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October 06, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-06

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)uthern Comfort

And Desegregation
T E KU KLUX KLAN is not riding too often
in the Deep South these days.
A few southern fraternity men no longer take
off in true I920'ish fashion to "skin" a Negro.
The hundred years are coming to an end; the
Negro of the Confederacy has stood trial and, to
the great dissatisfaction of Moscow hierarchy, ap-
pears to have triumphed,
White Americans from Dixie have achieved the
impossibility of their tribal culture. They have
superceded the sacred writ they read into the
Bible; they have come to accept the constitutional
amendments they once fought against. In spite
of scattered and over-publicized incidents they are
living without segregation in their public schools.
The U.S. Supreme Court which laid down the
anti-segregation ruling in May of 1954 convened
this past Monday. It will soon be faced with a
test on that decision. Any such test will, of course,
Involve overwhelming problems of implementation.
But regardless of the May ruling's prematurity these
problems would have existed. To oppose the court's
non-segregation action because it was not a grad-
ual and slower process is illogical.
The psychological problems of southern society's
adjustment to the industrial age have reached a
boiling point inthe last ten years. In factory towns
the "white-trash"-Negro conflict has been more
pronounced than ever before. Environment preju-
dice naturally substantiates that conflict. The point
at hand, however, is that the Supreme Court's
ruling was more effective at this time than it would
have been after ten more years of sociological
Reaction against the decision has been notice-
able but it has not smacked of the violent, per-
Japs fanatic anti-Negro prejudice exhibited in
the past. In fact, very few of the incidents at
public grammar."mnd secondary schools have been
instigated by the students themselves. Rather,
almost all have been led by a small, determined
faption. They are the embittered men and women
who so acutely felt the initial decay of the Klan,
those who grew up fn a diet of hate and terror.
If they are successful now, their success is that
of the drowning mai" who holds tight to the
driftwood as he sinks.
The relatively small town of Milford, Delaware
affords us a good chance to observe this particular
situation. A combined elementary and high school
was closed to avoid deihonstration when eleven
Negroes were admitted to the junior class. When
the state police re-opened the school, white fami-
lies restrained their children's attendance, ten of
:the Negroes were on the scene and seventy per
cent of the white students absent.
Local observers reported a scarcity of expressed
reaction among that seventy per cent. Most of
them were reluctant to explain their absence. One
of the few who were voluble cited a Negro boy's
- movie invitation to a white girl. But the content of
his remarks was chiefly adolescent, untouched by
a distinctly recognized animosity.
Most significant was the action of the Milford
Board of Education members who, their lives
threatened, resigned from office rather than with-
draw or water down their anti-segregation belief.
These men were willing to face their tense and
emotionally upset community.
It is vital to realize that within the framework
of the Milford, Delaware incident, vicious preju-
dice was present in a relatively minute, perhaps -
Innoticeable degree..
But even in the most aggressively pro-segrega-
tion areas there is no support for open, fervent
defiance. Eventually non-segregation in the public
school will begin to seem more natural, the law
of the land will achieve its due respect, and our
democracy will be secure in this, the most noble
step forward it has taken in the area of racial
prejudice, since the Lincoln Emancipation.
-David Levy
T he Act of London
TURNING POINTS in history often go unnoticed
or leave doubts in contemporary minds. This
week the world saw an unmistakable shift in Euro-
pean power, and it deserves all the praise it is re-
ceiving. When Foreign Secretary Eden appeared be-
fore the nine-power conference in London on Wed-

nesday, Sept. 29, and pledged Great Britain to keep
four divisions and a tactical air force at the dispos-
al of the Brussels Treaty Organization and NATO
he pronounced the end of 300 years of British
aloofness and gave what may prove to be imper-
ishable life to the ideal of European unity.
There were some breathless hours during which
France's difficult Premier seemed willing to throw
the golden opportunity away, but at that point
Chancellor Adenauer, who is a great "European"
as well as a German patriot, made the neces-
sary concessions to save the conference. So now
we will see Germany rearmed and sovereign (a,
result that was going to come whatever France
did), but we will see it in the framework of a
European organization to which Britain is at last
a party.
In all the excitement attending the conclusion
of the London conference we should not forget that
the man who stood behind Anthony Eden and who
answered this call of history, as he did others in
the past, was Sir Winston Churchill. As Prime Min-
ister the great decision must have been his and it
was made with his flair for the dramatic moment.
There was little that Secretary Dulles could do ex-
cept to promise that he would urge President Eis-
enhower to renew the pledge to maintain American
troops in Europe so long as the "threat exists."
Chancellor Adenauer could do no more than to
promise that Germany would voluntarily restrict
the type and quantity of her arms production-a
*promise whose validity will depend on future Ger-
man Governments.
Premiere Mendez-France is committed to stake
the life of his Government on an acceptance of
the London agreements. France is now being of-

LA PAZ, Bolivia-Sen. Allen Frear of Delaware
was attending an official dinner party in Bolivia
not long after the National Revolutionary Govern-
ment of President Paz Estenssorro had put across
its sweeping land reforms.
"Mr. President," asked the Delaware senator, who
happens to be a farm co-op leader and farm banker,
"what about this socialist program you've started
to divide up the land?"
"I have found," replied President Paz, "that the
best way to combat communism is to give each
man some land of his own. A man who owns land
doesn't become a Communist."
And the President continued with such an eloquent
explanation of his reform of Bolivia's feudal land
system that Senator Frear remarked:
"I withdraw my question"
The point that Senator Frear explored was what
makes Bolivia the most important country in Latin
America right now. For what happens to Bolivia's
plan of dividing up the huge landholdings among
hitherto landless Indians may set a pattern for
other South American countries. It may set a pat-
tern first for Peru and Ecuador, which, like Bolivia,
have large Indian populations. And it may set a
pattern for counties like Venezuela and Colombia,
which have small but unequal economic opportunity
that tends toward communism and makes some
governments sit on kegs of dynamite.
If, on the other hand, the Bolivian experiment
fails, communism is almost certain to engulf that
nation-a nation which is our only important source
of tin outside Communist-threatened Southeast Asia.
Nothing, of course, could please Moscow more than
to have the tin areas of both Southeast Asia and
Bolivia come under Communist control.
All of which is why what 'happens in Bolivia is
vital to every American, and why Senate delega-
tions, plus Assistant Secretary of State Holland, are
visiting Bolivia today. It is also why I am reporting
from that country now.
Tin Barons Ruled
To get the true picture of what's happening you
have to go back to the days when Bolivia was con-
trolled by three great tin barons and 1,000 ruling
families. Of the tin barons, only one, Aramayo, was
Bolivian; one, Hochschild, was German; and the
third, Simon Patino, became the second wealthiest
man in the world, took up residence in France, and
until his death, watched his grandchildren win head-
lines with their international divorce and custody
In contrast, 90 per cent of Bolivia's population is
Indian, cannot read or write, and lived under a
feudal system whereby they were required to spend
three to five days a week working on their landlord's
hacienda in return for the right to cultivate a patch
of corn and potatotes. The Indian was paid no wage,
nor was his wife, who was required to work as a
servant in the home of his landlord. It was a system
of peonage pure and simple.
And while Bolivia's first thoussand families sent
their sons to Oxford and Harvard, they sent their
Indian tenants on occasion from Cochabamba to La
Paz, a distance of 300 miles, merely to maila
Furthermore, out of Bolivia's near 4,000,000 popu-
lation, only 140,000-chiefly the property owners-
were permitted to vote.
Against this backdrop of Bolivian history it is
easy to understand why Bolivia has experienced ap-
proximately 129 revolutions in her 129 years of his-
tory and why in a sometimes turbulent South Amer-
ica she is the most turbulent country of all.
Paz Revolts
Such was the economic status of Bolivia until a
dynamic ex-professor of economics suddenly came
out of exile three years ago to ride back to La Paz
and the inauguration of the most drastic reforms
Bolivia, and probably no other Latin-American coun-
try save Mexico, has ever seen.
The new President, of course, was the same man
who was questioned by Senator Frear-Victor Paz

What he did first was seize the tin mines of the
Big Three and nationalize them; initiate universal
suffrage; and divide up the land among the Indians
who had worked on it.
Since then Paz has put across various other less
-sweeping reforms - some with the direct help of
the United States-as for instance an agricultural
small loan bank to finance the Indians on their
new land, a plan worked out by Pete Hudgins,
formerly with Nelson Rockefeller's Inter-American
Corporation. President Paz has also given the United
Nations the green light to draft a new civil service
law for Bolivia.
Naturally these reforms have not been accom-
plished without some injustice, some violence and
a great deal of bitterness, not only at the new
regime but against the United States which has
officially backed the "National Revolutionary move-
In Cochabamba, for instance, I saw President Paz
and Eisenhower's assistant secretary of state Henry
Holland, being acclaimed by several thousand Bo-
livians who held up signs which read: "We are not
Communists, but we are true revolutionaries."
As far as I could ascertain, this is a fact. The
Bolivian government is vigorously anti-Communist,
but it is also vigorously revoluntionary.
The story of how the Eisenhower administration,
a conservative regime, has thrown its full weight
behind this liberal, left-of-center regime, is an im-
portant one which must be reserved for a subsequent
Sufficeth to note at this time, however, that the
Paz government has remained in power longer than

MyDaddy Is
A Dandy
AT ONE TIME or another in their
lives, most performers express
some desire to enter new areas ofa
the entertainment world. Dancers
want to sing. Actors start devel-
oping their terpsicorear. talents.
Singers long to become dramatic
actresses. Eartha Kitt belongs to
the last division; and in Mrs. Pat-1
terson, a new play by Charles Se-]
bree and Greer Johnson with inci-1
dental music by James Shelton,
she makes a bid for recognition as
an actress. The play is now in a1
pre-Broadway tryout at the Cass;
Theater in Detroit.1
The play's setting is 1920, the
edge of a small Kentucky town. In
a tumble-down shack live Teddy
Hicks (Miss Kitt), a 15-year-old Ne-
gro girl, and Teddy's mother, Anna'
(Ruth Attaway). Anna's lover ran
away shortly after the birth of her'
child, Teddy, and now she has to
work for three dollars a week at
the home of Mrs.rPatterson, a
white Southern social leader famed
for her literary soirees and after-
noon teas. The mother and daugh-
ter just manage to exist, and lux-
uries are not to be had. To Teddy
Mrs. Patterson comes to symbol-
ize the elegant, the beautiful; and'
she sums up her feelings in the
first act curtain speech by an-
nouncing, "When I grow up I want
to be a rich white woman."
The play does not attempt to
preach any lesson about racial
prejudice. Instead, it focuses all
attention on Teddy and her world
of day dreams in which she fan-
cies herself admired and loved by
Mrs. Patterson. In the end, Teddy
learns to face reality and refuses
to run away from her meagre
existence with a neighbor's son.
As theater, Mrs. Patterson is a
combination of comedyeand fan-
tasy, with the accent on the latter.
The laughs are few and far be-r
tween. It is chiefly the fantasy se-
quences that try to carry the play.
Unfortunately, they are much too
wordy, going into endless streams
of dialogue to make a single point.
It is quite possible that these
scenes may be tightened before
the play reaches Broadway;, but
it is unlikely that any degree of
editing and solidifying will make
Mrs. Patterson an artistic success.
For although its chief purpose is
to entertain, the play is neither
sparkling nor delightful - it is
rather dull and tedious, a fact
borne out by the restlessness it in-
cites in the audience.
Burdened with a tedious script,
the actors must rely on their own
abilities to hold interest. Happily
enough, the actors, both Negroes
and whites, are a talented group
that handle their roles with polish
and detailed care. Especially out-
standing is Enid Markey as Mrs.
Patterson. Miss Markey appears
only in the dream sequences where
she can allow her portrayal of a
Southern matron to become broad
and humorous without the burden
of injecting realism.
Miss Kitt's role is one of great
difficulty, for she is on stage al-
most the entire evening. She
must make her interpretation
suggest the gawkiness and ro-
manticism of a naive 15-year-
old Negro girl without making
the character appear like a silly
juvenile. It is a tribute to Miss
Kitt's talents that she manages
as well as she does: her Terry
is a person of great complexity,
whose moods and actions are
handled with realism and re-

Mrs. Patterson brings up a prob-
lem which faces any singer-turned-
actress. Will the public accept the
singer without songs? The answer
in Miss Kitt's case seems to be
"No," for the producers have in-
cluded six songs-songs, which in-
cidentally, are never integrated
into the plot and which neither ad-
vance nor elaborate upon the story.
The final result is that the viewer
has the illusion that he is watch-
ing a song recital and a play at the
same time, and when one stops the
other begins.
Miss Kitt has a distinctive, innu-
endo style of singing. She chooses
to phrase meticulously, ending each
phrase with a rise in tone and in-
tensity. This tends to make her
singing sexually suggestive; and
there is little doubt that in a song
such as "Monotonous" or "Santa
Baby" this has some desirability.
But in projecting the character of
a naive 15-year-old girl it is en-
tirely out of place. It annihilates all
that she has created in her dra-
matic scenes, confusing the audi-
ence as to the real character of
Terry. An example is the song "My
Daddy Is a Dandy." It could be
phrased "My Daddy Is a Dandy"
to imply that it is Terry's father
about whom she is singing. With
Miss Kitt singing it comes out in
this manner: "Mydaddyisa Dan-
deeeeeeee," making the father ap-
pear to be one of the most cele-
brated products of the roaring
twenties, a "Sugar Daddy,"
- Ernest Theodossin
C ROWING profits must go hand

.. ete 3 to t e i or.. .


NAACP Founded...
To the Editor:
LAST SEMESTER a branch of
the NAACP was founded at
the University of Michigan. Its
purpose is to give a new connota-
tion to the word Negro. To make
the word mean something, beside
"the guy I don't want in my fra-
ternityp," "the guy I don't want
as a room mate," and "the guy to
be hired only to do menial tasks."
The branch was organized because
there was a need for one. The
thing that influenced us most was
an incident that happened in the
spring of 1953. While a Negro
fraternity was serenading the girls
at the East Quad, some of the men
residents appeared on the grounds
wearing white sheets apparently
impersonating a racial prejudice
group. When letters of protest
began flooding The Daily, certain
people became interested in hav-
ing the situation hushed. A prom-
inent SL member feared further
discussio nwould cause a race riot.
The impersonators said they
meant no harm and they didn't
think we would resent their ac-
tions. The fact that there was
enough tension between the races
to make some people fear a race
riot and the fact impersonators
were ignorant of the feelings of
Negroes convinced us there was a
need for an NAACP. We don't be-
lieve that such tension and ignor-
ance could exist if the races were
better integrated.
So we began the NAACP and
soon the need for "it was affirm-
ed." In the Michigras parade Un-
cle Tom's Cabin was entered as a
float. We strongly protested the
float as an insult to Negro people.
Those who entered the float said
it was an oversight and they didn't
knowwe would be offended. I be-
lieve they were sincere. The auth-
or of the book had been anti-
slavery. Lincoln had hailed it as
the book that started the Civil
War. But today Uncle Tom's Ca-
bin has a different connotation to
Negroes. Here was an incident that
was caused by that process that
robs Negroes of their individuality
and makes them a part of a vague
mob. The process is begun by the
-Bob Evans,
-ormer President of the NAACP
* * *
i tlce Lectures.* .
To the Editor:
WHEN A Negro comes to the
" University his photo classifies
him as a special student and he's
first segregated by being placed
with a Negro room mate. Then the
process is furthered by the fra-
ternities. They let him know he's
not welcome as one of their mem-
bers. The Negroes finish the pro-
cess themselves by joining only Ne-

"Pleased To Meet You, I Think"
r ,a

gro fraternities and by keeping to
themselves even in dining rooms.
He soon becomes wary of the stu-
dent who heartily clasps his hand
in friendship in the dorm and don't
recognize him on the street. So the
white student doesn't get an oppor-
tunity to learn much about how the
Negro feels. The Negro doesn't get
a chance to know how the white
student feels or to learn that he
wouldn't deliberately offend him.
Judging from the letters to the
Daily many people failed to see
why we objected to being stereo-
typed. As if to illustrate our point,
the landlady of 1811 Washtenaw
refused to allow two students to
wait for their dates inside her
house. That the word Negro im-
plied undesirable to her was shown
by her statement that the girls
lowered themselves by dating the
Many Negroes have asked what
the NAACP can do personally for
them. Today you are in college.
Tomorrow you will graduate and
apply for other than menial jobs.
Every time we get a future em-
ployer, a future personnel officer,
or a future foreman to recognize
you, not as a mass, stereotyped
Negro personality but as an indi-
vidual; we reduce the probability
that you will be refused employ-
ment because you are a Negro.
The campus chapter will work
for this goal (1) by encouraging
campus merchants to use fair
methods in serving and employ-
ing, (2) by attempting to persuade
the University to assign room
mates without regard to color. (3)
by providing an atmosphere in our

own meetings that will encourage
interracial activity.
The organization's activities will
begin with a series of lectures by
University professors designed to
give information about race prob-
lems. Our first lecture "The Legal
Aspects of the School Segregation
Case," will be given by Prof. Paul
Kauper of the Law Department,
Thurs., Oct. 7th at the Michigan
Union. Everyone is invited to at-
--Willie B. Hackett
President of the N.A.A.C.P.
* * *
Quad Door. . .
To the Editor:
HAVE enjoyed your picture-
story on .Michigan traditions.
However, the picture of what goes
on under the Engine Arch: is that
a kiss or a wrestling match? Be-
ing in a position to observe Chica-
go House coeds at 10:25 p.m.
must say that these girls can do a
much more graceful job, without
benefit of trash can. Why don't
you drop around some time to the
West Quad side door and get a
much better picture?
Also, why no mention of the Ar-
boretum? Isn't it also some sort of
Michigan tradition?
-Jerry Honingford
* * *
Hyena Demonstration...
To the Editor:
THE RECENT demonstration
against integration by Wash-
ington, D.C., high school students,
among others, exemplifies the
lack of maturity so common among

adolescents. There is nothing
wrong with either immaturity or
adolescence as such. There is,
however, something definitely
wrong with such American and/or
un-American (dependirig on in-
dividual interpretation) demon-
strations. If all the arguments,
traditions, court decisions, basic
rights and what-have-you involv-
ed in the controversy were disre-
garded, the demonstrations would
remain a very disgusting display
of a lack of common decency in
subjecting fellow human beings to
such ridicule.
It cannot be expected of those
opposing non-segregation to ac-
cept it without due consideration
and fair representation. But, there
must be means other than milling
about like a herd of cows, while
at the same time, sneering and
jeering like a pack of hyenas.
Is it to much to expect common
--D. I.. Heinzman
Poor Spirits ...
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS too bad that a school
the size of Michigan can't out
cheer a few Army Cadets. Our
cheerleaders were down on the
field leading us in cheers and for
all the response they were getting
they could just as well have stay-
ed back in the bleachers, and
watched the game. Coming from
an Eastern school this poor team
spirit seems quite a let down, since
even the small Ivy League col-
leges support their teams with
more enthusiasm. This is not just
my own opinion but the senti-
ments of many' of the other stu-
dents here. Don't tell me the down
pour which rained out the pep-
rally also rained out Michigan's
--John J. Erlanger
Cooley House
* * *
Re : Gargoyled...
To The Editor:
FOR THE SAKE of Messrs. D. H.
Kessel,, L. H. Scott and advis-
ors I wish to point out that I did
not make a mistake when I used
the word "gargoyled" in my recent
letter to The Daily.
It appears in Webster's Una-
bridged Dictionary. I used the
word advisedly to describe a badly
garbled version of remarks made
by Mr. Esch of the speech de-
partment during a debate sponsor-
ed by the Young Republicans. The
adjective in question denotes a
grotesquely carved architectural
feature; and it was precisely only
context) that the grotesque ver-
by "carving" (out of its original
sion of the debate was produced.
Thus, and I regret to be so in-
sistent, "gargoyled" may have to
stand as a correct description of
grotesque, verbal architecture.
--Henry L. Bretton






(Continued from Page 2)
Academic Notices
Graduate students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in Feb., 1955,
must file a diploma application with
the Recorder of the Graduate School
by Fri., Oct. 8. A student will not be
recommended for a degree unless he
has filed formal application in the of-
fice of the Graduate School.
Rhodes scholarships. There will be a
meeting of all interested in applying for
a Rhodes Scholarship in room 2013
Angell Hall on Thurs., Oct. 7 at 4:15
p.m. Application for scholarships
should be submitted on or before Oct.
15 to Room 2026 Angell Hall.
Geometry Seminar will meet Wed.,
Oct. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 3001 A.H.
Discussion will continue on the general
topic of inversive geometry.
Algebra Seminar will meet Thurs-
days at 3 p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall.
Proposed program: (1) Commutative
rings, (2) non-commutative rings, (3)
non-associative (Lie, Jordan, etc.)
rings. First meeting October 7: Intro-
duction to commutative rings; speaker:
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Oct. 7, at 4:00 in Rm.
247 west Engineering. Speaker: Profes-
sor Hay will continue. Topic: A deriva-
tion of certain plate equations.
401tInterdisciplinary Seminar in Ap-
plication of Mathematics to Social Sci-
ence will meet on Thur., Oct. 7, room
3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
J. R. P. French will speak on a Small
Theory of Leadership.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Thurs., Oct. 7, 4 p.m., Room
3201 A.H. Mr. R. W. Butcher will speak.
Law School Admission Test: Appli-
cation blanks for the Nov. 13 admin-
stration of the Law School Admission
Test are now available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due
in Princeton, N.J. not later than Nov.
3, 1954.
Erpnra f cT odfa v

Under the leadership of Prof. William
P. Alston of the Philosophy Depart-
The Linguistics Club will meet at
7:30 p.m. Wed., Oct. 6 in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Professor AlbertcH.Marckwardt
will speak on "The Teaching of Eng-
lish in Europe." All persons interested
in the scientific study of language are
cordially invited to attend.
Speech Clinic: On Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
there will be a short meeting at the
Speech Clinic for all those interested
in joining Sigma Alpha Eta, National
Speech and Hearing Association. This
meeting is designed for all unable to
attend the first meeting.
Orientation Seminar. Wed., Oct. 6.
2:00 p.m., Room, 3001 A.H. H.P. Jerrard
of General Electric Co. will speak on
"Some Mathematics Used in Engineer-
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
on Wed., Oct. 6, after the 7:00 a.m.
Holy Communion.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty Tea on Wed., Oct. 6, from
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Canterbury House.
The Undergrad Zoology Club an-
nounces that its second meeting will
be held Wed., Oct. 6 at the Pharmacol-
ogy Building. Dr. Edward Domino will
speak on the Electroencephalograph.
You students who are not yet members
still have a chance to join at this
meeting. It is the last open meeting
of the semester. Welcome!
The Industrial Relations Club will
hold its first meeting of the academic
year on Wed., Oct. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in
the student lounge of the Business Ad-
ministration Bldg.
German Club. The first meeting of
the "Deutscher Verein" will be Wed.,
Oct. 6, at 7:30 p.m., in room 3 of the
Union. Everyone is welcome. There will
be a variety of entertainment and re-
Charles W. Joiner, Prof. of Law, will
be at the Michigan Union Oct. 6 at
12:15 for lunch and a preliminary meet-
ing with the participants in the panel
discussion of "Do We Have a Hespon-

pact Sound and Floating Floors and
Comparison with Measurements" on
Oct. 6, and "Insulation of Structure-
borne Sound" on Oct.-7. Allinterested
persons are invited.
These lectures are sponsored by the
Engineering Research Institute, in co-
operation with the Department of
Physics, Engineering Mechanics, and
Electrical Engineering.
Coming Events
The NAACP will present Prof. Paul
Kauper of the Law Dept. discussing
the legal aspects of the school segre-
gation case. The meeting will be held
on Thurs., Oct. 7, at 7:30 in the Michi-
gan Union. All are invited to attend.
Hillel: Yom Kippur Services, Thurs.
Reform: Rackham Lecture Hall 10:00
a.m. Conservative: Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater 10:00 .m., 3:30 p.m.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thurs.,
Oct. 7. Program will include the An-
dante from the "Surprise" Symphony,
nine compositions by J. D. Gordon,
Carillonneur, University of Sydney, Aus-
tralia, and Waltz of the Flowers from
"Nutcracker Suite" by Tchaikowsky.
The Young Democrats will hold an
Organizational meeting Thurs., Oct. 7
at 7:30win Room 3R of the Union. Fea-
tured will be a talk by Pat Roelofs on
the faces of the Suspensions followed
by group discussion. All interested are
urged to attend.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row in the wing of the Michigan Union
cafeteria from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. If you
have anything to talk about, come and
talk about it "en francals."
La Sociedad Hispanica will have its
first meeting of the semester on Thurs.,
Oct. 7, in room 3A-3B of the Michigan
Union, at 8 p.m. Movies on Latin Amer-
ica will be shown. Refreshments and
dancing are to follow. Membership
cards willbe sold at the meeting. All
members are, urged to attend and bring
your friends. We'll see you on Thurs-
Lane Hall. "Hlow will college life af-
fect my religious beliefs?" Freshman
Discussion Group, led by Grey Austin

Michigan Crib: The first meeting of
the MVichigan Crib will be held, Thurs..
Oct. 7, at 8:00 in the Henderson room
of the league. Dean Stason of the Law
School will speak on "A Legal Educa-
tion at Michigan."
tridA-g f





Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.......... Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
..Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.......Women's Editor
Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager.
Bill Wise ..........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski. Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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