Hammarskjold in China
Having Little Effect
IT IS QUITE a paradox that the United
Nations Secretary General, Dag Ham-
marskjold, should be in Red China to try and
negotiate for the release of 21 American fly-
First of all, a majority of the UN member
nations have not recognized China under the
Communist rule of Mao Tse-tung. And sec-
ondly, Hammarskjold is negotiating for the
United States which still backs the Formo-
san government of Chiang Kai-shek.
The student of the international scene will
have to admit that Mao et al. has the U.S.
et al. over a barrel.
Red China has been trying not only to re-
ceive recognition from the United States (it
has Britain's, though there appears to be little
honest accord between them) but also to join
the United Nations. Mao's Big Brothers in
Russia have attempted to use UN admittance
for Red China as a bargaining point through-
out the world.
We then have Hammarskjold's present ac-
tion. He is directly accepting the existence of
Communist rule in China on the diplomatic
level, and to a certain extent carrying the UN
with iim. He cannot be speaking only for him-
self for he himself has much less prestige than
if speaking for the UN.
THE CHINESE REDS can well refuse releas-
ing the flyers (as well as additional "UN
personnel"). With such prize captives, they
have a bargaining point for world-wide recog-
nition, which is what they want.
If, as a last resort, the U.S. should declare
,war on Red China for release of these men,
the declaration would in itself be recognition
and so the Reds have won a victory.
We must consider the course of action the
U.S. would take were the flyers used as bal-
ancers for recognition.
On the one hand we have the fact that the
Chinese Reds fought against the United Na-
tions forces (primarily United States soldiers)
in the Korean War, and killed many men.
They were also present in Indochina for an
additional 'black mark' against them. And we
also hear reports that all is not so well behind
the Bamboo Curtain, that their rule is not
as Utopian as they have made out.
On the other hand, they are de facto in
power in China over a vast expanse of land
and vast numbers of people. They have been
recognized by some countries. They are trad-
ing with many countries in the world, and are
presently trying to step up trade with their
usual economic ally, Japan.
F THE Chinese Reds were to openly state
that they would exchange the airmen for
U.S. recognition, our state department might
well call it blackmail, but we would more ser-
iously have to consider granting the recogni-
Thus we have a case where diplomatic
recognition is the only missing link to Red
China's full participation in the world of
nations. We can easily see why there is much
to keep Red China out of the UN, for after all,
they stand for things opposed to the general
tenor of the UN's Charter.
THUS while opposing China's admission to
the UN is proper, keeping U.S. recognition
away from this ruling Asiatic power is not so
gasily maintainable, especially now when the
United States is trying to have American
citizens released from China, but is forced
to negotiate through the Red Cross in Swit-
If Dag Hammarskjold obtains the release
of the American flyers and the UN personnel,
he will deserve all the credit and praise he
gets. But we should be prepared for Hammar-
skjold to return to the UN with no guarantee
of the captives' release for he has little if
anything to offer them.
After all, what would the Chinese Reds have
-Harry Strauss
"Dear Friends "
_ -j
Esenhower Gives State
Of Unon Adress
Alumni Out-of-State Awards
A Good Idea To Expand
FROM the outlook of any campus' average
student, alumni don't figure with much
prominence in college or university affairs.
They've come, they've put in their four
years, and they've emerged with their de-
grees-realizing that their further contact with
the campus scene will probably be limited to
periodical requests for money.
UNIVERSITY alumni, however, both in head-
quarters here 'and in offices all over the
country, can be credited with a more than
routine concern in the campus community.
Their contribution of $15,000 to the Michigan
Alumni Fund, earmarked recently for out-of-
state scholarships, shows a realization that the
University can't depend solely on students
from the state for its development.
Next fall will bring to Ann Arbor at least
15 freshmen here mainly because they'll be
granted $1,000 scholarships-to be awarded
in eight installments as long as their records
merit renewal. For many of them, the $125
of outside aid every semester may be the de-
ciding factor in their enrolling here. And plenty
of them, doubtless, will make significant con-
tributions to the University.
FROM the alumni standpoint, perhaps more
important is the factor that these 15 fresh-
men will come from all over the United States,
on the recommendations of their local alumni
groups, and will return to strengthen the Uni-
versity's reputation on a nationwide basis.
Out-of-state scholarships are a good idea.
Their continuation and expansion should be
-Jane Howard
. ....
Ellery Queen. Little, Brown & Co., 228 pp.
rFHE LATEST volume out under the Queen
signature--the 81st--offers something new:
crime in capsule form. Q.B.I. is the "catch all"
title for a collection of 17 of Queen's short-
shorts (most of which have appeared prev-
iously in Sunday supplements) plus a full-
length short story thrown in for good measure.
There is a well-circulated theory which claims
It is more difficult to write a good detective
short story than a three hundred page de-
tective novel. This is probably true. However,
the step from the short story to the short-
short form does not carry on the proposition.
Mainly because in a short short the necessary
dimensions of a good puzzle or problem gen-
erally are absent, and what remains amounts
to little more than a parlor trick, a sleight-of-
hand performance which utilizes a single stage
prop or gimmick-one isolated clue or con-
DESPITE THE simplicity of its form, the de-
tective short-short story could still be
bobbled by an amateur. But Ellery Queen is a
parlor prestidigitator of some accomplishment,
and happily Q.B.I. turns out to be virtually
guaranteed entertainment.
Stylistically, many of the stories are so
finely polished that the outlines of the crucial
deductions are often reflected in the glittering
facets of the opening paragraph; there is
little left to be desired from the standpoint
of form.
On the other hand, some of the individual
ideas around which these brief tales of vi-
olence are constructed are so conjectural or
far-fetched that they might molest the realis-
tic-minded reader--especially in the matter
of the interpretation of speech and jargon and
messages (dying and otherwise).
NONETHELESS, the collection as a whole
pleased this reviewer. Frankly speaking,
any excuse offered for bringing back from the
past our old friends Doc Prouty, Detectives
Piggott and Hesse, and lovable old Sergeant
Velie-for even a brief nostalgic reunion--is
a gratefully accepted one.
-Donald A. Yates
WASHINGTON (AP) -Following is
a condensed version of Presiden SEi-
senhower's State of the Union mes-
sage to Congress today:
First, I extend cordial greetings
to the 84th Congress. We shall
have much, to do together; I am
sure that we shall get it done-
and, that we shall do it in har-
mony and good will.
At the outset, I believe it would
be -well to remind ourselves of this
great fundamental in our nation-
al life: Our common belief that
every human being is divinely en-
dowed with dignity and worth and
inalienable rights. This faith, with
its corrollary--that to grow and
flourish people must be free -
shapes the interests and aspira-
tions of every American.
Foreign Affairs
Foremost among these broad
purposes of government is our sup-
port of freedom, justice and peace.
It is of the utmost importance
that each of us understand the
true nature of the struggle now
taking place in the world.
The military threat is but one
menace to our freedom and se-
curity. We must not only deter
aggression; we must also frustrate
the effort of Communists to gain
their goals by subversion.
To this end, free nations must
maintain and reinforce their co-
hesion, their internal security,
their political and economic vital-
ity, and their faith in freedom.
In such a world, America's
course is clear:
We must tirelessly labor to make
the peace more just and durable.
We must strengthen the collec-
tive defense under the United Na-
tions Charter and grid ourselves
with sufficient military strength
and productive capacity to dis-
courage resort to war and protect
our nation's vital interests.
We must continue to support
and strengthen the United Nations.
At this very moment, by vote of
the United Nations General As-
sembly, its secretary-general is in
Communist China on a mission of
deepest concern to all Americans:
seeking the release of our never-
to-be-forgotten American aviators
and all other United Nations pris-
oners wrongfully detained by the
communist regime.
We must also encourage the ef-
forts being made in the United
Nations to limit armaments and to
harness the atom to peaceful use.
We must expand international
trade and investment and assist
friendly nations whose own best
efforts are still insufficient to pro-
vide the strength essential to the
security of the free world.
We must be willing to use the
processes of negotiation whenever
they will advance the cause of just
and secure peace to which the
United States and other free na-
tions are dedicated.
In respect to all these matters,
we must, through a vigorous in-
formation program, keep the peo-
ples of the world truthfully ad-
vised of our actions and purposes.
We must also carry forward our
educational exchange program.
This sharing of knowledge and ex-
perience between our citizens and
those of free countries is a pow-
erful factor in the development
and maintenance of true partner-
ship among free peoples.
Trade Policy
We must gradually reduce cer-
tain tariff obstacles to trade. These
actions should, of course, be ac-
companied by a similar lowering
of trade barriers by other nations,
so that we may move steadily to-
ward greater economic advantage
for all,
We must further simplify cus-
Military Affairs
First, a realistic limitation of
armaments and enduring, just
peace remain our national goals;
we maintain powerful military
forces because there is no presen't
alternative - forces designed for
deterrent and defensive purposes
alone but able instantly to strike
back with destructive power in re-
sponse to an attack.
Second, we must stay alert to
the fact that undue reliance on
one weapon or preparation for on-
ly one kind of warfare simply in-
vites an enemy to resort to anoth-
er. We must, therefore, keep in
our armed forces balance and flex-
ibility adequate for our purposes
and objectives.
Third, to keep our --rmed forces
abreast of the advances of science,
our military planning must be
flexible enough to utilize the new
weapons and techniques which
flow ever more speedily from our
research and development pro-
The forthcoriing military bud-
get therefore emphasizes modern
airpower in Air Force, Navy and
Marine Corps and increases the
emphasis on new weapons, es-
pecially those of rapid and des-
tructive striking power.
It accelerates the continental de-
fense program and the build-up
of ready military reserve forces.
It continues a vigorous program
of stockpiling strategic and criti-
cal materials and strengthening
our mobilization base. The budget
also contemplates the strategic
concentration of our strength
through redeployment of certain
forces. '
It provides for reduction of
their expansion in others, to fit
them to the military realities of
our time.
Fourth, pending a world agree-
ment on armament limitations, we
must continue to improve and ex-
pand our supplies of nuclear weap-
ons for our land, naval and air
forces while, at the same time,
continuing our encouraging prog-
ress in the peaceful use of atomic
And fifth, in the administration
of these costly programs, we must
demn d the utmost in efficiency
and ingenuity We must assure our
people not only of adequate pro-
tection but also of a defense that
can be carried forward from year
to year until the threat of aggres-
sion has disappeared.
To help maintain this kind of
armed strength and improve its
efficiency, I must urge the enact-
ment of several important meas-
ures in this session.
For the forseeable future, our
standing forces must remain much
larger than voluntary methods'
can sustain. We must, therefore,
extend the statutory authority to
induct men for two years of mili-
tary service.
To encourage more trained ser-
vicemen to remain in uniform, I
shall, on the 13th of this month,
propose a number of measures to
increase the attractions of a mili-
tary career. These measures will
include more adequate medical
care for dependents, survivors'
benefits, more and better housing,
and selective adjustments in mili-
tary pay and other allowances.
And third-alsovon Jan. 13-I
shall present a program to rebuild
and strengthen the civilian com-
ponents of our Armed Forces.
Control of Subversion
Maintenance of an effective de-
fense requires continuance of our
aggressive attack on subversion at
home. In this effort we have, in
the past two years, made excellent
and to destroy Communist subver-
We shall, in the process, care-
fully preserve our traditions and
the basic rights of our citizens.
Political Situation
At this time the executive and
legislative branches are under the
management of different political
parties. This fact places both par-
ties on trial before the American
In less perilous days of the past,
division of governmental respon-
sibility among our great parties
has produced a paralyzing indeci-
sion. We must not let this happen
in our time. We must avoid a
paralysis of the will for peace and
international security.
In the traditionally bipartisan
areas-military security and for-
eign relations-I' can report to
you that I have already, with the
leaders of this Congress, expressed
assurances of unreserved co-oper-
ation. Yet, the strength of our
country requires more than main-
tenance of mere military strength
and success in foreign affairs;
these vital matters are in turn de-
pendent upon concerted and vigor-
ous action in a number of sup-
porting programs.
Domestic Economy
My budget message on Jan. 17,
the economic report on the 20th
of this month, and several special
messages will set forth in detail
major programs to foster the
growth of our economy and to pro-
tect the integrity of the people's
Last year we had a large tax
cut and, for the first time in 75
years, a basic revision of federal
tax laws. It is now clear that de-
fense and other essential govern-
ment costs must remain at a level
precluding further tax reductions
this year.
Although excise and corporation
taxes must therefore, be continued
at their present rates, further tax
cuts will be possible when justified
by lower expenditures and by rev-
enue increases arising from the
nation's economic growth. I am
hopeful that such reductions can
be made next year.
Natural Resources
I believe that the nation must
adhere to three fundamental po-
licies: First, to develop, wisely use
and conserve basic resources from
generation to generation.
Second, to follow the historic
pattern of developing these re-
sources primarily by private citi-
zens under fair provisions of law,
including restraints for proper
Third, to treat resource devel-
opment as a partnership under-j
taking-a partnership in which
the participation of private citi-
zens and state and local govern-
ments is as necessary as federal
This policy of partnership and
co-operation is producing good re-
sults, most immediately noticeable
in respect to water resources. First,
it has encouraged local public
bodies and private citizens to plan
their own power sources. Increas-
ing numbers of applications to the
Federal Power Commission to con-
duct surveys and prepare plans
for power development, notably in
the Columbia River Basin, are evi-
dence of local response.-
Second, the federal government
and local and private organiza-
tions have been encouraged to co-
ordinate their developments.
Such partnership projects as
Priest Rapids in Washington, the
Coosa River development in Ala-
bama, and Markham Ferry in Ok-
lahoma already have the approval
of the Congress. This year justifi-
able projects of a similar nature
will again have administration
Third, the federal government
must shoulder its own partnership
obligations by undertaking pro-
jects of such complexity and size
that their success requires federal
development. In ke'eping with this
principle, I again urge the Con-
gress to approve the development
of the Upper Colorado River Basin
to conserve and assure better use
of precious water essential to the
future of the West.
In addition, the 1956 budget wili
recommend appropriations to start
six new reclamation and more
than 30 new Corps of Engineers
projects of varying size. Going
projects and investigations of po-
tential new reseource develop-
ments will be continued.
Although this partnership ap-
proach is producing encouraging
results, its full success requires a
nation-wide comprehensive water
resources policy firmly based in
law. Such a policy is under prepar-
ation and when completed will be
submitted to the Congress.
As a result of the flexibility pro-
vided by the agricultural act of
1954, we can move toward less
restrictive acreage controls.
Farm production is gradually
adjusting to markets, markets are
being expanded, and stocks are
moving into use. We can now look
forward to an easing of the influ-
ences depressing farm prices, to
Ireduced government expenditures
for purchase of surplus products,
and to less federal intrusion into
the lives and plans of our farm
people. Agriculture programs have
(Continued from Page 2)
ministrative Officers, Clerks, Commerce
Officers, Economists, Editors, Histor-
ians, Legal Officers,kLibrarians. Secre-
taries, Social Workers, Statisticians,
Teachers, and Translators. For most
appointments a Bachelor's degree is re-
quired. Details should be obtained be-
fore Jan. 20.
Maryland Civil Service, Maryland
House of Correction for Men-Jessups,
Md., and Maryland State Reformatory
for Males-Breathedsville, a d~posi-
tions for working with inmates as Class-
ification Officer are open to men with
BA in Social Sciences, including at
least two courses in Sociology, Social
Psychb. Criminology, Psych., or Social
Case work. Apply by Jan. 22.
New York University, School of Re-
tailing, New York, N. Y. announces a
graduate program in retailing for stud-
ents interested in merchandising, ad-
vertising, fashion, personnel, and man-
agement. If a number of men and
women are interested, a sound-slide
film can be made available by the New
York University.
The Burdett Oxygen Co., Cleveland,
Ohio-positions in Sales Engineering
Div. for men with B. S. in Engrg.
For further information contact the
Bureau of .Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Representatives from the following
companies will interview at the En-
gineering Placement Office, Room 248
W. Engrg., Ext. 2182.
Fri., Jan. 7
Bower Roller Bearing Co., Detroit,
Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in Mech. & Ind.
E. (Feb.) for Manufacturing, Develop-
ment & Sales.
Smith, Hinchman, & Grylls, Inc..
Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in Civil, Mech.,
E.E., and Architecture for Building and
Facilities Design.
Contact the Engrg. Placement Office
for appointments.
University Lectures: "The Illustration
of Great Books in Ancient and Mediae-
val Art." Prof. Kurt. Weitzmann of the
Institute for Advanced Study and the
Department of Art and Achaeology of
Princeton University. Angell Hall, Audi-
torium B, at 4:00 p.m. Mon., Jan. 10,
"Classical Antiquity: Homer and Euri-
pides," Tues., Jan. 11, "Early Christian-
ity: The Bible," Thurs., Jan. 13, "Byzan-
tium: Liturgical hooks," Fri., Jan. 14,
"Latin Middle Ages: The End of an
Old Tradition and the Begnning of a
Academic Notices
Sophomore Electrical Engineering
Students: If you are interested in en-
tering a cooperative program with one
of the following companies: General
Electric, Allis Chalmers, Detroit Edi-
son, Michigan Bell Telephone, Radio
Corporation of America, or Chrysler
Corporation, see Prof. J. J. Carey,
Room 2519, East Engineering Building.
School of Business Administration.
Faculty meeting Fri., Jan. 7, at 3:00
p.m., in Room 146.
Biological Chemistry Seminar: "Cop-
per Metabolism and wilson's Disease,"
under the direction of Dr. J. P. Chand-
ler; Room 319, West Medical Building,
Fri., Jan. 7, it 4:00 p.m.
Electrical Engineering Department
Colloquium. Fri., Jan. 7. Dr. Walter F.
Bauer of Ramo-Wooldridge Corpora-
tion, "Logical Design of the ERA 1103
Computer." Coffee 4:00 p.m. Room 2500
E. Engineering Bldg. Talk 4:30 p.m.
Room 2084 E. Engineering Bldg.
Logic Seminar will meet Fri., Jan.
7 in 443 Mason Hall at 4:00 p.m. Dr.
Burks and Dr. Copi will speak on "The
Logical Design of an Idealized General
Purpose Computer."
Doctoral Examination for Henry Lew-
is Batts, Jr., Zoology; thesis: "An Eco-
logical Study of the Birds of a 64-Acre
Tract inNSouthern Michigan," Fri., Jan.
7, 2089 Natural Science Bldg., at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, H. W. Hann.
Doctoral Examination for Edward
Erdelyi, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"Predetermination of the Sound Pres-
sure Levels of Magnetic Noise in Medi-
um Induction Motors," Fri., Jan. 7,
2518 East Engineering Building, at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, E. R. Martin.
Doctoral Examination for Edward Ly-
tle Shurts, Chemical Engineering; the-
sis: "Ion Exclusion Equilibria for Gly-
cerol, Sodium. Chloride, Water, and
Dowex-50 with Application to Continu-
ous Column Design," Fri., Jan. 7, 3201
East Engineering Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. R. White.
Doctoral Examination for Russell
Wilson, Education; thesis: "A Study
of Educational Specifications: Their
Evolution, Preparation, and Contents,"
Fri., Jan. 7, 4015 University High
School, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, H. R.
Doctoral Examination for Esther
Marcia LaRowe, Education; thesis: "The
Influence of Certain Non-School Fac-
tors on Children's Response to a Sixth-
Grade Physical Education Progran,"
Fri., Jan. 7, West Council Room,
Rackham Building, at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man, M. E. Rugen.
Room Assignments for Final Exami-
nations, English 1 and 2, Mon., Jan. 17,
2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
English I
Allison, 2016 AH; Austin, 2231 AH;
Barrows, 2413 MH; Bernard, 2003 AH;
Cannon, 207 Econ; Clugston, 2215 AH;
Cobb, 429 MH; Cooper, 2029 AH; Dickey,
1035 AH; Downer, Aud. A AH; Elevitch,
2042 NS; Engel, E. 2413 MH; English,
2235 AH. Fisher, 2029 AH; ,Glenn, 2013
AH: Gohn, 215 Econ; Green, M. 2082 NS;
Greenbaum, 102 Ecoq; Guth, 229 AH;
Harder, 25 AH; Helm, Aud. C. AH; Hen-
dricks, 2225 AH; Hoffman, 2054 NS;
Hooks, 2412 MH; Hughes, 13 Tap; Hynes,
2037 AH; Jackson, 1035 AH; Kaufman,
2003 AH; Keith, 25 AH; King, 101 Econ;
Kingston, 2235 AH; Kinney, 110 Tap;.
Levin, G. 229 AH; Levin, M. 101 Econ;
Lid, 109 Tap; Limpus, 25 AH; Madden,
2402 MH; Manierre, 2014 AH; Mason,
1007 AH; Miller, Aud. B AH; Morillo,
2429 MH; Muehl, Aud. A AH; Newman,
231 AH; Orlin, Aud. A AH; Parsons,
4054 NS; Porter, 2 Tap; Rice, Aud. A
AH; Rockas, 2408 MH; Rus, 25 AH;
Russell, 203 Econ; Schmerl, 3010 AH;
Schwab, 3 Tap; Shupe, Aud. A AH;
..Doctoral Examination for Paul Fredrik
Thams, Education; thesis: "A Factor
Analysis of the Lincoln-Oseretsky Mot-
or Development Scale," Sat., Jan. 8,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
9:30 a~m, Chairman, I H. Anderson
Doctoral Examination for Herbert Bo-
wen Pahl, Biological Chemistry; thesis:
"Some Aspects of Galactose Metabolism
in the Mammalian Organism," Sat.,
Jan. 8, 317 West Medical Bldg., at 8:30
a.m. Chairman, R. L. Garner.
Juvenile Delinquency Proseminar. So-
ciology 259. This course WILL be offer-
ed in the second semester, beginning
Wed., Feb. 9 A late change of plans by
the Sociology Department cancels the
statement in the Graduate and Under-
graduate Announcements that the
course would be bracketed in 1954-55. It
will be offered. Carrying two hours of
credit and open to graduates and to
approved seniors, this course will deal
with the research literature in the de-
linquency field and will be conducted
as a workshop devoted to the drafting
of aypracticable program for delin-
quency control In rural and urban
counties in Michigan. Hours to be ar
ranged. Organization meeting, Room
613, Haven Hall, Wed., Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m.
Instructor, Prof. Carr.
Doctorial Examination for DavidVan
Vranken 'Wend, Mathematics; thesis:
"Branched Regular Curve Families and
Finite Asympototic Paths of Analytic
Functions", Sat., Jan. 8, 3012 Angell
Hall, at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, W. Kap-
University of Michigan Symphony
Band, 'William D. Reveli, Conductor,
will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Jan.
7, in Hill Auditorium, as a feature of
the 10th Annual Midwestern Music Con-
ference being held in Ann Arbor Jan.
7-8. The program will include com-
positions by Walton, Rossini, Jacob,
Marinuzzi, Bach, Reed, Dvorak, Osser,
Goldman, Bilik, and Sousa. Open to
the public without charge.
Stanley Quartet Concert Cancelled.
The concert by the Stanley Quartet
scheduled for Sun. afternoon, Jan. 9,
in Rackham Lecture Hall, has been can
celled due to the illness of Robert
Courte, violinist.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Michigan Printmakers Society,
Jan. 3-23. Hours: 9:00-5:00 p.m. week-
days, 2:00-5:00 p.m. on Sundays. The
liublic is invited.
Events Today
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club at 7:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 7,
at Canterbury House. The Reverend
Charles Braidwood of Grace Church, La-
peer, will speak on "A Yank at Canter-
Newman Club-Hockey Hop Mixer
Fri., Jan. 7, at the Father Richard Cen-
ter, from 9:00-12:00 pm. Entertainment
during intermission, refreshments.
Coffee Hour will be held in the Li-
brary at Lane Hail Fri. from 4:15-6:00
p.m. Dr. Nicholas Goncharoff and Dr.
Frank R. Barnett, who work with refu-
gees from Communist dominated coun-
tries, will be presented for Iforma
discussion. The Roger Williams Group
is Guild host.
Hot Luncheon for all students of the
School of Music, Fri., Jan. 7, from
12:00-1:00 p.m. at Lane Hall. Price 65c.
Co-sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota and
the M.E.N.C. Student Chapter.
3DB(EvaOH.;..(oO(i'o zlAo
Wesleyan Guild Fri., Jan, 7. Square
dance and party in the Lounge, 8:00
Hilel: Fri, Evening Services sponsored
by Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority. 7:15
p.m., main chapel.
Coming Events
2nd Laboratory Playbill, presented by
the Department of Speech, will be
staged in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre, at 8:00 p.m., Thurs. and Fri.,
Jan. 13 and 14. Included on the play-
bill are the premiere performances of
three student-written one-act plays:
Bethany Lovell Wilson's Careless Wild-
erness; Paul Rebillot's The Foolish
One; and Leo Rockas' A Connecticut
Comedy. All seats are reserved at 30c
each. Tickets go on sale at the Lydia
Mendelssohn'Theatre Box Office at 10:00
a.m., Mon., Jan. 10.
Pershing Rifles. Attention all pledges.
Meet at TOB at 1300 hrs. Sat., Jan. 8
for the informal initiation. Dress for
the weather.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Telephone NO 2 3-24-11
I ;
AP Foreign News Analyst
N EFFECT, President Eisenhower has told
the nation in his State of the Union mes-
sage that while "today the world is at peace,"
in actuality peace is impossible in today's cir-
That paradox 'was implicit in the message.
It is a bitter paradox, and it was there be-
cause of a much more bitter one expressing the
credo of Soviet Communism: that peace is only
an extension of war.
President Eisenhower expressed a noble aim
for American policy: encouragement of "the
Pfnr.+ haincr asw rmnra+ hp nfp r nf~inc+t
liance of the Soviet Communists on military
forces ... their steadily growing power includes
an increasing strength in nuclear weapons.
This power, combined with the proclaimed
intentions of the Communist leaders to com-
munize the world, is the threat confronting
us today."
jF THE Soviet regime continues to rely on
force, and if that regime is dedicated to
the aim of communizing the world, then such
a thing as disarmament becomes impossible,
and the United States continues to live in a
state of suspension between war and peace.
Tmnlicit in the Presidlnt's reviewuma sthe rcn-