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March 13, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-13

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SUNDAY, MARCH' 20,1955


Leslie 'Backed Into' Academic Career

College Roundup


An academic career that began
as the first step toward becoming
a business man as led William R.
Leslie to a professorship in his-
tory and an interest in 19th cen-
tury America.
Prof. Leslie, who says he "back-
ed into" his field of study, is cur-
rently doing research while on
sabbatical leave from the Uni-
- versity. /
Before getting hi. doctorate in
history here in 1945 he had worked
for a wall board company in Se-
attle, practiced law in Oakland
County, Mich., and studied econo-
mics and sociology.
He attributes his eventual de-
cision to study history partly to
its being the only social science in
which "you can successfully and
completely dissipate a life. "Ev-
ery other field offers substantial
limitations -history offers none."
Came to 'M' in 1926
A native of Shelvyville, Ind.,
Prof. Leslie came to the University
as an undergraduate in 1926.
He took mostly social science,
courses -- "they recognized then
that a major was unnecessary," he
says-played the trumpet for var-
sity band and occasionally joined
the other students in razing soap
box orators.
"The student body then had

much less guidance in all forms
of extra - curricular activities,"
Prof. Leslie said. "There is much
less student responsibility today,
but whether the students or the
administration is to blame is hard
to say."
Law Degree
A short period with a wall board
company had interested him in a
business career. After graduation
Prof. Leslie went on for a law de-
gree as background for the com-
mercial world.
He came out of Law School in
the middle of the depression when
"there wasn't any business. It was
so hard to get a decent job that I
started practicing law." Five years
in the field confirmed an earlier
decision not to be a lawyer.
"The law has so little to do with
what you know is right," the his-
tory professor said. "What is le-
gally right is something different."
Research on Story
During his current five month
leave Prof. Leslie's research will
center on the doctrines of an early
19th century figure, Supreme
Court Associate Justice Joseph
Story. A close f'iend of Chief Jus-
tice John Marshall, Story worked
closely with Marshall on many of
his constitutional doctrines, Prof.
Leslie said.
Prof. Leslie's interest in Story

According to a check made by
the University of Colorado Daily,
the fire department has neglected
inspection of housing there.
Numerous st u d e n t rooming
house proprietors and sorority and
fraternity housemothers reported
that, to their k.nowledge, inspectors
have never or have infrequently
investigated fire conditions. How-
ever, the fire department chief
blames understaffing and lack of
a rooming house list for proper
inspection of legal requirements.
* * *
University of North Carolina
student legislators charged that
the university newspaper is a
"second Daily Worker."
Accusations also included that
the paper is guilty of "pseudoin-
tellectualism" and that the editor
and the managing editor are
"The implicit policy of The Dai-
ly Tar Heel seems to be that no-
tices of the activities of organiza-
tions of Carolina students are not
important enough to merit full
and adequate coverage . . ., said
one legislator.
A committee has been appoint-
ed by the legislature to investigate
the quality and circulation prob-
lem of the paper.

The Ohio Historical Museum has
Ohio's last extinct pigeon.
According to the Ohio State
Lantern, a publication of a study
of the extinct species revealed that
the bird is "the last passenger
pigeon killed in Ohio, as far as
"Naturally, all of us are elated
that our bird has been officially
recognized," said the director of
the Ohio Historical Society.
* * *
A strange robot-type monster
spitting baseballs has invaded the
campus of the University of Cali-
However, the monster is noth-
ing more than a streamlined pitch-
ing machine used by the baseball
team. At present, the coach of the
team is sponsoring a name-the-'
robot contest with the lucky win-
ner receiving an autographed base-
* * *
Students at the University of
Alabama will vote in April on a
campus honor system.
A steering committee, set up by
the Student Government Associa-
tion is now laying the groundwork
for the forthcoming student vote.
The honor system will cover schol-
astic matters, pertaining only to
cheating in class.

... no limits in history

Restaurant and Pizzeria
104 South Universitv


began when he started looking into
civil rights doctrines for his doc-
toral thesis. His studies led him
back to the pre-Civil War period
and Story's theories.
Strained Interpretation
"If Story's doctrines of consti-
tutional interpretation had pre-
vailed after the Civil War there
would have been no need for the
strained interpretation of the 14th
amendment we have today," he
said. "This interpretation of con-
stitutional history," he added,'
"has never been explored before.
"Present day doctrines incorpor-
ate the Bill of Rights into state
law in a round about way," he ex-
The history professor, who has
been teaching at the University
since 1945, gives courses in British
Constitutional History and Church
and State in Anglo-American So-
ciety. He begar teaching Church
and State courses in 1952, he said,
because students requested it.
"I've never been able to formu-
late a theory of education," Prof.
Leslie said. None of them seem to
be inclusive enough."
Seltzer Wood-cut
In National Show
A color woodcut by Phyllis Selt-
zer of the College of Architecture
and Design is now on display
through March 25 at a national
show of the American Color Print
Society in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Seltzer has received a Tif-
fany Fellowship in graphic arts.
Several of her works are on dis-
play throughout the country.

Sees Trend
To Conform,
NEW YORK (IP)-Adlai Steven-'
son says this country has recent-
ly seen "a multiplication of the
presures toward conformity" and
cited the Reece committee report
on foundations as an example.
Stevenson took part in a round
table dicussion of "The Noncon-
forming American," recorded here
several weeks ago and heard last
night on NBC's radio program,
The 1952 Democratic presiden-
tial candidate said the demand for
conformity is particularly strong
in politics and is "one of the perils
of it."
Statesman Should Be Teacher
"A statesman or a politician in
my judgment should be a teach-
er," he said, "This is the purpose
of politics in our scheme of things
and in government by consent.
"You have to .understand what
you are consenting to, and that
means it has to be explained to
you by the politician, who is the
spokesman of democracy in ac-
tion . .
"If you were to depart too far
from the norm, then you become
an eccentric, or then you become
a fellow of questionable and
doubtful wisdom, and certainly
not too relibale.
Can't Teach If Conform
"On the other hand, if you do
conform too rigidly, you can't
teach, because you can't express
new ideas bravely and courageous-
Stevenson quoted as "very sig-
nificant" in the discussion of non-
conformity a sentence from the
report of the House committee
headed by Rep. Carroll Reece (R-
Tenn) which investigated tax-ex-
empt foundations.
He said the report stated that
"the trustees of the tax exempt
foundations should be very chary
of promoting ideas, concepts, and
opinion-forming material which
run contrary to what the public
currently wishes, approves and
Saying this was tantamount to
saying "don't develop any new
ideas," Stevenson added that de-
velopment of new ideas was "the
very purpose for which founda-
tions in large measure exist."

Carroll To Lecture on Seven
Deadly Virtues' of Journalism

Closed Saturdays

10:30AM toll PM.

Mi i

If you want to learn how,
A.M. Night is all free

Wallace Carroll, executive news
editor of North Carolina's Win-
ston-Salem Journal and Sentinel,
will deliver a lecture at 3 p.m.
tomorrow in Rackham Amphi-
The talk, "Seven Deadly Virtues
of American Journalism," is part
of the journalism department's
public lecture series.
As a veteran foreign correspond-.
ent, Carroll covered Britain's first
two years in the war and the
"blitz" against London for the
United Press.
He was a correspondent in Rus-
sia covering the German offensive
against Moscow in 1941. For his
excellent dispatches from the
front, he won the National Head-
liners medal.
In 1942 Carroll was Director of
the U.S. Office of War Informa-
tion in London. His experiences in
UN Film Showing,
Set for Tuesday
"World Witho'ut End," a film
produced by UNESCO will be
shown Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
The United Nations film por-
trays the problems important to
men attacked by the collaboration
of technical and material assist-
ance from other lands. Professor
Claude Eggertsen of the educa-
tion school will lead a brief discus-
sion concerning the film.
The film is being sponsored by
the Department of History and
Principles of Education.

psychological warfare in the Eu-
ropFan theater gav.) him back-
ground for his book," "Persuade
or Perish."
Carroll has also been a lecturer
in the National War College, and
consultant for the United States
Army, the State Department, the
Psychological Strategy Board, and
the Ford Foundation.
Three Films
On Forestry
TO Be Shown
A series of three film entitled
"Living Forest" will be .shown at
16:45 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 2054
of the Natural Science Building.
Conservation from indiscrimi-
nate cutting, fire, insects and mis-
management will the subject
of one film. 'Description of federal
and state research departments
will be shown.
A second film will deal with how
a . forest grows and what condi-
tions affect and are necessary to
forest growth.
Timber production, the water-
shed's vast underground reservoir
and the recreation value of for-
ests will be the topic of the re-
maining film.
Including production of sand
and gravel, Michigan has mineral
industries in all but 4 of its 83

tory's language examination for the
M.A. are nw posted in the office of
the department, 3601 Haven Hall. ;
Biophysics Colloquium. 4:00 p.m.
'Tues., March i, in Room 1041, Randall
Physics Laboratory. Dr. J. Watson of
California Institute of Technology will
speak on "The Structure of Tobaccoi
Mosaic virus including the Ribonucleic,
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet Tues., March 15, at 2:00 p.m. in
247 West Engr. Prof. Wilfred Kaplan
will speak on "Some Classical ResultsI
of Vitali."
Mathematics Colloquium. T u e s.,
March 15, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 225 An-
gell Hall. Prof. Nicolas Rashevsky, of
the University of Chicago, will speak
on "Topoly and Life: In Search of Gen-
eral Mathematical Principles in Biolo-
gy and Sociology."
Organ Recital. Robert Noehren, Uni-
versity Organist, In the second of a se-
ries of Sunday afternoon organ recitals
at 4:15 p.m., March 13, In Hill Audi-
torium. Compositions by DuMage,
Clerjmbault, Couperin, Daquin, Bach,
and Franck. Open to the public without
Program of American Music will be
presented by the Alpha Chapter of Sig-
ma Alpha Iota, honorary music society,
at 8:30 p.m. Sun.. March 13, In Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall. Compositions by
Piston, Finney, Barber, Mueller, Ka-
gen, Dello Joio, Friedman, Hanson,
Hendl and Youse will be performed by
the following students: Justine Votyp-
ka, Nancy Bartholomew, Linda Reck,
Phyllis Stringham, piano; Linn Bevis,
contralto; Elizabeth Fischer, soprano;
Patricia Stenberg, oboe; Sylvia Sher-
man, English horn; Virginia Catanese,
clarinet; Beverly Green, French horn;
Eleanor Becker, bassoon. Open to the
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
will give the ninth concert n the Chor-
al Union Series, Tues., March 15, at
8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Mozart's
Symphony No. 35 in D major, (Haffner);
Wagner's Prelude and Love-Death from
"Tristan and Isolde"; and the Brahms
Symphony No. 1 in C minor.
Muteum of Art. Alumni Memorial
Hall: Contemporary American Drawings,
George Braque-Prints. Through April
3. Hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. weekdays,
2:00-5:00 p.m. Sundays. Public invited.
Events Today
Sailing Club. Work party Sun., Mar.
13, 2:00 p.m. meet at 1512 Geddes. Peo-
ple going to Lake meet at 10:00 a.m. &
1:00 p.m. at Lydia Mendelssohn.
Blue Team Central Committee meet-
ing Sun., 7:30 p.m. Women's League.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., March 13, 9:30
a.m. Discussion, "Concerned and Un-
concerned"; 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Sup-
per; 6:45 p.m. Worship Service and
Program. Panel discussion on "Does
Christ Challenge the World's Great Re-
First Baptist Church. Sun., March 13.
9:45 a.m. Student class studies John;
11:00 a.m. Sermon "Christian Dimen-
sions;" 6:00 p.m. Cabinet Meetings;
6:45 p.m. Rev. Ralferd Freytag, Assist-
ant Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church,
will speak on "Lutheran Contributions
to Contemporary Christianity."
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Dr.
Arthur F. Holmes, Department of Bi-
ble and Philosophy, Wheaton College,
will speak on "Miracles (Real or Appar-
ent)?" Lane Hall, at 4:00 p.m.
Gilbert & Sullivan. Rehearsal Sun.,
March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the League for
principals and chorus.
Newman Club. Communion Breakfast
at the Father Richard Center Run.,
March 13, following 9:30 a.m. mass.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Sun., 6:00 p.m., cost supper at the Con-
gregational Church. Paul Rahmeier, Na-
tional Student Work Associate, will
speak on; "The Nature of My Role and
Position as a College Student."
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
March 13. "Faith of the Church" lec-
ture series, 4:30 p.m., Sun., March 13,
at Canterbury House. Canterbury Sup-
per Hour at 5:45 p.m., Sun., March 13,
at Canterbury House, followed by Miss
Marguerite Smith, Director of Christian

Education, who will discuss "The Sac-
rament of the Holy Spirit." Coffee Hour
at Canterbury House following the 8:00
p.m. Evensong Sun., March 13.
Basic Bible seminar sponsored by
Westminster Student Fellowship in the
Student Center of the Presbyterian
Church, 9:15 a.m., Sun., March 13. Dis-
cussion will be on the Gospel of St.
John. Advanced Bible seminar, 10:45
a.m., Sun., March 13.
Westminster Student Fellowship sup-
per at the Student Center of the Pres-
byterian Church, 5:30 p.m., Sun., March
13. Cost, SOc. WSF Guild meeting at 6:45
p.m. in the Student Center. Benjamin
w. wheeler, professor of history, will
speak on "The Early Church,"
Hillel. Chorus Rehearsal Sun., Mar.
13, 4:30 p.m. in the main chapel. Sup-
per Club Sun., 6:00 p.m. Study Group
to read the Five Books of Moses spon-
sored by the Religious Committee will
meet Sun. after Supper Club. Sun.,
8:00-10:30 p.m. "The King and I,"
Hillel's Annual Purim Dance featur-
ing Paul Brody and His Band. Refresh-
ments. 35 for Non-members and 250
for Members.
Graduate Outing Club will meet Sun.,
Mar. 13 at 2:00 p.m. ome in old clothes
to the northwest corner entrance of
Rackham Building,
Lutheran Student Association. Sun.,
Mar. 13, :00 p.m. To sign up for the
supper, call the Center. Program at
7:00 p.m. A. Saunders, a missionary to
China, will speak on China. Corner of
Hill St. and Forest Ave.
South Quadrangle-Sunday Musicales.
Second program in the spring series
will be given In the West Lounge of the
quadrangle Sun., March 13, at 1:30 p.m.
ThomasLoewy, baritone, Sylvan Kal-
tak, accordionist, Raymond Young.
baritone horn, and a Brass Ensemble,
These afternoons are given by mem-
bers of South Quadrangle and students
in the Music School. Public invited.
Informal Folk Sing at Lester Co-op,
900 Oakland, Sun., March 13,' at 8:00
Coming Events
Foreign Service officers L. T. Stull
and P. H. Trezise of the Department of
State will speak on "Opportunities in
the American Foreign Service," Mon.,
March 14 at 4:00 p.m. In Angell Hall,
Auditorium C. They will Interview In-
terested candidates the following day.
Russky Kruzhok will mneet Mon.,
March 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the Interna-
tional Center. Student talk on Russian
music. Refreshments.
Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., March 14, in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building at 800
p.m. Dr. Elnr :usselman will speak
on "The Village House in Graeco-o-
man Egypt"
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet
Mon., Mar. 14, 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the
recreation room. Instruction for every
dance, beginners welcome.
Blue Team floor show tryouts. Mon.
Tues., March 14, 15. Women's League
7:00 p.m. No talent required.
Gilbert & Sullivan. Principalse only
rehearsal Mon., March 14 in the League,
at 7:00 p.m.
La Petite Causette will meet Mon.,
Mar. 14 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left
room of the Union cafeteria. Scrabble
en francais.
Generation poetry staff wl meet
Tues., Mar. 15 at 7:30 p.m.
The Film Forum on International Ed-
ucation, sponsored by the Dept. of His-
tory and Principles of Education, will
present a UNESCO flm, "World With-
out End," Mar. 15 at 4:15 p.m., Aud. A.,
Angell Hall.
Claude Rains, star of stage and screen,
will be presented Wed., Mar. 16, 8:30
p.m., Hill Auditorium, as the sixth
number on the 1954-55 Lecture Course.
Program of readings, with piano ac-
companiment, from classical and mod-
ern literature, "Great Words to Great
Music." Tickets are on sale at theAu.
ditorium box office tomorrow through
Hillel: Hillelrepoppin' Sat., Mar. 26.
7:15 p.m. at Tappan Junior High School.
Tickets may be ordered by sending cash
or check made payable to Hillel1Student
Community, along with a stamped self-
addressed envelope to: Jan Schuster,
826 Tappan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ,Tickets
are $1.50 and $1.75 and include free bus
transportation. Please indicate on mail
order if free transportation is desired.
Tickets also on sale at Mason Hall Mar.
14-18 and Mar. 21-25 from 11:00-12:00
a.m. and from 1-2 p.m.




Y ~ i~54M~ ' : . . J . e.. ..'i ... ..LL .. . .. .rYrrG....... . .... "- ...r.....1 .."....... .f. ..:Jt"':{:: ::~


rS" '4

newest spring styles!
Blouses in Pima
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The World welcomes a new

(Continued from Page 4)
low. Cash award of $100. Open to jun-
iors .nd seniors in the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts.
Term papers dealing with relevant
topics may be entered in the contest.
Such papers should be submitted
through the instructor of the course
for which the paper was written. Other
entries should be submitted to the
Secretary of the Department of Sociol-
ogy (5601 Haven Hall). Papers may be
submitted any time up to March 25,
1955. They will be judged by a depart-
mental committee by April 1, 1955.
All entries should be typewritten and
be between 2,500 and 8,000 words in
length. The papers must deal with top-
ics which fall within the following cat-
1. The analysis of a Social Group
2. The Analysis of a Sociological Hy-
3. A Case Study of Social Change
4. The Analysis of a Social Institu-
5. The Study of a Community or
Community Segment
6. The Analysis of a Social Process
The results of the Department of His-



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Graceful roll-up sleeves. Silky-
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representatives of


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'2'. ' "


to interview






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