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Gen. Clark Diagnoses
Major World Problems
"What Was Wrong With Charlie's Crack
About Dogs?"
AFTER MULLING over Gen. Mark Clark's obser-
vations on "The Struggle in Asia" for almost a
,week, it is difficult to feel that any information
imparted to Monday night's lecture audience was
based on sound and rational reasoning.
'This is really a shame, for there was every rea-
son to believe that Gen. Clark could as he put it,
"enlighten" his audience. After all, he has had first
hand experience in Asia, has commanded UN
troops, and even signed the Korean armistice. If
anyone should be well informed, it is he. But what
the audience received was essentially humorous
autobiographical material, some rah-rah Yankee-
Doodle-Dandy patriotic emotionalism, and a few
random, highly dogmatic military observations.
Gen. Clark firist identified himself with every
big wheel in American foreign affairs. He had
been hunting with Ike, talked with Marshall
over the phone, knew MacArthur, etc. The Cita-
del, a military academy where he is president, is
a fine place; he has no difficulty in raising mon-
ey. Even New York policemen thought he was a1
great guy. And his son is a regular fellow. Sand-
wiched between these anecdotes was the crux of
his lecture.
Having explained how bad Communists are andI
how good Americans are, Gen, Clark announced
that "Political conferences solve nothing." The on-
ly way to mate Communists see that Americans are
right is to use a "big stick." However, this does
not mean that America should start a war. Amer-
ica had really missed her big chance with the Yalu.
"I don't think Russia would have come in if we
had bombed beyond the Yalu River," he said.
Was it possible that this might have brought
about another world war? Oh, no, the general
hastened to explain. Just "why" it would not
have caused another world war we were never
The general's reasoning is not at all uncommon.
It is based on the illogical and fallacious assump-
tion that there are only "two sides to every story."
That there could be more than "two sides" never
occurs to Gen. Clark. For there is only the Ameri-
can way and the non-American way of viewing a
problem. That the French or English might have
another point of view is impossible for him to see.
It is his firm belief that everything will work out
in our favor. Such prophetic knowledge and one-
sided reasoning requires no "why" or "how-can-we-
be-certain" analysis. One must accept and not ques-
It is very interesting to explore the implications
of his reasoning. We have missed our chance to
lick the Communists in Korea. Now, we cannot
waste time discussing, trying to work out problems
because the Communist only understands the "big
stick." But we cannot begin a war. Apparently, we
must just sit and wait until we are attacked. Then
we will be able to justifiably use that "big stick"
and teach those Communists a thing or two.
Social and economic conditions in Communist-
held countries do not interest the general. How
could the communists have gotten a foothold in
these many lands? How do the people feel toward
Americans and American ideals? What can we do
to win, Asian peoples over to our way of thinking?
What is it that the Asian people want from us, or
from the Communists? The Asian people do not
count with Gen. Clark. This is just a fight between
the bad guys (Communists) and the good guys
(Americans). Naturally, the good guys will win.
They always do.
About half way through the lecture, Gen. Clark
asked "Where do we go from here?" His answer,
"I wish I knew," is probably applicable to most of
his observations.
-Ernest Theodossin
The Week in Review
AFI'R MUCH discussion at its monthly meeting
on Monday, the Senate Advisory Committee
voted to call a special meeting of the University
Faculty Senate within the next two weeks. The
group decided to call the meeting to further dis-
cuss procedures involved in the faculty dismissal
cases and the whole question of academic freedom.
CHANGE IN PLANS: Scheduled to speak before
the Student Legislature on the question of proposed
severance pay for himself and Prof. Mark Nick-
erson, H. Chandler Davis, former University mathe-
matics instructor, did not appear at the last min-
ute. The reason given by SL President Steve Jelin,
'55, was that information Davis would have sup-
plied was obtainable from other sources.
The same night, the Student Legislature sent
a motion, which proposed a year's severance pay
for the two dismissed faculty members, back to
committee for further study.
FRATERNITIES: As fraternity rushing ended,
it was disclosed that campus fraternities pledged
more than 515 men. This total was only 20
short of the 1949 record.
VOLUNTEERS: Fraternity presidents voted to
volunteer the services of their groups for a program
in testing the effectiveness of flu vaccine. The next
day, Inter-House Council members voted to give
their support to the Inter-Fraternity Council in
assisting the testing program. The innoculations will
be given during the week of Nov. 1-6.
* * * .
National ..o.D
An off-the-cuff remark by Secretary of Defense
Charles E. Wilson caused a storm of protest, com-
ment and apologies. Commenting at a news con-
ference, he said that while he has a lot of sym-
pathy for the unemployed in surplus labor areas,
he likes "bird dogs better than kennel-fed dogs."
He said the former go out and hunt for food while
the latter "sit on their haunches and yelp."
Immediately following that incident, CIO and
UAW President Walter Reuther sent a telegram
to President Eisenhower demanding that the state-
ment be retracted or Wilson be asked, to resign.
Reaction poured in from all over the country.
Gov. William Stratton of Illinois recommended that
Wilson's speech, scheduled for Chicago the next
day, be cancelled. The Democrats jumped at the
opportunity to make an election issue out of the
statement. Wilson finally stated that he meant
no harm in his ' comment and should not have
brought up the bird dogs "at the same time I was
talking about people."
Although the incident had died down in the
United States by the end of the week, in Russia,
Moscow Radio told the Soviet people Thursday
night that Wilson had called unemployed Ameri-
cans "dogs."
HAZEL HUFFS: The seventh tropical hurri-
cane of the year coupled with unusually heavy
rain in the Midwest caused concern throughout
the nation last week.
The worst deluge of rains in 69 years hit Chi-
eago, flooding the area and leaving damages
estimated at 10 million dollars in the city alone.
Wednesday Hurricane Hazel hit the southwestern
peninsula of Haiti, sweeping whole towns into the
sea and putting the casualty list at 200 dead and
350 injured. Gathering speed, in the next two days
the storm hit the Carolinas, Virginia, Washington,
D.C. and New York City before waning in the
Pennsylvania mountains. Leaving 33 Americans
dead in its wake, the storm reached a 130-mile per
hour peak over the Carolinas.
MERGER: The two giants among organized labor
unions started talks concerning a planned mer-
ger at the end of the week. CIO President Walter
Reuther and AF of L President George Meany dis-
cussed an actual union of the two groups within
the next few months.
LANDSLIDE: Early Congressional elections in
Alaska showed an overwhelming victory for the
** * *
.international .
RUSSIA'S Andrei Y. Vishinsky made a three-point
argument for his country's demand on a ban
of atomic weapons, in the United Nations Political
Committee meeting. He said that:
1) Russia is ready to participate in reduction of
conventional arms and armed forces of the nations
of the world.
2) Prohibition of atomic bombs can be the sec-
ond phase of the disarmament program,
3) The controlling body must not have the power
to close plants in any country.
The United States then urged the UN to take
a long and inquiring look into Russia's latest pro-
-Louise Tyor
Marion Mainwaring
Macmillan 215 pp. $2.75
THERE are nine detectives in Miss Mainwaring's second mystery
novel, allseasily recognizable as the creations of nine other who-
dunit authors; if not by their styles of detection, then readily by
their disguised names: Spike Bludgeon, Mallory King, Lord Simon
Quinsey, Jerry Pason, Atlas Poireau, etc.
To appreciate the major joys of the novel, however, the read-
er's recognition has to be on the level of a rather fine per-
ception of the pastiche-approaching-parody-he must be aware
aforehand of the particular idiosyncracies and deductive approach-
es of the individual detectives. Consequently, because the success
of her novel is so dependent on these esoteric appreciations, the
effective audience for Murder in Pastiche is severely limited.
The pastiche element in the book is excellent. Miss Mainwaring
happily possesses the wit, perception and background required to
bring off this difficult form successfully. The parodies, however, are
not free of surface imperfections. But these are errors we can ex-
cuse in the case of an Englishwoman writing about American speech
and manners. (They never do QUITE understand, do they?)
Spelling differences provide another pitfall, For example, I can't
imagine Mike Hammer transcribing pajamas as pyjamas in the writing
of his memoirs. I also was disappointed to see Hammer's familiar
and picturesque "deck of Luckies" replaced by the comparatively drab
(for Spillane) "pack of butts."
For the sake of the game, we concede the authoress the
right to take these. nine sleuths (among whom is included one
known never to budge beyond his doorstep) and drop them down
on a trans-Atlantic liner; but thereafter she is on her own. Under
the circumstances, Miss Mainwaring does very well. Although
the investigation PER SE lacks momentum, the story is quite
well plotted.
. *.* *
THE SATIRE invited by the pastiche is in evidence, too. For me,
the successful exercise in imitation was not nearly as entertain-
ing as the writer's implied critical passing shots at the nine whodunit
authors. Her aim is unerring, as the final score shows. Witness this
verbal exchange which takes place during "Jerry Pason's" investi-
Pason: " I've found out a lot about my client. Enough to
clear him.'
F. O.: 'Did you use poetry to find out?' the First Officer
Pason: 'Poetry? Hell,' said the lawyer. 'None of my cases
have anything to do with literature!'"
What constitutes perhaps the most common objection to the
latest Ellery Queen novels is brilliantly pronounced in the "Mallory
King" chapter, in which the detective habitually insists on the exist-
ence of a logical, central theme to the murder, then pursues this
tack until he is discovering comical, mushrooming significance at
every turn. This continues until a moment is reached when the
magnificent theme (that of the Pied Piper of Hamelin) has even
eluded the mental grasp of the detective himself.
Another point well-scored is the satire on the complexity-
the inherent, artificial complexity-of the detective novel. Fol-
lowing the denouncement, Miss Mainwaring's murderer confesses
to having strewn false clues all over the scene because he "had
to make the crime more interesting to the reader."
In summary, on the level of parody and gentle satire the novel
is successful. But judged on the level of a conventional whodunit, it
moves rather slowly. I recommend it, however, to all detective story
devotees solely on the merit of the imaginatively conceived and
executed alibi which the murdered establishes for himself-an as-
tounding alibi absolutely unparalleled in a hundred years of detec-
tive story history.
-Donald A. Yates
Philippine Education. .
To the Editor:
TWO DAYS AGO your paper car-
ried an item concerning . Mr.
Hawley's lecture on the condition
of the social sciences in the Philip-
pines. I should like to amplify on
the report, and take issue on some
statements made by the Chairman
of the Sociology Department. I
feel that a little more explanation
and effort ol the part of Mr. Haw-
ley would have added considerably
to clarifying the picture he had
conveyed to his audience that
It was not incumbent on Mr.
Hawley to say complimentary
things about the Philippines, but
we believe it was reasonable to
expect a scholarly report from a
sociologist. It was in the United
States that we learned what good
research is. We 4ave been taught
here that it means thoughtful
analysis, an understanding of the
causes and effects, and the im-
portant criterion that it be posi-
tive and contributes essentially
something that others can build on.
If Mr. Hawley had time to criti-
cize and enumerate rather length-
ily what is wrong with the Phil-
ippines, he should have taken time
too to give a balanced presenta-
tion, instead of glossing over cer-
tain facts whose explanation could
have spared a misunderstanding.
I'd like to pick on one serious
charge Mr. Hawley made concern-
ing the Filipino's attitude to edu-
cation. I understand two of my
countrywomen with whom I have
discussed the matter, will take up
other points in their respective let-
Mr. Hawley said that Filipinos
have a tendency to adopt form, not
substance-and that they pay lip-
service to scholarship.
The statement is true to a de-
gree. But Mr. Hawley could have
been more sympathetic and ex-
plained at least why the predilic-
tion for formalism in education
exists. The curriculum in our
schools have not changed radically
from the curriculum prescribed by
the Americans during their re-
gime. Our curriculum is probably
what the United States had sev-
enty, fifty years ago. The tradi-
tions inculcated are this country's
traditions, and the language in
which it is taught is not our lang-
Before the American regime, in-
structions were given in Spanish.
The teachers a generation ago, and
a number of whom are still teach-
ing, were products of both schools
. Spanish and American. They
taught the sciences-that have
since remained static-used Ameri-
can books in their imperfect Eng-
lish, and communicated a dubious
wisdom, dubious I say because a
number of the things they taught
were alien to their experiences. All
of these things affect the quality of
scholarship. It is quite a handi-
cap for a number of our students
to have to absorb, digest education
in a foreign language, and think
and respond in the manner that is
native to them.
-Jovita Rodas
* * *
Island Economy . ...
To the Editor:
A WORD ON Philippine economy
is perhaps necessary here. Mr.
Hawley was kind enough to con-
cede that the Philippines has, for
all purposes, traded exclusively
with the United States.
Our economy is so tightly bound
with the United States' that our
Constitution had to be amended in
order to accomodate American
business-this was done under the
administration of President Manuel
Roxas. Roxes was elected with
the sanction and support of Gen-
eral MacArthur. The amendment
to our Constitution provided for
parity rights to Americans, giving
therefore American investments in
the Philippines equal rights as the
Filipino's. I'd like to point out
here that it put the Filipino busi-
nessman in a position where he
could not compete with big-time
American capitalists in his own
country. I'm referring to the Bell
Bill of 1946. The trade agree-
ment which provided for the free
flow of U. S. goods to the Philip-
A Brief Play About
Big Ram, Sheep and Horses
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar-
ticle was volunteered by E. R. Karr,
a resident of Saline Valley Farms who
describes himself as "a businessman
by day, a freelance writer by night.")
ONCE UPON a time there was
a Great University of Animalia
and the President of the University
was called Big Ram. The Uni-
versity had been of a sufficiently
liberal nature that it had tolerated
among the faculty and student body
species other than the predominant
two of horses and sheep. However,
when a congressional committee
on un-Animalian activities was re-
sisted by three faculty members
of a rathervague minority species
whose chief distinguishing char-
acteristics were a certain redness
of hair and a disconcerting ability
to stand up on two feet due to an
unatrophied backbone, Big Ram
suspended these three from the
faculty "without prejudice", there-
by establishing not only a prece-
dent in the university but also one
in semantics.
Big Ram is speaking before the
Faculty Senate on the prcedure
used in firing Mathematician and
Pharmacologist and in reinstating
Zoologist. Of the thousand faculty
members, 600 have deemed it of
sufficient importance to attend.
About half of these are sheep and
half horses. Present, but invisible,
are Three Ghosts of Assassinated
Academicians who discuss the mo-
mentous events taking place before
Ghost 3: Why is Big Ram just
discussing Pharmacologist? What
happened to Mathematician?
Ghost 1: Mathematician made
the mistake of being completely
bonsistent. He not only resented
the congressional committee snoop-
ing into his political beliefs and as-
sociations but the snooping of any
committee. With only one ex-
ception, the faculty committees
couldn't forgive him for banging
the same door on their collective
Ghost 2: Investigating commit-
tees were also the beginning of
my downfall at the University of
Moscow. They said I wasn't fit
to teach because I wouldn't make
it crystal clear I wasn't a mem-
ber of what they called criminal
capitalistic conspiracy
Ghost 3: The same with me in
Ghost 1: And in Germany. There
were so many who taught that
way. I remember that wonderful
letter of Thomas Mann's condemn-
ing my servile colleagues at the
University of Bonn.
Ghost 2: Listen! Big Ram, hav-
ing justified his dismissal of Phar-
macologist after ignoring the re-
commendations of the faculty com-
mittee set up by the authority of
the University, is now condemning
pines and vice-versa. That was
at a time when the country was
completely devastated . . . when
it produced nothing, and could sell
nothing to balance its trade with
the United States.
Early this year our Congress
passed a nationalization law. There
were large protests from American
investors. I don't think our country
has a good chance of industrializ-
ing in the fullest sense. It will
not happen while there are foreign
investors who can 'buy off our
politicians; while there are exter-
nal pressures to direct our econ-
omy to light industries alone.
-Malaya Bocobo
** *
Seasonal Pageant . .
To the Editor:
ONCE EACH YEAR there is a
halt in the smooth flow of liv-
ing here for me. I think of Mich-
igan and of Michigan in full fall.
For this is when the annual pa-
geant of the seasons would snatch
me from the audience and cast
me into the play itself. Now, lush
summer has arrived at pay-off, yet
the shroud of winter is real only
to terror-stricken birds, fleeing
southward. The stage is set. This
is Act Three. Profligate October
scatters billions in brilliant cur-
rency to the winds. November will
be threadbare. It is certain.
-David A. Munro
Zoologist for ignoring the un-Ani-
malian Activities committee. He
says Zoologist has flouted all au-
Ghost 1: (Laughing) That old
chestnut authority! Why Hitler
shot me on that charge.
Ghost 3: (laughing) And Stalin
worked me to death In Siberia on
the same.
Ghost 3: (laughing) Franco's
rope cracked my neck on it too.
Well, Zoologist may have flouted
authority but he's advanced free-
Ghost 2: Listen to Big Ram go
after him. Says Zoologist is ar-
Ghost 1: Pure projection. What
can be more arrogant than a man
who is so sure he alone has the
truth that those who oppose him
must be banished from the aca-
demic community.
Ghost 2: Looks like Big Ram's
finished his speech, My God, the
faculty is actually applauding!
Ghost 3: Surely there'll be vig-
orous debate.
Ghost 1: (laughing scornfully)
I'll bet my halo there'll be none.
You see, on the one hand you
have the horses who everyone
knows . are so specialized that
they can't cope with broad prob-
lems. On the other hand, you have
the sheep who are quite wise
but haven't stood up on two feet
for such a long time they'll find
it well nigh impossible now!
Ghost 2: Perhaps you're wrong.
There's a sheep getting up now.
He's introducing a resolution. It's
to the effect that the faculty "re-
grets" the dismissal of Pharma-
cologist but that the resolution
should not be looked upon as a
"protest" or motion of "censure."
He does allow it might be called
a "difference of opinion."
Ghost 1: (bending with laughter)
Ah, semantics, semantics! Too bad
we can't thank him personally for
telling us a difference of opinion
Ghost 3: They're going to vote
on the resolution. Why a secret
ballot, though?
Ghost 1: Sometimes your per-
ceptions are so weak I wonder
how you ever had one powerful
enough to be murdered for it.
What you're looking at is Or-
wellian drama, dear fellow. Here
they're half way to 1984. They're
all thinking: BIG RAM IS
LY BUCK YOU. So they don't
want to stand up and be counted,
or bucked.
Ghost 3: (sighing) You're right.
Even here they do it, when at
worst maybe only a promotion is
involved. What would they do if
it meant their jobs or necks?
Ghost z: Well, here's the result
of the voting. On a secret ballot,
it should be practically unanimous
for the "regretful" resolution.
Ghost 1: When will you learn.
See. 314 sheep for it, 274 horses
against it. Well, anyway, we are
witnessing poetic justice. Since
the horses have in fact cut off their
heads, note how their front quart.
ers are dissolving, leaving only
their posteriors.
Ghost 2: (protestingly) But this
will now upset the balance in na-
Ghost 1: Nonsense. There have
always been more posteriors than
horses. Otherwise today we would
be live academicians,.
Ghost 2: Well, maybe it's just
as well.
Ghost 1: You mean about the
Ghost 2: To be dead academic-
Ghost 1: Why?
Ghost 2: The living have so much
to justify and so little time. And
how are they going to do it with-
out heads. The posteriors, I mean.
--E. R. Karr
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
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ORPHEUS, which opens the Gothic film series
at 8 p.m. Monday in Rackham Amphitheater,
is a film experiment that ends up being an audience
Jean Cocteau, the French poet, critic, playwright,
actor, and almost everything else, has dipped his
fingers in every art-pie and come up with results
that are not always good, but always interesting.
His versatility, like the film, is astounding and
sometimes disturbing.
It is based in part on Cocteau's one-act play
Orphee, first performed in 1926, and the somewhat
autobiographical film Le Sang d'um Doete of 1933.
Both of these works dwell on the subject of death,
especially as it concerns the poet-artist. In Le Sang
d'um Poete the Cocteau attitude is most fully de-
veloped, foi here death is clearly (or as clear as
Cocteau can be) bound up in the creative process.
The poet who bares his soul as a creator also in-
evitably destroys a part of himself in that process.
Orpheus, produced much later than Le Sang d'un
Poete, is more a succession of images dealing with
death than any concrete philosophy. Cocteau has
said "'When I make a film, it is a slumber and I
dream." Perhans this is the clie to Ornheus. The
attraction, his wife Eurydice (Maria Dea) dies;
Orpheus rescues her, but commits the inevitable
In a wierd, dream-like journey to the under-
world, Orpheus goes to redeem Eurydice after he
has lost her the second time. The sequence is sup-
erbly done, drawing the viewer into Cocteau's mys-
terious world.
Cocteau's use of the film medium in the sur-
realisti manner of free association is one of the
film's best qualities. For example, mirrors to him
"are doors through which Death comes and goes"
-and the actual use of them completely disarms
an audience accustomed to Hollywood's brand rc
Death's emissary rides around in a shinny black
Rolls-Royce, escorted by two grim motorcyclists. A
mysterious pair of rubber gloves effects passage to
the underworld.
The important thing to remember in the film is
that Cocteau is interested far more in impressions
than in rationality. The princess says to Orpheus
"You try too hard to understand and that is the
mistake." This is also Cocteau's message to the
audience although one may feel that he is being
4-4-, -;11 --- -1 17 -1 CZ -,+I,-- - T -
(Continued from rage 2) tion will meet at 7:15 either at Lane
Hall oT in front of Alice Lloyd Hall.
7:00 p.m., meeting at the Congrega-
tional Church. Marilyn Mason Brown First Baptist Church, 502 East Huron,
will present a program on "Sacred Mu- Chester H. Loucks, D.D., Minister, Beth
sic in Perspective" including selections Mahone, Asst. Student Counselor. Sun-
from Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant day, Oct. 17-9:45 A.M.-Student Class
traditions. in Guild House studies First Corinth-
ians: 11:00-Church Worship, Sermon:
"Christian Inter-dependence"; 6:45 p.m.
aW esinuss uild Sun., O.Ch1stia nBe -Guild Meeting in Guild House, Pres-
liefs;" 10:30 a.m. Discussion, "Great ident Benjamin Mays of Morehouse
Ideas of the Bible;" 5:30 p.m. Fellow- College.
ship Supper; 6:45 p.m. Worship and
Program. We will meet in Wesley Episcopal Student Foundation, Sun.,
Lounge and go together to the Baptist Oct. 17. Canterbury House breakfasts
Church to hear Benjamin Mays, one of following both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
the speakers at the World Council of services. "Faith of the Church" lec-
Chuhes, s rui ture series at 4:30 p.m., at Canterbury
Lane Hall-"Survey of Liturgical Mu-
sic," third of four sessions discussing
the music in the Jewish, Roman Cath-
olic and Protestant services. Led by
Miss Marilyn Mason of the School
of Music. Lane Hall Fireside Room,
Mon., 4:15 p.m.
Hillel: All SRA guilds are invited to
attend a Sukkos Open House 'rues.
from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. An 'interesting
explanation and significance of the
holiday will be given. Refreshments
will be served.
Michigan Actuarial Club. Mr, Meno
T. Lake, Actuary at the Occidental Life
Ins. Co. of California, will speak on the
subject, "The Actuarial Profession on
interesting films will be shown Tues.,
Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in rooms 3KL and
M of the Union. Steiermark, du schone
grune Welt in color, Klingendes Os-
terreich featuring the masters, with
commentaries in French, and the, third,
an exciting ski chase through the alps,
will be in English. There will be re-
freshments and all are welcome.
Le Cercle Francais French discussion
group in Existentialism in the Michi-
gan League conference room on Tues.,
Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to
participate in the discussion which
will be led by Prof. Neiss.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the wing