________________________________________________________________________________ I U
Brotherhood Banquet
To Be Held by SRA
Opportunities Provided
For Volunteer Service
Commemorating National
Brotherhood Week, a three-day
seminar will be sponsored by the
Student Religious Association be-
ginning with an opening banquet
to be held at 6 p.m. today in Lane
Hall for all interested students.
"' Tickets for the banquet in which
the featured speaker will be Dr.
Famous Lecturer
To Give Address
v Today At WAB
Dr. Jay B. Nash, dean of Brig-
ham Young University's College of
Recreation, Physical Education,
and Health and Athletics, will give
a lecture on physical education at
9 a.m. today in the Women's Ath-
letic Building.
The Women's Physical Educa-
tion Department is sponsoring Dr.
Nash. This lecture is open to the
Dr. Nash is an executive of many
national health, recreation, and
education organizations and was
one of the founders and later suc-
cessively secretary and president
of the American Academy of Phys-
ical Education.
He has served as president of
the American Association for
' Health, Physical Education, and
Recreation. He is also a member of
the International Scientific As-
sociation for Physical Education.'
Samuel Gandy, director of studen,
religious activities at Virginia
State College, may be purchased at
Lane Hall for $1 and $1.50.
Two awards, which were sched-
uled to be given to deserving stu-
dents, will not be presented. Offi-
cials have instead decided to pre-
sent a different type of award than
the usual monetary grant.
This will consist of a type of
summer scholarship with all or
part of the expenses paid to a
conference or workshop in order
to provide further training in the
religious field.
One award will be given to the
Jewish student who has shown the
greatest promise and contributed
the most to interfaith develop-
ment. The other will be presented
to any student who has shown the
greatest interest and made the
best contribution to human rela-
tion .
The seminars, to be held today,
tomorrow and Thursday from 4:15
to 6 p.m. in the Lane Hall Library.
Topic of today's seminar will be
"The Supreme Court Decision-A
Year Later." Leading the discus-
sion will be Samuel D. Estep of
the Law School.
Tomorrow, Prof. George A. Peek
of the political science department
wild' discuss "Campus Realism on
"Progress of Integration in Ed-
ucation" will be the topic of the
Thursday seminar.
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
PATRICIA WENTZ, medical school freshman, points out parts CHEMISTRY MAJOR Norman Smith does some "labwork," as
of the human skull to her daughters, Debby and Susan. his wife Claudia gives him a more domestic appearance.
',U' Students Accept Chalenge o ua Roles
"Two can live as cheaply as
More than one fifth of the Uni-
versity's students are now testing
the validity of this proverb.
Records show that 3,799 married
men and 770 married women reg-
istered for courses last semester.
Many of them are living on cam-
pus ,participating in college activi-
ties and managing a family as well
as attending to their studies.
Claudia Moore Smith, '56Ed, is
- ' sa
// /
..S ,
1V ".
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ti:. ..
.1} "_
Genuine Top Grain
3 BELTS FOR 5.50
Made to sell for much more! Treat your
now-into-summer costumes to a whole
wardrobe of belts, and SAVE! Wide and
classic widths, contour, polo and cou-
turier styles . . . all from a sun-gay col-
lection of fashion colors.
one married coed with her finger
in many pies. In addition to run-
ning a home, she keeps up a four
point scholastic average, served as
general chairman of the Fortnight
Central Committee, is a member of
SRA Council, the EducationalI
School Council, and Wyvern jun-
ior women's honorary.
Mixer Meeting
Mrs. Smith met her husband
Norman, a senior major in chem-
istry, at a freshman mixer and
they were married last August.
Home is a cozy four room apart-
ment within easy walking distance
of campus. "We share the cook-
ing, cleaning and other work, 50-
50," Mrs. Smith declared. "Norm
even makes his own breakfast
since he has eight o'clocks."
Remarking on the high cost of
living in Ann Arbor, Mrs. Smith
explained they try to balance the
cost of rent by saving on food.
"Since we both drink only milk,
it was getting to be a costly item,"
she said. The Smiths have reduced
their milk bill to 50 cents a week
by buying powdered milk in 50
pound sacks.
Eating frozen food, especially
meat pies has also helped them
cut down expenses. "We make
most of our own desserts too," Mrs.
Smith commented.
"When we were first married I
didn't know how to cook. But I
picked it up this fall with the aid
of a good cook book," she recalled.
Her husband's added weight seems
to be proof of her newly acquired
The Rosengartens
Although married for only two
months, Nancy and Albert Rosen-
garten have already orientated
themselves to their new way of
Rosengarten is a senior in the
School of Dentistry and his wife a
senior in Dental Hygienics.
Their marriage started off on a
rather unpleasant note Mrs. Ro-
sengarten recalled. "We had plan-
ned to attend a dental fraternity
convention in Detroit, but the day
after our wedding we were both
stricken with food poisoning."
Fountain Pens
School Supplies
Bua~xts s u tne
314 S. State St. Since 1908
Phones NO 8-7177 - NO 8.9610
Open Saturdovs until 5 P.M.
Since both have the same school
hours, they find their car a big
time saver in traveling to and
from campus and their four room
fiat located near the stadium.
"101 Ways To Fix A Hamburg-
er" :s Mrs. Rosengarten's favorite
cooking guide. At class from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m., she often prepares din-
ner the night before.
This couple also finds that pow-
dered milk cuts down expenses.
"It was the suggestion of my nutri-
tion teacher," Mrs. Rosengarten
The Wentz Family
To meet the expense of a medi-
cal school education and a grow-
ing family of three children, Pa-
tricia and Howard Wentz turned
their home into a boarding house.
Twenty-two junior, senior and
graduate men live and eat there
Mrs. Wentz attends the Univer-
sity's School of Medicine as a first
year student, while her husband
manages the affairs of the house.
Their biggest problem since
moving here last summer from a
farm in Ohio has been to find a
woman they like to clean and take
care of their three children, Deb-
by, four and one-half, Susan, two
and one-half, and the newest ad-
dition, nine-week-old Natalie.
"I do most of my studying after
the girls go to bed," Mrs. Wentz
admitted. "Debby is very interested
in my anatomy studies. Much of
her conversation includes bones,
muscles and blood!"
"The fellows (boarders) are all
very cooperative and have often
acted as baby-sitters," Mrs. Wentz
continued. She finds that their
presence makes the children less
shy before other adults.
Barb and Ray Young
The recent birth of a baby boy
has caused quite a change in the
lives of Barbara and Ray Young.
Young is a music major and his
wife attended the school of music
until their marriage one and one-
half years -go. Taking care of
five-week-old Steven is a full time
job for her now.
"Ray plays baritone in the Sym-
phony and Marching bands and he
is also their equipment manager,
so he is at Harris Hall Most of the
time," Mrs. Young explained.
Mrs. Young's parents own a gro-
cery store, so that a large expense
is cut from their budget. Her hus-
band also plays in a dance band
and gives private music lessons to
30 students, in addition to teach-
ing in Pontiac and other nearby
Although no official studies have
been made to prove it, these cou-
ples think that married students
have higher grades. "You'd be
surprised how much time you
waste dating!" Mrs. Young ex-
claimed. "When you are married
you're always together and there
is really more time for studying."
(Athor of "~Barefoot Boy With& Cheek," Se.)
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pin- tucked
S news:
worsted air.
Volunteer service opportunities
are provided for students by the
Community Service Committee of
the League in the University Hos-
pital, the Dramatic Arts Center,
Veterans Rehabilitation Center
and the Speech Clinic.
A wide variety of volunteer serv-
ices are available at the Univer-
sity Hospital. Students may work
as a Chaplain's assistant for chap-
el services.
The hospital provides students
the chance to work in the Chil-
dren's ward, on the school staff
and on the school recreation pro-
Care of Children
Volunteers help amuse and es-
cort children. In addition, they
may be teachers' helpers and plan
parties and programs. They also
help feed disabled patients.
Volunteers are needed to act as
guides on tours around the hospi-
tal. Similar to the guide service is
the hostess service, which gives
information at the registration
Patients are supplied with
books, letter writers and errand
runners by the service. Students
may also assist in the hospital li-
Practice and experience in as-
sisting physical therapists by help-
ing take care of the gymnasium
and equipment, may be obtained
in the physical medicine service.
Baby Clinic
Well-baby Clinic offers oppor-
tunities in helping to register and
prepare babies for medical exami-
A minimum of three hours of
service each week for a period of
six months or a semester is re-
quired of the volunteers.
Interested students may obtain
postcards to be sent to the Vol-
unteer Service Department from
the League Undergraduate Office
and the dormitories.
Further information may be ob-
tained by contacting Ursula Geb-
hard at NO 2-2569.
Ushers Needed
The League Community Service
Committee also recruits students
to usher at the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter in the Masonic Temple.
Starting this semester, couples
may volunteer als ushers. Further
information may be obtained from
Be nice Pericin at NO 2-3225.
Bridge partners and dance part.
ners are needed at the Veterans
Rehabilitation Center. Interested
coeds may contact Paula Limberg
at NO 2-3119.
Volunteers are also needed by
speech correction program and. to
the Speech Clinic to help with the
assist in planning parties.
Frosh Weekend
Chairmen Named
Panhellenic and Assembly
Associations .announce. t h e
names of the 28 chairmen for
the Maize and Blue teams of
Frosh .Weekend, .to .be .held
April 29 and 30.
General chairman for the
Maize Team will be Marylen
Segel, and her assistant will be
Susan Bergdahl. Other chair-
men are Beate Kaulfuss, floor
show, assisted by Nancy Wil-
lard; Mary Klauer, decorations
assisted by Sherrie Page.
Joan Pfieffer is in charge of
finance; Margaret Weersma,
tickets; Sue Verb, awards and
judges; Lois Goldberg, stage
manager; Sue Christy, patrons;
Joanne Marsh, programs knd
Jeanne Tammi, publicity, as-
sisted by Margaret Decker.
Maureen Isay and Sally Glass
will be Blue Team general
chairman and assistant res-
pectively. Other heads will be
Ann Cohn, floor show, assisted
by Angela Suino; Ann McDon-
ald, decorations, assisted by Sal-
ly Sheu.
Susan Doherty will take over
finances; Ernestine Johnson,
tickets; Patty Hallet, awards
and judges; Jean Shlusberg,
stage manager; Jane Menchr,
patrons; Nancy Lindgren, pro-
.grams and Myke Gold, publi-
city, assisted by Betty Sykes.
I wonder if they still make bull sessions the way they used
to. Well do I remember the bull sessions of my own undergrad-
uate days. How cogent they werel How informative! How the
good talk crackled and our young hearts leaped and the hours
sped by as swiftly as minutes!
Our discussions were always led by Jack Femur. (Good old
Jack! I hear he's in the extruded aluminum game now.) We
would sit cross-legged in a circle around Jack and he would fill
his pipe with his own private blend - burley, latakia, and shred-
ded coconut. The reft of us preferred tobacco, so we would light
up Philip Morris. This is a procedure I recommend without qual-
ification to everyone who prefers tobacco because Philip Morris
has the tobacco that tobacco-preferers prefer the most -mild
vintage leaf with a clean, cool flavor that soothes and steadies,
that gladdens and enlivens and refreshes.
Jack would puff on his pipe and we would puff on our
Philip Morris and the bull-eession would begin its meandering
journey. The talk would touch on every subject known to man,
on every conceivable thing beneath the sun, but no matter how
far the conversation wandered, it would always return to "Topic
A." I refer, of course, to gardening.
But, as I say, the discussion would cover many subjects before
it came to the inevitable gardening. Jack would open each session
with a provocative question of a general nature, like: "What's
the most important thing a man can get out of colege?"'
"Girls," Harold Clavicle would reply promptly. (Good old
Harold! I hear he's in the frozen lobster tail gaise now.)
"No, I don't think so," Ben Fibula would say. "I think edu-
cation is the most important thing you get out of college."
(Good old Ben! He's still in school.)
"Listen, guys, I've got a question," Clyde Ilium would say.
"If you could spend a week either with Ava Gardner or with
Albert Einstein, which would you choose?" (Good old Clydel I
hear he's in the unclaimed freight game now.)
"Albert Einstein, of course," Will Mandible would say. (Good
old Will! I hear he's in the jack handle game now.)
"What?" Cleanth Patella would cry, astonished. "You would
rather spend a week with Albert Einstein than with Ava
Gardner?" (Good old Cleanthl I hear he's in the unclaimed
freight game with Clyde Ilium.)
"Natch !" Will Mandible would answer.
"But why?" Sol Sacrum would ask. (Good old Sol! I hear he's
a parking meter in Deal, New Jersey.)
"Because," Will Mandible would cry, "if I spent a week with
Albert Einstein, maybe I would get so smart that I would
be able to figure out a way to spend more than a week with
Ava Gardner!"
Well sir, we laughed until our little uvulas were sore and then
we went on to a host of other topics. "Do you think it's im-
portant to join a fraternity?" Murray Tarsus would ask. (Good
old Murray! I hear he's in the mica game now.)
"Only if you are a boy," Bob Turbinate would answer. (Good
old Bob! I hear he's in the sheared raccoon game now. [The
raccoon, incidentally, was invented by Milton Raccoon, whose
career should be a source of guidance and inspiration to us all.
Mr. Raccoon arrived in this country in 1907, penniless and not
speaking a word of English. Today he is the Mayor of four of
our principal cities.])
But to get back to the bull session -"What's the best thing
to do when the girl you are <dancing with insists on leading?"
Eric Ulna would ask. (Good old Eric! I hear he's in the flutter
va.. EraY - rmp X7
In The Winter
Louis L. Orlin
Doris Parsons
Luther Claborn
Frank L. Huntley
Richard Emil Braun
Emery George
L. H. Scott
C. G. Christofides
Siegfried Feller
Gayle Greene
a photographic essay
seen in LII
Destinations and datelines unlimited for this magnificently de
tailed little suit. Fashion-wizard Sacony created it of finely slubbe
acetate with the so-important look of silk-and-worsted, pin-tucke
its turn-back cuffs, slit-pockets and arching collar for fun an
excitement. You'll wear it everywhere, from this moment on.
you'll love the colors, and the fit? Proportioned for misses a
petite sizes. "It's a worzderful buy!"
See this and othe;r Socony Suits -