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December 02, 1954 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-02

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.HURSDY, DEEMBER2, 195 THI .M flHavrT hAiry a a - a


Gala Christmas Parties
Planned at 'U' Hospital
Student Volunteers To Assist With Festivities;
Patients To Enter Window Decorating Contest

New, Novel Men's Gifts Provide
Easy Shopping for College Coeds

Santa Claus may not visit every
Ann Arbor home this year, but he
never misses the University Hospi-
Christmas with its trees, candy
canes, carols, and holiday spirit
captures the hospital early as ev-
ery department works to make the
holiday a happy one for the pa-
On Dec. 16, the big children's
party will take place, so that all
patients under 13 will be able to
attend before they g home. Most
Box' Includes
Several Gifts
Everyone loves to open pres-
ents and one of the newest ideas
for an extra-speial package is a
"Happiness Box."
Originated by a columnist in a
national magazine, a Happiness
Box contains a large assortment
of gifts, small both in size and in
Instead of planning just one pres-
ent, with a little timeand patience
spent to shop and wrap, one can
give a special favorite in the fami-
ly a varied assortment.
Large Box Needed
A large box is the simplest con-
tainer to hold the gifts. However,
the container itself may also be
present. A piece of luggage, a
wastebasket, an ice bucket, a
purse, a deep fryer or any other
cooking utensil, a tackle box or a
file can. hold happiness gifts.
Happiness Boxes can feature
gifts at any price level, although
inexpensive and easily obtained
gifts are well suited.
Gifts for father could include a
package of razor blades, a cigar,
good pocket comb, a new saw, key
chain, an assortment of nails, a
shoe horn and a pocket book.
Gifts for Mother
A powder puff, small bottle of
cologne, other cosmetics, a kitch-
en tile, trivets, pair of gloves and
stockings, a supply of. pencils, an
extra-large coffee cup and an ivy
plant can be featured in mother's
Ideas are unlimited for a teen-
age brother or sister. Some note
paper, an eye-lash, curler, a fur
collar, a set of three lipsticks, a
long strand of beads, an autograph
book, a box of pastels, an angora
beret, a favorite record and a
change purse will delight any
young lady.
For the masculine teen-ager, a
Happiness Box can feature a neck-
tie and bowtie, some still photo-
graphs of Marilyn Monroe or some
other favorite, a frame for a pic-
ture of his favorite girl, a safety
razor, a pair of cufflinks, argyles,
some \tickets to the local theatre
and a new jackknife.
Highlighting the box of a small
boy and girl are blunt scissors,
crayons and water colors, mittens,
a book on.a present interest, jacks,
marbles, a giant lollipop, a piggy
bank, a ball, something to wear-
a velvet beret for the girl and a,
bowtie for the young man, and a
The more presents to open, the
happier is the Happiness Box.

important feature of the party be-
sides the goodies and singing will
be a visit from Santa Claus.
Santa's Helpers
One of Santa's helpers, Albert
Warnhoff, an Ann Arbor resident,
has been inaking toys in his work-
shop and giving them to the hospi-
tal for more than 10 years.

Throughout the hospital, from the
children's ward to the adults'
wards, the sugarplum world of
Christmas becomes visible. Trees
tadd familiar touches of green to
the white walled rooms. The school-
room, already lively with pictures,
stuffed animals, play houses, dolls
and carriages, takes on the new
colors of lighted Christmas trees.
Christmas' for the patients is not
just when gifts are given. The spe-
cially-trained teachers of the Hos-
pital School, helped by nurses and
volunteers, plan separate parties
for the children, who will make ice
cream, sing carols and make small
presents for their parents.
Ward Party Slated
Parties for teenagers and adults,
which also includes a visit from
Santa, will culminate in a ward
party on Dec. 22. All of the pa-
tients will receive gifts.
Both patients and hospital staff
will work together in a window dec-
orating contest. The hospital win-
dows become a veritable Christ-
mas scene art gallery, with pic-
tures worked in colored poster
Everyone who is able to go home
for Christmas "ve and Christmas
Day will leave the hospital, many
to return after the holidays. But
the patients who are either too ill
to leave, or live too far away from
home, spend Christmas in the hos-
Among these patients will be be-
tween 75 and 100 children who will
not be able to be with their fami-
lies. For them the hospital tries to
duplicate the Christmas Eve at-
mosphere that will dominate mil-
lions of homes throughout the
Campus Groups Assist
Sororities, fraternities, dormitor-
ies, and other campus groups are
yearly contributors. The King's
Daughters make aprons, bed jack-
ets and dress dolls for patients of
all ages. The Bethlehem Evangeli-
cal Church gives homemade Christ-
mas cookies, while the Galen's
Christmas drive provides many of
the toys.
The Kiwanis Clubs, Junior Red
Cross, Boy Scouts and Brownies, as
well as many other groups and in-
dividuals, donate. gifts for the pa-
Volunteers help patients in "Op-
eration Wrap," which includes
shopping, wrapping and mailing
gifts to families and friends. They
will also address Christmas cards
and assist with parties.
Local garden clubs make tray
favors while the Dietetics Depart-
ment plans and serves special holi-
day menus, and distributes the
The entire program is designed
to bring a merry Christmas to ev-
ery patient wno must remain in
the hospital.
Ready-cut sheets, blocks and fi-
gures of plastic foam are available
at all variety stores. Easy to decor-
ate and cut, the foam can be used
to make tree ornaments, table de-
corations and centerpieces.




With all the signs of Christmas
around the University campus -
lavish store windows, decorated
telephone poles, carillon recitals
and an occasional snow flurry-
many a coed is faced with the
problem of what to give her fav-
orite male on St. Nick's Day.
This season the stores are full
of new and novel gift ideas for the
college man.
To keep him at the peak of lat-
est fashion, a plaid tie-and-belt
outfit is guaranteed to look well
with both his khakis and his char-
coal slacks. If he is inclined to be
a little more suave and sophisti-
cated, a string tie and cummer-
bund set may be just for him.
Men Like Cashmere
The up-to-date fellow, though
he may not admit it, likes cash-
mere as well as the women. Pull-
over sweaters, mufflers, vests and
his favorite pattern in argyles are
available for him in this softest
of wools.
Cufflinks now come in a multi-
tude of designs and colors. There
are some set with large artifi-
cial gems, other enameled with
modern abstractions and still more
with his initials, college emblem
or depictions of some field of in-
terest, be it his profession or fav-
orite sport.
If one's "best guy" is a smoker
and inclined to pipe dreams, his
female Santa Claus hasn't much
trouble in th. gift department. To
supplement his collection of pipes,
there are models with University
insignias, porcelain bowls and
those with bright Scotch plaids.
In addition, one can buy plaid
lighters to match the various de-
signs of the pipes.
Giftshfor Smokers
Keeping the smoker in mind,
personally engraved matchbooks,
cigarette cases with a modern mo-
tif and portable ashtrays make
practical gifts.
For the literary minded, Ann
Arbor shops feature books of ev-
ery description-from T. S. Eliot
to Charles Addams' latest volume
of ghoulish fun. Perhaps an edi-
tion of a Broadway play that he
has seen or the works of his fav-
orite author in one volume would
hit the spot with him.
A large variety of practical gifts
are made from an old standby--

leather. Belts, cigarette cases, wal-
lets, key holders, writing portfolios
and manicure sets for men are but
a few of its uses. For the fellow
who loses his shirt buttons or rips
his socks, a masculine sewing kit
is perfect.
Room Furnishings
The University man's room may
cry out for lack of furnishings and
accessories. In that case modern
wrought-iron ashtrays, miniature
chafing dishes, brass letter hold-
ers, desk sets and colorful repro-
ductions of Toulouse-Lautrec's
cafe, scenes or Picasso prints may
be just the remedy.
"Joe College'' provides hardly a
worry, for he loves anything that
contains his school emblem or col-

ors. This means anything from
wool mufflers, slipper-box and ski
hats to ties, statipnery and beer
mugs. Any gift can look bright if
wrapped in a set of pennants of
the Big Ten or the ivy League.
Of course, there are always some
men who have everything. The
smart gal solves her problem by
giving him something quite un-
usual and different, such as an
extra-long sterling shoe horn, an
old-fashioned scrub brush-for the
bathtub or a silver penknife that
boasts a bottle opener, nail file
and a tiny pair of scissors.
With such a variety of Christ-
mas gifts to choose from, the Uni-
versity coed should have no trouble
at all shopping for that "extra-
special" male.

Colorful Holiday Mobiles
Furnish Gay Decorations




Parents Announce Engagements

Annette Jean Brandt's engage-
ment to Thomas Edward Rickman
has been announced by her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A.
Brandt of Detroit.
He is the sor of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul D. Rickman of Kalamazoo.
Miss Brandt was president of
Park House and is a sophomore in
the literary college.
Her fiancee attended Western
Michigan and the University.
The couple will be married Jan.
29 at the University Lutheran
Chapel in Ann Arbor.
Saf ron-Gay
Mr. and Mrs. John Safron of
Canton, Ohio, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Rose-
marie, to William L. Gay, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hoig L. Gay of Adri-
Miss Safron is a senior in the
College of Architecture and De-
sign and is corresponding secre-
tary of Alpha Delta Pi.
Mr. Gay received his masters
degree from the School of Business
Administration where he was a
member of Beta Alpha Psi, hon-
orary accounting society. He is af-
filiated with Sigma Nu. At present,
he is serving with the United States
Army Auditing Agency at Dallas,
The couple is planning a June
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Hardy
of Buffalo, N.Y., announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Cyn-
thia Anne, to Dr. Alphonso Clifford
Brown of Grand Rapids, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Frank Brown.
The bride-elect is a senior in Ed-

ucation School. She is affiliated
with Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.
Dr. Brown received his B.S. de-
gree in 1950 and his M.D. from the
University last June. He is affili-
ated with Phi Beta Kappa; and
Phi Delta Epsilon.
A January wedding is planned.
* * *
The engagement of Laura Ruth
Hazzard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert S. Hazzard of Ann, Arbor,
to Jack Edwin Hulburd, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John G. Hulburd also of
Ann Arbor, was announced Oct. 25.
Miss Hazzard is a senior at
Michigan State Normal College
where she is studying special edu-
cation for the mentally handicap-
Mr. Hulburd is a senior in Law'
School. He is affiliated with Theta
Xi, Pi Sigma Alpha, and Phi Delta'
A summer wedding is planned.
Elaine Gulden's engagement and
forthcoming marriage to Gerald
Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jud-
son Roberts of Whitmore Lake, was
announced recently by her par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Gulden
of Ann Arbor.
Miss Gulden is a junior in the
School of Education. Mr. Roberts
is a junior in the business admin-
istration svhool and is a member
of Chi Phi.
The couple will be married Dec.
18 in the Presbyterian Church of
Ann Arbor.
* s s
Ba rker-Ravensc roft
Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Barker of
Corning, N.Y., have announced the

engagement of their daughter, Sari
Patricia, to Edward Abbott Ra-
venscroft, Jr. of Glencoe, Ill., son
of the senior Ravenscroft.
Local announcement of the en-
gagement occurred at dinner at
the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, of
which Miss Barker is social chair-
man. A junior in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts,
she is majoring in sociology.
Mr. Ravenscroft, a junior in the
architecture college, is affiliated
with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He was
winner of the 1953 Gulantics show.
Wedding plans are not definite.

Associate Women's Editor
Mobiles are fun to make!
Colorful moving decorations do
not need much equipment to start
with, ;are easy to make and inter-
esting to watch when they are
hanging from the ceiling or a light
Standard equipment for all mo-
biles is wire about 1/16 of an inch
and pliers to cut and bend wire.
Rings can be bent around a cylin-
drical object of the desired thick-
Balance Important
The basic problem in mobiles is
balance. This is achieved entirely
through experimentation, trial and
error and crossing one's fingers
and hoping.
A favorite for children, young
and young-at-heart, is a candy mo-
bile. Using black cotton thread for
assembling, a large cellophane-
covered candy cane tied with a
large red bow serves as the base.
Small candy canes, wooden skew-
ers holding red and green gum-
drops, red lollipops, packages of
peppermint candy and bags of hard
candy provide the ingredients for
this mobile.
A "heavenly atmosphere" mo-
bile in white and blue can utilize

plastic foam stars, blue cellophane,
and blue ribbon, For an added
"ethereal" touch, use a sprinkling
of "snow" or silver paint and tin-
Favorite Christmas tree orna-
ments highlighted in a mobile pro-
vide a colorful theme. Tree balls,
balanced on a tube covered with
cellophane, may be of varied colors
or of the same color covered with
sparkling gold or silver,
Gleaming foil snowflakesnestled
in and dangling from a spun-glass
cloud make a wintery mobile'for
any living or dining room.
Edible Mobiles
Popcorn, cranberries, marsh-
mallows and colored peanuts, in
any combination, can be strung to
make another edible moving dec-
oration. But .these delicacies are
not reduced to mere stringing.
Men and animal figures can be
made to especially delight that
younger brother and sister. Includ-
ed could be marshmallows with
cranberry eyes or popcorn and pea-
nut men.
Not to be excluded is the stable,
a standing moving object. Balance
is just as vital in this type of dec-
oration and a stable base is neces-

bieirht n lu a tlz ay

Time ait


Monday 12130 to 8:30 P.M.
Tuesday'thru Saturday
9:30 to 5:30


Gifts for Your Favorite Roommate
. or Add to Your Collection
toTake Home Christmas
Above: Length of color- Left: Lovliest coin purse
versatile one-tie as an ascot in sight . . . or smallest
... wrap into a bright sash. evening bag. Satin, hand-
Imported French satin scarves. painted, sequin sewn in the
9 prettiest colors.
,c i~ f :r please add 10%7 federal tax

5 C
Swirling, w


to 22.95

Glitter in the night . . . pure glamour, sparkling
hinestones, lustrous pearls, gleaming sequins,
make-believe jewels . .. satin applique and
braid trim. Pure wool or orlon, full-fashioned in
white, black, pink, blue.
ng sleeved cardigans
and scoop-neck slipovers.
Sizes 34 to 40.


parkling Jeweled Sweaters


to 25.00
hirling date-time
s in rustling taffet
a, velveteen, quil

ta,, nylon


Fi2 K;r;3:;i;;$

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