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March 17, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-17

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Junior Coeds









JGP Begins
With Music,
Bright Lights
Gay music and brightly colored
costumes will fill the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater beginning at 8
p.m. today, as junior coeds present
their annual Junior Girls' Play,
Presented this evening before a
Senior Night coed audience, the
musical will be repeated at 8 p.m.
tomorrow and Saturday for the
whole campus, with a special ma-
tinee planned for 2:30 p.m. Sat-
Tickets are now on sale for all
performances at the box office in
the League. On sale from 1 to 5
p.m. today through Saturday and
7 to 8 p.m. tomorrow and Satur-
day, the tickets are priced at 90
cents per person for the evening
show and 50 cents for the matine.
Entirely written and produced
by the junior coeds, under the
chairmanship of Alice James, the
performance will culminate nearly
a year of planning and rehearsals.
Committee To View
Members of the central commit-
tee of JGP will view their produc-
tioon in its entirety for the first
time tomorrow night.
Involving a "show within a
show" plot, "Cock-a-Hoop:" tells
the story of 14 girls who get to-
gether and present their own show.
The finale of this show forms the
entire last act of JGP.
Taking the lead in the perform-
ance, Barb Reed will play the role
of Julie Taylor. Emily Harding,
Gail Glover and Punch Kahlen-
berg will fill three character parts,
with Luan Fiber providing the co-
mic relief.
Show To Travel
Following the local perform-
ances, the junior coeds will travel
to Detroit Saturday, March 26, to
present their show at Rackliam
Eagerly awaiting this evening's
performance, committee members
will be listening for the applause
and comments of the senior audi-
Sitting in the balcony with the
committee or doing their share be-
hind the scenes will be Marilyn
Miller, assistant chairman; Edith
McClusky, secretary; Mary Slaw-
son, treasurer, and her assistant,
Louise Blanchard, as well as Libby
Garland, music chairman, and
Carol Ford, who with Sarah Hay-
den, is in charge of make-up.

COEDS CAPER THROUGH 'COCK-A-HOOP'-Music and laughter will prevail as junior coeds
present their annual play at Senior Night at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The
original musical, 'Cock-a-Hoop' will be offered to all-campus audiences at 8 p.m. Friday and Sat-
urday and at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Gail Glover and Donna Hewitt, standing, play Emma, the maid,
and the country cousin. Kneeling behind them is part of the cast of 78 women: Paddy McBride,
Martha Taugher, Ruth Cohen, Mary Ann Baker, Sally Blackman, Virginia Arbuckle, Ellie Sarraf,
Clicquot Morton, Rosie Savarino, Phyllis Criswell and Marijane Potter.

Senate Hears
Of Hopefuls
Presidential Runners
To Outline Proposals
At Sororities, Dorms
Candidates for League positions
presented their campaign speeches
before Senate members yesterday
at the League.
Contender for League presiden-
cy, Hazel Frank, presented and
elaborated on her platform. Miss
Frank commented on extending
the services of the League to meet
the growing campus needs, creat-
ing permanent responsible rela-
tionships between the League and
SGC, Women's Senate and The
Daily and continuing campus lead-
Miss Frank's experience includes
membership on IHC, SGC steering
committee and League Council,'
and President of Assembly.
Duties Outlined
The second League presidential
candidate, Nancy Wright, empha-
sized the various duties of the
President. League activities, pro-
motion or relationships with other
campus organizations as well as
improved relationships with stu-
dents, faculty members, the ad-
ministration and the alumni, were
outlined in Miss Wright's speech.
Experience of Miss Wright in-
cludes the general chairmanship
for Frosh Weekend, Soph Cab,
League Council, Interviewing and
Nominating Committee, and sec-
ond vice-president of the League.
This year for the first time, pres-
idential candidates will campaign
in women's residences.
Plans Stated
Campaign speeches were also
given for first vice-president of the
League by candidates, Emily Jew-
ell and Alice James. Margaret Lane
and Jeanne Hager commented on
their plans for the position as sec-
retary of the League.
Contenders for League treasur-
er, Mary Slawson and Jean Bahr,
stated their propositions to Sen-
ate members. Responsibilities for
the office of chairman of inter-
viewing and nominating were pro-
posed by Barbara Barker and Judy
Ruth Flanders and Georgiana
Davidson spoke on the duties of
the secretary of interviewing and
nominating. Policies and plans for
the chairmanship of Women's Ju-
diciary were discussed by Lois
Mishelow and Virginia Cooke.

-Daily-Fred Day
SHUT-IN CHEER-Cutting out bunnies and Easter eggs to be
used as favors at the Union-League sponsored "Easterpades,"
committee members plan details of the hospital parties. Left to
right are Bernice Pericin, Ruth Budoff, Jon Collins, co-chairmen
of the event, and Dick Phillips and Ursula Gebhard.
Fantasy Theme To Prevail
For Dental Students' Dance

'Easterpades," a set of Easter
parties, will be presented in nearby
hospitals. convalesceithomes and
recreation centers.
The League and Union are spon-
soring this project.
Parties will be given from 2 to
4 p.m. Saturday, March 26, com-
plete with refreshments and enter-
Co-chairmen of the event are
Joan Hyman of the League com-
munity services committee and Jon
Collins, chairman of the Union
publicity committee.
Arrangements Made
Ursula Gebhard and Roy Lave
are taking charge of arranging the
party to be given at the Children's
At Ypsilanti State Mental Hos-
pital, Ruth Budoff and Russ Mc-
Kennan will present a program of
entertainment and fun.
The party given at the Univer-
sity Hospital is under the direction
of Charnie Buttman, while Roger
Dalton is taking care of arrange-
ments for parties in two convales-
cent homes.
Patients in the Neuro-Psychi-
atric Institute will be able to get
in the Easter spirit at the party
under the direction of Lois Buck-
binder and Bruce Siegan,
Coeds Cooperate
Pat Turner is planning the Eas-
ter party for children from Dun-
bar Center.
Women's dormitories and soror-
ities are .co-operating with the
committee by making favors to be
given out at the parties. Bernice
Pericin is taking responsibility for
organizing this aspect of "Easter-
pades," and for obtaining pro-
grams to be distributed.
Dick Phillips will take charge of
soliciting and arranging transpor-
tation to the hospitals and rec-
reation centers. Herb Estes, local
car dealer, and students with cars
will supply rides.
Finding talent for the shows
will be Bill Stricker. Working with
Stricker, Mary Ellen Eckert will
supply song leaders, pianists and
certain musical acts through Mu
Phi Epsilon contacts.
Entertainment Planned
Quartetes, 'magicians, b at o n
twirlers, vocalists, and chalk talks
will be presented, complete with a
master of ceremonies for every
Volunteer coeds will act as host-
esses to talk with children and pa-
tients while the party is in prog-
Collins remarked that refresh-
ments of cookies, ice cream and
soft drinks, decorations, favors and
programs will all serve to make the
parties more enjoyable for every-

Union, League To Sponsor Parties

Cathy King,, stage manager, will
be keeping the show going from
backstage, with the aid of Yvonne
Cousins, while Ruth Hayward will
take her place as chairman of ush-
ers. Waiting to see the result of
weeks of sewing and fitting will be
costumes chairmen Nancy John-
ston and Irene Kellogg.
Paula Strong will be keeping
her attention on the necessary
props, with the help of Betty
Brown, while the dance numbers
will garner the attention of Toby
Zuieback, dance chairman, and her
assistants, Mary Stribe and Bar-
bara Reed.
Programs have been the special
job of Betty Powell, while publi-
city for the show was under the
general direction of Sue Garfield.
Posters and stunts were handled
by Joyce Judson and Emily Hard-
ing, respectively.
Judy Tatham will tune her ear
toward the choral aspect of the
performance, while Elly Ricker will
make a final check on tickets.

Lawyers Attempt To Find
Hidden 8-Foot Slide Rule


Suspense will run high this week
as the lawyers attempt to find the
eight foot slide rule that engineers
have hidden.
Rivalry for possession of the
slide rule developed on campus
many years ago when law class-
rooms were located in Haven Hall.
Guarding one' entrance to the
diagonal while engineers held the
other side, lawyers would arouse
the engineers' anger by parking a
car in the middle of engine arch
and letting the air out of the tires.
For revenge, the engineers would
form a human chain across the en-
gine arch, preventing the barris-
ters from reaching their class-
Rule Stolen
In 1921, law students stole the
eight foot slide rule which is held
sentimentally by engineers.
In retaliation, the engineers in-
vaded Crease Ball with tear gas
bombs and cut the electric cur-

Ever since the dance's success
depended on whether the lawyers
wereable to find the hidden slide
rule before the dance.
Two years ago, engineers had
kept two rules hidden and they
were triumphant decorations for
the dance. Unfortunately, one was
destroyed when about 30 "legal"
men invaded the Ball. At this
time, Prof. H. Meneffe of the Engi-
neering Department had his ankle
Kenney To Play.
Last year's theme was "Spring
Prelude." Mel Sachs and his or-
chestra provided music for the
The Slide Rule Ball which was
formerly sponsored by the Michi-
gan Technic, the Engineering
School magazine is being spon-
sored this year by the Engineering
This year's dance will be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on March 19
in thefLeague Ballroom. It will be
Don Kenney and his orchestra
will provide music for the dance.
Tickets which went on sale last
week can be bought from engineer-
ing students in the Engine Arch.
Tickets for the Slide Rule Ball
will be priced at $2.50 a couple.

Fantasies will come to life Sat-
urday night, as junior dental stu-
dents present their annual Odonto
Ball in honor of the senior den-
tistry class.
The dance will be presented in
the Union Ballroom from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. and is formal.
James Gilmarten, a senior in
Dental School will provide music
for dancing.
Master of ceremonies for Odonto
Ball is Bill Bowles. He will emcee
acts, including a dance routine
performed by Phyllis and Bill Bot-
tomley, a song and dance act put
on by dental hygienists and a mag-
ic act by Jesse Foote.
Quartet to Sing
A quartet of junior male stu-
dents consisting of Charles Dixon,
Victor Saldania, Eddie Ravesloot
and Herschel" Horowitz will sing
for the dental students, faculty
and their dates.
A movie, a takeoff on the Ed Sul-
livan show, will also be shown.
The theme of the dance is fan-
tasy and the, ballroom will be dec-
orated with fairyland characters

such as Cinderella, St. George and
the Dragon and Jack and the
Mobiles stressing the fantastic
as well as futuristic design will
hang from the walls. ,
Favors To Be Given
Various fairyland scenes will be
connected with streaming ribbons
of different hues.
Co-chairmen of the dance are
Tom Erbland and Fred Garber.
For doorprizes, Ann Arbor drug-
stores, clothing stores and supply
houses will donate different gifts
such as sport shirts.
All women attending the dance
will be given gardenia corsages and
a photographer will be at the
dance to snap pictures of couples
as they enter the door.
In 1951, the dance helped cele-
brate the diamond jubilee of the
founding of the University Den-
tal School. Decorations showed the
evolution of dentistry with murals
and pictures ' portraying scenes
from the life of a pioneering
"toothdoctor" down to the famil-
iar dentist's office of today.


What young people are doing at Genera



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For September
Coed Orientators
Women who are interested in
orientating new coeds to Univer-
sity life may petition through
Monday to be orientation leaders.
Over 200. experienced and unex-
perienced leaders are needed. They
may obtain their petitions at the
Undergraduate Office in the
There will be five minute inter-
views on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday for women who do not
have previous leader experience.
Orientation leaders will return to
the University on the Sunday be-j
fore registration. In return for
their efforts, leaders will receive
lunch and dinner from Sunday
night through Thursday noon at
the League.
Interested coeds, may contact
Sue Fricker, NO 2-5675, for fur-
ther details.


jlcfl'44 Camtpo


dents interested in ushering for
Hillelzapoppin' on S a t u r d a y,
March 26, are asked to leave their
names in Grace Ritow's box in the
League Undergraduate Office by
* * *
ketball Club will meet at 4:15 p.m.
today at Barbour Gym.
** *
pledge meeting will be at 5 p.m. to-
morrow at the League.
team tryouts for Frosh Weekend
will be held at 4 to 5:30 p.m. and
7 to 9 p.m. today. Final tryout time
will be from 4 to 5:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the League.
dents are invited to attend the In-
ternational Tea sponsored by the
International Association from 4
to 6:30 p.m. today at Rackhamn
Lecture Hall. Movies will be shown
on Alaska at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at
the Center.

Young engineer
is responsible 'for
design analysis
of $3,000,000
The average large steam turbine-generator
costs $3,000,000 and takes two years to build.
It is one of the biggest pieces of electrical
equipment made. Yet its thousands of parts
are put together as carefully as a fine watch.
Even a small change in design can affect the
stresses and vibration of the turbine, and
the way it performs. At General Electrioc
several men share the responsibility of pre-
dicting those effects before the turbine is
built. One of them is 29-year-old E. E.
Zwicky, Jr.
His job: analytical engineer
Here's what Ted Zwicky does. He takes
a proposed mechanical design feature, de-
scribes it mathematically, breaks" it down
into digestible bits, modifies it, and feeds it
to electronic computers. (It may take two
nmonths to set up a problem; the computers
usually solve it in twenty minutes.) Then
Zwicky takes the answers from the com-
puters, translates and interprets them so they
can be followed by design engineers.
23,000 college graduates at General Electric
This is a responsible job. Zwicky was readied
e .

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