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December 17, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-17

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IAAA Ajtlc"k6AIN

klkt JDAY, IUL(.rEMJ .i It 17, 1954

PA(iE FOUR ki61DA~, D~CEM kJA~ 12, ~954

For Yule, From Us 5
TO THE Hatchers, Seasons Greetings To Frankena, Maurer, Pollock, Rice
To the Regents, merry meetings, A request for final test advice
Joyous Noel to Dean Bacon To Ned Simon, a beribboned gavel
Cheer, to candidates forsaken To Mark Gallon, increase in travel
Many happy returns to Dean Rea
TO Dave Kessel, a droll Noel
For football players, tougher muscles To John Baity, Hazel Frank, Skol!
Vic Heyliger, injuryless tussles. Stan Levy and Lucy Landers, Hail!
To Branoff, Baldacci, Walker, Wassail!
To harried editors later deadlines, To Gwen Arner many curtain calls
Hungry "dormers" shorter breadlines A holiday rest for the residence halls
Skol to James A. Lewis, Veep To Tawfiq Khoury wise council abundant
To Bennie Oosterbaan, no cause to weep To English 1 profs, nothing redundant. '
To League and Union, wishes hearty
To Panhel, IFC, party, party TO Angell's corridors expanded walls
To Daily Reviewers, a kindly letter Lebensraum in Haven/Mason Halls.
To DAC, attendance better. To Jelin, Steve and Messinger, Dee
Thanks, for your parts in 'U' history
AY to Davis from St. Nick For the YD's dreams of Adlai
To Burton Tower a louder tick To YR's, Ike, they need him badly
Fame to you Inez Pilk And ring a merry Christmas bell
To Mendes-France a glass of milk For Citizen Clardy and LYL.
To women in Lloyd, roller skates
To blas6 juniors, freshman dates FROM Aamodt, Dick to Zyzyk, Pat
To Union Opera, good reviews Holiday cheer and high hopes that
G To CSP, more members' dues Everyone who faced registration,
To SGC, a quick approval All faculty, administration
For all, the driving ban removal. Will have .. .
T Preston Slosson lots of sun A MERRY CHRISTMAS
To Misheloff, Ruth, bad poets none and
To Dr. Bell appropriations A HAPPY NEW YEAR
To '55, '56, '57, '58 graduations -The Daily Staff


"Dear, I Still Think We Should Have Had This
Cleared With The Department"
( I
1 ,ot «.K~tN6TCI PJ m


Dramatic Arts Center .. .
LAST NIGHT'S performance at Masonic Auditorium demonstrated
that The Dramatic Arts Center has well-nigh come of age. The
production was coherent, the play was realized to an extent that the
first two were not. Playing before a first-night audience that must
have been, for the players, disappointingly small, they nevertheless
gave a spirited performance.
The play is not handled academically, but this is not to say it has
been "adapted" particularly to suit contemporary notions of what a
comedy must be. Joseph Gistirak's direction stresses, for instance, a
more stylized movement on stage than what one usually finds in pro-
ductions of Shaw or of contemporary writers. However, Gistirak gets
this delightful archaic flavor without overdoing it-the actors move
with the Casy formality of dancers in a minuet.
This note of restraint, of not overdoing a good thing, characterizes
the entire production. Ralph Drischell's delightful portrayal of Mr.
Hardcastle is perhaps the clearest example of it. In playing this
crotchety, much put upon old man, Drischell allows himself a few
very funny slapsticky double-takes and harrumphs in the manner of
the redoubtable Mr. Magoo. But he does not allow the Magoo elements
to subdue Hardcastle-who is after all, a member of the gentry and
something of an aristocrat.
The other characters are, practically without exception, acted with
the same subtlety and intelligence. Irma Hurley is an excellent Kate
Hardcastle; she is arch and frivolous, yet somehow dignified enough
so that we do feel she is "stooping to conquer."
The scenes in which Mrs. Hardcastle and her oafish son, Tony
Lumpkin, have at each other are marvellously funny. Ruth Volners acts
the part of the flighty, vain, middle-aged woman with assurance;
and Coco remarkable comic talents are better displayed in this role
than they were in his previous two this season.
Paul Carr and Robert Kingston do a fine job of presenting the
play's two elegant young aristocrats. Kingston's composure is the per-
fect foil for the harassed Carr, who must be rakish in the barroom and
super-genteel in society, and is forever getting the roles mixed up.
There is something very festive about thbi prodction; its inci-
dental music has a carousel gaiety that is carried through the entire
performance. It's an entirely appropriate play for the holiday season.
Bob Holloway
Washington Merry-Go-Round

Believe It or Not,
You Believe in Santa Claus

N AN AGE when and at a university where
cynicism is something to be admired, not
many worry about the question, "Is there a
Santa Claus?" In fact, anyone who does ask
such an obsolete question finds his sense of
humor quite unappreciated.
A negative answer is taken for granted. It's
too easy to discover, by applying scientific
principles of guaranteed effectiveness and irre-
futable arguments of unquestionable logic, that
it is all a lot of rot to keep the kids happy.
The plain truth of the matter is that care-
ful analysis will show it can no more be prov-
en that there is no Santa Claus than it can
be that there is. Yet, in face of all this doubt,
once a year men dress up in red suits and
whiskers. Someone's crazy, either those who
doubt or those who believe.
M OST EVERYONE would agree that the ques-
tion should be phrased, "Do you believe
in Santa Claus?" Further, it must be admitted
that Santa Claus does not refer to a whiskered
soul in a red suit who is but a symbol of the
real Santa Claus.
The question boils down to whether you be-
lieve in generosity, in love, in friendship, in
kindness, all of which have strength enough

each year to push through window displays and
the latest in tree decorations to make Christ-
mas what it is supposed to bO.
It is not enough that you believe in these
'things. To believe in Santa Claus you must put
them into practice. You must be generous, lov-
ing, friendly, and kind despite the urge to shell
out a few bucks and "get it over with." Then
you believe in Santa Claus.
W HAT ABOUT those who don't believe in
Santa Claus, or do not even believe in
believing? We all know they are deceiving
themselves, for, if given the opportunity, they
are generous and kind and thoughtful; they
do believe in Santa Claus. And they do so all
year, but especially at Christmas Time.
As we prepare to return home for Christmas,
we might remember that. we really do believe
in Santa Claus, if only to the extent that we
never give up hope. Maybe we won't climb down
any chimneys with any bundles, but we would
like to see all our friends happy just the same.
Christmas provides an excellent opportunity
to reflect that the world isn't really so bad, be-
cause none of us are as bad as we would like
to pretend.
-Jim Dygert

Christmas Parties .. .
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH the hospital Christ-
mas parties have been suc-
cessfully completed, we of the
Union and the League would like
to express our appreciation for the
response of the groups and indi-
viduals on campus.
Special thanks go to the enter-
tainers who put in time and mile-
age, both on foot and in cars, be-
tween the various hospitalstand
the numerous wards. Among those
entertaining were Jerry Bilik,
Faith Cook, Mabel Hauze, Gene
Jones, Nan Kovack, Don Kenny,
Bill Modlin, Ida Nyberg, the
Psurfs, Enrigue Siblas' Quatro,
Lucy Stansbury, Gail Stratton,
Dawn Waldron, Al Wahl, and
Elaine Wright. Others participat-
ing in the programs were M.C.'s
Dick Balzhiser and Tim Green.
The turnout of volunteers from
the various women's housing
groups was tremendous. Our only
regret was that we were unable to
contact all the girls who wanted
to help. We would like to thank
those who did actually participate
along with all those who volun-
A great deal of cooperation was
shown by both the Panhellenic
and Assembly Associations. Spe-
cial thanks go to Kappa Alpha
Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Al-
pha Phi, Kappa Delta, Collegiate
Sorosis and Chicago House.
The various committees at the
Union were also cooperative, with
special thanks going to the publi-
city committee.
We believe that this project has
served as a corner stone for fur-
thering relations between the stu-
dents and the community. We
hope to carry on many more ac-
tivities in which there will be as
much cooperation and initiative
shown within the student com-
-Joan Hyman
League, Community Service

Opera Performance ...
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING is a fair and
reasonable review, in Sun-
day's Lansing State Journal of
the Union Opera performance
Saturday evening. Critics take no-
"U.M. Opera 'Hail to Victor'
Scores with Scores Worthy of
Once upon a time co-education
came to the U. of M., but it
couldn't possibly have arrived with
half the hilarity presented by that
institution's Union Opera Satur-
day night in their 35th annual pro-
duction "Hail To Victor" at J. W.
Sexton High School auditorium.
"The whimsical interpretation
of the advent of co-education in
Ann Arbor was easily one of the
best of recent years. The all-male
cast, caught up in a collection of
catchy tunes, enjoyed itself. As a
result, so did the audience. Cur-
tain calls were frequent, and fav-
orable comment on individual por-
trayals was plentiful. Put on by
the Mimes, "Hail to Victor" was
notable for its score by Paul Mc-
Donough, Richard Seid, Red John-
son and Murry Frymer. If some
of these lads wind up as future
Rogerses and Hammersteins, we
won't be surprised.
"The story line of "Hail to Vic-
tor" was slender enough, but no-
body cared. It was enough to car-
ry the musical comedy, thanks to
good individual performances and
that really solid musical score.
"Ray Bahor played Mamie Di-
agonal to the hilt. Other outstand-
ing actors included Earl Sayer,
David Cobb, Irv Tobocman, Don
Cohodes and Tom Lewy. Gordon
Epding as 'Victor Valiant' was ex-
"Fred Evans, well-known to
Broadwayites, placed his stamp
on this year's show with his fine
"It lived up to its 35-year-old
tradition of good entertainment.
"Saturday evening's perform-
ance was sponsored by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Lan-
sing, with all proceeds going into
the organization's scholarship
fund for the benefit of deserving
students from the mid-Michigan
-Harry Blum, '57L

Foreign Students Can Only
See One Side of Niagara

LAST WEEK in Washington, a committee of
the National Association of Foreign Stu-
dent Advisors was appointed to bring before
the Departments of State and Justice a report
concerning an immigration law.
The issue involved centered about a regula-
tory interpretation of the McCarran-Walter
Immigration Act which was passed in 1952.
This regulation, stated that student or ex-
change visitors' visas would be issued on a
"single entry" basis. This meant that foreign-
ers entered the country obtained one visa; once
they crossed the United States Border they
could not legally reenter the country without
obtaining another permit.
What were the reasons for the regulation?
Since many foreign countries had previously
adopted the single entry provision, the Unit-
ed States decided to take reciprocal action.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.......................... ..City Editor
Jon Sobeloff.....................,.. Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs. ..,................ Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........«............. Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart. ...... . ...... Associate Editor
Dave LU:ingston . ........ ..Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ............ Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer. ........ Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz................ Women's Editor
Joy Squirer, ..........,.., Associate women's Editor
Janet Smith.................Associate Women's Editor
Dean Mrrton.............. ....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.. ......... Business Manager
Phil Brunskill.............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise..............Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski................ Finance Manager

IMMIGRATION officials also hoped that the
passing of the new provision would do away
with a current problem. In some cases, foreign
students had used their freedom to cross the
Canadian border as a means of obtaining a
permanent visa to enter the United States.
Foreign students in the country today, par-
ticularly those attending colleges along the
Canadian and Mexican borders, are still feeling
the effects of the single-entry provision.
They are seldom able to return to their coun-
tries and say that they have viewed Niagra
from the Canadian'side. If a class is attending
a meeting or taking a field trip to either Cana-
da ,or Mexico the foreign students must
remain behind. It is hardly fair to blame the
Canadian or Mexican officials for their reluc-
tance in this matter as they have no assurance
that visitors to their countries will be able to
obtain another visa, and return.
IT APPEARS that so called "unarmed borders"
are becoming a mockery. A student who
has been cleared for entrance by proper au-
thorities is not free to cross over a line that
many Americans pass with little or no restric-
It would take action on the part of the Sec-
retary of State and the Attorney General to
remedy the situation. It is hoped that a blan-
ket waiver will be obtained allowing students
to cross the Canadian and Mexican borders
without a show of passports and other docu-
Such a solution would be benefical. Un-
doubtedly it would lead to a friendlier feeling
toward the United States.
-Mary Lee Dingier
N VotWith
A Ba
IT'SDARK here under the table.
But it's peaceful. Considering the circum-
stances, this is clearly the most sensible place

WASHINGTON - Civil Defense
has now decided the Presi-
dent's air-raid shelter, built for
FDR during World War II, is not
completely safe. It is no secret to
anyone that this is buried on the
White House grounds; so it's
feared that a direct H-bomb hit
would scoop the vaultlike shelter
right out of the earth.
As a result, President Eisenhow-
er has been assigned a secret, out-
of-town cave, where he will be
whisked, along with his top aides
and cabinet officers, in case of
an air raid. This gigantic, bomb-
proof cave is equipped with tons
of supplies and rations, special
electronics and radio gear, air fil-
ters and water purifiers-every-
thing necessary to run the nation
from an emergency headquarters.
The - President's exodus from
Washington, of course, depends
on adequate warning. The Air
Force hopes our radar screen in
Northern Canada will give Wash-
ington four hours' notice of an
enemy attack. If the warning is
too short, Ike will have to take his
chances in the White House shel-
This is a small, compact, sub-
terranean shelter, encased in four
feet of solid concrete, reinforced
with steel. It is equipped with its
own heating system, power plant,
comunications network and water
supply-all independent of the
city overhead.
Chief problem is that the White
House shelter will accommodate
only 20 to 25 persons. No list has
yet been drawn up as to who in
the White House would go with
the President and who would have
to take their chances with the out-
side populace.
Civil Defense has held several
practice "dry runs" to determine
how long it would take to evacu-
ate the President and his cabinet
to their secret hideaway, together
with 3,000 other top officials to
scattered relocation centers.
During one rehearsal, it was dis-
covered that a master file con-
taining essential data was still
back in Washington. As a result,
photostatic copies were made of
all important working files and
stored in the emergency head-
Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secre-
tary of Health, Education and
Welfare, also discovered that
high-heel shoes weren't the best
fashion for air raids. The rough
cement floors of the Presidential
hideout scraped up her heels, gave
her trouble with her feet.
Friendly Rivals
GENIAL George Bender, newly
elected Senator from Ohio,
tells friends: "I was the only Sen-
ator who had to win three times.
I had to win the unofficial count,
then the official count, then
the recount."
George says this a little ruefully,
because he went through months
of campaigning, and then several
weeks of watching the recounting.
However, sitting in the Waldorf's
Norse Grill in New York the other

Burke, Democrat, called Bender
on the phone to congratulate him
and say he wanted to turn over
his files on West Point appoint-
The two rivals talked briefly and
"It's just too bad," said Ben-
der, "that both of us couldn't have
Correction: The Public Accounts
Subcommittee of the House Gov-
ernment Operations Subcommittee
which planned a study of Euro-
pean merchant marine costs did
not take its planned trip to Europe
as previously reported in this col-
umn. Staff members state that the
Committee has received a report
from the General Accounting Office
that European shipbuilding costs
are estimated at too low a figure,
because of which the U.S. Govern-
ment is paying U.S. shipping con-
cerns too high a subsidy, and the
House subcommittee had planned
to send seven members abroad to
study the matter: Bender of Ohio,
Osmers of N.J., McDonough, Calif.,
Hillelson, Mo., Republicans; with-
Karsten, Mo., Mollohan, W. Va.,
and Fountain, N.C. Though the
Committee still plans to make the
subsidy study, the trip has been
called off . . . Senator Watkins of
Utah got the second biggest hand
at the Gridiron Club dinner . .
The man who probably has the
longest recollection of Gridiron din-
ners is Eugene Meyer, Publisher
of the Washington Post and Times-
Herald. He recalls a gridiron
speech by Secretary of State Elihu
Root in 1908 which made a big hit.
William Jennings Bryan was invit-
ed to answer Root for the Demo-
crats. He arrived one hour late
with rumpled shirt, not in formal
evening dress. Despite this, he
outrooted Root. His speech brought
down the house.
Who Promoted Van Fleet?
who was given a long overdue
testimonial dinner the other day,
tells friends privately how Queen
Frederika of Greece came to see
him secretly in London some years
ago and asked him to do some-j
thing to save Greece.
Marshall told her she was very
naughty to approach him direct,
since it is improper for the head
of a government to make a formal
request of a U.S. military man.
However, he acted anyway, and
later sent Gen. James Van Fleet to
reorganize the then demoralized
Greek Army.
Van Fleet had been the victim
of an Army red-tape snafu. Just
as someone went wrong and pro-
moted Peress, someone also went
wrong and got Van Fleet confused
with another Van Fleet, consid-
ered too unstable for high rank.
General Marshall finally got the
two Van Fleets straightened out
and sent the right Van Fleet to
Greece, where he did a fine job,
later went to Korea.
More recently, Van Fleet, retir-
ed from Korea by Eisenhower,
joined the Ten Million Americans
for McCarthy. But when McCar-

The Daily Officiai Bulletin 1i an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daiiy assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice. to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 72
The General Library will observe the
following schedule during the holiday
Open:Fri., Dec. 17, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Mon. - Thurs., Dec. 20-23, 8:00 a.m.-
6:00 p.m. Mon. - Thurs., Dec. 27-30,
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Fri., Dec. 31, 8:00
am. -5:00 p.m.
Closed: Fri., Dec. 24. Sat., Dec. 18
(*Dec. 25, and Jan. 1). Sun., Dec. 19,
26, and Jan. 2.
*Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
The Divisional Libraries will be open
on shortened vacation schedules on the
days that the General Library is open.
The hours are 10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-
4:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Sched-
ules will be posted on the door of each
individualelibrary and information a
to hours of opening may be obtained
by calling University Ext. 652.
Women's Swimming Pool Vacation
Hours. The Women's Pool will be open
from 7:15-9:15 p.m. on the following
evenings during the Christmas vaca-
tion :
Fri., ,Dec. 17 -- Faculty Night
Sun., Dec. 19 - Michigan Night
Sun., Dec. 26 - Michigan Night
Sun., Jan, 2 - Michigan Bight
The Women's Pool will be open for
inspection by visitors only from 4:00-
5:00 p.m. daily (except Christmas and
New Year's Eve) Mon. through Thura.
Applications for the New York State
Dept. of Civil Service exams for Pro-
fessional and Technical Assistants must
be in by Dec. 17.
A reminder to those students living
in the New Jersey area who are inter-
ested in retailing careers: the Career
Open House will be held at L. Bamberg-
er Co., Newark, N.J. from. Mon., Dec.
27 through Thurs., Dec. 30, beginning
at 10:30 a.m. Both men and women
are invited.
New York State Civil Service Depart-
ment announces exams to be held Feb.
19, for the positions of Senior Physi-
cian, Assistant Director of Psychologi-
cal Services, Psychological Assistant,
Senior Mechanical Stores Clerk, Senior
Clerk (Maintenance), Parole Officer,
Thruway Promotion Rep., Factory In-
spector, Game Protector, Assist. in Test
Development. These are open to legal
residents of New York State. The fol-
lowing positions are open to any quali-
fied citizens of the United States: Sen-
ior Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Psy-
chologist, Senior Social Case Worker
(Child Welfare), Senior Social Case
Worker (Public Assistance), Chief Di-
etitian, Junior Sanitary Engineer, and
Junior Public Health Engineer. Appli-
cations must be in by Jan. 21.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Room 3528
Administration Bldg., Ext. 371.
Michigan Civil Service Commission
announces examinations for the fol-
lowing positions: Mobile X-Ray Unit
Operator I--one year of experience in
gen'l. medical x-ray work or comple-
tion of course in photofluorography,
Institution Safety Officer B-one year
of experience as a watchman or in
plant protection work, and Bridge De-
signing Engineer II and III-.Engrg.
degree from college and from one to
two' years experience as Engineer
Trainee I or II in structural design.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Room 3528
Administration Bldg., Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
History 93 examination Fri., Dec.
17, 1:00 p.m. A through M Auditorium
C, regular lecture room. N through Z
Room 25 Angeli Hall.
Logic seminar will not meet this week.
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Car-

noin ad nserie, under he dire-
tion of Dr. A. A. Christman; Room 319
West Medical Building, Fri., Dec. 17
at 10:15 a.m. Please note change in
Doctoral Examination for Seymour
Lieberman, Psychology; thesis: "The
Relationship between Attitudes and
Roles: A Natural Field Experiment,"
Fri., Dec. 17, 6625 Haven Hall, at 1:15
p.m. Chairman, Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for George A.
Be l, Political Science; thesis: "The
Michigan Municipal League: An Analy-
sis of Policies and Services," Fri., Dec.
17, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg.,
at 2:30 p.m.'Chairman, A. W. Bromage.
Doctoral Examination for Albertina
Adelheit Abrams, Education; thesis:
"The Policy of the National Education
Association toward Federal Aid to Edu-
cation (1857-1953)," Fri., Dec. 17, 4024
University High School, at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, C. Eggersten.
Doctoral Examination for Clayton
James:icher, Business Administration;
thesis: "Convertible Bonds and Pre-
ferred Stocks: an Analysis and Evalua-
tion of their Role as Capital Raising
Instruments," Mon., Dec. 20, 816 School
of Business Administration, at 9:00
a.m. Chairman, M. H. Waterman.
Doctoral Examination for Andrew
Turner, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"The Polymerization of Normal Octene-
1 with Anhydrous Aluminum Chloride,"
Wed., Dec. 22, 3201 East Engineering
Building, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, D. W.
Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth
Jane Lipford, Education; t h e s i s
"Teachers' Beliefs about Health Ap-
praisal," Mon., Jan. 3, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:15 p.m.
Chairman, M. E. Rugen.
Doctoral Examination for Ben Clifford



I I(


Jon Collins
Union, Publicity Comm.'

Interpreting the News

Associated Press News Analyst
THERE IS a growing uneasiness
in Western circles over de-
velopments in Indonesia.
Five will get you ten among
some pretty canny observers of
Southeast Asian affairs that there
will be a blowup there within the
next .year with every likelihood
that the government will fall into
the hands of the Communists.
The present Premier-it is a re-
publican form of government-
takes a line very close to that of
Premier Nehru of India. He claims
an independent foreign policy and
a progressive internal program
something like the New Deal. But
he accepts the political aid of the
Communists, and is opposed by
the Moslem and Socialist parties.
One reason for his ascendancy is
lack of cohesion among the wide-
spread Moslems.

Unlike the infiltrated brand of
communism which succeed in tak-
ing over Guatemala for a time,
communism developed more or
less independently in Indonesia as
an underground force against the
Japanese during the war. Its pow-
er is much greater than its formal
membership because large num-
bers of Indonesians, especially ed-
ucated people, pursue the Com-
munist line while hardly knowing
INDONESIA refuses almost all
cooperation with the West, and
has a large number of Chinese,
some of whom are suspected to
be Red infiltrators. The republic
has just lost an effort to get Uni-
ted Nations support for new ne-
gotiations with the Dutch over
cession of West New Guinea. The
West is not about to let this Paci-
fic stepping stone between Austra-
lia and the Orient fall into the
hands of such a doubtful govern-

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