Gift Effects
On Children
University psychologists say that
there is no practical way to find
out what effect Christmas toys
have on a child's personality.
It would be almost impossible to
set up a study of this sort, accord-
ing to Richard Teevan of the psy-
chology department, because it
would also be necessary to limit
the child to just, the toys given
He said that in a real situation,
however, the child would exchange
toys with other children and it
would not be possible to determine
the effect of particular toys.
It is also true that toys found in
one country or culture would not
be found in another. The parti-
cular environment of the child has
a lot to do with the type of toy
that he likes to play with. For ex-
ample, the guns which boys in
America use in cowboys and In-
dians games would not be ,popu-
lar in some other country.
'U' Students
Going Home
For Holiday
A lot of students who' planned
to spend the Christmas vacation
at the Rose Bowl grid feature
won't be going.
With a few exceptions they'll
be going home.
One fraternity reported that
four of its members, one Canad-
ian and three Americans, were
planning an ice-fishing jaunt in
Canada for the first half of the
vacation, while several sorority
women have scheduled skiing trips
for a part of the holiday.
Vacation at Home
Most students, however, will
spend the two week period with
their families.
The local travel service reported
that more than half the requests
for airline reservations were from
students headed for New York
City. Milwaukee, Chicago and Min-
neapolis formed the second larg-
est group.
These facts are not surprising,
according to one residence direc-
tor, as she reports that about one
third of the women living in her
house come from eastern states.
Just Travel
Students are not entirely neg-
lecting the utge to just travel,
however. Several requests for
flights to Florida were reported
and men in some of the Quads will
be getting together in groups and
driving off in "one direction or
another," a resident advisor said.
Green House in East Quad will
be kept open for foreign students
who plan to spend the vacation in
Ann Arbor.
One die-hard Rose Bowl hope-
ful declared, "I'm still going to
Pasadena this Christmas - to
Increased Faith Shown
T TT~ LI *'
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
Coed Knitting Parties
Invading Classrooms
in U.. Savi
"What can I give him for Christ-
The shop-weary parent or grand-
parent is often heard to utter these
very words.
The Institute of Life Insurance
has a solution to the problem.
Americans are a thrift-minded peo-
ple and this has played an impor-
tant part in the nation's economy
in the last few years. Not only has
it been helpful to the U.S. Savings
Bond program, but also to the
management of the near-record
public debt.
Recommended as Gift
No better Christmas gift could be
recommended than a U.S. Savings
Bond. Faith in these bonds has
been assured by the increased pur-
chasing of these bonds during the
years following World War II. Not
only have individual purchases
been higher, the Institute noted,
but the public has continued to
hold on to the bulk of the billions
of dollars of E bonds that have
reached maturity, and thereby
eased the drain on the Treasury in
a difficult financing period.
"The Savings Bond retention ra-
tio has held at about $3 out of every
$4 of bonds coming due since they
began to mature in 1951," the In-
stitute said. "Maintenance of this
trend is especially significant this
year in view of the volume of 1954
Savings Bond maturities and the
economic conditions of the past
The widest possible distribution
of ownership of Government secur-
ities among individuals and the
nonbank public has been the cor-
nerstone of Federal debt manage-
ment 'policy along with the length-
ening of the debt maturity is an-
other basic objective.
Contributes Toward Goal
The Institute points out that the
rgs Bonds
Savings Bond program make* a
contribution toward both of these
goals. Ownership of these bonds by
individuals currently represents
close to a fifth of the entire public
debt. Furthermore, the maturity
period of E and H bonds, provided
they are held and not cashed be-
forehand, is more than two times
the average length of the entire
marketable public debt.
New purchases of E and H bonds
by individuals this year will run
around $5 billions, according to cur-
rent indications. The total exceed-
ed $4 billions from January through
October. Purchases this year have
been running more than 10 per
cent above 1953, and make 1954 the
best year for Savings Bonds since
World War II
your Christmas Shopping
BOOKS for all ages GAMES TOYS
Christmas Cards 5c and up
Seals and Wrapping
SAVE and SAVE at
State Street at North University
Buy and Use Christmas Seals
- c
A Treasure Chest
of Distinctive
Christmas Gifts
Knit one, purl two.
Classrooms, lunch lines, study
The clicking of knitting need-
les permeates every once-quiet
nook on campus, as coeds work
furiously at finishing socks, sweat-
ers and scarves they've planned for
Christmas gifts.
Studies are briefly laid aside as
knitting predominates the girls'
hours. Business is combined with
pleasure, however, as useful "knit-
ting parties" are mixed with the
talk of the "events of the day" as
seen from a coed's point of view.
Socks Popular
Argyle socks provide the ma-
jority of knitted presents, but sock
patterns ranging all the way from
football scenes to glimpses of palm
trees and monkeys are very popu-
lar with the knitting set.
Sweaters are more infrequent,
although an experienced knitter
can finish one in a little less than
a month. For the beginner, or the
girl who just wants to "dash off
a little something," brightly color-
ed scarves and mufflers are easiest
to handle.
Not all the knitting is being done
for other people, however, Some
coeds spend their hours making
what male students term the
"abomination of the campus" -
argyle knee socks for themselves.
No Confusion Here
To the inexperienced observer,
the process of knitting something
looks impossibly confusing and un-
manageable. T h e "old-timer"
laughs at this suggestion, claim-
ing that anyone with half a brain,
"including men," can learn how to
The amazing array of colored
"bobbins" dangling from the knit-
ter's work merely serves to keep
the colors used in the pattern from
becoming confused and tangled.
Available in various sizes and
colors, these bobbins each hold
yarn of different colors, sometimes
contrasting or matching its own
color. Such an arrangements
speeds the knitter's work consid-
erably, as it eliminates the neces-
sity of wasting time searching for
the right color yarn, as is the
situation when the material is al-
lowed to hang free without any
Patterns Simple
The apparent intricacies of fol-
lowing a pattern all become simple
to the knitter. Patterns sold today
give such clear and simple direc-
tions, together with a plainly
marked diagram, that even the
novice has no trouble in under-
standing it.
Even professors become more le-
nient as Christmas time approach-
es and their students start bring-
ing their knitting to classes.
"At. least it gives them some-
thing to think about while listen-
ing to class discussions," one in-
structor sighed.
Studies Straits
For Fossils
Prof. Emerson F. Greenman of
the anthropology department feels
that the construction site of the
Straits of Mackinac bridge may be
the scene of future archeological
Although no discoveries have
been made thus far, there is evi-
dence that the presence of man
will be found in the area around
Killarney, Ontario, near the Straits.
By dredging in the Straits at depths
of about two hundred feet below
their present level, it is hoped that
remains of human occupation will
be discovered.
Now where else can you find so many happy solutions to your
Gift problems FOR THE LADIES on your list.
Useful, pretty, unusual, clever gifts for girls of all ages.
NEW GIFT IDEAS to delight the most discerning damsel,
the most Fashion Minded Miss, the most practical Mrs.
Special gifts and
jewelry to suit
everyone on your list
Main Shop on Forest
Just off South U.
Sportswear and Separates
at 1111 South U.
near East U.
I block from Main Shop
GIFTS FROM $1.00: Scarfs - Boutonaires
-- Pearls - Pins - Earrings - Necklaces
"-- Belts - Ropes -- Chains - Bracelets
"- Billfolds
GIFTS FROM $2.00: Gloves - Mittens
- Slippers - Jewelry.
GIFTS FROM $3.95: Blouses -- Sweaters
- Skirts - Stoles - Belts - Slips -
Pajamas - Jewelry - Rings -- Handbags
- Gloves - Petticoats.
GIFTS FROM $10.00: Dresses - Better
Costume Jewelry - Rirtgs Set With Zircons
- Hats - Handbags - Orlon Stoles -
Nylon or Wool Jersey - Sweaters - Skirts
Blouses - Evening Jackets
Monday 9:30 A.M.
till 8:30 P.M.
Other Week Days
9:30 till 5:30
Store Hours:
-Daily-Dean Morton
CHRISTMAS ALREADY?-City workman puts up one of the 160
lampost decorations which will be seen in Ann Arbor from now
until Dec. 25.
Christmas Decorations Add
Color to Business Districts
Daily 9:30 A.M. to 6:00
It is also possible that more re-
Open Monday nights 'til 9 P.M. cent specimens will be found on
dry land, particularly at the south
JANVAXY Ai end of the bridge.
in winter blossom
I >What wonderful Christmas gifts
these famous cashmeres make. Such
fashion and luxury, such a know-.
ledgeable present to get and give.'
t'Our newest imports are in heavenly
bluebell, aqua, apricot, white, grey,
and many other colors for cruise
and holiday wear and available with
Cheery Santa Clauses greet
.shoppers all through Ann Arbor's
business districts.
This is the fourth year the smil-
ing faces have contributed to holi-
day spirits.
There are 160 lamp posts decor-
ated with spirals of balsam roping
and red aluminum foil. The foil
was an innovation last year and
is made up specially for Ann Ar-
bor by a large aluminum company.
St. Nick Likenesses
On 64 of the posts there are
plastic disks, painted on one side
with the likeness of St. Nick and
on the other with "Season's Greet-
ings." At night the disks are illum-
inated, the current being supplied
by nearby stores.
The materials are owned by the
Chamber of Commerce. Some 400
business and professional men
contributed to the financing of
their original cost. The city do-
nates its share by having three
men from the public works de-
partment put up the ornaments.
The first pole usually takes 25
mniutes to decorate, but after a
few days of practice they can be
done in five. The whole process,
which begins around Nov. 15, takes
almost two weeks.
- ~ -. - - ---~ -
$ .. 1 10ibiga sye .ad h
" mF F
q, A4
f A M kRl A
certainly100% imported cashmere . .
p defiaitely
A n fee1~Iwe takes a " i~bgn high stye...'and the
6 ~happy tesutt is Ton, an incredibly soft pur'
gg _imparted cashmere. Available in a merry group
a rance poem
Sperfume, $9, $ 5, $27
Cologne, $4.50, $7.50
S Bath Oil, $5. Talc, $2.
f ~(prices plus tax)3j