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October 17, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-17

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Wolverines' OSU Downs Iowa, 20-14;


THE MICHIGAN LOCKER ROOM was happy but far from bois-
terous following yesterday's hard-won victory over Northwestern.
The Wildcats led all the way statistically but the final tally on
the scoreboard paid off in the second straight Big Ten victory for
the Wolverines. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's only comment was,
'Well, we won."
It was obvious that his squad will have to present a much
sharper offense if it is to go any place against unbeaten Min-
nesota next week.
Northwestern picked up 15 first downs to six for Michigan, and
led the Wolverines 229 to 63 in rushing, 45 to 26 in passing.
Oosterbaan was forced to turn in a masterful job of juggling his
lineup. The biggest surprise of the day was Lou Baldacci who entered
the game at the start of the second quarter and played most of the
way. Still recuperating from the sickness that kept him out of last
week's game with Iowa, he was expected to see only very limited
action yesterday.
Coming in after the two-week layoff, he promptly directed from
the quarterback spot Michigan's 24-yard drive to the only touchdown
of the day. From then on he relinquished the quarterback duties to
Jim Maddock, with occasional help from Dune McDonald and John
Greenwood, and spent the rest of the day at fullback.
* * * *
Bates Kayoed..
AFTER CENTER and linebacker Jim Bates was knocked out in the
second period, Baldacci proved invaluable as he took over his
familiar linebacker post.
With Tony Branoff and Ed Hickey watching the festivities
from the stands, Ed Shannon, George Corey, and Stan Knick-
erbocker alternated at the vacated right half position. Shannon
saw most of the action on offense while Knickerbocker was used
only on defense.
McDonald, the starting quarterback in Michigan's first three
games, was in the game long enough only to run seven plays and
failed to attempt a pass during his brief tenure.
The Wolverines continued to rely almost entirely on a running
attack as they tossed only five short passes, completing three of
Northwestern, while attempting 22 passes with but six of them
finding a' target, also put most of its faith in a ground offense.
In fact, the Wildcat passing attack proved so inept that the Wol-
verines were often throwing a seven-man defensive line at them.
The 229-yard rushing total was picked up almost exclusively
between the 20-yard lines. The losers got within scoring distance
far more than did Michigan, but lacked the punch necessary to push
the ball over. Take away the five Northwestern fumbles recovered
by Michigan and things could have been considerably different.
As the statistics indicate, the only offense the Wolverines pre-
sented was a tough defense.
Shades of Yost...
OOSTERBAAN pulled a few pages out of the book of Yost as his
team punted ten times to set the Wildcats back on their heels.
Both Maddock and Kramer continually got off booming kicks, Kram-
er'sfour boots averaging 44 yards and Maddock's five, 40 yards.
Danny Cline got off one quick kick good for 35 yards.
Northwestern mentor Bob Voigts was the picture of dejec-
tion as he sat alone in the locker room munching an apple after
the game. He mused that the only bad game his team had played
was the only game it won-an opening conquest of Iowa State.
Having met and lost to Minnesota .and Michigan on two suc-
cessive weekends, he suggested that the traditional battle between
the two leading conference teams in Ann Arbor next week should
be a good one, particularly if the Wolverines regain the services of
Branoff and Hickey.
In contrast to recent weeks, no serious injuries appeared to have
cropped up in the Wolverine camp. By the time the game was con-
cluded Bates seemed to have recovered from the blow that knocked
him out in the second quarter, while indications were that the injury
that sidelined Kramer for a while was nothing more than a bad

Short Drive
Nets Score
(Continued from Page 1)
mage in the second half, Troglio
brought the ball from his own 17
to the Michigan 21. On the very
next play, Michigan end Mike Ro-
tunno, who had just entered the
game to replace Kramer, grab-
bed another Wildcat fumble to end
the threat.
During the final stanza, North-
western continued to dominate the
play, but had its onlyserious threat
halted by an offside penalty which
NU Stopped
L.E.-Kramer, Rotunno
L.T.-Walker, KolesarI
-L.G.-Meads, R. Hill, Marion,
C.-Bates, Snider, Goebel
R.G.--Cachey, Fox, Ritter
R.T.--Geyer, Morrow
R.E.-Willianms, Maentz
Q.B.-Maddock, Baldacci, McDon-
ald, Greenwood
L.H.-Cline, Barr
R.H.-Shannon, Corey, Knicker-
F.B.-Hill, Baer, Baldacci
0 MICH. N. U.
First Downs ........ 6 15
Rushing Yardage ....63 229
Passing Yardage ,..26 45
Passes Attempted ....15 22
Passes Completed .... 3 6
Passes Intercepted by. 1 0
Punts.............10 2
Punting Average ....41 44
Fumbles Lost ....... 2 4
Yards Penalized .....38 20

By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS - Ohio State staged
three long touchdown drives yes-
terday and made two great goal
line stands in the final period to
retain the top spot in the Western
Conference race With a 20-14 vic-
tory over a fired-up Iowa team.
A crowd of 82,141 saw the game.
Iolwa scored a pair of touch-
downs on two great runs by half-
back Earl Smith, 20-year-old junior
from Gary, Ind., who went 67
yards on a pass interception and
75 on a punt return.
The Bucks went 61, 72 and 64
yards for their touchdowns, mostly
on the ground as the alert Hawk-
eye defense stymied the usually
potent Ohio aerial attack.
MADISON - (0 - Wisconsin's
Badgers, outplayed sorely during
the first two periods, capped a sec-
ond half explosion with a 89-yard
pass interception touchdown yes-
terday to whip Purdue, 20-6, be-
fore a record Camp Randall Stadi-
um crowd of 53,131.
Sophomore Billy Lowe grabbed
a Lenny Dawson pass on his own
two and sprinted through the en-
tire Boilermaker team to wrap up
the Badger's fourth straight tri-
umph of the season-second in Big
Ten play.
Lowe's brilliant run, helped by
smart infield blocking, came on
top of a pair of long-scoring drives
as the Badgers, knocked back on
their heels in the first half, came
to life following the intermission
to wipe out Purdue's one-touch-
down lead.
The Badgers, second-ranked team
in the nation, drove 69 yards in
five plays for the first score, with
six minutes to go in the third
period, quarterback Jimmy Miller
ramming over from the one and
Paul Shwaiko kicking the point.

Minnesota, marching back to 'old-
time grandeur under a new re-
gime, smashed punchless Illinois,
19-6, with a merciless ground at-
tack yesterday for its fourth
straight victory.
Minnesota, 11th ranked in the
nation, ran rampant against a be-
wildered Illinois line that never
solved the brutal power plays of
Bob McNamara, John Baumgart-
ner and reserve fullback Ken
Illinois' offense, in a season-long
paralysis, came to life only once,
in the third quarter when J. C.
Caroline banged over from the
three to top a 73-yard Illinois
* * *
COLUMBIA, MO. - Alert Mis-
souri caught Indiana without its
star man on the attack, Florian
Helinski, and roared to a 20-14 vic-
tory yesterday by making the most
of the airlanes for its scoring.
Indiana's Hoosiers h e 1 d on
through the first half without Helin-
ski, who was out with a shoulder
injury, but in the third quarters the
Tigers moved ahead and hung on to
the end.
Missouri scored all of its touch-
downs by the air route. Quarter-
back Tony Scardino completed two
of his three passes and both were
for touchdowns. His first was a
five-yarder in the second quarter
to end Jim (Ike) Jennings. His
second went to halfback Jerry
Schoonmaker in the fourth for 23-
Another quarterback, Vic Eaton,
fired the third touchdown pass for
Missouri, a six-yard toss to end
Jack Hurley in the third period.
Halfback Don Domenic scored from
the three-yard line for Indiana in
the second quarter.
Oregon Dumped
yUSC, 24-14
PORTLAND, Ore. -- - South-
ern California's Rose Bowl hope-
fuls displayed their dazzling back-
field speed to the Nation's tele-
vision watchers yesterday in crush-
ing Oregon, 24-14.
Halfback Jon Arnett, a brilliant
open field runner, led the fleet
victors, running up the surprising
total of 179 yards by himself.
He scored all three Southern Cal
touchdowns and the k i c k i n g
specialist, Sam Tsagalakis, added
a field goal in what became a
near rout in the second half.

Purdue Bows to Wisconsin






deprived the

Wildcats of

a first

down inside the Wolverine yard
stripe. The last hope for the
thoroughly disgusted home team
was nipped in the bud as Michigan
recovered the seventh Wildcat
fumble on Northwestern's 45 with
only a few seconds left in the con-




Duke Upset by West Pointers;
Sooners Crush Kansas, 65-0

DURHAM, N. C. (/)--Quarter-
back Pete Vann worked black
magic for Army's Black Knights
yesterday and the fast-improving
Cadets knocked Duke out of the
undefeated ranks with a 28-14 up-
set victory. It was Army's third
straight triumph after an open-
ing loss to South Carolina.
Vann, best known as a passer,
gave a remarkable display of ball
handling and blossomed out as a
hard-to-stop runner. But it was a
fast charging Army line and an
'alertdefense which shackled
Duke's running attack until late
in the game.
Army, hitting with lightning~
speed, scored two touchdowns in
the second quarter and another at
the start of the third to pile up
a lead that Duke threatened but
couldn't beat.
LAWRENCE, Kan. (P) - The
Oklahoma Sooners smashed Kan-
sas, 65-0, yesterday in one of the
most crushing victories ever scored
in a Big Seven Conference foot-
ball game.
It was Oklahoma's first start in
pursuit of its seventh straight
Big Seven title.
The Sooners, who gained rank-
ing at the nation's No. 1 team aft-

er victories over California, TCU,
and Texas, had little more than
a warmup before an estimated
28,000 fans in perfect football
Kansas, suffering its fifth
straight loss, tried hard but could
do little against the Sooners, Okla-
homa's first unit scored four
touchdowns. The second and third
teams got three apiece.

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OCTOBER 20-21,1954
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College Football Scores

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Colgate 13, Dartmouth 7
Brown 21, Princeton 20
Pittsburgh 21, Navy 19
Columbia 7, Harvard 6
Boston University 41, Syracuse 19
' George Washington 32, Pennsylvania
Arkansas 20, Texas 7
S.M.U. 20, Rice 6


Baylor 34, Washington 7
West Virginia 19, Penn State 14
Lehigh 20, Gettysburg 6
Maryland 33, North Carolina 0
Alabama 27, Tennessee 0
Florida 21, Kentucky 7
Georgia 16, Vanderbilt 14
Toledo 19, Western Michigan 7




SATURDAY, OCT. 23-8:30 P.M.




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