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March 17, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-17

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Election Procedure
The Worst in Years

The Recording Angels

AT THIS writing no definite judgment of the
quality of elected SGC candidates can be
made. However, one thing is sure: the technical
handling of the two-day elections was the
most careless in years.
Specifically, some errors that occurred at
polling places were as follows:
1) Some seniors received ballots on whicli
to vote for senior class officers. Only juniors
are allowed to vote for these officers.
2) Some students didn't receive ballots for
Board in Control of Student Publications. All
students are supposed to be given ballots to
vote for the three people in these positions. (I
might add that the wording on the ballot in-
structions made a "vote for three" members of
the Board appear mandatory; a voter does
have the right to vote for only one or only two
people for this Board however, and instruc-
tions should have been worded "vote for no
more than three."
3) Polling booths at some spots were not
carefully manned during some periods in yes-
terday's cold weather; ballots were weighted
down on tables, and supervisors hurried to take
shelter, probably expecting voters to take
care of casting their ballots in their own un-
orthodox way. That this is sloppy handling of
elections is an understatement; the ramifica-
tions of such carelessness could be great, i.e.,
ballot forging, ballot-box stuffing.

4) At the business administration school
booth, voters had to stumble over sidewalk
piles of ballots for business administration
school officers instead of being handed them
in the usual way.
The above listed observations can be sum-
marized quite accurately with the word "care-
lessness," and members of the student body
have a right to expect efficiency and accuracy,
in balloting procedures.
A closing note on the just completed cam-
paign: only a few of the candidates saw fit to
discuss issues that truly do exist at this Uni-
versity when going from house to house mus-
tering up votes. Many of the campaigners
stressed over and over that there were no is-
sues and that SGC's problem now is mainly
one of organization.
If these same people represent the student
body on SGC, major campus issues and prob-
lems may take a back seat to petty details. It
is too early to predict an unsuccessful trial
period for SGC. But the recent campaign has
indicated that many of those who were elected
to SGC will have to devote a great deal of
consideration to campus problems and issues if
SGC is to become an effective student govern-
-Dorothy Myers
Pat Roelofs

I 'V
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IFC Takes Backward Step
To Censor 'Bad' News

TWO WEEKS AGO Interfraternity Council
took steps toward removing news restric-
tions. IFC agreed to let The Daily print news
on judiciary action taken at Executive Council
meetings and recommended the reporter first
contact the fraternity president of the house
involved. Tuesday IFC took steps backward to
its former censorship position.
Incensed over printing of news of a $25 fine
levied against Sigma Chi Epsilon at the first
"opened" Executive Council meeting, fraternity
presidents voted Tuesday to recommend again
putting Executive Council meetings off-the-
record. District representatives will carry the
fraternity president's recommendation to next
week's executive council meeting.
The recommendation prohibits direct re-
porting of jNdiciary action taken in executive
council sessions. The reporters are to inter-
view the IFC President after each meeting to
get selected information for print. The new rul-

ing leaves it up to IFC's discretion to choose in-
formation for Daily columns. There will be
little unfavorable information available.
THERE IS no reason for IFC to change its
previous commendable position on judiciary
action. If The Daily checks facts with the fra-
ternities involved there can be no chance of in-
accuracies. In reporting the Sig Ep fine the
Daily reporter checked with the fraternity be-
fore printing information on the fine.
The campus has a right to know and The
Daily a responsibility to report both the f a-
vorable and unfavorable "news" about an or-
ganization. Organizations as strong as the fra-
ternity system should have no fear of occa-
sional bad publicity. A system led by an IFC
voted tops in the country two years ago, and
tops in its class last year certainly can suffer
having occasional unfavorable news printed,
--Dave Baad

Potter's Guild Celebrates
Fifth Anniversary Year

A SHOW of ceramics, practically all of which
is pottery is now being shown at the Rack-
ham Galleries through March 26th.
The Potter's Guild is a group of people, sim-
ply, whose main common interest is ceramics.
The members are from practically every pro-
fession one would expect to find in a University
town such as Ann Arbor. There are many stu-
dents, businessmen and women, housewives, a
professor, an architect and people.
In the past few years many such groups have
been organized throughout the country as the
general interest in ceramics has increased. The
Potter's Guild was fortunate from the begin-
ning. The people who started the original Pot-
ter's Guild had a long range vision as to what
a group of people working together with a
strong common objective could produce. The
original members and teachers were also fine
potters whose demands for quality work is still
obvious in the present show.

THERE was evidence of hard work as far as
glaze variety goes. Always one is beset by
the cry for more color in ceramics. Bright color
is difficult and not even desirable in some in-
instances. Color is only one of the many prob-
lems to be co-ordinated into making a com-
plete piece of pottery so don't be too critical of
those "drab" stoneware tones.
I personally enjoyed the sgraffito pots of
Mimi Doson and Kurt Schneider very much.
If one small fowl by Rhoda Lopez had been for
sale I would buy it. A beautiful small and quiet
brown bowl sitting in on a low table. Try a
potter's point of view and look a moment at
this one.
The Potter's Guild as a cooperative artist
group has had a successful five years as far
as I am concerned.
Here's to the next five.
-J. T. Abernathy

Hillel Stand. .
To the Editor:
IN A LETTER recently appearing
in The Daily it was stated that
"no decent Jew is willing to sup-
port Israel anymore," and the Zi-
onist movement was referred to as
the "international Zionist conspir-
We, the Student Government of
the Hillel Student Community
wish to make it clear that we en-
dorse and support the efforts of
the Zionist movement in our mu-
tual desire to hold in Israel a cul-
tural and spiritual center for the
Jewish people. To this end we at
Hillel have constantly given what-
ever aid is within our power to
the new state.
It is quite obvious that the writ-
er of the above mentioned letter
knows little about the meaning of
Israel and the Zionist movement
in Jewish history. The aims of the
Zionist movement are an integral
part of our program at the Hillel
Foundation, as Israel has become
an integral part of the life of Jew-
ish communities everywhere.
A case in point is our annual
student United Jewish Appeal
which opens every spring with our
traditional "Hillelzapoppin." The
proceeds from this function and
the fund raising campaign are
contributed to the UJA. an agency
whose primary purpose includes
the economic up-building and so-
cial and cultural development of
We shall not here discuss the
political problems of Israeli-Arab
relations, problems which would
never have been encountered had.
the Arab states not initially violat-
ed the United Nations partition
plan by attacking Israel.
Our position, like that of every
other self-respecting Jewish com-
munity in the world is clear and
we deeply resent attempts to di-
vide the Jewish country as well as
to confuse the general community
on the question of Israel.
-Harold E. Josehart,
President, Hillel
Student Community
* * *
Name Problems...
To The Editor:.
HAVE BEEN following with in-
terest through exchange copies
the "cross-fire" and pros and cons
over changing the name of Michi-
gan State College to Michigan
State University.
Reading both the State News
and the University of Michigan
Daily, I often see New York men-
tioned as a state where there "is
no confusion over similar names
for two state universities,"
Perhaps to confuse the issue
more, let me point out that the
two similarly-named universities
in New York are officially known
as New York University and State
University of New York. NYU is
a private institution in New York
City and was chartered in 1831.
State University of New York
(1948) is composed of a number
of college units in all parts of the
state under one board of trustees.
There are some 22,000 students at
22 campuses, including 11 teach-
ers' colleges and two liberal arts
colleges. Many of the SUofNY
colleges are part of private insti-
tutions, as the State University
of New York College of Forestry
at Syracuse University and the
State University of New York Col-
lege of Home Economics at Cornell
University. There actually, then,
is no single institution that can
be called State University of New

Maybe to further confuse the
issue: there is a College of the
City of New York (1929) which
is a public institution (four col-
leges) run by New York City. Also,
under the state government, in
1784 the University of the State
of New York was established. It is
a unique organization which over-
sees all educational activities in
the state and in no way is an edu-
cational institution as is known
in the general sense.
And out of all this, little actual
confusion arises because of names
among the thousands of students
in New York State.
Just to add a personal opinion
-I'm in favor of changing the
name to Michigan State Univer-
-Ed Hardy
Syracuse Daily Orange
* * *
Peace Efforts...
To The Editor:
MR. EL-DAREER and Mr. Nak-
foor have certainly shown a
great deal of skill in abusing and
reviling their opponents, a capac-
ity they have obviously acquired
neither in the University, nor
adopted from the American press.
Expressions such as "espionage",
"Zionist conspiracy", '"political
gangsters", "murderers", "rotten
souls", and "underground organi-
zations", remind one of the simi-
lar vocabulary of the Nazi "Stur-
mer", and the Moscow "Pravda".
Mr. El-Dareer accuses Israel of
having won the war against the
Arabs by immoral means. He ob-
viously refers to the unforgivable
fact that, in 1948, 600,000 Israelis,
after being forced into a war by
40 million Arabs who threatened
them with extermination, dared
to fight bravely for their very
lives, and succeeded in defeating
the 7 Arab states.
Mr. Nakfoor claims that these
"international conspirators" have
violated the truce agreements be-
tween Israel and Egypt. Truce, in-
deed! Is truce killing soldiers at
the borders, burning villages, steal-
ing property, and murdering de-
fenseless civilians? Does a state
of truce mean planting bombs on
railroads, shooting at buses on
roads and boats on the lakes?
The Gaza incident cannot be
argued without taking into ac-
count the history of six years of
continued Arab hostilities. There
is only one permanent solution to
the Middle East crisis, one way by
which we can assure the complete
cessation of hostilities. This is a
solution consistently proposed by
Israel, and just as consistently re-
fused by the Arabs, namely, the
signing of an overall peace settle-
Your trouble, gentlemen, is that
you envision a "second rond," by
which you hope to succeed in do-
ing what you failed to accomplish
the last time. Israel may be a
small country, but it is a desperate
one, because there is no other
place where its people will be wel-
comed, because it is the only place
that they can call home.
Would it not be better to direct
your efforts toward peace, instead
of continually stirring up antag-
onism between Arab and Jew?
Critic's View .
To the Editor:
PERTINENT to the raging Ber-
lin Philharmonic controversy is
this excerpt from the New Yorker
magazine, a music review by Win-
throp Sargeant.
"Wmmah P, n miac r ,ilm,-

Ike Takes
Angus Over
Here fords
WASHINGTON - "Country Liv-
ing" at Gettysburg and else-
where dominated the conversation
when farmer Ike Eisenhower
lunched with farmer-Congressman
Lester Johnson of Wisconsin and
other freshman Congressmen the
other day. -
Johnson wondered if Ike's farm
near Gettysburg, Pa., was making
money, explaining that he himself
had tried to operate a farm while
living in the city, but the arrange-
ment was "not too profitable," and
he finally sold out to his tenant.
Eisenhower replied that he
would be satisfied with a small
profit from his Gettysburg acres
after leaving the White House,
"because I like living in the coun-
try and don't plan to work too
hard at farming.
"My farm is mostly pastureland
for grazing beef cattle," he said.
"That part of Pennsylvania has
been farmed so hard in the past
that there has been a lot of ero-
sion. As a result, I don't think it
would be worth while for me to
try to raise any crops on a big
"Getting back to my cattle," re-
marked the President, "I do not
have a big herd, but they are all
Black Angus."
"You should have settled on
White-Faced Herefords," suggest-
ed GOP Congressman E. Keith
Thomson of Wyoming.
"I almost did," disclosed the
President. "Hereford breeders of-
fered to donate me a herd picked
from different states, but I fin-
ally turned down the offer. I de-
cided on Black Angus because they
don't require as much care as
dairy cattle. Then, too, practically
all my neighbors in Pennsylvania
have Black Angus, and it is a lot
easier for me to exchange sires
with them."
Ike's Birthday Present
T HE PRESIDENT got a chuckle
out of a story told by John-
son, an outspoken foe of Senator
"I was elected on October 13,
1953," recalled the Democratic
Congressman from Wisconsin.
"The day was your birthday and
my Republican opponent played
this up. He put ads in the news-
papers urging the voters to send
him to Washington as a 'birthday
present for Ike.' When the votes
were counted, however, you got a
Democratic birthday present-.
Ike grinned but was noncommit-
tal when two of his Democratic
guests, freshmen Congressmen
James Quigley of Pennsylvania
and Herbert Zelenko of New York,
both insisted that he was their
"It stands to reason that I am
your Congressman, Mr. President,"
contended Quigley. "Your farm is
in my district."
"Wait a minute," spoke up Ze-
lenko, onetime champion wrestler
at Columbia. "Columbia Univer-
sity is in my district, and that's
the precinct where you voted the
last time. Until you change your.
voting address, you are still my
Eisenhower laughed louder than
anybody when Zelenko added as
an afterthought:
"You know, this is one of the
few times I have been invited to
lunch by a constituent when he
didn't ask me for a favor."
Less McCarthyism

ACLOSED-DOOR session of the
Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy revealed that the latest
Eisenhower appointee to the Ato-
mic Energy Commission appeared
to have the same kind of back-
ground as Dr. Robert Oppenheim-
er. However, Admiral Strauss
doesn't plan to persecute him as
he did Oppenheimer. Neither do
the Republicans. Strauss is not
anxious to antagonize the scien-
tists any more.
The new appointee is Dr. John
von Neumann, renowned Prince-
ton scientist; and it developed in
closed-door hearings that he had
come to the defense of Israel Hal-
perin when the latter was tried as
a member of the Soviet espionage
ring in Canada.
Unlike Oppenheimer, however,
von Neumann was not found
"guilty" by association.
The Princeton scientist admitted
to the Congressional committee
that during the Canada spy trials
in 1946 he joined others in send-
ing a telegram to the Prime Min-
ister of Canada urging a "fair
trial" for - Halperin, a Canadian
university professor. The telegram
also expressed confidence in the
"innocence" of Halperin, later ac-
quitted when he stood "mute" and
the court could not produce evi-
dence that he gave any informa-
tion to the spy ring.
Dr. von Neumann further ad-
mitted to the committee:
"He (Halperin) told me in 1940
thn - hr 2 Ca1A-v-. raC-

(Continued from Page 2)

5699 Belmont Avenue, Cincinnati 24
Hiram House Camp, Moreland ills,
Ohio (15 miles from Cleveland) needs
Unit leaders, Cabin Counselors, Riding
counselors. Salary range from $150-400;
season, June 15 to Aug. 29, Also have
full-time openings for trained & un-
trained Group Workers beginning Sept.
1955. For these positions they are in-
terested in college grada as well as
graduates of the Graduate School of
Social Work. Salary ranges from $3000
to $3800. Contact Mr. Henry B. Ollen-
dorff, Ex. Dir., The Neighborhood Set-
tlement Association of Cleveland, 410
Cuyahoga Svings Bldg., 2123 East 9th
St., Cleveland, Ohio.
U.S. Naval Laboratories, Calif.-n-
nounces career opportunities in Engi-
neering, Physics, Electronic Science,
Mathematics-GS-9 to 15. Professional
Fields needed Aero., Civil, Elect., Elec-
tronic, Gen'I, Ind., Materials, Mech.
Ordnance, Structural, Chem. E., Phys-
ics. Electronic Science, Match.
N.Y. State Civil Service, announces
exms for Principal Planning Tech.,
open to any qualified citizen of U.S.;
Assistant Librarian (Law), open to can-
didates resident in 4th Judicial Dis-
trict; Toll Collector, N.Y.S. Bridge' Au-
thority, open to candidates resident in
the 3rd or 9th Dist.; Associate Plan-
ning Tech., Medical Record Librarian,
Thruway Toll Collector, Unemployment
Insurance Claims Clerk, Steam Fire-
man, Telephone Operator, all six open
to any residents of N.Y. Applications
accepted up to April 15, 1955.
Mich. State Civil Service announces
exams for Legal Stenogrspher 1-must
have had three years of recent experi-
ence in law office, Fisheries Biologist 1,
Forester 1, Game Biologist 1, and Geolo-
gist 1. Applications accepted up to
March 30, 1955.
Aeronautical Chart & Information
Center, Air Photographic & Charting
Service (Mats), U.S. Air Force, St. Lou-
is, Missouri, has urgent need for stu-
dents majoring in Geology or Math and
have courses in Forestry or Photogram-
rnetry, who will acquire degrees in
June. Positions are classified as Carto-
graphic Aid and Cartographer posi-
For frtherpinformation contact the
Bureau of Appointments. 3528 Ad. Bldg.
Ext. 371.
School of Retailing, Univ. of Pitts.
Pittsburgh, Penn., offers a secialized
training course In retailing to gradu-
ates with liberal arts, bus.ad. or home
econ. backgrounds. Scholarships are
University Lecture. Dr. Ibrahim No-
shy, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Ibra-
him University, Cairo, Egypt. "Egyp-
tian and Hellenistic Influences in
Ptolemaic Egypt," under auspices of
Departments of Classical Studies, His-
tory and Kelsey Museum. Rackham Am-
phitheatre, Thurs., March 17, 4:15 p.m.
Prof. R. A. Stirton, Chairman of the
Department and Director of the Museum
of Paleontology, University of Califor-
nia will speak at 4:10 p.m. today in the
Natural Science Auditorium in the last
of his three lectures on the geological
history of Australia. "Fossil Record of
Australia." Open to public,
Academic Notices
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., March 17,
Room 3401 Mason Hall, 4:00-5:30 p.m. A.
Rapoport will speak on "Exploitative
and Cooperative Strategies in a Non-zero
Sum Game."
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
March 17 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Miss Seyhan N. Ege will
speak on "Some Aspects of the Compar-
ative Organic Chemistry of Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, and Arsenic."
Semiar in Analytical - Inorganic -
Physical Chemistry. Thuns., March 17 at
7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. John
L. Griffin will speak on "Codeposition of
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., March 17, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Dr. I. Marx
will speak on "Half-plane Diffraction:
Sommerfeld's Solution."
Little Seminar. Thurs., March 17,
8:00 p.m. Rackham, West Lecture Room.
Merton J. Peck (Harvard) will spek on
"Excess Demand in the Aluminum In-
dustry," Faculty and graduate students
invited, others welcome.
Actuarial Seminar will meet Thurs.,
March 17, at 4:00 .m. in 3212 Angell
Hall. Neal Speake will continue the dis-

Sixty-Fifth Year
Editei. and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.............CityEditor
Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart ........Associate Editor
David Livingston........ Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin .. .. Assoc. Spc'tr. Editor
Warren Wertheimer
..............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ........Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel .....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


cussion of "Interpolation In 'erms of
Honors Program in Psychology. Stu-
dents interested in entering the program
next year should apply to Mr. Heyns,
Room 6632 Haven Hall, before March 19.
Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs. 9:00-
11:00 a.m., other times by appointment.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Thurs., March 17, 3:30-5:30 in Room
3010 Angell Hall. William Wrobleski will
finish discussion of Chapter 8 and Mr.
Jack Meagher will begin Chapter 10 of
Cochran's "Sampling Techniques."
Anatomy Seminar. Travel pictures of
the Hawaiian Islands, Dr. Bradley M.
Patten, at 4:00 p.m. "Hormones and Nu-
trition," Dr. James H. Lethem, Dept.
of Zoology, Rutgers University, at 4:30
p.m., Room 2501 East Medical Building,
March 18.
Biological Chemistry Seminar. "Some
Aspects of the Biotin Problem," under
the direction of Dr. Melvin Levine;
Room 319 West Medical Building, Sat,
March 19, at 10:00 a.m.
Logic seminar will meet Fri., March
18 at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr.
Lyndon will conclude his discussion of
"Tarski's Theory of Algebraic Classes."
Student Recital Marilyn Millspaugh,
student of piano with Joseph Brink-
man, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m.
Thurs., March 17, in Rackham Assembly
Hall, Compositions by C.P.E. Bach, Bee-
thoven, Franck, and Copland. Open to
the public.
Events Today
Modern Dance Club. Lesson with Miss
H'Doubler Thurs., Mar. 17 from 3:20-
4:20 p.m. Be dressed and ready to move
by 3:15 p.m. All invited to meet Miss
H'Double informally after the lesson;
brief discussion. Regular meeting will
be held as usual Thurs., Mar. 17 at 7:30
p.m. with warm-ups at 7:00 p.m. Both
sessions take plce in Barbour Gym.
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., Mar.
3, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs., Mar 10
at 7:45 p.m. in 311 W. Eng.
Blue Team Publicity Meeting. All
those not starred for poster work.
Thurs., Mar. 17, 7:00 p.m. Women's
Hillel: Reservations for Fri. evening
supper must be made and paid for at
Hillel Thurs. evening any time from
7:00-10:00 p.m.
Academic Freedom Committee meet-
ing Thurs., March 17, at 4:00 p.m., in
Room 3R of the Union to plan Academ-
ic Freedom Week, third week in April.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
Thurs., March 17, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Holy Communion at 7:30 p.m. Thurs.,
March 17, followed *it 8:15 p.m. by four
seminars dealing with various aspects
of "Everyday Christianity," in the Par-
ish House,
La Petite Causette will meet Thurs,
Mar. 1.7 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left
room of the Union cafeteria. Scrabble
en francais.
Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Thurs., Mar. 17, 7:00 a.m., Breakfast
Meditation-Discussion group at Guild
House Chapel. 5:00-5:30 p.m., Lenten
Meditation service in Douglas Chapel.
7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class ataGuild
Russian coffee hour will meet Thurs.,
March 17 in Michigan Union Cafeteria
from 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Russian dance group will meet Thurs.
March 17 in recreation room of Madelon
Pound house, corner of East University
and Hill Streets, at 7:00 p.m.
Frosh Weekend-Maize team Floor-
show try-outs, Thurs., March 17 in the
League, 4:00-5:30 and 7:00-9:00 pm. Fri,.
March 18, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Meeting of all interested in working
toward eliminating -discrimination in
housing in Ann Arbor Thurs., 4:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Frosh Week-end. Blue team tickets
committee. Thurs., 4:30 p.m. League.
Blue team floor show committee. Thurs.,
7:00 p.m. Legue.
Gilbert & Sullivan. Principals and

chorus rehearsal tonight in the League
at 7:00 p.m.
Mid-Week Lenten Vespers in the
Sanctuary of the Presbyterian Church
at 5:10-5:35 p.m., Thurs., March 17,
sponsored by Westminster Student Fel-
Slowship.Meditation from Mark-"Fol-
lowing the Multitude."
Arts Chorale will meet Thurs. at 7:00
p.m. in Aud. D Angell Hall. Open to
Baha'i Student Group sponsors an
open discussion Thurs. 8:30 p.m. at the
Michigan League.
rComing Events
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee Clatch, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m.,
Fri., March 18, at Canterbury House.
Student and Faculty-conducted Even-
r song Fri., March 18, at 5:15 p.m.. in the
Chapel off St. Michael and All Angels.
Canterbury Campus Series. The Rev.
Robert H. Whitaker, Chaplain, discuss-
ing "Christianity and Sickness," sec-
ond speaker in the Lenten Series on
"Christianity and Evil" at 7:30 p.m.,
Fri., March 18, at Canterbury House.
Coffee (and tea) Hour in the Lane
H all Library Fri., Mir. 18, from 4:30-
6:00 p.m. Miss Samira Samuel from the
YWCA, Cairo, Egypt will be our guest.
Campus Chapel group is the guild host.
Hillel. Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m.
Conducted by Phi Sigma Delta frater-




A t the Michigan .
MR. HULOT'S HOLIDAY is only one step
from a Charlie Chaplin movie, and much
closer in laughs. Its star, Jacques Tati, is the
closest actor to Chaplin.
Tati is loose and lanky with the funniest
gait ever. From the time he first drives to a
seaside resort in a car that could shame Jack
Benny's 1908 Maxwell, until he somehow de-
parts in same, we have about the funniest
film of the year.
As in Tati's first hilarious movie, Jour de
Fete (The Big Day), there is very little dia-
logue, thusly closely resembling a silent movie.
The sparse bits of talk are dubbed in English,
and while not the best job, it is not as bad as
most dubbings of foreign films.,
SPRINTING IN his ever-present sneakers, Mr.
Hulot wanders into one situation after
another. He manages to row a collapsible boatA
and naturally collapses it mid-water, wins ten-
nis against all comers with a most uproarious
serve and sets off a magnificent display of
fireworks for a grand finale.
Running between these hilarious events are
minor characters also at the resort for a brief

At Architecture And. . ..
cock, Robert Walker, Farley Granger.
THIS IS ONE OF Hitchcock's great movies. It
marks his return from the extreme psycho-
logical studies in which the inter-play of two
striking characters crowds out the plot and
crimps the camera work (Gaslight, Spell-
bound,) Here the inter-action of characters is
so skillful that it rarely intrudes to distract
the audience from the plot, which must be the
basic vehicle for any good mystery.
The plot concerns a depraved n'er-do-well
Robert Walker who forces a young tennis play-
er into a "you do my murder-I'll do yours"
situation. Walker's attempts to pin his crime
on his unreceptive friend '(Farley Granger)
form the chilling climax. As this is a plot-sus-
pense picture, your reviewer is reluctant to re-
veal any more of the story. Suffice it to say
that the final action on a run-away merry-go-
round in a crowded amusement park is one of
the most thrilling scenes ever filmed.
WALKER GIVES a top-notch performance in
a difficult part. He strangles, helps blind
men across streets, and chit-chats with society
matrons, all credibly and almost tenderly. His


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