AY , OCTOBER 6, 1954
YALE k I ,
Woody Herman, Band To Play for Homecoming
Annual Dance
Will Feature
'Herd' Jazz
Woody Herman and his band
will set the musical mood for the
all-campus Homecoming Dance, to
be presented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 23, in the Intra-
Mural Building.
Tickets for the event, which will
take place on the same weekend
as the homecoming game with
Minnesota, are priced at $3.60.
They will go on sale on Wednes-
day, Oct. 13, on the Diagonal and
in the Administration Building.
"Third Herd"
Herman has been rounding up
his "Third Herd," his new 15 mem-
ber band, for three years, and re-
cently hit his audiences with an
unorthodox method of beginning a
fast number.
Dropping into a distance-run-
ner's stance, he stamped out four
beats and shouted a hoarse, rapid
"Bow! Bow!" For starting quieter
numbers, he counted out the beat
or snapped his fingers.
"The most exciting thing in jazz
is when a band can make it," ac-
cording to the forty-one year old
Herman. His first band to make
jazz was called "The Band That
Plays the Blues," which performed
around the country from 1936 un-
til it was broken up by the draft.
Top Bandsman
In 1944 he organized the "Her-
man Herd." This put him among
the top bandsmen in the country,
but he disbanded it because it left
him too little time for his wife
and daughter. However, a year
later he had another "standout"
This proved to be a disastrous
venture because it was dedicated
to a dying bop style and cost him
$175,000 before he could break it
A veteran of the dance band
business, Herman was a vaudeville
trooper when he was only eight
years old. He did an act singing
and playing the clarinet and was
billed as "The Boy Wonder of the
After finishing high school, he
enrolled in Marquette M u s i c
School in Milwaukee and after a
year began working with local
bands. In 1929 he went to Califor-
nia with Tom Gerun's band as
featured singer and instrumen-
'U' Reception
Will Honor
James Lewis*
Remodeled Ballroom
To Set Fall Theme
For League Event
Newly appointed vice-president
of Student Affairs, James A. Lewis,
will be honored at an informal re-
ception from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to-
day in the League,
The reception, to be held in the
League Ballroom, is the first all-
campus event to take place in the
newly - redecorated -all - purpose
Invitations Issued
Invitations have been issued by
the League Council to heads of
organizations, resident houses, af-
filiated and publication editors.
Jo Craft, League social chairman,
said the guests are students who
will probably work in some way
with Lewis during the year.
Assisting Miss Craft in prepara-
tion for the Lewis reception were
Dorothy Clarkson and Grace Rit-
ow on entertainment, Mary Sher-
man and Dorothy Swanson, decor-
ations and Carolyn Moeller and
Elaine Bice, pourers.
The Vaughan Shadows, a sing-
ing trio, will entertain the group
with a few selections at 4:30 p.m.
Tea, coffee and cookies will be
'U' Wives Pour
Wives of University officials, fa-
culty members and deans who
have been invited to pour are: Mrs.
Wilbur K. Pierpont, Mrs. Herbert
G. Watkins, Mrs. Harlan H. Hat-{
cher, Regent Vera B. Baits, Dean
Deborah Bacon, Dean Elsie Fuller,~
Dean Gertrude Mulholland, Mrs.
Walter B. Rae, Mrs. Eric A. Wal-
ter, Mrs. Edith M. Wheeler, Miss
Helen Peak, Mrs. Phillip Duey,
Mrs. Leo A. Schmidt and Mrs. O.
The reception line will include
Miss Craft, Lucy Landers, presi-
dent of the League, Lewis and
Nancy Schiller, first vice-presi-
dent of the League.
Appointed last April, Lewis has1
the task of coordinating the func-
tions of the Bureau of SchoolE
Services, Admissions Office, Regis-
trar's Office, the Offices of thet
Dean of Men and Dean of Woment
and the International Center. t
From the moment that she slith-
ered on stage to sing "Monoton-
ous" in "New Faces," Eartha Kitt
has been allocated such critical
descriptions as "catlike" in man-
ner, "kittenlike" in face and "leo-
pardlike" in action.
Speaking to Miss Kitt the other
night in her dressing room at De-
When finally the last bit of
grease paint had been applied,
Miss Kitt told us to sit down. As
we settled into our seat we started
to ask a question. "Of all your
records, which is your personal
"I don't have any favorite,"
she said, "I wouldn't sing them
if I didn't like them all."
Round One went to Eartha. We
retreated to our corner and val-
iantly attempted to steel ourselves
for Round Number Two.
Dramatic Role
"We understand that 'Mrs. Pat-
terson' is a dramatic play, Miss
Kitt. After your success with 'New
Faces' how do you feel about ap-
pearing in a non-musical?"
La Kitt hissed a bit and replied
"If I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't
be appearing in it."
Licking our wounds we asked
the feline Eartha which of the
shows' tunes she had recorded.
Which song could her public en-
joy in the solitude of their own
"I don't really remember," she
said. "If anybody wants to buy
one I suppose the man in the rec-
ord shop will tell them which one
is available."
Not wishing to emulate the fate
of the martyrs in Ancient Rome
we stopped asking Miss Kitt about
the show. She looked relieved.
The stage manager stuck his
head into the door and whispered
"Five minutes, Miss Kitt."
We crawled out behind him with
our tail between our legs, still
licking our wounds, prepared to
watch "Mrs. Patterson."
Eartha Kitt in Detroit
tAhe Aeatj"4on...
troit's Cass Theater made each re-
porter feel as if he were a human
sacrifice being thrown to the lions.
'Mrs. Patterson'
As she sat before her mirror
applying the make-up that trans-
forms her into a 15-year-old for
her role in "Mrs. Patterson" she
was every inch the lioness in her
This is the FINAL WEEK in which you may
make Senior picture appointments. Sign up
between 9 and 3 on the Diag or between 1
and 5 at the Student Publications Building.
Pool Announces Hours
Union Coffee Hour To
Swimming program for the Wom-
en's Pool has been announced for
the coming year by Dr. Margaret
j. Bell, head of the Women's Physi-
cal Education Department.
Classes are being offered in be-
ginning, intermediate and advanced
swimming, diving, life saving and
Red Cross Life Saving and instruc--
tion. University High School girls
and advanced University elemen-
tary school children will attend
Michifish, o t h e r synchronized
swimming organizations, and com-
petitive swimming groups will also
swim at specific hours.
Co-Ed Swimming
Co-recreational swimming hours
are: 7:15 to 10:15 p.m. on Satur-
day and 3 to 5 p.m. Sundays. At
these times women stuudents may
invite their gentlemen friends, ei-
ther local or week-end visitors, to
swim at the pool, Dr. Bell said.
She added "No -men students are
allowed to swim in the pool except
on invitation of a woman student."
Non-student women groups will
hold guest cards indicating the
hours they may swim. Incluuded
in this category are faculty wom-
en, wives of professors, alumni,
Michigan Dames, dormitory and
sorority directors and their non-
student assistants, librarians, cur-
ators, secretaries and University
Hospital non-student nurses.
Faculty night will be offered ev-
ery Friday when any faculty mem-
ber may bring his family. Dr. Bell
has requested that each member
bring only his own children, since
Faculty Night attendance has gone
up to 150 and the pool will not
stand a heavier load.
Michigan Night
Sunday night has been designated
Michigan Night. This is for all Uni-
versity personnel and families, oth-
er than faculty. This includes stu-
dents and their families. Guests
are asked to bring only their own
Monday and Friday from 5:10
to 6:10 p.m. upperclassmen are in-
vited to come and get extra help
in any phase of swimming. Addi-
tional instructors will be employed.
students enrolled in instructional
classes may also come at this time
for extra help.
Dr. Bell also said that there will
be a recreational hour set aside ev-
ery other day, including Saturday
and Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday evenings, there will be
open hours.
-. m.
. Dn
Providing an opportunity for stu-1
dents to meet their professors and'
instructors informally, the Union
will be hosts to members of the
English department for a coffee
hour at 3 p.m. today in the Union
terrace, next to the ballroom.
The gathering is the first of sev-
en slated for Wednesday after-
noons. Designed to promote stu-
dent-faculty relations, a different
department in the literary college
will be honored each week.
Informality Stressed
Allan Drebin, in charge of ar-1
rangements, emphasizes the infor-
mality and casualness of the meet-
ing as contrasted with the more1
formal relationship between stu-
dents and faculty. Discussions may
center around the special field of
faculty members or may be pleas-
ant banter on topics of the day.
The plan of holding coffee hours;
was initiated last year and grew
in popularity throughout the se-
The second of the series will hon-
or the political science department
on Wednesday, Oct. 13. Members
of the psychology and speech de-
partments will be present at ses-
sions on Oct. 20 and Oct. 27.
Sociology Department
Sociologists will take over the
terrace on the afternoon of Nov.
3 with the history faculty sched-
uled for the following Wednesday.
Concluding the series for the se-
mester, professors and instructors
in economics will appear for the
Nov. 17 meeting.
The coffee hours will be held in
the Union terrace with the excep-
tion of the history one. On Nov.
10, students and faculty will meet
in rooms K, L, M, and N of the
of Your Hair"
* Collegiate styles to please
* 11 Haircutters-No Waiting
" Complete tonsonial service
The DASCOLA Barbers
near Michigan Theatre
HOMECOMING-There will be
a meeting of the Homecoming
Dance publicity committee at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Round-Up
Room of the League.
* * *
will be an organizational meeting
of the Camp Counselors Club at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Barbour
. i.
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"The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial," starring Paul Douglas, Wendell
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