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March 03, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-03

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43 AXE HANDLES TALL-Bob Scharf, decorations chairman,
trims Paul Bunyan's beard while Spike Johnson, tickets' chair-
man! puts the finishing touches on Paul's new trousers for a
dance in Paul's honor Saturday, March 12.
Fore'Sters To Present
Annual Campus Dance

Junior Coeds
To Present
Senior Night Audience
To View 80 Women
In Play Performance
."There's music in the air" in
the vicinity of the League, as jun-
ior coeds prepare to raise the cur-
tain on this year's Junior Girls'
Play, scheduled to make its debut
Thursday, March 17 in Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre.
Hoping to sing and dance their
way to success, the four score
coeds in the cast will present their
first performance of "Cock-a-
Hoop" before the traditional Sen-
ior Night audience.
The following Friday and Sat-
urday evenings the show will be
repeated before an all-campus au-
dience, with a special Saturday
afternoon matinee on the agenda
for sophomore women.
Plot Secret
In keeping with tradition, the
plot of the play is being kept se-
cret until the opening night per-
formance before an audience of
senior women. Committee mem-
bers, however, have promised a
lively and unusual show, with
plenty of gay music and a large
supply of humor,
Barb Reed will take the leading
part of 'Julie Taylor, with Emily
Harding, Gail Glover and Punch
Kahlenberg rehearsing character
parts. Luan Fiber will take the
stage as comedienne in the all-
coed production.
Working hard to make their
show the "best ever," the junior
women are holding rehearsals ev-
ery day, including Sunday, in
preparation for the opening cur-
Ushers Needed
Sectional practices are being
held for the various choruses and
dances, as well as for lead and mi-
nor characters. Director of the
show is Dawn Waldron.
Among the committees working
for JGP is the ushers group which
asks junior women who are inter-
ested in ushering for performances
on Friday and Saturday evenings,
March 18 and 19, to sign up in the
League Undergraduate office. Ush-
ers are also needed for the Sat-
urday matinee.

Panhel Prexy Comes to U'
After Two Other Colleges


Seniors Select 'Pot'O Gold' Theme

From Ohio University via
George Washington University to
the University of Michigan; -
that's the route Barbara Heider,
new acting president of Panhel-
lenic Association, has travelled in
her college career.
And everywhere the sparkling
blue-eyed Barbara has gone, she
has picked up a few more laurels.
President and assistant pledge


Verdent pine trees will take root
in the Union Ballroom; Saturday
evening, March 12, as the forestry
club presents its annual Paul Bun-
yan Dance.
Brought in by forestry students
from the School of Natural Re-
sources forest properties, these
trees will transform the Ballroom
into the great outdoors.,.
Each weekend a crew of forest-
ers supervised by Jim Noel, has
been cutting and hauling these
trees to Ann Arbor. The crowns are
used for decorations, while the
lower trunks will be used for cor-
Blue Ox
A decoration highlight will be
a figure of Paul Bunyan. Both Paul
and his blue ox, Babe, are under-
going major changes in growth.
Paul now stands well over 12 feet
tall, and Babe has grown to a full
10 feet at his shoulders.
Couples will enter the Ballroom
through the entrance to Paul's
bunkhouse. Several of his utensils
will be in evidence about the dance
floor, including his bed, his stove,
his outsize clothes line and one of
Paul's large frying pans by the
In the adjoining rooms there
will be several displays by the de
partments of the School of Nat-
ural Resources. One of the rooms
will be transformed into a saloon
where refreshments will be avail-
able. Natural Resource students
are constructing the longest bar on
campus which will be complete
down to the typical mural over the
The forestry department will
have a display of fire fighting
equipment, and aerial photography
exhibit, and a pictorial display of
the student logging operations on
the University forest properties.
The wildlife management depart-
ment is working on an exhibit, and
the department of wood technolo-
I dcoj Camipm4
UNION TRIP - Students may
purchase tickets for the Union trip
Sunday to Detroit to see "Fifth
Season," between 3 and 5 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow in the Union
Student offices.
* * *
RIDING CLUB- The crop and
saddle members of the Riding Club
;will meet at 7 p.m. today at the
-The semi-finals of the basketball
tournament will take place at 7:15
' p.m. today at Barbour Gym be-
tween Prescott II and Mosher I.
Visitors are welcome.
** *
1' co - recreational Modern Dance
Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Barbour Gym dance studio.
New members are welcome.

gy is preparing samples of diversi-
fied forest products, and a variety
of finishes that are used on them.
One of the features of the con-
servation department display will
be a "Mammal Board" on which
dancegoers can try to match up the
tracks and pic res of Michigan
mammals with their names. An
electric buzzer signals whether or
not the correct answer has been
The fisheries' display will con-
sist of equipment used by fisheries
researchers and investigators. It
will include an aqua-lung, plank-
ton nets, bottom samplers and an
electric fish-shocker.
Corsages will be given out at the
door to every woman. They will be
in keeping with the outdoor theme
of the dance.
Tickets are priced at $2.00 per
couple and are on sale now in the
Natural Science Building at the
School of Natural Resources office
and will be available next week at
the Union and from members of
the School of Natural Resources.

Foreign Students To Tour
Cities Over Spring Holiday


trainer of her chapter of Alpha
Xi Delta, she is a member of Mor-
Starting her Panhel work as Al-
pha Xi's delegate to Panhellenic
Association and Senate, she soon
became parliamentarian of the
sorority group. Barb gained more
experience in Panhel problems and
operations when she served as cor-
responding secretary for the Pan-
hel, IFC Big Ten conference last
Top Position
Last fall she stepped into the
office of first vice-president of all
affiliated women on campus. The
top position of acting president of
Panhel came to Barbara suddenly
when President Jean Bromfield
WAA Clubs Offer
Coeds Relaxation
Coeds who have found time to
relax from studying, and would
like to participate in some kind of
athletics, still have a variety from
which to choose.
WAA clubs that are still open
for membership, include the Diving
Club meeting at 5:10 p.m. Mondays
at the pool, Riding Club at 7:15
p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at
the WAB, Badminton Club at 7:15
p.m. Wednesdays at Barbour Gym,
and Fencing Club at 4:20 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bar-
bour. Some experience is needed
for the Fencing Club.
For those women interested in
swimming, there is a class at 8:15
p.m. Tuesdays for upperclassmen.
Lessons will continue for five
weeks. Also available is the Speed
Swimming Club meeting at 5:10
p.m. Thursdays.
Recreational swimming is at
5:10 p.m. Monday through Fri-
day, 7:15 p.m. Mondays, 8:15 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays and 2:30
on Saturdays. Co - recreational
swimming for coeds and their
dates is at 7:15 p.m. Saturdays
and at 3 p.m. Sundays.
At Barbour Gym, basketball
courts are provided both for shoot-
ing and for team practice. Women
are asked to sign up ahead of time
for play at 5:10 p.m. Monday
through Thursday. Trampoline use
is available at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-

felt she must give up the office to
concentrate on her studies.
How does Barbara feel about
leading the group until Installa-
tion Night? "I'm proud to be in
office and I want to do as well as
I can, but most of the work has
been set up. I have Jean's pattern
to follow."
But following this pattern is a
big responsibility. Barb will su-
pervise elections for new Panhel-
lenic officers. Under a different
set-up, the president will be elect-
ed by a house vote, instead of by
Panhellenic Board, thus allowing
every sorority girl to vote.
Also on the agenda while Barb
heads the group is a revision of
the Panhellenic Constitution and
the biggest project of all, Greek
Week. For the coming all-campus
elections, Barb and her affiliated
coeds will provide 297 hours of
Big Ten Convention
In April, the new Panhel presi-
dent, a junior board member, Miss
Ethel McCormick and Barbara will
attend the Panhel, IFC Big Ten
Convention, this year at Ohio
In carrying out these established
plans, the coed from Ironton, O.
will have lots to do.
Plus her extra-curricular lead-
ership, Barbara has maintained
above a 3.4 scholastic average. Her
freshman and sophomore years
were spent at Ohio University be-
fore she went to Washington, D.C.
In the capital, Barb took courses
at George Washington University
while working for the FBI as a
Practice Teacher
A fine arts major, she is now
practice teaching at Saline where
most of her junior and senior boys
tower over their petite teacher.
Presently one of Barb's inter-
ests is the colonization of the new
sorority, Eskasia.
"I'm so happy about the new
group and I hope that they will
soon be a chapter in a national
Panhellenic sorority. I feel confi-
dent that this won't be too far
away because, not only will a na-
tional want to get this marvelous
group of girls, but also to become
active on Michigan's campus.
It is with this enthusiasm that
Barbara Heider leads Panhellenic
Ticket Hunt
Hundreds of yellow slips of
paper will be hidden through-
out the campus tomorrow by
the Spring Weekend committee.
Any student who finds 25 of
these slips may turn them in
from 9 to 5 p.m. any day next
week at the Administration
Building and will obtain one
free ticket to Skit Night.

'Pot O'Gold' has been chosen as
the name for the annual Senior
Night to be held by Senior womenf
on Thursday, March 17, at the
Decorations in keeping with the
theme will revolve around St. Pat-
rick's Day and the "lucky" sym-
bols 'such as the "pot of gold at
the end of the rainbow" and ther
wishing well.1
The evening -.ill begin at 5:30
p.m. with the traditional march
from the library to the League
where dinner will be s srved at 6
p.m. in the ballroom.
At the dinner, each senior wom-
an will bear a sign of her roman-
tic status. Married women will
carry candles while engaged coeds
will suck lemons.
Pinned seniors will wear small
safet ypins instead of their fra-
ternity pins. Unattached women
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will carry a handful of pennies
and throw a penny for each year
of their age into the wishing well.
After dinner the senior women
will preview this year's JGP pro-
duction to be presented in their
honor by the junior women.
Tickets are priced at $1.90 and
may be purchased either in the
League Undergraduate Office or
Senior Night Skit
Past performers in Frosh
Weekend, Soph Cab or JGP
from the senior class are need-
ed in the production of a skit
to be presented as part of the
entertainment of Senior Night.
Interested senior women are
asked to contact Dee Messinger
at Martha Cook.

from senior representatives in the
women's housing units.
This price which is the same' as
last year will include dinner and
the JGP performance.
Letters have beer sent to mar-
ried senior women and those not
living on campus informing them
of the event and extending a spe-
cial invitation. This is the first
time this procedure has been fol-
Helen Schwarz and Elaine Platt
have been chosen as general
chairman and assistant general
chairman respectively.
Committee chairmen assisting
Miss Schwarz and Miss Platt are
Delores Messinger, entertainment;
Dorothy McElroy, programs and
decorations; Judy Seaborn, tick-
ets; Leea Peirce, patrons, and
Muriel Claflin, publicity.


on sea blue denim
.. , almost hidden on the skirt,. .
cabana stripes under great
. inverted pleats ... shirt .
trim, tailored . . . with a striped
turnover collar . . . matching
separates in Dublin Denim, a
lighter weight cotton. Sizes 8-18.
in the casual shop

blouse . . . . 7.95
skirt . . . . 8.95


Only the finest quality at prices that are fair.
Ei } ,j : ' i:"": o :'S"?."w' i :" :..y":;"..+^'n"' ' y lri.,cp.ris; EEE v.


Visits to Washington, D.C. andv
New York City will highlight one
of the tours which foreign students
may take during Spring vacation.
Sponsored by the International
Center in cooperation with the In-
ternational Students Association,
a Friendship Tour of Michigan cit-
ies will also be given.
The tour to the east will leave
Ann Arbor on Saturday, April 2
and will include three days in
Washington with visits to the Cap-
itol, Supreme Court, National Gal-
lery of Art and other points of in-
There will be several days in
New York City, with a boat trip
around Manhattan, a day at the
United Nations, a television show
and a chance to visit friends. Costs
will be low because of group rates,
on the train, for sightseeing buses
and in hotels. The full cost will be
about $75.1
The friendship tour will leave
the University International Cen-
ter at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, April
4. The group will go to Battle
Creek and Kalamazoo where they
will attend programs arranged by
the Rotary Club.
International students who will
participate in thistour are inter-
ested in learning about American
homes, schools, industry, agricul-

ture, government and voluntary
service groups. On this tour they
will receive firsthand ihformation
and be able to participate in these
Thestudents will present infor-
mal programs to their host clubs
and to schools. International Cen-
ter Director, James M. Davis will
conduct this tour.
At 4:30 p.m., every other Thurs-
day the International Center spon-
sors a tea at Rackham Hall. All
campus students are urged to at-
tend so that international students
may bceome better acquainted
with Americans.
At 7:30 p.m. on alternate Fri-
days at the International Center
a forum is held to discuss promi-
nent world problems. Friday;
March 11 the forum will discuss
the instability of the French gov-



Gary R. Dierking
University of Kansas

WHAT'S THIS? For solution see paragraph below.

Frank Shunney
University of Maryland


Anna Russell
7 and 9 P.M.
Hill Auditorium

ir w

, -
... : * . ::.

that look like fabric
-with matching
S-Wester hat
at tiny price of


IN THE DARK about which cigarette to
smoke? Take a hint from the Droodle
above, titled: Two searchlight crews, one
asleep, one enjoying better-tasting
Luckies. Your search is over when you
light up a Lucky. You'll find out why col-
lege sm.kers prefer Luckies to all other
brands, as shown by the latest, greatest
college survey. Once again, the No. 1
reason: Luckies taste better. They taste
better, first of all, because Lucky Strike
means fine tobacco. Then, that tobacco is
toasted to taste better. "'It'sToasted"-
the famous Lucky Strike process-tones
up Luckies' light, good-tasting tobacco
to make it taste even better ... cleaner,
fresher, smoother. So, enjoy the better-

Janice Abeloff


o0 eiff


. 0

You can't afford to be with-
ut one of the gay blues-
SIZES from 8


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Sre 90n in! V'Where
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Lack9 We paY,,,t. seSo send everit


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