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December 02, 1954 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-02

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"Kings of collegiate ice hockey."
This is a title deservedly earned.
by Michigan's rampaging Wolver-
ines during the past seven years,
a title which until last year, was
In the seven years since the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion inaugurated its post-season
championship tournament at Colo-
rado Springs, Colorado, Vic Hey-
liger's icers have earned a trip
every Eingle time by finishing ei-
ther first orisecond in their league.
Four Titles
Four times Michigan has won
this tournament, three of them in
a row. The Wolverines have swept
all before them and made the
Maize and Blue synonymous with
hockey supremacy.
Held every March at the swank
Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado
Springs, the tourney pits the top
two teams in the East, and the
best pair from the West. The oth-
er three teams have changed many
times, but a National tourney with-
out the Wolverines would be like
spaghetti without meatballs.
The first NCAA ice tourney was
held in March of 1948. The rugged
Dartmouth Indians and Boston Col-
lege Eagles represented the East,
while Michigan and host Colorado
College represented the west. Hey-
liger's Wolverines ripped BC, 6-4,
and then smashed Dartmouth, 8-4,
in the finals to win the first Na-
tional Championship of the college
hockey, world.
Wolverines Bow
Again in the spring of '49, Michi-
gan made the trip, bus Dartmouth
got revenge by whipping the Hey-
ligermen, 4-2, in the opening
round. While Boston College went
on to win the title, Michigan pul-
verized Colorado, 10-4, to take third
place honors.
The following year, 1950, found
Michigan again holding a bid to
the playoffs-but for the second
year in a row it fell to third place.
Colorado College took the crown,
while the Wolverines lost to Boston
University, 4-3, and then beat Bos-
ton College, 10-6, for consolation
1951 marked the beginning of a
reign unparalleled in, hockey his-
tory. For the next three years, no-

Every man cuts a more dashing figure
in our Rumson jacket. It takes a
weight off his shoulders and years off
his looks. Newly light in weight,
sprightly in pattern. And if you are
not sure of his size a gift certificate
will solve the problem nicely.

body could touch Heyliger's boys
-let alone beat them. In the '51 lid-
lifter, the Maize and Blue ham-
mered BU, 8-2, and then butchered
Brown, 7-1, in the finals, to gain
the crown.
Second Straight Crown
The following year, Michigan
stopped St. Lawrence, 9-3 in the
opener, and then defeated Cheddy
Thompson's Colorado College Sex-
tet, 4-1, to take the title.
The spring of '53 again found the
Wolverines on the march, shoot-
ing for an unprecedented third
straight title. They did it as they
rolled over Boston University to
the tune of 14-2, and then they put
the crusher on Minnesota, 7-3 for
the championship.
Last season found the Wolver-
ines in desperate straits. Despite
the fact that they were loaded with
veterans who had never played on
anything but a championship club,
they just couldn't get going until
mid-season. Just as it seemed that
Michigan was going to miss out on
a NCAA tourney for the first time,
Heyliger's charges pulled a mir-
acle by going eleven straight
games without defeat, and gaining
the bid after all.
Handwriting on the Wall
But the handwriting was on the
wall. The desperate stretch drive
had taken too much out of the
Maize and Blue, and in the open-
ing round of the tourney they fell
before an aroused Rensselaer Poly-
technic team, 6-4, and the three
year stranglehold on the big tro-
phy was snapped.
Rensselaer went on to beat fa-
vored Minnesota for the title, and
Michigan meanwhile garnered third
with a consolation 7-?, win over
Boston College.
Again this year, the situation ap-
pears rather bleak. Gone are 12
men who were on those tourney
teams of yesteryear. Heyliger has
only 12 men left on his whole team
... twelve men and a prayer.
The material is good, but there
is not enough of it. However, should
some additional help materialize at
mid-semester, and w i t h the
strengthening of the Western Hock-
ey League from top to bottom, it
may mean that Michigan can
sneak into that chartered plane for
Colorado Springs next March after
The Maize andsBluehave cast
their awesome shadows on the
doorstep of the Broadmoor for sev-
en straight years. Now is no time
to stop.

'M' Reigns.as e
King of NCAA
Gain Four Crowns in Seven Years;
Heyliger Faced With Small Squad


MICHIGAN REIGNS AS HOCKEY CHAMPS-Michigan Hockey Captain Johnny Matchefts happily accepted the NCAA Hockey Tro-
phy in March, 1953, after he and his teammates dumped Boston University and Minnesota to capture the championship. The victories
had just brought the Wolverines their third straight championship at Colorado Springs' Broadmoor Hotel. Shown presenting the Cup
are Mary Ann Harman, Tournament Queen, and Thayer Tutt, an offficial at the Hotel. During the seven years that the tournament
has been held, the Wolverine sextet has garnered four titles while placing third three times.
Wolverine Cagers Endure Turbulent History
ig- a ihyotmsi bu i

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$39.50 to $45.00

State Street on the Campus
y 1..ir.........%r?{{.n V"W:f i .;

Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Results

The history of the Michigan bas-
ketball team up to the present has
been long, arduous, and full of ups
and downs.
The first Maize and Blue varsity
team, with Elmer Mitchell as
coach and captained by Alan Boyl,
was formed in 1917.
The Wolverines played an 18-
game season, dropping 12 of their
tilts to opponents more experienced
in both the fundamentals and the
fine points of the game. The team
showed a fine spirit, however, and
led the fans to expect greater
things in the following years.
Gain Experience
By 1922 Michigan had closed its
season in a tie for second place
in the Big Ten Conference.
That year the team had as its
captain Walter "Bud" Rea, the
present Dean of Men at Michigan.
In the years that followed, the
Wolverine record was an erratic
one, alternating from top place in
1927 and 1929 to a low seventh
place in 1924.
The outstanding work of Matt
Patanellis, now an assistant cage
coach at Michigan, and John Town-
send, and a last game win ever

Wisconsin combined to gain Michi-
gan a third place berth in 1933.
The next ten years were fairly
lean ones for the Maize and Blue
cagers. In two of those years they
managed to capture the third place
slot in the Big Ten standings, but
fell to seventh place and below in
the remainder of the time.
1943 Slump
The year 1943 saw the Wolverines
in a terrific slump and consequent-
ly they turned in the worst record
in Bennie Oosterbaan's reign as
head coach.
But the Wolverines were to prove
themselves before too long. On
March 1, 1948, Michigan went wild
as the team trounced an Iowa five
to score its first undisputed Big
Nine crown since 1927. The last
time they had held a Conference
title was in 1929, when they shared
top honors with Wisconsin.
Yost Field House was packed
with the largest crowd in its his-
tory, over 9,000 strong, as the cag-
ers blazed their way to victory. In
all, the Wolverines netted a 15-5
record, their best since 1937.
Suprunowicz Stars
1950 saw Michigan slumping
again, as they tied for sixth place

in Big Ten standings. The only out-
standing feature of the year was
the superlative playing of Captain
Mack Suprunowicz, with his decep-
tive shots from anywhere on the
court, his ability to break up the
opponents' play, and his fine ball
Last year Michigan was again in
ninth place at the end of the bas-
ketball season, but Coach Bill Per-

igo was highly optimistic about his
team. The sophomores-Jim Bar-
ron, Tom Jorgenson, and Harvey
Williams lived up to their pre-sea-
son expectations. Paul Groffsky
and Don Eaddy rounded out the
starting quintet for the year.
This year's hopes rest with the
same five men, and the watchword
is "Keep your eye on the Wolver-
ines in '55."


Hockey THE Sport in Canada;
Start Early in Amateur Loops

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When you think of Christmas gifts for men-it's always SAFFELL'
& BUSH that comes to your mind-the store that your fathers
shopped when they were at Michigan. SAFFELL & BUSH is a
tradition of fine quality perfectly styled merchandise for men &

Canada is the land of hockey, the
homeground of almost every colle-
giate, amateur, and professional
hockey player in competition to-
The Canadians take to the game
like the Australians take to tennis
and the Americans take to base-
ball. The reason for this suprem-
acy on ice can be traced directly
to the extensive amateur leagues
established for Canadian youth. It
has been said, with tongue in
cheek, that many boys learn to
skate before they can even walk.
Weather conditions, of course,
enable many more "natural rinks"
outdoors. As the schoolchildren
grow older, they soon get a chance
to play on metropolitan arenas
used by professional or- often col-
lege teams. Like Little League
baseballers and sandlot teams, the

support for these groups is encour-
aged by local people interested in
helping aspiring young hockey
In the earliest history of the
game the Stanley Cup was sought
after as the symbol of the world's
amateur title. Since that time the
Stanley Cup has been taken over by
the professionals, with the senior
trophy now the Allen Cup.
In 1919, the Memorial Cup was
established as the annual award
for the best junior hockey squad.
The latter two awards stand today
as recognizing "Canada's great-
est amateur teams."
Buy and Use
Christmas Seals

Men! Here's a Christmas Gift for You!


A Genuine Fur Felt Hat
With the Purchase of a

In business and social life, enjoy
the advantages obtainable from
looking your best ... And that is
easy enough to do! Suits, Top-
coats from Rabideau-Harris-
While not expensive, have quali- j
ties of workmanship, style and ..,
fabrics that will give you plenty
of wear and distinction.
Besides receive as a gift, one of
our $6 genuine fur felt hats with
your purchase.
Suits.. $40 . . others to $65
Topcoats $35, others to $65
You expect more value at Rabideau-Farris
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