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THE a iuaiE i.A1l Jfh . ly a*ti.kkJ
ockey Squad To Face Colorado College
Michigan's unbeaten Wolverines
open their 18 game Western Hock-
ey League season tonight in Colo-
rado Springs, Colorado, as they
) take on the rugged Colorado Col-
lege Tigers in the fabled Broad-
moor Ice Palace.
Another tilt between Michigan
and Colorado College is scheduled
for tomorrow night, and next Tues-
day and Wednesday nights will
find the Wolverines battling Den-
ver University in the "Mile-High
Michigan's small squad will be
a definite underdog in both series
despite the fact that it is unbeaten
in pre-season exhibition tilts with
Canadian teams.
Colorado Team "Tops"
r Michigan coach Vic Heyliger
ranks the Colorado College and
Denver squads as the league's best,
even better than Minnesota. Depth
and experience can be found in
abundance on both of the Colorado
The Tigers of Cheddy Thompson
lost only one key man from last
year's team, goalie Ken Kinsley.
Back from last year's team are
such stalwarts as Doug Silverberg,
Bob Rompre, Don Demore, Hal
Cowan, Gene Daniels, and Phil Hil-
ton, and even though this squad
was beaten twice by Michigan last
season, it has acquired 12 rookie
skaters of top notch caliber that
may make the difference between
victory or defeat over the Wolver-
The Colorado roster lists 25 play-
ers in all, a little over twice the
size of the Michigan team, which is
now whittled down to 11 men. The
Tigers already boast lopsided vic-
tories over St. Thomas and the
Prince Albert Mintos.
Moving on to Denver, Michigan
will take on the top team in the
WHL standings. Earlier this week,
Denver smashed North Dakota 8-3,
and tied the Nodaks in the second
game, 4-4.
The Pioneers are so deep that
they have four complete lines, in-
cluding veterans. Neil Celley, who
once played beneath Vic Heyliger
at Michigan, is coach of Denver,
DEADLY DENVER DEFENSEMEN-will pose quite a threat to Michigan's Wolverines next Tuesday
and Wednesday nights. They are (left to right) Ray Wolke, Ken Raymond, and Bill Abbott.
and has back such stars as Joe and a rookie defenseman who ter- The Pioneers also boast victor-
Kilbey, Bill Abbott, Ken Raymond, rorized the Prince Albert team, Or- ies over Prince Albert and Great
and Ray Wolke. Dale Walker will ville Off, is expected to be much Falls.
take over Bill Begg's goalie slot, in evidence. The outlook appears bleak for
Michigan. Heyliger is very pessi-
mistic over Wolverine hopes, espe-
cially now that star defenseman
Bob Schiller is out of action. Sciil-
lcr who suffered a broken cheek
and a crushed sinus in the Mon-
treal series, is recuperating from
an operation.
The already short-handed Mich-
igan squad is therefore even small-
er for Heyliger took only 11 men to
Colorado Springs. Former defense-
man Neil Buchanan will take Schil-
ler's spot, and Yves Hebert will
move into Buchanan's front line
This set of series is crucial to
Michigan hopes if it plans to return
to the Broadmoor in March for its
eighth consecutive shot at the
Doing Well
University Hospital yesterday
revealed that the operation on
Michigan defenseman Bob
Schiller was a success, and that
if no complications set in he
should be ready for the Michi-
gan State Series.
Incidentally, it was revealed
yesterday that the man who
did the 45 stitch job on Schiller
at the Coliseum last Saturday
was University Health Service
physician, Dr. David Valder,
not Michigan trainer Karl Is-
NCAA title. To gain an NCAA tour-
ney bid, the Wolverines must fin-
ish first or second among such
competition as Denver, Colorado
College, Minnesota, North Dakota,
Michigan State, and Michigan
Each game on this western trip
counts a big two points in the
league standings, for these will be
the only meetings with these foes
during the season. The blue chips
are down right from the start-
and the Wolverines may have lots
of trouble raking them in.
Hendricks Wins Two Firsts
In Intra squad Track Meet,
Juniors and seniors, led by Tom
Hendricks who captured two firsts,.
regained status lost from last
year's defeat, by beating sopho-
mores and freshmen 8812 to 7 /2
in last night's Christmas time
Hendricks, who was the only
double winner, took firsts in the
60 yard dash and 65 yard low hur-
dles. He sprinted the lows in the
speedy time of :07.5, only one-
tenth of a second off the field
house record.
The only dramatic finish of the
night was provided in the two
mile run. Ron Wallingford start-
ed off at the head of the pack and
set the pace all the way, pulling
farther and farther ahead, until
the final 220. Then Geof Dooley,
who had been running second and
was nearly 40 yards behind, turn-
ed on a terrific kick and began to
gain on Wallingford. Amid a roar
from the meager crowd, Dooley
caught Wallingford and broke the
tape, winning by three feet.
Canham Pleased
Coach Don Canham was very
pleased with Captain John Moule's
effort in the mile run. Moule
started out in front and contin-
ually pulled away from his compe-
tition, finishing in the very good
time of 3:08. Another of Canham's
happy moments came when fresh-
man Dick Hill won the 65 yard
high hurdles, breaking the fresh-
man record in the process.
Another freshman triumph was
Eeles Landstrom's first in the pole
vault. Lanstrom, who is from Fin-
land and holds of European pole
vault crown, cleared the bar at
14' 2", a very encouraging per-
>Hoopsters Open our Tomorrow Night
formance. Two other lower class-
men gained firsts in the meet,
sophomores Dave Owens and
George White. Owens triumphed
in the shot-put and White leaped
21' 2" to win the broadjump.
Gray Wins
Pete Gray took his speciality,
the half mile, in the fine time of
1:57.8. Gray proved himself the
old pro in an amusing false start.
The starter's gun went off by ac-
cident before any of the runners
were set in their starting positiops.
Gray was the only man who got
away from the starting line.
Other winners of the night were
Senior Grant Scruggs in the 440,
with a time of :50.8, and Junior
Mark Booth in the high jump; who
cleared the bar 6' 4".
New Year
f romM
The Daily
Sports Staff
Washington of St. Louis
First Foe in Xmas Trip
A five-game holiday schedul
cogfronts Michigan's basketbal
squad, including three road games
The jaunt starts tomorrow nigh
at St. Louis, where Coach Bill Per
igo's cagers clash with Washing
ton University. From there the Wol
verines move out to Colorado to
battle the University of Denver
next Monday, closing out the tour
next Wednesday night at Salt Lake
City against Brigham Young.
Returning home, the Maize and
Blue quintet meets Valparaiso on
Dec. 30for its final game of 1954
and opens the Big Ten season at
Indiana on Monday, January 3.
Perigo Comments
Reflecting on Wednesday's los-
ing tilt against Marquette, Coach
Perigo pointed out, "I thought we
played better ball against them
than we did against Butler, al-
though we lost." Perigo explained
this by indicating that the Wolver-
ines still lack a strong bench, due
to injuries and poor physical con-
dition. "If you don't have reserve
players, you don't have anything,"
he reflected.
Perigo was nevertheless optimis-
tic. He emphasized that none of the
physical handicaps are permanent,
and seemed to think that the squad
would be in good condition by the
time the Big Ten campaign started,
or shortly afterward.
Among those mentioned were
Captain Paul Groffsky, who is in
poor condition generally and par-
ticularly is suffering from sore leg
muscles; Tom Jorgenson, starting
forward, who is having difficulty
with the blood circulation in his
leg, due to an intramural football
injury; and Tom Maentz and Ron
Kramer, the football ends, whose
legs .still have to become accus-
tomed to the transition to basket-
Barron, Eaddy Off
In addition, the front-line guards,
Jim Barron and Don Eaddy, both
normally high scorers, were off
their usual games against Mar-
quette. As Perigo pointed out, "Don
just wasn't hitting Wednesday
The coach seemed to think that
when the squad does attain its top
physical condition, the question of
depth will be answered. He praised
such newcomers as Guard Jim
Shearon, who sports an average of
8.3 points per game thus far, for-
wards Kramer and Maentz, who
give size to the forward line, and
another forward, Milt Lingle, a
sophomore from Dowagiac, Mich.
Perigo also gave a vote of confi-
dence to Center Harvey Williams,
who, he said, is improving with
each game.
Washington Strong
The Wolverines will open the
pending tour against a strong
Washington club, according to Per-
igo. He points out that the St. Louis
aggregation has already whipped
Southern Methodist, which, in turn,
e has' beaten always-dangerous In-
l diana. Last season the Wolverines
. topped Washington by one point,
t 62-61, at Yost Field House.
Next on the list, Denver promis-
- es to throw plenty of height against
- Michigan, if nothing else. Although
it lost seven men by graduation and
last year tied for last place in the
tough Skyline Conference, Coach
Hoyt Brawner is looking for a bet-
ter year because of his mammoth
Among the giants Michigan will
have to worry about are a 6-8 soph-
omore pivot man, Dick Brott, who
last year boasted a 17-point aver-
age per game; forwards Jerry
Hulstrom, 6-4 soph, ard Walt Wolf,
6-5 transfer from Kansas State;
and a pair of veteran guards--6-1
Glenn Buse and 6-4 Dale McCal-
NIT Participants
The Wolverines' next opponent,
Brigham Young, is also a member
of the Skyline Conference, but fin-
ished third last year. In addition,
it was the league's top scoring and
rebounding unit, and accepted a
bid to participate in the National
Invitational Tournament at New
York, which constantly features the
top teams in the country.
Although the loss of three start-
ers will detract somewhat in BYU's
scoring and rebounding punch, good
reserves should keep its squad
somewhere near the peak it at-
tained last season. Returning at
center is a 6-4 senior, Nick Matel-
jian, with another veteran, 6-1 jun-
ior Dave Lewis, at one of the guard
posts, and Terry Tebbs at the oth-
er. Best of the sophomore crop is
6-4 Lynn Rowe, who posesses both
speed and height.
Valparaiso Stronger
Coach Perigo promises that Val-
paraiso will provide much stiffer
competition for the Wolverines than
did last year's out-classed five. As
most fans will remember, a new
one-game scoring record was set
by Michigan last year at Yost
Field House as the Maize and Blue
blasted the Indiana school, 100-
62, a mark which was broken in
this season's home opener against
Indiana, although set back by the
loss of veterans Bob Leonard, Dick
Farley, and Charley Kraak, must
be regarded as tough, especially
with 6-10 Center Don Schlundt back
at the pivot. Schlundt, an almost
unanimous choice in pre-season rat-
ings for an All-American rating,
has been continuing his phenomen-
al scoring, despite early-season de-
feats by Missouri and SMU.
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
will lead the Wolverine cagers on their three-game tour of the
Lokeni, 'M' Gymnasts To Visit
Florida Clinic During Recess
Say Hey!
Mays Cops
NEW YORK (A)--Willie Mays,
the acrobatic centerfielder who
won the National League batting
championship and helped the New
York Giants sweep the pennant
and World Series, yesterday was
voted most valuable player in the
Down in San Juan where he is
leading the Puerto Rican Winter
League with a .428 average with
the Santurce club, Willie's com-
ment was a characteristic, "That's
Mays took the award in stride,
commenting that he thought
Johnny Antonelli, his Giants'
teammate, had a good chance of
winning it.
Kluszewski Second
Antonelli, however, didn't re-
ceive as much support as some
thought he would get. The final
totals of the vote by the 24-man
committee (three f r o m each
league city) of the Baseball Writ-
ers Assn. of America, rated Mays,
Cincinnati's Ted Kluszewski, An-
tonelli, Brooklyn's Duke Snider
and New York's Alvin Dark in,
that order.
Mays received 16 of the 24 firsts
and Kluszewski, who led both
leagues with 49 homers and 141
runs batted in, drew seven firsts.,
The other first place vote went
to Dark.,
On the basis of points, 14 for
first, 9 for second and so on, Mays
had 283, Kluszewski 217, Antonel-
li 154, Snider 135 and Dark 110.-
Musial Sixth
Stan Musial of St. Louis, win-
ner in 1943-46-48, finished sixth
with 97 points, followed by Phil-,
adelphia's Robin Roberts, 70. Mil-
waukee's Joe Adcock 60, Brook-;
lyn's Pee Wee Reese 53, and Gil
Hodges, 40.
While the North shivers through
a frosty Christmas, gymnastics
coach Newt Loken and a number of
his athletes will be enjoying the
temperature climate of Sarasota,
Florida, as they attend the Florida
Gymnastics Clinic from Dec. 27 to
All will not be sunshine and sand,
however. The clinic provides coach-
es and athletes with the opportu-
nity to exchange views on gymnas-
tics and to work on the finer points
of the sport.
Idea Not New
The clinic idea is a growing one
in many collegiate sports besides
* * *
Night Editor
Buy and UIse
Christmas Seals
gymnastics. Athletes have a chance
to watch each other work out, and
to discuss style, form and tech-
niques without the cut-throat pres-
sure of competition.
Cities which sponsor the clinics
go out of their way to provide the
best for the athletes and coaches.
Gymnasts at the Sarasota clinic
will be offered special room rates
of $2.00 per man at a local motel.
The Sarasota Chamber of Com-
merce, along with the Gymnastics
Committee, is going all out to ob-
tain fine work out facilities, besides
offering several side-line events,
such as fishing trips, excursions,
beach-parties, and swimming.
Earl Riskey is one man who
virtually lives sports.
Riskey, who is in charge of
Michigan's intramural athletics
program, leads a life which keeps
h~im in constant contact with
sports almost every day.
Riskey got his start in athletics
in his home town-Springfield,
Ohio-competing in nearly every
varsity sport in high school. He
got into YMCA work in Spring-
field, and went on to head 'Y' ath-
letic programs insToledo and in
two towns in Mississippi.
From his 'Y' activities, Riskey
went to Michigan State Normal
College at Ypsilanti as a part-time
member of the physical education
staff, meanwhile working toward
a degree in physical education. He
coached freshman football, gym-
nastics, and swimming, and han-
dled some physical education
Receives Degree
After receiving his degree at
Normal, Riskey was named ath-
letic director at Roosevelt High in
Ypsilanti, which is connected with
Normal just as University High is
connected with Michigan. After a
short time, he shifted his allegi-
ance to .Central High in Ypsi as
athletic director.
After serving in this capacity for
SI-M Sports Director Leads Athletic: Life
a while, Riskey came to Michi-
gan, where he has been for 27
years. After about 15 years as as-
sistant, he became top man, ac-
cording to Riskey, in "about '43,
if my memory serves me correct-
Riskey's modesty prevents him
from making the outright state-
ment that Michigan has the best
intramural sports program in the
country, but is eager to present
facts which will support such a
claim. "Of course, we try to make
it so," he assures.
"Our Own Building"
"One thing which makes our
program successful," Riskey says,
"is that we have an Intramural
Building, which is used almost
solely for intramural athletics.
Other schools have to share their
field houses with their school
teams, and have to take the space
that the school teams don't
need." Michigan is the only school
in the country with such a build-
In addition, Michigan's pro-
gram presents 36 sports, without
a doubt the top number in the
country. "I don't know of any
other school with that many,"
Riskey emphasizes.
Riskey explains that the pres-
ent setup used has evolved over
the years. "We exchanged ideas
with other schools," he reveals.
"We have a Western Conference
meeting every year at which we've
exchanged methods with every
other school in the Big Ten."
Among the features offered at
the I-M Building and in its pro-
gram are an organized program of
competition for the faculty, which
is, according to Riskey, quite .in-
usual; a course in life-saving; a
well-organized locker and towel
service; a rental library, contain-
ing several books on sports; a co-
recreational program, held every
Friday night during the school
year; and an International Cen-
ter, which is comprised solely of
students from other countries, and
which offers special groups in-
structibn to any of these students
who may desire to learn the fun-
damentals of a certain sport.
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
715 N. University
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I set my sights on Esquire. It took 18 years of hard work to achieve
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essay writer, advertising copy writer and trade paper editor."
Practice - Tests
Raise Grades
Psychologists advise pr--ce
on the exact task that you must
later perform. If you want to
do well on exams, practice an-
swering exam questions. Flash-
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and self-recitation. But it's Ex-
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