On Thanksgiving, A Few
Moments of Thanksgiving
"Is There Somewhere Else-To Go?"
ENIOR PRACTICE teachers in Education
School are enthusiastically informing their
iarges, via elaborately-planned bulletin boards
id charts, that Thanksgiving has a purpose.
They're quoting the same old story that a
inch of Pilgrims shipped over here a couple
centuries ago, ate a big meal with the In-
ans, and gave thanks for what they had.
Probably the kids are pretty much impressed.
it to most of us, the holiday is just a holi-
y-four relatively unlaborious days, bring-
g succulent home-cooked tourkey and re-
ions with friends and families.
IT JUST DOESN'T occur to us, as a rule,
think beneath ~ne cliches and to stop and.
consider that after all, we are pretty lucky,
and he have, individually and collectively, got
something to be thankful for.
The "count your blessings" idea has become
pretty trite, but not so much that it shouldn't
be re-emphasized. Churches, here and else-
where, seem to think there's something worth-
while in the theory.
We don't have to sink to our knees, or de-
vote hours to the process-just a couple of min-
utes Spent realizing we're pretty fortunate, and
that we might well observe Thanksgiving as it
was planned, could end some of the mid-
semester troubles.
-Jane Howard
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Skit Proves Even
Deans Are Human
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MONDAY WHEN Dean Deborah Bacon ap-
peared on the stage of the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre wearing Bermuda shorts, she was
received with loud and sincere cheers from the
women present. The coeds realized, through the
appearance of Dean Bacon, Elsie Fuller, Ger-
trude Mulhollan and Elizabeth Leslie, the four
women's deans, that the Administration is just
as "human" as the students, and that it pos-
sesses the most important quality of a govern-
ing body-the power to laugh at itself.
The skit in which Dean Bacon made her tre-
mendous hit was a part of the housemothers'
presentation in Assembly's annual Fortnite.
Named "Bermuda," the skit had the resident
directors and staff assistants dressed in dormi-
tory waitress uniforms.
WTHENTHE curtain went up, the dorm coun-
selors were dressed in school clothes sit-
ting at cafeteria tables and waiting for a "sit-
down" dinner to be served. In the back, four
large umbrellas spelled out the name of the
dining place; "B-Bell."
Dinner was finally served by the housemoth-
er-waitresses amidst the bedlam during which
the "girls" were shouting and laughing and de-
manding that the food be hurried up.
The roar only increased when dinner came
--it was beef birds.
Finally the forgotten umbrellas did their job
as they flipped over and revealed the four deans
in their "controversial" apparel.
THIS STOPPED the show. Cries of "Roll 'em
down" greeted the deans and, ready to go
along with the students to the ultimate, they
all rolled their knee socks to their ankles.
The response of the audience showed that
they really appreciated the satire on authority
-that they were proud of the Administration
for admitting they can see the students' point
of view.
And Dean Bacon? We'll bet that she was hav-
ing one of the best times of her life.
-Lou Sauer
German Rearmament
Must Precede Talks
Associated Press News Analyst
PRENCH PREMIER Mendes-France came to the United States last
week under a cloud, by the weekend he had begun to shine as few
visiting diplomats have in recent years, and then Monday he went into
another partial eclipse.
The first big thing he did was to allay widespread fears about his
sincerity in connection with the rearmament of West Germany under
the Western European Union. The Russians are not going to stop it
this time by offers of empty negotiations, he said.
To emphasize it, he and Secretary Dulles worked out a postcon-
ference communique which, when the Russians offered on Saturday to
postpone their proposed conference if the West would postpone WEU,
had their negative answer all ready.
THEN ON Monday Mendes-France made two statements before the
United Nations which sounded all right but faded quickly under
close scrutiny.
He said France woudl be willing to take the lead for a four-power
conference on European settlements in May, after WEU had been fi-
nally ratified.
And, in pointing out that WEU takes an important step toward
arms limitations by providing controls for one larger group of nations,
he said France would not look askance if Russia wanted to do the same
thing in her sphere provided the limitations principle was the same.
AFTER INITIAL approval of a post-ratification parley, officials be-
gan to realize that May would be too soon.
It would put the Allies into negotiations in a fashion which they
had just said they would not permit-before their new position of
strength was truly established.
Ratification of Western European Union is one thing. Until imple-
mented, it is a theoretical thing. The fact of German rearmament,
which cannot even begin until after that, is another thing. It, not
paper agreements, will present the Russians with a situation the Allies
have always hoped would bring them to realistic negotiations instead of
meetings for propaganda purposes.
A CONFERENCE in May would present the Kremlin with the same
thing it seeks today-an opportunity to throw new monkey wrench-
es before rearmament is actually a fact. The United States is prepared
ON FRIDAY, just as Mr. Mendes-Frances was declaring his position,
Mr. Molotov made another plea for the big 25-power conference.
This time he said clearly what previously, he had merely implied. He
wants to postpone the ratification of the London agreements and to
have a general discussion about Germany, Europe, collective security,
and the like. His request for negotiation about whether the London
agreements shall be ratified is the very thing which the Western gov-
ernments are agreed they will not accept. Assuming that nothing goes
wrong in Germany, there is no way now that Mr. Molotov can have the
kind of conference he is asking for.
The question, then, is whether if he is unable to have the con-
ference he wants, he will be interested in the kind of conference he
can have. There is in theory at least on chance of, no point in, having
an East-West conference if what he said on Friday is his last word.
But what he said on Friday cannot be his last word.
HE SAID on Friday that once the London accords were ratified, "the
remilitarization of Western Germany" will "aggravate the threat
of a new war" But this is an unreal picture of the situation. Ratifica-
tion will be completed, let us hope and assume, early in 1955. When this
is done, the legal framework will exist for the organization of German
forces within the limitations of the Brussels treaty and under the con-
trol of NATO. But these forces cannot be brought into being in less
than two years. Yet the Western governments are unanimous that they
are prepared to meet the Russians after ratification ip 1955.
This means in fact that negotiations can take place after the Ger-
man force has been authorized and its recruitment has begun,-but
long before it is a force in being.
WHAT, THEN, does this imply for the negotiation with the Soviet
Union? It implies that the authorized German forces must, be
counted as authorized and rightful in any proposal for the general limi-
tation of world or of European armaments. The Western negotiating
position rests on this agreement which fixes the size of the Western con-
tinental forces, including among them the authorized West German.
force. It is from this datum-line that East-West negotiation will now
have to begin.
What the West has rejected is not negotiation. It is negotiation in
which the datum-line of the forces to be limited and regulated consist
only of the existing NATO contingents minus any German contingent.
The West is insisting that the discussion shall start from the assump-
tion that the NATO forces include an authorized German contingent
of 500,000 men.
For the West the question will then be-since the size of the West-
ern forces is fixed within clear limits-what are the authorized and ac-
tive forces in Eastern Europe and Eastern Russia. The subject for ne-
gotiation cannot now be the German contingent; the subject must be
the overall size of the forces, and it might be their deployment, on the
two sides of the Iron Curtain.
Y IMPRESSION is that this is the conceptual scheme which may
prevail. It would appear to be dictated by the decisions that are
already taken, namely to negotiate with the Soviet Union after but not
before the ratification of German rearmament. It is no longer an open
subject for negotiation whether Western Germany as such and uniquely
shall be under international control in respect to her armaments. The
question is now whether the whole of Europe shall be under the kind of
international control which Western Europe has set up for itself.
(Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
'Waterfront' Realizes
Artistic Responsibility
Will Fight
WASHINGTON - When Presi-
dent Eisenhower went out of his
way to defer to Speaker-to-be Sam
Rayburn as "Mr. Sam" duringthe
recent harmony conference, it may
be that he had heard of "Mr.
Sam's" irate feelings. Certainly
Sam has taken no trouble to con-
ceal them.
For, though Sam Rayburn means
it when he told the President that
House Democrats would support
him 100 per cent on foreign policy
and national defense, he also
meant it when he told friends that
he was going to show up the falsity
of the "McNixon" charges of Dem-
ocratic treason.
Rayburn is a man who has
served his country more than 40
years in the House of Representa-
tives and he is just as proud of
that record as General Eisenhower
is of his 40 years in the U.S. Army.
Rayburn began as a young con-
gressman in Woodrow Wilson's day
and he has lived through the two
world wars which Vice President
Nixon implies the Democrats took
the nation into in order to main-
tain prosperity.
Sam resents that and he resents
it deeply; because he helped make
that history and knows the facts.
He feels that he knows them far
better than a Johnny-come-lately
vice president whose war service
consisted largely of renegotiating
Naval contracts in the Pentagon
and then borrowing money from
one of the contractors with whom
he was negotiating.
So Rayburn proposes to show
that the Communists first infil-
trated the United States under the
Republican regime of Herbert'
Hoover, and he has the previous
probes of Congress to prove it. He
can also show- that Hoover com-
pletely i g n o r e d congressional
warnings of Red spies.
Second, he proposes to turn the
Civil Service Commission upside
down to get the truth regarding
the security risks which the Re-
publicans say they have purged
from government. He expects to
prove that about one-half of these
so-called security risks the Repub-
licans say they fired, actually were
hired by the Republicans.
Some Democrats point out that
if Eisenhower really wanted Dem-
ocratic cooperation for a bipartisan
foreign policy he would do to Nixon
what he did to Gen. George Patton
when the latter was made to stand
up before 10,000 troops and apolo-
gize for slapping a sick soldier. But
they .don't expect any apology
from either Ike or "McNixon," so
they intend to go ahead with their
Ike's Turkey
President Eisenhower dropped 4
a humorous hint about his retire-
ment plans as he was beig pre-
sented with a Thanksgiving turkey.
He did not, however, name the
date of retirement.
The turkey presentation also in-
cluded some cranberries and pret-
zels for a stuffing additive, though
the President munched on the pret-
zels all during his meeting with
officials of the National Turkey
The President said that the tur-
key, a 42-pound bronze tom, was
one of the biggest and handsomest
he had ever received, but re-
marked that his family probably
would make short work of it. The
bird was raised on the biggest tur-
key farm in the world, operated
by NTF chief Perry Browning near
Winchester, Ky.
"We chose this one especially
for you out of 100,000 birds on my
farm," reported Browning. The
Kentuckian also presented Eisen-
hower with a booklet on how to
manage a turkey farm. Ike prom-
ised to "study" the booklet.
"This may come in handy after
I leave the White House," he said
"After I retire, I'm going to raise
some turkeys myself on my farm
in Pennsylvania."
Return Ike's Picture
Democratic Sen. James Murray,
just re-elected in Montana, told an
ADA meeting how a pamphlet
smearing him as a Red almost
defeated him. In engaging, factual
language, the pamphlet listed al-
leged reasons why Murray was
aiding the Communist cause.
To counter this smear, Murray
ran advertisements showing an
autographed picture received from
President Eisenhower with the in-
scription: "To Jim Murray, a
great American-Dwight D. Eisen-
Immediately, Congressman Wes-
ley D'Ewart, Murray's opponent,
complained to the President, say-
ing that he was defeating one of his
own party by letting this picture
out. Ike immediately replied that
he had not given the picture to
Murray for political purposes, said
that it was unethical of Murray
to use it that way. D'Ewart then
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily staff member David
Levy here presents another reaction to "On the
IN OUR GREAT consumption of the motion
picture we tend to lose sight of this medium
as a creative art form. As such it makes as
legitimate a bid for serious recognition as does
the novel, the opera, or the research science.
It is a rare and important occasion when we
are presented with a domestic film which faces
and lives up to its artistic responsibility. Per-
haps Hollywood's de-emphasis of this respon-
sibility accounts for our partial blindness. But
whatever the cause may be, when such an event
occurs we must widen our eyes to see more
clearly. On, The Waterfront appears to be such
an event, the motion picture event so far this
WATERFRONT realizes the ideal purpose of
the motion picture as a creative art form:
immediately effective social criticism. Con-
cerned with the corruption of the New York
City Longshoreman's Unions in 1951, the film
was available for mass consumption less than
three years after the initial flare-up. This char-
acteristic simultaneous and timely availability,
to a vast audience, accounts for the motion pic-
ture's magnificent potential as a creative ve-
hicle for social criticism, and the responsibility
arisen, from that potential.
Having cited the film industry's attitude to-
wards the more noble function of its product
we should commend Waterfront's producers
for their courage. Even with a sure-fire box-
office drawing card in their star, Marlon
Brando, it took a certain amount of the gamb-
ling spirit to produce the film. For it did not
have the obvious twelve-year older's attrac-
tions. Neither the story or the acting was in
tune with Hollywood's regular commercialism.
The appeal of Waterfront was essentially an
appeal to the sensitivities and intelligence. And
on that basis alone its producers knew that
there might be a certain percentage of every
audience walking out cold and rather bewilder-
ed with thei: companions' enthusiastic praise.
DIRECTOR ELIA KAZEN'S interpretation of
Pchr"berg's scenario once again proved him
to be one of the finest men in our American
theatre. He saw in the book the essential con-
flict which could have been so easily overlook-
ed: Terry Malloy's struggle to achieve spiritual
and emotional maturity. Schulberg had con-
ceived of a physically mature young man whose
soul never passed out of adolescence. Kazan
implanted this conception in Brando and drew
from him a performance which should silence
those who doubt this actor's versatility.
The film comes very near to artistic perfec-
tion. Leonard Bernstein's music parallels the
mood and atmosphere of the story and, at
times, is so appropriate that we are hardly
conscious of it. The -photography capitalizes
upon the graphic as well as expressionistic po-
tential. In many instances, such as the tene-
ment roof-top scene where we once have a
striking still of television aerial's and sundry
poles the graphic element is achieved. The
"Golden Warrior" who stands with bitter tears
running down his face and Malloy's most be-
loved pigeon dead in his hand is unforgettable.
"A pigeon for a pigeon," he cries and runs off.
Malloy has been a "stool pigeon" and his un-
fortunate young admirer cannot reconcile this
IN SCHULBERG'S book we find much sym-
bolism and none of it is vulgar or hackneyed.
The pigeon, the dove, the universal symbol of
peace is an object of affection for those young
men who are so terribly involved in violence
and hate. The picturesque iron fence where
Malloy initially realizes his attachment to Edie,
the sister of a man he has helped to murder,
is the same fence before which his parish priest
convinces him to tell her of his sin. The terif-
fic screaming of the whistle which drowns out
Malloy's confession is a symbolic farce identi-
cal to the intensity of the force with which
this convent-bred young lady attempts to ig-
nore the significance of his words. She cannot
conceive of her beloved, a good person, being
involved in such evil.
And so we have, in all, a superlative and de-
cisively meaningful film before us. Let us hope
that it may stand as a point of reference for
those who will create moving pictures in the
-David Levy
to start moving in arms quickly.
another thing.
But mobilization from scratch is
Turnabout . .
To the Editor:
WE WOULD like to commend the
house mothers on the excel-
lent skit they presented at Fort-
night. Following their annual pro-
cedure they once again came
through with flying colors by dis-
playing their "varied" talents.
The students welcomed with 'en-
thusiasm the House Mothers car-
rying trays and wearing waitress's
uniforms. However the perform-
ance of the four Deans of Women
is most noteworthy. Unexpectedly
they appeared in the Bermuda
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig...r Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers,.............City Editor
Jon Sobelof.........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.......Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........ Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.......... .Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
- . Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz .... Women's Editor
Joy Squires... Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith.. Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak . ..Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .., Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
?.t!, h.,
shorts displayed to their full ad-
Hats off to their true Michigan
spirit! !
-Faith Greenbaum
Sharon Kass
Lenore Weiss
* I
Wolverine Thanks . .
To the Editor:
WE WOULD attempt to take a
little more space to answer the
criticism voiced against Block "M"
in last week's Daily save for the
fact that it is somewhat question-
able if this is necessary. We say
this in the light of the fact that the
disparaging comments v o i c e d
against the flash card section were
offered by one of your "omnis-
cient" editors as a result of second
hand information and undoubtedly
not of his directly seeing the sec-
tion from the other side of the field.
It is questionable whether the
critic realized how much work and
effort went into assembling Michi-
gan's best Block "M" yet. Natur-
ally in the early stages of any com-
plex function like the flash card
section, there are some areas in
which there is room for improve-
ment. Consequently this year
marked the addition of four new
colors to the section, a permanent
public address system to improve
cadence, and a host of new inno-
vations in design. For all of these
improvements and many other
technical advances the Wolverine
Club would like to express its
thanks to the following people who
were responsible for the success of
this year's flash cardhsection:
Joyce Lane, Chairman; John Lewy,
Ruth Flanders, Wayne Boucher,
Harriet Thorn, Mark Jaffe, and Jo
(Continued from Page 2)
tain the degree before taking the
award. There are no restrictions regard-
ing nationality of applicants. The Fel-
lowship is tenable in the National Re-
search Council and Department of Ag-
riculture laboratories and will be
awarded for an initial term of one
year. The stipend is $3,000 for single
Fellows and $3,500 for male Fellows
who are married. Applications may be
obtained from the Awards Officer, Na-
tional Research Council, Ottawa 2,
Canada. Further information is avail-
able in the Graduate School Office.
Representatives from the following
will be at Engineering during the week
of Nov. 29:
Mon., Nov. 29
United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Whit-
ney Co., E. Hartford, Conn.-All de-
grees of Aero., Elect., Mech., Metal.,
and Chem. E., and Engrg. Physics for
Design & Development of Aircraft Pow-
er Plants including the following basic
types: Turbo-jet, Turbo-prop, Piston &
'rues., Nov. 30
Aeroquip Corp., Jackson, Mich.-B.S.
& M.S. In Elect., Mech., and Ind. E. for,
Development and Manufacturing, Sales
and Service Engrg.
American Can Co., Maywood, Ill.-
(p.m. only) B.S. & M.S. in Chem.,
Mech., and Metal. E. for Research
United Aircraft Corp. Research Labs.,
E. Hartford, Conn.-All degrees of Aero.,
Elect., Mech., Metal., Chem. E., Engrg,
Physics, and Nuclear Engrg. for Ana-
lytical and Experimental Research. ,
The Great A&P Tea Co., Detroit,
Mich-Also here Dec. 3, B.S. in Civil
E. with emphasis on project and traf-
fic problems, also maintenance and lay-
out for Management Training.
Wed., Dec. 1, 1954
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.. Paint
Div.,sSpringdale, Penn.-B.S. & M.S.
degree in Chem. and Chem. E., espe-
cially in the field of plastics and pro-
tective coatings for Research, Develop-
ment, and Technical Sales. (p.m. only)
Lion Oil Co., Research Div., El Dora-
do, Ark.-PhD in Chem. E., will, how-
ever, see other degrees, for Research.
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments with any of the above should
contact the Engineering Placement Of-
fice, Room 248 W. Engrg., Ext. 2182.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Nov. 30
Sutherland Paper Co., Kalamazoo,
Mich.-June men in BusAd and Ecoh.
for Sales.
Michigan Bell Telephone-Feb. wom-
en in Lit. & Languages, Psych. & Soc.,
BusAd., Educ., Science & Math., and
Arts for Management Training Pro-
Students wishing to make appoint-.
ments with any of the above should
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3258 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371.
City of Midland, Mich. has a vacancy
in the Engineering Dept. for a Design
Engrg. to work on the Water Dept.
staff. Applicant should have degree in
Civil, Structural, or Mech. E. with at
least 2 yrs. of active practice and sue-
for people with cartographic education
or training for positions as Cartograph-
- er-GS-5 through GS-15, Cartographic
Aid-GS-2 through GS-7, Cartographic
Technician-GS-8, 9, 10, 11. Cartograph-
ic Draftsman-GS-2 through GS-7. Op-
tional branches for GS-7 and above:
Geodesy, Topography, Hydrography,
Aerocharting, Cadastral, & General. Op-
tional branches for GS-4 and above:
Survey, Photogrammetry, Compilation,
Relief Model, Control, & General. For
complete details concerning educational
and experience requirements contact
the Bureau of Appointments.
For further information on any of
the above contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Room 3528, Ext. 371.
Museum of Art. Nov. 24-27. Plastic
and Graphic Expressions by Modern
Sculptors, through Nov. 30. Alumni
Memorial Hall. Open 9:00 a.m.-5:00
p.m. weekdays, 2:00 5:00 p.m. Sundays.
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association-In ob-
servance of the holiday the Center is
holding a Thanksgiving service Wed.
at 7:20 a.m. It will be over in time for
8:00 classes. Corner of Hill St. and For-
est Ave.
First Baptist Church. wed., Nov. 24,
4:30-6:00 p.m. Midweek chat in Guild
Movies. Free movie, "Krakotoa," Nov..
23-29. 4th floor Exhibit Hall, Museums
Building. Films are shown at 3:00 and
4:00 p.m. daily including Sat. and
Sun., with an extra showing Wed. at
12:30. Open to the public free of charge.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
Wed., Nov. 24, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
Coming Events
Episcopal Student Foundation. Break-
fast at Canterbury House following the
9:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Thurs.,
Nov. 25,
First Baptist Church. Thurs., Nov. 25.
7:00 p.m. Yoke Fellowship in Prayer
Thanksgiving Breakfast for students
remaining on campus-held at Lane
Hall, 9:00 a.m. Thurs. Cost 50c. Spon-
sored by Student Religious Association.
Please call reservation to NO 3-1511,
Ext. 2851, by 12:OOM. Wed.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Nov. 28, 9:30
a.m. Discussion, "Great Ideas of the
Bible." No supper; program at 6:45
p.m. in the Sanctuary. The choir will
initiate The Advent Season.
La Petite Causette 11 meet Mon.,
Nov. 29 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
left room of the Michigan Union cafe-
teria. Venez tous.
Senior Society will meet Mon., Nov.
29, at 12:OOM. in the Music School
student lounge. Hazel Frank will dis-
cuss SGC.
ALL THE GOLD ever mined in California is
not wortha single year's rainfall," said Cal-
ifornia's onetime Governor Earl Warren, now
U.S. Chief Justice. To many Westerners the
Federal Government's chief reason for exist-
ence is to provide water. The Government, in
this instance, means Secretary McKay's Inter-
ior Department, which is responsible for recla-
Almoste varvwhprp in the T Rwa-+r s, lip_
maps labeled the area: "The Great American
Desert (Uninhabitable.)" But in irrigated areas
Great American Desert is blooming like a rose.
Brigham Young's Mormon pioneers built the
West's first modern irrigation project in 1847.
Now, more than 25 million once-arid acres of
the Western states produce an incredible pro-
fusion of fiber and grain, vegetables and fruits
because of water dammed, sluiced, pumped and
channeled from the Colorado, the Columbia and