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October 06, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-06

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Trium h in ootb ll,


The Gingham Inn
for FINE FOODS and
Your Favorite Cocktail

By Hanley Gurvin

Delts, Phi Delta Theta, Also Victorious;
Pilamns Defeat Sigma Nu in Weird Game

2755 Washtenaw,
Between Ann Arbor and Ypsi

Phone 4374, Ypsi

You can't win a football game without a backfield, especially
when you haven't got a line.
Saturday afternoon Michigan didn't have an efficiently working
backfield, while the line was anything but effective in stopping the
Army ground attack and protecting the Wolverine ball carrier. Con-
sequently Michigan lost.
Frm the opening kick-off, the Army was in command of the sit-
Nation and all Michigan efforts to stop the Black Knights were fu-
tile. The Wolverines fumbled the first time they had the ball and
from that moment on, played like a second-rate team.
Not once during the long afternoon did the Wolverines manage
to move the ball in a sustained drive of any appreciable distance.
Not once did the Wolverines seem to indicate to the approximately 70,-
000 fans who came to see the home opener, that they were anything
more than just another football team. Not once did they show their
none-too-enthusiastic supporters anything worth supporting.
Only twice did Michigan fans have a real opportunity to think'
that there was a slight chance of the squad coming to life, and the
second time it was already too late. The first instance came late in
the first quarter when the Wolverines were already trailing, 13-0.
A pass play from quarterback Duncan McDonald, one of his few
good tosses of the day, to sophomore end Ron Kramer followed by a lat-
eral to Ed Hickey resulted in Michigan's lone score of the afternoon.
The play covered 46 yards and provided the only real spark in an
otherwise dull afternoon for Maize and Blue followers.
s * * *
The Only Spark . . .
For all practical purposes that ended the Wolverine attack. The
only other thrill came in the closing minutes of the contest when
McDonald tossed a flat pass to Tom Hendricks good for 53 yards and
a first down on the Army 12. In the next four plays however, the
Wolverines succeeded in losing nine yards and once again they handed
the ball over to the invaders.
Usually the Wolverines didn't even wait until fourth down to lose
the ball. Four times they fumbled it away and on three other occasions
McDonald's passes were picked out of the air by. the Army's intercep-
tor squadron.
Possibly it was just that Army was so inspired that no one could
have beaten them. Certainly their reputation was at stake after losing
to South .Carolina so decisively one week earlier. Possibly the Wol-
verines just weren't ready psychologically for the Cadets. It is quite
likely that one of the main reasons for the one-sided contest was
Oosterbaan's depleted manpower situation. No one will deny that the
loss, of Lou Baldacci, Tony Branoff, and Jim Bates did not seriously
affect the Wolverines' attack.
- Army played without its star halfback Bob Kyasky, without its cap-
tain Bob Farris, and without one of its best ends, Don Hollender.
From the Michigan standpoint, it seems lucky that these men did not
play. The score might have been more one-sided than it was.
* * *
Fans Wond er.. .
When it became obvious that the running game was going no-
where, the spectators began to wonder why Michigan did not resort
more to the passing game. When it became apparent that the return!
of the single wing was not going to win a football game, he wanted to
know why Michigan did not stick to the T-formation with McDonald
throwing the ball like they have seen him do in the past. And when
the Wolverines seemed to be in an advantageous position near the
Army goal line, why did they get a delaying the game penalty which
stalled their progress?
These are questions which dissatisfied fans ask. They are ques-
tions which seem legitimate. The fans are dissatisfied, not because
Michigan lost, but because the Wolverines looked so poor in losing.
Common sense told themthat something was wrong somewhere, but
to them nothing was being done about it.
It is no wonder that more and more Michigan supporters are be-
coming ex-Michigan supporters and Michigan is losing, if it has not
already lost, its claim as "Champions of the West."

.. husky hawkeye

Drill to Halt.
Iowa Attack,
Under cloudy skies and on a rain-
soaked field Michigan went through
passing drills yesterday afternoon
in preparation for the Iowa Hawk-
eyes who invade Ann Arbor Sat-
The Wolverines concentrated on
defense drills to stop the Iowa
footballtrain. Coach Forest Eva-
shevski's team walloped Montana
last week, 48-6, and Michigan State
the week before, 14-10. With Cal
Jones up front, the Iowans will be
hard to stop.
Halfback Tony Branoff, who saw
little action against Army last Sat-
urday , is a doubtful starter for
Saturday's tilt. However Jim Bates,
who was sidelined with pneumonia
last week, is a good bet to be in
the starting eleven.
Fullback Lou Baldacci, although
in Health Service with a stomach
disorder, is expected to return to
action soon.

Drizzling rain and a muddy
field were no deterent to Beta The-
ta Pi yesterday as it downed Phi
Kappa Psi, 13-0. in a social fra-
ternity touch football tilt at Fer-
ry Field.
Gordy.Barnes piloted the Beta's
to the win, tossing both of the
touchdown passes. In the first half
he connected with Terry Iverson
and late in the second half, he
tossed a long 40 yard payoff pass
to Tom Brandt.
In a very lopsided contest, Delta
Tau Delta crushed Acacia, 38-0.
The Delt's started the scoring ear-
ly, and were leading by a 25-0 mar-
gin at the half. In the opening
minute of play, Lee Murphy skirt-
ed right end on a pitch out play
to score, giving the Delt's the nec-
essary margin for victory.
The Delt's Al Price threw four
touchdown passes, hitting Ray
Hockstad, Jack Demarest, and
Don Davidson, the latter twice.
Phi Delta Theta topped Phi Sig-
ma Kappa, 19-8, in another social
fraternity tilt. The Phi Delt's Tom
Jorgensen started the scoring for
the winners on a 15 yard touch-
down toss to Andy Samosuk. The
Rusty Swaney-Dug Lawrence pass
combination clicked for the other
two scores, and Swaney passed to
Dick Little for the only conver-
Weird Game
In one of the most unusual games
ever played in IM football history,
Pi Lambda Phi defeated Sigma
Nu. 14-6. Both houses claim the1
game was a mistake but it goes
into the IM files as an official
game. It all started when only two
Pi Lam's and three Sigma Nu's
showed up for the game.
Marve Cherin caught two passes
in the middle of a big mud puddle
for the Pi Lam's touchdowns, to
end an abbreviated game.

Dick Davidson sparked Alpha
Tau Omega to a 19-0 win over un-
dermanned Trigon. Davidson toss-
ed a short pass to Bill Booth who
in turn heaved the pigskin into
the waiting arms of Charles Gunn
in the end zone. Later, Davidson
rushed 17 yards around right end
for another tally.
Ted Dodenoff's accurate passes
carried Sigma Phi Epsilon to a
14-0 victory over Delta Upsilon. He
connected with Jim Cartwright
for the firstrscore, and later hit
Rich Crawford for another tally.
Harold Cruger tossed Lambda
Chi Alpha to an easy 24-2 win over
Zeta Psi. Two TD passes went to
James Dutcher, and Dick Good
gathered in the other two touch-
down passes.
Pete Paulus dropped two passes
into the eager arms of Howie Liv-
erance to score all of the points as
Phi Gamma Delta downed Tau
Kappa Epsilon, 7-0. In another tilt,
Delta Kappa Epsilon dropped Chi
Phi, 2-0.
ERA Titles
Won by Garcia
'And Antonelli
NEW YORK W-Lefty Johnny
Antonelli of the Giants and Mike
Garcia, Cleveland's husky right-
hander, captured the major league
earned run titles in 1954.
Antonelli, with a 2.29 average,
was the seventh southpaw in the
past nine seasons to win earned
run homers in the National League.
Garcia, posting a 2.64 ERA, be-
came the fourth righthanded hurl-
er in five campaigns to lead the:
American League in that depart-

'> I

Alpha Delta Phi picked up an
easy 1-0 forfeit win over Sigma
Phi. Delta Sigma Phi forfeited to
Sigma Chi, as did Phi Kappa Sig-
ma to Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Daily Sport
Staff Calls
If you call yourself a "sports-ex-
pert," and have often wished to
express your views on Michigan
sports in print, now is your chance.
The sports staff of the Michigan
Daily offers opportunities to not
only write sports, but to meet all
of Michigan's famed athletes,
coaches, and athletic officials.
If you can't write, don't worry.
The Daily sports staffers put try-
outs through an intensive writing
instruction program, and after a
semester of covering Intramurals,
the tryouts are advanced to varsity
beats. No experience is necessary
for it is soon gained after a few
weeks on the "night-desk."
Soon, the tryouts are advanced
to soph staff positions, and begin
toactually write cover stories of
the top athletic events. If the per-
son shows the initiative and the
perseverance, he will then be made
a Night Sports Editor, and have a
chance to actually lay out and pub-
lish the sports page of the Daily.
There is always room at the top,
and the best staffers get top edi-
tors positions in their senior years.
So don't delay . . . if you would like
to try out for the Daily Sports
Staff, call at the Daily in person
today, and ask to speak to any of
the senior editors . . . a future may
be in the making.
Late Flash
By The Associated Press
The Syracuse Chiefs cut the
Louisville Colonel's lead in the
Little World Series last night by
pounding out a 6 to 3 triumph
in a waterlogged atmosphere. The
game was called at the end of
the seventh due to rain.


Michigan Dominates Iowa for 30 Years;

New! Exclusive!
New! xcluive!Refills in Red.
Blue, Green,
Black .
for smoother, easier,
faster writing
0 1954 Paper Mate Co.. inc.. CUivepCit. Caif.
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The Typewriter, Office Furniture, and Stationery Store
Read and Use Daily Classifieds

It's been thirty long years since
a Michigan football team last went
down in defeat to a University of
Iowa squad.
Thirtyuyears have passed since
that afternoon of November 22,
1924-thirty years of strife, tur-
moil, depression, and war. Now, in
the year 1954, Michigan faces the
most powerful Iowa squad in dec-
ades ... and that long 30 year vic-,
tory span looks doomed, come this
Saturday afternoon.
Cal Coolidge was president, and
Red Grange was running rampant
on college gridirons, as Michigan
met Iowa on Ferry Field to square
off for the Big Ten title. If Iowa
won, coupled with Illinois and Chi-
cago defeats, it could take the
crown. If Michigan won, it would
win the championship.
Iowa was fired up for the game
like it never had been before.

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Thousands had cheered for hours,
as Iowa City rocked to the greatest
sendoff rally in its history. The
Black and Gold team that raced
onto Ferry Field's historic turf
that day remembered that it had
been 24 years since the last Iowa
win over Michigan . . . back in
The Wolverines of Yost, with
such players as Bennie Friedman
and Herb Steger, were also primed
for the game, the shouts of the
previous night's Hill Auditorium
rally still ringing in their ears.
Michigan Leads
The big game started, and to the
crowd's delight, Michigan scored
first when an Iowa man fell on a
blocked Hawkeye punt in his own
end zone for a Michigan safety,
and the Maize and Blue led, 2-0.
The score remained, Michigan
2, Iowa 0, as the teams fought on
into the dusk. Finally in the fourth
quarter, the Iowans began to move.
They pushed Michigan back into
the shadow of their own goal, and
when the Wolverines finally got
the ball they had to punt.
The kick was poor, and Iowa took
over on the Michigan 29. The hulk-
ing Iowa line went to work, open-
ing gaping holes in the Wolverine
bulwarks, and on nine straight'line
plunges, they scored, and despite
a missed conversion, led 6-2.
That was the ball game. A last
minute insurance field goal for the
Hawkeyes split the uprights, but it
didn't m a t t e r. Michigan was
crushed . . . and for the first' time
since the turn of the century, Iowa
had beaten Michigan ... the score
. 9-2.





Drood le"

The situation this Saturday is

strikingly alike. Iowa is driving forI
the Big Ten title. Though they DID YOU KNOW: that Michi-
didn't quite make it back in '24, gan has played Iowa 15 times
they appear as favorites exactly ' since 1900, in football, and have
30 years later. All indications point defeated the Hawkeyes 12 times,
to a replay of history. Three dec- lost twice, and tied them once.
ades of gridiron supremacy appear The two losses came in 1900 and
at an end. 1924, the tie in 1929.




- mini; -




* * *
Night Editor

Want to pick up $25? Make up a Lucky
Droodle and send it in. It's easy.
If you want to find out just how easy it
is, ask Roger Price, creator of Droodles.
"Very!" Price says, Better yet, do a Droodle
yourself, like the ones shown here.
Droodle anything you like. And send in
as many as you want. If we select yours,
we'll pay $25 for the right to use it, together,
with your name, in our advertising. We're
going to print plenty-and lots that we
don't print will earn $25 awards.
Draw your Droodles any size, on any piece
of paper, and send them with your descrip-
tive titles to Lucky Droodle, P. O. Box 67,
New York 46, N. Y. Be sure your name,
address, college and class are included.
While you're droodling, light up a Lucky
-the cigarette that tastes better because
it's made of fine tobacco . ; ; and "It's
Toasted" to taste better.
DROODLES, Copyright, 1954, by Roger Price

C 1 G A R E r E
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it's bound to be Bud
No wonder cold Budweiser always
gets such a warm welcome ... for
r here is the beer of all beers, one
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taste? So delicious that more people
have enjoyed more Budweiser than
any other beer in history.
~~vJ& iI6


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