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November 19, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-19

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PAGE FOUR U~Tfl A 'V h~Tfl~7~',T'flI~ IA I A ~A

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No Octopus Needed

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A FAMOUS Charles Addams cartoon of a few years ago pictured a
small crowd of people gathered in the center of a busy New York
Street. One of the many passersby was shown remarking to his com-
panion, "It doesn't take much to attract a crowd in New York." In the
center of the small crowd, hidden from the speaker, an octopus was dragging
a pedestrian down into an open manhole.
It "doesn't take much" to attract a crowd in Ann Arbor, either.
The two pre-game pep rallies held so far this year, however, have
followed an unfortunate pattern: no octopuses, no crowds.
Today's pep rally won't feature an octopus either. But we're betting
there will be a crowd anyway.
The team will be leaving from Ferry Field today for the big one
against Ohio State-a game the experts say we're not supposed to win.
But this is. the same Michigan team that has already overcome injuries
to down Iowa, Minnesota and MSC-all games we "weren't supposed
to win."
Wolverine rooters will gather at the Union at 2 p.m. At 2:15,
they'll march to Ferry Field where Coach Oosterbaan, Captain Cachey
and other team members will "roll 'em up." The sendoff will take place
rain or shine-if typical Ann Arbor weather threatens, bring a raincoat.
In a football, game, a lot depends on an intangible called spirit. And
the team's spirit will depend a lot on how many of us get down to Ferry
Field. Let's show the team it doesn't take an octopus to drag us down.
--Jon Sobelo ff

Awe-Inspiring Ohioans
Promise Great Game

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily reviewer Donald A.
Yates, an ardent Wolverine fan who claims he's
seen every home game in the past 17 years, con-
tributes the following pre-game observations.)
THERE IS A shrine for those of us who are
worrying our nails and sensing the cold
fingers of fear squeeze at our loyal Michigan
hearts. At this shrine we gather and gaze in
undisguised awe at the object of our uneasi-
In the basement lobby of the Union, in a
trophy case, are tacked and illuminated in neon
splendor the publicity pictures of the Ohio
State varsity "eleven." The display is a dread-
fully disheartening one. The Ohio team is rank-
ed number one in the country; and how their
players look - the part!
THERE'S THE guard, Parker, cutting in
for a savage tackle with the look of the sadist
in his eyes; the tackles, Helinski and Machin-
sky, big, rough, emanating an attitude of "I
dare you!"; and then Cassidy, halfback, strid-
ing along confidently with a sneer of contempt
on his features; end, Dean Dugger, with the
bitter spark of last year's defeat still burning in
the dark shadows of his eyes; and Thornton,
the center, tough, determined-looking, his brow
furrowed with the single responsibility of his
assignment; Reichenbach, the guard, with the
blind, destructive hate of Frankenstein's mon-
ster couched in his obsessed glare; and there

is Brubaker, end, a shifty-looking pass-catcher
with a rodent-like craftiness suggested in his
features; the quarterback, Leggett-how poised,
how superior can a quarterback look!; and Wat-
kins, halfback, driving ahead at full speed with
alert eyes seeking that vital opening; and fin-
ally Bobo, the fullback-with the ball clasped
to his body-ramming powerfully forward with
a devastating, high-stepping pace.
You walk away from the case speechless, but
with a little clearer perspective. This thought
occurs to you: that regardless of what is at
stake in the Michigan-Ohio game, regardless of
the outcome and the consequences for the vic.
tor and the vanquished the game itself is go-
ing to be a great one. It will be a game pitting
the nation's best team against the valiant
"Blue" team whose successes and failures we've
attended so closely this fall.
THIS REFLECTION makes us feel a little
--perhaps just a little-soothed and sustained.
Now, maybe we're better prepared for the worst
-or for the alternative of .. .
Well, there are the impressions that the Ohio
State publicity pictures in the basement of the
Union offer the Michigan fan. The experience
is just a little calming . . . But if you're natur-
ally apprehensive about these things anyway,
just sit tight and pray. And by all means, don't
bother to go out of your way to have a look.
--Donald A. Yates

WASHINGTON - McCarthy de-
bate in the Senate, like the un-
official debate in the nation, has
veered toward greater divergence
and more bitterness instead of
more unity.
While a strong group, led by
Senator Case of South Dakota.
wants to appease Joe, another
group, both Republicans and Dem-
ocrats, is amazed at the way its
colleagues ignore Joe's roughshod
trampling over the rights of other
This group includes some of the
oldest and most distinguished
members of the Senate, who cher-
ish its prestige as the most im-
portant deliberative body among
the free governments of the world.
Men like George of Georgia, Neely
of West Virginia, Hayden of Ari-
zona, Green of Rhode Island, have
been in the Senate a quarter of a
century, have fought to protect its
dignity and decorum.
And, though they are Democrats
and Senator Watkins is a Repub-
lican, they have great respect for
his judicial temperament; and they
resent the attacks on him - from
two points of view.
No Religious Prejudice
One is the implication, given by
Monsignor Edward Martin, when
introduced as the spokesman for
Cardinal 'Spellman in New York,
that the move to censure McCarthy
was motivated by the fact that
he is a Catholic. It happens that
Senator Watkins was a bishop in
the Mormon Church and his Demo-
cratic colleagues bitterly deplore
the implication that he or any of
them are motivated by religious
Second, Watkins and the mem-
bers of his committee were ap-
pointed by the entire United States
Senate to perform a duty-namely,
study the censure charges. They,
therefore, speak for the entire Sen-
ate. And when they are charged
by McCarthy with being "hand-
maidens of communism," many
senators feel he is actually con-
demning the entire Senate.
Furthermore, they point out that
46 original charges were brought
against McCarthy by Senators
Flanders, Vt., Fubright, Ark., and
Morse, Ore., and that the censure
committee leaned over backward
by boiling them down to only
McCarthy's Forgotten Record
Here are some of the other
charges, more or less forgotten
while Senator Case argues over
the legalistic detail of the date
when Major Peress was promoted:
1. Though one censure charge
against McCarthy is his refusal to
testify regarding his finances, the
Watkins committee overlooked the
findings of an earlier Senate com-
mittee showing how McCarthy col-
lected money to fight communism,
then invested it on the commodity
2. It is well known that Mc-
Carthy accepted a $10,000 check
from the Lustron Corporation. Yet
what isn't generally known is the
remarkable coincidence in dates.
On Nov. 5, 1948, the Senate in-
vestigating committee, of which
McCarthy was a member, recom-
mended an official investigation of
Lustron. Exactly seven days later,
Nov. 12, 1948, McCarthy received
the $10,000 check from the com-
pany he was investigating.
3. It's against the kickback laws
for a senator to accept money from
his employees. McCarthy got
around this by "borrowing" the en-

tire bank account of his assistant,
Ray Kiermas, whenever he needed
it to bolster his stock-market sp,-
4. Eight of McCarthy's past 12
income-tax returns have been
found in error. In each case, the
error was in McCarthy's favor. For
example, during his first three
years in the Senate, he reported
a gross income of $59,604.59. He
claimed stock losses of $43,217.87
and interest deductions of $18,262-
.96. This adds up to losses and
deductions of $61,480.83 for the
three years. In other words, he
went in the hole $1,876.24. Yet he
:managed to keep a healthy per-
sonal bankroll.
5. It's a matter of sworn testi-
mony that McCarthy frequently
went to the racetracks with Lus-
tron's president, Carl Strandlund,
At the 1949 Pimlico Preakness, ac-
cording to the testimony, McCarthy
borrowed money from Standlund
to bet on the horses, then gave him
a check for the amount. Afterward,
Strandlund tore up the check with
the quip: "I do that quite often
for McCarthy."
6. McCarthy t w i c e has used
forged FBI documents to try to
prove his case.
First was in the loyalty case of
Edward Posniak, whom McCarthy
accused of being a Red agent.
Joe came up with a "secret FBI
report" full of derogatory infor-
mation on Posniak: The document,
marked with official FBI stamps,

"Be Constructive. Ask What He Wants
For Christmas"
f -
ydIL -L'-- .4x

Defense Department Forgets
It's Just a Debate

SL Powers ...
To the Editor:
IT HAS been 137 years since the
University of Michigan was
founded in 1817. For 129 of those
years, it got along without an or-
ganized student government. When
the first all-campus student gov-
ernment was set up eight years
ago, it was established with the
idea of providing a sounding board
for student opinion, for legislating
on certain purely student activi-
ties, and for advising the Univer-
sity administration of student
opinion of policies directly affect-
ing students. This body was desig-
nated as the Student Legislature.
Recently, this Student Legisla-
ture decided, of its own authority,
to extend its powers. In addition
to its scope of student affairs, it
-now considers University person-
nel problems, i.e., who it should
hiretor fire, and matters pertain-
ing to their pay.
Now it appears about to enter a
new field of authority-to decide
on the qualifications and worthi-
ness of those whom the People of
Michigan have elected as Univer-
sity Regents. Quoting from Tues-
day's paper, Miss Joan Bryan of
Flushing, N.Y., Chairman of SL's
Culture and Education Committee
said concerning the Regents' deci-
sion on the new Student Govern-
ment Council proposal, "If the
Regents did not understand the
effect that 'virtual lack of acknow-
ledgement' would have on student
government on campus, 'they are
not adequately informed and do
not deserve to be Regents'."
At present there is a certain
Senator in Washington facing his
responsibility for allegedly declar-
ing that a certain highly respect-
ed army official "does not deserve"
to be a general.
After witnessing the manner in
which the Student Legislature has
been running afield of its purpose
of conducting student affairs, it
is not surprising that the Regents
areCreluctant to approvet he new
SGC. In fact, after hearing this
latest outburst, it would not be
surprising if the Regents consid-
ered doing away with student gov-
ernment altogether.
-William W. Hanks, '56 BAd.
* * *
Record Chec;....
To the Editor:
N REGARD to a statement by
Al Eisenberg in Tuesday's Daily
on the Detroit Lions football
team, I would like to say Mr. Eis-
enberg has not stated the facts.
His statement was, "Many ex-
pressed surprise at the power and
drive of the offensive unit and
shock at the usually inept Lion
defense which smothered one of
the most potent offenses in the
pay-for-play world."
It has been a known fact for the
last two years that Detroit has
had the best defense in the league.
They have led in the defense de-
partment for the last two years.
Their pass defense is considered
the best and their line has aver-
aged fewer yards rushing against
than any other line. The offensive
unit has always shown power and
drive. You cannot win the cnamp-
ionship two years in a row with-
out a powerful offensive.
Before Mr. Eisenberg makes any
more statements about the Lions
being inept, he had better check
the records. Cleck the recoirs a
the end of this bear and se who
has the best w-ieusive record. The
Lions will be on top again
-Lynn Evans, '58
Re: Brown . .
To the Editor:

such. As what then was it intend-
ed? Straight factual reporting of
news? If so, then Miss Marks' let-
ter with reference to child murder
stories seems to overlook one
point; there is usually assumed to
be some value to such stories-if
only that of arousing public indig-
nation against such crimes. Is The
Daily, then, trying to arouse in-
dignation at the existence at large
of Russell Brown? I hardly think
Perhaps it was intended as hu-
man interest? Then I propose the
following consideration: If Russell
Brown had acted as Napoleon in-
stead of Innocent III would The
Daily have printed a similar ar-
ticle? I see only three alternatives:
1) No. In which case, The Daily
has the responsibility of showing
why the one is suitable Daily ma-
terial and the other not.
2) Yes, because it is of sufficient
public interest. Then this seems
to put The Daily in a class with a
Sunday guided tour to Bedlam.
3) Countering the above by say-
ing that there is a big difference
since Russ was "only fooling." I
think the best reply, other than
asking The Daily to take a closer
look at Mr. Brown, is Mr. Moxley's
question, "If a person wants to
gain attention by acting silly, does
The Daily see to it that he is satis-
fied?" (I leave to The Daily the
problem of assessing their obliga-
tions to Mr. Brown.)
However the case stands, I think
the best way to look at it is that it
offers an opportunity for The
Daily to do some important col-
lege-type editorializing. A frank,
open, and full discussion of The
Daily's position would not only be
in the interest of the campus and
The Daily generally, but would
help to establish or re-establish
The Daily as a responsible mem-
ber of the Fourth Estate and not
the "black and white and read
all over" anomaly which it at times
-Jim Stasheff
* * *
To the Editor:
T T WAS September nineteen
They all said Ben was through;
But they forgot that he once
Played for the maize and blue.
Students and alums alike
Said certainly next year-
We'll have a truly good team
For which we'll really cheer.
They said a boy from Iowa
Was going to take his place,
But they forgot that Ben once
Played for the blue and maize.
The team did first start out
As it was said they would;
They won and then they lost
But nothing very good.
Then up here came the Hawkeyes
Now, boys, said mighty Ben,
I too, once wore these colors
That's why I know you can.
Just give your all for Michigan
And then a little more.
If you do that there's no need
To worry 'bout the score.
The boys did give their everything
Then and the next weeks too;
Ben taught them what it's like
To fight for maize and blue.
Now we cheer on all sides.
The team of Mich. came through
The boys found what it's like
To play for maize and blue.
They say "our Ben's the best"
Seems we forgot he knew
The spirit which can be aroused
When wearing maize and blue.

'Knowland s Stalemate'
Already Exists
EXTRACTS FROM Senator ktnowland's speech, which are printed
over here, make him sound ni ore like a man having a private night-
mare than like a responsible political leader. His is the familiar night-
mare of how in about five years the Soviet Union will have achieved
atomic armaments so great that the free world will "become par-
lyzed and immobilized by the realization that the United States and
the Soviet Union could act anal react upon one another with over-
whelming devastation." When this atomic stalemate is reached, the
Soviet Union will "seek to take over the peripheral nations bite by bite."
THE QUESTION we mighi; ask ourselves is whether this atomic
stalemate is something that may be achieved in the future or whether
in fact it already exists. The anoswer, I submit, is that in regard to all
of Europe and of Asia the atorniic stalemate already exists, indeed has
existed since the Soviet Union broke the American atomic monopoly
in 1949. Ever since then it has been a major premise of the foreign
policy of all our allies, as well a:s of the great uncommitted nations like
India, that the prevention of atomic war is essential to their survival.
The Korean War and the Indo-Chinese War were both of them limited
and conditioned by the existence of anatomic stalemate, by "the re-
alization"-in Mr. Knowland's words-that atomic war would bring
"overwhelming devastation."
An atomic stalemate is notsomething that is going to come about
a few years hence. It exists now and we have been living in it for
several years.
WHAT, PRESUMABLY, Mt. Knowland has in mind is not atomic
stalemate but the theoretical possibility that the Soviet Union might
achieve atomic superiority-that in some years the Soviet Union may
have the bombs and the planes and the missiles to strike a knockout
blow at the United States. Thisi is a theoretical possibility but the ans-
wer to it is plain enough. It is to make sure by spending enough money
and taking enough trouble that the strategic air force itself cannot be
knocked out by a sneak attack. If that is done, it is not necessary to
set up defenses in every town in the United States. For if the retalia-
tory power cannot be taken away from us, the atomic stalemate, which
now exists, will not be broken.
There is nothing in this, however, to justify the notion that there
is some critical moment in the near future which, if we act intelligently,
is going to be any more critical than the times we are now living in. It
is no good for a nation to be in a perpetual state of jtitters over all the
theoretical dangers that might beset it.
MR. KNOWLAND believes tlut during an atorbic stalemate the
Soviet Union will take over the world bite by bite. I am not myself a
blythe optimist about the future butt I do not read the present and the
future as does the Senator from California. It is a striking fact, for
example, that the great period of Communist expansion in Europe and
Asia took place while we had an aitomic monopoly, took place before
the atomic stalemate began in 1949. Senator Knowlend will remember
that China was bitten off before the Soviet Union had. an atomic bomb.
IT IS ALSO worth noting that since 1949 the losibes and gains have
not by any means been one-sided. The Communists have advanced in
Indo-China. But they have suffered a great setback of enormous stra-
tegic importance in Yugoslavia. What is more, in Western Europe as a
whole the Communist position has deteriorated.
All that this shows is that the relation between atomic power and
the ebb and flow of Communism is complicated and indirect. There is
no ground for Senator Knowland's prediction that the political future
of the free world is going to be determined by the ratio of ,atomic arm-
aments. There is no ground for his assertion that an. atomic stalemate
means the Communist conquest of the world.
There is just as good ground for believing that, an atomic stale-
mate, which renders general war intolerable and improbable, will give
the free world a better chance in the rivalry for the allegiance of man-
kind. Let no one forget that freedom works best in peace and that all
war regimes, even cold war regimes, have to become centralized, 11-
liberal, and arbitrary.
TO SAY, as he does, that in the atomic stalemnate nation after
nation will be "nibbled away" is to sound as if Mr. Knowland wants to
go to war as soon as possible. If that is what he believes, he owes it to
his country to say so frankly. If that is not what he believes, then he
may fairly be asked to explain more clearly just what he is talking




IN A Defense Department order a few days
ago, West Point and Annapolis students
were forbidden from taking part in intercol-
legiate debates considering the question "Re-
solved: That the United States Should Extend
Diplomatic Recognition to the Communist
Government of China." Asked later for com-
ment on this move, President Harlan H. Hatch-
er said that "the midshipmen are -under strict
military discipline and are in a service which is
traditionally policy-enforcing, not policy-mak-
ing. Such an order would be incredible if ap-
plied to other schools," he continued, "but in
regard to the Naval Academy you must con-
sider that the subject is extremely sensitive and
the students are military personnel."
ALTHOUGH THE students involved are mili-
tary personnel, this should not disqualify them
from debating a topic which is currently of
national importance. They have as much right
to discuss this question as any other college
debater possesses.
The question of admitting Communist China
is the standard one during this school year for
all college and university debating teams and
clubs, including the one here at the University.
Barring midshipmen and cadets from partici-
pating in a nationwide series of debates on this
topic has the effect of barring inter-collegiate
debating by their teams entirely this year.
ONE OF the reasons given by the Defense De-
partment for the new dictum-is that the subject
has already, been decided by policy-makers and
therefore is not a topic to be further debated.
This is quite fallacious; as policy is constantly
under reconsideration by policy-makers and
the public. It would seem strange if the armed
forces couldn't tolerate any disagreement with
Defense Department policy among its future
officers. But this banned debate is not even a
real disagreement. It is only a mock disagree-

best arguments for whichever side of the issue
he happens to be on.
Following the policy laid down by the mili-
tary, it is easy to visualize a time when West
Point and Annapolis debate teams are disquali-
fied entirely from debating on any topic of
national interest which has been temporarily
"solved" by policy-makers.
-Joel Berger
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Eugene Hartwig....... ..........Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff............. ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs......... ... ..Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston...................sports Editor
Han ley Gurwin.... .... .Assoc sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer.............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shilmovitz........................Women's Editor
Joy Squires..................Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith.................Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton................,.....Chief Photographer
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(Continued from Page 2)
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Feb. 19 administra-
tion of the Law School Admission Test
are now available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due
in Princeton, N.J. not later than Feb-
ruary 9, 1955.
Students in Mr. Litzenberg's English
127 should prepare the assignments in
Mill for class discussion and bring their
texts to class Fri., Nov. 19.
Logic seminar will meet Fri., Nov.
19 at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Mr.
Livesay will continue to discuss the
proof of the completeness theorem of
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Nov.
19, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Wil-
iam Liller will speak on "Stellar and
Nebular Photoelectric Spectrophotom-
etry at Michigan."
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Dr.
Herbert L. Davis, Surgical Research As-
sociate of Wayne County Board of
CountyaInstitutions, will speak on
"The Fate of Fat." Room 319, West
Medical Building, Fri., Nov. 19 at 4:00
p in
Scenes From Opera will be presented
by the Opera Class Fri., Nov. 19, at
8:30 p.m. in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
The class is directed as follows: Josef
Blatt, -Music Director; valentine Windt,
Stage Director; and Jeanne Parsons,
Choreographer. Scenes from Act. II of
"Carmen" by Georges Bizet, Scenes
from Act III of "The Bartered Bride"
by Bedrich Smetana, Scenes from Act
those in the lower regions of the
stadium. If one cannot see the in-
tricate formations, the rendition
of popular selections is often

II of "La Traviata," by Guiseppe Verdi,
and Scenes from Act II of "Die Zauber-
floete" by Wolfgiang Amadeus Mozart.
The Stanley O~uartet. Gilbert Ross
and Emil Raab, :violin, Robert Courte,
viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, will pre-
sent the fourth program in the series
of Sun. afternoox. concerts covering the
Beethoven Quarf;ets at 3:30 p.m. Nov.
21 in Rackham Lecture Hall. Quartet
in F major, Op.. 18, No. 1; Quartet in
E-fiat major, Op. 74; Quartet in A mi-
nor, Op. 132. Open to the public with-
out charge.
EventsT oday
Inter-Guild Pau'ty. Fri., Nov. 19, at
8:30 p.m. in the* Presbyterian Student
Center. Square chancing, called by Grey
Austin, group gaanes (including a Wal-
rus hunt), groups singing, and refresh-
ments. (Admissit'n 40c.
Hillel: Fri. evetning services 7:15 p.m.
followed by an Oneg Shabbat pageant.
Episcopal Studk3nt Foundation, Can-
terbury Club, 7.:30 p.m., Nov. 19, at
Canterbury Houge. Dean Deborah Ba-
con, the Chaplain, and others will dis-
cuss "The Churith and Desegregation."
Coffee Hour wLU. be held in Lane Hall
Library, Fri. at 415 p.m. The Michigan
Christian Fellowship will be guild host.
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., Nov. 19-Inter-
guild Party at the, Presbyterian Church,
8:30 p.m.
First Baptist Curch. Fri., Nov. 19.
8:00 p.m. Guild revcreation at IM Build-
University of Michigan Newman Club
will be host to Newman Club dele-
gates from the sitate of Michigan for
a three day convention. Talent Show
Fri. from 8:00-12:00 p.m., panels and
workshops, Sat., dinner at 6:00 p.m.;
Communion Breakfast Sun. following
9:30 a.m. Mass. Speaker for the dinner
will be Prof. G. B. Harrison, and for
the breakfast, Usibop C. L. Nelligan, of
Assumption Univarslty, Canada. All

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