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Michigras Chairmen Announce.
Sponsors of Booths for Carnival
65 Groups
To Take Part
In Festivities
Thirty-eight booths, sponsored
by 65 campus groups, have been
selected to set the Michigras car-
nival tone at Yost Fieldhouse
April 23 and 24, Booths Co-chair-
men Barb Burstein and Bob Gil-
low announced yesterday.
As refreshments booths, Alpha
Gamma Delta and Sigma Nu will
sponsor "Hawaiian Terrace;" the
German Club will feature a puppet
show at their "Pfefferkauchen-
haus;" Alpha Omicron Pi and
Phi Kappa Tau will supply the ev-
er-popular Cotton Candy while
Tyler House and Delta Sigma Phi
men will feature electrical gimicks
at their "Wet Your Whistle"
REFRESHMENTS will also be
served by the International Stu-
dent Association's "Melting Pot;"
at the "Crow's Nest" operated by
Gamma, Phi Beta and Chi Phi and
at the "Treasure Island Inn,"
which will be serviced by the Mi-
chigan Dames, an organization
composed of wives of married stu-
Encore performances of hit
shows of the 1952 Michigras
will appear on the show agenda
this year. Gomberg men will
make another bid for first place
with their revised, "Showboat."
Newberry will work with them.
The traditional Beta Burlesque,
a top attraction, will be produced.
by Beta Theta Phi and Kappa
Alpha Theta, while the Chi Psi's
will team with Chi Omega to pre-
sent the "House of Horrors."
* * *
THE SHOW bill will also list
the "K-Xi'Cafe" starring the Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma's and Theta
Xi's; "Weird Faces" staged by
Alpha Xi Delta and Kappa Sig-
ma and Delta Delta Delta and
Alpha Tau Omega, whose original
production is entitled "S w a n
Chicago House, participating
in its first Michigras as a wo-
men's residence, will work with
Allen Rumnsey to enact the
"Tales of a Spouse, Specific."
"Swamp +Jungle" will be the
contribution of Jordan and Phi
SKappa Sigma, while Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi and Zeta Beta Tau will
Join the parade with their
"Beat The Bell."
The show booth of Pi Beta Phi
and Phi Delta Theta, "Gone With
the (south) Wind" and of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Delta
Pi, "The Sun is Green" have also
been selected by the petition com-
mittee to appear at the fieldhouse.
* * *
TWENTY SKILL booths will
headline this phase of the car-
nival entertainment.
Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma
Alpha Mu will present "Illumi-
nate Your A-Rate;" members of
Alpha Epsilon Pi will encour-
age customers to "Tak-A-Pik;"
Williams House will set up "Hole
In One" while Senior Board
members will challenge students
to "Beat the Brains."
A new twist on the '52 "Love
Through the Ages" show booth is
planned by the Evans Scholars,
FAMILIAR SCENE-This scene from the 1950 Michigras will be
repeated at this year's presentation of the biennial carnival, to be
held April 23 and 24 at Yost Field House.
Geddes House and Henderson
House. These groups will depict
"War Through the Ages."
* * *
OTHER HOUSES and their
show booths are Psi Upsilon,
"Fish-A-Ball;" Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon and Alpha Chi Omega, "Sim-
ple Simon Michi-Pie-Man;" Mar-
tha Cook and Theta Delta Chi,
"Dart Throwing" and the School
of Public Health, "Strength Test."
"Loop a Phi" will be the bark-
ing of Delta Tau Delta men who
will work with the Alpha Phi's,
while Betsy Barbour and Tay-
lor House have devised a "Walk-
ing Through the Arb" game of
Acacia and Couzens will pro-
mote "William Tell;" Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon will sponsor "Pitch a
Penny;" Pi Lambda Phi will en-
list recruits for its "Gone With
the Wind" and the Newman Club
hopes carnival goers will "Shatter
a Platter."
* * *
bucks worth prizes by patronizing
"It's In the Book," the booth of
Lambda Chi Alpha and Victor
Vaughan; "Pin the Tail on the
Tune" operated by Mosher and
Cooley; "Skeet Ball," the contri-
bution of Alpha Delta Phi and
Alice Lloyd Hall and "Michigras
Downs" sponsored by Delta gam-
ma and Sigma Chi.
A meeting will be held for all
house representatives at '7:15
p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 3G in the
Booth co-chairman Bob Gillow
stated that counselors will be ap-
pointed to assist the organizations
with their booths.
* # s
COUNSELORS already appoint-
ed are Al Price, Lisa Hunter, San-
dy Wittington, Bob Weinbaum,
Dan Walters, Ruth Landy, Margy
Moses, Ellen Sherman, Mary Ber-
instein, Doug Roby, N a n c y
Wright, Linda Herman, Eva Kauf-
man, Jeff Grossman, Jane Kohr,
Lee Murphy, Nancy Rein, Ann
Nickerson and Joan Arent.
Sissi Bergstein was in charge of
processing the petitions.
First place in the booths division
in 1952 was shared by the Chi
Phi's, .who featured an eight foot
Frankenstein in their "Hall of
Wonders" show and Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma-Kappa Sigma who
drew large audiences to their
"Kappa Kasino."
The Gomberg-Stockwell "Show-
boat" placed a close third.
Assembly Board
Announces Posts
Open To Women
All independent women on cam-
pus are eligible for positions on
Assembly Board, for which peti-
tions are due Friday, Mar. 5, at
the league.
The positions open include pre-
sident, vice-president, secretary,
treasurer and chairmen of the so-
cial projects, big sister, personnel,
public relations and candy booths
The president is chairman of
the executive board of Assembly,
is a voting ex-officio member of
the Women's League Council and
a non-voting member of the Wo-
men's Senate.
Duties of the vice-president in-
clude taking over the duties of
the president in her absence, act-
ing as chairman of the league
house presidents' council and re-
presenting that council at the
neetings of Assembly's executive
The secretary takes minutes at
the meetings of the executive
board, files all minutes of meet-
ings of the presidents of the lea-
gue houses and dormitories and
has charge of all correspondence
concerned with the e x e c u t i v e
board's work.
Among the treasurer's duties are
taking charge of all expenses and
income of the Assembly Associa-
tion fund, compiling the budgets
submitted. to her by the executive
board members and signing all
purchase orders.
The social chairman submits a
plan for social functions to the
executive board and meets regu-
larly with the social chairmen of
the dormitories to coordinate their
activities and exchange ideas.
Tag Day, an annual event for
the benefit of the University Fresh
Air Camp, is the responsibility of
the projects chairman, who also
has charge of the candy booth
The Big Sister chairman has
charge of the big sister program
maintained in the dormitories to
help new students adjust them-
selves to college life.
It is the job of the personnel
chairman to formulate plans for
stimulating the interest of inde-
pendent women in extra-curricular
activities. She also meets regu-
larly with the activities chairmen
in the dormitories for an exchange
of" ideas.
The public relations chairman
has charge of most of the publi-
city about Assembly Association
and is in charge of Assembly ra-
dio programs.
Duties of the candy booth chair-
man include acting as bookkeeper
for the candy booth committee
and paying all bills incurred by
the booths, acting as an ex-offi-
cio member of the League Council,
Women's Senate and Assembly
executive board and making a
monthly financial report to the
executive board.
Paul Bunyan
Dance Plans
Include Stunt
Foresters Serenade
Women's Residences
With Songs, Jug Band
Strains of "The Frozen Logger'
and "The Frosh Forester" echoed
from the vicinity of the women's
dormitories Tuesday night as
members of the Foresters' Club
serenaded the coeds in order, to
advertise the Paul Bunyan dance,
scheduled from 8 p.m. to midnight
Saturday in the Union Ballroom.
The 40 men, including several
members of the Jug Band, toured
the campus between 8 and 9:30
p.m., visiting Stockwell, Mosher-
Jorden, Alice Lloyd, Newberry,
Barbour and Vaughn residences.
TRANSPORTED by two natural
resources trucks between stops, the
foresters also sang such things as
"Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here,"
"Samuel Hall" and "Goodnight,
Tuning up with "When the
Saints Come Marching In," the
Jug Band also gave their ren-
dition of "Red River Valley." At
the close of each serenade, the
men joined voices to remind the
students of "Paul Bunyan, Sat-
urday Night!"
Yesterday noon, at 12 and again
at 12:50, the foresters entertained
students with a parade around
campus. Led by a fire truck and
Smokey Bear mounted on another
truck, the procession also featured
three School of Natural Resources
trucks complete with big posters
and filled with foresters.
* * *
OTHERS among the members
of the Foresters' Club marched in
the parade between sandwich
boards telling of the dance. The
Jug Band helped keep time.
A shetland pony and a canoe
also were included in the pro-
cession, which was flanked by a
police escort.
Today and tomorrow the fores-
ters will continue to attempt to at-
tract attention to their ticket-sell-
ing drives on the Diag. Featured
in this stunt is a power saw in op-
eration and a man in an authen-
tic smoke jumper's outfit.
* * *
TICKETS are also on sale the
rest df this week at the main desk
in the Union and at the School
of Natural Resources office in the
Natural Science Building.
Foresters, who can be recog-
nized by their plaid shirts, will
also have'tickets, which are be-
ing sold for $2.25 per couple.
Celebrating Plaid Shirt Week,
the members of the Foresters'
Club are also wearing posters this
week advertising the annual all-
campus dance.
PLANS for the ball are being
headed by general chairman Mike
Myers and foreman George Bur-
fiend. Assisting them are Rupert
Cutler, who is making arrange-
ments for the exhibits and dis-
plays; Lou Freybler, who is in
charge of setting up the decora-
tions and tickets and programs
chairman Pete Black.
Charles Blankenship is handling
publicity for the dance, while John
Ackerman is making arrangements
for the parade.
'March Moods' To Prevail
At Annual Assembly Ball
-Daily-Don Campbell
BUSY HANDS-Decorations are under way for the Annual As-
sembly Ball, "March Moods," to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Saturday, March 6 in the League. Centering around the transi-
tion between winter and spring, busy coeds are making spring
Coeds and their dates will en-
ter a violet and silver atmosphere
at this year's Assembly Ball,
"March Moods to be held from 9
Couzens Women
Win Basketball
Tournament Title
Couzens Hall continued its mas-
tery in WAA sport tournaments as
Couzens 3 won the "A" division
crown by defeating Delta Gamma
32 to 27.
The Couzens sextet built up a
large 31 to 16 lead in the third
quarter and then had to with-
stand a last quarter DG rally to
garner the title.
* * *
HIGH scorer for the victors was
once again Carol Schaller, who
netted 19 points. Pat Perigo scor-
ed 11 points to pace the losers.
Two teams from Couzens Hall
have dominated play in the
WAA all-campus tourney. Couz-
ens 1 fought its way into the
semi-finals before losing an ex-
- citing 24 to 23 contest to the
Trailing most of the contest.
Delta Gamma rallied in the last
quarter to beat Couzen's team. The
DG's trailed 6 to 4 at the quarter,
12 to 9 at the half and 18 to 15 at
the third quarter.
* * - *
PROGRESSING to the finals,
Couzens 3, sparked by Carol Schal-
ler Ann Roden and Pat'Comstock
defeated Vaughan, Prescott, Mo-
sher and finally a strong Jordan
5 team 39 to 24.
Delta Gamma's record in-
cludes victories over Delta Delta
Delta 2, Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa
Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma 1
and Couzens 1.
Members of The "A" champion-
ship team are Carol Schaller, Ann
Roden, Betty Kirsch, JoanThom-
as, Eleanor Leise, Pat Comstock,
Jean Gregory, Laura Turner and
Edith Schaefer.
-* * *
PLAYING for Delta Gamma
were Evelyn Brahce, Mary Rea,
Jane Murbach, Pat Perrigo, Judy
Ver Mullen, Brenda Wickett, Lin-
da Lofberg and Alice Field.
Couzens will probably be chal-
lenged by the "B" division cham-
Talent Show To Feature
Seven Competing Acts
p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, March 6
in the League.
Representing the fickleness of
the month of March, decorations
will center around the transition
,between winter and spring.
** *
WITH the main ballroom repre-
senting spring, those attending
will find a setting of springtime
in a park, complete with benches
trees and flowers.
A rose arbor will sprout in
front of the bandstand and the
scene will be complete with op-
portunities for romance, wish-
ing well included.
Hovering over the spring setting
will be a huge silver cloud.
* * *
PLAYING for dancing couples
in the Ballroom will be Paul Mc-
Donough and his orchestra.-
A familiar figure at Union
dances, McDonough and his
group will play many tunes from
this and last year's Union Op-
eras, as well as current hits.
Included in the seven competing
acts in the sixth annual Gulan-
tics production, to be held Satur-
day, March 5, will be a modern
dance routine featuring Van Bru-
ner, and his partner. Patricia
Scott and a piano solo by Mary El-
len Eckert.
Hurdler on the University track
team for four years, Bruner holds
the University Amateur Athletic
Union records in the low and high
hurdles, as well as the Canadian
Provincial records for hurdles.
, , ,
ALTHOUGH Bruner has no
dancing experience he has alw ;s
had a desire to dance. Since a
choice was necessary between
dancing and track, Bruner chose
With help on some of the more
technical aspects of the dance
from his partner, who has had
training in both modern dance
and ballet, he interprets steps
from ballet and movies.
A senior in the School of Archi-
tecture and Design, Bruner and
Miss Scott will do an interpretive
dance to the music of "Ebb Tide"
and "Love for Sale."
* * *
DIPICTING the tragedy of a
shipwrecked sailor and a native
girl, the ideas for the dance are
First attracted to the piano
when her older brother took les-
sons, Mary Ellen Eckert has
studied the instrument for 12
Receiving first division ratings
in East Lansing High School solo
festivals and superior ratings in
the state of Michigan music con-
tests for high school pianists, she
was chosen as the outstanding pi-
anist of the many who auditioned.
* * *
USING the special concert grand
piano which is reserved for use by
the finest artists on the Hill stage,
Miss Eckert will play "Scherzo in
B-flat minor" by Chopin for iVe
The seven acts competing for
$175 in awards, representing the
top talent on campus, were chos-
en after extensive auditions.
Staging for Gulantics is being
done by Robert Guise, who design-
ed the staging for Skit Night last
spring. Guise said that the stag-
ing this year will lend a much bet-
ter background for a talent revue
than in past years.
HE THINKS this is especially
true in regard to dance acts that
have had to perforni in past years
on a practically bare stage.
Reserved seating this year will
eliminate the last minute strug-
gle to find seats.
Tickets are reserved for the first
floor and first balcony at $1 per
person, while second balcony seats
League Sponsors
Bridge Lessons
Those students who are interes
ed in learning how to play brid
or who want to improve th
knowledge of the game may si
enroll for the bridge lessons h
every Tuesday night in the Le
are unreserved for 75 cents per
Tickets for Guantics are on sale
from 9 a.m. to noon, and from 2
to 5 p.m. today through next week
at the Administration Building.
Two lessons in the series of 10
have already taken place. Stu-
dents who are interested in at-
tending classes, however, may
still obtain tickets for $3.50 in the
Undergraduate Office of the Lea-
gue or at the door on Tuesday
The course is also open to fa-
culty members and residents of
Ann Arbor who are interested in
learning the game.
The lessons are offered each se-
mester and are given in two sec-,
The beginners class meets from
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each Tuesday
while the advanced class meets
from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the
same night.
The lessons will be taught by
Ed Simons. Simons has given the
instruction for the past four years.
The basic principles are taught
first with the more complicated
methods coming later. In this way
students progressively become
more adept at the game as time
According to the League com-
mittee in charge of the bridge les-
sons, bridge instruction not only
provides knowledge of the fun-
damentals of the game, but also
affords an opportunity to make
new friends and meet others who
are interested in the game.
Members of the committee also
'emphasized the value of bridge a%
a source of fun and relaxation
throughout theuyear and especial-
ly during exam time studying.
Active musically all
pus, the band includes
mental pieces.
over cam-
six instru-
DANCING in the Hussey Room
to the music of the Ann Arbor Al-
ley Cats will provide a different
In contrast to spring, the
room will be decorated with fro-
zen park benches, a frozen
fountain and trees and will in
in general represent winter.
However, there will be a transi-
tion point in the seasonal picture.
The hallway will feature melting
snowmen, with the abundance of
flowers increasing as couples near
the main ballroom and spring.
* * *
REFRESHMENTS will be serv-
ed at the annual semi-formal
dance, with coeds also receiving
white and purple programs.
Included in the ticket price are
boutonieres, which will be distrib-
uted at the door.
Tickets for Assembly Ball, pric-
ed at 2.75, are on sale this week
and will be sold in the dormitories
starting Monday.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
Student Supplies
Fountain Pens repaired by
a factory trained man.
Tape Recorders
314 S. State $Ph. NO 8-7177
Open Saturday 'til 5 P.M.
1111 South U.
dcpo'44 Ca"i~t
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t 7:f:x}
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Bu the Best ... BUyBalfour d
It is not too early to consider programs and
favors for Mother's weekend, and other Spring
Social activities . . . Our selection is complete.
Mugs, Paddles, Sweat Shirts, T Shirts,
Gifts, Greeting Cards and Novelties.
tions on the Panhellenic Board are
due at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Coeds are requested to sign up for
interviews when they turn their
petitions in.
ern Dance Club will meet at 7:30
p.m. today at Barbour Gym.
WAA Basketball Club will meet at
4 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour Gym.
students, both foreign and Ameri-
can, are invited to attend the
weekly tea from 4 to 6 p.m. today
at the International Center in the
Unio'n. Refreshments w i lI be
* * *
bers of the Camp Counselors' Club
will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, March
7, in front of the Women's Ath-
letic Building. Any coed having
questions about the club may call
manager Paula Strong at 2-3153.
S ace ny
Shopping Days
hII aLIr. 1 _ . - /1 . , -I I