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January 07, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-07

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FRd Y, JANUARY "1,1955



I I 1

Religious Groups Plan Activities

'U' Students
To Sponsor

Campus religious groups have
scheduled a variety of events for
the last free weekend before the
exam period.
At the Hille Foundation the
weekly supper at 6 p.m. today will
be followed by Sabbath services
sponsored. by Delta Phi Epsilon.
The Yiddish Class will meet at
10:10 a.m. Sunday. The class is
taught by Prof. Herbert Paper of
the department of Near Eastern
studies. A supper will be held for
Hillel members at 6 p.m. on Sun-
Members of the Newman Club
will present "Hockey Hop", an in-
formal mixer from 9 p.m. to mid-

night today. Refreshments will
be served and entertainment pro-
vided at intermission.
Buffet Supper
Members of the Canterbury Club
of Ypsilanti will be guests of the
Episcopal Studer Foundation at
a buffet supper at 6 p.m. today
at the Canterbury House. At 7:30
p.m. Canon Charles Braidwood of
Lapeer will speak to members on
his trip to Canterbury, England.
At 8 p.m. Sunday the choirs of
St. Andrews Episcopal Church will
sing the Epiphany Festival of
Lights service. The music will
honor Alice Crocker Lloyd who

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served as chairman of the music
committee of the church for many
years before her death in 1950.
The Wesleyan Guild of the Me-
thodist Church will hold a square
dance at 8 p.m. today in the Wes-
leyan Lounge. Refreshments will
be served to the dancers.
Dinner and Lecture
At 7 p.m. Sunday following the
weekly "Cost" d4-iner, the Wesley-
an Guild will present a lecture by
Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of
Washington, D. C. in the church
sanctuary. Bishop Oxnam will
speak on the subject, "Are the Pro-
cedures of Investigating Commit-
tees a Threat to Our Freedom?"
Members of the Roger Williams
Guild of the Baptist Church will
act as hosts at the weekly tea
from 4 to 6 p.m. today at Lane
Hall. At 8 p.m. the guilders will
hold an informal open house
which will feature games, refresh-
ments and entertainment.
The guild will meet at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday to go as a group to the
Methodist Church to hear Bishop
Oxman's lecture. The group will
return to the guild house after-
ward for refreshments and fellow-
The Westminster Guild, . the
student Presbyterian group, will
meet at the church at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday. They will also attend the
Oxman lecture at the Methodist
Deutscher Verein,
U' German Club
To Hold Meeting
Conducting their meeting en-
tirely in German, members of
Deutscher Verein will meet at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in the Union for the
last gathering of the semester.
The program will be highlighted
by three films depicting German
music, customs and scenery. The
first film will show a peasant wed-
ding in the state Hesse, featuring
the ceremonial dressing of the
Another picture will relate the
romance of old German towns
where modern life takes place in
medieval settings.
"Singendes Deutschland," a film
in German, will present a musical
calendar, illustrating the seasons
of the year with appropriate folk
Climaxing the program will be
short talks and recitations in the
German language. These will be
delivered by Lloyd Wedberg, Eu-
gene Fischer, Virginia Moore, Wil-
liam Kent, Jeanne Doerr, and
Emery George.
Refreshments will be served.


-Daily-Lynn wallas
University dance instructor who .recently studied dancing in
Berlin under Frau Mary Wigman, first modern dancer, helps
Joan Pfeiffer, '58. While in Germany Miss Pease noted extreme
differences in the attitudes of German and American youth.
Modern Dance Instructor
Observes German Students

"It is a shocking experience to
see what Naziism has done to the
young people of Germany," Esther
E. Pease, associate supervisor of
the Women's Physical Education
Department remarked.
Miss Pease's opportunity to ob-
serve and meet European young;
people came last fall when she,
studied dancing in the Western
Zone of Berlin with Frau Mary
Wigman. Miss Wigman is known
as "the first modern dancer," Miss
Pease said.
The students ranged in age from
17 to 22 years and were studying
professionally for ballet and opera.
Miss Pease ,mentioned that most
of them were studying on scholar-
ships, financed by the Berlin Sen-
ate, governing body of the Wes-
tern Zone.
Students Selected
"On a competitive basis, stud-
ents were selected to be trained as
the future professional dancers of
Germany," Miss Pease remarked.
"The scholarships granted are very
small, about $15 a month, which
for most students is their only in-
"The government also sends one
hot meal a day to the studio for
each student," she said. "This
meal usually arrives at the school
by truck at noon."
Miss Pease related that "many
students are separated from their
families, who live in the Russian
Zone, consequently, the students
are completely independent."
Live in Ruins
"The circumstances under which
they are living are almost unbe-
lievable-in the rubble of cellars
and in partially destroyed build-
Many are living in Dahlem, once
fashionable section of Berlin where
Nazi bigwigs lived and an impor-
tant target for the Allies. Now
trees and shrubs grow in the rub-
ble and vines are crawling over
broken down walls." Miss Pease

I Events

estimated that five of every seven
houses were completely dstroyed.
"Standards of living in Brlin are
extremely low," Miss Pease contin-
ued. She said that the students
pay little attention to cleanliness
or to such incidentals as mended
clothes. "Many don't even have
access to water to wash in," she
"These student dancers have
learned that they must live by
their own wits, as a matter of self-
survival. Because of this necess-
ity, they tend to have little feel-
ing or consideration for other in-
dividuals," Miss Pease related,
"and no sense of group cohesive-
ness or of working for a common
"These qualities show up in
their -dancing," she said. "They
prefer to dance for themselves and
to their own thoughts rather than
participate in group dancing, as
is frequently practiced by Ameri-
can dancers."
"They are exciting dancers to
watch," she remarked, "because of
their self-centeredness, drive and
"One of the main contrasts be-
tween American and German
youth is shown in these dancers,"
Miss Pease stated. "They live their
whole lives in and around the
dancing school, while Americans
tend to have several activities and
interests without concentrating so
hard on a special one."

Alice Lloyd Residents
Annual Winterlace Ball
To Set Enchanted Mood
Although the threat of pending
finals looms ahead, several fra-
ternities, sororities and dormitor-
ies have made plans for costume
parties and informal gatherings
for the first weekend of social ac-
tivity after the Christmas vaca-
"Pink Punch and Taffeta" is the
theme of the Theta Delta Chi
party. Guests dressed in French
Rennaissance costumes will dance
to records and sip pink punch.
Acacia pledges are planning a
surprise record dance, "This is
Your Life," for the actives. In-
formal record dances will be held
by Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma,
Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi and Al-
pha Delta Phi.
Hillel foundation will be de-
corated with skyscrapers, mar-
quees, and news stands for the Al-
pha Epsilon Phi "New Yorker"
party. Paul Brodie and his band
will provide dance music for
couples dressed in costumes re-
presenting New York. Top hat
flavors and refreshments will be
given to the guests.
Hal Singer and his combo will
perform for an informal Lambda
Chi Alpha dance.
Residents of Alice Lloyd Hall
will start the social whirl for this
year by giving their annual semi-
formal "Winterlace Ball" from 9
p.m. to midnight tonight.
The theme of the dance will
center around "A Land of En-
chantment." The entrance will be
decorated with pink trees and a
fountain of ice.
Balloon bubbles will be coming
from pink champagne glasses in
Kleinstuck House. In Hinsdale
House the theme will be "Castles
In The Sky" and is to be done in
pink also.
Palmer House will have as its
theme "Wish Upon A Star." "En-
chanted Forest" will set the mood
of Angell House.
Red Johnson and his band will
provide the music for couples at-
tending the dance.
General chairmen this year are
Gloria Tennant and Kathy Adams.
In charge of decorations will be
Virginia Swaggerty and Cynthia
Todd in Angell House, Beverly
Becker and Marion Wright in
Susan Holbrook is decorations
chairman for Hinsdale House and
Diane Koppin and Marjorie Rob-
bins are in charge at Palmer
House. The chairmen for the
other committees will be programs,
Barbara Wittow and Philey Apple;
refreshments, Merril Martin and
publicity, Sue Stickles.


Events Around Campus

i J

tryouts for Gulantics, annual all-
campus talent show, will be con-
ducted from 1 to 5 p.m. tomorrow
in the rehearsal room of the Lea-
gue and not in the Union, as pre-
viously announced.



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He needed cash, but quick-so alon
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J-HOP TICKETS-Tickets for
the 1955 J-Hop will be on sale
from 1 to 5 p.m. today in the Ad-
ministration Building for all hold-
ers of reservation cards. They
will be available Monday through
Friday next week to students with-
out reservations.
pa Kappa Gamma is offering $500
fellowships for beginning graduate
study, open to women students and
foreign students who have receiv-
ed or will receive a degree by June,
1955. Applications for the awardsI
may be obtained in the Office of
the Dean of Women.
Opera script contest is now open
to all male students in the Univer-
sity. Scripts may be submitted to
Jay Grant, '55, Union Opera chair-
man, at the main desk of the Un-
ion. Further information may be
obtained from Grant at NOrman-
dy 3-5347.
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