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November 04, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-04

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Student Government: Plenty
To Worry About

THERE'S A SMALL, almost minute, group of
students on campus worrying about stu-
dent government.
Whether they have good reason to be troub-
led can be individually determined by looking
at some present facts.
1.) There is, as of now, no knowledge what
the form of student government on campus will
be in December.
2.) Students have not, and are not now, tak-
ing the trouble to acquaint themselves with the
two forms now in question. Campus feeling for
student government is now at such a low point
as to make it almost non-existent.
3.) Elections are coming up which will in ma-
jor part decide the fate of whichever govern-
ment plan is finally decided on.
AS FOR THE first point, the issue is con-
fused with a multitude of 'ifs' and 'buts'.
Student Legislature is now the student gov-
erning body. A 40-member student body, it has
never achieved the power and student support
for which it has been striving.
The new plan for student government, is the
Laing Student Government Council plan. The
council would be of 11 student members, plus
non-officio campus organization members, plus
an administration-faculty-student review board
to pass on all of its work.
IT IS NOW possible that the Board of Re-
gents may approve this plan. The SGC could'
then replace SL and at the same time the Stu-
dent Affairs Council, whose duties SGC would
also adopt.
But if the Regents do pass on this plan at
their Nov. 12 meeting, the student body would
then have to express its opinion in a special
referendum. Since there is no other time to
hold this referendum, it would come as the
vtoing for members to fill the student govern-
ment posts.
Here the plan becomes very complicated. For
if the students approvethe referendum, the
candidates would then be for SOC, with the
top 11 winning.
If the referendum is not passed however,
we're back where we started, i.e. the candidates
are now running for SL, withithe top 23 elected.
THIS, OF COURSE, brings a great many
further complications. Many students have ex-

pressed an interest in running for SL, but want
no part of SGC. But if SGCis approved, all
SL members who want to continue in office,
and would do so under normal conditions be-
cause their terms do not expire until the spring,
would now be without jobs and so, would have
to run for SGC.
Where does all this leave us? Uo one is
sure. November 12 and the Regents meeting
should decide a great many of the 'ifs' but stu-
dent approval is still the final consideration
and this would not be decided until the election
AS FOR the second point, and 'student apa-
thy' is the trite expression that sums it up, the
picture is not very optimistic.
When petitioning for the SL elections closed
on November 1, 24 students had taken peti-
tions. There are 23 posts open.
Since then, with petitioning reopened, five
more students have applied, but the total is
still ridiculously low. There are even present
SL members who are not willing to run again.
Effective student government under SL with-
out the help of an experienced nucleus is im-
Also students are too readily grasping SGC
as a replacement for SL under the theory that
"anything is better." This is a dangerous situ-
ation in the climate of general ignorance sur-
rounding the two plans. The big question is,
"Is a change always for the good?"
Students must understand the workings of
both SGC and SL to decide. -
THIS BRINGS us to 'the final point, the
elections. On December 8 and 9 student gov-
ernment at this University will be faced with
its greatest crisis. Either SGC or SL can fail
unless its sea ,s are filled by qualified and cap-
able people.
Too few of the people who are now candi-
dates can fill the description. Too few in the
past have been able to fill it, one reason for the
dilemma today.
Well, sum it all up.
Perhaps that small, almost minute group of
students has good reason to worry about stu-
dent government.
-Murry Frymer

"Something In The Wind?"
_ r4P- -

The Melancholy Dane
At Lydia Mendelssohn
THE SPEECH DEPARTMENT is now presenting an exciting produe-
tion of Shakespeare's great tragedy, "Hamlet." This version, run-
ning two-and-a-half hours is the B. Iden Payne production first pre-
sented this summer.
Though usual running time for the work runs closer to a three
hour period, this version does not, on the whole, suffer. Now and then,
however, the scenes blend into each other a little too fast so that
there is a degree of effectiveness lost as well as a certain displace-
ment of mood.
Speeding the action is an ingeniously designed set that permits all
action to proceed smoothly without lengthy scenery change; and, in-
deed, the sparcity of scenery adds a great touch of naturalness.
One must also say a word for the consistently excellent lighting,
ably suggesting mood and tenor.
But if any accolades must 'be awarded they belong to the Hamlet,
Nafe Katter. His performance of the melancholic but quick-resolved
Dane is an admirable one. Immediately one remembers Sir Laurence
Olivier's Hamlet but there is no similarity. In the motion picture
version, Hamlet was more soft in his words; Katter's portrayal seems
more out-spoken, volatile and, while effective, louder.
THOUGH HE HAD a tendency to give the soliloquies in a fast
tempo, his blazing eyes put great emphasis on the words and their
meaning. It was a regal performance.
Paul Rebillot's Polonius was played strictly for laughs and this
was quite successful. Though presenting a bumbling fool, Bebillot did
portray insight in the old man. Also noteworthy is the *esty acting
of Edward Stasheff as the Gravedigger.
The Laertes walked through his role putting no voice in the words
or the meaning behind them. To a large extent, this halted the flow
of the play.
The two important women in the cast, Gwen Arner and Beverly
Blancett as Gertrude and Ophelia respectively, seemingly found their
roles too big for them. Miss Blancett looked very pretty in her mad
scene, but her acting lagged behind.
This production at the Lydia Mendelssohn is well worth seeing.
(Note especially the well-staged duel finale.) Director Valentine Windt
has put a large group through their paces well, so there is lots of
life in this work. An only regret is that the cast did not come out at
the end to take a well-deserved curtain call. -Harry Strauss

Undergrad Law Course
To the Editor:
to express our support of Miss
Zimmerman's proposal that a prac-
tical course in legal and financial
methods and principles be estab-
lished in the Literary School. Such
a course should entitle students to
at least two hours of credit.
We are especially enthusiastic
about Miss Zimmerman's sugges-
tion that the course include a "dis-
cussion of the more important
state and federal statutes of which
one might run afoul-or wish to in-
voke." While coverage of these
statutes might require several
whole class periods, especially if
emphasisais to be placed upon busi-
ness enterprises and investments,
we have little doubt that it "would
fill a . . void in the lives of many
In order that the course not be
excessively condensed, however,
we recommend that it not include
such bulky and complex matters
as bills of attainder. Moreover, in
order that the course include only
"manageable portions" of the law,
we suggest that not more than one
week be devoted to the teaching
of contract, will, and deed termin-
ology (Bouvier could be assigned
as supplementary reading).
For the student who shows a
high degree of interest in these

matters no doubt an additional
one hour seminar could be added.
.-Robert Olsen, '55L
Martin Packard, '55L
Davis Roach, '55L
Robert Rolnick, '55L
C SE S**E * **
Michigan Spirit ...
To the Editor:
II WAS WITH a great deal of
pride that I received the score
of thedMichigan-Minnesotagame as
played yesterday in Ann Arbor.
Though facilities aboard ship pro-
hibit printing a complete re-cap of
the game, I am sure that the team
provided the alumni with as grati-
fying a Homecoming Weekend as
anyone could have possibly hoped
Though a relative "boot" as far
as alumni go, I just wish to re-
affirm my feelings that the Mich-
igan spirit, as undoubtedly dis-
played in Saturday's game, is go-
ing to produce an almost unbeat-
able force for many years to come.
My congratulations to the team,
the coaches and all others who
took part in making the alumni
very happy and very proud to be
associated with the University of
Michigan. God, and the Marine
Corps, willing, I shall be on hand
next year to watch the team in ac-
--John B. Daugherty, '53
Corporal, USMCR

WASHINGTON.- Now that the
President has the elections and his
Denver vacation out of the way,
there is a problem right inside his
own Cabinet which will require ex-
pert and immediate attention.
Otherwise, he's likely to have a
Cabinent resignation blow up in
his face.
Only the phenomenal patience of
Secretary of Labor James Mitchell
has prevented such a blow-up be-
fore this. All summer he has been
turning the other cheek to the
roughhouse tactics of his col-
league, Secretary of Commerce
Sinclair Weeks, but how long it
will continue is uncertain.
This, of course, may be officially
denied, but nevertheless here are
some of the inside facts regarding
this Cabinent friction.
The chief current issue between
the two men is the fact that Sec-
retary of Commerce Weeks wants
labor put under the antitrust laws.
Secretary of Labor Mitchell does
However, the issue actually goes
even deeper, to the fact 'that
Weeks, reared in a conservative
Boston business background, con-
siders it his job to champion every
form of business, even to the ex-
tent of barging into the preserve
of his Cabinent colleague who han-
dles the problems of labor.
Weeks' father, a Bay State Blue-
blood, was secretary of war under
President Harding. And Weeks
himself was head of the United
Carr Manufacturing Company;
Reed and Barton, Silversmiths; di-
rector of Gillette Safety Razor,
Pacific Mills, First National Bank,
Rand Pullman Co,, Atlas Ply
mouth, and so on.
Mitchell, too, has represented
business a good part of his life but
his chief job was to represent it in
dealing with labor. He was hand-
picked by Governor Dewey for
Ike's labor post because he knew
how to deal with labor, and in a
short period of time he has done
a creditable job. Labor leaders,
though disliking the Eisenhower
administration, like Mitchell.
The Weeks-Mitchell Cabinet
squabble probably would be no
worse than the personality tiffs
that have occurred in most Cabi-
nets in the past'were it not for the
fact that Weeks seems so deter-
mined to prevail on the question
of the antitrust laws.
He doesn't seem to care who Is
secretary of labor just so long as
his views dominate. He fought Ei-
senhower's first labor secretary,
Martin Durkin, and finally induced
his resignation over the Taft-
Hartley act. Now, If Ike doesn't
step in and stick to his Cabinet
knithing he may find himself look-
ing for a new secretary of labor
quicker than he thinks.
(Copyright, 1954,
by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
President Eisenhower has now
responded to the declaration of
Chinese Communist intention to
"liberate" Formosa by stating that
any invasion of the island will
have to get past the United States
Seventh Fleet, since the orders to
protect the island given to the
navy by the Truman Administra-
tion at the beginning of the Kor-
ean War are still in force.
Thus the two powers confront
each other, each committed offi-
cially to courses of action which,
if carried out, mean war.
-The Economist

mtor4tgatt Datly,



Large, Apathetic Vote
Rises from the Mud

THE ELECTION ordeal is over. These past
few months oratory flowed like mud which
flowed like water, and the result (we are sup-
posed to be surprised at this) was apathy.
Nixon attacked Stevenson for attacking Nix-
on for attacking the Democrats, and Steven-
son in turn attacked Nixon for all this. Into
the picture stepped Leonard Hall. He demand-
ed equal time on the air to answer all charges
made in answer to charges made over free air
Secretary Wilson barked "dog" and Walter
Reuther assailed him for it, and in turn Reu-
ther (but not Illinois' Republican Governor
Stratton, who committed a like offense) was
the object of criticism of Republican orators
across the land. The major issue in Indiana
seemed to be: which party's election would
please Malenkov most? Also, how could Gover-
nor Craig be so dastardly as to state that a
Democratic victory would?
It is not that realistic issues do not exist.
Reductions in military spending, foreign pol-
icy, the economics of the farm program, con-
tinental defenses, tariffs, and the military
reserve proposals all demand great attention
and were practically ignored. The campaign of
1954 was fought over the question of which
side called the other the dirtiest names. At
least this seems to be as 'weighty- an issue as
the politicians (or the newspapers reporting
their speeches) were willing to trust the voters
with handling.
A few attempts at simulating issues were
made. Voters were thrown a few sensational
remarks about prosperity or the lack of it (on
which neither party's policies has had much
effect.) Too they were barraged with noisy
promises that candidate Honest John Jones
would support anything and everything in any
Eisenhower program past or present. There was

of course little discussion of the merits of any
particular item in that program, save the in-
evitable catchy slogan. Slogans may have
been enough to sway senatorial votes, but the
American electorate surely has been smart
enough to see through them.
Yet the politicians complained about voter
apathy, a general lack of interest in their
campaign shenanigans. Loud speeches by both
party's leaders stressed the importance of the
Congressional contests. Still the people, while
voting in large numbers, were not awakened to
the point of actual concern by the volume of
the outcry-
Once it was not considered too idealistic to
say that election campaigns should perform a
valuable function, should be an opportunity,
as Adlai Stevenson called it, "to educate and
elevate the American people." Campaign time,
after all is the time a democracy sets aside for
constructive focus on the problems that the
next congress will decide and which the prev-
ious congress has decided.
His opponents failed to accept the challenge
when Stevenson expressed it two years ago,
and it seems that the sting of his defeat con-
vinced Stevenson to repudiate it himself.
The trend has been unfortunate. The verbal
free-for-all we have witnessed in the last fe o
months, striking at apathy in one breath and
promoting it in all the others, reduced any
idealsaabout the value of election campaigns
to a farce.
AMERICA VOTED, but it was more from
habit than from determination. The size of
the vote does not reveal the boredom with which
it was cast. "Voter Apathy" was just a passive
way of saying, "Let's get to the point." The
politicians never did.
-Pete Eckstein


mas is a film in which a tal-
ented cast overcomes a mediocre
musical score and a trite plot to
provide a fairly pleasant two-hour
The story involves a song-and-
dance team (Bing Crosby and
Danny Kaye) and a sister act
(Rosemary Clooney and Vera El-
len) who team up to save the boys'
old army general (Dean Jagger)
from bankruptcy by staging a mus-
ical extravaganza at his Vermont
inn. The ensuing romantic com-
plications provide an old clothes
line upon which to string a dozen
musical numbers. '
Crosby sings in his "bu-bu-bu"
style and gives his usual relaxed
performance. One of his songs
"Count Your Blessings," has a
most asinine lyric ("When you go
to sleep, count your blessings .. .
and you'll fall asleep counting
your blessings"). Minus his usual
slapstick, Kaye proves an engag-
ing dancer and adequate singer.
His best number is a striking
dance with Vera-Ellen to "The
Dancing." Kaye's comedy routine,
"Choreography," features him and
a Martha-Graham-like chorus
posturing in modern ballet atti-
tudes while Miss Ellen and John
Brascia provide a jazzy tap coun-
terpoint. But Kaye the comedian
would have probably lifted the pro-
ceedings greatly.
A skilled dancer, Miss Ellen in-
jects spirit into what would other-
wise be a series of cliched dance
movements created by Robert Al-
ton. She comes over best in an
acrobatic minstrel show number
dancing with Brascia and a male
chorus. Later, Miss Ellen and
Brascia do a rhythm tap to the
Berlin oldie, "Abraham."
MISS CLOONEY solos on an un-
melodic torch number, "Love You
Didn't Do Right By Me," and with
Miss Ellen does a night club turn
to "Sisters." In addition, several

THE SEA HAWK, with Errol
visibility combine to make this
a memorable film, with aid from
Curtiz the Director, Flynn the Ac-
tor, Korngold the Composer, and
SL the Unmentionable.
In short, the Sea Hawks are Bri-
tish pirate ships which roam the
seas in the 1580's, spoiling the evil
plans of King Philip of Spain who
would increase his empire. The
Spanish are building an Armada
for this very purpose, which is to
be called the Spanish Armada,
ERROL AND his merry band of
warmed-over Robin-Hood gang-
sters have been looting Spanish
towns, freeing galley slaves, while
pilaging Spanish ships, happily
singing sea chants and mumbling
about serving the Queen. After
capturing a Spanish Ambassador
and his niece (a stupid, beautiful
girl), while sinking a Spanish
ship, Flynn is given a royal slap
by Queen E., (a suitably ugly wo-
man who speaks without a trace
of British accent).
But she forgives Errol for this
minor breach of manners and
sends him off to the New World to
steal gold from the cruel Spanish.
Pity, but a court conspirator, Lord
Wolfingham, has sent informa-
tion ahead and Flynn's men are
captured. Thus does 'Errol find
himself chained to the galley, and
rowing eighteen to the bar for
Spain, while Queen E. plans to dis-
band the British navy to spare the
lives of Spanish sailors who are go-
ing to invade England so that the
Inquisition can examine British
BUT ERROL and his band
break loose; after only.ten years
in the galley on bread and bilge
they are fresh as olympic cham-
pions, and they sieze yet another
Spanish ship, swinging through
Lhe sails without any touch of
scurvy, beri-beri, pellegra, or rick-

(Continued from Page 2)
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Prof.
D. J. Peery will speak on "Vibrations
of a Suspension Bridge" at 4:00 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 4 in Room 111, West En-
gineering Building.
Zoology Lecture, "The Chemical and
Molecular Physiology of Contraction -
A. Sequence of Three Revolutions,"
Dr. W. F. H. M. Mommaerts, Associate
Professor of Biochemistry, Western Re-
serve University Medical School, Thurs.,
Nov. 4. 4:15 p~m., Auditorium C, An-
gell Hal.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Nov. 5,
4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Mr. Edward
A. Spiegel will speak on "The Theory of
Isotropic Turbulence."
Doctoral Examination for William
Nathaniel Wasson, Education; thesis:
"A Study of Direct Measurements of
Venous Pressure in Rest and During
Exercise," Fri., Nov. 5, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker.
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Application blanks for the
Feb. 3 administration of the Admis-
sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi-
ness are now available at 110 Rack-
ham Building and 150 Business Ad-
ministration. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J. not later than
Jan. 20.
Logic Seminar-Fri., Nov. 5 4:00 p.m.
-443 Mason Hall. Mr, Addison will
conclude his discussion of "Measur-
ing Non-effectiveness."
Biological chemistry Seminar: Profes-
sor Richard J Winzler of the Depart-
ment of Biological Chemistry, College
of Medicine, University of Illinois,
will speak on "The Metabolism of Hu-
man Leukocytes," Room 319, West Med-
icali Building, Fri., Nov. 5 at 4:00
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will be heard in
another of his current series of pro-
grams at 7:15 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 4.
The prograln will include a group of
plainsongs, several chorales, five spir-
itual numbers, and modern hymns by
Dykes, Bortniansky, and Mason.
The .Cleveland orchestra, George
Szell,rconductor, will give the fourth
concert in the current Choral Union
Series, Sun., Nov. 7, at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium. The program will in-
clude Smetana's Overture to "The
Bartered Bride" Hymn and Fuguing
Tune No. 3 by Henry Cowell: ""La.
Mer" by Debussy; and Tschaikowsky's
Symphony No. 5 in E minor.
Tickets are available at the offices'-
of the' University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower, and will also
be on sale at Hill Auditorium box of-
fice Sun. after 7:00 p.m.
Styles in Chinese Painting, Nov. 3-23;
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall,
9:00 a.m-5 :00 p.m. on weekdays, 2:00
-5:00 p.m. on Suns. The public is in-
Art Exhibit, Rackham Galleries. Chet
Lahore, Associate Professor of Drawing
and Painting. Work done while on
Sabbatical leave, Feb.-July, 1954, in
the Southwest. Open daily through
Nov. 20 in Rackham Galleries. Title
of show: "Space-scapes and Images of
the American Southwest."
Events Today
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side, Room, Lane Hall. All are cordial-
ly invited.
International Center Tea. 4:30 - 6:00
p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4, Rackham Build-

will be led by two Frenchmen, Mr.
Garduner and Mr. Clignet.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Thurs. 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class at
the Guild House. "Great Ideas of the
Bible . . . their development and un-
derlying relationships to political, eco-
nomical, social values."
Phi Sigma Society. Drs. S. A. Cain,
M. Bates, D. C. Pelz, F. Wyatt, and
G. B. Sutterland will discuss Dr. L. A,
Kuhie's provocative recent article from
the American Scientist "Soco-Eco.
nomic Problems of the YoungScientist.
8:00 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 4. Rackham
Amphitheatre. Open to the Public.
Westminster Student Fellowship sup-
per in the student center this Sun.
Telephone reservations to NO 2-3580
by Fri.
The NAACP will present Dr. Winifred
Ingram speaking on "The Psychologi-
cal Aspects of Discrimination." The
meeting will be held Thurs., Nov. 4 at
7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Vespers in the Presbyterian student
center chapel at 5:00 p.m.
"Skeptics Corner" will be held in
Room 439 Mason Hall with Prof. Wil-
bert McKeachie as the leader. Infor-
al discussionuon the pros and cons
of campus Issues.
There will be a meeting, of the Or-
thodox Student Society Thurs., Nov.
4. at 7:30 p.m. at Lane- Hal. Father
Francis M. Donahue, professor of re-
ligion at Michigan State College, will
be the guest speaker. Refreshments
will be served.
First Social Seminar of the year.
Sen. Jose P. Laurel of the Philippines
will be our speaker. The meeting will
be Thurs., Nov. 4th, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Michigan Room of the Michigan
League. Light refreshments.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Full
rehearsal for chorus and principals to.
day at 7:15 p.m. in the League.
Generation Staff: Ensian pictures
will be taken of the Generation staff
Thurs. afternoon at 5:00 p.m. in the
Generation office. All members who
wish to be included In the picture
please appear at that time.
Meeting of the Senior Board tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in the League. The room
will be posted on the bulletin board.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
7:00 p.m., Bible Class at the Guild
The Baha'i Student Group will spon-
sor another in its series of weekly dis-
cussions in the Woman's League Thurs.
at 8:30 p.m.
Shakespeare's "amlet" will be pre-
sented at 8:00 today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Late-comers will
not be seated during the first scene.
The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box
Officeis open-'from 10:00 a.m until
8:00 p.m.
Coming Events
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., Nov. 5. "Gay
Nineties" Party in the lounge, 8:00
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5,
at Canterbury House. Joseph Stanley,
formerly of Yugoslavia, will discuss
"Life in the Shadow of the Iron Cur-
SRA Coffee Hour will be held In the
Library at Lane Hall, Fri., 4:15 p.m.
Grace Bible students will be the Guild
First Baptist Church. Fri., Nov. 5, 8:00
pin. Joint square dance with Congre-
gational group in Fellowship Halil
The Con gregational-Discipls Guild:
Fri., 8:00 D tm. E y'chano' Dart ibt the





Associated Press News Analyst
THE DEMOCRATIC "sweep" which appeared
to be in the making, even through the first
few hours of vote-counting, has turned out to
be something less than that.
Despite the importance of committee chair-
men changes in Congress, the turnover is much
less than the average for off-year elections.
The Democrats, of course, will follow the
already-exposed Truman statement that the
voting represented a repudiation of the Eis-
enhower administration.
INSOFAR AS Eisenhower was unable to stop
what has become traditional for off-years,
there may be some loss of prestige. As applied
to the Eisenhower program, there is a great

Actually, there is more than one point where
the returns give Eisenhower's program consid-
erable advantage.
FOR INSTANCE, neither the Democrats nor
the Republicans who tried to block Secretary
of Agriculture Benson's flexible farm price sup-
port program will feel so brash as they did
At lot of surveys had shown that a good
number of farmers were willing to pay some-
thing for reclamation of a part of their tradi-
tional independence. Whatever it was, the. big-
gest farm states continued to go along with
the Republicans. Dairying areas were an ex-
ception. They have complained most at Benson.
The administration failed to get through its
foreign trade program at the last session. Too

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hlartwig..Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ............ ..City*Editor
Jon Sobelof...........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs. .......Assoclate City Editor
Becky Conrad.......Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston. ....Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.. Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ........Women's Editor
Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith.. Associate Women's Editor
Dan Morton....... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business. Manager
Bill Wise......... Advertising Manager,
Mary Jean Monkoski. Finance Manager


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