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December 02, 1954 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-02

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£m'~AAk4 I3AL v ZI

Vivid Memories Still Linger
In Minds of 'M' Footbal }Fans

Topp, Former 'M' Gridder,
Stars With Football Giants

The 1954 Michigan football sea-
son is now history!
The vast Michigan Stadium now
stands deserted. Gone are the teem-
ing thousands, the thundering
bands, the pretty co-eds with the
big Maize and Blue Chrysanthe-
mums, and the waving flags.
Only memories remain. Memor-
ies of the giant Ron Kramer
reaching high into the air to spear
a crucial pass, memories of Tony
Branoff being carried from the'
field, perhaps for good. Memories
of the roaring comeback in the
Iowa game, and the horrendous
beating at the hands of Army.
It was a good season to most ob-
servers, better than most expected.
Finishing the season with a six
won, three lost, Michigan tied for
second place in what many call
America's toughest conference, the
Big Ten.
Despite the loss of such key men
as Branoff, and first stringers Jim
Bates and Jerry Williams, and
temporary losses of big Lou Bal-
dacci, and Ed Hickey, the Wolver-
ines astounded the experts by fin-
ishing the season as the 14th best
team in the nation according to
the AP poll.
Kramer Great Surprise
Perhaps the greatest surprise of
all was the arrival of one of the
greatest prospects in years, Ron
Kramer. Kramer, who snared 23
passes for 303 yards, scored 32
points, led the Big Ten in punting
with a 41-2 yard average, and
blocked three crucial punts, made
every "All-Midwest" squad, and
many All-American third teams.
A season like this as a sopho-
more caused many to shake their
heads with wonderment as to what
the future holds in store for the
big fellow.
The all-around play of quarter-
back-fullback Lou Baldacci was
another factor in the resurgence of
Bennie Oosterbaan's team into the
national gridiron picture. A great
line backer on defense, Baldacci
was second to Kramer in pass re-
ceiving with eight receptions for
211 yards and a touchdown. Even
more amazing is the fact that he
had an average of 26.4 yards per
reception. The all-around Akron
blockbuster finished second to Kra-
mer in scoring with 31 points, and
also managed to complete seven
forward passes for 71 yards.
Baer Most Valuable
Most valuable man on the en-
tire Michigan team this year from
the player's viewpoint was Fred
Baer, who continually tore the op-
posing lines to shreds with his dev-
astating line plunging. The La-
Grange senior fullback led the Wol-

. .. surprise sparkplug ,.. steady 'M' performer

turning in key fumble recoveries
throughout the season. Tommy
Maentz, and Ron Geyer round out
the starting line that caused ri-
val coaches more than one grey
hair throughout the season.
Wolverines Top Offensively
Cold statistics do not tell the
whole story. The team that topped
all others in the conference de-
fensively, and finished second to
Bowl-Bound OSU offensively, did
not gain these accomplishments
by a miracle.
It took hours of long, tedious
drilling on cold, windswept Ferry
Field every afternoon for several
months. Block and tackle, block
and tackle, tackle and block -
that's football, and the Wolver-
ines became used to digging their
noses out of the damp turf time
and time again.
Hours of skull sessions, and
coaching strategy went into the
season . . . movies, diagrams, re-
ports, and more reports.
All of this work paid off in the
big stadium here in Ann Arbor, the
modern arena under the shadow of
Mt. Ranier, the mud-soaked Dyche
Stadium in Evanston, and the huge
horseshoe at Columbus.
The uphill battle against injury
and inexperience was to all in-
tents and purposes won by the 1954
Wolverines. The gear is now stowed
away for another long year, and
the season is only a memory.
But it is this memory that will
live to become a vital link in the
great Michigan tradition-the tradi-
tion of Yost, of Crisler, and now of

verines in rushing with 439 yards5
on 107 tries for a 4.1 average and
it was he who turned the Iowa tilt
into a Michigan victory.
To many observers the most de-
pendable workhorse of the team
was Danny Cline, the steady half-
back who saved many a game with
a timely dash,-and nearly stunned
mighty Ohio State with his first
period touchdown jaunt. Cline led
the Michigan squad in total yard-
age with 682 yards and was second
in passing with 15 completions.
Another ray of light in the Wol-
verine picture was sophomore
quarterback Jim Maddock, who
was pulled off the bench into the
Iowa game, and proceeded to turn
defeat into victory. The Oak Park

Illinois rookie lead the Maize and
Blue in the passing department
with 16 completions.
Hickey Leads in Rushing
Another cog in the Big Blue ma-
chine was Ed Hickey, who despite
a smashed rib, managed to' lead
the team in the Big Ten rushing
statistics with 5.2 yards on 31 at-
Upfront in the Michigan line,
there were standouts aplenty. Art
Walker, the fierce senior tackle,
placed on several All-American
third teams, and made nearly ev-
ery All-Conference and All-Midwest
Captain Ted Cachey, and Cap-
tain-elect Ed Meads played steady
ball at the guards, with " Meads

Bob Topp, a familiar sports fig-
ure around Michigan last year
when he was a star performer at
left end, may be finally proving
himself in the pro ranks after
starting out with some initial dis-
Signed to the National Football
League's New York Giants, Topp
was cut from the squad before the
1954 season began. He was re-
* .
... now grid Giant
called later, however, when an-
other offensive end, Dick Wilkins,
was injured.
Stars in First Game
Topp wasted no time distinguish-
ing himself when his chance came.
In his first game, against the
Steelers, he grabbed a 13 yard
pass, the only one thrown to him,
and made it good for a touchdown.
He duplicated this feat for the
second week in a row against the
Philadelphia Eagles, this time on
a 19 yard pass play. This gives him
the distinction of having a perfect
record in the pass catching depart-
ment; 2 catches in 2 tries for 2
touchdowns in 2 games.
Topp's movement into the pro
ranks was probably no surprise to

Benny Oosterbaan, who thought
Topp improved more rapidly than
any other player he has coached.
"He developed from a gangling
youngster as a sophomore into an
excellent end. He has good hands
and a lot of courage," said Ooster-
baan of his former outstanding left
Gains Popularity
The popularity Topp has gained
among his new teammates is tre-
mendous. Head coach Jim Lee
Howell thinks much of the big
boost in team morale which the
Giants have experienced can be
traced to Topp. Howell says, "Bob
is the jokester of our club and
probably the best liked boy on the
team. He helps keep our team re-
laxed. He doesn't tighten up like
some of our other new men."
Proof of Topp's popularity came
after his success in the Steeler
game. "When he scored at Pitts-
burg," said Howell, "the whole
team went after him. They pound-
ed him so hard I was afraid they
might hurt him."
Night Editor

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OSU Main Threat to 1SwimAers

I I - -- -7.-



Give Useful
For Christmas


The Michigan-Ohio State rivalry,
moving from the football field to
the swimming pool, will again be
in the National spotlight if all goes
according to pre-season forecasts.
Ohio State has lost its great
freestyler Dick Cleveland, but its
other two Hawwiian greats, Ford
Konno and Yoshi Oyakawa are re-
turning for their final year of com-
Oyakawa, the unbeatable back-
stroker is the defending Big Ten'
and NCAA champion at both the
100 and 200 yard events.
Only Beaten Once
Konno, the diminutive middle
distance freestyler, was beaten
only once in Collegiate competition'
last year, that at the hands of
Michigan's Jack Wardrop in the
NCAA 220 yard freestyle event.
Konno broke the World record for
the 220 and 440 last season, as well
as winning the Big Ten and Na-
tiona 440 and 1500 meter events and
the Big Ten 220.
However, although Oyakawa ap-
pears to be far ahead of the back-
stroking field, Konno will have to
fight all out to retain his crowns.
The Buckeye speedster and War-
drop were involved in three or four
nip and tuck races last year, with
both men under the World record
in one race at the NCAA meet.
Against Oyakawa in the back-
stroke for Michigan will be Jim
Krutbers and Don Potter, unless
Coach Gus Stager chooses to use
one of his great medley artists,
Jack or Bert Wardrop or Bumpy
Jones. Bert Wardrop placed third
in the NCAA backstroke.
Replacing Cleveland, the Buck-I

eye sprinter who broke all existing Ohio State's divers who have held'
records for the 100 and 50 yard a monopoly on diving champion-1
events, will be Tom Whiteleather ships for several years face a rug-
who was right on Cleveland's heels ged test in Michigan's Jim Walters
all season. He placed third in the and Charley Bates.
Michigan meet a year ago behind Walters, who broke the Ohio-
his teammate and Michigan star ans' one-two punch of Morey Sha-
Don Hill. piro and Jerry Harrison in the Biga
Gora to Sprint Ten Meet last year wil: have the
Ron Gora will probably take on added advantage of his home pool
the sprinting chores for Michigan when the Buckeyes come to Mich-
in the 1955 season. He swam the igan for a dual meet. A year of
100 and 220 yard events last season, experience under Bruce Harlan's
making the All-American team at able tutelege will also be a great
both positions. aid.
Swim Squad To Stage
COmedy aler Carnval
Water ballet, comedy swimming Michigan's tank aces are ex-
and diving, and championship petted to gain most of the glory
swimming will all be packaged into in the AAU events. Such stars as
an evening of entertainment at= "Bumpy" Jones, Jack and Bert
th Pwate2r eni vl h d ld f

217 East Liberty St.



JANUARY 3-31 11

Sport Shirts by Shapely
$3.50 up
Beau Brummell Ties
$1 50 up
Jerk's Sox, 55c up
Gates Gloves
Bath Robes in Seersucker
Terry Cloths, $11 .95
Gabardines, $11 .95
Corduroys, $15.95

Topcoats with or without
zip in linings, $40.00 up
Smithison Suits $40.00 up
Slacks, $7.95 up
Sport Coats, $24.95 up
Jewelry by Pioneer
Bill Folds, $3.50 up
Shapely Shirts, $3.50 up
white or colored
Champ Hats, $5.00 up

ul,. ..wa..e ca vai s eectu e or
Friday evening at Varsity Pool.
Ann Arbor swimming fans will
get their first look at the 1955
edition of the Michigan swimming


Pioneer Suspenders and
Belts, $1.50 up
Suede Jackets, $22.50 up
Shortie Coats,
$24.95 and up
in plain, fancy and tweeds
Sweaters by Gantnor
$7.95 and up
Hankies, 35c up
Linen Hankies, 50c up



Wardrop, Mike Delaney, John
O'Reilly, Ron Gora, and Jim Kru-
thers will all be seeking AAU laur-
els, as will most of the other Wol-
verine varsity and freshman swim-

team in action in the 20th annual mIers.
Michigan Amateur Athletic Union As a part of its less serious mo-
championships, one part of the ments the carnival will include a
elaborate carnival, water ballet by the Michifish and
The Wolverines natators will a comedy ballet by Wolverine div-
also present major part of the ers Jim Walters and Charlie Bates.
comedy swimming and diving acts, Jack Wardrop and Gora will
which will include a diving routine perform a comedy swimming rou-
by Coach Bruce Harlan, a three-tine demonstrating varsious strokes
time national champion, and John
Murphy, ineligible for varsity com- from all over the world, includingj
petition this year due to his trans- the Tasmanian crawlstroke and
fer standing. the Egyptian sidestroke.

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