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January 07, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-07

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President Outlines Legislative Plans

(Continued from Page 4)

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request, careful studies were made
of the problems of these farm
people. I shall later submit recom-
mendations designed to assure the
steady alleviation of their most
pressing concerns.
Because drought also remains a
serious agricultural problem, I
shall recommend legislation to
strengthen federal disaster assist-
ance programs. This legislation
will prescribe an improved ap-
praisal of various programs to lo-
cal conditions, and a more equi-
table sharing of costs between the
states and the federal govern-
Small Business
I recommend that the Congress
extend the Small Business Act of
1953 which is due to expire next
As part of our efforts to provide
decent, safe and sanitary housing
for low-income families, we must
carry forward the housing con-
tracts for a firm program of 35,-
000 additional public housing units'
in each of the next two fiscalf
Public Health
By special message on Jan. 24
I shall propose a co-ordinated pro-
gram to strengthen and improvej
existing health services. This pro-
gram will continue to reject so-
cialized medicine. It will empha-
size individual and local respon-
sibility. Under it the federal gov-
ernment will neither dominate nor1
direct, but serve as a helpful part-
My recommendations will in-
clude a federal health reinsurance

Three one-act plays written
and directed by students will
be given by the speech depart-
ment-Thursday and, Friday.
"Careless Wilderness" by for-
mer student Bethany ovell
Wilson will be presented; the
play won a major Hopwood
award in 1939.
This second laboratory play-
bill will be presented both days
at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. Tickets at
thirty cents each will go on
sale beginning Monday at the
box office.

service to encourage the develop-
ment of more and better voluntary
health insurance coverage by pri-
vate organizations. I shall also
recommend measures to improve
the medical care of that group of
our citizens who, because of need,
receive federal-state public assist-
ance. These two proposals will help
more of our people to meet the
costs of health services.
To reduce the gaps in these
services, I shall propose:
New measures to facilitate con-
struction of needed 'health facili-
ties and help reduce shortages of
trained health personnel.
Vigorous steps to combat the
misery and national loss involved
in mental illness.
Improved services for crippled
children and for maternal and
child health.
Better consumer protection un-
der our existing Pure Food and
Drug Laws; and, finally,
Strengthened programs to com-
bat the increasingly serious pol-
lution of our rivers and streams
and the growing problem of air
Social Security
Last year's expansion of Social
Security coverage and our new
program of improved medical care
for public assistance recipients to-
gether suggest modification of the
formula for federal sharing in old
age assistance payments.
I recommend modification of the
formula where such payments will,
in the future, supplement benefits
received under the Old Age and
Survivors Insurance system.
Without impairing in any way
;he responsibilities of our states,
localities; comnunities, or families,
the federal government can and
should serve as an effective cat-
alyst in dealing with this problem.
I shall forward a special mes-
sage to the Congreses on Feb. 15,
presenting an affirmative program
dealing with this shortage.
Juvenile Delinquency
To help the states do a better
and more timely job, we must,
strengthen their resources for pre-
venting and dealing with juvenile
I shall propose federal legisla-
tion to assist the states to pro-
mote concerted action in dealing
with this nation-wide problem.
During the past year certain in-
dustrial changes and the readjust-
ment and other problems have
brought difficulties to various lo-
calities and industries. These prob-
lems are engaging our most ear-
nest attention. But for the over-

whelming majority of our working
people, the past year has meant
good jobs.
Moreover, the earnings and sav-
ings of our wage earners are no
longer depreciating in value.
Because of cooperative relations
between labor and management,
fewer working days were lost
through strikes in 1954 than in
any year in the past decade.
The outlook for our wage earn-
ers can be made still more prom-
ising by several legislative actions.
First, in the past five years we
have had economic growth which
will support an increase in the
federal minimum wage. In the
light of present economic condi-
tions, I recommend its increase
to 90 cents an hour. I also recom-
mend that many others, at present
excluded, be given the protection
of a minimum wage.
Second, I renew my recommen-
dation of last year for amendment
of the Labor-Management Rela-
tions Act, of 1947 to further the
basic objectives of this statute. I
especially call to the attention of
the Congress amendments dealing
with the right of economic strik-
ers to vote in representation elec-
tions and the need for equalizing
the obligation under the act to file
disclaimers of Communist affilia-
Third, the Administration will
propose other important measures
including occupational safety,
workmen's compensation for long-
shoremen and harbor workers, and
the "eight-hour laws" applicable
to federal contractors.
On Jan. 11 I shall propose a pay
adjustment plan for civilian em-
ployes outside the postal field ser-
vice to correct inequities and in-
crease individual pay rates, I shall
also recommend voluntary health
insurance on a contributory basis
for federal employees and their
Also on Jan. 11 I shall recom-
mend a modern pay plan, includ-
ing pay increases for postal field
employes. As part of this program,
and to carry forward our progress
toward elimination of the large
annual postal deficit, I shall re-
new my request for an increase in
postal rates. Again I urge that in

the future the fixing of rates be
delegated to an impartial, inde-
pendent body.
More . adequate training pro-
grams to equil5 career employes of
the government to render improv-
ed public service will be recom-
mended, as will improvements in
the laws affecting'employes serv-
ing on foreign assignments.
Retirement Benefits
Needed improvements in sur-
vivor, disability, and retirement
benefits for federal civilian and
military personnel have been ex-
tensively considered by the com-
mittee on retirement policy for
federal personnel. The commit-
tee's proposals would strengthen
and improve benefits for our ca-
reer people in government, and I
endorse their broad objectives. Full
contributory coverage under Old
Age and Survivors Insurance
should be made available to all
federal personnel, just as in priv-
ate industry. For career military
personnel, the protection of the
Old Age and Survivors Insurance
system would be an important and
long-needed addition, especially to
their present unequal and inade-
quate survivorship protection. The
military retirement pay systems
will be needed to reflect the addi-
tional protection of Old Age and
Survivors Insurance. However,
these systems also are a basic part
of a total compensation and
should be separately and inde-
pendently retained.
I also urge the Congress to ap-
prove a long overdue increase in
the salaries of members of the
Congress and of the federal judi-
ciary to a level commensurate,
with their heavy responsibilities.
Two years ago I advised the Con-
gress of injustices under existing
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immigration laws. Through hu-
mane administration, the Depart-
ment of Justice is doing what it
legally can to alleviate hardships.
Clearance of aliens before arriv-
al has been initiated, and except
for criminal offenders, the impris-
onment of aliens awaiting admis-
sion or deportation has been stop-
Certain provisions of law, how-
ever, have the effect of compelling
action in respect to aliens which
are inequitable in some instances
and discriminatory in others.
These provisions should be correct-
ed in this session of the Congress.
Voting Rights
First, I again urge that a coh-
tstitutional amendment be sub-
mitted to the states to reduce the
voting age for federal elections,
Second, I renew my request that
the principle of self-government
be extended and the right of suf-
frage granted to the citizens of
the District of Columbia.
Third, I againrecommend that
we work with the states to pre-
serve the voting rights of citizens
in the nation's service overseas.
Veterans Benefits
In our determination to keep
faith with those who in the past
have met the highest call of citi-
zenship, we now have under study
the system of benefits for veterans
and for surviving dependents ofj
deceased veterans and servicemen.
Arts and Culture
In the advancement of the vari-
ous activities which will make'
our civilization endure and flour-1
ish, the federal government should'
do more to give official recognition

to the importance of the arts and
other cultural activities.
I shall recommend the estab-
lishment of a federal advisory
commission on the arts within the
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare, to advise the federal
government on ways to encourage
artistic .endeavor and appreciation,
I shall also propose that awards
of merit be established whereby
we can honor our fellow citizens
who make great contribution to
the advancement of our civiliza-
Every citizen rightly expects ef-
ficient and economical administra-
tion of these many government
programs I have outlined today. I
strongly recommend extension of
the Reorganization Act and the
law establishing the Commission
on Intergovernmental Relations,
both of which expire this spring.
Thus the Congress will assure
continuation of the. excellent pro-
gress recently made in improving
government organization and ad-
In this connection we are look-
ing forward with great interest to
the reports which will soon be go-
ing to the Congress from the Com-
mission on Organization of the
Executive Branch of the Govern-
I am sure that these studies,
made under the chairmanship of
Former President Herbert Hoover
with" the assistance of more than
200 distinguished citizens, will be
of great value in paving the way
toward more efficiency and ecQn-
omy in the government.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower




'U' TV Studio Kinescopes
Programs for Other Stations

More than five miles of film
were sent to television stations all
over the state from the University
Television Office this week.
"We're operating as a produc-
tion center," said Delores A. Son-
andres, secretary of the studio.
"All our shows are done on 'kine',
that is, kinescope, a film recording
of a program by a television cam-
era itself."
After kinescoping the various

For after the game entertainment
Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday Night
Open 2 P.M. to 2 A.M.
Members of V.F.W. and their guests

shows, the office sends them, by
mail, train and even bicycle, to
eight TV stations in the state,
where they have an estimated aud-
ience of about a million viewers.
The TV Hour
"Our main series, is, of course,
the "TV Hour," which is carried by
six of our subscriber stations,"
Mrs. Sonanci-es continued, "and
beginning Feb. 27, WPBN-TV in
Traverse City will carry it too."
The University "TV Hour" is a
weekly show divided into two half-
hour segments, each devoted to a
different topic.
At present, the first segment
series is "The Teen Agers" which
discusses activities, thoughts and
problems typical of the teen years.
"Planning Your Financial Future."
the second segment series has
dealt with financial problems such
as banking, check writing, install-
ment buying and credit.
Work by Specialists
University faculty members who
are -specialists in their fields par-
ticipate in the programs, and
sometimes, as in the financial ser-
ies, outside experts are called in.
About nine and a half hours a
week are spent in rehearsal time,
including conferences with direc-
tors, set-ups and dress rehearsal.
After the dress rehearsal, the final
show is kinescoped.
Besides the "TV Hour," the of-
fice also sends out "Michigan Re-
port," which features 'teletours' of
the University campus and activi-
ties, and the 30-minute "Under-
standing Our World" series. In
addition to Traverse City, some or
all of these films go to Detroit,
Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rap-
ids, Cadillac, Ann Arbor and Sag-


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