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March 09, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-09

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To Present
Skit Scenes
Sketches To Highlight
Student Acting Talent
For Spring Weekend
Drama! Satire! Comedy!
Skit Night will provide such en-
tertainment when 10 men and
women residences combine forces
to present five skits as part of
Spring Weekend at 8 p.m. Friday,
March 11.
Chicago House and Adams
House will perform in "The Man
Who Came to Michigan," a satire
on University life. The main plot
is concerned with a distinguished
visitor who breaks his leg on the
stairs of the Romance Building
and is taken to West Quadrangle
to recover.
Actors Raise Havoc
The visitor, played by Donald
McLennan and his secretary,
played by Joanna Zaparyniuk,
raise havoc among certain mem-
bers of the campus.
Others in the cast include. Dr.
Race from Health Service, Robert
Bredin and Ronnie Kopelson. Rob-
ert Segar is the author-producer,
Myra Golden is general chairman
and Dale Price is the director.
"The Lottery," by Shirley Jack-
son, is to be presented by Alpha
Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon. This
skit portrays American tradition
and how unwillingly people are to
change it.
Lots Drawn
Narrated by George Bashara
with, a chorus humming back-
ground music, the scene is set in
New England at the turn of the
century. The story in pantomime
is centered around an annual tra-
dition of everyone drawing at a
lottery and the sinister signifi-
cance of coming up with the black
The only speaking part is that
performed by Nancy Birney. Co-
directors for the production are
Carol Kauffman and Dick Fiegel.
A portrayal of juvenile delin-
quency in the United States will
be given by Alpha Delta Pi and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon entitled,
"Dust of Tin, Soldiers."
Juvenile Characters Studied
This character study of a young
delinquent, Howie McGraw, played
by Ronald Poland, takes place in
a drive-in theater. His determina-
tion to "show the world" involves
the lives of his mother, as played
by Erika Erskine and two wait-
resses at the drive-in, Darlene.
Martinson and Donna Winstead.
Rosemary Saffrom and William
Elliott are the co-producers.
Hobbs House and Phi Gamma
Delta will present "The Congo,"
a poem by Vachel Lindsay, in
pantomime with narration by a
Divided in Parts
Divided into three parts, it
shows basic savagery, irrepressible
high spirits and the hope of reli-
gion, in a modernistic presenta-
Co-producers are Susan Arnold
and Jim Deland, while Henrietta
Hermelin is the director.
A take-off on the panel program
"What's My Line," will be given
by Alpha Gamma Delta and Theta
Xi entitled, "Nine To Five."

Coeds Rehearse 'Cock-a-Hoop'

CROWNING PERFORMANCE-Etta Lubke, managing editor of
the 1955 Ensian, gracefully accepts her crowning as "Queen of
the Kitchen" in the Gamma Phi Beta house. Paul Domine, pan-
scrubber in the kitchen, awards her the grand prize, a pot with a
red bow on it, to be worn as a hat. Ted Spoelstra, dishwasher,
peeks around Miss Lubke while Jim Deland, salad-mixer, also
looks on.
Kitchen Workers Present
Crown to Honored Queen

Junior Girls' Play
Opens March 17
For Weekend Run,
With opening night little more
than a week away, junior coeds are
busily putting the final touches on
"Cock-a-Hoop," the 1955 Junior
Girls' Play.
Three hours of rehearsals each
day from now until the curtain
opens for the first time at 8 p.m.
Thursday, March 17, are on the
agenda for each of the 80 women
taking part in the show.
The 17 "leads" go over their
roles from 7 to 10 p.m. each night
in one room in the League, while
the three choruses go through
their paces in three other rooms.
Rehearsals Scheduled
The rehearsals will move to the
stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre Monday evening, with
dress rehearsals scheduled from 7
p.m. to midnight Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week.
Among the coeds putting in
these long hours are Barbara
Reed, playing the lead character,
and Luan Fiber, filling in with the
all-important comedy element.
Emily Harding, Gail Glover and
Janet Kahlenberg are also filling
important parts in the all-coed
Overseeing all the rehearsals is,
Dawn Waldron, director of the
show. Bobby Morgan and Mary
Stribe are assisting her at dance
practices, while the musical por-
Forester Parade
To Herald Dance
Parades will herald the annual
Paul Bunyan pre-dance activities
at noon and 1 p.m. Friday.
Melvin Gerardo, parade chair-
man, has announced that the Ann
Arbor Police Force will lead the
parade which will travel clock-
wise around campus, starting at
the Natural Science Building.
Featured in the parade will be
two miniature ponies, pulling a
logging wagon, and the foresters'
jug band atop a power truck
loaned from the Michigan State
Conservation Department.
Coed Conservation Department
students and part of the bar found
in the barroom scene of the dance
itself will ride another truck. A
third will carry apparatus demon-
strating a power saw.
Foresters will march with tools
and signboards selling tickets
along their route.
Foresters will wear plaid shirts
and don signs indicating that they
are official ticket salesmen. Tick-
ets at $2 per couple are on sale
this week in the Union and at the
School of Natural Resources Of-



-Daily-Lynn Wana
TWO FOR THE SHOW-Rehearsing for their part in "Cock-a-
Hoop," this year's JGP, Jeanne Hager, Jaist Kahlenberg and
Barbara Reed strike a happy pose, towering over Emily Harding
and Gail Glover. JGP will be presented at 8 a.m. Thursday through
Saturday, March 17 to 19, in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.

An annual event in the Gamma
Phi Beta house, greatly anticipat-
ed by the hardworking kitchen
crew, is the "waiter's dinner,"
sometimes called the "change-
about dinner."
High point of the evening comes
with the crowning of the kitchen
queen. Etta Lubke, managing edi-
tor of the Ensian, recently copped
this coveted title which is awarded
by the kitchen crew.
Qualifications which Miss Lubke
had to pass were that she must
never come to lunch past 12:15
p.m., she must never put gum on
her coffee saucer or tray and she
must clean her plate at every meal.
Requirements Observed
Other requirements of the hon-
ored person are that she must
never leave her foot in the aisle
to trip unsuspecting waiters, she
must always remember to sign
guests in for meals and may nev-
er eat more than one dessert.
During this spectacle called a
"waiter's dinner," coeds don wait-
er jackets and aprons to take over
the jobs of the kitchen crew. The
"bus boys" also switch and eat in
the dining room with the rest of
the coeds.
The eight jobs filled are: three
waiters, two dishwashers, 'one sal-

ad maker, one pan washer and a
Gifts eceived
Since the event usually takes
place just before Christmas, gifts
are bought for everyone working
in the kitchen. In previous years
plaid belts and stocking hats knit-
ted by the coeds were bestowed up-
on the "lucky" kitchen chew.
After dinner, the men must read
aloud poems written to them by
the house members. This presen-
tation often reveals little-known
facts about kitchen crew members
which even they may not have
Melodies Resound
Jim Deland, salad mixer and
Dave Smith, general "cleaner-up-
per," presented their renditions of
Hawaiian melodies accompanying
themselves with ukuleles.
Working in the kitchen for the
past semester have been Schar-
mack,Spoelstra, Deland, Smith,
Paul Domine, pan scrubber; and
waiters Jim Knowles, Jim Beatty
and Cliff Michael.
Many, many hours later when
the kitchen is left "spic and span"
by the inexperienced crew, sighs of
relief from potscrubbing coeds can
be heard. Their last remark is
invariably: "I'm certainly glad this
doesn't happen more than once a

tions are under the direction of
Judy Tatham and Elizabeth Gar-
Chairman Assists
General chairman of the pro-
duction, Alice James also helps
out with rehearsals wherever she
is needed.
Based on the "show within a
show" scheme, "Cock - a - Hoop"
deals with the adventures of 14
girls who decide to present a show.
The finale of their production
makes up the entire last act of
this year's JGP.
Entirely written and produced
by junior coeds, the colorful per-
formance will include a number of

different costumes and a series of
gay songs and dances.
Opens Before Seniors
The opening performance will
be presented before an audience
of senior women, as part of Sen-
ior Night activities.
All-campus performances will
be given at 8 p.m. Friday and Sat-
urday, March 18 and 19, with a
special matinee for sophomore co-
eds planned for 2:30 p.m. Satur-
Tickets, which go on sale be-
ginning Monday, are priced at 90
cents per person. All seats are re-
served. Sophomore women at-
tending the matinee performance
will be admitted for 60 cents.

I Y, 1~



Student Zionist Organization
Mrs. Raphael Tourover
Washington Representative of Hadassah


Tuesday, March 8
8:00 P.M.

1492 Hill


Wonderful things happen when you wear itI


- ,
\ ti

S cony



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SCROLL-There will be a Scroll
meeting at 7 p.m. today at the
League. The picture for the Ensian
wlil be taken at that time.
ored guests at this week's Union-
sponsored coffee hour will be stu-
dents and faculty members of the
speech department.cRefreshments
will be served at the event, which
will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. to-
day on the Union Terrace.
* s*
gram committee for the blue team
of Frosh Weekend will meet at 7
p.m. today at the League.
Greeting Cards
in town
State Street at N. University
with his outstanding film
r1P~. AAA #~A

~} 4 ,
e ':
,, J Y
f1 ,1 _ :.; :. y .


4 different
costumes for.
under $20!1
Here's the foursome that
takes you everywhere-
halter, shirt, pants and
skirt. But don't guess-
shop. You're being smart-
est when you choose Sa-
cony's clever pop-ons .. .
planned to go-together
and to make more outfits
*for precious little! You'4
love these presto-chango
poplins for their beautiful
fit and stitched-finish . .
for the flattering frosted
colors. See them now, in
sizes 10-18.



sleeveless shirt
plus Bermuda shorts
and knee-length socks




the complete set

The inevitable choice for the special occasion-because a
fragrance is as memorable as the gown you wear. Per-
fume from $3; de luxe toilet water and dusting powder,
each $1.75 (all plus tax). Created in England, made in
U. S. A. Yardley of London, Inc., 620 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. C.

+ Buy separately-mix smartly:
Sailor collar sleeveless shirt 3.9S>
Bicycle pants, button-tab pockets s.9s
Fitted halter, adjustable neck-band 2.5
Flared skirt, button-tab pockets 6.95
0: 04 All four pieces, only 19.35

Blithe-hearted tries with one object in mind, fun
under the sun . . . color-cordinated cotton shirts,
Bermuda shorts with shirt-matching belt, and
stretch-to-size nylon socks. Solids with black watch
plaid, turtle print or stripes. Sizes 10 to 16.




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