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March 03, 1955 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-03-03

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-Daily-Esther Goudsmit
THE ADVENTURES of rotund Falstaff and the Merry Wives
of Windsor will continue to be enacted at the Lydia Mendelssohn
at 8 p.m. today through Saturday.
Taken from two of Shakespeare's plays, Verdi's "FaIltaff" is
considered one of the Italian composer's major works. The speech
department production is in conjunction with the music school..
Single tickets at $1.75, $1.40 and $1 may be purchased at the
box office. Season tickets for the three-part speech department
playbill are still available at $3.25, $2.60 and $1.90.
Fredrico Cues Absent-Minded
Gilbert and Sullivan Actors

'U' Station
Soo History
"I'm humpbacked from shovel-
ing, so list to my roar-I'm dang-
ed good and tired of red iron ore!"
Anyone who happened to tune
in University station WUOM yes-
terday and heard the rousing chor-
us sung by deckhands of the Soo
Locks might be surprised to learn
that the "deckhands" were two
University faculty members and
the editor of the Information and
and News Service.
Begins Innocently
It all started out innocently
SProf. F. Clever Bald, director
of the Michigan Historical Collec-
tion, Prof. Ivan H. Walton, of the
engineering school and Cleland B.
Wyllie, editor of the Information
and News Service, as members of
the University Committee on the
Soo Centennial Celebration, at-
tended a rehearsal of the fifth in
WUOM's current "Soo Adventure"
series commemorating the Soo
In the middle of the rehearsal,
the script was changed calling for
a chorus of deckhands to join in
singing an old lake song. Looking
around, the directors found their
unwitting victims and drafted
"deckhands" Bald, Walton and
Wyllie commented that he's not
considering a career in singing,
but added "I'm beginning to think
they have some ulterior motive in
calling me up here." The last time.
he was called in to help write a
script, he ended up as an angry
Taped and Broadcast
"Soo Adventure" is a series of
13 quarter-hour radio programs
designed for use in the Universi-
ty's "Radio Classroom," which is
taped and broadcast over several
stations in Michigan specifically
for use in schools.
Narrated by Captain M. Z.Toby,
skipper of the "Vencedora," (Mil-
ton Zarkoff, Grad.), the programs
recreate historic incidents in the
development of lake commerce. A
large number of the programs fea-
ture on the spot visits to the locks
and their supporting installations.
Student Meeting
There will be a meeting of all
School of Education students in-
terested in forming an education
school organization at 4 p.m. to-
day in the education school


(Continued from Page 4)
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
Thurs., March 3, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Four seminars dealing with various as-
pects of "Everyday Christianity,"I
Thurs., March 3, at 8:15 p.m., in the
Parish House.
Phi Sigma Society continues Arctic
Series. "Birds of Northern Baffin Is-!
land," by Dr. J. Van Tyne, Curator of,
Birds, and "Some Aspects of Mammal
Life in the Arctic" by Dr. W. H. Burt,
Curator of MbAmmals. Both illustrated.
Rackham Amphitheatre, 8:00 p.m.,
Thurs., March 3. Open to the Public.
(Refreshments after meeting for mem-
bers and guests). Business meeting -
'7:30 p.m. to elect new officers for Beta
La Petite Causette meets Thurs.,
Mar. 3, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left
room of the Union cafeteria. Ici on ne
parle que le francais. Venez tous jouer
au Scrabble en francais.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. 7:00
a.m., Thurs., Mar. 3. Breakfast medita-
tion in the Guild House Chapel. If you
plan to .come, please callbGuild House by
Wed. noon.


Hillel. Thurs., Mar. 3, 8:00 p.m. Organ-
izational meeting of graduate group.
Russian coffee hour Thurs., March 3,
in the Union Cafeteria from 3:30-5:00
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering Speakers
Society, will take part in a tour of the
G.M. Technical Center Thuns., March
3. Banquet, speaking contest between
the four chapters. Contact Arlen Bass,
3619 Taylor, S.Q.
Meeting for all those interested in
possible action toward removing dis-
crimination in housing in Ann Arbor.
Students and faculty members welcome.
4:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 3. Igne Hall Li-
The Congregational - Disciples Guild:
5:00-5:30 p.m., Mid-Week Chppel Lenten
services in the Douglas Chapel of the
Congregational Church. 7:00 p.m., Bible
Class at the Guild House.
The Studett Zionist Organization in-
vites all students and faculty to an
open discussion, Thurs., March 3, 8:00
p.m., B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation, 1429
Hill. Topic: "Music and Politics: The
Berlin Philharmonic."
Mid-week Lenten Vespers in the Sanc-
tuary of the Presbyterian Church spon-
sored by the Westminster Student Fel-
lowship, 5:10-5:35 p.m. Meditation from
Mark--"Humility and True Greatness."
Arts Chorale will meet tonight in
Aud. D, Angell Hall at 7:00 p.m. This
organization offers an opportunity for
everyone to sing good music under the
direction of Prof. Maynard Klien.,

Gilbert & Sullivan Principals and
chorus rehearsal Thurs., Mar. 3 at 7:00
p.m. in the League.
The Baha'i Student Group will spon-
sor the first in a series of three discus-
sions designed to present a comprehen-
sive picture of the Bahai World Faith.
This is an inter-racial, inter-religious
group. 8:30 p.m. Women's League.
Thurs., March 3.
Coming Events
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee Clatch, 4:00 to '5:15 p.m.,
Fri., Motrch 4, at Canterbury House. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
on Fri., March 4, at 5:15 p.m., in the,
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Canterbury Campus Series: The Rev.
Prof. J. V. Langmead Casserley, Gener-
al Theological Seminary, will discuss
"The Responsibility of the Christian
Teacher," 7:30 p.m., Fri., March 4 at the
Parish House.
Hillel: Fri. Evening Services 7:15 p.m.
Conducted by Sigma Delta Tau Soror-
Coffee Hour will be held in the Lane
Hall Library from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Fri.,
Mar. 4.
The Composers' Forum previously an-
nounced for . Sun. evening, March 6,
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, has been
postponed until Wed., March 30.
"Guest in a Hundred Homes." Mrs.
DeWitt C. Baldwin will speak to the
SRA Saturday Lunch Discussion group
of her five months' stay in Europe. Res-
ervations by Fri. Lane Hall. 12:15 Sat.,
Mar. 5.

-Daily-Lynn Wallas
Student Metallurgists Learn
Actual Foundry Operations,



Who is Fredrico?
"That's a long , story," said
Clarence Stephenson, dramatic
director of the Gilbert and Sulli-
van Society.
It all started when Robert Q.
Lewis was a student at the Uni-
versity. Lewis was in a group
called the Children's Theater
which presented plays to school
Consult Fredrico
Whenever Robert Q. forgot a
line, he would state emphatically
to his grubby-faced audience, "Ex-
cuse me, I've got to consult Fred-
rico." With that, he would stride
off the stage and ask the prompt-
ers what his next lines were.
Stephenson, a grade school stu-
dent, who also worked with the
group, explained, "I picked up the
phrase and said I'd use it some-
day if the need arose" The oppor-
tunity presented itself-in Detroit
at the Rackham building when the
Society presented the Mikado, in
Pause in 'Mikado'
As the performers were progres-
sing through a dialogue in the
second act, Yum Yum suddenly
stopped talking in the middle of a
sentence and Stephenson glanced
at her to see what the trouble was.
"She just looked at me expect-
antly as if it was my next line. I
looked for help at Ko-Ko standing
on my other side, but there was
no inspiration there."
Ko-Ko was staring out at the
audience with his finger in his
mouthnwhile silence reigned. No
one knew what the next line was.
"Just a minute, I have to consult
Fredirico," uttered Stephenson
desperately as he strode deter-
-minedly off stage. Meanwhile Ko-
Ko asked, "Who's Fredrico?"
Fins Solution
Approaching the promptress,
Stephenson asked where they were
Walton H. Hamilton, Washing-
ton, D.C., attorney, will give the
fifth and final lecture in the Wil-
liam W. Cook series at 4 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall.
Hamilton, '13Grad., has been the
speaker in this eighth series qf
Cook lectures, dealing with "The
Politics of Industry."
Today's topic will be "Salute
to the Emerging Economy." The
lecture is open to the public.
** *
State Senator Creigton R. Cole-
man will deliver the opening ad-
dress at the Citizens Public Health
conference at 8 p.m. today in the
School of Public Health auditor-
Tuberculosis hospitalization con-
trol and rehabilitation of tubercu-
losis patients will be discussed to-
morrow morning, and chronic ill-
ness in the afternoon session.
Suburban health problems will
be considered at the March5

in the play. Stephenson walked
back on stage with a fixed smile
on his face. He suddenly remem-
bered the title of the next song,
"Here's a Howdy-do." "With a
look of intensity, not unmixed
with desperation, I looked at the
musical director who had been
sitting in the pit placidly watch-
ing all our discomfortune on
stage, and said, 'Here's a Howdy-
do.' "1
A moment of agonized suspense
followed as the conductor leaped
off his stool and madly began
beating time, as the orchestra
came in by twos and threes.
Thus, the operetta choppily pro-
gressed. Fredrico had saved the
"Of course, we would just as
soon keep Fredrico out of the ac-
tual performance," Stephenson
continued. "But with a new show
every semester, anything is likely
to happen-and usually does."
Navy Students
Given Awards
Two Naval ROTC students re-
ceived special honors i$ ceremo-
nies held at North Hall this week.
Kent Lee Pickard, '55, was
awarded the Chicago Tribune gold
award during Tuesday's drill. A
medal accompanied by a citation
complimenting Pickard for his
"military achievement, scholastic
attainment and character" was
presented by Capt. Charles A.
Bond, commanding officer of the
University detachment.
The Tribune's silver award was
presented yesterday to Gilbert
Ridgeway Hitchcock, '56, Capt.
Bond decorated Hitchcock while
Bob Dombrowski, '55, read a cita-
tion honoring the third year
NROTC student.
DAC To Present
Panel Discussion
A panel discussion of the Dra-
matic Arts Center double play-
bill, "A Phoenix Too Frequent" by
Christopher Fry, and "The Boor"
by Anton Chekov, will take place
today after the 8:15 p.m. presen-
Prof. Herbert Barrows of the
English department, Prof. Andrei
Lobanov-Rostovsky of the history
department and Prof Hoover Jor-
dan of the Michigan State Normal
College, English department will
join Joseph Gistirak, DAC direc-
tor, in the discussion.

Furnaces, pieces of molded metal,
blackboards, chairs and various
pieces of machinery will confuse
the novice entering the Engineer-
ing foundry for the first time.
He will learn here that our mo-
dern civilization is built upon
metal. The place of the metallur-
gical engineer in industry is there-
fore of utmost importance. He
finds his major fields of work in
mining, processing metals and al-
loys, and determining uses of
metals and alloys in industry.
Duties of Metallurgist
Developing new metals and al-
loys to replace those that are be-
coming scarce is but one respon-
sibility of the metallurgical engi-
neer. By developing methods of
using low grade mineral deposits,
by inventing new mechanical and
heat treatments to produce better
properties in known metals and by
educating the user to the proper
selection of metallic material that
is economically suitable to his
needs, the engineer helps society
in valuable ways. /
Foundry operations carried on
in the East Engineering Bldg. train
the potential engineer in these
fields of metallurgy. The funda-
mentals of the field are taught
here: working with ferrous and
non-ferrous metals, molding sands
and studying the properties of
various materials are only a few
of the operations.
Study Machine Design
Students also study the design
of the machines with which they
are working. This enables them to

put the knowledge into use when
they leave the University in de-
signing machinery for industry.
Molding processes of different
types are explained in the foundry
and the students get a chance to
see how the operations work. With
the facilities offered by the foun-
dry, the classes carry out these
processes and can observe the me-
thods and end results.
Besides actual instruction, the
foundry is also available for re-
search. Both beginning and ad-
vanced courses are offered. The
casting, heat treating, and welding
of metals and instruction for their
machining to final size are all a
part of foundry procedures to
prepare the engineer for his fu-
ture needs.
Watching the various activities
carried on in the busy foundry
room amplifies the importance of
this knowledge to the engineering
Today is the final day in
which the 1955 Michiganensian
may be purchased for $6.50.
The 'Ensian will be on sale
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today on
the Diag, at the Engine Arch,
Union, Women's Athletic Bldg.,
and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the
S t u d e n t Publications Bldg.
There will be no extension of
the price which will rise to $7.00


This Is the Last Day

to subscribe to the
1955 'ENSIAN
for $6.50



on the Diag, at the Engine Arch, Union
and Women's Athletic Bldg. from 8 till 4.



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