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March 09, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-09

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Critic of Free University
Has Poor Basis for View

"Let's Have A Look At Those Securities"



THE*UPROAR stirred up concerning the ex-
change program with the Free University
of Berlin could cause more misunderstanding
between the United States and Germany than
the heatedly debated Berlin Philharmonic is-
sue. The students at the Free University are
not Nazis, nor are they sympathetic to totali-
tarian aims or methods.
A Student Legislature member suggested,
both at last Thursday's SL meeting and in a
letter to the editor in Sunday's Daily, that stu-
dents at the Free University hate Jews and
He questioned the value of the exchange pro-
gram, seemingly willing to condemn an en-
tire student body on the strength of passages
in a book supposedly from the Free University.
HJE NEGLECTED to speak first to the person
best acquainted with the atmosphere at the
University - Heinz Kohler, the present ex-
change student from Berlin. Kohler would have
presented to him the affidavit which must be,
signed by every student before he is allowed to
The'affidavit includes a statement that the
student may not belong to any organization
which "works against understanding between
peoples, or approves totalitarian aims, or re-
commends methods contradicting a free demo-
cracy or approves anti-Semitism." (This is an
abridgement of the much more detailed stipu-
How can a student body swear to such a
statement and still as a body hold strong pre-
judice against Jews and Poles? We cannot say
that prejudice is completely absent from the
minds of all the students, but neither is it com-
pletely absent at our own school.

H ERE WE have the Labor Youth League, a
Communist front. Its president is allowed
free expression of his ideas, no matter how
anti-anything they may be. We would think
that the presence of such a group on campus
would make Free University students wary of
coming here, if they applied the same principles
of judgment that the SL member advocated.
(This SL member, by the way, has previously
identified himself as an Executive Board mem-
ber of the LYL.)
In an area surrounded by Russian occupation,
the Free University stands out as the only
school allowing freedom of thought. A great
many of its students have escaped to the West
zone from concentration camps or from Rus-
sian domination.
THEY, ABOVE anyone, should react aversely
to Communism in any form. Yet Kohler,
their representative, is anxious to sustain the
exchange program. He praises its values to peo-
ple behind the Iron Curtain. He says that if he
can take back on-the-spot reports of the work-
ings of democracy, morale in occupied coun-
tries will be lifted, and that it will do students
good to .hear directly of the type of University
for which they are working.
What rationale justifies the attacks on the
Free University? Do we want, on the heels of
one campus American-German misunderstand-
ing, to add final straws which could seriously
hinder good relations?
We caution the letter writer and his sympa-
thizers to think seriously of the trouble they
have started, and to avoid statements which can
be interpreted as expressions of ill-will be-
tween countries.
-Lou Sauer


Hoover Would Subsidize
Bankers, Not Farmers


Can the Religious Laugh
At Prof. Hyma's Faith?

NE WSPAPER treatment of Prof. Albert Hy-
ma's recent law suit made liberal use of
perhaps the most hackneyed humor element in
the history of jocularity: the faked-out intel-
Prof. Hyma was neatly relieved of $16,000
through counsel with a pseudo-medium. Her
advice, supposedly emanating from the spirit-
world, put the history professor on the losing
end in several business deals. This was the
come-on. Several newspapers played the story
to the hilt.
Prof. Hyma was painted as the gullible in-
tellectual, ready to fall for all manner of wierd
or preposterous propositions. His scholastic sub-
mersion supposedly rendered him blind to the
most obvious of ruses. The case was quickly
dubbed the "spook trial." Prof. Hyma was re-
ferred to as a "sucker," who had been "hooked"
on one of the oldest confidence games in the
SO THE public got a big belly-laugh at the
expense of a member of the teaching pro-
fession. It probably felt good. Most people sub-
consciously resent and envy the teacher image.
But they probably weren't aware of the re-
verse side to the two-edged sword of their
laughter. If Prof. Hyma was a sucker in be-
lieving that spirits could advise him, where does
that place religion?
Reducing the problem to two general sides,
we have on one hand a well-educated author.

ity on Biblical history and the philosophy con-
commitant to this field, and on the other, the
conforming, relatively non-thinking public. The
professor believed in multiple spirits capable of
communication with the physical world. The
public believes in multiple spirits who keep
BOTH PROFESSOR and public have faith in
their beliefs. The big difference is, Prof.
Hyma had a faith deep enough to place money
Most religions are so constructed that be-
lievers don't expect, at this late date, to hear
voices from spirit-dom. Miracles and revelations
happened in the past. Prof. Hyma believed that
such contact with the spirit world was still
possible, and based his actions on the courage
of his convictions and an uncynical trust in
his fellow humans.
Prof. Hyma's evidence of the spiiit world
existed in his own senses. The public's evidence
is testimonial.
IF IT'S really so funny that Prof. Hyma's
faith cost him over $9,000, then let the re-
ligious public look to its own "spooks." If a
man is going to believe in the unprovable, he'd
do better to show compassion towards fellow-
believers than to undercut his whole school of
thought with laughter.
--Bob Jones

WASHINGTON-The Democrat-
ic National Committee may
raise Tennessee's assessment to the
committee to make up for Gov.
Frank Clement's whopping ex-
penses last Fall. The Governor
gave speeches for the Democrats
in only six midwestern states, but
turned in an expense account for
$4,800 . . . In contrast, Tennessee's
rugged campaigner, Sen. Estes Ke-
fauver, went on a barnstorming,
speech-making tour through over
20 states, coast to coast. Yet he
submitted a bill for only $1,200
expenses . . . Deputy Attorney
General Bill Rogers, who escorted
new Supreme Court Justice John
Harlan to his Senate hearing,
warned him ruefully: "a Senate
hearing isn't a judicial process.
It's more of a fraternity initia-
tion." . . . The White House is
quietly working out a compromise
on reciprocal trade with the Sen-
ate's protectionist Republicans.
Despite the victory given him by
Speaker Sam Rayburn in the
House, the President is willing to
back down from a three to a two-
year extension of the trade pro-
gram: He'll also write in special
protection for hardship industries
... The Democrats have coined a
new title for Secretary of the Trea-
sury Humphrey, whose influence is
felt in all departments of govern-
ment. The Democrats call him
"Secretary of Everything." . ,
Th Labor Dcarment, alread v
hard-pressed with the problems of
manpower, will delve into q new
one next week. A conference has
been called on hLw to make best
use of the nation's womanpowir.
Bad News f.r Farmers
IT WILL BE a blow to'the little
farmers, but the Hoover Com-
mission will soon spring drastic,
new recommendations to tighten
farm credit. The main effect will
be to transfer the benefits of farm
price supports, in part, from the
farmers to the bankers.
These to-heck-with-the-farmers
recommendations aren't supposed .
to be made public for several
weeks, but this column has re-
ceived a copy of the forthcoming
Hoover Commission's report on
streamlining the farm financing
agencies. .
Most jolting to farmers will be
a recommendation "that the Com-
modity Credit Corporation cease
to make loans on commodities and
that it confine itself to purchase
agreements on commodities."
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers .............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs..Associate City Editor

This would revolutionize the
whole price-support program, since
most farmers draw their price sup-
ports in advance in the form of
commodity loans. At harvest time,
the farmers repay the government
on as much of their crop as they
can sell, then forfeit the rest as
The Hoover Commission's idea
is to turn the juicy, $3,000,000,000,
annual crop-loan business over to
private banks. Explains the forth-
coming report: "A considerable
saving of administrative expendi-
tures could be made if the Cor-
poration abandoned making loans
to farmers on commodities and
used the method of purchase
agreements alone. The farmer
could with such a government con-
tract finance himself by loans on
his commodities from private in-
stitutions pending his determina-
tion as to when he would sell, and
thus the private financial machin-
ery could finance the crop at a
considerable saving to the govern-
In other words, the farmers
would be forced to go to their
banks and pay commercial interest
rates for their crop loans. The
bankers wouldn't risk a nickel
since the purchase agreements
would be tantamount to a govern-
ment guarantee of the loans. What
this would amount to is price sup-
ports for bankers.
Tighter Credit
dation that will knock the
little farmers for a loop, calls for
tightening credit on farm home
loans. This will make it next to
impossible for little farmers to buy
their own homes. As it now stands,
the Farmers Home Administration
will loan up to 90 per cent on the
appraised value of a farm. The
H o o v e r Commission, however,
wants the FHA to "require ade-
quate equities under all its loan
programs except disaster and
emergency crop and feed loans."
Though vague, this indicates the
FHA should, in Hoover's opinion,
toughen its loan policy in line with
private banks. Yet the whole pur-
pose of FHA is to provide ioans to
farmers who have been turned
down by their local bankers.
The Hoover Report further urg-
es "that the Congrs requie such
interest fees, premiumns or other
charges as will cover administra-
tive expenses, cost of money to
the Treasury, and losses.
The e!ect of th:s wll be to
boost interest rates to the little
farmers up to 12 or 13 per cent.
One of the biggest "administa-
tive expenses." for example, is to
make sure these small farm loans
are sound. This has iesulted in a
99 per cent FHA ripayment rec-
The Hoover proposals would
practically knock out the small-
farm ownership program on the
justification that "this Commis-
sion, except in disaster and emer-
gency loans, cannot approve of in-
direct subsidies to a fraction of
the people from the taxpayers at
Yet in the same breath, the
Commission proposes what
amounts to "indirect subsidies" to
the bankers who, mysteriously,
seem to be the beneficiaries of so
many Hoover recommendations.
THIS same thinking is applied
to the recommendations on
crop insurance. Urges the forth-
coming Hoover report: "We recom-
mend that premiums charged by
the Federal Crop Insurance Cor-
poration be increased to an
amount which will cover losses,
the cost of administration, provide

CSP Meeting...
To the Edtior:
BELIEVING that SGC candi-
dates ought to explain their
exact beliefs and plans to the vot-
ers,many students have estab-
lished the first campus political
party which is called Common
Sense Party.
Membership in CSP is open to
any student in general agreement
with the policies stated in the new
CSP platform. Complete informa-
tion can be obtained by calling 3-
'The next meeting of Common
Sense Party is on Thursday, at
7:30 p.m. in the Union.
-Leah Marks
* . *
CSP and SL...
To the Editor:
T WOULD SEEM that many
people are wondering whether
the Common Sense Party is still
in existence and if so, what it is
doing. This is not because the par-
ty has been inactive but rather be-
cause in its formative months it
has spent its time organizing it-
self internally, collecting informa-
tion and in general getting its
bearings as to how to gonabout
working for its specific ends.
However, the influence of the
CSP has been felt in several areas.
Last Semester the Culture and Ed-
ucation committee of the SL,
working through the Board of
Governors of Residence Halls got
a question inserted into the hous-
ing applications that are sent to
all incoming freshmen men. The
question was formulated from
Point 4 of the CSP platform and
will ask freshmen men if they
would "object to" or "prefer"
rooming with a person of a differ-
ent religious, racial or ethnic back-
The motion that SL passed last
semester with regard to attempting
to improve the housing situation
on campus, was derived principally
from ideas contained in the CSP
Last week the Public Relations
Committee of SL passed unani-
mously a motion recommending
to SGC that it work to get Regen-
tial consideration of SGC recom-
mendations to the Regents within
three months of their presentation.
This also was an idea that came
substantially from the CSP plat-
The plan for the disposition of
the SL's treasury that stands a
good chance of being passed to-
night by the SL was partially an
outgrowth of a meeting of the Ex-
ecutive Board of the CSP.
In recent weeks the party has
revised and brought up to date its
platform which will be distributed
on campus in the next week by
CSP candidates running for the
Student Government Council.
The party can claim to its cred-
it not only a sound set of basic
principles from which to work but
also, considering the few months
of its existence, a substantial rec-
ord of activity.
-Joan Bryan
CSP Floorleader on SL
* ', *
Dabbling ...
To the Editor:
HOW dare a Daily critic have
the audacity to write a rave
review! Who is this novice, this
rank amateur, this dabbler in the
arts? Mr. Hartwig, the very foun-
dation of your prodigious insti-
tution is being undermined! Where
was your night editor and where
oh where was Theodossin?! I am
-Bob Ely
* * *
Political Issue
To the Editor:
"UNDER the Patronage of the
Chancellor of the Federal

Republic of Germany-the orches-
tra contributes to mutual under-
standing in the international lan-
guage of music." These words are
from a leaflet advertising the Ber-
lin Orchestra and indicate that
there may be more than pure
artistic achievement motivating
the orchestra's coming to the
United States. All the recent con-
troversy over the orchestra has
made it a political issue-no mat-
ter what the original intention.
However if the Federal Republic
of Germany hopes to increase its
prestige by sending us its orches-
tra, I have no doubt that it is
wasting its time. The musicians
will come and go and if Germany
is to be rearmed she will be re-
armed with or without her or-
Speaking as one who is both a
recent visitor to Germany and a
Jew, I can assure the campus
Zionists that their feelings are not
abnormal. I and those traveling
with me could not help feeling un-
comfortable in Germany. Our own
hearts could not avoid feeling dis-
tressed over the stillness of so
many others. Yet we must realize
that we can not persist in har-
boring these anti-German feelings

it. Music has nothing to do with
politics only if those who listen,
and those who play realize it. It
can be loaded with politics if
someone does the loading. The
cries of the Labor. Youth League
and of the Zionists are doing
nothing but adding ammunition
to cannons which are better off
silent. The advertising agents for
the Orchestra might have used
better judgement in their leaflets.
Everyone concerned might do a bit
of sober reflection and avoid los-
ing his temper and his dignity,
Forcing anti-semites to recant
only can lead to more anti-semi-
-John Shepherd, '56
* * *
Active Scholars...
To the Editor:
Legislature. in their haste to
do away with $4,500 of carefully
built up student funds, approved
of a scholarship to be given to
those active in student activities.
Ostensibly, the s c h o l a r s h i p
would be used to relieve the finan-
cial burden of those eligible who
because of the time consumed in
activities cannot work. Or to put
it another way, who, because they
must work, cannot be active in
student affairs. Through the pur-
pose of the scholarship is to keep
people in activities who because of
financial reasons would have to
cut down in their participation
and thereby deprive the campus
of an indispensible student lead'er.
Of course, to qualify for the
scholarship one must already be
very active to be recognized. And
in order to be active that person
must be financially at ease or have
the time to devote to these activi-
ties instead of working to stay in
school. Through the scholarship
will be given to allow the student
to become more active than before
in place of working to supplement
his income.
The basic idea of the scholarship
is fine. The campus needs people
to voice student opinion and pro-
vide leadership for campus organi-
zations. But I doubt that any one
person is indispensible to the func-
tioning of an organization.
If a scholarship is to be given
why not give it to those who, be-
cause of financial reasons, would
not be able to come to college in
the first place, let alone get more
active in campus activities. Or still
better, why not give to those who
would have to leave college be-
cause of money problems. I per-
sonally know 'an ex-student who
joined the army last June because
he couldn't quite make ends meet.
Consequently, the issue boils
down to this: either we should
have a scholarship to keep people
in more activities, or keep students
in college and/or allow more capa-
ble people to come to college.
Marvin Gerber
* * *
No Divorce *. *
To the Editor:
WE FEEL that the approaching
concert by the Berlin Philhar-.
monic Orchestra and the storm of
controversy occasioned by it is
much too trivial a matter to occu-
py any more space in the Daily,
Indeed, what is more important is
what could happen if the Univer-
sity of Michigan's hockey team
accepts the invitation of the Ger-
man Ice Hockey Association to go
to Dusseldorf. The eagerness of
the Germans to assume all of the
expenses of the proposed trip is
undoubtedly a political move.
We propose, therefore, that cer-
tain precautions be taken if the
team is allowed to go to Germany.
First, to avoid expsing our boys
to the dangers of playing on for-
eign ice, water for the playing sur-
face should be taken from the

Great Lakes and the Mississippi
River and transported with the
Secondly, the teams should be
required to commit to memory the
Declaration of Independence so
that they may recite it each night
before going to bed. These, of
course, are only the most ordinary
of precautions.
More important, however, is
that any member of the team that
owns or listens to Crazy Otto rec-
ords should be automatically dis-
qualified from making the trip.
Politics, Music and Sports can-
not be divorced!
-Donald E. Kates
Edward H. Weeby
To the Editor:
"OK BOYS, first guy near the
backboard shoot! Concen-
trate on shots from the corner, be
sure not to drive and above all,
don't interfere with those 'other
fellows' on the rebounds."
An observant fan may catch a
quick olimpse of the fundamental
weave and also witness a new type
of pass to the center; a pass exe-
cuted by throwing the ball low into
the keyhole, and hoping that a
teammate gains possession. (The

i, I

(Continued from Page 2)
Co-Recreational Badminton Club will
meet Wed., March 9, at 7:00 p.m. in
Barbour Gym. This will be the regular
time of meeting until spring vacation.
Election of next year's manager or man-
Le Cercle Francais will meet Wed.,
Mar. 9 at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's
League. Slides of modern' French
painting from Corbet to Matisse will
be shown by C. G. Christofides of the
Romance Language Department. Dis-
cussion and refreshments.
Student Chapter of the American
Society of Civil Engineers will meet
Wed., March 9, at 7:00 p.m. in the Men's
Union. Lester Stair, a research engi..
neer at willow Run Hydraulics Lab-
oratory, will speak on, "Harbor Shel-
ters in Ports of the Great Lakes."
Political. Scince Round Table will
meet Wed., March 9, at 7:45 p.m. at the
Michigan League. Prof. Samuel Beer,
Chairman of the Department of Gov-
ernment at Harvard University, will
speak on, "British Politics." Open to
Lutheran Student Association. Wed.
Mar. 9, 7:30 p.m. Meditations based on
"The Seven Last Words from the
Cross."this week on the third word.
Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Generation Fiction Staff will meet
Wed., Mar, 9 at 3:00 p. in Publica-
tions Bldg. Both old and new members
should attend. If possible, each member
should read the story manuscripts
sometime before the meeting.
Hillel. Wed., Mar. 9, 8:00 p.m. Hillel
Lecture Series. Rabbi Max Kapustin,
Director of Hillel Foundation at Wayne
University will speak on, "Torah-A Way
of Life: The History and Meaning of
Halakah." Discussion.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Break-
fast Canterbury House following the
7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Wed., March
9.Student and Faculty-conducted
Evensong Wed, March 9. at 5:15 p.m.,
in the Chapel of St. Michael and All
Wesleyan Guild. Wed., March 9. Mid-
week Tea in the lounge, 4:00-5:15 p.m.
Mid-week Worship in the chapel at
5:15 p.m.
Open House for S.G.C. Candidates
only, 5:15-6:00 p.m., Wed., March 9, at
Alpha Gommha Delta, 1322 Hill Street.
Pershing Rifles. Be at TCB in uni-
form Wed., March 9 at 1930 hrs. for reg-
ular company drill.
Coming Events
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 pm. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., Mar.
3, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackhjm Building.
A Workeamp will be held in Ypsi-
lanti this week-end. For more informa-
tion, call Lane Haill
May Festival Tickets for single con-
certs will go on sale beginning Thurs.
morning, March 10, at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower-at $3.00, $2.50, $2,00
and $1.50 each. In order to facilitate
sales, it will be appreciated if purchas-
ers will determine in tdvance the num-
ber of tickets required, etc.
La Petite Causette will meet Thurs.,
Mar. 10 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left
room of the Union cafeteria. Scrabble,
Tickets for the dramatic program to
be presented by Claude Rains, wed.,
March 16, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium,
are now on sale at the Auditorium box
office. Box office hours are 10:00 a.m.-
5:00 p.m. daily
Congregational - Disciples G u iI d.
Thurs., Mar. 10, 7:00 . a.m., Breakfast
meditation group In Guild House Chap-
el. Call by Wed. noon if you plan to
Hillel: Reservations for Fri. evening
supper must be made and paid for at
Hillel any evening from 7:00-10:00 p.m.
on or before Thurs.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
Thurs., March 10, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of -St. Michael and All Angels.
Holy Communion at 7:30 p.m. Thurs.,

seminars dealing with various aspects
of "Everyday Christianity," in the Par-
ish House.
Meeting for all those interested in
possible action toward removing dis-
crimination in housing in Ann Arbor.
Students and Faculty members wel-
come. 4:30 p.m.. Thurs., Mar. 10, Lane
Common Sehse Party-Thurs. at 7:30
p.m. in the Union unless the SL doesn't
get rid of its funds on Tues. and calls
a special meeting for Thurs. In that
case the meeting will be postponed.
Plans for election publicity will be
Young Republican Club General
Meeting Thurs., March 10, 8:00 p.m. Un-
ion, Room 3-K. "A Program for Eco-
nomic Liberals," 73rof. Clare 'E. Griffin
of the Bus. Ad. School. Platform will be
ratified, and plans for the Midwest Con-
vention will be completed. Open to the
WCBN, East Quad staff meeting
ThursBMarch 10, 7:15 p.m. in Hinsdale
study hall, East Quadrangle basement,
near radio station temporary studios.
Attendance is required.
Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs., Mar. 10
at 7:45 p.m. in 311 W. Eng.
Michigan Actuarial Club. Neil W.





That 'in Black Ink' Aided
By Ford Foundation Gift

A TREND TO the black, in educational book-
keeping, is always a healthy sign.
At this point, with enrollments rising by
mammoth proportions, such a trend is parti-
cularly welcome. The countrys educational in-
stitutions all face a current'need for financial
help, whether from alumni or outsiders. if their
reputations are to be maintained and their
facilities improved.
Fortunately, black ink will probably be used
much more extensively in the next few years
by private institutions, with credit going cur-
rently to the Ford Foundation. A recent Ford
New Books at the Library
Auden, W. H.-The Shield of Achilles; New
York, Random House, 1955.
Smith, Lillian-Now Is The Time; New York,
The Viking Press, 1955.
Lippmann, Walter-The Public Philosophy;
Boston, Toronto, Little, Brown and Co., 1955.
Paul, Eliot-Understanding the French;
New York, Random House 1955.
What They're Saving
WE CANNOT endure in a free society the
censorship of speech and literature which
is not deliberately pornographic or sadistic. As
far as current literature is concerned, aside
from the occasional lapses of too zealous or
self-appointed censors and policemen we are
a ramarkably free county. Boston's Watch
and Ward Society is no longer a menace; none
of our large cities any longer permits for any
length of time a self-imposed arbiter to decide

announcement told of plans to allocate $50 mil-
lion to such colleges and universities.
The stipulations are reasonable: a special
Ford advisory committee will decide which of
the country's hundreds of private schools merit
this aid. The money, to be used for faculty
salaries, will be augmented by funds the col-
leges themselves will be required to raise.
SIGNIFICANCE of this program, which should
go into full effect in about five years, is
readily imaginable. A college's repute and ac-
tual success depend largely on the faculty it
employs. Without a competent and respected
staff, no institution could benefit its students,
but without adequate funds no college can at-
tract a faculty.
On the surface, the Ford program may be
expected at least to strengthen the faculties
of the institutions it helps-but more import-
ant, the allocation will maintain a gratifying
recent trend toward industrial-educational co-
Although the Ford grant is probably the
biggest contribution of a single industry to
education, it is far from alone in its field.
General Electric, General Motors and Bell Tele-
phone typify corporations which have recent-
ly announced similar programs, each with its
own aims and means.
It's encouraging to note that industrial aid
is not limited to scientific and mechanical fields
of education-the programs show recognition
of the need for strong develop'ment in all
ALTHOUGH THE University will ndt benefit
from the Ford program, it has already ab-
snrar -nrplminrars f -m c a o h -- ar

Becky Conrad .........Associate
Nan Swinehart ........Associate
David Livingston ..... Sports
Hanley Gurwin . .Assoc. Spr-S
Warren Wertheimer
. ...Associate Sports
Roz Shlimovitz.......Women's
Janet Smith Associate Women's


John Hirtzel.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise ......... Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
AA _, _

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