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March 23, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-23

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JI Zk12 itc SimAi i*AtIL

' VlAi+kEJJAX, IMAK~i 4, 1955


.£A~ L' D'V APV6

Bureau of Appointments Offers
Valuable Services

"Maybe I Shouldn't Have Pulled the Trigger"


THE OPPORTUNITY is there but it isn't be-
ing taken,
The University maintains a Biireau of Ap-.
pointments where students may find out about
job opportunities and be placed in worthwhile
Each week more than 25 firms send repre-
sentatives to the Bureau to interview students
for future jobs and to tell them about avail-
able opportunities. Companies show great in-
terest in the University because of its high
academic standing and the potential of its
students. They are disappointed when few stu-
dents respond. Firms have claimed they receiv-
ed a much better turn-out at some of the small-
er colleges and at Michigan State.
STUDENT APATHY can result in companies
sending fewer representatives and, conse-
quently a loss of job opportunities. Firms in-
vest money to send representatives to the Uni-
versity. Lack of student interest indicates to
them that University students aren't what
they want. Companies realize students are busy.
If a student can't see them during scheduled
times, most are willing to make arrangements
to help students. All they ask for is a little
student initiative and interest.
Some students claim they don't know about
the Bureau of Appointments. Leaflets intro-
ducing the Bureau are distributed at registra-
tion, posters are put up on campus and the
University General Bulletin mentions it. In
addition the Daily Official Bulletin carries a
list of firms coming to interview students and

a list of visiting companies is mailed tq all
housing units each week. Possibly the Bureau
could go one step further and send a personal
leaflet to each student, but the Bureau is of-
fering a service and students should take some
responsibility for finding out about it.
STUDENTS WHO have visited the Bureau
complain about "red tape" involved in regis-
tering. They refer to a packet of reference
sheets, personal data, and job preference ma-
terial which requires several hours to fill out.
This envelope is supposed to be filled out at
"their earliest convenience." Frequently this
"convenience" never comes and the envelops
lies unopened. Reinstatement of the one dollar
fine after a set time limit might speed stu-
dents up, but this practice was dropped because
of vigorous student objection.
Students can meet company representatives
without being registered but they lose out on
some of the Bureau's services. The Bureau
keeps a permanent and continuing record of
all registered students. Its files are availalle
to companies at any time, making placement of
alumni possible. The Bureau frequently gets
calls about students who aren't registered with
them and the student loses a valuable job op-
portunity. By being on the Bureau's active list,
students are sometimes notified of job oppor-
tunities which might be of special interest to
them, although the major responsibility still
rests with the student. The Bureau offers stu-
dents a valuable service. Job opportunities are
often there, waiting to be taken.
-Arlis Garon

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Review Essays on 'Theatre'

Name Change Attempt Seen
As Seasonal Symptom-

IN THE SPRING a young man's fancy turns
to love and the State Board of Agriculture's
to changing Michigan State's name. Every
spring we go through pretty much the same
nonsense. MSC decides it's time to change into
long pants and tries to become MSU-UM
(with a fiscal eye turned towards Lansing)
tries to prevent the change. Everypne ends up
hot under the collar and MSC resigns itself
to another year as MSC.
Our East Lansing friends have gotten a little
further this year than last-even got the House
Committee on Education to report a name-
change bill by a favorable 5-4 vote. And to
top it all (the bitter blow) the Michigan State
News held a policy meeting and decided to
drop the name "College" when refering to MSC
(which; as things now stand, is still MSC).
EHIND ALL the public statements dished
out by administrators of both schools and
their respective governing boards is an im-
portant but much glossed over fact-the two
schools are intense rivals. No one likes to ad-
mit that the MSC-UM rivalry (which is a
good deal deeper than Paul Bunyan) is the
underlying cause of dissension (we try to dis-
cuss the problem objectively and rationally),
but we suspect it is.

No one's fault you understand, it's just that
both schools have to vie for funds, prestige,
the limelight, football players and students.
Perhaps we're partial but we think the
sanest solution yet proposed to end the ab-
surd bickering comes from the University Board
of Regents. Let them have their "University"
title, the Regents said, but to prevent con-
fusion preface it with something other than
"Michigan State."
Not wanting to lose the prestige attached to
"Michigan State," (Rose Bowl in '54) the State
Board of Agriculture objects.
Let MSC become a University if they want
but if they're sincere (and we doubt it) in
claiming they want the change simply because
academically they deserve it, let them give
up "Michigan State."
One reason they're reluctant to do this, we
suspect, is that Michigan State University
sounds a lot like University of Michigan an;
there's a lot of justifiable prestige attached to
UM for them to capitalize on.
Meanwhile West Germany's Bundesrat ap-
proved the Paris Pacts and debate was still go-
ing on as to the advisability of releasing the
Yalta secrets.
--Lee Marks

I iw I I Y _


At Hill Auditorium-...
TO THOSE of us who have listened to and
admired the playing of Gieseking through
his recordings, it was an inspiring opportunity
for us to hear the man in person. We have
given him many plaudits, and used many su-
perlatives about him. And we were not dis-
sapointed last night. He performed as excep-
tionally well as we have come to expect. Age
has not interfered with his brilliant virtuosity,
nor has it dulled his sensitivity.
The program was well chosen. It consisted
of a Beethoven Sonata, a group of short
Brahms pieces, and two Schubert Impromptus
for the first half of the program. The Beetho-
ven had violent contrasts, the Brahms had
sheer lyricism, sometimes strident and the
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the Un)versity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig................. Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............ . .....City Editor
Jon Sobeloff................,Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.............. . . . .Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston ................. ... Sporots Editor
Hanley Gurwin.............Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer. ....... Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........................Women's Editor
Janet Smith. .............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzei. ..................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak..,. ...........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill,............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise......................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski...............Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23241

Schubert demonstrated utter and melodious
simplicity. The second half was devoted to the
Impressionism of Castelnuova-Tadesco and
Debussy, of which Mr. Gieseking may be re-
garded as the extreme exponent. Our only dis-
appointment was that program included none
of the music of Bach.
AND JUST why do we consider Mr. Giese-
king's playing so great? First and fore-
most, he is not just a pianist, but a musician,
To him, the music is all important and noth-
ing else matters. Technic and tone are mere
means to this end, but they are necessary
means. Gieseking's is a relaxed and effortless
style of playing. The music flows out and
seems to ride on its own momentum, always
moving and never stagnant. He has complete
mastery of the keyboard. His dynamics con-
sist of an infinite number of purposely con-
trolled gradations from pianissimo to fortis-
simo. The playing is precise and articulate-
we never miss a note. His delicacy and use of
piano color is second to none, and his cli-
maxes are so planned as to produce the ulti-
mate in effect, thus realizing the full inten-
tions of the composer.
His encores were: a Scarlatti Sonata, the
Debussy Arabesque number one, and one of
the Grieg Lyric Pieces.
-Tom Kreger
New Books at the Library
Armstrong, Charlotte-The Dream Walker;
New York, Coward-McCann, 1955.
Arny, Mary Travis-Seasoned With Salt;
Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1955.
Berton, Laura Beatrice-I Married the Klon-
dike; Boston & Toronto, Rinehart and Co.,
Carmer, Carl-The Susquehanna; New York
& Toronto, Lojie Brown and Co., 1955
Davis, Elmer-Two Minutes Till Midnight;
Indianapoles & New York, The Bobbs-Merrill
Co., Inc., 1955.
Salisbury, Harrison E.-American In Russia;

"Theatre" by Desmond Mac-
Carhyt O x f o r d University
Press, 1955.
"THEATRE" is a collection of
pieces, published posthumous-
ly in February 1955, on plays, per-
formances, actors and actresses,
and on the theatre in general, by
Desmond MacCarthy, the English
man-of-letters whose death a few
years ago left criticism in a classi-
cal sense an almost unpractised
art. Many American readers may
not know the constant pleasure he
provides; there is no counterpart
in the United States, so compari-
son is difficult,
On one hand - in the enormous
range of his sympathies and in-
terests-he reminds you of Ed-
mund Wilson, except about Mac-
Carthy's work you never have re-
servations; you never think, as is
possible with Wilson, that you are
being given I Final Word when,
really, it isn't a critic's business to
write the last word, only his say.
And MacCarthy, again unlike Wil-
son, has no dull axes to whet.
On another hand-that of clear-
sighted, no-nonsense, please, sen-
sibility, he reminds you of George
Jean Nathan, except MacCarthy
has none of the superficial pro-
fundity and subsurface shallow-
ness that mars Nathan's writing
when he feels compelled to defend
his reputation as bon vivant with
venomed thrust ready to dispatch
some witless miscreant where art
is concerned, leaving a scintillat.
ing quote, but nothing much con-
Where MacCarthy draws near a
composite Wilson-Nathan is in
this, he, too, is an enormous schol-
ar who dispenses scholarship eas-
fly. He writes like a brilliant talk-
er would speak: There is in the
fitting of his thoughts into sen-
tences a sense of one period still
producing an echo while yet a new
one is launched. MacCarthy's es-
says are never congrested with
parentheticals; he has none of the
footnotes put down as such, as
do many academicians-turned-
critics; in their speaking parts
scholarly apparatus appear as an-
noying, consumptive coughs.
MacCARTHY never formulated
his approach to drama or lit- '
erature into an Aesthetic which
would include or exclude depend-
ing on whether or not the parti-
cular work was at variance. A few
sentences, scattered through his
writing, give you his viewpoint, as
in this one when he neatly dispos-
es of F. R. Leavis in writing about
W. H. Davies in "Memories":
"It seem to me a dubious bar-
gain to lose a Keats to gain a
Pound, to surrender a Coleridge to
find a Flint, to exchange a Milton
even for an Eliot. Bust must it be
with us always either this poet
or that? Does not the same read-
er often respond both to Pope and
Blake? Surely we are all gifted
with a happy natural inconsis-
tency of tastes? Indeed, we are-
if only we let ourselves alone We
can admire poets equally who nave
hardly one excellence in common,
until we apply to both the same
Aesthetic. But the moment we
start, think we know what is the
essence of poetry we are driven to
reject much we could otherwise
In writing about Swinburne in
"Humanities" he said, "The crit-
ic's functions are by no means
limited to comparison, analysis,
and judgment: he may simply
make 'us feel what he has felt."
A crisp, clear appraisal of Noel
Coward in "Theatre" contains this
sentence: "I enjoyed it; I wept
-for I am not one of those who
nhc innt Z _vof,.. r n t,. "

he had experienced at the per-
formance or in the reading, know-
ing full well that if this impression
were to have any real value it
required him to draw upon both
his intellect and his sensations, in
calm afterward, in detachment.
MacCarthy's big question is al-
ways to same, regardless of the
work at hand or the time from
which the work comes, "What
does this work mean in terms of
life, my life and your life?" The
test of the work of art for Mac-
Carthy was always its relation to
the experience that all men have,
living, and he says in a dialogue
with two parts of himself ".--
me second counsellor soothes me.
He talks like this: 'You are a lit-
erary man; you should write for
literary people, not for those who
are confined to the moment-in a
great measure through the infer-
iority of their faculties. Litera-
ture is an important part of life;
taste is high morality."
Lord David Cecil has written of
MacCarthy: "He examined litera-
ture always in relation to impor-
tant and permanent aspects of
man's experience, and estimated
it by rational and timeless stand-
ards deeply grounded in the Euro-
pean tradition of culture and not
biased by the preudice of any
school or period." The word for
MacCarthy's approach is "hu-
OW, THERE is nothing new
in what MacCarthy did be-
cause of his viewpoint,' and yet
what he did is just the lack in the
great body of criticism in this cen-
tury, and it is his great recom-
mendation. In "Theatre" McCar-
thy considers Shakespeare, Ibsen,
Chekhov, Strindberg, Pirandellow,
Barrie, Maugham. Perhaps Mac-
Carthy's estimates of Maugham
will do something to restore him
to a place he ought rightfully hold
in theatre history, MacCarthy
writes with such probity that any-
one who cares about the stage
ought find considerable instruc-
tion in him.
It is good also to read his ap-
praisals of Mrs. Patrick Camp-
bell, Eleanora Duse and Sara
Bernhardt, for these are legendary
figures in the theatre and you like
to know what bases legends have.
Of Bernhardt he says: "Sarah
Bernhardt was always the actress
as well as the part; at her best
she was both equally, Conse-
quently, she was at her best in
plays where passions were ex-
press in a dramatic convention
which does not attempt to com-
pete with nature or to create the
greatest illusion, but to interpret
life on another . . . In her acting
at its best she achieved what mo-
dern poets long to do-to express
their own personalities with spon-
taneous freedom without losing
the dignity and definiteness of a
conscious work of art."
Virginia Woolf was at center of'
the Bloomsbury group now so fam-
ous; E. M. Forster is pehaps the
greatest of the survivors who once
included Roger Fry, Vanessa and
Clive Bell, Lytton Strachey, and
others. Desmond MacCarthy was
a member, too, and it is to his
credit that he is thought of apart
from the others -
He was, in fact, the despair of
those geniuses at times, because
there was so much in English li-
terature and drama he could re-
spond to and admire by not forc-
ing his concept of excellence to
conform to standards other than
those grouped under the word
"humane," which in context
means "life-enriching," classical.
Had they not a great friendship,
and were not Virginia Woolf's

WASHINGTON-Yalta fallout
-The fallout from the Yalta
explosion is like the Hydrogen.
Its devastating diplomatic effect
continues long after the original
blast . . . Today the French Sen-
ate votes on ratification of the
German arms agreement, which
Dulles for two years has made the
cornerstone of his European policy.
He took four trips to Europe to
urge, threaten, cajole French par-
ticipation . . . Yet just six days
prior to French senate debate on
ratification he released a docu-
ment quoting Winston Churchill
as saying: "no solution has been
found for controlling the French
while they are controlling the
Germans. If the French wish to
be tiresome they could produce
trouble in their zone which would
cause trouble in the other zones. If
-we decide to be strict they could be
lenient. If we decide to be lenient
they could be strict." . . . French
diplomats working for ratification
of the German arms agreement
were dumbfounded, the French
press furious ., . before the State
Department released the Yalta ex-
pi1 o s i o n stenographers hastily
crossed out certain passages with
pencils. However, French news-
men could see right through the
penciled censorship, including the
Churchill quote: "I do feel that if
the French are given this little
sop it will keep- them quietly, for
I feel strongly that they should
not be at this table. This is an
exclusive group (smiling) and the
entrance subscription is at least
five million soldiers." . . . Natur-
ally this was headlined in Paris.
Yalta'd British-What flabber-
gasted the British was that the
Secretary of State himself should
leak the documents. They knew, as
the entire press and diplomatic
corps now knows, that it was none
other than John Foster Dulles who
authorized that two huge volumes
be planted with the New York
Times, a technique calculated to
satisfy right-wing Republicans yet
let Dulles tell the British he was
against publication . . . "If that
happened in England," remarked
one British diplomat, "Eden would
face questions in Commons next
morning and might have to re-
sign." . . . One Yalta line that es-
pecially irked the British was the
Churchill quote: "It would be a
~pity to stuff the Polish goose so
full of German food that it would
have indigestion."
Yalta Wisecracks - With the
weight of the war on their should-
ers the old gentlemen at Yalta
were full of wisecracks, which is
one reason Senator Knowland de-
nanded publication. However,
Churchill and Roosevelt always
wisecracked, war or no war -. -
Here are some Yalta-cracks: . ..
Churchill: "We are pursuing the
Atlantic Charter. I sent a copy of
this interpretation to Wendell
Willkie." Roosevelt: "Is that wht
killed him?" . . Roosevelt "re-
called there had been an organiza-
tion called the Ku Klux Klan that
had hated the Catholics and Jews,
and when he had been on a visit
to a small town in the south he
had been the guest of the presi-
dent of the local Chamber of Com-
nerce. He had sat next to an Ital-
ian on one side and a Jew on the
other and had asked the presi-
dent of the Chamber of Commerce
whether they were members of
the Ku. Klux Klan, to. which the
president replied that they were,
but that they were considered all
right since everyone in the com-
munity knew them. The President
remarked that it was a good illus-
tration of how difficult it was to

have any prejudice-racial, reli-
gious or otherwise-if you really
knew people." . . . Roosevelt told
this in supporting a Churchill
toast for peaceful cooperation with
Russia "that the common danger
of war had removed the impedi-
ments to understanding and the
fires of war had wiped out old ani-
Dumb Democrats-The Demo-
cratic National Committee was
either too dumb or too busy play-
ing bridge or unable to read. For
the Yalta papers contained good
political ammunition . . . GOP
mouthpieces, including David Law-
rence's U.S. News, also Newsweek,
had leaked the story that Joe Lash,
onetime friend of Mrs Roosevelt
and former member of a Com-
munist-front youth group, was to
be a U.S. delegate to the United
Nations. It now develops that Ed
Stettinius, then Secretary of State,
didn't know how to spell "Laus-
' che," the name of the Governor
of Ohio.
Yalta - hissing - One document
in the Yalta record which neither
McCarthy nor Nixon is likely to
quote is a memo the State De-
partment attributed to Hiss show-
ing. he opposed giving two extra
votes to Russia in the United Na-
tions . . .When Stalin wanted the
TT-, m nT~ia R vc n a f - -f

on "The Study of Channel Capacity.,"
p.m. Henry Quastler (Illinois) will speak
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., March 24, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Dr. I. Marx
will speak on "Half-Plane Diffr#Lction:
Wiener-Hopf Method."
A Social Seminar will be held Thurs.,
March 24, at 7:45 p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Building.
Panel discussion by Institute graduates
on "Education for Public Administra-
tion: A Critique." Refreshments.
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
March 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Stanley L. Reid will speak
on "Oxidations with Phenyl Iodosoace-
Seminar in Analytical-Inorganic-Phys-
ical Chemistry. Thurs., March 24 at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Raymond
E. Bahor will speak on "Analytical Ap-
plieptions of Ion Exchange Resins."
Faculty Concert. Florian Mueller,
oboe, Clyde Carpenter, French horn, and
Charles Fisher, piano, in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, Wed., March 23, at 8:30
p.m. Concerto for Oboe and Piano by
Cimarosa; Mozart's Horn Concerto No.
2; and the first performance of Sona-
ta for French Horn and Piano composed
by Edith Borroff, graduate student at
the University; first performance of
Sonata for Oboe and Piano by Robert
Casadesus; Suite of Two Pieces by
Hugland, and En Foret by Bozza. Open
to the public.
Student Recital. Suzanne Grenard, pi-
anist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Thurs.,
March 24, in Rackham Assembly Hall,
playing compositions by Galuppi,
'Brahnis, Schubert, and Honegger. Miss
Grenard studies with Joseph Brinkman,
and her reciti will be open to the
public. It is to be presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree,
Events Today
La Cercle Francais will meet Wednes-
day at 8:00 p.m. in the League. Three
skits: "Les Chevaliers de Scrabble,"
"Aimez-vous le fromage?", and "Dorme
Reforme" will be given. Bingo in French
with prizes, a French film, records, and
refreshments will follow. Venez tous!
Lutheran Stu dent Association-Wed-
nesday, 7:30 p.m. This week the media-
tion will be on the Fifth Word from the
Cross. Corner of Hill St. and Forest
Episcopal S t u d e n t Foundation.
Breakfast at Canterbury House follow-
foing the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion,
Wednesday, March 23.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
on Wednesday, March 23, at 5:15 p.m.,
in the Chapel of St. Michael and All An-
The following Badminton games will
be played on Wednesday, March 23 in
Barbour Gym: At 7:00-Marg Smith and
Frank, Cohn and Hammill, Kirchner
and Gebhard. At 7:30-Hantel and Do-
err, Bryant, Galvin and Walters, Hei-
den, O'Tool, Gubbins and Moffatt,
Smith. At 8:00-Reilly, Shicks and
Johnstone, Weinert, Larwin, Pahl and
Quine, Burroughs, Uebel, Leroy, and

Noted Dancer Makes
Final Appearance
ESCUDERO and his Company.
VINCENTE ESCUDERO, the grand master of all flamenco dancers,
is now making a final appearance tour of the country. At present,
he is dancing to Detroit audiences for the remainder of the week.
Like most "final appearance" tours, Escudero's program has a kind
of romantic nostalgia and sadness, for there is something innately
pathetic about an old dancer putting an end to a career of fame and
applause. Escudero is an old man (his program age is listed as 62) and
age has taken some of his lithesomeness. But what he lacks in youth-
ful vitality, he more than compensates with technique, a technique
which is probably unsurpassed in the entire world, and which takes its
roots in the culmination of nearly a half century of dancing. More-
over, it is a technique which is ageless and which displays its depth and
complexity when compared with the vibrant but immature dancing of
the company's other male performers.
FROM THE time Escudero makes his first appearance, dancing a
Zapateado without music, filling the theater with primitive fla-
menco rhythms made by the feet and hands, to his final Romeras, he
holds his audience electrified with the poise, ability, and assurance of
a truly great artist.
There is always the arched back, the stilled hips, the violent Gypsy
temperament brought under the control and precision of flamenco;
Escudero can produce the most intense kind of excitement, the feet
tapping out the ancient rhythms, he hands making music in sound and
motion. Only five times does the Master dance; but each alone is wor-
thy of attendance: the hand and arm movements in the Romance Al
Molino; the strikingly complex Siguiria Gitana done on a dimly light-
ed stage; the humorous Sevilla performed with castanets that seem to
THE COMPANY never allows popularization for American audiences
influence their work; and all dancing is pure and authentic. Car-
mita Garcia, who also works with Escudero in the Sevilla, injects hu-
mor and playfulness into her dancing without ever losing control of
technique. Maria Marquez displays a thorough mastery of classical
Spanish dancing. In addition, there is a solo guitarist, Mario Escudero
(no relation), who won a rousing reception on opening night, and
Flamenco singer Pepe La Matrona. The company is small and each
performer is given ample opportunity to display his or her talents.
A small but appreciative opening night audience seemed to indi-
cate that there are few Detroiters interested in Escudero, which is un-
fortunate; for the entire program is a dance experience to be long re-
membered, well worth the inconvenience of traveling to Detroit.
-Ernest Theodossin


(Continued from Page 2)

Frosh Weekend -- Maize Team Pub
licity Committee Stunts and Skits
meeting Wed., March 23 7:30 p.m. in
the League.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Midweek Lenten vespers
today at 7:30 and at 9:15: Sermon by the
pastor, "Pontius Pilate -- Blameworthy
WCBN WQ. General staff meeting to-
day, Wed., March 23, in the West Quad
council room at 6:30 p.m. Attendance
Pershing Rifles. Be at TCB in uni-
form Wed., March 23 at 1930 hrs. foir
regular company drill.
First Baptist Church. Wed., March 23.
4:30-5:45 p.m. Tea at Guild House.
Meeting of Ullr Ski Club will be held
in Room 3K, Union, at 8:00 p.m. Wed.,
March 23. Movies.
"The Skin of Our Teeth," Thornton
Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning come-
dy, will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets tire on
sale at the box office 10:00 a.m.-8:00
Student Zionist meeting March 23.
Plans for Israel Independence Day cel-
ebration will be discussed.
Young Democrats. Prospects' for the
Democratic Party in 1956 will be dis-
cussed by Lieutenant Governor Phil
Hart, Professor Moos of Johns Hopkins,
national committee woman Margaret
Price, and Horace Cooper of the Survey
Research Center, at the Michigan Un-
ion, Room 3G tonight at 7:30 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild. Wed., March 23. Mid-
week Tea in lounge, 4:00-5:15 p.m. Mid-
week Worship in the chapel at 5:15
Regular Meeting of the Co-Recreation-
al Badminton Club will be held March
23, in Barbour Gymnasium. 7:00 p.m.
Coming Events
Christian Science Organization Testl-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., 4:30-
6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs. at 7:45
p.m. Iz 311 W. Eng.
Hillel Grad Group. Brunch. Bagles and
Lox. Sunday March 27, 10:30 a.m. at
Hillel. $.50 charge. Reservations must be
made at Hillel before Thursday eve-
ning, March 24.
A Workcamp is planned for Ypsilan-
tt this week-end. Information can be
obtained from Lane Hall, Ext. 2851.
Congressional-Disciples Guild. Thurs.,
May 24, 7:00 a.m., Breakfast group at the
Guild House Chapel. 5:00-5:30 p.m., Len-
ten Meditation in Douglas Chapel. 7:15-
8:15 p.m., Bible Class at the Guild
La Petite Causette meets Thurs., May
24, 3:30-5:00 p.m.-in the left room of the
Union cafeteria. Scrabble en francals.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
Thurs., March 24, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Holy Communion at 7:30 p.m. Thurs,,
March 24, followed at 8:15 p.m. by four
seminars dealing with various aspects
of "Everyday Christianity," in the Par-
ish House.


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