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January 13, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-13

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jLAAkjATw)ajLp MA* dtll'vvIILAWA Lot Lvov

BY GENE HARTWIG the athletic department hurried the statue off
Daily Managing Editor to an obscure corner of the team room In the
ALIGHT, you've had your fun. The thrill Stadium. Crowded conditions in the Athletic
of pulling off the "big Job" is fading away. Administration Building made a more proper
pulingoffthe"bi jb" s fdin awy. housing for the award inconvenient for the
Meanwhile someone is going to have to payh
the piper. Whether they know it or not, the time being.
conspirators responsible for pilfering the "Paul For all intents and purposes the forlorn
Bunyan" trophy are in serious trouble. Com- wooden figure of Paul Bunyan standing astride
bined efforts of State Police and red-faced Uni- the map of Michigan was forgotten by the
versity authorities are bound to run them to University. Forgotten that is by all except the
the ground in a matter of days. When they do, adventurers-some say University students--
he roud ma mtte ofday. Wen heydowho purloined "Paul" and then planted let-
the charge is likely to be breaking and enter- teri essPboangthe irpacco-
ing University property to carry off a piece ters with the press boasting of their accom-
of carving belonging to the Governor of the Pran esu
State.Pranks designed to quicken the rivalry with
our worthy brethren to the North are one
Talk of lifting the Governor's "juke box" thing. Theft of a valuable piece of property
Paul Bunyan trophy has been frequent on cam- is something else, at least in the eyes of the
pus since the monstrosity was first dragged law.
onto the field at the Michigan State game last Right now the smartest thing for the parties
year in East Lansing. This year the Wolver- responsible for the felony would be to dis-
ines were privileged to acquire the "interesting, cretely return the Governor's "toy" to Uni..
historical and traditional trophy." versity authorities before the iron hand of the
Obviously elated with their new treasure, law writes an unhappy finis to their exploit.
.Free Trade: Getting Around
To the Obvious
SIDE FROM the louder half of the Repub- cannot export enough to pay for them. And
lican Party, it is generally conceded, es- these are but a few.
pecially among those who are versed in eco- Tariffs, like most things, also have wide-
nomic intricacies, that free trade is better than spread political implications. Domestically, a
none, powerful economic group can wring support
For a long time Congress has been able to from the government in one way or another,
produce enough men with a belief in the eco- and as often as not, a tariff will do.
nomic and political profitability of tariffs so N
that this truism has been easily obscured. NTERNATIONALLY, the political ramifica-
tions are more vital. We cannot build eco-
But as President Eisenhower goes before the nomically strong allies unless we are willing to
84th Congress, he finds tariffs no longer such import what we are trying to get them to pro-
a sacred cause, possibly because legislators have duce. If they produce it anyway, they may be
been listening to taxpayers complain about forced to trade with an unfriendly nation. Po-
foreign give-aways. litical ideals are fine, but even those who write
about them have to eat.
That the Democrats now control Congress is president Eisenhower and his administration
no doubt another factor in the probability that have evidently become aware of the far-reach-
the President will get his extension of the Re- ing effects of tariffs, for he insists his tariff
ciprocal Trade Agreements Act and power to reductioon program is vital for world peace.
lower tariffs as much as five per cent a year Although it was vital to world peace some time
over a three-year period, ago that there be provisions for freer interna-
The Democrats have not ordinarily been tional trade, better late than never.
among those who have confused themselves
into either thinking that tariffs are benefi- PERHAPS NOW that the nation seems to be
cial to domestic business, or fearing that Am- on the sane approach to international
erican industry might be too weak to with- trade, a word might be granted to a group of
stand foreign competition. . forty-seven leading Americans that would like
to see removed some restrictions on trade with-
INNUMERABLE study groups have come up Communist nations.
with the trite conclusion that tariffs have First of all, the diversity of political shades
harmful rather than helpful economic effects. represented in the group suggests it is on the
Higher quality goods at lower prices are kept up-and-up. Secondly, as a proposed means of
out while the public must pay the higher cost improving both our own economy and those of
of producing inferior goods domestically; for- our allies, It's idea is sound. Thirdly, we might
eign economies are hamstrung for lack of mar- get rid of some of our here-today-obsolete-to-
kets; and we find that our exports are not morrow gadgets that way.
what they should be, because other nations -Jim Dygert

WASHINGTON-Some interest-
ing things are going on in-
side the Internal Revenue Bur-
eau which may merit another
Congressional probe of how the
nation's taxes are collected.
The closing days of the Tru-
man administration were high-
lighted by serious tax scandals-
first revealed in this column-
which led to the resignations of
Commissioner George Schoene-
man and Counselor Charles Oli-
phant; plus the prosecution of an
earlier commissioner and assist-
ant-Joe Nunan and Dan Bolich.
These tax scandals supplied Re-
publican campaigners with some
of their potent political ammuni-
tion, and it was presumed that
when they took over internal rev-
enue, it would be run with Old
Dutch Cleanser spotlessness.
However, politics seems to have
crept back into the tax-collecting
This column has already report-
ed how Commissioner T. Cole-
man Andrews, after entertaining
Senator McCarthy in his home in
Richmond, Va., and introducing
him to a local audience as one of
"our greatest living Americans,"
assigned a run-of-the-mine agent
to the job of scrutinizing McCar-
thy's tax returns. McCarthy has
had to pay extra taxes to the State
of Wisconsin. The Senate investi-
gating committee also found him
using money received to fight
Communism to speculate on the
soybean market. But Commission-
er Andrews has taken no public
On top of this, here is the latest
political development inside the
agency which is supposed to col-
let taxes impartially.
Nation's No. 1 Heel
[HEN T. Coleman Andrews took
over tax collecting, one of the
hottest fraud cases he inherited
involved a top Republican leader
in West Virginia, R. J. Funkhous-
er, manufacturer of O'Sullivan
heels, sometimes referred to as
"America's No. 1 heel." John Dun-
lap, career agent whom President
Truman appointed Commissioner
to clean up Internal Revenue, not
only was preparing a fraud case
against Funkhouser but was check-
ing transfers of funds to South
America because of rumors Funk-
houser planned to leave the USA.
Today. however, the tax case
against the O'Sullivan heel manu-
facturer has been virtually put on
the shelf. The agent who was
handling it was called off and
promoted. While he was cff the
case, Commissioner Andrews' of-
fice selected fraud cases against
three of Funkhouser's top eyeeu-
tives implicated in making kick-
backs to him.
Meanwhile, another tax case
against a neighboring po!itcal
leader. E. Brooke Lee, previously
settled, was reopened. Lee is one
of the leading Democrats of Mary-
land. Funkhouser is one oZ the
leading Republicans of West Vir-
In Lee's case, H. O. Bryant Re-
view Officer of the Internal Reve-
nue Criminal Section, had previ-
ously ruled that no fraud was in-
volved, and a civil adjustment was
made. Lee had been charged with
taking a capital-gains tax on the
sale of undeveloped real estate in-
stead of paying a straight income

tax during the years 1947, '48 and
Bryant ruled in 1952 that "there
remained no question of fraud or
concealed income," and the case
was considered closed. Now it has
been reopened, and the Justice
Department is pushing for a crim-
inal indictment.
Padded Expenses

"Yoo Hoo There, My Good Friend"


3 , (
73e S
44S1Z ,C> 0 r-

THE NEWS from Germany these days is that
Mr. Molotov has been making an impres-
sion with his diplomatic campaign to prevent
ratification of the London accords. He is mak-
ing his effect by saying again and again, flat-
ly and without loopholes, that if Germany is
rearmed within the Western Alliance, there
can be no negotiation for the reunification of
Germany. It would be a mistake to underesti-
mate the effectiveness of this argument. For
while there is a real answer to it, it is not
simple and easy to make plain and convincing
to popular audiences in France and Germany.
THE EFFECTIVENESS of Mr. Molotov's ar-
gufnent is that it is a great big half-truth.
We cannot afford to ignore the half of it that
is true. The truth in the argument is that the
London accords are based on the conclusion
that Germany cannot now be reunified by
four power agreement on terms which the West
and the East will both accept. The fundamen-
tal assumption of the accords is that the par-
tition of Germany is to continue for some time
to come. The accords are designed to stabilizes,
to make more secure and to keep under in-
ternational control the inherently dangerous
situation of a divided Germany.
The half-untruth in Mr. Molotov's argument
is the implication,-one may fairly call it the
pretense-that Germany could be reunified if
only the West would give up German rearm-
ament. When he implies that, Mr. Molotov is
misleading the Germans. It is nearly ten years
since the Germans were disarmed. For over
four years the West has been talking about
rearming West Germany while in fact it has
postponed ratifying the project. Four years, in
which there have been several full dress con-
ferences, have offered plenty of opportunities
for the Soviet government to propose nego-
tiable terms for German reunification. Several
times in these four years Mr. Molotov has
sounded as if he were just about to come for-
ward with terms that, whatever was thought of
them in London and in Washington, could
not be rejected in Germany.
But no offer that ha to he tarens eroiousl

R. MOLOTOV is attempting to prevent ra-
tification not by making an offer of terms
of reunification but by insisting that he will
not make such an offer if the accords are rati-
fied. The answer to his argument is that, on
the basis of years of experience, there is no
reason for thinking that he will make an offer
of unification even if the accords are rejected.
This is a hard position to make plain and
popular in the Western democracies where the
politicians like to be all things to all men, to
pretend that there are no hard choices, that
the people can have their cake and eat it too.
The decisioon to rearm Western Germany in
NATO is a decision to accept as permanent for
the life of the agreement the existing partition;
of Germany. To argue that the ratification of
Germany rearmament is going to lead soon to
a conference in which Germany will be reuni-
fied is to become vulnerable to the campaign
which Mr. Molotov is conducting. Mr. Molotov
has only to do what he is doing: to keep saying
no emphatically. The West would be less vul-
nerable to his campaign if the hard reality
of the London accords, which is that Germany
cannot now be reunited, were fully explained to
the people of Western Europe.
The dialogue with Mr. Molotov would be less
confusing if it were made plainer than it now
is what the West means and what it does not
mean by a conference after ratification. What
the West means is a conference to promote thea
co-existence of the two Germnys and the two
Europes: to lessen the tension between them,
perhaps to reduce the armed forces near the
Iro nCurtain, to increase the commercial and
cultural intercourse. It would not be a confer-
ence because no concrete terms are now known
on which a conference could negotiate seriously.
THE DAY will come when the partition of
Germany will end. But that day is not
now visible, and there are no plans for that
day and there are no indictions of the exist-
ence of any plans for such a day in Moscow,
London, Paris and Washington. The partition
of Germany, having lasted for ten years, has

Protest .. .
To the Editor:
LAST FRIDAY evening it was
my pleasure to attend a con-
cert by the University of Michi-
gan Symphony Band in Hill Audi-
torium in connection with the
Midwestern Music Conference be-
ing held on your campus. It would
be an understatement if I said the
review of that concert which ap-
peared in your Saturday edition
astounded me. Obviously written
by someone not really familiar
with band literature and trans-
criptions, it was a grossly unfair
and inaccurate report.
Dr. William D. Revelli and the
University Symphony Band have
always been one of the greatest
positive forces in the band field.
They have programmed more fine
music for concert band than any
other group in the country. The
concert Friday was both musically
and technically one of the finest
of many of theirs I have heard
throughout the years. I would cer-
tainly like to protest against such
careless reporting of what was a
wonderful concert by this out-
standing organization.
-Harold P. Geerdes,
Director of Instrumental Music
Grand Rapids Christian Schools
. .
Band Concert . . .
To the Editor:
LAST FRIDAY night I had an
opportunity to hear once again
the University of Michigan Band.
I hear them every year at the
Midwestern Music Conference, and
have been either playing in them
(1938-42 also 1946) or have fol-
lowed their musical progress over
those following years. As an alum-
nus of the U of M I have been
very proud of their world-wide ac-
claim. They are truly recognized
as one of the very greatest of all
the wind ensembles.
Friday's concert was certainly
one of the finest that I have ever
heard, in every sense of the word:
balance, sensitivity, technique,
tone, rhythm,uall were present in
astounding quality. These senti-
ments were heard among everyone
that I talked to after the concert
and during the next whole day.
You can imagine the tremendous
surprise and anger that your critic
Mr. Mumma aroused by his words.
I certainly would not challenge his
right to say what he thinks. Hon-
est criticism, however painful it
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
B~ecky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
...............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ... ....Women's Editor
Joy Squires ..Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton . . Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ........Business Manager
Phil Brunskil, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

might be, is the basis for improve-
ment of all the Arts as well as the
works of Science. Instead, I seri-
ously do object to his apparent
love of the sound of his own words;
to his obvious habit of writing for
the loud reaction that his words
bring, in spite of their insincerity.
Is he the type of man that should
oe allowed to write criticism for
one of the finest college papers in
America? I strongly feel, although
I must admit without any real evi-
dence beyond what I can read in
his writing, that Mr. Mumma must
have "an axe to grind" with Con-
ductor Revelli and his band.
I, and many others interested in
the improvement of all facets of
their alma mater would appreciate
'your consideration of the above
comments. If there is evidence of
bias, prejudiced thinking, perhaps
another writer could be found out
of the many excellent musicians at
the University.
--Arthur C. Hills, M.M.,
Chairman, Music Dept.,
Holland Public Schools
* * *
Not up to Par . . ;.
To the Editor:
gan Daily seem to range from
the vitriolic type of Mr. Theodos-
sin to the rather clumsy and point-
less attempt at criticism offered
by Master Donald Malcolm in Sun-
day's Daily.
The picture, "The Barefoot Con-
tessa," seemed to enervate Mr.
Malcolm, with respect to the car-
nal aspects of the picture. There
seemed to be a little more to the
picture than that. Maria Vargas
did not merely seek physical sat-
isfaction, but rather she sought a
consummate feeling of love, de-
rived from an:iunderstanding of
the simpler things. A desire for
love, both of mind and of body
makes Maria seek, first perfection
in her acting career, and then in
the successful, but ironic, love of
;he Count. Her "cousins" offered
her a feeling of elation, yet she
still strived for the more culmi-
native combination.
The role of the shoes seemed to
be unfathomed by Mr. M's in-
sensitive approach. The shoes are
man-made. Her life was close to
the earth. Thus, Maria takes off
her shoes to rid herself of the gags
society places upon its emotions.
Mr. Malcolm, also, did not see
the subtlety of the picture in res-
pect to the roles of the director
and the press agent. In Dawes, one
finds a rather rational person,
whose understanding of Maria
leads to a temperate interpreta-
tion of her actions. The press
agent contrasts strongly with the
individualism of Maria, by selling
his services to first one million-
aire and then another.
Though the near-sighted Mr.
Magoo was not up to par,he far-
ed better in rendering a comic
touch to the evening's entertain-
ment, when compared to the pa-
thetic offering of our nearsighted
-Dick Deres, '57
Ted Simms, '57
Bill Stern, '58
Rick Jossem, '58
* * 4'-
'Pennies for Paul' . .
To the Editor:
bers of "Operation Rescue,"
be they 'public-spirited University
students or misguided Michigan
State students, for returning Wil-
liams' Wooden Whatis to a local-
ity where its artistic merits (?)
are appreciated. This should have
been done last November 14th, and,
if it is found, the monstrosity

(Continued from Page 2)
San Diego are also urged to attend
this meeting.
Wed., Jan. 26-La Mesa, California-
Teacher Needs: Elementary & Second-
ary-all fields
For appointments contact, Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. -
Regulations adopted by the Junior
Hop Committee to govern the Hop given
by the class of 1956 at the University
of Michigan on Fri., Feb. 4, 1955. These
regulations shall supersede all previous
regulations concerning the Junior Hop.
Regulations for the Hop
1.Dancing must cease at 2:00 a.m.,
and the lights.will be out in the Sports
building at 2:30.
2. There shall be no spectators; the
only persons admitted to the hall shall
be those bearing tickets issued by the
Hop Committee.
3. No corsages shall be permitted to
be worn at the Hop. committee except-
4. There shall be no decorating of in-
dividual booths, except by the Hop
5. All charges for taxicabs in excess of
the rates authorized by the city ordi-
nance should be reported to the com-
6. Control of lighting shall be In the
hands of the Hop Committee and not
delegated to the orchestra leaders.
7. The Hop Committee shall be re-
sponsible for the proper conduct, while
in the gymnasium, of all those attend-
ing the Hop. The use, possession, or
showing the effects of intoxicants will
not be tolerated. Offenders will be
ejected from the hall and their names
reported to the President of their Judi-
ciary Council.
8. Smoking in the booths or on the
'oor of the hall is absolutely forbidden
and is permitted only in the place pro-
vided for the purpose.
9. No person shall re-enter the build-
ing after once leaving.
10. violations of the regulations of
the Hop traceable to any group, but not
to individuals, shall render the entire
group liable to penalty. The responsi-
bility for the- maintenance of proper
conduct in any booth and for the ob-
servance of the rules by the members
of a group having a booth, shall rest
upon the president of said group.
11. The furniture for the booths may
be taken into the Sports building only
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12
noon on Friday, Feb. 4, and must be re-
moved Saturday, Feb. 5th, at 8:00 a.m.
Subject to forfeiture of the deposit on
the booth.
12. Arrangements for housing women
over night (on J-Hop week-end) In
Men's Residences must be separately ap-
proved at the office of Dean of women.
For fraternities occupied by women
guests, a chaperone-in-residence must
dents, faculty members, or alumni, who
will be willing to cooperate with the
president to assure that University
regulations are observed.
14. No house parties will be approved
for the night of the Hop. Pre-Hop din-
ners must end at the hour designated.
Fraternities are closed to callers dur-
ing the hours a group attends the Hop
and may re-open for breakfast if de-
sired at 2:00 a.m. Exception: Fraternities
housing women guests may remain open
during the Hop and the chaperone-in-
residence must be at the house.
15. Breakfast must close in sufficient
time to allow women students to return
to their residences before 4:00 am. Fra-
ternities occupied by the women guests
must be closed by fraternity members
promptly at 4:00 a.m.
Tamakwa, Camp for Boysnand Lodge
for Girls, Algonquin Park, Ontario, Can-
ada, will have representatives here to
interview students interested in sum-
mer camp positions. Interviews will be
held in Room 3S, Michigan Union, Sat.,
Jan. 15, from 100-4:00 p.m.
Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Ca-
reers, New York, N.Y. announces fel-
lowships for Buying, Advertising, Styl-
ing, and Television training open to
senior women graduating in 1955.
City of Jackson, Mich., Dept of Per-
sonnel-has an opening for City Engi-
neer. Requirements include graduation
from a school of engineering and ten
years of experience or any equivalent
combination of education and experi-
In Reverse
WHAT more has the American
woman to gain? She can enter
any profession, including science,
law, medicine, and surgery, and

in war and in peace she is invalu-
able. Everyone who reads the wom-
en's magazines knows that wives
spend from 80 to 85 per cent of
all consumer dollars; that no one
in his senses underestimates the
power of a woman, and that young
women should be given a liberal
education to offset the increasing
education of young men. Neverthe-
less, the facts of life in the United
States today are not as cheerful
as they might appear on the sur-
face. Whereas twenty or so years
ago the students of our population
growth assumed that it would soon
reach its climax and start going
downhill, we have proved them to
be false prophets by producing an
astonishing number of children
year by year so that we have now
about 165 million increasingly
healthy people in the country, and
the end is not in sight. This is,
and should be, a cause for celebra-
tion by any sane and patriotic
American, though every sudden
change in human progress is bal-
anced by disturbing and unexpect-
ed factors.
FOR example, it' is a dismal fact
that the male population gives
un th o-ht toom nn vears hefore

ence, and registration as a professional
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces' examinations for the follow-
ing positions: Junior Civil Engineer
and Assist. Civil Engineer-both open
to all citizens of the U.S. and applica-
tions accepted up to reb. 4, 1955, and
for the following for which applica-
tions will be accepted up to Feb. 18.
1955; Senior Mech. Construction Engr.,
Junior Ind. Hygiene Engr., Jr. Chem.
Engr., Inspector of welfare Institution,
and Transfer Agent-open only to N.Y.
residents, and Public Health Nurse,
Medical Records Librarian, and Sr. Med-
ical Bacteriologist-all three open to
all citizens of the U.S. The Sr. Medical
Bacteriologist position is open to all
qualified non-citizens also.
Mich. State Civil Service-announced
examinations for Sociological Research
Analyst 111, Park Ranger A, Varitypist
A2, and varitypist A. Applications due
by Feb. 2. Information on education and
experience requirements is available at
the Bureau of Appointments.
For information on any of the above
or other job opportunities contact the
Bureau of Appointments at Ext. 371,-
3528 Admin Bldg.
Driving Permit Holders are reminded
of their responsibility to register their
1955 automobile license number with
the Office of Student Affairs, by March
1, 1955.
Those students who are now securing
their new license plates should record
the change with the Office of Student
Affairs at this time.
Automobile Regulations-The follow.
ing will govern the lifting of the AUTO-
MOBILE REGULATIONS for students in
the various schools and colleges of the
University. The regulations will go back
into effect at 8:00 a.m. Mon., Feb. 7,
the first day of classes for the second
The ban will be lifted Jan. 27, at
5:00 p.m. for the following schools:
College of Architecture and Design
School of Business Administration
School of Education-
College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science and the
School of Music
School of Natural Resources
School of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
School of Public Health
Horace H. Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies
For the following schools the ached-
ule below is applicable:
-School of Medicine
Freshmen - Jan. 27, 4:00 p.m.
Sophomores - Jan. 28, 12:00 m.
Juniors - Jan. 28, 4:00 p.m.
Seniors - Jan. 22, 4:00 p.m.
Law School
J. 29, 5:00 p.m.
School of Dentistry
Freshmen - Jan. 20, 11 a.m.
Sophomores - Jan. 25, 3:00 p.m.
Juniors - Jan. 27, 10:00 a.m.
Seniors - Jan. 28, 3:00 p.m.
School of Social Work
Jan. 21, 5:00 p.m.
Academic Notices
Engineering Seniors and Graduate
Students:-Free copies of "Career" for
1955 are available in the Dean's Office,
Room 248, West Engrg. Bldg. This pub-
lication contgins valuable information
on engineering and other types of in-
dustrial employment opportunities. It
is recommended that all engineers grad-
uating in 1955 obtain a copy for pres-
ent and future reference.
Chemistry Department Colloquium.
7:30 p.m. Thurs., Jan. 13 in Room 100
Chemistry. John J. McBride will speak
on "Low Temperature Heat Capacities
of Chain and Layer Type Crystalline
Structures."( Thomas C. Bissot will
speak on "The Reaction of Methyl-sub-
stituted Hydroxylamines with Dibo-
401 Interdisciplinay Seminar on the
Application of Mathemtics to Social
Science will meet Thur., Jan. 13, Room
3401 Mason Hall, 4:00-5:30 p.m. F. Mos-
teller will speak on "Experimental Ap-
plication of Stochastic Models."
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Jan. 13, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Dr. John
H. Giese will speak on "Canonical Equa-
tions for Irrotational Pseudo-stationary
Doctoral Examination for Paul Allan
Lobo, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"Chemical Processing at High Tempera-
ture and High Pressure," Thurs., Jan.
13, 3201 East Engineering Bldg., at 3:30
p.m. -Chairman, C. M. Sliepcevich,
Doctoral Examination for George
Breckenridge Beard, Physics; thesis:
"The Rrsdioactivites of SM 147 and
K40," Thurs., Jan. 13, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, M. L. Wiedenbeck.

History 49, Final Examination, Mon.,
Jan. 24, 9:00-12:00. Natural Science Au-
ditorium-Mr. Eggert's sections 9, 14 and
Mr. Taplin's sections 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13.
231 Angell Hall part of Dr. Mitchell's
Sections-5, 7, 8, 11. 25 Angell Hall
Professor Brown's section 1 and part of
Dr. Mitchell's sections-3, 15.
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Dr. V.
Everett Kinsey of the Kresge Eye In-
stitute of Detroit will speak on "Aque-
ous Humor Dynamics;" Room 319, West
Medical Building, Fri., Jan. 14 at 4:00
Logic Seminar will not meet Fri.,
Jan. 14, at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall.
Dr. Burks and Dr. Copi will continue
on the topic: "The Logical Design of
an Idealized General Purpose Compu-
be approved by the Dean of Women.
The chaperone selected is to be in
residence for the entire week and is not
to attend the Hop.
13. Student groups wishing to have
parties on the J-Hop week-end are in-
structed to seek approval from the Of-
fice of Student Affairs following usual
procedures. Requests for approval for
specific social events should be filed on
or before Jan. 21st. Chaperones are sub-
ject to the approval of the Dean of
Men. Two married couples, 26 years of
age or one such couple and the chaper-
one-in-residence are required as chap-
erones. Exception: For dinner preceding
and breakfast following the J-Hop only
one qualified married couple or the




IN CONTRAST, here are some of
the facts in the case of GOP
leader Funkhouser which has now
been put on the shelf.
Tax agents found that for 11
years Funkhouser required one of
his executives, Henry Jennings, to
pad his expense account $300 a
month, and then pay that amount
over to him. During this period,
Funkhouser got $39,600 as a nice
a little secret windfall.
In order to pay Funkhouser his
kickback without running in the
red himself, Jennings charged up
fictitious mileage at seven cents
a mile for trips he had never tak-
When Internal Revenue agents
began checking Funkhouser's tax
returns, they got statements from
three of his executives regarding
secret payments to him. Two had
padded their expenses in order to
kick back. A third had been pay-
ing him in the guise of a fictitious
(Copyright, 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)




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