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November 21, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-21

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"This Is Serious-Get Me The
Republican National Committee"
4 .' v( >.

Daily Managing Editor
)URING THE NEXT weeks campus attention
is bound to center on the Student Govern-
ment Council plan.
Up to now SGC has been a strange-sounding
ollection of letters standing for a plan that has
laimed the time and energies of several stu-
ent-faculty committees for more than a year.
GC has received headlines and stories report-
ig its progress and has been subject to serious
iscussion and debate in a small number of
mpussgroups, including Student Legislature.
Among those who have worked with or who
now anything about the plan, sentiment in its
avor is nearly unanimous. But favorable sen-
ment among a hundred or so people on cam-
us is not enough. Student government implies
opular support from the campus. Before SGC
an be voted to replace Student Legislature,
here must be general understanding of the
rganization and over-all implications of the
ew form. The next three weeks should see
roup and individual discussion examining ev-
ry detail of the SGC plan. Behind such discus-
ion lie motives:
1) to stimulate as wide participation as pos-
ible in the Dec. 8-9 elections and,
2) to provide students with sufficient infor-
nation to be able to vote intelligently in the
TOME EXPLANATION ought to be made of
recent SGC history to neutralize oft-heard
iuddled speculation about Regental motives
,nd intents regarding SGC.
The Student Government Council proposal
ras first presented to President Hatcher late
a May when the Laing committee, authorized
o study the student government problem, com-
leted its report. The president accepted the
aing report which contained the statement of
he SGC plan, and in July turned it over to
ewly-appointed Student Affairs Vice-President
ames A. Lewis for his study.
The procedure for passing the plan suggest-
d by the Laing committee included Regental
pproval pending the outcome of an all-campus
eferendum to determine whether SGC could
o into effect. SGC would then have operated
n a two-year trial basis supplanting the pres-
!t SL and Student Affairs Committee.
;INCE THE Board of Regents did not meet in
July, the plan did not officially come to
heir attention until the August meeting. At that
me the foremost item on the agenda was the
aulty dismissal cases and the Board directed
committee including Regents Bonisteel, Her-
ert and Eckert to study the document and re-
ort back.
The Regents' committee did not report back
t the next meeting but met with Vice-Presi-
ent Lewis and Faculty members of the Laing
ommittee to suggest changes in at least 20
ifferent places in the document. These con-
isted largely of clarifying lines of jurisdiction
end of editing. Nothing of the basic concept was
o be altered. Meanwhile Student Legislature,
neeting the night before, came up with three
ecommendations of its own. The Regents' com-
littee did not report back to the full Board but
uthorized Vice-President Lewis to work out
he changes suggested by their committee and
This became the job of the new advisory
ommittee appointed by the vice-president early

in October and which completed its work two
weeks ago. The revised plan was sent to the
Regents for action at their November meeting
and it was hoped that Vice-President Lewis
would at that time be able to secure Regental
approval for the whole plan pending a refer-
IN THE COURSE of discussions with several
Regents prior to the meeting, it became ob-
vious to the vice-president that the only action
the Board would be willing to take at that time
would be authorization of a poll of student opin-
ion, the results to be used in the Board's final
decision. Such action would follow the Board's
precedent of making all its decisions final, not
subject to approval by any other body. The vice-
president then determined that he would ask the
Regents for such an authorization in hopes of
getting some action rather than nothing at all.
So at the meeting in the afternoon when Presi-
dent Hatcher asked, "what action do you want
at this time," the vice-president replied, "an
understanding that the plan could be submitted
to the students for their opinion." A motion ac-
knowledging receipt of the report and author-
izing the student poll was then made by Regent
Eckert and supported unanimously by the Board.
The interesting thing about the action was the
comments made by various Board members be-
fore and after the vote was taken. Regent Boni-
steel indicated the rationale behind the Board's
action when he said, it was important to first
see the energy with which the poll was carried
out and the interest in the plan shown by the
students before any final Regental action. There
was no dissent to comments made by the vice-
president that the plan "in every respect meets
the type of student government we are seeking
to attain." Regent Baits expressed enthusiasm
for the concept of the plan and President Hatch-
er indicated his gratification with the responsi-
ble work being carried on by many student
groups on campus.
THE ABSENCE of unfavorable comment or
of additional suggested changes by the Re-
gents is a strong indication that the Board has
in effect adopted the plan in principle and is
waiting only for a favorable expression of stu-
dent opinion before taking final action. This be-
ing the case thee only thing that could prevent
positive action being taken at the Dec. 17 meet-
ing of the Board would be an inconclusive or
negative vote in the student poll.
It is always risky to speculate about what the
Regents may or may not do at a given meet-
ing. Prophets have been embarrassed often in
the past. Yet in this case it is very difficult to
see how the Regents could justify further study
of the plan resulting in possible changes after
the proposal in its present form is accepted by
a student vote. It is almost certain that the
Board itself approves the plan or it would not
be sticking its neck out calling for the opinion
Obviously a great deal depends on the outcome
of the poll. If there is to be any solution to the
knotty problem of student government in the
near future the poll must show an overwhelm-
ing majority in favor of SGC. In any event there
must be a clear-cut decision either for or
against the plan. An inconclusive vote will un-
doubtedly stymie Regental action and prove the
undoing of more effective student government
in the near future.

Ike Sees
WASHINGTON - President Ei-
senhower and Speaker Joe Mar-
tin were in fine fettle when they
breakfasted at the White House
the other morning.
Over grapefruit, eggs, coffee,
toast (one piece for Ike, who still
watches his waistline), the two
men optimistically agreed: 1, that
the GOP could have done a lot
worse at the polls; and, 2, that re-
lations between Ike and the Dem-
ocratic-controlled congress would-
n't be as strained as some experts
"Naturally, I wanted very much
to win so that our party would re-
main in control of congress," Ei-
senhower told Joe Martin. "But
I'm not discouraged. The Repub-
lican party is still in good shape
and I think I'll be able to get
along with the new congress."
Martin, who tells friends that
his party lost a "Scotch decision"
-a close one-also voiced opti-
mism about the chances of the
Eisenhower legislative program
under a Democratic congress.
Youngdahl and Justice



Turkey Talk....
To the Editor:
over the Thanksgiving vacation
he can reverse his retreat. Instead,
the people can turn it into a rout.
A thanksgiving letter from your-
self, family, and friends to your
Senator can prevent his being in-
timidated by McCarthy's swansong
abuses. Censure . . . recall...
oblivion. Our letters now can write
that epitaph to McCarthy's career.
-Bill Livant
* * *
Driver Dilemma ...
To the Editor:
A cow might enter the road with-
out looking, but this is to be expect-
ed. She doesn't know any better.
Then too, old Bessy might wander
through a stop sign into the path of
an oncoming car, but again, she is
only a poor dumb animal.
Yet the driver who attempts to
pass through the campus area may
wonder if such meandering is lim-
ited to the bovine specie.
Such things as cross walks and
stop signs seem to mean little to
the "fellow walking student." (Not
knowing Miss Bennett, this bor-
rowed term is meant to apply to
the class at large.)
For those who find this hard to
believe, I would suggest that you
observe the intersection of East U.
and South U. about 1 in the after-
noon, but if this time and place is
inconvenient, contact me, and I am
sure that I can select a time and
place to fit your schedule.
The drivers will give you a
brake, so why not give them a
-Bruce Gifford
Teacher Problem . .
To the Editor:
A FTER TEN YEARS' experience
I must protest the attacks on
teachers in Ben Wise's article. The
teacher shortage will continue until
Schools of Education and certify-
ing agencies understand teachers
better. Teachers who have spent
years on preparation are discour-
aged when certification require-
ments are lowered. They know they
will do not only their own work,
but much of the new teachers' mis-
takes will make extra work for the,

professionals. Therefore for
emergency teacher hired,a
one professional leaves. Fr
ly teachers who leave do n
Cate their reasons. Wishing
main on good terms with m
of the community, and feelir
can not present their case p
without violating profession
ics, they keep silence. I ha
to find Schools of Education
serious attention to thoser
other than salary forwhich
ers abandon work in whicht
vested years of their lives.
Teachers interested in imr
their own organizations lea
they are looked upon by
istrators as potential organ;
teachers unions, and become
at demonstrating all the at
of good "followers." Th
"plums" in the way of "r
time" are habitually hand
to the best "yes-women."''
Teachers have fought h
maintain-fair salary sched
is usually the administra
terested in hiring one more
er, and unwilling to admit
community that what the c
nity is willing to pay won't1
pert service, who secretly
gates the schedule.
I think it might be well
rector Carmany to note tha
is sullen resentment asv
apathy on the part of our
ers.tWhen society hires and
pays ill-equipped, middl
women with children of the
to stand the terrific nervous
of too large classes, too long
in undesirable surrounding
can Directors of Public R
(who should understand
things) expect except apath
they concerned over the effe
young children of the re
resentment? Fie on those w
dain such menial tasks the
for berating the teachers.
--Katherine Sawyer Lii
Clarion Call . . .
To the Editor:
W E NOTED today withs
the decision to retire o
Jelin, president of theS
Legislature. Not for famei
ward, not for place nor fo
but in a simple devotion
student body, he accept
clarion call to duty and bro
this midwestern campusa
ernment with a heart in it
Here's hoping for more li
-David MacDc
Bill Swainson


every A backstage incident has just
at least leaked out which throws shocking
iotni- light on the justice department's
toot e charges of "prejudice" against
tobre- Judge Luther Youngdahl. Justice
ng they has never been able to explain why
roperly Youngdahl is prejudiced, except
al eth- that he disagreed with the depart-
ave yet ment on the Owen Lattimore case.
paying But it now develops that Attor-
reasons ney General Herb Brownell slip-
teach- ped around to see Judge Young-
they in- dahl six months ago and begged
the judge to run against Demo-
proving cratic Sen. Hubert Humphrey in
rn that Minnesota where Youngdahl, a
admin- staunch Republican, has an en-
izers of thusiastic following.
expert The judge turned down the in-
tributes vitation, explaining that he was
e little through with politics and was sat-
eleased isfied to spend the rest of his life
led out on the bench.
It was after Youngdahl's refus-
ard to al that the Attorney General cook-
ules. It ed up the unsupported charge of
tor, in- "prejudice" against the judge.
teach- NOT--On the same evidence,
to the any judge who rules against the
commu- justice department could be ac-
buy ex- cused of "prejudice."
y' abro- Vice President "McNixon"
for Di- Vice President Dick Nixon may
f there have outsmarted himself when he
well as slashed at the Democrats with the
teach- McCarthy meat ax during the re-
under- cent bitter election campaign,
e - aged Nixon realized the Democrats
eir own might be sore at being called
s strain "soft" on Communism. But he fig-
g hours, ured his campaign tactics would
s, what endear him to the old guard and
elations strengthen his position inside the
s u c h Republican party. Instead it has
hy? Are done just the opposite. It has unit-
ct upon ed the old guard, who fear Nixon
pressed is coming up too fast and who
rho dis- don't want him as a candidate
mselves for 1956.
As a result, a stop-Nixon move
impus is gaining ground inside the GOP,
and the Vice President's tail is
caught in a Republican-Demo-
cratic pincer. Republicans refer
to him sarcastically as "Tricky
Dick," and Democrats call him
sadness "McNixon."
f Steve The stop-Nixon drive is led by
Student such right-wing stalwarts as Sens.
nor re- Styles Bridges of New Hampshire,
r rank, Everett Dirksen of Illinois, John
to the Bricker of Ohio, and Homer Cape-
ed the hart of Indiana. Senate majority
ught to leader Bill Knowland of Califor-
a "gov- nia, who has no love for Nixon,
." naturally is cooperating.
ke him. Their strategy is to block Nixon
onald in the 1956 GOP convention, where
they figure the ambitious young
vice president will shoot for the
top spot.
Nixon's opponents have looked
up the historical records which
show that no vice president has
stepped into the White House, ex-
cept through the President's death,
since Martin Van Buren succeed-
ed Andrew Jackson 118 years ago.
And the Republican right-wing
doesn't intend to let Nixon break
And it that long precedent.
ds who If President Eisenhower chooses
)pportu- to run again, the old guard will
t voting pressure Ike to drop Nixon as his
, when running mate. They are counting
lack of on Ike's willingness to compromise
:ompas- for the sake of unity in the party.
. Either Bridges or Dirksen will be
a good proposed as the new vice president,
s ques- so the right-wing will be present-
ed on the GOP ticket.
in our Bridges for President
round a If Eisenhower doesn't run, Nix-
another on can be counted upon to make
ther his bid for the presidential nom-
g water ination. But the old guard will
our feet move heaven and earth to stop
Sa peo- .him with a favorite-son candidate.
t air is They will swing the California
delegation behind either Senate
magnify- majority leader Knowland or Gov.
al Pain Goodwin Knight, and, without the
support of his home state, Nixon
ts there would be hard pressed to win the
in deep nomination.
n dee, Meanwhile. Nixon cn ao ex-

Characters Are 'Ideas'
In Arts Center Drama
presented by the Dramatic Arts Center.
"THE MOON in the Yellow River," the second presentation of the
Dramatic Arts Center, is an Irish play first produced at the Abbey
in Dublin in 1931. It is, as the Center program points out, "metaphy-
sical rather than poetical." In other words, it is closer to the Conti-
nental drama of that time than it is to the traditional lyricists of the
Irish stage like O'Casey or Synge. It reminds one a great deal of the
Arts Theater Club's "On the Way," by the Norwegian, Helge Krog,
which was I believe, written the same year. In both plays, the major
characters are predominantly vehicles for "ideas" rather than people
who are important in their own right. Consequently, it is the pertinence
of the dramatic conflict of these ideas on which the play depends.
Fortunately, they are of much deeper interest and less coyly persented
than were Shaw's in "Arms and the Man." Johnston's clever manipu-
lation of them overcomes both his lyrical shortcomings and his sur-
prisingly contrived "solution" of the conflict. "The Moon in the Yel-
low River" thereby engages, although perhaps it never quite captivate-
The play's title is derived from Ezra Pound's "Epitaphs":
Pu T
Fu I loved the high cloud and the hill.
Alas, he died of alcohol.
Li Po
And Li Po also died drunk.
He tried to embrace a moon
In the yellow river.
The moon here is the symbol of the patriot dream in Ireland, the
reflected illusion which continued to entrance the Rebel spirits
even into the late Twenties. These men were sucking the dregs in
the long nationalist binge that had just about run its course, and
was making way for a new commercial efficiency,,represented in
the play by a power-plant project in the river valley near where the
drama's action takes place.
A German, Herr Tausch, spearheads the invasion of purpose and
reality from without; he is opposed by the revolutionary leader, Dar-
rell Blake, who is author Johnston's "playboy" as Christy Mahon was
Synge's. If Blake makes, however, a far more sophisticated playboy
than Christy, still the time is out of joint for him. His very lack of
innocence dooms his plan to destroy the plant. He falls before Tausch
and that is the play. The important difference, however, is that while
Synge loved but censured his "playboy," Johnston settles for pity and
idealization of his. Johnston. also needs a philosopher character to
verbalize his sentiments where Synge needed none.
This vestige, the philosopher, indeed almost undoes the play in
the last act by constantly making tortuously paradoxical what is rather
abundantly clear: that the poet has been vanquished by order, justice,
and progress. To help his humorless Polonius seem a little less foolish,
Johnston also adds a gratuitous irony by permitting a couple of drunks
accidentally to blow up the plant after all. This forces the philosopher
back to what is apparently life's only consolation: children. Toora
Loora Looral," as sung by the Irish maid, becomes the play's final
statement, hammering home the much-labored death-birth dichotomy.
As a production, the play was smooth and well-acted. James
Coco, as the German, has the best role in the play and does it
handsomely. In furnishing the only comic touches that do not come
from the stock village types, he is especially effective in the very
amusing first act. He is the man of progress in all his guises; there
is a lot of Chekhov's Lopahin in him. As Blake; a newcomer, Peter
Breck, is suitably galvanic but not dark enough perhaps; he needs
a wisp of cosmic sadness that is more than cynicism.
Director Joseph Gistirik is stuck with the philosopher's role and
can do little with it. He is best as the weary bystander; worst as the
bitter father whose personal problems are rather badly integrated into
the work. Supporting him, Irma Hurley plays a daughter of highly un-
certain age. In minor roles, Burnette Staebler, Ralph Drischell, and
Jerold White do particularly well. Paul Carr, another new pro, turns
in a sensitive job as the young Commandant. His moment as execu-
tioner was uniquely effective drama.
A few technical troubles remain at the Center. Sets seem
sprawling and cluttered. Tri-colored backgrounds continue to be
distracting. Lighting seems too general and uniform; acoustics are
still only fair, and some incidental music might have helped.
But I believe what the theater needs most is bigger audiences.
When enough people start coming, the company may take a chance
on offending some of them, on saying "what the hell" without fear of
the echo mocking them from the cavernous balconies. Because they
are the best group in town, they have a right to expect more chairs
to be filled.
--Bill Wiegand








SADISM is the most vicious aspect of ob-
scenity. No harm is done to society by
teaching, even if somewhat irresponsible, the
beauty and happiness that may come from the
sexual relations of men and women. In the
West commercial interests are allowed to cover
our walls with an endless titillation of sexual
appetite. This can be defended on the ground
that the evils of censorship are greater. But
to apply this to children's books is senseless.
Those who want the civilization of the West
to be destroyed could not have imagined a
subtler or a swifter method of undermining it
than to pervert a whole generation of child-
ren; to give them an immoral instead of a
moral upbringing; to teach them that love is
ugly, that brutality is manly, and that every-
thing that Christ taught is "cissie." Finally a
quote from Dr. Wertham:
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by'students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.............Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers........................City Editor
Jon Sobelo-f...... ....... ...Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad..................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.............Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz....................... Women's Editor
Joy Squires.................Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith...............Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton.......................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Polak ...........................Business Manager
Phil Brunskill..............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise..........................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski........,........Finance Manager
'7'..Ttnnc s nA '9

"The atmosphere of crime comic books is un-
paralleled in the history of children's literature
of any time or any nation. It is a distillation of
viciousness. The world of the comic book is
the world of the strong, the ruthless, the bluff-
er, the shrewd deceiver, the torturer and the
thief. All the emphasis is on exploits where
somebody takes advantage of somebody else,
violently, sexually, or threateningly. It is no
more the world of braves and squaws, but one
of punks and molls. Force and violence in any
conceivable form are romanticized. Construc-
tive and creative forces in children are chan-
neled by comic books into destructive avenues.
Trust, loyalty, confidence, solidarity, sympathy,
charity, compassion are ridiculed. Hostility and
hate set the pace of almost every story. A nat-
ural scientist who had looked over comic books
expressed this to me tersely, 'In comic books
ife is worth nothing; there is no dignity of a
human being.' "
This Nazi morality is now also being fed to
English children. Can magistrates be per-
suaded that sadism and horror, especially when
offered to children, may be properly included
in any definition of obscenity? Can British
parents be roused to action in time before the
vested interests in child seduction are too pow-
-Kingsley Martin
in The New Statesman and Nation
New Books at the Library
Basso, Hamilton-The View from Pompey's
Head, New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc.,
Cochran, Jacqueline-The Stars at Noon,
Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1954.
Martin, Martha-Home on the Bear's Do-
main, New York, The Macmillan Company,
Miller, Merle-Reunion, New York ,The Vik-
ing Press, 1954.
Stegner, Wallace-Beyond the Hundredth
Meridian. nBosnn TTnuhtnn Mifflin Cnmnanv


Tears Shed, Statesmen
Prepare To Leave

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Roy Akers, a
creative writing student at the Uni-
versity, has contributed the follow-
ing political observations.)
WE FOUND ourself in a local
pub the other evening, into
which we had meandered for a
plump aspirin and a cold glass of
water, and happened to bump into
this character.
"What do you all think of 'the
Elbow?' " He wanted to know
squaring his fist and glaring at us
through a pitcher of foam.
Knowing that this character, in
his brighter moments, attends a
certain kindergarten near Lansing,
and is a resident of the Congres-
sional district, thereof, we sort of
parried the fist-lined question.
"Did you, or did you not-in the
recent election-vote for the, shall
we say, non-victorious Inquisitor?"
we asked.
"A guy's politics is something
npsnnnel " hPranlitrd thrnnoih a.

for changing their minds.
will present to the cowar
would not have voted an o
nity for doing just that-not
at all. The mercy of men
motivated by a quivering1
courage, can exceed the c
sion of angels." We smiled
"Then you think it'ss
thing?" This character ask
tions eagerly.
"STOP sticking wordsi
mouth!" We shouted ar
crunched pretzel. Sipping
half-pitcher full of soothing
we calmed ourself and puto
on the table, relaxing.
"If cowardice is good and
ple being frightened of hot
wonderful," we answered
"then the Elbow' is a T
cent carricature of a Nation
in the Ankle."
This character, he just sit
scratching his knee capi
-t.,,.,.-i. ~~ ~a ;- - ,,.. +i

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
VOL. LXV, NO. 54
Teaching Candidates: A representative
from the Mount Clemens, Michigan
Public Schools will be on campus Tues.,
Nov. 23 to interview interested elemen-
tary teaching candidates. For appoint-
ments, contact Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., No
3-1511, Ext. 489.
1955 Campus Parking Permits: All
those eligible to receive Campus Park-
ing Permits for the calendar year 1955
may apply at the Information Desk,
Second Floor Lobby, Administration
Building. Permits will be issued to
those who have obtained the State li-
cense plate for 1955. No permits for
1955 will be issued for 1954 license
plates. Please present registration card
for 1955 when applying for permit. The
permit for 1955 will be a decal and is to
be placed in the lower right-hand cor-
ner of the rear window. Please fol-
low the directions for attaching decal.
Air Force ROTC: Notice is hereby
given that the Air Force Officer Quali-
fying Tests for AFROTC cadets will
be given in Kellogg Auditorium from
1:00-5:00 p.m., Fri., Dec. 3 and from "8
a.m.-12:00M. Sat., Dec. 4. Attendance
of all concerned at both sessions is

School of Business Administration, as
soon as possible. Students in the pre-
business program in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts should
secure the forms from a prebusiness.
adviser and return the completed forms
to him.
Mathematics Colloquim. Tues., Nov.
23, 4:10 p.m., Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Prof. A. H. Copeland will speak on
"Integration Theory and Probability in
Spaces without Points."
Sociology Colloquium: Dr. Irene Taeu-
ber, Research Associate of the Office
of Population Research, Princeton Uni-
versity, will discuss "Population, Peace
and War in Japan's History and Pros-
pects," 7:30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 23, in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Open to the public.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Dr.
C. S. Yih will speak on "Stability of
Free Surface Flow" Tues., Nov. 23 at
3:45 p.m. in Room 329 West Engineer-
ing Building.
Leonard Warren, baritone, will pre-
sent the sixth Choral Union Concert
Sun., Nov. 21, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Au-
ditorium. His program will include
Handel's Aria di'Floridante from "Flor-
idante"; songs by 17th century compo-
sers Monteverdi, Caccini, and Buonon-
cini; songs by French composers Faure,
Ravel, d'Indy and Bizet; Ford's Mono-
logue from "Falstaff" by Verdi; "Largo
el factotum" from "The Barber of Se-
ville" by Rossini; Avant de Quitter
from "Faust" by Gounod; and four
songs by contemporary composers. Tick-
ets are available at the offices of the
Musical Society until 12:OOM. Sat., and
at the box office in Hill Auditorium
after 7:00 p.m. Sun.
The Stanley Quartet. Gilbert Ross
and Emil Raab, violin, Robert Courte,


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