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November 21, 1954 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-21

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Paul Carr Plays Ex-Revolutionary

In the role of a former revolu-
tionary who became a policeman,
new Dramatic Arts Center actor
Paul Carr is currently making his
first appearance as a member of
the Center's company.
C a r r describes Commandant
Lanigan, whom he depicts in "The
Moon in the Yellow River" as a
"very strong,, authoritative man."
When Ireland's freedom from
Britain, which he conceived as the
object of the revolution, had been
obtained Lanigan joined the gov-
ernment forces. In the play he
finds himself in a position in which
he must kill his former friends.
Originally Planned Musical Career
His switch from early plans for
a musical career to a career in
acting Carr calls "my father's do-
His father, who had seen him in
several high school productions
read in a newspaper that a non-
professional group was casting for
a play called "A La Creole." He
suggested that his son try out for
a part and Carr got the play's ju-
venile lead.
After that, he said "I started get-
ting the bug. He appeared in a
number of plays in his native New
Orleans and then decided to go to
New York, where he studied with
the American Theater Wing.
Calls TV a Financial Boom
During this period he supported
himself largely by television work
which he calls "a big boon to the
actor in New York. The pay is
good, no matter what you do."
However, since few show~ have
more than fouror five rehearsals,
the last two of which must be spent
in setting up camera angles, Carr
said, "it is hard to get a good per-
He still wants to go back to mu-
sic 3 "for my own enjoyment," but
has given up professional plans.
The young actor still plays the
clarinet when he gets together with
friends. "My favorite occupation,"
he said, "is jamming."

Your Student Legislature

Frog Fight
Two armies of frogs, one of
brown water frogs, the other
black land frogs, thousands
strong, are engaged in a pitched
battle for a swampland in
northern Malaya, according to
a United Press release.
The swamp battleground, al-
ready covered with thousands
of tiny corpses, is being ma-
nuevered over with almost hu-
man-like tactics. Superstitious
Malaya villagers, recalling a
similar battle between the frogs
on the eve of World War II, fear
the battle forecasts a crisis.
Showing Set
For Art Films
Three films on modern art will
be shown at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
"Paris: 1900" will be the main
presentation. This is a full-length
feature which includes social back-
ground material of the artists.
In memory of the late Henri Ma-
tisse, a short on his artistry, "Ma-
tisse," will be shown.
Using his "Guernica" to reca-
pitulate the artist's work, "Picas-
so's Guernica" shows glimpses
from the early periods to the pres-
The second of Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation's Festival of Films, the
program is open to the public free
of charge.
Professor Evans
Given Fellowship
Prof. Tommy N. Evans, of the
Medical School has been chosen as
a Fellow in the American College
of Surgeons.
Fellowship is awarded to doc-
tors who have fulfilled compre-
hensive educational requirements,
and advanced training as a spe-
cialist in form a branch of surgery.
Bald TO Give Talk
"Romance in Michigan His-
tory" will be the topic of a talk
by F. Clever Bald of the history
department, assistant director of
the Michigan Historical Collec-
tions, to be given at 4 p.m. today
at the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Students Unconcerned With
Michigan's Lack of Mascot

_.: ' __:i

The University is without a wol-
verine, and students "just don't
Results of a random survey con-
ducted along State Street and in
the League show that the major-
ity either don't know what a wol-
verine is or think they are extinct.
Marion Blakesly, '56, when ask-
ed if she thought that Michigan
should try to get a live mascot for
the zoo said simply "Why I like
the bear we have."
"Enhance School Spirit"
A group waiting for a ride in
front of the League was more en-
thusiastic. They felt that it would
"enhance school spirit. It's a good
Some, who were acquainted with
the habits of our school mascot,
were violently opposed to the plan.
"He is the fiercest animal pound
for pound in existence. If he were
caged it would remove his fight.
And, after all, it's the fighting
spirit that counts."
Eugene Kreuzberger, '56, look-
Begin 1956
Election Plans
WASHINGTON (M)- Senate Re-
publican and Democratic cam-
paign strategists already are work-
ing on preliminary plans for the
1956 election even though the
1954 voting is barely over.
In one sense, the statistical edge
will swing to the Democrats two
years hence, since they will have
fewer seats at stake than the GOP.
This year it was just the oppo-
site, with the Democrats forced
to defend 22 seats while the Re-
publicans had 16 at issue.
Democrats made a net gain of
two seats in the Nov. 2 election,
barely enough to give them con-
trol of the Senate
Republican S e n a t e campaign
leaders agree that the statistical,
picture is not so favorable for them
in 1956 as it was this year.
But they say they are not down-
hearted about this, pointing out
that their party made a net gain
of five seats in 1950 when the same
class of senators was before the

ed disgusted. "A wolverine is no
more than a big weasel."
J. Stewart Lowther, animal
house attendant, said that the
wolverine we used to have die.d of
old age in 1950, and that he has

The gift
nylons by

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are expected to be in the SL elec-
tion Dec. 8 and 9.
To date 23 petitions have been
returned, but Ruth Rossner, '55,
in charge of the candidate training
program, estimates that by Mon-
day, the final day for petitioning,
12 more will have joined the race.
Miss Rossner says that SL's
move to defray candidates' ex-
penses up to $10 has been respon-
sible for adding at least eight can-
didates to the election.
To receive the aid candidates
must turn in itemized bills of their
expenses after the election.

New Late Per' Plan To Go
Before Women for Approval

Women's closing hours, long the
subject of hot debate, are being
considered for revision.
A committee of representatives
of major women's governing bod-
ies has formed a plan which, if
passed, will allow coeds a speci-
fied number of automatic late per-
missions during the week in addi-
tion to the regular curfews on other
SL Committee Originated Idea
Members of Women's Judiciary,
Assembly, Panhellenic, the League
4 and Student Legislature are work-

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ing in co-operation with Women's
Judic on the project.
The Campus Action Committee
of SL originally proposed the revi-
sion,eand presented the plan to
Women's Judic for action.
Prior to enacting legislation
which will put the revisal into ef-
fect, a committee was formed
which is drawing up a question-
naire to be presented to all Uni-
versity women.
This is to determine definitely
whether or not coeds are in favor
of these "late pers" which would
enable them to stay out later than
10:30 p.m. any night of their choos-
Plan Goes to Women's Senate
If results show that coeds are
behind the plan, it will be sent to
Women's Senate which has the
power to alter present women's
rules or change them entirely,
with the ultimate approval of the
Sue Klame, '55, SL member of
the committee, said, "There are
many problems to be solved be-
fore the plan will be able to take
effect. We will have to decide who
would close the dormitories during
the week and what kind of a sign-
out system would be best.
"But I feel that there's a need
for the proposed system. It would
relieve house-mothers and students
of the burden of deciding what is
sufficient reason for requesting and
granting special late permissions."
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

A TRAVEL SHOW, co-sponsored.
by SL's International Committee
and the Boersma Travel Agency,
has been planned for Dec. 2 at the
The show will include movies and
a panel of students who will re-
late their experience and give ad-
vice on various foreign tours.
Student Legislat:re were appointed
last week: Shirley Lawson, '57,
Marcia Ash, '56, and Shirlee Clark,
'56. They replace Jacqueline Bog-
gan, '56, Barbara Backlar, '56, and
Chuck Skala, '55.
This brings to a total of 12 the
number of replacements of elected
members to SL this semester.
* * *
IN ITS INCOME statement as of
Nov. 1, SL shows a net worth of
$4,252.37. There is an increased net
profit from Sept. 1 of $2,196.62.
Cinema Guild leads the way in rev-
enue for SL in that time with $1,-
MOTION:tThat SL aid in defray-
ing the costs of campaigning by
payment of up to $10 to each can-
didate who is not being financially
supported by his housing unit. (by
Passed 20-11. Two abstentions.
MOTION: That SL rescind its
motion of Sept. 21 endorsing the
Student Government Council. (by
FOR: Donaldson, Dormont, Ross-
AGAINST: Adams, Berliner, Ble-
ha, Bryan, Butman, Chigrinsky,
Kahn, Cook, Cowan, Cummins,
Denison, Gilman, Harris, Hewitt,
Hillman, Hoffman, Kaufman, Lea-
cock, Levine, Levy, Netzer, Petri-
coff, Simon, Sommer, Tauber, Uch-
itelle, Yates, Clark, Lawson, Ash.
DEFEATED, 30 to 3.
Quaker Attitudes
To Be Discussed
The second of two informal dis-
cussions on "The Attitude of
Quakers Today" will be held from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today at the home
of Prof. Hans T. David of the
School of Music, 1117 West Wash-,
ington Ave.
Prof. William E. Wendell willf
lead the discussion dealing with thea
beliefs, forms of worship, and ac-
tivities of the Society of Friends.
Transportation will be provided
from Lane Hall at 3:15 p.m.

--Daily-Dick Gaskill
... students don't want one
no definite prospect of getting an-
other. "Although wolverines are
the state animal of Michigan, no
one seems to know of any in the
Wolverines Scarce
He added that the animals are
very expensive, and that one would
either have to be donated or cap-
tured in British Columbia or Alas-
Michael Braun, '57, after being
informed of what a wolverine is
and that he is our school mascot,
said, "Fie on a wolverine. Let's get
a pterodactyl."
An unidentified coed in the
League Round-up room asked
"Aren't they extinct?" On learn-
ing that there are quite a few still
in existence, she agreed with Jerry
Coon, '57, "It would be great!"
"Take It to Games"
At first, Arthur Van Dyk, Grad.,
had qualms about a live wolverine
on campus. After giving the mat-
ter serious thought, he decided,
"It might help school spirit. May-
be we could muzzle it and take
it to the games."
Student opinion was summed up
briefly by a girl in a yellow slick-
er crossing State Street. She ad-
justed her load of books and look-
ed up, bored. "A wolverine? Who
needs one!"

As seen in



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(Continued from Page 4)
cluding Sat. and Sun., with extra
showing Wed, at 12:30. Open to the
public free of charge.
I Graduate Outing Club meets every
Sun.. 2:00 p.m. at the north entrance
of the Rackham Building. Wear your
old clothes.
First Baptist Church. Sun., Nov. 20.
9:45 a.m. Guild studies Mark, 11:00 a.m.
Sermon, "In the Interest of Others,"
6:45 p.m. Guild Meeting.
Fireside Forum of the First Methodist
Church. Rev. N. B. Lawrason of Litch-
field, Michigan will talk on, "It's Fun
to Be a Preacher" Sun, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Youth Room. Bring either canned
goods or money to help with a Thanks-
giving basket for a needy church fam-
Hillel: Sun., 4:30 p.m. Choir rehear-
sal. Openings for tenors and basses
who can read music. Supper Club Sun.
at 6:00 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Sun.,
Nov. 21. Discussion on "How God Meets
His Standard for Man," 4:00 p.m., Lane
Hall. Refreshments.
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the
church. Discussion of "Flying Saucers."
Students needing transportation meet
at Lane Hall or in front of Alice
Lloyd at 7:15 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association, Sun.,
7:00 p.m. Those who could not make it
for the supper are invited to the pro-
gram, a talk by Dr. Frank Madsen,
President of the Michigan Synod of
the United Lutheran Church. He will
speak on the World Council of Church-
es Assembly at Evanston and show
slides. At the Center, corner of Hill St.
and Forest Ave.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Nov. 21, 9:30
a.m. Discussion, "Basic Christian Be-
liefs;" 10:30 a.m. Discusion, "Great

Ideas of the Bible;" 5:30 p.m. Fellow-
ship Supper; 6:45 p.m. worship service
and program on "Christian Faith and
Academic Freedom" with Dr. Rolt
Thrall and Dr. James Morgan.
Gamma Delta will have Its regular
Sun. Supper at 6:00 p.m. with initia-
tion, business meeting, and showing of
the new Gamma Delta slides at 7:00
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services. "Faith
of the Church" lecture series, 4:30 p.m.
at Canterbury House. Student Supper
Club, 6:00 p.m. at Canterbury House.
Coffee Hour at the Student Center fol-
lowing 8:00 p.m. Evensong.
Coming Events
Next meeting of the Geological-Min-
eralogical Journal Club Mon., Nov. 22
at 4:15 p.m. In Room 2054 Natural
Science Building. Prof. Hugo Strunz
of the University of Regensburg will
speak on "The Mineralogy and Para-
genesis of Phosphate Minerals as Ex-
emplified by their Occurrence at Ha-
gendorf, Bavaria."
WCBN--East Quad will hold an impor-
tant business meeting in the council
room at the studios Mon., November
22, at 7:15 p.m. sharp. All staff mem-
bers are expected to attend.
Russian Circle will meet Mon., Nov.
22, at 8:00 p.m. at the International
Center. Prof. Percival Price will talk
on "Russian Bells." Refreshments.
Folk Dance Group. Traditional folk
dancing from many countries, taught
by Jud McGehee. Mon. evenings, 7:30-
10:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
Undergraduate Mathematics Club-
Mon., Nov. 22, at 8:00 p.m., in Room
3-R of the Michigan Union. Prof. WilI
liam J. LeVeque will speak on "Pi
and e."

La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room
of the Michigan Union cafeteria.
Le Cercle Francais will meet Tues.,
Nov. 23 at 8:00 p.m. in the League. Prof.
James C. O'Neill will speak on "French
Folk Music and French Caberet Music."
Records and slides of the Cote d'Azur,
and refreshments.
Sociedad Hispanica. Club 600 in South
Quad is the new meeting place for the
Sociedad Hispanica's weekly "tertulia."
Every Tues. from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Faculty members are always there.

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