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November 04, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-04

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Alpha PhiAlpha Cops

Third Place GridPlayoffs

M' Pucksters Face Rugged Schedule

Chi Phi Wins
'-M PlavoffI


Illini Sports Editor Says
Team'Up' for Michigan

The big grey University of Mich-
igan Coliseum opened its doors
Monday afternoon as Vic Heylig-
er's Wolverine hockey squad took
to the ice for the first practice ses-
sion of the 1954-55 season.
Heyliger, the genial cigar chew-
ing coach who led the Wolverines
to third place in the nation the past
season, is beginning perhaps the
toughest job of his career-rebuild-
ing a team that has lost nine key
men through graduation.
Yesterday's practice session con-
sisted of conditioning, something
Wolverine pucksters will see a lot
of before they open the season on
the night of December 3 here
against McGill.
Heyliger plans to use only two
linesdthis season, one of them com-
posed completely of untested tal-
ent. His defense is also completely
new to the Wolverine hockey
scene, as is most of the reserve
Only Five Vets Back
Only five veterans are back, and
four of these are only beginning
their second varsity season. Head-
ing the returnees is captain Bill
MacFarland, who will be teamed
with lettermen Neil Buchanan and
either Jay Goold or Yves Hebert
on , one of Michigan's forward
lines. The only other returnee is
reserve goalie Bill Lucier, who-as
a senior,'is the last remnant of

Michigan's great National Cham-
pionship teams.
From here on, one can easily see
why Heyliger terms the coming
season as "a year of rebuilding."
In the goal is newcomer Lorne
Howes, who is boomed to be one
of the greatest prospects in years.
Howes, who hails from Kirkland
Lake, Ontario, is actually a junior,
but under a five year program has
a full three years of eligibility
ahead of him. He will be an able
replacement for Willie Ikola whose
goaltending helped Michigan to
three National championships.
Rookie Line Looms
In Michigan's only other line are
three rookies. Heyliger plans to
use swift Tommy Rendall of Win-
nepeg at center, flanked by George
Dunningan and Gerry Karpinka.
As far as defense goes,, newcom-
ers Bob Shiller, Bernie Hanna and
Bob Pitts will hold forth almost en-
tirely, for Heyliger has moved vet-
eran defenseman Neil Buchanan
into his other front line.
This then is the extent of Mich-
igan's 1954-55 squad - only seven
forwards, three defensemen, and
two goalies. On these twelve rug-
ged gentlemen lies the hope of re-
newing the phenomenal string of
seven successive bids to the Na-
tional Championships held every
year in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
To gain their eighth straight
bid and chance to shoot at their

fifth national title in eight years,
the Wolverines must finish first or
second in a league with such rug-
ged competition as Minnesota,
North Dakota, Colorado College,
Denver University, Michigan State,
and Michigan Tech.
Can this be done with the loss of
twelve men from last season's 17
man roster? Gone through gradua-

Battle, 18-6
Icy winds didn't stop four pro-
fessional fraternity and four so-
cial fraternity football teams yes-
terday as they battled through
third and fourth place playoffs.
The third place playoff game
found Alpha Phi Alpha Social pit-
ted against Phi Kappa Sigma. The
duel was. fought to a tie, but the
Alpha Phi Alpha team moved the
pigskin to the Phi Kappa Sigma's
two yard line in overtime to give
them a 1-0 victory.
Twice the winners were in scor-
ing position, but couldn't capital-
ize on the opportunities. Late in
the first half they moved the ball
'to the Phi Kappa Sigma's four
yard line, but lost the ball on a
pass interception in the end zone.
Alpha Iappa Psi scored its first
touchdown in two years against
Alpha Rho Chi in a fourth place
playoff, but it was little consola-
tion for the 27-6 drubbing it took.
Stan Bohinc scored all the
points for Alpha Rho Chi. He
gave the squad a 7-0 half time
lead on a three yard plunge
through the center of the line into
the end zone. In the second half
he passed to Carl Goldberg, Har-
ry Montague, and Fred Stephen-
son for three more TDs.,
Psi Omega downed Alpha Ome-
ga, 19-6, in the other professional
fraternity fourth place playoff.
Larry Kinstle sparked the win-
ners to their victory.
Lee Krumbholz paced the Chi
Phis in an 18-6 win over Theta
Delta Chi in a social fraternity
fourth place playoff. Dropping
back to pass on the Theta Delta
Chi five yard line, he found his
receivers covered,dso he carried
the ball to pay dirt himself. A'
thirty yard aerial from Krumb-
holz to Pete Geis in the end zone
provided the necessary margin for


(Consensus selections appear in capitals)
Illinois at MICHIGAN 9. Washington State at MICHI-
ARMY at Yale 10. NOTRE DAME at Pennsylvania
Texas at BAYLOR 11. Northwestern at WISCONSIN
Navy at DUKE 12. Pittsburgh at OHIO STATE
Miami (Ohio) at INDIANA 13. OKLAHOMA at Iowa State
Purdue at IOWA 14. Oregon at UCLA



. .. hockey leader
tion are Willard Ikola, Jim Hass,
Lou Paolatto, Burt Dunn, George
Chin, Pat Cooney, Doug Philpott,
Reg Shave, and Doug Mullen. Lost
through scholastic difficulties are
Terry Sheehan, Telly Mascarin,
and Don MacArthur.'
Can the master touch of Heylig-
er, who last season was named col-
legiate hockey's "Coach of the
Year," turn this team of rookies
into another Wolverine power-
house? All these questions remain
to be answered-rand they will be-
from the ice floor of the sprawling
sports palace at Denver to the
mammoth Williams Arena at Min-
neapolis, and of course right here
in the Coliseum at the foot of Hill
1954-55 MICHIGAN
Dec. 3-McGill................ Here
Dec. 4-McGill.................Here
Dec. 10-Montreal ...............Here
Dec. 17-Montreal...............Hre
Dec. 17-Colorado...............Away
Dec. 18-Colorado............. Away
Dec. 21-Denver...............Away
Dec. 22-Denver................Away
Jan. 7-Michigan State .........HAway
Jan. 8-Michigan state .......... Here
Jan. 11-Detroit Red Wings ...Here
Jan. 14-Minnesota .............Here
Jan. 15-Minnesota.............Here
Feb. 4-Michigan Tech .........Away
Feb. 5-Michigan Tech.........Away
Feb. 11-Michigan State ........ Away
Feb. 12-Michigan State ........Here
Feb. 18-Minnesota.............Away
Feb. 19-Minnesota............Away
Feb. 25-North Dakota ..........Here
Feb. 26-North Dakota .......... Here
Mar. 4-Michigan Tech.........Here
Mar. 5-Michigan Tech.........Here
Inside, Too?
jury jinx that has bothered the
Michigan State football team all
fall even follows the Spartans in-
Because of bad weather, the
football team practiced indoors
yesterday in Jenison Fieldhouse-
generally considered safe as a
church. But Don Berger, promis-
ing sophomore center from Phila-
delphia, went down during the
workout with a knee injury.

PHIL DOUGLIS-(64-26, .711)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army, Bay-
lor, Duke, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
ALAN EISENBERG-(64-26, .711)-Mihcigan, Arkansas, Army,
Baylor, Duke, Indiana, Purdue, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre
Dame, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
DAVE LIVINGSTON-(64-26, .711)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army,
Baylor, Navy, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
JIM DYGERT-(63-27, .700)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army, Bay-
lor, Duke, Indiana, Purdue, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
HANLEY GURWIN-(62-28, .688)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army,
Texas, Duke, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
KEN COPP-(61-29, .677)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army, Texas,
Duke, Indiana, Purdue, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
DON LINDMAN-(60-30, .667)-Michigan, Rice, Army, Baylor,
Navy, Indiana, Purdue, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
CORKY SMITH-(60-30, .667)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army, Tex-
as, Duke, Indiana, Iowa,. Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Oregon, Southern California.
WARREN WERTHEIMER-(60-30, .667)-Michigan, Arkansas,
Army, Baylor, Duke, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan State, No-
tre Dame, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern Cali-
JACK HORWITZ-(59-31, .655)-Illinois, Arkansas, Army, Bay-
lor, Duke, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame,
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
DAVE BAAD-(58-32, .644)-Michigan,, Rice, Army, Texas, Duke
Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Wisconsin,
Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.
BOB JONES-(35-25, .583)-Michigan, Arkansas, Army, Texas,
Navy, Indiana, Purdue, Minnesota, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Wis-
consin, Ohio State, Oklahoma, UCLA, Southern California.

Sports Editor
The Daily Illini
61,000 gleeful spectators were fil-
ing from Minneapolis' Memorial
Stadium immediately following the
Golden Gophers' 19-6 defeat dealt
Illinois on Oct. 16. The announce-
ment was made that on the Sat-
urday following, Minnesota would
be up at Michigan for a home-
coming duel to determine which
of the two would remain unbeaten
in '54 conference play.
"Watch that one!" someone up
in the press box advisedl. "Ooster-
baan's team is a lot better than a
lotta people expected."
Needless to say, our friend,
Sports Editor Arch Ward of the
Chicago Tribune, was not alone in
his high regard for the Wolver-
ines. Only a 26-7 loss to Army
marred an enviable record which
included a 14-13 victory over Iowa.
Is Michigan Tough?
As it turned out, what was ex-
pected to prove a close one up at
Ann Arbor was little less than a
rout as Michigan won, 34-0. To win
was not an upset by any measure,
but the proportions caused many
of the nation's football eyebrows
to raise in awe. Was Minnesota
that bad? . . . Or was Michigan
that good?
Naturally, our sole criteria for
judgment of the Wolverines is what
we hear from the experienced and
read in the newspapers. We'll re-
serve final opinion on the Wolver-
ines' calibre until we have the
opportunity to see for ourselves-
this Saturday. Past results con-
firm that anything can and has
happened in the unpredictable
Michigan- Illinois series, however,
and this weekend's game should
prove no exception.
It's no secret that the Illini will
enter Saturday's game anywhere
from two to three-touchdown un-
derdogs. We at Illinois like to feel
there's no such thing as an under-
dog in an Illinois-Michigan contest.
The Wolverines haven't defeated
the Illini since '49 and we predict
more trouble in '54.
Everyone is wondering what has
happened to Illinois this season.
Co-champions with Michigan State
last year, the football swamis
foresaw Illinois as championship
shoo-ins this time around, appar-
ently because of one J. C. Caro-
line's name on the Illini register.
They're asking why Caroline isn't
racking up yardage as he did in
his soph year. Coach Ray Eliot,
out of necessity caused by gradua-

tions, injuries, etc., has been
forced to go along with inexper-
ienced linemen who've had con-
siderable difficulty providing open-
ings for J. C.
Illini Triple-Threat
Accept it from this source, Caro-
line is much more valuable to his
Illini teammates this year as now
he plays in the role of a triple-
threat. Always troublesome when
reaching the secondary, Caroline
now rates as one of the Big 10's
standout punters and defensive
With Abe Woodson, conference
hurdles champ, and Mickey Bates
along with Mr. Caroline in the first
backfield, anything can happen.
Granted, this Illini team is un-
representative of those in recent
years. It is weak at the end, tackle
and quarterback positions but,
nevertheless, will give the Wol-
verines trouble Saturday and would
like nothing better than to return
here with a victory over Michigan.
A win here would turn a dismal
season into a successful one over-
Why Poor Showing
Because of its unexpectedly poor
showing thus far, many explana-
tions are given for Illinois' 1-5 rec-
ord. There are those who say it's
all due to a tremendous lack of
team spirit and morale. There are
also those who blame it all on too
much pre-season publicity given
the team in general, Caroline in
particular. By the same token, it
has been said the Illini resent
Caroline's newsworthiness; even
that Eliot is going about his job
in the wrong manner. As regards
the latter, we like to feel Eliot is
among the best in his business
along with your Bennie, William-
son, Holcomb and Evashevski.
Whatever the case may be, dis-
regard pre-game records. They're
not worth much at kick-off time.
We guarantee this: Illinois has
been a constantly improving team,
though progress has been slow, and
will be psychologically "up" for
As aforementioned, anything can

Student Officials Brave All Hardships
To Referee Various I-M Athletic Events





Proverbially, the unsung heroes
of any sports event are the men
who referee or umpire the proceed-
This idea is most strikingly illus-
trated in the situation involving the
officials of the Athletic Depart-
ment's intramural sports program.
These men, all students of the Uni-
versity, serve an average of sev-
en hours a week enforcing the
rules of the various sports includ-
ed in the intramural setup. Yet,
their names never are included in
reports of the games.
Waleryszak Leads Group
At the present time, 16 men, un-
der the leadership of Dave Walery-
szak, are officiating I-M games.
Waleryszak, a teaching fellow in
the Physical Education Depart-
ment, has praised his men for
their "willingness to work in all
kinds of weather and in the tens-
est of situations."
Remarkably, very few protests
have been lodged against the I-M
officials. This is despite their rela-

tive inexperience as arbiters, and
the occasionally confusing rules of
I-M play. Of the few protests which
have been made so far this year,
only one has been upheld.
During the football season, the
referees have been subjected to
unusual hardships by the weather.
Working three or four afternoons a
week, they have had to endure
conditions which many of the com-
peting players found intolerable
even for one afternoon.
The long rainy spell, which Ann
The injury jinx, which has
been knocking Michigan all
season, took its toll again yes-
terday and sidelined Jim Bates,
senior center. Bates, plagued by
injury throughout his collegiate
career, ran a high temperature
and was taken to the hospital.
The Wolverine center was ex-
pected to be released sometime
today if nothing new develops,
but it is not known whether he
will be able to play in the Illi-
nois contest.

Arbor experienced a couple of
weeks ago, formed several shal-
low pools on South Ferry Field,
where the I-M's outdoor games
are played. It was in these puddles
that our referee heroes were forced
to make decisions for two games
each day. Now, cold weather and,
possibly, snow are making the of-
ficials' job a difficult one.
Sixteen In All
Just who are the impartial
judges of intramural sports? Eight
men have had experience from
past years. In this group are Bob
Doherty, Harold Jokela, Dick Wil-
son, Pat Reilly, Bob Brand, Chuck
Boyd, Bob Hitchmough, and Les-
ter Nelson.
Rounding out the staff are eight
newcomers: Don Wittenber'g, Tom
Benner, Stan Whitman, Chuck
Schweim, Dave Seitz, Matt Shad-
eck, Joe Pagen, and Al Shafer.
Moment's Notice!
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Night Editor



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