecht is studying law on a
fellowship. He arrived here last
September and will remain until
He admitted his present studies
will not have any immediate or
practical value when he returns to
Germany, because the way Ameri-
can law is set up differs from that
of his country. Here the case study
is emphasized in determining le-
gality, while Germans have single
rules to refer to.
Comparative Benefits
Main benefits of studying United
States law, he said, are for com-
parative purposes. When he fin-
ishes his "internship" in Germany
he may teach law, and a broad
background knowledge of different
systems will be beneficial, Albrecht
Rice Considered
Health Problemn
"Rice enrichment can change
peoples' basic diets and eliminate
beri-beri," Dr. Robert R. Williams'
said yesterday during a lecture at
the School of Public Health. {
Rice is the main food of one
half the world's population which
makes the enrichment problem1
highly important, Dr. Williams re-1
marked. Rice enrichment is an
inexpensive way to replace vita-
mins normally lost in the milling
.Most people prefer white rice to
the more nourishing brown variety.1
This enrichment plan replaces the
vitamins. without affecting the
color of the rice. -
"Formosa is the only other
country using enriched rice on a
big scale," he said. The United
States had financed the use of'
enriched rice for the Nationalistl
army, in order to improve the
soldiers nutrition.

He compared the United States
to Germany as having more tech-
nological advances and different
social customs, although he has not
found adjustment to the differ-
ences difficult.
His impressions of this country
are mainly the larger distances be-
tween cities than in Germany and
a tremendous variation in types
of regions of the country.
The soft-spoken German has
found the attitude of people herel
"open-minded and friendly." He
feels that Americans have an eas-
ier way of taking their daily af-
Speaking of the standard of liv-
ing, Albrecht said the most no-
ticeable differenpe is that Ameri-
cans have more luxuries than Eu-
ropeans. "For example, we have
television sets, autos and tele-
phones in Germany. But their use
is seen mostly in the upper class-
as. Here everyone has them," he
CR Chapel
Fills Needs
Of ,Students

Three faculty members of the
music school will present a concert
at 8:30 p.m. in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.
They are Prof. Florian Mueller,
oboe; Clyde Carpenter, French
horn and Charles Fisher, piano.
During the first half of the pro-
gram, the group will play works
by Cimarosa-Benjamin, Mozart
and Boroff.
After intermission, they will
play selections by Casadesus,
Haughland and Bozza.
The concert is open to the pub-
lic free of charge.
Finance Meeting
Fifth annual Municipal Finance
Officers Training Institute will be
held here today and tomorrow.
The meeting will be sponsored
by the University's Institute of
Public Administration and the Ex-
tension Service in cooperation
with the Michigan Municipal
League and the Michigan chapter
of the Municipal Finance Officers
Research Center
Prof. Alex Inkeles of Harvard
University's Russian Research
Center will discuss "The Soviet
Union as Seen Through the Eyes
of Its Former Citizens" at 7:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
Case Club
Semi-final round in the Henry
M. Campbell case club competi-
tion will be held at 7:30 p.m. in'
Rooms 116 and 138 Hutchins Hall.
Julius Poppinga, '56L and How-
ard Downs, '56L, will oppose Rog-
er' Kidston, '57L and Paul Hearle,
'56L, in the first pairing.
In Rm. 138 Joy Xenis, '56L and
Nathan Parker, '56L, will argue
against George Ewing, '56L .and
John Appel, '56L.
Winning teams will debate in
the finals on April 29.
A Student Leadership Confer-
ence will be held at 7:30 p.m. in
Rooms 3-K, L, M and N in the
The program is being offered for
the first time on campus, co-spon-
sored by the Union and the
Picasso Lecture
"Picasso and Ancient Art" vill
be discussed by Prof. Otto J. Bren-
del of Indiana University under
the auspices of the fine arts de-
partment at 4:15 p.m. in Auditor-
ium B, Angell Hall.
More than 1,40.0 students from
24 Michigan high schools will take
part in the music school's presen-
tation of Bach's "St. Matthew's
Passion" at 8 p.m.
The University Choir and Sym-
phony Orchestra and 11 soloists
also will participate under the
direction of Prof. Maynard Klein
of the music school.
Solo roles will be taken by music
school faculty members and stu-
dents. They are Harold Haugh,
evangelist; Prof. Philip Duey,
Jesus; Frances Greer, soprano and
Arlene Sollenberger, contralto.
Student roles include John Mos-
er, Grad., Judas; James Berg,
'56SM, Peter; Donald Nelson,
Grad., High Priest. William Mer-
rell, Grad., Pilate; Joan Marie
Dudd, Grad., Pilate's Wife; June
Howe, '55SM and Elizabeth Fis-
cher, '55SM, maids.
A discussion of current educa-
tional problems willbe held at a
meeting of the Ann Arbor-Ypsi-

lanti Region of the White House
Conference on Education at Ann
Arbor, beginning at 9 p.m. in Tap-
pan Junior High.
John Mason Brown, author and
critic, will appear as the final at-
traction in the University Lecture
Series at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
On Old Mission Peninsula near
Traverse City, cherry trees grow
20,000 to the square mile. This is
the greatest concentration of cher-
ry trees in America.

"I enjoy teaching because it
keeps me in contact with young
people and because it is a stimu-
lating method of replenishing
ideas," Prof. Helen Peak of the
psychology department comment-
ed yesterday.
Speaking with a trace of her
distinguishing Texas accent the
professor related some of the
events which have made her career
an interesting and varied one.
Worked With Delinquents
After graduation from the Uni-
versity of Texas, where she ma-
jored in sociology, Prof. Peak
worked for a time with delinquent
girls. Realizing "psychology was
-important in that type of job," she
went to Radcliffe College where
she obtained a Masters' degree in
psychology in 1924.
After teaching for a time at
Southern Methodist University,
Prof. Peak obtained a doctorate in
psychology from Yale University:
in 1930. Following her graduation,
she did research work for the in-
stitute of Human Relations at
Yale which was "one of the first
attempts to bring together a meet-
ing of the minds in various fields."
Because "psychology is one of
those subjects which cuts across so
many fields," Prof. Peak has on

numerous occasions done work for
the United States government.
During the early part of World
War II, she took part in a research
project dealing with the problems
of camouflage. In 1945 she was sent
to Germany in order to help test
the results of bombing on civilian
Head of Department
One year later, Prof. Peak was
head of the psychology department
at Connecticut College. She joined
the University faculty in 1950 "be-
cause I felt it would give me a
greater opportunity for research."
Born and educated in the South,
the unassuming professor said she
thought the Supreme Court deci-
sion which declared segregation in
public schools unconstitutional hadf
come at a good moment. "There
has been an almost unbelievable
change in attitude in recent'
years," she commented.
Prof. Peak dispelled with a smile
the popular theory that teachers
spend their annual vacations re-
laxing or travelling. "It seems as
if I keep buying tickets to Europe
and never use them, she laughed.
The professor, who enjoys read-,
ing and plays the piano, will be
employed during the summer by
the Navy Department which is'
sponsoring a study on attitudes
and attitude changes.

--Courtesy University News Service
... Milton and 'spectator sports'

VT LI~1.L9 iYifl..flijEJ Ar.), 1~OO

Variety in Psychological
Work--Career of Peak

Teaching Now Full-Time Job for Rice

University Offers Sununer
Program in Russian Studies
2") ^

a series

article is the second part of
on Lane Hall SRA sponsored
religious organizations,

The University is now organiz
ing its second summer program in
Russian Studies.
This program offers an oppor-
tunity to become acquainted with
key problems of the Russian world
and with the background of cur-
rent happening. It also is design-
ed to give students an opportunity
to acquire or improve command of
the Russian language.
Purposes of the program are to
make a regional study of Russia
and to train people for govern-
ment service. It also will acquint
people in the teaching field with
the language, history and customs
of Russia.
The core of the program will
be the Interdepartmental seminar
in Russian studies. Topic of the
seminar will be "Stresses and
Strains in the U.S.S.R.: Problems
of Domestic and Foreign Polipy."
Courses offered will deal with
history, politics and geography of
the Soviet world. They will con-
cern the Soviet society and the
language and literature of the
Soviet Union.
W folverine'Heads
New officers have been named
by the Wolverine Club.
They are Don Cohodes.'57, pres-
ident; Jim Braden, '57, vice-presi-
dent; Lynn Clapp. '57, correspond-
ing secretary; Cynthia Stone, '56,
recording secretary and Steve Uze-
lac, '57, treasurer.
Plan Now for
Executive Career
Unique one-year course leads
you to Alaster's degree. Indi-
vidualized training for those
desire top-paying positions,
have average or better aca-
demic records, broad educa-
tional backgrounds. Training
in nationally known retail or-
ganiza ions with pay (covers
tuition, books, fees). Scholar-
ships. Coed. Graduates placed.
Next class begins Sept.6,1955.
Applications ac-
cep ted now. Write
3Ijfor Bulletin. C.

Some of the visiting lecturers in
the seminar will be Prof. John N.
Hazard of the Russian Institute of
Columbia University, Lazar Volin
of the Department of Agriculture
Iand Prof. Walter W. Rostow of
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Further information may be ob-
tained from Prof. George Kish of
the geography department here
Opera Petitions
Deadline Friday
Deadline for petitioning for the'
Union Opera Central Committee
is Friday.
Available positions include gen-
eral secretary and chairmen-of the
promotions, production, program
and music committees. Interested
students may pick up petitions at
the main desk of the Union and
return them to the same place,
Those desiring further informa-
tion may come between 5 and 6
p.m. through Friday to the Union
Opera office, Rm. 3-E of the Un-

"Up to twelve hours" of Prof.
Warner G. Rice's day are taken
up with teaching and adminis-
trative problems in his role as
chairman of the English depart-
Prof. Rice, who has been at the
University more than a quarter of
a century, did his undergraduate
work at the University of Illinois.
At first, his chief interest was
chemistry. But after serving in the
First World War, he returned to
Illinois and decided to give his
time to English.
'English Hellenism'
The subject of "English Hellen-
ism" helped direct Prof. Rice into
the fields of his special interests
in English.
"I became anxious about the
growth of the idea that there is
a special value in studying the
Greeks. And my studies in Hellen-
ism led me toathe literature of the
English Renaissance," Prof. Rice
It has been in the field of Eng-
lish Renaissance literature. that
Prof. Rice has done most of his
research, writing and teaching.
He has been recognized as an au-
thority on Milton.
Prof. Rice's writing has been
largely interpretations of Milton's
major poems.
'Renaissance Music'
"One of my side interests is in
Renaissance music," he said. "I


like to connect that with Milton,
who was also interested in music.
Another side interest, on which I
plan to do research when I'm in
England again, is the illustrators
of Milton."
Although Renaissance literature
occupies most of his time, Prof.
Rice has also done work in nine-
teenth century writers, as well as
other periods. He has, in addition,
had an intense and lasting preoc-
cupation with the problems of
While working at Harvard,
where he received his M.A. and
Ph.D., Prof. Rice helped introduce
the tutorial system.
"During the past two or three
years, I have given a great deal
of time to the problem of training
college teachers of English on a
national scale."
The deep-voiced, gray-haired
professor noted that there has
been a decreased interest in older
"When I was at Harvard it
wasn't quite respectable to study
anything later than the Renais-
sance. But today we have moved
far away from this position until
there is too exclusive an inter-
est in modern writers," he said.
The English department, Prof.
Rice indicated, has tried to correct
this trend by encouraging the
study of literature of all periods in
the University.

"We are offering excellent
courses in our older literature," he
said. In the future, there may be
a change in English concentration
requirements which will insure a
balanced program. .
Prof. Rice has been content with
his teaching and such scholarly
writing as he has found time to
complete. He has not aspired to
succeed as a novelist or poet. '
In addition to teaching, Prof.
Rice is a member of various Uni-
versity education committees, The
Commission on Trends in Educa-
tion of the Modern Language As-
sociation, as well as national com-
mittees for the education of col-
lege teachers.
He is also a member of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
and a member of the Board of Di-
rectors of the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter, whose growing audience he
finds "very satisfying."
'Spectator Sports'
However, Prof. Rice expressed
some disturbance at what he calls
a "current tendency toward 'spec-
tator sports.' By 'spectator sports'
I mean that we watch instead of
participate. We listen to music: But
we don't play it or sing it.
"Perhaps we never did. But the
impression one has is that people
used to settle down around the pi-
ano and make their own music.
It wasn't always good. But it was
music, created by the spirits of the
people who were enjoying it.
"We are critics nowadays and
not practicianers. This is true
about all sorts of things-sports,
drama. At the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter, we have been disappointed in
the relatively small number of
students interested in being a part
of the theater."
Prizes Offered
In Photo Contest
Prizes of $50 are being awarded
by the local roundtable of the Na-
tional Conference of Christians
and Jews for the best picture in
their forthcoming photography
Second place awards of $25 for
junior and senior categories are
also being offered, as well as $5
weekly awards. Photographers old-
er than high school age are class-
ed in the senior category.
Ann Arbor's roundtable will also
give a new camera to the taker of
the best picture of the contest,
which runs from April 1 to May
Photos illustrating cooperation
among races or appreciation of
the many religious faiths may be
taken to one of several local
photography supply shops. Any
Ann Arbor photographer may sub-
mit an unlimited number of black-
and -white -pictures of any size.



"Our chapel is our student
group," said Rev. Leonard Verduin
of the Christian Reformed Chap-
He pointed out the chapel is not
a church but a meeting place de-
signed for the approximately 300
Christian Reformed students on
campus. Rev. Verduin said "our
primary aim is to provide a chap-
el for students far away from
Among activities sponsored by
the chapel are an annual welcom-
ing dinner for new students, a
weekly Bible study group and two
Sunday services. A study room is
provided for students in the Chap-
el which was built in 1948. "All
the Christian Reformed churches
in Michigan contributed to the
building of this chapel on a family
basis," said Rev. Verduin.
Rev. Verduin said further the
chapel participates in many Lane
Hall SRA sponsored activities.
Among these are the Student
Commission which discusses prob-
lems of all student centers and
works together with the Univer-
sity to schedule activities such as
Church Night during Orientation
Officers of the chapel are the
secretary, Charles Van Dyken,
'57D, and treasurer, Chris Helmus.
Prof. Robert Bolt of the medical
school acts as advisor for the

Renaissance music," he said. "I


Willem Maurits Lange, III
Syracuse Uniuersity


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