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February 22, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-22

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Daily Managing Editor
CLEARLY SOME confusion has crept into
the comments on what went on at last
week's meeting of the SGC Steering Commit-
tee. At that time this writer inquired of the
committee what correct procedures would be
for getting on the ballot an all-campus refer-
endum on the driving ban. The question was
whether Student Legislature's regulations still
stand or whether such a referendum would
have to be approved by the steering committee.
By unanimous vote the committee indicated
that so far as it was concerned the SL regula-
tions regarding referenda still held good.
In the course of discussion sentiment was
expressed that a referendum on the ban would
probably be untise at this time since the
Regents. have already been made aware of
student opinion on this subject by a similar
poll two years ago.
The steering committee was in no sense re-
commending any sort of immediate action on
the problem or attempting to point up one
problem as more important than the multi-
tude of other questions that will undoubtedly
face Student Government Council when it
comes into existence.
At any rate the steering committee was not
and indeed can not say that such a referendum
should or should not be held. The function of
the seering committee is not to tackle these
substantive questions which will fall within the
provence of SGC at a later date.
IN THE LIGHT of President Hatcher's com-
ments last week on the driving ban it would
appear that the Regents could use some con-
vincing that the regulation should be changed.
From a moderately friendly view toward
modifying the ban two years ago, the Board
has apparently retreated solidly behind a pol-
icy of no change and stricter enforcement. Far
be it from anyone to pressure the Board of
Regents into action on the driving ban ques-
tion, however it does not seem excessive to ask
that a study group be set up by the president
to attack a problem that can get only worse as
the University expands.
Let us hope SGC will be sufficiently alert to
its responsibilities to tackle this problem early
in its career.
ONE OF OUR Labor Youth League friends
dropped over the other day and left an
informative little pamphlet labeled "UMT--
A Plan for Peace? or a Plan for War?" On the
back of this document was printed the fact
that it was "Issued as a public service by:-
Michigan Labor Youth League" giving a De-
troit address.
Glancing through this attractively printed
brochure is an education in the mass propa-
ganda techniques developed to such a per-

fection by the Communist Party and its satel-
lite groups.
Among others the pamphlet makes such co-
gent points as, "the forces behind UMT fear
an independent, thinking, questioning, Am-
erican youth. They would rather substitute, the
dictates of a Military Policeman in the place
of debate, discussion and independent
thought." No mention is made of the systema-
tic thought control of Soviet youth and the
all-seeing eye of the MVD.
Another paragraph titled "The Hoax of 'So-
viet Aggression," reads: "In the atomic and
hydrogen age, there must be an alternative to
building up two armed camps. This alterna-
tive is opened up in the fact that the Soviet
Union has repeatedly called for Big Four
Conferences, for a ban on A- and H-bombs,
for a general reduction of armaments, and for
a European Security Pact, which would include
every nation in Europe, not only the handful
in NATO. The adoption of UMT would be a
flat rejection of these peaceful overtures by
the Soviet Union before any effort to reduce
tensions has been made."
This makes delightful reading along side of
recent statements by Molotov to the effect, "In
case of eventual war, world civilization will not
perish but what will be destroyed is the rotten
social system with its blood-saturated imper-
ialism which is being rejected by oppressed
Interesting too, is the recent declaration of
the Soviet Parliament, "Europe could become
the arena of a new war if the Western nations
carry through plans to arm West Germany."
Of course it is possible that the pamphlet
was prepared before the Moscow line shifted
to a renewed emphasis on increased production
in heavy industry and armaments.
The LYL'ers climax their declaration with
the ringing, challenge, "Time is growing short!
The big brass, politicians and businessmen who
support UMT are determined to push it
through the 84th Congress. The people stopped
UMT before-we can do it again . . . Imme-
diate, powerful pressure from the people and
their organizations . . . Letters, telegrams,
delegations to your Congressmen will stop
At the risk of being marked for extermina-
tion when the Communists finally take over,
I would venture that it is manefestly absurd
for any free nation not to be adequately pre-
pared to meet the possible aggression of a state
that seeks to destroy the very basis of our
western culture.
Armies, military preparedness and war are
ugly things. The problem for the free nations
is how to maintain military preparedness with-
out endangering the liberties so fundamental
to democratic society. Regardless of the merits
of a universal military training program it does
provide one answer to the problem of military
preparedness in these troubled times.

AEC Slow
To Warn
On Fall-out
W ASHINGTON -Probably the
most amazing development
In the bogged-down field of civil
defense is the fact that the Ato-
mic Energy Commission didn't
bother for a long time to tell Civil
Defense Director Val Peterson
about the greatly increased hazard
to the American people from H-
bomb "fall-out."
Peterson is charged with the job
of defending the U.S.A. in case of
H-bomb attack. Yet it was weeks
after the sensational H-bomb ex-
plosion in the Pacific last March
before the Atomic Energy Com-.
mission, much more interested in
Dixon-Yates, told himhow diffi-
cult his civil defense problem had
become by reason of the fall-out
dust from the H-bomb.
Furthermore, A d m. L e w i s
Strauss, AEC Chairman, did not
bother to inform the American
people about the new danger until
Sen. Clinton Anderson of New
Mexico wrote him a sharp letter
insisting that the public was en-
titled to know the shocking facts
about radioactivity in the wake of
the Hell-bomb.'
Senator Kefauver of Tennessee'
today is giving civil defense a
much needed shot in the arm by
holding Senate hearings. From
these a new system of civil de-
fense may evolve.
Because the H-bomb fall-out
covers such a wide territory, Civil
Defense Director Peterson is al-
ready revising his plan for evacu-
ating cities. People would have to
travel much too far to be safe.
Ike's Stepchild
so point to the manner in
which the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration has made the vitally im-
portant Civil Defense Adminis-
tration a stepchild. No agency
should be in closer touch with the
Army and Air Force than Civil
Defense; yet it was exiled to Bat-
tle Creek, Mich., chiefly to help
Sen. Homer Ferguson of Michigan
in his campaign for re-election.
Even the appointment of Peter-
son was a fluke. An ex-Governor
of Nebraska, he was originally
scheduled to beSecretary of the
Interior. But the late Senator But-
ler of Nebraska, whom Peterson
had opposed for re-election, vig-
orously objected. Then Ike pro-
posed making him Under-Secre-
tary of Agriculture.
Again Butler objected. Then Ike
planned to send Peterson as am-
bassador to India, where he had
served during the war. Butler ev-
en opposed this.
Finally Peterson was appointed
to the White House staff, to which
his senatorial enemy from Nebras-
ka could not object, and later he
was shifted to Civil Defense where
he's been doing a good job.
Friend of Phones
HERE'S WHAT the American
public should watch for if the
Senate confirms George McCon-
naughey to be Chairman of the
Federal Communications Commis-
sion: A general hike in phone
Here is the backstage reason for
this prediction.
For a long time the American
Telephone and Telegraph Com-
pany has been trying to get the
FCC to change its base for fixing
phone rates. In the past the FCC
has held that rates should be bas-
ed upon the original cost of the

phone company's equipment. But
the phone company wants rates
based on the replacement value
of its equipment, arguing that,
costs have gone up since the
equipment was first purchased.
So far the FCC has refused. It
knows that such a change in rate
base would send phone rates up
all over the country. Already
phone rates have been increased
$800,000,000 in recent years.
However, new FCC Chairman
McConnaughey has already pi-
oneered exactly this rate-base
change in Ohio. And it's reported
the reason Senator Bricker of
Ohio, a good friend of the phone
interests, put him on the FCC was
to help make the change national.
Significantly, M c C o n n aughy
tried to shy away from this back-
ground when first quizzed by the
Senators last fall. He was not
then under oath. Otherwise he
certainly would have opened him-
self up to the charge of lying.
When alert Sen. John Pastore
of Rhode Island asked whether
McConnaughey ever represented
people "who ordinarily have busi-
ness before the commission," Mc-
Connaughey replied:
"I have never represented any-
one who had business before the
Federal Communications Commis-
"Have you numbered among
your clients at any time Ameri-
can Telephone and Telegraph?"
asked able Senator Monroney of

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"It Fell To Earth I Knew Not Where"



f t Po-. -

At the Michigan ..
THE FAR COUNTRY is a predictable western with an inclusion of
the problem of social awareness intended to lift it above the
The characters fall into neat and easily recognizable categories.
Jimmie Stewart is the cowboy pistol and rifle expert, who, though
aloof and self-seeking, must be utilized to get the bad people out of
Dawson. Corrine Calvet is the good good woman, blonde and modest.
Ruth Roman is the good bad woman, the tough, self-sufficient, dark-
haired "boss-lady."
There is the usual assortment of weaklings and good guys to be
gunned and robbed by the usual assortment of scarred and mustach-

ioed dog-heavies. The braid-heavy
lusts for gold in a conventional
manner but shows a great deal of
good humor about such things as
stealing, murdering, and hanging.
By usurping the formalities of jus-
tice he manages to promote both
organized injustice and whimsical
THE GOOD people are on the
run until Jimmie Stewart's
personal objectives happen to co-
incide with the objectives of the
good people. The good people want
a church, a school, and the brain-
heavy killed. This last is finally
taken care of by Mr. Stewart who
gets Miss Calvet as a bonus for
his sudden social consciousness.
Miss Roman is eliminated from
the romance. She gets shot down
in the traditional dash from the
saloon between the smoking re-
volvers of mighty opposites.
The lack of social sense by Mr.
Stewart and Miss Roman is neat-
ly accounted for by unhappy love
affairs somewhere back in the
time before the picture began.
Each having been hurt by a hu-
man being, they spendmost of this
picture mistrusting all humans.
I suppose this is adequate Holly-
wood psychology.
Nothing is done to explain the
villains. They are bad because the
picture needs bad people. They
must shoot good people so that we
will be aroused. They must rob
and shoot Stewart so that he will
be aroused to do away with them

is a notch above the ordinary. He
and the picture can end with a
promise of a new, brighter to-
morrow, (which has been des-
cribed to us as "a real town," with
THE CARTOON is poor. There
is no attempt to maintain
continuity. It is a vulgar and vio-
lent series of grotesques based on
bad puns, "barnyard jokes," and
the systematic abuse of animals.
This systematic violence with
animals, usually by combining
them with machines, seems to be
Tex Avery's favorite device. (As I
recall he was responsible, a few
years back, for fastening a cat
in place of the bag on an amaz-
ingly efficient vacuum cleaner.
The cleaner scooped up nails,
glass, alarmclocks, and hot coals
and deposited them in the cat's
stomach. The cat then indicated
discomfort by protruding red-
veined eye-balls several feet out
of the head. This eye-ball routine
is one of Avery's favorites. The
audience seems to love it.).
In this cartoon there is a
charming sequence in which a
hog guzzles garbage from the
drain of the kitchen sink, and
another sequence using worn-out
"jokes" on the possibility of forc-
ing unbelievably large numbers
of eggs out of small chickens. A
real laugh riot.
-Dick Lang

(Continued from Page 2)
Engrg. for Quality Control & Field Serv-
ice, Design & Dev. Engrg.
KXOA, Sacramento, Calif. (Radio
Station),-B.S. or B.A. degrees in Busi-
ness, Journalism or other for Radio
Engineering & Sales.
Brown Citrus Machinery Corp., Whit-
tier, Calif.,-for B.S. in Mech. & Chem.
Engrg, plus Bus. Ad. majors for Pro-
duction Supervision & Management,
Product Design, & Development, Sales,
Service & Accounting.
Recruitment for the Above Five Po-
sitions will be made by: Hergenrather
Associates (Executive Procurecent) of
Los Angeles.
Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago,
Ill.,-B.S. degrees In Elec., & Mech.
Engrg. (regardless of military status),
U.S. Citizens only; for Management
Engrg. Training Frog.
Bucyrus-Erie Co., South Milwaukee,
Wis.,-B.S. in Civil, Elec., Ind & Mech.
Engrg. for Sales, Design, & Manufacture.
Babcock & Wilcox Co., Atomic En-
ergy Div., B.S. degrees in Mech., Civil,
Chem. & Met. Engrg., plus M.S. & PhD.
in Applied Mechanics and Nuclear Phys-
ics for Design, Development & Re-
U.S. Gov't., Dept. of Commerce, Bu-
reau of Standards, Washington, D.C.,-
all levels in Elec., Mech., Physics, Math.,
Materials & Chem., for Research & De-
Cutler-Hammer, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.,
-B.S. in Elec., Ind. Mech. Engrg. for
Sales & Manufacturing.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation,
Pittsburgh, Pa., - Mech. E., Ind. E.,
Chem. & Met. Engrg., for Production
Training program & Research.
For appointments contact the Engi-
neering Placement Office. 248 W. Engrg.,
Ext. 371.
TecumsehgProducts, Tecumseh, Mich.,
has opening for a Chemist, man, with
either a B.S. or M.S. degree, to do ana-
lytical tests; Company manufactures
refrigeration parts.
Campfire Girls, Inc., New York, N.Y.,
-announces openings of professional
calibre for young women in local Coun-
cils in many parts of the U.S.; degree
in.Education, Recreation, Physical Edu-
cation, Sociology, Psychology, Liberal
Arts, or related fields required.
Bendix Products Division, Bendix Avi-
ation Corporation, South Bend, Ind.,-
announces position openings for Engi-
neers in Electronics, Microwave Equip-
ment Design, High Speed Aircraft
and/or Missile Aerodynamics; Process
and Planning Engineer; Senior Techni-
cal Writer; and Special Assignment man
for the Planning and Estimating De-
partment. Positions require appropriate
degree, plus two to ten years experience,
latter requirement varies with position
City of New York, Department of
Personnel,-announces the following ex-
Junior Civil Engineers, application
must be received by March 11, 1955;
(Junior Civil Engineer position exempt
from N.Y. City residence requirement).
Junior Mechanical Engineers, appli-
cation must be received by March 23.
Junior Electrical Engineers, applica-
tion must be received by March 23.
Junior Analyst (School Planning), 4
vacancies ,in Dept.of Education; are ex-
empt from N.Y.C. residence requirement.
Junior Statistician, paid experience as
a full-time statistician will be accepted
in lieu of education on a year-for-year
Inspector of Construction (Housing),
Grade 4, 57 vacancies in N.Y. City Hous-
ing Authority ;are exempt from 3 year
N.Y.C. residence requirement.
Junior Actuary, several vacancies.
Junior Landscape Authority, 4 va-
cancies in Dept. of Parks, & 1 in Dept.
of Education.
Parole Officer, Grade 1, 7 vacancies,
age limit 21-45 yrs.; position requires ex-
traordinary physical effort.
Junior Chemical Engineer, 9 vacan-
cies in the Fire Department.
Junior Accountant, 75 vacancies in
various City deprtments; college de-
gree or high school graduation & 4 years
accounting experience; or satisfactory
equivalent combination of education &
Applications for the above N.Y.C. posi-
tions must be in mail by Feb. 25, 1955.
For further information,contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
The William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions - Eighth Series:
"The Politics of Industry." Walton
Hamilton of Washington, D.C. All lec-
tures will be given in Room 100, Hutch-
ins Hall, at 4:00 p.m. The public is
cordially invited. Lecture I, Wed., Feb.
23: "Separatign of State and Economy."
Lecture II, Thurs., Feb. 24: "Revolu-
tion and Counter-Revolution."
Tickets for the lecture by William
0. Douglas, Associate Justice, U.S. Su-

preme Court, may now be purchased at
the Hill Auditorium box office, 10:00
a.m.-5:00 p.m. daily. Justice Douglas
will speak on, "Democracy versus Com-
munism in S.E. Asia," Thurs., Feb. 24,
8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Schools of Education, Music, Natural
Resources and Public lealth. Students,
who received mark of I, X, or 'no re-
ports' at the end of their lastsemester
or summer session of attendance, will
receive a grade of "E" in the course or
courses, unless this work is made up by
March 7 in the Schools of Education,
Music and Public Health. In the School
of Natural Resources the date is March
4. Students wishing an extension of
time beyond this date in order to make
up this work, should file a petition, ad-
dressed to the appropriate official of
their school, with Room 1513 Admini-
stration Building, where it will be
eScholarships, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Applications for
scholarships for the academic year
1955-56 are now available in Room 1220
Angell Hall. All applications must be
returned to that office by March 11.
Applicants must have had at least one
semester of residence in this College.
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Feb.
22, 4:10 p.m., Room 3011 Angell Hall. R.
D. James, visiting professor at Michi-
gan State College, will speak on "inte-
grals of Perron Type." Tea and coffee
at 3:45 p.m. 2312 AHl.

bers of the Education School Council
be there to hear Miss Solomson and
Miss Jackson spek. All students en-
rolled in any courses in Education also
urged to attend.
Engineering Mechanics S e m i n a r.
Prof. Lyle G. Clark will speak on
"Buckling of Laminated Columns" at
4:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 23, in Room 101,
west Engineering Building.
Philosophy 31 makeup final will be
given Thurs., March 3 from 2:00-5:
p.m. in 2208 A.H.
Events Today
Michigan Actuarial Club. Robert Erns-
dorff, fellow of the Society of Actuaries
and Research Associate of the Metro-
politan Life Insurance Co. will speak
to the club on "Univac and Its Uses In
Life Insurance" at 4:00 p.m., Tes., Feb.
22, in Room 3017 Angell Hall.
The Film Forum on International
Education, sponsored by the Depart-
ment of History and Principles of Ed-
ucation, will feature two films on edu-
cation in England-"Chldren's Char-
ter" and "The Three A's" Tues., Feb. 22
at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Lutheran Student Association, Tues.,
7:15 p.m. Study of great leaders of the
church; Augustine and St. Francis of
Assissi. Corner of Hill St. and Forest
Episcopal Student Foundation. Shrove
Tues. pancake supper and social eve-
ning at Canterbury House. Tues., Feb.
22, 6:30 p.m.
General meeting of Sigma Alpha Eta
Tues., Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m. at the Speech
Clinic. Guest speaker, Donald J. Men-
singer of the National Society for
Crippled Children and Adults. Impor-
tant that all Associates and Key Mem-
bers attend.
Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight,
at 7:00 p.m. in Room 3R of the Michi-
gan Union. After-dinner speeches and
pronunciation. Signing up for the GM
Technical Center trip can be completed
at this meeting. Open to the public.
"The Supreme Court Decision -- A
Year Later" will be the topic for the
Brotherhood Seminar in Lane Hall Li-
brary today, 4:15 p.m. Dr. Samuel Gau-
'dy and Dr. Samuel Estep will be the
resource persons.
Brotherhood Dinner sponsored by
S.R.A. Dr. Samuel L. Gandy will speak
on "Only the Brave are Brothers." 6:00
p.m., Lane Hall. Reservations.
Square Dancing Tonight at Lane Hall.
Special note for this time only: grqup
will meet upstairs at 8:15 p.m. rather
than downstairs at 7:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Varsity Debating: The Michigan var-
sIty Debate Team will meet Wed., Feb.
23 at 7:30 p.m. In Room 4203 Angell
Hall. All students interested in debat
ing are invited to attend. Plans for the
second semester will be announced.
The Romance Languages Journal Club
will meet Wed., Feb. 23, at 4:15 p.m.,
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Speakers: Prof.
Victor E. Graham, "A Report on the
Progress of a Critical Edition of the
Works of Philippe Desportes"; Miss Ed-
eglard Conradt, "The Problem of Re-
ality in Cervantes."
Motion Picture, "A Conversation With
Oppenheimer," a 45-minute film deal-
ing with Edward R. Murrow's recent
television interview with J. Robert Op-
penheimer, director of the Institute for
Advanced Study, Princeton University, -
will be presented by the Journalism
Department In Rackham Amphithe-
ater Wed, Feb. 23 at 10:10 and 11:10
a.m., and at 3:10, 4:10, 7:00 and 8:00
Meeting of Ullr Ski Club in Room 3
M & N of the Union at 8:00 p.m. Wed.,
Feb. 23. Trip between semesters will be
discussed. Movies.
Hillel: Reservations for Fri. Evening
Dinner must be made and paid for at
Hillel by Thurs., any evening from 7:00-
10:00 p.m.
Readings by Members of the English
Department. Prof. Louis I. Bredvold.
"George Meredith: The Comic Spirit"
Wed., Feb. 23. Auditorium A, Angell
Hall. 4:10 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Coffee
and Hot-Cross Buns at Canterbury
House on Ash Wed., Feb. 23, following
the 7:00 a.m. Penitential Office and Holy
Communion. Student and Faculty-con-
ducted Evensong Wed., Feb. 23 at 5:15
p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and
All Angels.
(Continued on Page 8)

Middle East Alliance Adds
To Anti-Red Strength

NEW HOPE has developed for a more pow-
erful Middle Eastern stronghold against
Soviet threats of aggression.
Long comparatively unsure of itself, the
area now can reasonably expect stronger de-
fenses on basis of a disclosure made yester-
day of secret negotiations between Turkey,
Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon and Syria.
All these nations have planned a "grand de-
fensive alliance" to ward off possible Red ag-
gression moves-and their decision indicates
that peace in the Middle East will become an
eventual reality.
We can expect added strength from the
joining in the pact of Jordan and Yemen, ex-
pected to affiliate with the broad alliance in
the near future,
EGYPT'S position in Middle Eastern defense,
long a ground for speculation and uncer-

tainty, may swing over, at least virtually, to
the new alliance. Although Egypt appears to
have agreed with Saudi Arabia in refusing sev-
eral invitations to ally with the stronghold-
possibly because she has failed to sustain Arab.
League opposition to the pact-the negotia-
tions show increased hope for Egyptian co-
Egyptian Premier Abdel Nasser, experts have
predicted, may now reconsider the joint ap-
peal of Turkey and Pakistan for Egyptian help
in defense of the Moslem world's western sec-
tor. Support of Egyptian officials, needless to
say, would mark a significant upswing in de-
fense procedures.
If it is successful and if it operates to its
fullest potential, the new alliance may bring
a decisively powerful counter-threat to Red
-Jane Howard



At Rackham Auditorium
BUDAPEST QUARTET. (Joseph Roisman,
first violin; Alexander Schneider, second vi-
olin; Boris Kroyt, viola; Mischa Schneider,
violoncello.) Assisted by Robert Courte, vi-
ola. PROGRAM: Beethoven, Quintet in C
major, Op. 29; Bartok, Quartet No. 1, Op. '7;
Brahms, Quintet in G major, Op. 111.
IT WAS an entirely satisfying performance,
mostly free from the small imperfections
of Friday night's concert, and marked by some
excellent, though seldom heard works. Sur-
prisingly, the most familiar piece on the pro-
gram was the Bartok quartet. All three com-
positions benefited by the lyricism of the
Budapest group's playing, and the ensemble
was the equal of any I've heard. Robert
Courters characteristically husky viola tone was
much in evidence in the two quintets, but only
when it needed to be prominent. Otherwise,
he merged his style with that of the quartet
as if he had been playing with it for years.
The Beethoven quintet is anything but an
occasional piece-it has the same qualities as
his greater works, if perhaps in lesser measure.
The inspiration flags somewhat in the second

needed to be-clear, excellently paced, and
tonally immaculate.
Bartok's first quartet is a relatively early
work, written before its composer had really
crystallized his craft and style. But whatever
structural faults it may have (and there are
several), the quartet is full of vital, fresh ideas,
and remains convincing even after acquain-
tance with Bartok's mature compositions. It
was a really superior performance, in which
the tempo and mood changes of the last
movement came off particularly well. A small
point: the performers should have made up
their minds whether or not to use the porta-
mento glide in the main subject of the first
movement, and should have done one or the
other consistently.
The program (and with it the festival) con-
cluded with the Brahms G major quintet. A
long work, full of massive, almost orchestral
sonorities, with a delightful finale that can't
decide what key it is in until the very end, it
was played in fine style by Mr. Courte and'the
quartet. The festival, as usual, has been a suc-
cessful one, splendidly executed, and well re-
ceived by the audiences.
-Dave Tice

CSP Meeting ..
To the Editor:
THURSDAY at 7:30 p.m. in the
Union, Common Sense Party
will be making final decisions on
the platform for the SGC elec-
CSP's slate of candidates for
the March elections may also be
filled on Thursday.
All those interested in being
backed by the campus' first politi-
cal party, please call NOrmandy
Thursday's meeting will be open
to the campus.
-Leah Marks
* * *
Open and Closed'...,
To the Editor:
hard's interest in having The
can Tel and Tel; also Cincinnati
and Suburban Telephone.
Furthermore, Mc Connaughey
represented them in the most im-
portant phone-rate cases brought
recently in Ohio; namely, Ohio
Bell vs. Ohio Public Utilities Com-
mission, 154 Ohio State 107; and
Cincinnati and Suburban vs. Ohio
Public Utilities Commission, 16
Ohio State 395.
These were the cases involving
the same principle which A.T.&T.
wants to change in the Federar
Communications Commission --
namely, rates based on reproduc-
tion costs, not on the original cost
of equipment.

Michigan Daily gain access to the
meetings of organizations on a
completely open basis. However, it
might be worthwhile for him to
scrutinize the accuracy of his
statements in regard to the In-
ter-fraternity Council. In refer-
ence to the IFC Mr. Eberhard
pointed out that a part of the
Fraternity Presidents' Assembly
"is set aside as house presidents'
time. Although the rest of the
meeting is open, this . . . time is
closed to Daily reporters. Anything
the IFC decides to discuss in pri-
vately may be postponed until the
doors are carefully locked and
It might be pointed out that
during Fraternity Presidents' Time
(1) no Daily reporter or any in-
dividual is asked to leave; (2) no
business is acted upon by the pre-
sidents; (3) no doors are "care-
fully locked and guarded"; and
(4) any matter which is deemed
to be of public interest by the re-
porter may be released for publi-
cation by merely obtaining the
approval of the President or Exe-
cutive Vice-President. At the last
meeting of the Fraternity Presi-
dents' Assembly on February 8th,
the Daily reporter was asked if
he wished to write on any matter
mentioned during the Presidents'
Fraternity Presidents' Time con-
sists of neither reports nor old or
new business or debate; it is a
time for officers and fraternity
presidents to comment in an in-
formal manner on any matter



Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editoroial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers .............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs...Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart ........Associate Editor
David Livingston .......Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-ts Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.ar......,.Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise......Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


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