Engineers To Sponsor
Speaker on Standards'
Harold S. Osborne will speak on
"Standards-A Tool for the Young
Erngineer" at 8 p.m. today in Audi-
torium D, Angell Hall.
Sponsored by Tau Beta Pi, en-
gineering honor society, " Osborne
is being brought to the University
by the Agnew Foundations. This
Foundation is providing a series
of lectures on various college cam-
puses in memory of Paul G. Ag-
new, former secretary and admin-
istrato' of the American Stand-
ards Administration.
Foundation Established
To carry on Agnew's work, his
friends and; associates have es-7
tablished the foundation "to
spread knowledge of the theory
and practice of standardization
amon: young men and women who
will be responsible for the future
of the free-enterprise system so
fundamental to this country."
Osborne will discuss the condi-
tions under which standards
should be nation-wide or even
Scabbard and
Blade Initiates
New Members
Know all ye citizens
That all true Knights
Must through squireship
Go by starlight
Know all ye citizens
That many squires
Train by Starlight
To become Sires
Know all ye citizens
Your obligations
For these men train
To lead our nation
Know all ye citizens
By the Five Stars
Of Scabbard and Blade
Squires these men are: ,
Philip F. Belleville, '56, Richard
S. Bonnette, '56E, John W. Cole,
'56, Wayne T. Cooke, '55BAd,
James M. Kruthers, '56E, Robert,
E. Fritts, '56, John W. Hackett,
'56E, Norman Harbert, Neal H.
Hillerman, '56E, M. Richard Hein-
eman Jr., '57E, Richard C. John-
ston, - '56BAd, Robert E. Lueke,
Richard S. Maslowski, '56E, Wil-
liam L. Mason, '56E, Robert J. Por-
ter, '56BAd, Gerald J. Roos, '56
BAd, Maurice C. Ruddy, '57E,
Frederick J. Schoettley, '57E,
Lawrence E. Stafford, '56E, Sam-
uel S. Stewart, '56E, Alfred E.
Szemborski, '56E, Robert S. Thorn,
'56BAd, Allen M. Woolson, '56.
The Five Stars Have Shone?
YD's To Discuss
Natural Law Idea
"The Concept of Natural Law
in Modern Political Thought" will
be the topic of a panel discussion
at a meeting of the Young Demo-
crat Club at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow
in Rm. 3B of the Union.
Prof. Frank Grace of the poli-
tical science department, Prof.
William Frankena of the philo-
sophy department and Prof. Pal-
mer A. Throop of the history de-
partment will lead the discussion.
should represent world-wide
agreement. He will also note the
machinery available to bring this
Giving suggestions of what the
young engineer should know about
standardization, he will indicate
the reasons why this engineer is
benefited by an appreciation of
the relation which technical
standards will have to his profes-
sional work.
Categories of Standards
Osborne will also discuss var-
ious categories of standards, those
Clubs Offer
Foreign language learning at
the University is no longer confin-
ed to classroom study.
Participation in foreign language
extra curricular activities has met
with interest and enthusiasm.
Informal Groups
Students meet on informal
groups, as the French Club, where
they have an opportunity to learn
more about the language they are
Hearint lectures, seeing films
concerning the culture they are
studying, and singing folk songs
in the language comprise some of
the activities of the foreign lan.-
gi age clubs.
Students in the La Petite Cau-
sedte have started playing scrabble
in French.
Practice Students
The practice students get in par-
ticipating in these activities are
just as importgnt as classroom
text and grammar study, acc)rd-
ing to Prof. Charles E* Koella of
the French Department.
Tn addition to informal club
meetings, students are planning
to present plays in the original
Moliere's "IAvare" "The Mrs
er" will be presentsd by the French
Club May 4. American graduate
and undergraduate students will
take 'part.
Spanish Play
The Spanish CUb will present
"Una Viuda Difie i" by Conrado
Nalb Roxlo, April 20 and 21. Dur-
ing that weekend, the club will
also sponsor a fiesca. to which high
school students are invited.
The fiesta includes an exhibit
of arts and crafts and artifacts
from South Amenca and Spain.
Spanish-Ameri an students will
present a variety :hcw of Span-
ish -Aancing and music.
Among its other activities, the
Spanish Club has started a Span-
ish newspaper which .s distributed
to its members. Articles are writ-
ten b3 the students in Spanish.
The Spanish Club has also spon-
cored a poetry contest.
All the foreign language clubs
celebrate holidays, as Christmas
with entertainment and refresh-
ments typical of the country the
language represents.
A new method of sterilizing bone
tissue-by using atomic energy-
has been reported by University
Dr. Paul H. DeVries and Prof.
Lloyd L. Kempe of the Medical
School and Wade 0. Brinker of
the Michigan State College of
Vetinary Medicine described the
application of radioactive Cobalt
60 to dog bone in the University
of Michigan Medical Bulletin.
Renders Bone Sterile
"Radioactive cobalt source will
render bone bacteriologically ster-
ile; irradiated bone can be trans-
planted into dogs without harm-
ful effects," the report states.
'U'1To Study
To s cience
How good a job are the science
writers .doing in reaching people
with science news?
The National Association of Sci-
ence Writers has asked the Uni-
versity's Survey Research Center
to study how Americans react to
science news.
Public Response
The NASW plans to find out'
what science has done to the pub-
lie as readers, listeners and view-
ers. The purpose of this study is
to discover whether the entire
field of the public's response to
science can be measured.
Extreme reactions will be in-
cluded in this study. The person
who is interested only in medical
news, people who are frightened
by news of atomic energy and the
indifferent readers who like only
comics, are typical examples of
these extreme reactions.
Approximately 200 leading sci-
ence writers for newspapers and
magazines throughout the coun-
try are members of the NASW.
Surveys Committee
Prof. Angus Campbell. director
of the Survey Research Center,
began plans for this study in New
York wher he met with the NA-
SW's surveys committee
The Rockefeller Foundation has
financed this study through a
grant given to the New York Uni-
Importance of the new method
is that it may now be possible to
sterilize bone simply without im-
pairing its ability to "mend" or
stimulate new bone formation.
Storage facilities for such ma-
terial as bone, blood, eye and ar-
teries have presented medicine
with a tricky problem of steriliza-
Conventional methods - freez-
ing, boiling, antispetics and anti-
biotics-have proved unsatisfac-
tory because, the reports claims,
"Bones so treated may continue to
harbor living bacteria and vi-
Bone Chemicajly Altered
In addition, bone so treated may
be chemically altered so it is ren-
dered useless as a transplant lat-
er on.
The use of atomic energy may
increase the value of bone banks,
the doctors declared..
The value of Cobalt 60 as a ster-
ilizing source is that its energies
are cold. Energy is usually exper-
ienced in the form of heat-Cobalt
60 is capable of shooting out 37
billion disintegrations per curie
per second without heating the
substance exposed.
'U' Cobalt Source
The University Cobalt source,
the size of a stack of seven pen-
nies, is 10,000 curies.
After exposure to 10,000 curies
of Cobalt 60, dog bone was suffi-
ciently cleansed of bacteria aid
viruses to be stored in a "bank."
Thus sterilized and stored, the
bone could be successfully trans-
planted to animals, the report re-
Local Doctors Find New
Use for Radioactive Cobalt
'U' Receives
Of Novelist
A personal scrapbook of the late
Rev. Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, author
of "Magnificient Obsession" and
"The Robe," has been donated to
the Michigan Historical Collec-
The scrapbook deals with part
of the period from 1915 to 1921
when Douglas was pastor of the
First Congregational Church in
Ann Arbor.
Serapbook Material
Noted for his ability as a preach-
er, Douglas was frequently called
on for inspirational speeches dur-
ing World War I, and he was in
great demand every spring for bac-
calaureate sermons and com-
mencement addresses.
Donated by Jacob Blanck of
Chestnut Hill, Mass., the scrap-
book also contains copies of Doug-
las's Christmas stories "The Inn
Keeper" and the "Dilemma of San-
ta Claus."
New Year Message
The beginning of radio trans-
mission is illustrated by a clip-
ping from a newspaper which tells
how Douglas on the evening of
Dec. 31, 1920, sent out a New Year
message from the University's
"wireless telephone laboratory."
Reports on Bias Clause
Listed on SAC Agenda
(Continued from Page 1)
James A. Lewis to be submitted as
soon as possible to the president
and the central administrative
committee for their consideration.
Committee Responsible
The proposed housing study
committee would be "responsible
for recommending the administra-
tive structure, including personnel
and funds, to cope with the prob-
lems of student housing and en-
vironmental health both at present
and on a long term basis.
"This would include provision
for inspection and approval as to
safety and sanitary features of
plans for all new University and
University - sponsored construc-
The SAC recommendation stem-
med from the committee's concern
for the present inadequate regula-
tion and inspection of off campus
student housing.
Highlighted By Fire
The problem was highlighted by
last fall's rooming house fire that
claimed the lives of a landlady and
a University graduate student.
Two new campus organizations,
the Wolverine Honor Guard, an
Army ROTC drill unit; and Eska-
sia, a new local sorority, were
granted SAC recognition.
In addition the revised League
constitution was approved and
changes okayed in the Wyverq,
(junior women's honorary) and
the Business Administration Coun-
cil constitutions.
Skating Club
Sets Ice Show
"Melody on Ice," to be present-
ed for the 13th year by the Ann
Arbor Figure Skating Club March
12 and 13, will feature three Uni-
versity students.
Performances will be held in
the Coliseum at 8:30 p.m. Satur-
day and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.
Joanne Early, '58, will act as
assistant producer of the show.
Patti Earhart, '57, and Lois Buch-
binder, '56, will be featured in
"Carribbean Capers," one of four
production numbers.
Mary Frances Greshke, skating
instructor in the Women's Physi-
cal Education Department, is one
of two professionals in the revue.
Nancy Mineard of Okron, Ohio, is
the second pro.
Tickets are on sale at the Union,
Coliseum and bookstores.
providing directly for mutual un-
derstanding, standard methods of
measurement, ratings, or perform-
ance standards.
Also included will be discus-
sions on dimensional standards,
and system standards which may
serve as a guide for extensive pro-
grams of development and of op-
Osborne has long been identi-
fied with the Bell Telephone Sys-
tem where he was instrumental in
the development of improved en-
gineering practices. He also has
served the Federal Government in
a number of advisory capacities
and has long been active in pro-
fessional organizations.
He has been especially interest-
ed in those organizations devoted
to the development of technical
The talk is open to the public
free of charge.
Modern Prints
T'o Be Shown
Two exhibits entitled "Georges
Braque-Painter, Printmaker" and
"Contemporary American Draw-
ings" will be on display beginning
Sunday and continuing through
April 3 at the University Museum
of Art in Alumni Memorial Hall.
The Braque exhibition of 60
prints, many of which were inspir-
ed by themes of Greek antiquity,
will include works done from 1907
to 1953.
The "Contemporary American
Drawings" exhibition, being circu-
lated by the Smithsonian Institu-
tion Traveling Exhibition Service,
was collected under the recommen-
dations of a special committee of
more than 70 living artists,
40 1
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The difference in measurements gives the slacks an
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Take the right step toward a
You engineering students who graduate this spring have
a big and important decision to make. You will decide
where to invest your knowledge of engineering acquired
through years of study.
Representatives from II
will be on your campus on
March 10, 1955. For per-
sonal interview, contact
your Placement Director.
Or, if unable to meet with III
representative at that time,
write to F. D. McDonald,
Working here at internatonal Harvester's Meirose Park Works near Chicag.
are graduate engineers conducting research on an experimental diesel
engine to obtain basic combustion data.
The engineer who joins International Harvester joins a sound, long-estab-
lished but progressive company-that represents opportunity for advance-
ment. Harvester has long been associated with leadership in new and improved
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